Vividred Operation (2013) s01e10 Episode Script

Light and Shadow

They have the ability to resurrect your world.
However, they will require something of you.
My world met its end at the hands of out-of-control Incarnate Energy.
The task they gave me was to destroy the Incarnate Engine in this parallel world.
If I accomplish that, they can resurrect my world.
That's right.
There's no reason to hesitate.
Destroying the Engine is for this world's own good.
My, how unruly.
The more time passes, the less compliant you seem to become.
Why have you turned into such a naughty girl?
Swear that you shall be obedient from now on.
Otherwise, I will not stop until you die.
Ph-Physical pain is nothing.
Then go ahead.
Go ahead and do it, if you can!
I knew it.
You may be able to punish me, but you can't kill me.
You're nothing more than one of their pawns.
That much is clear now.
You have no clue when or what kind of Alone will appear!
How childish.
Do you think that if you anger me,
I'll reveal more to you?
That said, your tenacity is admirable.
If you knew when and where the next Alone will appear,
what would you do?
If I use multiple arrows on the same Alone, it will grow even stronger.
Isn't that right?
If I can be sure that I'll arrive on the scene first,
then I'll bet everything on the next Alone.
I'll fire all my remaining arrows before those meddlers can interfere.
Do you understand the risk you run?
If your last arrow fails, you will disappear.
If I don't destroy the Incarnate Engine, the result will be the same.
I'll end it this time.
I'll win the next battle and bring back my world.
"Episode 10 - Light and Shadow"
Let's see
Found it!
Well done, Himawari!
Taking advantage of a bug in the subroutines to detect it!
I'm proud to have you as my apprentice.
It was a lucky guess, that's all.
What does this mean?
Using Himawari's method,
we'll be able to pin them down.
Pin what down?
Remember how we discussed that an outside influence was powering up the Alone?
Are you saying you can trace the source of that influence?
Excuse me!
Just a sec!
I was fixing a leak in the roof of the annex.
What's up?
I'm sorry!
I'm sorry I crushed that tomato.
I wasted something you'd worked hard to grow.
I'm truly sorry!
You don't have to forgive me.
I just wanted to apologize.
Otherwise, I would have left this world with regrets.
I forgive you!
I totally forgive you!
But if you want to make up for it, stay for dinner!
If you're apologizing for the tomato, then you should actually eat one!
It would be rude to the tomatoes if you didn't.
Rude? To the tomatoes?
Plus, it's the fourth Sunday of the month.
That's when our family always has hamburger steak.
It's our mom's secret recipe.
It's super yummy!
Well, how about it, Rei-chan?
All right I guess.
Yay! All right!
I'll ask the Defense Forces for support.
Much appreciated, Shijou-kun.
But Professor, who could it be?
Who could be powering up the Alone?
We won't know until we catch them.
Isn't it about time you told me?
What about the accident seven years ago
led you to predict the coming of the Alone ?
I encountered a being during the accident.
It began to speak to me.
But it didn't resort to something as primitive as words.
Instead, it projected its thoughts directly into my mind.
I beheld all too clearly its intelligence.
They probably exist in a much higher dimension than we do.
Their intelligence exceeds the bounds of space and time.
They wished to know if humanity was fit to use Incarnate Energy,
a form of energy so powerful that its misuse could upset the balance of the universe.
Then that intelligent entity sent the Alone after us?
We are probably being tested to see
whether we deserve to have a future.
What is it?
This is so nice.
Sitting with you, waiting for
Momo to finish making dinner.
Oh. Okay.
When I first saw you, I thought there was something mysterious about you.
What about you?
What did you think of me?
What I thought?
I thought, "What a strange girl."
You too?
Himawari-chan says the same thing.
Aoi-chan says I'm not weird at all,
but Wakaba-chan refuses to answer.
Eggs, eggs, eggy-eggy eggs.
Something wrong?
I-It's nothing.
Thanks for the food!
Thanks for the food.
It's good.
Isn't it?
Squishy, squishy, squishy, and it squirts out the end!
Momo makes the best hamburger steak!
My mouth is in heaven!
Do you wanna try some too?
Here! Open wide!
What do you think?
It's good.
A new convert!
Good for you, Onee-chan.
Want me to turn yours into a Mayo Special too?
That's the spirit!
Of all times
I'll see if we have more in the basement.
Oh yeah!
Grandpa's specially-made mayonnaise machine, Mayotarō Prototype V 2.0!
I forgot we had it!
Switch on!
Give it a sec, Rei-chan.
It's gonna—
It looks like we're out—
Oh! What happened here?
Sorry, Rei-chan. Are you okay?
Wh-What the matter?
You're a complete mess, Isshiki-san.
So are you.
Me too?
Gosh, you're hopeless.
I'm all sticky!
Finish eating and go take a bath.
It even got in my—
I'll clean up.
Hurry up and get naked!
I-I can do it myself.
Isn't this a bit cramped?
But this way we use less water and can share our warmth.
Are you curious?
This mark is a testament.
It's what keeps me who I am.
Look at this!
I've got a birthmark too! On my butt!
You certainly do
Hey, Rei-chan.
Stay over tonight.
It's getting late.
Plus, I wanna talk with you some more.
Can you?
Well, good night, Onee-chan, Kuroki-san.
Good night.
Oh yeah.
Is Professor Isshiki out tonight?
Grandpa's been really busy.
That reminds me.
You know about those four colored lights that protect the Incarnate Engine, right?
It was in the newspaper.
Something about them.
Do you think Professor Isshiki has something to do with those?
Do you know what they are?
N-Not at all! Not the slightest!
Of course you don't.
I was just curious.
But it no longer matters who they are.
Nothing will stop me from completing my mission.
Say, Isshiki-san.
Why did you want to become friends with me?
The truth is, I know your secrets.
Like how you play with the birds in the morning,
or how you saved the boy by the construction site.
Then I got this tingling feeling.
I knew I wanted to be friends with you.
I knew we'd have fun together.
That's how you became friends with
Futaba-san and Saegusa-san too, isn't it?
It's not just me.
Aoi-chan, Wakaba-chan, and Himawari-chan all want to get closer to you.
We all want to be your friends.
You know,
when I came here, I decided I didn't need friends
No, that I mustn't make friends.
So I distanced myself from everyone.
Yet you girls reached out to me despite that.
You asked me to be your friend.
The truth is, that made me really happy.
Thank you.
Today was fun.
You should come over again!
I'm sorry, Isshiki-san.
I can't keep that promise.
Tomorrow evening, the next Alone will be coming.
I plan to stake everything on it.
This will be the last time I see you.
I'm off to do my deliveries.
Let's have breakfast together once I get back.
I'm ho
We're supposed to report to the Incarnate Engine Administration Bureau after school.
But why?
They've come up with a new strategy for us.
They probably called us in to explain it.
Good morning?
Good-bye, Bisque.
Thank you for all your company.
Be safe.
I'm sorry, Isshiki-san.
I have to do this.
This is it.
This arrow-like thing is powering up the Alone.
We only found it thanks to Himawari.
Nice going, Himawari-chan!
Yeah. That's amazing!
You're a genius, Himawari-chan!
I guess.
Moving on.
Further analysis has revealed that this arrow causes interference
with the waves released by the Incarnate Engine.
Armed with this information, we can quickly determine the origin of the next arrow!
Spatial distortion detected.
It seems an Alone has appeared!
So it's come.
Have the UN Defense Forces responded?
They deployed their marine forces and a squad of droids as soon as they received word.
Listen up!
You are to take the culprit alive!
All right!
Vivid Team, go!
Wave interference detected.
An arrow has been fired!
Hurry and pinpoint its origin!
Akane-chan and I will handle the Alone.
You two, find where the arrow was launched!
Got it!
One more
How did they discover my position?!
Were they searching for me?
Have they been on my tail ever since?
Operation Vividgreen!
Actuator activated!
Engine critical!
Output: 200%!
Vivid Blade!
Final Operation!
I have to hurry
The UN droids have cornered the target.
Akane, you're the closest.
Got it!
I see them!
Not yet.
I can't let it end yet!
As long as I have even a single arrow
As long as I still have the slightest chance
Another one?!
Rei chan
Isshiki-san. It was you?
So you knew who I was from the beginning.
I didn't, Rei-chan!
You liar!
That's why
you approached me.
In order to keep an eye on me,
you pretended to be a friend.
Please, Rei-chan!
Believe me!
How can I?
You've been the one meddling with my plans this whole time!
Lying about not knowing who I was
How can you expect me to believe you?!
I was happy
When you said you wanted to be my friend
I was really happy.
What a foolish child.
That's not true
Rei-chan, listen to me
You liar!
"To be continued"
I knew it would be like this.
I knew we couldn't be friends.
It was stupid wishful thinking on my part.
Next time: I Want Her to Know.
"Episode 11 - I Want Her to Know"
But I won't give up
Not until I take my world back!
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