Where's Wally (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

The Strength of Scotland

# Oh eh oh
# Oh eh oh
# Where do you go?
Where do you go, Wally?
# Oh eh oh
# I'll search the world for you
# Take a trip all around the world
# Take a trip all around the world
# Catch a ride to the moon
# Ride the waves
at the beach, jumping
# Discover something new
# Oh eh oh
# Oh eh oh
# Anywhere you go, I'll find you
# Oh oh oh
# Where do you go? Where do you go?
# Where's Wally?!
BOTH: Gumball race!
Go, go, go!
Orange is gonna win!
No way! Here comes green!
Orange! Orange!
Come on, green, you can do it!
Come on, green, you can do it!
Come on, come on
And it's going to be
A tie?
Ha! We both win!
Ha! We both win!
This invention is so cool, Wally.
Most people would just see
a hamster habitat,
but you see a Gumball Race-anator.
but you see a Gumball Race-anator.
And Mr. Wumples
gives his seal of approval.
The only way to refill
an empty gumball machine!
It's fun and functional.
Let's race again.
Let's race again.
Ha! Looks like Arf and Mr. Wumples
want to race, too.
Ah, Wanderers
BOTH: Wait! Wizard Whitebeard!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Sorry, Wizard Whitebeard.
Not at all, Wally!
Not at all, Wally!
Nothing like a little gumball
skating to get the heart pumping.
You know, I remember the first time
I slid wildly across a room
on gumballs, because
on gumballs, because
it just happened right now!
BOTH: A WanderPost!
BOTH: A WanderPost!
Wizard Whitebeard!
It's Morna and Yep!
Two fellow Wanderers
from Inverness, Scotland!
Aye. It's time for the annual
Scottish Highland Games.
Aye. It's time for the annual
Scottish Highland Games.
We're competing in the
youth events this year. Right, Yep?
Yep! But one of our teammates
twisted an ankle so
Yep! But one of our teammates
twisted an ankle so
we're hoping that
Wenda could join the team.
I'm on it!
I love the Highland Games.
Some of the best athletes
in all of Scotland
Some of the best athletes
in all of Scotland
compete in sports
as old as the country itself.
You both have to come, too!
Thanks for the invitation, Wenda.
We accept!
Thanks for the invitation, Wenda.
We accept!
# By strip-ed staff
and white of beard
# I summon magic, wild and weird
# I summon magic, wild and weird
# Spin O'magic globe to show
# Where these Wanderers will
Inverness, Scotland!
Amazing bagpipes, Wizard Whitebeard.
Good for all occasions,
but especially for this one!
Good for all occasions,
but especially for this one!
And Inverness is where Loch Ness is.
Home to Nessie,
the famous Loch Ness monster.
Home to Nessie,
the famous Loch Ness monster.
"Loch" is Scottish for "lake,"
and Loch Ness is one of the
biggest and deepest lakes
in the United Kingdom.
The perfect place for
a mysterious creature to hide.
The perfect place for
a mysterious creature to hide.
Don't you mean "imaginary" creature?
I don't think the
Loch Ness Monster is real, Wally.
People have been searching for it
for a long time,
People have been searching for it
for a long time,
but no one has ever found it.
Ah, found it.
The Loch Ness Monster?!
No. My favourite camera
with night vision specs
and a waterproof body!
with night vision specs
and a waterproof body!
If old Nessie is in Loch Ness,
I'm gonna snap a picture of it.
Now, let's head to Scotland!
To the Highland Games!
ALL: Wander!
Looks like we've landed at-
Loch Ness!
C'mon, Nessie,
let's see that long neck.
C'mon, Nessie,
let's see that long neck.
Excuse me- (SHRIEKS)
Hi, hello.
Um, would you all mind
taking seven steps to your left,
or three steps to your right?
or three steps to your right?
You're, uh, blocking my cameras.
Thanks. I don't want to miss
any Nessie sightings.
Me neither!
Whoa! Does that camera
have night vision specs?
Certainly does! And don't forget
the waterproof body!
Certainly does! And don't forget
the waterproof body!
My cameras are set to snap pictures
every few seconds.
I'm always here. Always watching.
I'm always here. Always watching.
Always waiting
I'm Wally.
And this is Wenda
and Wizard Whitebeard.
Nice to meet you. I'm Fergus.
Wait, did he say "wizard"?
Nice to meet you. I'm Fergus.
Wait, did he say "wizard"?
Ha-ha! Yes, that's right.
I'm a wizard.
It's a long story.
Fergus, have you taken
any pictures of Nessie?
Fergus, have you taken
any pictures of Nessie?
Well, let's see here.
Birds. Rocks. Tourists.
Tourists throwing rocks-
Wait! What about that one?
Wait! What about that one?
That looks like a creature!
No, that's just my Uncle Hamish
out for an afternoon dip.
(GASPS) Wonders!
(GASPS) Wonders!
Sounds like the Highland Games
are about to start! Yeah!
See you later, Fergus!
I'll be here. Always watching.
Always waiting. (CAMERA CLICKS)
Always waiting. (CAMERA CLICKS)
Woo-hoo! (CHUCKLES)
Look at those dancers.
I sure hope they have some haggis!
It is a delicious Scottish dish
made from the stomach of a sheep
with other parts of a sheep
chopped up and put inside of it.
with other parts of a sheep
chopped up and put inside of it.
I have worked up quite an appetite.
(CHUCKLES) Are you hungry, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Over here! Look what I found.
I got a plate for your haggis,
Wizard Whitebeard.
Look, Wanderers, it's Morna and Yep!
They're already warming up!
Look, Wanderers, it's Morna and Yep!
They're already warming up!
Ready, Yep?
On three. One. Two.
Yep, yep, yep!
Yep, yep, yep!
Aye. Almost got it.
Let's save some strength
for the real event. Yep.
Let's save some strength
for the real event. Yep.
Nice job, Wanderers!
Wenda, Waldo, Wizard Whitebeard!
You made it!
We would never let down
a fellow wanderer in need.
I'm ready to join the team.
I'm ready to join the team.
Morna, what were you
just practicing?
The team caber toss.
We have to flip
that heavy caber over
at a twelve o'clock angle
to get a perfect score,
but we've never done it before.
Wow, that caber looks really heavy.
Well, maybe today will be our day.
ALL: Odlulu?
Hello, Wanderers.
Hello, Wanderers.
Came all this way to watch me
win the Highland Games?
I'm flattered.
These strength events are a snap.
I'm flattered.
These strength events are a snap.
Yowsers! Somebody's
been hittin' the gym. Yep.
See you all at the celebration feast
after I take home first prize.
How did she toss those
cabers so easily?
How did she toss those
cabers so easily?
And break one in half
like it was twig?
She must have the Strength Key!
A magical key that'll give her
well, strength!
The Strength Key? That goes
against the spirit of the games!
The Strength Key? That goes
against the spirit of the games!
She's cheating!
Don't worry, Morna and Yep.
We've dealt with Odlulu before.
We'll get the Strength Key back
and set everything right.
We'll get the Strength Key back
and set everything right.
Okay, Fritz, we both know the
Wanderers are gonna try to
get the Strength Key back to
set everything right.
Exactly. So that's why
you need to get the key
as far away from here as possible.
Nothing is going to keep me
from winning these games.
Nothing is going to keep me
from winning these games.
C'mon, Odlulu.
We know you have the Strength Key.
(CHUCKLES) Strength Key?
What Strength Key?
(CHUCKLES) Strength Key?
What Strength Key?
Wonders! The little fleeing
furry ferret has the key!
Oh, no. The Games are
about to begin.
Oh, no. The Games are
about to begin.
Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
Wenda, you stay here
with Morna and Yep
and keep an eye on Odlulu.
Got it.
We're going after Fritz
to get that key.
Together? On a mission?
Into the forest? I love it!
Together? On a mission?
Into the forest? I love it!
Welcome to the Highland Games!
Our first event is the Hammer Throw.
Contestants, please make your way
to the throwing circle.
It's go time.
It's go time.
Any day now
You can do it, Morna!
You can do it, Morna!
Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep.
Wow! What a great throw!
(SCOFFS) Really?
You call that a throw?
Step aside.
Step aside.
Holy Haggis!
That's definitely a new
Scottish Highland Games record!
That's definitely a new
Scottish Highland Games record!
Aye. This is gonna be a long day.
I'm sure I saw that hoodie
heading this way.
I'm sure I saw that hoodie
heading this way.
Fritz! Come out, come out,
wherever you are!
In order to find a ferret,
young Wally,
you must think (CHITTERS)
like a ferret.
you must think (CHITTERS)
like a ferret.
Good idea, Wizard Whitebeard.
I don't know what ferrets think
about. Yeah, I don't either.
I don't know what ferrets think
about. Yeah, I don't either.
Okay, let's just look
for footprints.
Ba-ra-ta-tee, Da-ra-ta-taa
Ba-ra-ta-tee, Da-ra-ta-taa
Did we get him, Wally?
Come on.
He ran off toward that castle!
Come on.
He ran off toward that castle!
"Nemo me impune lacessit"
"Nemo me impune lacessit"
That's Latin for,
"No one can harm me unpunished."
Oh, wait or is it,
"Please pass the haggis"?
You see Wally, in the old days
You see Wally, in the old days
Wally? Where's Wally?
Right here, Wizard Whitebeard.
Ah-ha! Wally! Who would have thought
you'd look so good in metal?
I wanted to make sure
Fritz wasn't hiding inside.
And honestly,
I couldn't help myself.
And honestly,
I couldn't help myself.
I just had to try it on.
I completely understand.
Sir Wally,
I actually wore a suit of armour
Sir Wally,
I actually wore a suit of armour
to my high school prom.
Oh, how the fashion has changed.
Okay, let's keep looking.
Right. We have to find Fritz
and get that Strength Key!
Right. We have to find Fritz
and get that Strength Key!
Wenda, Morna and Yep
are counting on us.
Oranges, bananas, some yogurt,
a splash of almond milk and ice.
Oranges, bananas, some yogurt,
a splash of almond milk and ice.
Uh, Wenda, this is supposed
to help us compete with that?
Another Highland Games record!
Another Highland Games record!
Well, sometimes a delicious protein
shake is just what the body needs.
Thanks for the shakes, Wenda,
but we can't possibly beat Odlulu.
Thanks for the shakes, Wenda,
but we can't possibly beat Odlulu.
Yes, we can! You've been training
really hard for this.
Yes, we can! You've been training
really hard for this.
You're more than prepared.
But Odlulu has the
strength of a giant.
I know, but she's cheating.
Now let's go out there
and give it our best.
Now let's go out there
and give it our best.
We can win this fair and square!
Yep, yep!
Yep, yep. Yep!
Yep, yep, yep! Ha!
Another Highland Games record!
Another Highland Games record!
Another Highland Games record!
Another Highland Games record!
Uh What were you saying
about winning fair and square?
Don't worry, Wanderers.
Waldo and Whitebeard will be back
with that key in no time.
Waldo and Whitebeard will be back
with that key in no time.
I hope.
I'm stumped.
We searched the whole castle.
How could he have slipped past us?
How could he have slipped past us?
Ugh, ferrets can be such weasels.
Or is it that weasels
can be such ferrets? I forget.
No matter, we better go down
and look again.
No matter, we better go down
and look again.
Wait. This is the lookout tower.
The perfect place to spot someone.
Wally, we couldn't possibly spot
a little ferret from way up-
There he is!
There he is!
Oh. I stand corrected.
This way, Wizard Whitebeard!
This way, Wizard Whitebeard!
There he goes!
Ah! If only my arms
were two feet longer!
Yes! Good work, Wizard Whitebeard!
Now hand over the Strength Key,
you mischievous mammal.
Now hand over the Strength Key,
you mischievous mammal.
If you don't have it,
then where is it?
You threw it in the lake? Where?
You threw it in the lake? Where?
Oh, why couldn't it have been
the Rubber Ducky Key?
That one floats.
How can we possibly
find the key now?
The Highland Games are ruined.
Oh, this lake is so big.
Where do we even begin to look?!
If only we had eyes
all over the lake.
If only we had eyes
all over the lake.
But I only have two eyes,
and you only have two eyes
Wait a minute. We don't need
eyes all over the lake.
We have eyes
all over the lake! Fergus!
Fergus? How many eyes does he have?!
Fergus? How many eyes does he have?!
See? Eyes all over the lake.
And I thought I lived
in an interesting house.
So, you say you were
on the east side of Loch Ness?
Yes, but Fritz could have
dropped the key anywhere.
Not a problem.
I have cameras pointed everywhere.
Not a problem.
I have cameras pointed everywhere.
C'mon, where are you, Fritz?
Are you sure he was there?
I'm not seeing anything
but bushes and water.
And trees. So many trees.
And trees. So many trees.
Wait! Go back!
I'd know that 'yowch' anywhere.
I know right where that is.
Great job, Wally and Fergus!
To the lake!
Oh, wait, I didn't bring
my swim trunks.
Man Juggling?
Now that's not even a real event.
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's almost time for the Caber Toss!
it's almost time for the Caber Toss!
Will we see a perfect
twelve o'clock toss today?
You're gonna see better than that!
You're gonna see better than that!
Another Highland Games record!
Wait. Where are you going?
You can't give up,
it's time for the team caber toss.
You can't give up,
it's time for the team caber toss.
But we can't beat her.
Odlulu has ruined the Highland Games
by cheating. (SIGHS)
I really thought we had a chance
for a perfect twelve o'clock
caber toss this year. Yep.
We still have that chance!
Odlulu can't take that away.
Another Highland Games Record!
Another Highland Games Record!
Okay, maybe we can't beat her,
but we can still prove something
to ourselves.
but we can still prove something
to ourselves.
We'll throw that caber together.
We've worked too hard
and we've come too far. Yep!
It's not about Odlulu anymore.
It's about us. Yep!
It's not about Odlulu anymore.
It's about us. Yep!
We're a team!
Now unpack those bags.
We have a caber to toss!
It was right here. Where did it go?
Careful. This is one of the
deeper areas along the shore.
Careful. This is one of the
deeper areas along the shore.
So, the key might have drifted out
and sunk to the bottom.
Maybe Old Nessie will
bring the key up for us.
Maybe Old Nessie will
bring the key up for us.
If only I could breathe under water.
I could call Wizard Piranha-beard.
I could call Wizard Piranha-beard.
That would be a terrible idea.
Any other ideas, Wally?
Wally? Where's Wally?
Right here! In the
Wally Loch Ness Dive-anator!
Right here! In the
Wally Loch Ness Dive-anator!
The weight of the suit allows me
to walk on the floor of the lake
to find the key.
And the pipes and bellows
will help me breathe.
And let's not forget
the haggis plate I found
And let's not forget
the haggis plate I found
to keep the water out.
Okay, the fact that he's
a wizard, I tried to overlook.
And the ferret wearing a hoodie
was a little strange too.
And the ferret wearing a hoodie
was a little strange too.
But this is incredible!
You've done it again, Wally.
And not a moment too soon.
You sure you want to wander down
into Old Nessie's home?
You sure you want to wander down
into Old Nessie's home?
I'm a Wanderer, Fergus.
That's what we do.
It certainly is dark down here.
Now, where's that key?
What was that?
Was that- (SCREAMS)
(YELPS) The Strength Key!
(YELPS) The Strength Key!
Aah! Strength Key!
Aah! Strength Key!
Whoa! Whoa!
Got the key!
And a perfect shot of Old Nessie!
(GASPS) I'll go print the photo!
No time for monster tales, Wally!
No time for monster tales, Wally!
We have to get to the
Highland Games and stop Odlulu!
Let's give a round of applause
for Team Wanderers!
Let's give a round of applause
for Team Wanderers!
Hurry up and fail, Wanderers.
My fans want to see me
break another record.
My fans want to see me
break another record.
We may not be as strong
as you, Odlulu.
But at least we don't cheat.
All right, team. Let's do this.
All right, team. Let's do this.
Oh! A perfect twelve O'clock toss!
ALL: Yeah!
Oh! A perfect twelve O'clock toss!
ALL: Yeah!
Can you believe it!
I knew we could do it.
Thanks to you, Wenda.
Okay, okay.
Enough with the sappy hug-fest.
Okay, okay.
Enough with the sappy hug-fest.
I'll show you how it's really done.
What's going on here?
Hello muscles?
You're really letting me down.
Sorry, Odlulu,
but your game is over.
Sorry, Odlulu,
but your game is over.
She's not strong at all!
She was cheating the whole time!
Is that a ferret in a hoodie?
Wait, wait! My fans!
Wait, wait! My fans!
I can explain.
Look, can you believe it, Wenda?
It can't be seaweed. It's a lake.
It can't be seaweed. It's a lake.
Lake weed?
No, I'm telling you. That is the
Loch Ness Monster! It's real!
Right, Yep?
Right, Yep?
How about a little
'Scotland the Brave' while we eat?
How about a little
'Scotland the Brave' while we eat?
Pass the haggis. Ha-ha!
Pass the haggis. Ha-ha!
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