When the Devil Calls Your Name (2019) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

When The Devil Calls Your Name
♫ Perhaps we ♫
♫ Perhaps you ♫
♫ wonder whether you were living in my cut off dream ♫
♫ The voice I seem to know ♫
Are you okay?
Episode 10
- Did you hit her?
- I didn't!
I didn't.
I think you hit her.
- You hit a girl as soon as you wake up?
- I just woke up.
Are you okay? Do you think I'm okay? I feel like I'm going to die of embarrassment.
It would've been better if I were hit.
You shouldn't have done that. She visited you because she was worried about you.
What did I just do?
Her approaching me
could be a chance.
It's not even a rat. What are you doing creeping around?
Hey where's the rice drink that was here the other night?
I guess your appetite changed since you had bloody sickness.
You never even cared for this.
Did you make this?
No, Mr. Alexi— That guy made it.
- He made it.
- Who?
Luca's mom. She sent it.
The surgery is in a week. What are you doing?
I said I would do the surgery. But until then I don't want to be trapped in a hospital.
It's a complicated surgery. His will is very important.
You have to convince him quickly and bring him as soon as possible.
Luca. Don't be like this. Come to the hotel I'm staying at.
You can go on ahead Mom. This is my room.
Why did you come back to Korea?
If you really want to do music, do it. Go back home and do it.
Give that to me.
- What do you think will change if you do this?
- There was no chance or time given to my father.
He didn't even know I existed.
I'm going to meet him. I'm going to meet him and
I'm going to give him a chance.
How are you feeling?
- What's with this atmosphere?
- This is the first time I've seen you sick in ten years.
- It must have been very difficult.
- Don't talk nonsense.
- Start. What is it?
- It's about the performance last time.
An explosion. A nuclear explosion. Daebak.
What is it? A big-name newcomer named Kelly set on fire
by the assimilation of Harib's analog sensitivity.
The rediscovery of a buried masterpiece. Buh-buh-bang!
I knew that blood (talent from parents) cannot be hidden.
Okay and?
Harib, the second-coming of Seo Dong Cheon, singer of memory, from appearance to decalomania
We should respond somehow at the company level.
We just look a little alike. Well. There are a couple of people we resemble in the world.
Let's just tell people that you're Seo Dong Cheon's son. There's no such thing as secrets these days.
- That makes no sense—
- PD Ha, there will be a time to do it.
I know Mr. Seo wrote a lot of songs.
I think it would be great if that album came out now.
I listened to the demo.
It's beautiful.
But I don't think it will sell.
Will Seo Dong Cheon's album sell?
Doesn't matter if it sells or not. We need to grab this situation.
You and Seo Dong Cheon will be putting out an album.
Rich genius musician Harib's and Seo Dong Cheon's joint album.
Won't this be a killer project?
It's a great opportunity for him and me to get back on the stage.
There's no reason for Seo Dong Cheon to show up or for his album to be released.
Seo Dong Cheon is dead.
There's no way.
He should die after he sees the redevelopment.
Seo Dong Cheon, who was so poor he stole my son's wedding present money and ran away.
There is a house under his name.
Some people have seen you entering and leaving that house.
He knows. That bastard.
What are you talking about? Wedding money? House?
This isn't something we should be talking about in front of his child. That's how hard Seo Dong Cheon lived.
I'm not sure of his whereabouts after that happened.
There's a house under the name of Seo Dong Cheon in a redevelopment area.
It's difficult to easily understand this.
He also might not know that he has a successful son.
Is it true?
- That's my house.
-- Ah, only in name.
There is information that someone takes the mail for Seo Dong Cheon at that house.
Why would someone take mail for a dead person? That's scary.
Where is Seo Dong Cheon?
He's left this world. I was told not to search for him.
He was so sick of people because of someone.
Are you satisfied?
Don't be like that.
Tell Seo Dong Cheon this.
That I Choong Ryeol would really like to see my old friend once more.
I ask of you, PD Ha.
PD Ha.
How can you just leave like this? Let's talk.
Are you becoming more like Lee Choong Ryeol? The person you should be focusing on is Kelly, not me.
That's what I'm saying. Let's talk about Kelly.
There she is.
How can you go around alone?
- I took a taxi.
- You don't even use the car when it's given to you.
Then you should've called. I would have gone to pick you up.
- You two. Did something happen?
- No.
Nothing happened.
- When will you assign a road manager?
- I'm it. Why?
- There's a lot to teach her. For the time being, I have the time too.
- I think I'm going to need a manager.
- Yeah, I can do it.
How about my friend Dong Hui? He has a driver's license.
I have my license too. How long has he had his license for?
I'm really good at driving.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Right now? Where?
I'll be going.
You don't have a bigger car?
Even if he is his son, how can they be so similar?
Yes, Reporter Kim.
Yes, I was Liver and Bladder.
What do you mean, an interview?
Seo Dong Cheon?
I'm not sure.
Yes, good bye.
Am I a phonebook?
Why do you keep asking me for Seo Dong Cheon's number, you bastards?
Thanks to someone, Liver and Gallbladder was doing well.
If they don't know even, why would I know?
President Park, it's me.
Put someone on Harib to watch him.
Okay. I'm pretty sure he knows where Seo Dong Cheon is.
Okay. Work hard.
If he rather died, then he could be a legend.
What's with you? Are you saying you will call your busy oppa?
There aren't any other men in our family.
- Let's admit him to the hospital.
- Isn't it better to just call the ambulance?
He's not even an emergency patient. We can do it ourselves.
I said forget it. Do you even know how much your dad hates the hospital?
Let's just say that it's been like that because of the hospital bills. It's been ten years.
Do you have the confidence to revive him at this place?
No, I-I will do it.
The lesion is too old. Even if there is a miracle, we don't know if he will stand.
At present, I don't think there's any chance of improvement.
They said there's no chance. We just wasted money.
Even if he can't be treated, it's better for him to stay here.
If we need miracle for him, we'll just have to make it happen.
At any rate, all three of us have to live our life as if time stopped ten years ago.
Dad has to get up in order for us to live.
And I want to be happy now.
Let's go. Your back's not good either.
Oh, you bought diapers? I forgot and didn't buy them.
Yeah. The pharmacist said to get them. I bought two packs.
Do you need more?
Thank you for today.
No problem.
Why are you being nice to me?
You finally say that after you made me work hard all day.
I want to make you the best.
I wanted to succeed without anyone's help.
Pretty arrogant, right?
But I think I still need help.
Help me, PD.
Ah, ah I told you I need you.
- You changed.
- What did?
The last time you thanked me you bowed your head 90 degrees.
Now, your words are short and there's no action.
Well, if you say I changed,
still, I'm thankful.
Please drop me off over there.
It's okay I'll just take you home.
Thank you.
Go and announce the manager's name.
Really. I told you I will drive like this.
Yes. Thank you.
There are times when I'm thankful for change.
When you got to a higher position,
it could be better for you not to remember where you came from sometimes.
I said even if I died that I would never be Kim Yi Gyeong's go-fer.
- This is something I made up my mind about in high school.
- Of course, I know.
Even so, a manager is not a go-fer, is she?
It's an associate. The closest one.
I am truly your closest associate.
It can't be helped. I'll be your manager.
I love you.
That's yucky, Kelly.
I'm looking for part time workers.
Yeah, two.
No, the workers that are here suddenly said they're quitting.
It looks shabby here, but the beer here is tasty.
It is.
Luca is saying he won't get admitted to the hospital.
He won't listen to me.
I wonder who he takes after that he's so stubborn.
I feel like he would listen to you if you talked to him.
Even if I said go, would he listen to me?
You should do what Luca wants for now.
I'll keep my eyes on him.
He will have the surgery. When his body is in shape
I'm leaving right away.
You can clean this up later.
Go on a date with me.
Mr. Kim, you're drunk.
Drunk? I'm not drunk. I'll buy you something delicious.
- Don't be like this.
- What do you mean don't be like this?
Come here.
If you do this here, what can I do?
You son of a bitch. What is this?
Is that unusual?
It's been a while since you came here.
Madame, you came again.
Last time you wouldn't accept your change.
I have an appointment. I'll leave first.
Don't say anything.
Does he come often?
Yes. It's been ten years.
Recently it's been a bit infrequent.
Did he come with an older man?
No. He always comes alone.
What are you doing?
Oh, you came?
Recently, petty thieves are all over.
I was worried you getting robbed and complaining to me, the owner, about the bad condition of the house. It'll be bothersome.
Here. Don't make your mom worry.
If you feel your body is even a little strange, contact her right away.
Your mom is number 1.
And Dr. Kim at the hospital
An elder is saying something important. Do you understand?
- And
- Kelly? It's me, Luca.
Come out for a second.
You have a cell.
Kelly, are you going somewhere?
No. We're shooting our album cover tomorrow.
They said my skin has gotten very tan.
You have a lot of skin. Why are you wearing that?
It's a good attitude. A star should maintain her dignity, anytime, anywhere.
- Can I go tomorrow too?
- You can't.
- Why can't I?
- You're still sick. Don't overdo.
I promised your mother. If you don't obey, you go back to the hospital right away.
I'm not sick.
What are you going to do If I get bored all alone?
If you keep doing this, I'm not having the surgery done.
Hey, are you a kid? How dare throw your tantrum?
Why are you striking a sick child?
Go. I'm going to be there all day tomorrow.
Okay. I'll be right there.
Okay, good.
I feel a little nervous.
Good. Make it clear from the start.
I like it.
There is one she is wearing white in a window.
I think that came out really well.
This is good. How is it?
I think this is good too.
But it's kind of cold. Did they turn on the AC too much?
You're cold? Where's your manager?
Where did Dong Hui go? Dong Hui!
Yes. Yes. Four o'clock?
Yes, okay I understand. I'll give you a call.
Excuse me. You're Kelly's manager, right?
Yes. I am Kelly's manager.
How can I help you?
Here. Put this on.
From the start.
Thank you.
Cool voice
I only see you
Let's line up one by one.
May I have your name?
One line. One line.
Don't fight. Don't fight. She will give one to everyone
Don't fight.
How can she have no driving experience as a manager?
Yes. That's how you should change.
Next person.
Please stay in line.
Oh, it's Joo Ra In!
Hey, don't push.
That country bumkin. Let's go.
That guy won't buy my soul. What's the matter? Why are you doing this to me?
To a human, each person has its own dignity.
How shall I say it? Each human retains it.
That feather-like soul. It makes the imperfect human great.
So can you do it or not? Will you buy my soul?
Why exactly do humans want to sell their souls?
- Why do you want to step on Yi Gyeong?
- That country bumkin is a problem.
But more than that, I like that goblin. You said my wish would be granted if I sell my soul.
I want to make the goblin mine.
Then, answer just one question. I won't bother you again.
The reason he can't buy is because I'm lily-white? Why is it not enough?
So, he wants a grade-one soul, but not just anyone
that shows up has it, huh?
That's right. He talked about a grade-one soul. What the heck is that?
It's sacred. Even if the end of the world comes, it won't disappear.
Something noble and sacred.
Something sacred?
If it's sacred, he'll buy it, right?
"To be sacred, holy"
- Something so noble you can't thoughtlessly get close to it?
- Why?
Don't come close. From now I am someone to whom no one can get close thoughtlessly.
"Noble minded"? What else is "noble-minded"?
Noble-minded: Lofty and pure in character.
It's not a big deal. I too am going to be sacred starting now.
You've been staring at the same page for 30 minutes.
So I have.
How are you?
How do I look? I've become somewhat more sacred.
Was it like this? You should've told me being Grade 1 is like this.
Have you perhaps gone often to eat fishcake recently?
I don't eat anything because I'm on a diet.
Will you buy it now? My soul?
Where are going when you have to buy my soul?
Let go. You've reached the limit of my kindness.
Gosh damn, you look sexier than ever.
If she's such a low-grade soul, just pick it up and dump it.
Just now, I was ridiculed by Father.
So then?
The chief messenger of the messengers of God.
I'm trying to protect her.
It's not that I am interfering in the human world.
And if you continue to let him do that,
what will he do to those pitiful humans? They should just be left alone.
Your obsession is making things worse.
It's also foolish. And pathetic.
Only those who can withstand it will survive.
That's a basic law of the human world.
Then come yourself and say it.
And do something about the quality of the sound.
We live in a high-tech world. But the quality of sound is so awful that I don't feel like listening to you.
I will convey what you've told me. Then
Oppa Mo, let us have at least once sacred conversation.
Hey! I'm asking for a conversation. You think I'm going to eat you up?
Joo Ra In.
- Unnie.
- Come over here.
What brings you here?
I'm here after hearing that you were reported for causing an embarrassing commotion.
- Really?
- Do you really think that's true?
If a scandal explodes about you, you can forget about the tour and I'll pull you off the drama.
Did you perhaps come here to sell too?
No, no. You're not his style at all.
Get yourself together. Seriously, please.
I'm talking about soul, soul.
Soul, right. I sold my soul to get you into a drama.
That's why you'll die if you get cut from this drama.
If you're in a supporting role, you'll have to work hard as if you devote your whole soul.
- Yes. - Go, go and rehearse.
Let's have a drink.
I'm a little bit tired. Please leave.
I'm tired too.
The convenience mart in my neighborhood doesn't have this.
But the mart right here sells it.
This really tastes good, you see.
Then, leave after getting your rest.
You do remember?
Remember what? Heart failure?
I meant love.
Oh my!
It is weak against moisture. It's also very expensive.
You don't have any more beer?
As if this is a bar.
Please drink this and leave.
I'm sorry that my clothes got wet. It's okay to use yours, right?
To success.
This wine tastes good.
Why? Is something on my face?
- Do you believe in God?
- What?
You know that I'm a "nailong" believer. ("Nailong"= nylon, a fake fabric, so something which is fake is "nailong
I only believe in God when I need it. "I sinned today again."
Forgive me for this sin.
So I mistakenly think that I was forgiven.
God doesn't do anything.
God exists for human excuses.
That could be so. But then even if that is so, if they didn't do so,
they couldn't endure.
In a human, conscience is superior to God.
When I'm working, I put my conscience in my pocket temporarily.
And when I'm alone, I examine my conscience.
So for me is God superior to my conscience?
It's convenient.
Did something happen?
Day after day I work.
Thanks for asking.
You're truly a high maintenance woman.
Sing me a song.
♫ If I go to Busan ♫
♫ Can I see you again? ♫
♫ With your beautiful hair blowing ♫
♫ you will welcome me. ♫
It's getting better. What is it?
I'm glad you see progress in the lessons.
It's love.
Is there progress with her? I think there are three months left before our appointment.
Do it again.
Aren't you leaving work?
That's enough. That's enough.
My son is already a high school senior.
Time flies so damn fast.
There are six years left before I retire.
My son will have gone to four years of college and the army.
Then it's just time for my retirement.
I'll be wearing four leaves (symbol of his rank: assistant inspector) before my retirement life.
My son said he would go to the Police Academy.
He never had gotten a private lesson but he's getting good grades.
- You must be pride of him.
- Of course.
My son will start as a cop wearing one rose of Sharon (Rank: Inspector).
That is exactly what I hope for.
Not living like me.
I am taking your food?
You call this a living and are upset that I am taking your food?
Die, just die.
What are you doing living like this? Die! I said die!
Die! What are you doing living like this. I said die!
Physical Examination
You can't die.
Even if you want to die, you can't.
You ruined my son's and my daughter's lives.
Will you die and make her a murderer?
Stand up. You must stand up.
Do you know how much this hospital room costs per day?
Don't squander the money which Yi Gyeong works so hard to earn.
You should wake up instantly.
When did you come? Have you eaten?
I need to go.
Don't eat leftovers.
I couldn't cook for you properly.
This is a nice surprise. It must have been expensive.
I'm going.
If it's too hard, you can quit.
I won't blame you if you lay everything aside and leave.
The Grim Story of Kelly's Family Currently
Wow, daebak! Did you see this?
Aren't there a lot of problems with this? Problems?
Who is it? Who leaked the story?
- CEO, That's
- Is there something else?
- Huh?
- CEO Ji! CEO Ji!
This is madness. Exclusive, bam bam.
Seo Dong Cheon's son Harib. Look.
We need to figure out who leaked this.
Was it you? Was it you?
It's not me by any means. Not me.
I know.
I'm sorry. Mother.
The reporter said she would write a nice story.
No, Dong Hui.
It's not like you made up the whole story.
- Just go home. Go home.
- Going home won't change anything.
Just stay.
Gyeong, I'm sorry.
If I'm going to be hit sometime, it's better to be hit now.
Why are you crying? I'm okay.
- But—
- I didn't even mention PD Ha.
I know.
Yi Gyeong.
From a long time ago, I said I should have come.
I've been too neglected with excuses of being busy.
Not at all.
You know, our fate
runs very deep. I don't know how I missed it at first.
Twenty years ago.
On the day of my son's wedding,
didn't we meet back then?
Seo Dong Cheon?
Did I invite you?
Come here. Where is she?
Being so young, and already you are colluding with Seo Dong Cheon, aren't you?
No. We didn't steal anything.
What're you saying when there's clear evidence.
Seo Dong Cheon stole it. He was caught on the CCTV tapes.
Where is he? Tell him to come right now.
Where is he? And what's with your eyes, you thief?
Did your father raise you like that? Give her rice with beans. (T/N: Jails in Korea serve rice with beans)
- Send her right now!
- Do you know who I am?
Your father raised you like, that didn't he?
What? What are you staring at? What! Tell him to come right now!
You have nothing better to do so you steal, you bitch.
That's all in the past. That was about Dong Cheon.
How hard must it have been for him?
Where is he right now?
I don't know.
Really? I think you planned this with Harib from the start.
Didn't Seo Dong Cheon tell you to do this to take revenge against me?
No. I also don't know where he is —
Honesty is better. Why are you protecting Seo Dong Cheon?
That coward who left a young kid there before.
Let's see.
Seo Dong Cheon is a darn thief,
and if I expose you as his accomplice,
then many people will suffer.
- Why are you here?
- You can't go home. Reporters surrounded the place.
Because I'm worried.
Get in for now.
Right over there!
Right there!
I'm also an adult. I can drink alcohol.
Someone going to surgery is saying useless things.
Someone who has to drive is saying such useless things.
Luca. In Korea,
there's something called a substitute driver.
I have to drink it now. I can't after surgery.
I wanted to do this with a male adult.
My dad didn't take a sip of alcohol.
Have you never gone through that?
It was a long time ago.
When I dreamed something like this.
Having a drink with my son.
Although that's part of everyday routine for an ordinary person.
What was it? Jibigo?
In both my past and future,
it's a dream that will never come true.
I'm scared.
If I don't do surgery, I'll die.
But if I do surgery and don't come back out, what should I do?
What if this is the last time I'll see my mom's face?
I keep having thoughts like that.
Hey. They're so unnecessary.
When I was young, I had to suddenly undergo surgery.
I think I was just as scared back then.
My mom and I were both crying.
I'm lying in an ICU room and I am dying now.
I think that's what I thought.
A professor said this back then.
Humans always have a sort of existence watching over them.
Some call it a miracle and others call it luck,
but there is an invisible existence like that watching over me.
But, you know something? I still believe in that.
I really saw him.
I was in so much pain and feeling groggy from the medicine,
but somebody came and watched me.
He looked at me with a face that seemed to say, "Be strong."
So I realized that I wanted to live.
So I did.
You'll come that day, right?
Can I?
Is surgery a big deal?
Of course. I should definitely go.
Really? You promised.
Producer. Do you like Kelly?
What ridiculous things are you saying?
What a relief. I like her. Kelly.
You young thing.
You came to a very important gathering today.
Here, I have someone to introduce.
This is the wife of Prime Minister Alexievich of Montenegro.
Madam, Ye Seon Ah.
You came to a very important place today.
When I went to Podgorica two months ago
What brought you here Manager Kang?
You want to join us? Okay join us.
Wh-What is this?
Payment Notice
Notice for Lee Choong Ryeol. Contract ends Sept 1st 2019
Mo Tae—
Are you really okay?
Just how many cars does PD Ha own?
It's okay.
He won't even notice one car being missing. Don't worry.
Take your time and put on the brake.
Anyway, Gyeong being so cool about it makes me feel even worse.
I'm wondering if
should keep working as her manager.
- Brake.
- Oh brake.
Braking slowly!
What's going to happen?
He seems to be angry.
Kang Ha.
What just happened?
It's okay.
I am sorry.
Because she's a beginner driver—
Judge Jeong? What brings you to this neighborhood?
Yes, Judge.
Hangook University Hospital
It's you?
Yes, it's me. I put out that report.
It is for the business, but
You probably don't believe me, but it's true that I want this to bring Seo Dong Cheon out.
If Mr. Seo shows up, don't hold back and let him have it.
Get angry and blame him. I wish you'd get free
from the burden of your father and be comfortable.
What kind of a father was
Mr. Seo Dong Cheon?
Did he really beat you?
Was he a bad father to you?
♫ On the days Mr. Sunshine shows up
♫ by the square window
♫ We sit side by side
♫ We hold our hands locking fingers together
♫ Together, with my father
♫ let's sing together
♫ Let's open up our shoulders
♫ and sing loud for the sky to hear
What is it?
Do you like it?
When did you make this song?
Not me but Mr. Seo Dong Cheon did.
Mr. Seo Dong Cheon did?
For real?
Where is he?
Where is he now?
Please tell me.
I'm not sure.
Mr. PD.
We'll begin with anesthesia.
♫ On the days Mr. Sunshine shows up ♫
♫ by the square window ♫
The person who kept me safe then
♫ Locking our fingers together ♫
was my father, right?
♫ Together, with my father ♫
♫ Let's sing together ♫
Give me epinephrine.
Doctor the vitals, hurry.
Get the vitals, quickly.
- Get ready for the shot.
- Epi (epinephrine) please.
Call Dr. Baek Il Woo.
Got it.
What's going on, Doctor?
During the surgery, his blood pressure plummeted. The heart-lung machine is ineffective.
I think they are going to start CPR soon.
Let's go quickly.
Soul Purchase Contract
Please spare him.
Please spare my son.
I can't meddle in all human matters.
Take it.
Take my soul and
I'll die in place of Luca.
You can rip me into shreds or burn me in a fire hell.
You can do whatever you want with me,
but please spare my son.
Father, you said.
Father, you said
Why? Is your heart breaking?
I'll die in his place.
I'll die in his place instead.
There are plenty of humans like you.
They all say that. Sacrifice.
For real.
For real, this is the last time.
For real, this is the last time.
For the last time. For the last time.
- For the last time.
- Don't be like this.
Fine, for the last time.
Bring that kid's soul right now,
and the contract with you is canceled.
Now, why don't you end it, too?
There is
nothing more we can do for him.
I am sorry.
Apologize! Apologize!
Hold on, please.
might be dying.
My Seong Ho!
No! No!
No Luca!
Bring that kid's soul right now.
A place where you can hide when the sun is blazing hot and rest in the rain,
like that I think you were like the eaves.
If you need an eaves-like being, then you just need to build a house with eaves.
I am sorry but
I now
need your soul.
If I could sell my soul
Let's go in. It's pouring rain.
Everything is all messed up.
I decided as a child when my father was beating me.
I'll do music even in my death.
I gained fame in the beginning.
I thought it would continue for the rest of my life.
Back then, I was old and sat in a closet feeling sorry for myself.
And I thought things like that had nothing to do with me.
There was something I wanted to do even if I sold my soul to do it.
I thought I needed other things more than my soul.
I wanted to go back to my younger days when I shone.
If I could only achieve my dream, if people only could discover my real significance,
I thought I wouldn't care if I gave up everything.
But that's not how it is.
I forgot about an important thing.
I didn't even know the fact that I thought it was important.
Like a fool.
That's how I thought, but now I can't even see.
Everything is blurry.
What was important to me?
Was there anything important to me?
Whom do I love?
Did I even love anyone?
Just who am I?
I know it's hard to believe.
I feel like I've lived about 100 years.
I am not sure what you are talking about.
I want to be your micro habitat
and eaves for you.
I am sorry.
♫ Talking to yourself like a habit ♫
Your soul
♫ will be fine. It's okay ♫
Can you give it up for me?
♫ Someday it will make me laugh ♫
♫ I tried even though it's more awkward than in the mirror ♫
I am sorry.
Right now
I need your soul.
♫ Even the soft tears I held back ♫
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
♫ My weary spirit which I want to set aside and ♫
♫ what happened yesterday ♫
♫ My weary heart, too ♫
When the Devil Calls My Name
Stop right here, my son. Please release the poor humans.
The more you do that,
it'll only lead me to a worse place.
Why do I have to abide by the contract with you?
For your beloved son.
I could expose you for what you've been doing, too.
You talk just like your father.
You are jinxed!
You absolutely can't die.
I did hit a person.
But I did want to kill him.
Is Yi Gyeong alright? Did you ask her?
How about if you spread the rumor naturally?
How can you do this to me, Mr. PD?
You really are a devilish person.
Your contract with me is renewed.
♫ Will they all pass? ♫
♫ Day by day ♫
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