Vinland Saga (2019) s01e10 Episode Script


Come on. I'm so cold.
How long do we have to wait here?
We're not earning anything.
The prince got scared.
So we were right about Wessex.
I'm sure about it.
We got the short end of the stick--
Take that!
-There's another one!
-Get away! Get away!
Hurry up and attack!
You'll never go to Valhalla at this rate!
Are you just going to stand there?
You're just a bunch of scarecrows!
-Damn that bastard!
-He's so full of himself!
None of you has any balls!
Letting him insult us like this
is a disgrace to us warriors! Let's attack!
We're ready to fight!
We have 4000 men. I'm sure we can beat Thorkell!
Not yet. We're talking about Thorkell.
We can't make a careless move.
His Highness put us in charge of the siege.
This is our chance to distinguish ourselves
as warriors!
When the time comes,
His Highness shall give the order.
Now is the time to wait.
And then the Lord was told,
"Put your sword back into its place,
for all those who take up the sword
shall perish by the sword."
Father. Excuse me. Can you leave us alone
for a moment?
-Orders? Who cares!
-The prince is a coward!
I'm not going to sit here silent!
Yeah! Let's do it!
Yeah! That's right!
Don't worry.
When winter comes,
we will receive the order to withdraw.
We'll just have to endure until then.
Come on! You're kidding me!
God, please protect His Highness.
Damn! What's wrong with you? You guys are no fun!
You're hard at work too.
Are they being mean again?
Shut up, Asgeir.
We can't have a battle if they don't attack!
Don't be so loud. I bet they're just being more careful.
They're under the command of the Prince of Denmark.
What? Is the Prince here?
Huh? I thought I already told you.
The second prince, His Highness Canute.
Mother's here.
And my sister too.
Ari is slacking off again watching the sheep.
Just the other day, they were saying that
one went missing.
That's right! It's time for dinner!
I have to go tell Father!
We're having meat tonight.
We're celebrating Yule.
Oh, really? It's already the winter solstice?
It's pretty warm, so I had forgotten about it.
This is a nice place.
There's enough grass for the animals.
I'm glad we moved here.
My sister says it's inconvenient living here
because we can't get any slaves.
We've never even had a slave, though.
She would say that.
I like it here.
Mother seems to be feeling better after we moved here.
You're my oldest son.
You have to protect your mother and your sister.
You understand, right?
They're both waiting for you to come home.
Having people like that
is a happy thing.
Do you understand?
So stop thinking about revenge.
Do you think that would make me happy?
The village!
Father! What are we going to do? We're under attack!
Mother! Sister!
Where was that?
Somewhere warm
with rolling plains of grass
as far as the eye can see
What in the world is our leader thinking?
It's almost winter.
The main army withdrew to the north
a long time ago.
But we're still here picking off
gloomy villages like this.
Well, we have to earn what we can
before going back.
Then we should attack a bigger city!
Bristol is near here, right?
Are you stupid?
What can we do with only 100 men?
What? Stupid?
Did you just call me stupid?
Huh, you heard me?
I guess your ears aren't stupid.
What did you say?
What's wrong with you?
What? I'm going to kill you!
Well, all that's left for this year
is to plunder two or three more villages.
I hope next year's going to be better.
Do you think we'll still have a chance
next year?
We've been plundering England
for ten years already.
This year was especially horrible.
I heard that the King of England
escaped overseas.
That means
that the King of Denmark has won.
The war is coming to an end.
Really? I think it's still too early.
Thorkell's in London.
You saw how strong he is, right?
Thorkell, huh? He is strong.
But he's Norse, just like us.
Once the English are about to die,
he'd ditch them in a heartbeat.
Kill him.
Kill him, Tore!
Take that!
Hey, guys! Why are they fighting?
Ake called Tore stupid.
Tore got mad.
But Ake wouldn't apologize
and insulted him even more.
What'd he say?
Cattle thief.
I see.
So that's what he said.
Then it can't be helped.
Just make sure you tell Askeladd afterwards,
no matter who dies.
What a pain.
A fertile land.
It's like the land I saw in my dream.
It's really different from Iceland.
I bet the snow is beginning
to pile up around now.
You're up early, Thorfinn.
The sun hasn't even come up yet.
So you couldn't sleep
because they're too loud?
Well, go easy on them.
They were frustrated since we've been
marching a lot these days.
You got to relax sometimes.
Don't talk to me like we're close!
I think you've got the wrong idea.
I'm not your friend.
I bet you think you have me
under your control.
You're full of yourself now.
But it'll stop when I slit
your throat someday,
and you fall over and die.
I'm so scared.
I never imagined that little kid would glare
at me someday. You've grown a lot.
Well, time is on your side.
You're going to grow,
and I'm going to get old.
Someday, I'm going to lose to you.
It's only natural.
Even the strongest dies someday.
Look around you, Thorfinn.
These stones weren't made by the people
who live in England now, the Saxons.
They were made by the people who lived here
before the Saxons.
I heard they were a strong people.
But they were destroyed
by the Saxons 500 years ago.
They were the Romans.
The name of their country was Britannia.
They had an advanced civilization.
More advanced than what we have now.
Stop beating around the bush.
What are you trying to say?
You're so impatient.
You should listen to what your elders say.
Well, in other words,
the world of man
is getting older gradually, but surely.
The Saxons destroyed the Romans,
and we're going to destroy the Saxons next.
The glory of the Roman Empire
is a thing of the distant past.
Anyways, according to what
the Christians are saying,
the Last Judgment is coming
in only 20 years.
On that day, God will kill everyone,
and our world will be completely destroyed.
Look, Thorfinn.
It's ironic, right?
Dawn in the age of twilight.
It's a horse.
Is it an English soldier?
No. He's an ally.
That's weird.
I thought we were the only ones in this area.
Hey! Wait!
We're Askeladd's unit, under King Sweyn!
Where did you come from?
Oh, are you from the main army?
I'm from Ragnar's unit
under His Highness Prince Canute!
-I've got a message for the main force!
-Prince Canute?
Are they close by?
Unfortunately, the main army is far north.
They're on their way home.
Then what are you doing here?
We're just trying to earn some pocket money
in that village over there.
You separated from the army on your own?
Well, don't be so stiff.
Your horse looks tired.
Do you want to trade it for a new one?
Yes. He's almost there.
There's 500 men. He took along only
his immediate followers.
They're following the main army.
They're going to reach Marlborough soon.
-They're so close!
-Attacking the main army with only 500?
What about the unit laying siege to London?
I thought Prince Canute had 4000 men.
They were defeated a long time ago.
I'm one of the survivors.
With Thorkell leading them,
they came out of the fortress.
Take that!
They were all as strong as bears.
We couldn't do anything.
They're making a beeline for the main army.
Your Highness! Your Highness!
Lord, may they rest in peace.
-I pray that their souls may be saved--
-Your Highness!
Thorkell is close!
We must leave at once!
I found you, Prince!
So, what happened to His Highness Canute?
They captured him.
He's with Thorkell's army.
The remaining soldiers are trying to regroup
to go get His Highness back.
But we have less than 400 men.
And their morale is low.
I'm on my way to ask the main army for help.
Join us. We'd be grateful to have
even 100 extra men.
What do you want to do? It's your decision.
Come on. This isn't the time for us
to just fade into the twilight.
Can't you hear it, Bjorn?
The sound of the footsteps
of Ragnarok.
Bury him. And the horse he was riding.
What? Okay.
Listen up, guys!
We're going to go save
His Highness Prince Canute!
We're up against 500 of Thorkell's men!
But we're not going to ask for help!
It's time to place our bets!
His Highness Canute is second in line
for the throne of Denmark.
We're going to get a lot of money no matter
which side we hand him over to.
Can you imagine
the rewards we'd be granted
by the rulers of Denmark and England?
We can't let someone else take it away from
right under our noses!
Let's do it! This is going to be ours!
We'll do it!
What are you going to do
now that you've stirred them up?
We're up against Thorkell.
Do you have a plan for winning?
Who knows.
"Who knows"? Are you--
This is the age of twilight, Bjorn.
Let's go out with a bang.
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