White Lines (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

[tires screeching]
[Axel] You can't spend a life
going a hundred miles an hour.
I'm a meteor,
smashing through every barrier,
hurtling through the void.
But a meteor's gotta crash at some point.
And it's only when you hit rock bottom
that you realize you've got a choice.
You either die or you be born again.
[house music playing]
[whistles blowing]
[crowd cheering]
[blows whistle]
- [cheering]
- [music stops]
Follow me!
[Marcus] All right!
Here we fucking go, man!
[Axel roars] Come on!
- [boy 1] Come on!
- [boy 2] Come on!
["Price You Pay" by UNKLE playing]
I'm falling in love ♪
I'm falling in love ♪
On the day of my mother's funeral,
I went out to get smashed.
And I ended up in the dirtiest joint
in all of Manchester
who were playin' shit music.
So I told the bartender, I told him,
"You change that track,
or I'll come round there
and do it myself."
That barman was Marcus!
- [cheering]
- [Marcus] Come on!
Yeah, I fuckin' did!
And I asked him,
"Why aren't you playin' your own music?"
And he said, "Nobody wants to hear it."
Didn't you?
And I told you
I told you we'd make everyone
on God's green Earth hear it.
We fuckin' did! Come on!
Right. And then his mates turn up.
[Anna] Mwah! Mwah!
and David.
Who'd have thought it, eh, Anna?
When you walked in carrying
your art history notes,
that you would find yourself
counting more than 20 million peseta
after every single gig.
Whoo! Whoo!
[Marcus] Whoo! I love you!
[Axel] Back in Manchester,
we thought we were the good guys
and the cops were the bad guys.
- [booing]
- And when my dad chucked me out,
I thought
he was just shitting on my dreams.
But nobody could stop us.
And we got what we came here for.
[cheering and whistling]
I can't get excited about that anymore.
I tried to look back at who I was
when I was makin' those early tracks,
and I don't recognize myself.
I don't.
Do you know what kills me
is that I think my dad was right
is he was the good guy
not me.
So I'm gonna start again.
And I'm gonna burn everything
that got us to where we are now.
And I want you to do the same.
I want you to burn it all,
'cause I wanna be free.
[boy] Free!
[crowd chanting] Free! Free! Free! Free!
Free! Free! Free! Free!
["Energy Flash" by Joey Beltram playing]
[crowd] Free! Free! Free! Free!
[flies buzzing]
[Boxer sighs]
["Rock'n Roll" by Espanto playing]
- Hey, come on ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- [groans]
- Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Come on ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
No soporto las corazas
Que se imponen las personas ♪
No soporto las personas
Que nos tratan como idiotas ♪
No soporto las serpientes
Ni las ratas ♪
Ni los escaparates ♪
[woman, in Spanish]
What’s this guy doing?
[man] I don't know.
[woman] What's he doing?
[in Spanish] Do you have a phone?
There's been an accident,
and I've run out of battery.
[phone ringing]
[in English] Dad?
[man] It's Lieutenant Gonzalez
from the Civil Guard.
your father's had an accident.
What what kind of accident?
The agents are getting
the certificate ready.
Um they believe your father was driving
too fast along the forest road
and lost control of the vehicle.
We need some information about him.
I'm so sorry.
[low radio chatter]
[Zoe sighs]
What are you doing here?
He didn't get to the port
at Sant Antoni, so
I went to look for him
where I last saw him and
But he
He already had the accident. I'm sorry.
No No, please. Zoe.
- Please.
- No, no. [speaks Spanish]
[in Spanish] No?
- You feel nothing?
- No.
I've read
there are people who,
after spinal injuries,
have a better sex life
than they did before.
- Oh, yes?
- Yes.
That's curious.
Where did you read that?
On the internet.
[both laugh]
I don't feel anything, but
I could still pleasure you.
Or if you need to,
you could see other men.
From now on, that wouldn't be a problem.
- What
- I'm okay.
- What have they done to you?
- Mum, I'm okay.
- What do you mean, "Okay"?
- They tried to kidnap me, Mum.
When? What happened?
- But but
- Mum
I'm okay.
It was the Martínez family.
Have you called Boxer?
And I did something else, too.
I killed the guy
who was trying to kidnap me.
The son of a bitch who was trying
to fuck with me, fuck with this family.
I am no longer afraid.
I don't regret what I did.
We're done bowing our heads,
begging for peace.
From now on, we'll hit back
against every blow we get,
but ten times harder.
[in English] Your father and I were
investigating your brother's death
just as we did 20 years ago.
The scientists' report
is not finished, but
everything points to an accident.
But I have reasons to believe
that it wasn't.
What do you mean?
Look, I know that my father kidnapped
Oriol Calafat, kept him in his van.
This is a reprisal
from the Calafat family.
Are you sure?
They cleaned the camper van
very thoroughly before the police arrived.
It had to be a professional.
It was that bastard.
[door opens]
Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Twenty years ago,
he threw your father off the island.
Oriol Calafat murdered your brother.
- Your son's gone to India.
- [snarls]
And when Boxer found out
we were getting close,
he threatened to kill you.
That's why he left.
Now, they have killed your father,
but maybe we can also get them
for your brother's death.
Go back to Manchester.
Get away from this island,
from the Calafats.
- Please.
- Thank you.
[phone rings]
[Anna] Zoe, it's Anna.
I know that last time
we spoke to each other,
we both said some awful things
that we didn't mean, but
- Anna
- I'm getting married
in a few hours,
and I would really like you to be there.
It's just gonna be a small thing.
David, the girls.
That's about it, really.
Anna, I I can't.
Please, just just let me talk.
Zoe, we've known each other
since we were kids.
You know, you've seen me sober.
You've seen me drunk.
You've seen me laugh and cry and dance
and make a fool of myself.
You've even seen me making love,
for God's sake.
There's not many people on this island
that can say that.
I'd just really like you to be there.
I'd love to come, but
I'm in a police station.
My dad was in an accident.
He's dead.
Do you know
when we first got together, I was like,
She's as immature as I am.
How's this gonna work?" [laughing]
"It's gonna be a car crash."
So I said to meself
"I've got to get rid of a few things."
- The spliffs.
- I know.
The flip-flops.
Oh, my God. The all-nighters.
[Kika chuckles]
Growing up is the worst, but for you
I'd do it.
And a panama suit
ain't a bad way to start, right?
Wait. I thought you were doing it
out of respect for Anna, not for me.
Come here.
I don't feel that way
about Anna anymore.
For the first time I can remember.
It's taken 23 years of living together
and two years of divorce, but that's okay.
[both laugh]
We've been through everything together.
Oh, and I mean everything.
It was a
wonderful fuckin' love story.
You know, the secret are the three Fs.
What's the three Fs?
Friendship, fidelity,
and fuckin' like rabbits.
Oh, fuck.
Kika, I'm sorry. Uh
Oh, man. Goin' on about me ex like that.
- No, that's [sighs]
- Look, no. I
I don't know what I was thinking.
I don't mind that, Marcus.
But you do know
that Anna slept with Axel, don't you?
How do you know?
[Axel] Listen. I know you're angry
and we've broken up,
but I really want you to come.
[Kika] I'm not going, Axel.
I never want to see you again.
I don't want you to call
or wait for me after school.
[boy] Hi, Axel.
And you can get rid
of that tattoo on your chest
because I'm never getting back with you.
Hey. Little one, you were right.
I can't carry on like this.
It doesn't matter, Axel.
It really doesn't matter.
No, no, no. It does matter.
Everything's gonna change today.
When I leave all this behind,
I need you with me.
Kika, you're the only thing from
my old life that I want in my new one.
[Kika] I didn't go.
And then I never saw him again.
You know why I didn't go?
I asked him what had happened
to make him change all of a sudden.
And he said, "I've hit rock bottom.
I've slept with Anna."
Why didn't you tell me before?
In all these years.
I don't know, Marcus. I
Sometimes you get involved
in other people's relationships
and it also screws it up for them.
And yours was so unique.
I couldn't do that to you.
And I don't know
if you had an arrangement with Anna.
Or if maybe you knew.
[knock at door]
[in Spanish] Come in.
Hay dos mujeres fuera
que preguntan por Mr. Ward.
Dicen que son DJs.
[in English] There are two women
asking for you downstairs.
They say they're the DJs.
I'm gonna take a shower
and then go to the hairdresser,
- and I'll see you later, okay?
- See you later.
[woman] Hi. Marcus?
Do we know each other?
You are friend of Grigor and Yuri,
- Thank you.
- Mm-hmm.
[chuckles] Not really friends, you know.
More like acquaintances.
I'm wife of Grigor.
She wife of Yuri.
It's two weeks since we hear from them.
You are their client.
What do you know
about their disappearance?
Me? Nothin'.
I thought they'd gone back to Romania.
[Grigor's wife] No, they haven't.
And we are very, uh worried
'cause the police are looking for them.
Um, they found their boat
90 miles from the
Cum îi zice, fă, la ăla?
- Shore.
- Yeah, the
- From the shore.
- shore.
With their clothes,
their fishing equipment, their drugs.
- [scoffs]
- Sh.
Sh, yes. Yes, sh.
Uh, not a good sign.
We come to Ibiza
to find out what happened.
I I don't know what to tell you,
you know.
I'm desperate for 'em to turn up meself,
you know. They left me high and dry.
If I knew where they were,
I'd have gone to find 'em.
Good luck.
It's five o'clock.
It's time to call the police.
- Uh, give me your mobile.
- [Grigor's wife] Don't have data.
Do you have roaming?
- [Yuri's wife] Uh, to make call.
- [Grigor's wife] Mm-hmm.
- Yeah.
- [Yuri's wife] Uh, show me your phone.
[clears throat]
- Here.
- Let's see.
What the fuck are you doing?
My ex-wife is getting married
in a couple of hours.
- I'm meant to be a witness
- Just a moment.
Calm down. Raluca, hurry.
Listen, um Raluca?
Just give me back my phone right now,
or I'm gonna fuckin' lose it.
And that wouldn't be good for any of us.
They know me round here.
[Grigor's wife chuckling]
Okay. No, make the call.
Make the call.
Why Grigor call you 16 times
and you not answer?
Look. June 8th.
Right before he disappeared.
Are you lying to me?
Hmm? You little piece of shit.
No! For fuck's sake.
Look, I I didn't pick up
'cause I was at a friend's memorial.
Just give me it back.
- She will, but first, come into the truck.
- [whirring]
What truck?
[Grigor's wife] Johannes is inside.
Finnish guy.
What the fuck is this?
[Grigor's wife] And brother, Dragos.
And father, Florin.
- [pop music on radio]
- How how are you doing, Mr. Florin?
What's up, Marcus?
[Grigor] We waited for you yesterday,
Marcus, but you didn't come.
That's strange because you have my drugs,
but I don't have your money.
So I asked Yuri,
"How long do we give him?"
- He says
- [Yuri] Two hours.
[Grigor] Two hours. I say, "It's Marcus."
- He says
- [Yuri] Okay, 24.
[Grigor] Okay, 24.
And now you're not picking up.
That's just a message, for fuck's sake.
Look, I I was late making a payment,
and and they got a bit upset.
It wasn't late, Marcus.
You didn't pay it. I know.
I do family accounts.
You are number two suspect.
are number one.
[Raluca] One of you killed them,
so I make one of you
swallow balls.
[Johannes] It was that asshole.
For fuck's sake! I I didn't kill nobody.
What the fuck are you talking about?
You took those drugs.
He was in a boat nearby the area
the day of the procession.
I'm going out with the daughter
of the richest guy on the fucking island.
Why would I need to kill a couple
of drug dealers for a few packets of coke?
He killed Yuri and Grigor
because he couldn't fucking pay.
- [Marcus] Oh, fuck off!
- Then he sank them in the sea
and took all my fucking coke!
- Yeah! I bet they're still down there.
- [laughs]
Oh! Look at him, eh?
Shouting, making accusations.
Oh! Perhaps it's because
you've got something to hide, Johannes.
I'm gonna fuck you up,
you fucking fuck-face!
- Hey, hey!
- Okay. No, all right. Look, look, look
Let's just go out there and we'll see.
I can get us a boat, diving equipment.
Let's go and take a look for 'em,
then we'll see
who's gonna eat their balls.
[Anna sighs]
Let's go.
Can I drive?
I need to do something mindless.
[Anna] Sure.
Deje su mensaje después de la señal.
[in Spanish]
Today, I had to lie to someone.
I did it for you, Mr. Calafat.
I don't think I can keep doing it.
I'm not the person I used to be.
[Anna, in English] You can move in,
and I'll look after you.
You'll not have to worry about anything.
Nothing at all.
[in Spanish] Thank you for everything
you've done for me,
I am very tired.
[in English] Put your belt on.
[in Spanish] And I'm getting too old
to live above a club.
Please accept my resignation, Andreu.
[tires screeching]
[Anna, in English] Zoe, slow down! Zoe!
[Boxer groans]
[Anna gasps]
Zoe! What have you done?
Have you killed him?
Not yet.
[Anna] What?
[Zoe] Help me.
- Grab his arm.
- Uh
- Why
- Come on!
- All right. What now?
- Open the boot.
[Marcus] Anna, open the fucking boot!
[Zoe] Open the boot!
[Marcus] Open the fucking boot!
Anna! Open the fucking boot!
Come on! What are you waiting for?
Open the boot!
Lift. [grunts]
[Anna] Zoe
Zoe, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Zoe, what are you doing?
This bastard knows everything
about my dad and my brother's death.
Twenty years ago,
he said he was gonna kill me.
If you don't want to help me,
I'll do it on my own.
Do you wanna tell me
what the hell we're gonna do with him?
Uh Let's go to the bay
where Oriol keeps his boat.
I've got an idea.
Yeah, okay.
Okay. Okay.
[engine starts]
- Do you know somewhere quiet we can go?
- Yeah.
I can't! I can't fucking dive.
I've screwed up me leg.
Falling off a ladder in me garage.
Auzi, fă? Dacă- i şchiop,
să nu se înece, dracu, pe acolo…
Bine, hai, rămâne cu noi, na
Dragoş, te duci singur cu finlandezu’!
Marcus, you stay with us.
[Marcus panting]
This is a step up from the harpoon, Zoe.
Shut your mouth.
- [water blasts]
- [yells]
You knew exactly who I was,
right from the very start.
You kicked my father off Ibiza
20 years ago.
You knew Oriol Calafat killed my brother,
and you tried to cover it up.
That's why, for the exact same reason,
you drove my father off the fucking road
and you killed him.
When I arrived there, he was already dead.
I was the one who called the police. Fuck!
Don't lie! Stop fucking lying to me!
All that stuff about wanting
something with me is bullshit!
You're a fucking arsehole,
and you have destroyed my life
to protect a killer!
Zoe, that is enough.
You wanted to control me.
You wanted to know what I was finding out.
Just in case you needed to kill me
in my sleep.
I wouldn't be surprised
if you killed those Romanians
just so that I would owe you.
[water blasts]
[Zoe sighs]
Have you brought me here
just to let off steam
with a water pistol, harpoon girl?
I brought you here to tell me the truth.
[water blasts]
[Boxer chuckles]
[gasps] Huh?
You want to know the truth?
I've never cooked a lasagna
at four in the morning in my life.
I live alone.
But then you were there,
and it seemed
like the most romantic thing ever.
I did it because I liked you.
I never dance, for fuck's sake!
I never painted women's feet before.
What I told you in that message,
it was true.
You are the closest I've ever been to love
in my whole damn life.
Shut up.
Nothing we've been through has been a lie.
And you can skin me alive
with that hose,
but that won't change a thing.
Did Oriol Calafat kill my brother or not?
No, he didn't.
He burned his club down.
He made him rip his tooth
out of his mouth.
- He hated Axel.
- Yeah. Oh, he hated him!
But he didn't kill him!
For fuck's sake! Oriol got everything
he wanted from your brother.
Axel sold him all his clubs,
all his property,
all the rights to his music,
and and for a really low price.
I had to call a a special
family attorney just to get it signed.
That was a week
before your brother disappeared.
Why would he do that?
I really don't know.
- How do you know that Oriol paid him?
- I was the one who handed the money over.
Oriol paid him in small denomination notes
of 1,000 pesetas.
The takings of his clubs over the summer.
Just to fuck him over.
And what happened to the money?
Ask his friends.
I was about to ask Marcus
when you shot me in the leg.
That wasn't just Axel's money.
It belonged to all four of them.
He burnt it.
What did you take tonight, Axel?
- [sighs]
- What you said in the bonfire.
We weren't any better back in Manchester.
We were rough.
You really think you're better off now
than you were in Manchester?
[Anna] Mm-hmm.
[Anna] Your brother lost his mind,
and he made a bonfire, and he put
every single penny that he made
from selling our clubs on it.
[Axel] We're in a dark place, Anna.
I've fucked my best mate's wife.
That's why I burnt it all.
What exactly was on that bonfire, Axel?
All our money.
I sold everything to Oriol.
All the clubs, everything.
And now we can start again.
Anna, we didn't come here for the money.
We came here for the music.
We came here to be free.
- Look at me.
- Mm.
[Anna gasps]
[Axel yells] Look at me!
Do I look free to you?
[echoing gasps]
[phone rings]
David, it's not a very good time
at the moment.
I hope you're looking
for some last-minute guests
'cause all we got here are waiters.
[Anna sighs]
I've told you,
it's just an intimate thing.
All right. Maybe I won't even make it.
What are you talking about? Where are you?
Hi, David. It's Zoe.
You all right, Zoe?
Did you kill my brother at his party?
Anna just told me
that Axel burned all your money.
A hundred million pesetas
seems like a good reason to me.
Are you serious?
Did you do it, David?
[Dragos] He was lying.
No bodies of Grigor and Yuri down there.
[Marcus] Where's Johannes?
[Dragos] Unfortunate accident.
He's fucking killed him!
What the fuck do you care, huh?
You say he was lying.
You say he killed husbands.
You are a good liar, Marcus.
But you don't trick us with money.
You owe us
230,000 euros,
plus 20% interest.
Două sute şapte-şase.
[Raluca] 276,000 euros.
No problem for you, right?
Now you have big shot father-in-law.
[all cackling]
[Grigor's wife] We come to live on Ibiza.
Good business.
Nice place to live.
- Fuck off.
- Bye-bye.
- Te-am pupat, puiule!
- Hai pa, păpuşă! Te kiss you, Marcus!
- Să fii cuminte, da?
- Pa pa!
Don't talk to strangers anymore.
Oh! Enjoy the wedding!
What the fuck is this?
- A Korean horror movie?
- [Anna] Hey.
- Why's he strung up?
- David, calm down.
No, I don't wanna calm down!
You've totally lost it, Zoe.
I didn't do anything to your brother.
I couldn't have.
Why not?
Because I was with someone that night,
Off me nut. I didn't wake up
till five the next afternoon,
so I wasn't really in the perfect state
to commit the perfect fucking murder.
And by that point, I didn't even know
Axel had burnt all our money.
I was just in it.
There's 600 people
having the time of their lives,
except one.
Well, I need your love ♪
Well, I need your love ♪
Well, I need your love ♪
Don't make me wait too long ♪
[Oriol, in Spanish]
What the fuck have you done?
It's my mother, for fuck's sake!
You've tattooed my mother on my balls!
I did it next to your balls.
Besides, you made me.
It was your bloody challenge.
If you want to know what I think,
it's better than the tooth.
Oh, you think so?
What the fuck am I going to tell my mother
when she sees it?
Tell me!
I can't let go ♪
[in English] It's like coming out of
your mum's womb, man.
- Come on!
- [cheering]
I could see him,
in amongst all the madness,
just looking lost and and vulnerable.
I could tell, you know, he just
he just wanted to forget.
And by that point,
I fucking knew how to do that.
We didn't know what we were doing,
who we were. We were just two
lost souls, you know,
coming together in that moment.
[David] Can I see?
It's not that bad.
- Your mother is very pretty.
- [both laugh]
You think so?
[both sighing]
[David] And then when the gear wore off,
then, you know,
one thing led to another.
I don't know
if it was his first gay experience or not,
but what I do know is it was wonderful.
So, what about the blood in the car?
- What about my brother's tooth?
- Anybody could have taken the keys,
but Oriol didn't kill anyone
before five at the earliest.
- [Zoe] Why haven't you said anything?
- [David] What?
I got Andreu Calafat's son
fucked on smack for the first time.
I didn't wanna piss off
the most important man on the island.
You wanted proof
that Oriol didn't kill your brother.
Well, there it is.
- Zoe, no!
- Zoe! Zoe!
- Don't!
- Zoe!
Did you kill my father?
You left me at the port.
You went and found him. Did you kill him?
I didn't do it.
That's the truth.
[softly] Fucking liar!
Did Oriol Calafat kill him?
He didn't do it, either.
I arrived there, I set him free,
and I told him to go
so he wouldn't get caught up in it.
[softly] It was an accident.
I'm gonna believe you.
- [Zoe grunts]
- [Boxer sighs]
[Boxer coughing]
[Boxer sighs] No, it's okay.
In this fucking world,
we're all fighting the expectations we had
when we were younger.
We imagined that we would build this tower
of light and sensation and ecstasy,
but life is the exact opposite of that.
Life is watching, day by day,
as that tower is torn down
and cast into the void
like pieces of a children's toy.
[car door closes]
[car pulls away]
[Anna] Zoe.
Sorry for ruining your wedding day.
Do you know how I met George?
I was having dinner with Marcus,
and he got up from the table next to me,
and he topped up my wine, and then
he asked me out for dinner the next night.
Imagine that.
Right there, right in front of me husband.
But instead of feeling offended,
I felt turned on.
And then today, the day when I'm supposed
to be marrying George,
all I can think about is Marcus.
You'd think after 23 years that
that love would be dead,
that you'd want a new life
with a different person.
But then you realize
that you've made a mistake.
It's the second biggest mistake
of my life.
That money belonged to all four of us,
you fucking arsehole!
Yeah. Now we get to start from scratch.
We each get a new life.
Who the hell do you think you are? Huh?
You can do what you like
with your own money, your own life,
but not mine.
Your life's just as toxic as mine.
Look at you.
Rubbing yourself up against me
so I'd fuck you,
when Marcus could turn up at any moment.
Have you ever stopped to think
why you do that?
[Anna] It started out
as a fascination.
And then it turned into an attraction.
[Axel] Maybe I make you so horny,
you just don't give a fuck. [chuckles]
Or you just wanna be with someone
who's charismatic and talented
and just makes life better!
Only reason you're with Marcus
is 'cause you can't be with me.
Marcus is a hundred times better than you,
you arsehole.
Nobody wants to be with a loser.
Unless you just wanna be adored,
no questions asked.
And he can't see you for what you are
'cause you convinced him
of this eternal fucking love.
But you're just a fucking scam.
Tell him.
Tell him what we've done.
Tell him that you're incapable
of loving him or anyone else,
'cause if you don't, I will.
Now, if you'll excuse me,
I'm gonna take one last line.
The fucking dregs.
[Anna] Oh.
Zoe, I I didn't kill him
because of the money.
I didn't kill him
because of all the horrible things
that he said to me.
It was the idea of losing Marcus.
It terrified me.
[Axel chuckles]
This is the only note left!
[laughing] Do you want it?
[wheezes and coughs]
A Anna!
I I ca
I ca Anna, help me.
[choking and gasping]
[gasping] Wh
[Anna] Help me!
- Help me!
- What? Why?
- What's up?
- I
What the hell happened?
Axel? Axel!
Anna! Anna!
[Anna gasping]
[keys rattling]
[Marcus] Anna, open the fucking boot.
Open the fucking boot!
[both whimpering]
[in Spanish] What's going on with
the champagne? Have you found it?
[in English] Marcus,
where have you been?
Where's Tanny?
She's not comin'.
- [Anna] I need to speak to him.
- [George] Okay.
I was thinking I might not come meself.
I've had a really complicated day.
What's happened?
I found out that night you killed Axel,
you was actually sleeping with him,
so that means for 20 years,
you've been deceiving me
to cover up a a a crime that
Well, ooh, I don't even
fucking know what it was.
What was it, Anna?
What was it?
[Marcus] What the fuck happened, Anna?
What the fuck have you done?
I don't know!
I don't know how it happened, Marcus.
I was off my head. We both were.
And then he started telling me some shit.
How we've all become terrible people.
So what?
So what?
He sold everything!
You know what was on that bonfire?
All our money.
He sold the clubs,
the rights to the music.
He left us with nothing!
So what?
He was our friend! Eh?
He was Axel!
[Anna whimpers] Oh, shit
[tires screeching]
[thunder crashing]
Marcus! Marcus!
Listen to me.
has been the most revelatory day
since that night.
All I could think about
- was having you by my side.
- [sighs] Oh, fuck.
On that night, 20 years ago,
and every day since.
Axel was wrong.
You're my family.
I still love you.
Did summat else happen, Anna?
Anna, if something happened,
just tell me, for fuck's sake!
Stop shouting at me.
Nothing else happened, Marcus.
He did a line,
and he sank into the pool,
and it seemed like he couldn't get out.
And I drowned him.
I pushed him to the bottom,
and he didn't do anything.
And neither did I.
You killed my best friend.
And I did nothing.
I have to live with that.
But so do you.
I did it for you, Marcus.
When I found out he burned everything,
all I could think about was us.
Our future, our plans,
all of it burned to ashes.
That's why I did it.
I am terrified of losing you.
- Fuck!
- [thumping]
[Anna whimpering]
[Anna sobbing]
[gasps] Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
[Axel gasping]
[Anna] He'll report me!
I'll go to prison!
[tires squealing]
- [Marcus yells]
- [Anna screams]
- [whimpering]
- [panting]
[Marcus sobbing]
[both gasping]
[both whimpering]
He's still alive!
- He's still alive!
- Shut the fuck up for one second!
[Anna] I can use this.
- [groans]
- [Anna] Fuck!
For fuck's sake!
[Anna] Give give me it.
- Give me that.
- [gasping]
- Oh
- [Anna sniffling]
[Axel sighing]
[Anna whimpering]
[Axel sighing]
I'm sorry.
[sobbing] I'm sorry!
[thunder rumbling]
[thunder echoing]
I am so sorry.
I am so sorry.
I really am. [gasps]
[celebrant speaking Spanish]
[Zoe] The truth is overrated.
One day you find out
that your brother has been murdered,
and you decide
that you have to know what happened.
You feel sure that when you do find out,
you'll get closure.
But it doesn't work like that.
When you find out the truth
it just leaves you cold.
But what you do realize
is all that matters
is the journey that you've been on.
Everything that you've been through.
You have to live your life full-on,
until you've run out of breath,
whatever the consequences.
You don't realize,
but your journey is only just beginning.
[Marcus] Do you wanna deal
with Pepe Martínez, once and for all?
Right now, there's a power vacuum
in Ibiza's drug business.
There's an opportunity
to take over the whole bloody thing.
[Andreu] Mmm.
[ice crunching]
But you've gotta act fast
before the Romanians take control again.
We can't let them get any bigger.
But we are not drug dealers, Marcus.
We just coordinate the dealing
in our clubs. Nothing more.
You need to start thinking big, Andreu.
You need a leader.
Someone who's gonna go to Afghanistan
and Amsterdam and make contacts.
What you really need
is someone who's gonna control the supply
from the source.
Bolivia or whatever.
And who's that man?
Boxer just resigned.
I'm your man.
[both laughing]
["Welcome to My World"
by Jim Reeves playing]
- Welcome to my world ♪
- Ooh ♪
- Won't you come on in? ♪
- Ooh ♪
- Miracles, I guess ♪
- Ooh ♪
Still happen now and then ♪
Step into my heart ♪
Leave your cares behind ♪
Welcome to my world ♪
Built with you in mind ♪
Ooh ♪
- Knock and the door will open ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- Seek and you will find ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- Ask and you'll be given ♪
- Ooh, ooh, ooh ♪
- The key to this world of mine ♪
- Ooh, aah ♪
Welcome to my world ♪
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