When the Streetlights Go On (2017) s01e10 Episode Script

When The Streetlights Go On

Hi, uh, can I get two tickets
for "Happy Gilmore"?
Becky and I became friends again
during that Midwestern winter.
He didn't direct it,
but he wrote it.
And he's in it too?
Yeah, him and the guy from "ER."
Well, he's not a very
good actor, I don't think.
- Who, Tarantino?
- Yeah.
Clooney's kind of sexy.
You see that security guard
right there?
We're gonna pretend
that we're going in here.
And then, after she walks away,
we're going to go like this.
Play it cool.
Okay, so I know
it wasn't "Pulp Fiction"
or, like, "Reservoir Dogs,"
but you--
the first half was pretty good, right?
I mean, there were some--
there were some funny moments.
- Right?
- I thought it was stupid.
Yeah, yeah.
You know,
when we were, like, nine, I
I guess I kind of had a crush on you.
Yeah, I loved you.
I mean, you know, you kissed me
at your parents' house party.
And, um
But then the next weekend,
you kissed Mark Mooney.
And I wasI was crushed.
Mark Mooney?
- Mark Mooney.
- That's fucking disgusting.
- I know.
- I don't remember that at all.
I'm sorry, Chuck.
If it's any consolation,
I at least remember kissing you.
What are you doing?
I'm looking for gum.
I'm gonna kiss you.
To make up for Mark Mooney.
This would turn out to be
one of the most lasting memories
of my entire life.
I had fun with you.
Me too.
- Thanks.
- Anytime.
You want to come over?
My parents aren't home.
Yeah, yeah, um
Actually, uh, I ha--
I have a paper
I kind of have to write tonight.
Yeah, so I wish I could, but--
No, I get it, Chuck.
It's okay.
- See you tomorrow.
- See ya.
Hey, Mr. Jablonski.
Hey, come here.
God, you look like your sister.
I mean, with the hair
and everything.
I almost didn't recognize you.
So you like records, right?
Well, with Sally off to college,
I've got her old ones
just taking up space.
Sorry, I'm being thick.
I'm asking you if you want them.
I mean, they're just collecting dust,
and I was gonna throw them away
And I saw you,
and I thought I'd ask.
I'll take a look.
Yeah, just inside.
Just, careful.
It's a bit slippery.
I wouldn't see Becky Monroe
the next day.
Or ever again.
Colfax Police spent several days
searching for Becky.
Some people believed
she ran away to be with Casper.
I was heartbroken, confused.
A nervous wreck.
What happened?
The girl that lived there died.
They found her body in Jefferson Pond
this morning.
Most people aren't aware
of the exact moment
when they lose their innocence,
when the narrative
they've in their minds
about life being fair
and things happening for a reason
is destroyed.
It usually happens slowly,
bit by bit.
But for me,
it was all at once.
I was crossing the street
on Fern Circle.
I was 16 years old.
The funeral parlor couldn't
make Becky look like herself,
so it was a closed casket.
Just like that, she was gone.
A life ended before it even had
the chance to begin.
After the Monroes left town,
a new family moved in
and imbued our block
with life again.
And slowly, the memory
of the sisters faded.
Before long, it was as though
they were never there at all.
Casper Tatum never came back
to Colfax.
In 1998, he was found dead
from an intentional overdose
in a motel in West Texas.
He left a note addressed to Becky.
He said he was sorry
he didn't come back,
and he'd hoped she'd forgive him
on the other side.
The Monroe sisters' murderer,
Mr. Jablonski, was eventually caught.
Our neighbor, the dentist
with the award-winning roses
and toothpaste-commercial smile,
was a serial killer.
In a disclosure sent to the press
following his arrest,
Jablonski wrote of his desire to kill
the two beautiful bundles of life
he saw alive
in that home every day.
Two girls
whose sheer youthful audacity
he could not help but correct.
I didn't return until 20 years later.
One, two, say "cheese!"
- Good one!
- We had changed,
but the hallways had stayed the same.
In 2002, the woods
where the murder occurred
burnt in a forest fire.
Eventually, they grew back,
and somehow
they were even thicker than before.
More alive, untamed.
Finding the scene
of the initial crime
was impossible.
The Earth had carried on,
and more or less,
we had carried on as well.
A piece of me
still haunts those streets,
streets I've spent a lifetime
trying to forget.
But I can't forget,
as hard as I try.
And every night,
when the streetlights go on in Colfax,
ghosts roam the avenues
looking for salvation.
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