Vindication (2019) s01e10 Episode Script


- [Navigator Voice] You are off course.
Turn around when possible.
You are off course.
Turn around when possible.
You are off course.
Turn around
(tense music)
- This is it.
(tense music)
- Put your hands out the windows.
This one.
- Oh, come on, man.
I got you here, right?
I mean seriously man,
I'm just trying to make an honest buck.
- Stay quiet.
- Okay, I'll stay right here.
(tense music)
(phone buzzing)
- Give me that cam footage from Ferguson.
- Yes, sir.
- So is it the taller one or the older one?
(phone ringing)
- No, you uncovered the website.
Just find me something.
- Here's the background on the driver.
- What am I looking at?
- Well apart from a couple
of overdue credit cards,
it came back pretty clean.
- I'd keep digging.
- Yes, sir.
- Angela, where are we on the house?
Am I talking to myself?
- Sorry sir.
- What have you got?
- I'm still pulling some information
from the appraisal records but--
- I've got an eye witness
where they grabbed her.
You want it?
- No, you take it, just
get back to me if it's solid.
- Right.
- You need a tissue?
- I'm fine.
It looks like the house
is a short term rental.
Everything's booked online.
- What about the owners?
- Retired.
They're traveling around in their RV.
- Well there must be somebody
managing the property,
somebody who cleans and mows the yard.
That's who we need to talk to.
(phone ringing)
Yeah, I'll be right there.
Just show me when I get there.
We are gonna find her.
- So I put a trace
route on their web traffic
but just take a look.
I mean it goes from China to Singapore
to Chechnya to Brazil.
They're bouncing us all over.
- Can't you just keep following it?
- I
Do you still have her phone?
Okay, so location services
tracks everywhere this thing goes.
They usually record up to about a month
but all we need are the last 24 hours.
So yeah check it out.
This is her at her place.
And then her arriving at work,
probably heading to the
gym afterwards and then--
- I don't need her itinerary,
I need to know where she ends up.
- Oh, okay, so this is
where she was grabbed.
Wow, that's really weird.
It's like they just go off the grid
and then somehow show up over here.
Is this it?
Is this where she is?
- No, that's where I found the phone.
Maybe they turned it off.
- No, they can still track that
even when it is off.
They would need something like this,
an RFID signal blocker.
Put a phone in one of those
and you go off the grid.
- Did you get this on the dark web?
- The dollar store.
- Are you messing with me?
- No.
With all due respect sir,
I think they're messing with you.
- Sir, Sergeant Tomlinson
wants to see you upstairs.
- Tell him I'll be there in a minute.
- He's not in a waiting mood.
- Just find me something.
- So that's it?
No ransom, no demands, nothing?
- No.
- That's not good.
- Yeah.
- I called in a favor from a buddy of mine
over in Ft. Worth.
They're gonna send down a
couple special investigators--
- No way, I got this.
- This isn't about bruising your ego, okay?
We have an officer down situation here.
- We can't wait for them,
I can handle it.
- What?
- The news vans just pulled up outside.
- Perfect.
- Are you gonna make a statement
or what would you like me to tell them?
- Yeah, I got a statement
for them, go home,
that's the statement.
- Okay.
- You're the one that needs to go home.
I don't blame you for wanting
to take the lead on this thing
but you're heads not in the right place.
Why don't you go home, get some sleep?
Let me handle it from here.
- Get some sleep, that's
your answer to this?
Go have a donut, do the crossword puzzle.
That's what you want me to do?
- Look we're gonna get her back.
- So where is she?
(tense music)
- Did you find her?
- No, not yet.
I just came by to take a quick shower.
- I heard something.
I think she's waking up.
- If she gives you any trouble,
you stick her with this.
- Why can't we take care of her now?
- Because another job just came in.
- Well we can't take her
with us, she's a liability.
- She is leverage, okay?
Until she's not.
Then we'll take care of her.
(mysterious music)
- Katie told you?
She asked me not to say anything.
I was trying to honor that, okay?
Then we got busy trying to catch
whoever was responsible,
then Kris went missing.
So you know what, if you're
mad at me for not telling you--
- I'm not mad.
- What are you?
- Hurt, scared, devastated.
- How's Katie?
- Considering the trauma
she's been through,
it's going to take time.
We had a good cry
and then we prayed together.
- Did it fix anything?
- Prayer isn't always
about fixing your problems.
Sometimes you pray
just to get through them.
- Yeah well I've got a problem right now
that needs to be fixed right now.
- Have you tried praying?
- No, I have not.
I read that verse that you gave me, Romans,
"Anyone who calls on the
name of the Lord will be saved."
- And?
- And Kris is still missing.
So what am I supposed to do, huh?
Say hey, Lord, my
partner needs to be saved.
Just send me the address
and I'll go pick her up.
- Are you really asking that
or are you just saying it to me?
- I'm just
I'm not in the praying mood right now.
- No, you're too stubborn to ask for help.
You have to fix it,
that's what this is all about.
What will it hurt to try?
- I've got to get back to work,
I may have found something.
- You know how desperately
you want to get Kris back?
That is exactly how God feels about you.
Come here.
I'll pray if you won't.
- [Travis] I'll do it.
(mysterious music)
- So, got word on the cop.
- And?
- She's no longer leverage.
- Got ya.
- No, no, no, not here.
- Where?
- Take her out to the woods somewhere.
Grab the shovel.
(tense music)
- Wakey wakey.
We're going somewhere.
(tense music)
- All clear.
(tense music)
- Kevin, she's not here.
Where is she?
- The coordinates are updating.
I'll try refreshing the program.
(ominous music)
- This'll work.
Let's do it here.
Get down.
(ominous music)
Sorry lady, it's just business.
- Found her tracker.
(gunfire blasts)
Shots fired, move out.
- Hands!
I got you.
It's okay.
You're safe.
(dramatic orchestral music)
Can I come in?
- Hey.
Did Becky send you with those?
- Give me some credit.
I picked these up myself.
- Looks like it.
- How you feeling?
- I don't know.
- That's understandable.
- How close have you been to death?
- I guess we face it
every time we're out there.
- How close?
- I've been pretty lucky.
- I was seconds away from it.
- Yeah.
- How did you find me?
- Your fitness tracker, Kevin traced it.
- I wasn't wearing it.
- I guess someone up
there's looking out for you.
Becky and I, we prayed for you,
prayed that God would help me to find you
and I did and here you are.
- You believe it was God?
- I guess I kind of do.
- Hey Kris, mind if I
steal Travis for a second?
- No, please take him.
- Get some rest.
- Yeah.
- The laptop that we
recovered from the warehouse,
we got in.
They had everything.
Client lists, names, addresses, victims and
I don't know how to say this but
your daughter's name was in there.
- Yeah I know.
- You know?
Is that why you did this?
- What's his name?
What's his name?
Brandon, Brandon Hoover.
- And Brandon, how do
you know Katie Travis?
- We were friends in college.
- Like dating friends or?
- We, I'd see her on campus
and we would talk sometimes.
- Were there romantic interactions?
- I really wasn't her type.
She was mine though.
- Was there a physical
component to your relationship?
Let the record indicate
that the gentleman shook his head no.
You know, Brandon, you confuse me,
good grades, steady
job, no criminal history.
How'd you get here?
- I mean I just, this isn't me,
this isn't who I am, I'm not like this.
- So what happened?
- I got hooked.
I got hooked on,
just on the internet surfing for hours
and I was bored.
- What exactly were you hooked on?
- Adult sites and stuff.
It just got to the point where I
not really had enough.
- So what'd you do?
- I started using hookup apps.
The women, they were strangers,
so they weren't really enough.
That's when I started thinking of Katie.
The thoughts, they wouldn't
leave, they wouldn't leave.
When the opportunity came,
I took it.
I just wish I would've gotten help sooner.
- You sought treatment?
- Yeah.
I went to my old youth pastor and he,
he got me help into a recovery group.
- Was this before or after
the incident with Katie?
- It was after.
- Did you tell the pastor and
the group what happened?
- [Brandon] Not everything, no.
- What did you tell 'em?
- I just told 'em
I was in such a dark spot
and I did some terrible, terrible things.
I've changed my life around.
I'm not the same man.
I found this light and it got me out.
I understand I have to deal
with the consequences of what I've done.
The hardest part's the guilt and the shame
of what I did to her.
I'll never get past that.
- What would you tell
her if you had the chance?
- [Brandon] Just how sorry I am
and I hope one day she'll forgive me.
- Do you want to say something to him?
- No.
I love you, dad.
- I love you, baby.
(phone ringing)
- Do you want me to run the
Curtis reports over the weekend?
He can have them ready by Monday.
- Come here.
- What's this?
- It's a box, open it.
- Detective?
- You deserve it.
It's for your new office.
- What, so no more bathroom desk?
- Yeah, I know how disappointed you are.
I gave it to Kevin.
- Thank you.
- Have a good weekend, Detective Tanner.
- You too, Detective Travis.
- [Navigator Voice] In 100
feet, keep right at the fork.
- I don't think that's right.
- I think you need to turn right up here.
- I don't see what was
wrong with the old church.
- They built a new campus.
(upbeat music)
I am so thankful for this.
- What, the new church building?
- For what God is doing,
what's happening with you.
(upbeat music)
- Well it is happening.
These stars that I won ♪
Made the moon and the Earth and the sun ♪
You were born to be bright ♪
Don't you dare back down ♪
-You have reached
your destination.
You better shine ♪
Shine ♪
Shine, shine ♪
Please just shine ♪
Please my dear ♪
Have no fear ♪
Got your heart in mine ♪
For the road you must
walk, you must pave ♪
Some'll tell when you choke ♪
Some will ask you to go ♪
'Cause you're not enough ♪
Just behave ♪
Before you gallop ♪
Take a second, get a grip ♪
Girl, you are brave, you are kind ♪
And you are free ♪
You have the strength to
do anything you want to do ♪
What you must do ♪
Is believe ♪
Made of stars ♪
By the one ♪
Made the moon and
this Earth and the sun ♪
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