Will Trent (2023) s01e10 Episode Script

Pterodactyls Can Fly

- FAITH: Previously on Will Trent
Special Agent Mitchell is
under arrest for shooting a cop.
Special Agent Mitchell
was defending herself
against a criminal, and
she's coming home with me.
I saw someone today that I
hoped I would never see again.
I feel exactly like I did when I was 15.
I feel powerless.
But the fact that I'm here
right now means I'm in control.
What's my name, Trent?
It's Faith Mitchell.
- I investigated your mother.
- No.
You ended her 30-year, highly decorated
law enforcement career.
What's going on? You can tell me.
It was nothing.
I'm just really glad that Faith is okay.
Hey, Sean! You expecting company?
Hey, Uncle Pete! You seeing this?
It was a massacre. One shooter?
Yep. Picked them off one by one.
Not sure why GBI needs to be involved.
Here to help. You got IDs?
This is the Elmsway family.
Laura Elmsway, her
son, Sean, brother Pete,
and his wife, Gladys.
And the shooter?
GONZALEZ: Working on an ID.
Uh, fentanyl!
Oh, my gosh, it's
fentanyl, and I touched it!
Am I gonna die?!
Pretty sure that's laundry detergent.
Just wash your hands.
Either way, you'll be fine.
Not helping the cause, Barnes.
BARNES: That stuff'll kill ya.
I'd rather look stupid than be dead.
- Mission accomplished, snowflake.
You find any drugs on the premises?
Haven't searched yet, but Sean has had
a history of dealing.
That cluster of bullets
don't match the shooter's gun.
GONZALEZ: Was there a second shooter?
- There's someone behind the logs!
- Get down!
- Aah!
- Damn it.
We've got an active shooter
at the Elmsway place.
- Cover me. I'll get your guy.
- Yep.
- Come on. Okay, come on.
Keep flushing him out.
I take it back.
Delighted to have you
with us, Agent Trent.
How you doing, kid?
I am fine.
Look, we both know
coming back to desk duty
after administrative
leave is punishment.
- It's procedure.
Whatever. I'm fine with it.
Hmm. You know, I'm starting
to think you picked me
to be your peer counselor
'cause you think I'm a little dumb.
Look, I watched Tate Grillo
put a bullet in an innocent man's head.
I am not losing sleep over shooting him.
Nevertheless, I assume you didn't
become a cop to kill people.
You know, it's a cold, hard
fact that you took a life.
It's a big deal.
And the day it's not a big deal
is the day that you're
a menace to society.
Real talk, Faith.
It ain't gotta be me, but
you need to talk to somebody.
- WAITRESS: Enjoy.
Your dreams ♪
Feel like they're fallin' apart ♪
You need to find a brand-new start ♪
But you're almost afraid
to be true to yourself ♪
Oh, but it's all right ♪
- All right ♪
- Once you get past the pain ♪
- Past the pain ♪
- You'll learn to find your love again ♪
One of the authors of
the best-selling new book on
marriage and relationships
- definitely a a true self-help book.
- WOMAN: Yeah, well, um
Ma? What
This is worse than I thought.
Mom, what are you doing here?
Franklin said you needed some help.
My God, this place is a mess.
What is the TV doing on
in the middle of the day?
I really don't need any help,
and I'm sure you have
other things to do.
Oh, baby, I'm retired, remember?
- Oh, my God.
They murdered the entire family.
Went inside the trailers like
they were looking for something.
Sheriff says drugs.
Still, injured or not,
you'd think the shooter
would want to get the hell out of here.
Maybe he was lingering because, uh,
he really wanted those drugs.
He was hoping we wouldn't find them.
Hey. Hey.
It's okay.
It's all right.
My name's Will.
I'm with the Georgia
Bureau of Investigation.
Do you wanna come out?
Hey, I have a game.
Maybe you want to play?
Okay, so, first thing is, um
I'm gonna need you
to give me your hand.
Here you go.
Yeah, look at you scooting out of there.
Good job. [SIGHS]
Next thing, if it's okay with
you, I'm gonna pick you up.
Here we go. Hang on.
Hold on to me. Keep those eyes closed.
- All right.
All right.
Keep those eyes closed,
all right? No cheating.
Eyes are closed? You're fine.
Hey. Yeah, I'm fine.
FAITH: What do we
know about the shooter?
WILL: His name's Gary Keller.
He and the other shooter,
Eric Young, now dead,
they, uh, were in and out of
prison since they were teens.
B&E, robbery, and a whole
gamut of drug offenses.
What about the dead family?
One of the men, Sean Elmsway,
has a history of dealing heroin.
So drug deal gone wrong?
Territory skirmish?
Maybe. But if this was about drugs,
there's one problem
- TOGETHER: Where are the drugs?
- WILL: Exactly.
Who's that?
No one. What about your witness?
Not talking. Mm, no one knows who he is.
There's no record of a
child at that address.
I'll see what I can get out of him.
Keep you posted.
- Yeah, please do.
Ma, this is my case, so can you not
What? You don't think my 30 years
of law enforcement experience
might come in handy?
We used to always talk
through your cases together.
Oh, you think you know everything now.
I had a similar case in '95
Actually, I was hoping
to get through this one
without breaking any laws
or being disgraced, so no.
Hurtful. Your generation is very
good at blame.
My generation?
Are you kidding me? You always
- Wow.
You know, you can still be
snippy with me, dearheart,
but remember, I am still your mother.
You've been through something serious,
- and I wish you'd talk to me.
Hey. You ever gonna tell me your name?
It's all right.
You can talk when you're ready.
How about I call you Scoot for now,
since you're so good at scooting?
You hungry, Scoot?
I got somebody you should meet.
So, I guessed chicken
nuggets, but I also got a ton
- of fries and
a Cod of Love fish sandwich.
Maybe you're the one
person who likes it.
Thank you, Nico.
Could you, uh, pick up
a few clothes for him,
and a toothbrush, too?
Sure thing.
Scoot, I know it's scary,
but I'm gonna have to
ask you some questions
about what happened
because it's very important
that we find the bad guys who did this.
You don't have to talk
if you don't want to.
But maybe you can let me know
if I'm thinking the right way?
These sauces are the trailers,
and, uh, these fries are the highway.
Where did you stay?
The barbecue trailer.
That was Mr. and Mrs. Elmsway.
Are they related to you?
Scoot I'm very sorry for your loss.
So, the bad guys are
the chicken nuggets,
and they drive on in.
What did you see?
You see anybody else?
Keep looking!
There was a third chicken nugget?
Had you ever seen him before?
You remember what he looked like?
Was he my size? Taller?
He's tall like Wesley?
That's good.
Any chance you remember
what he was wearing?
White shirt?
Blue shirt?
Black shirt?
Look at you. [CHUCKLES]
You must be part elephant,
with a memory like that.
Will, there's, uh, someone that's
- What's wrong with your face?
Oh, I get it.
Okay, so, you know, before
human beings reach adulthood
and they report to work, they are small.
We call them children.
Actually, I should start with babies.
When two people are in love,
they give each other a special hug,
and a seed gets planted.
Why aren't you ripping my head off?
- Who do you have in the box?
- Known associate of one of our victims.
They were up to no good together.
What? Do you think he has information
on the cartel connection?
I'm gonna talk to him now.
Can you, uh, keep the child company,
or is that below your pay grade?
Of course. Carolyn! Get me some crayons.
It's so messed up, man.
I mean [STAMMERS] Sean?
You and Sean were arrested together
on drug charges a few years back.
Who was he dealing for?
Did you know his supplier?
I don't know, "dealing"?
That might be too strong a word.
I mean, Sean sold a
little of his own supply
to a few of his buddies
every once in a while.
That's about it.
What do you know about a 6-year-old boy,
possibly living with Sean?
Uh, there was a cousin
used to hang around.
Um, Kimmy? Klara? Klia?
I I heard she was knocked
up a few years back.
Can you describe her?
CLARK: A skinny girl in a hoodie.
Man, I was high all the time back then.
I'll put that very detailed description
into the computer and see what I get.
- Thank you.
Oh, is this the one?
So, this guy says Sean Elmsway
was just a recreational
user, nothing more.
- You think he's lying?
- WILL: Or he was being lied to.
Maybe Elmsway didn't want his
buddy being collateral damage
in case things went
down with the cartel.
Well, that didn't help his family.
SUSAN: Agent Trent?
Susan Whitlock.
I'm here from Child Protective Services.
We have a temporary placement
with a foster family for him tonight.
Hey, bud.
Hey, you know, why don't you, uh,
go grab a snack with Caroline
while I talk to this nice lady, hm?
All right, thank you.
See you in a bit.
CAROLINE: Right this way.
Who is this family?
I'm not sure what you're asking me.
How much time have you
spent there, recently?
Agent Trent, I don't understand
why you're questioning this placement.
In 1998, the last foster
home that I was placed in,
they told me it was great, too.
Then, one day, "Mommy"
because that's what she
liked to be called
Mommy was mad because I wore a
wrinkled shirt to Sunday school.
I made her look bad.
But she smiled right on through it.
Then when we got home,
she decided that she would iron it
while I was wearing it.
That was a great home! [CHUCKLES DRYLY]
Would you like to see the scar?
AMANDA: Will. Ms. Whitlock,
the GBI has serious concerns
for the boy's safety.
I am aware of the incident he witnessed.
Good. Then for the child's protection,
- we'd like to offer another solution.
Oh, she decides to show up!
- Here's that report you ordered, partner.
- Thank you.
You wanna tell me where
you've been all day?
I had a meeting, and then
I had lunch with my sponsor.
You had lunch with who with me?
Unless you got another sponsor
I don't know about, you lying.
- C'mon, man.
- FRANKLIN: Don't bring me into your mess.
This have anything to do with that creep
I hauled in for you last week?
You want to talk about it?
The man said he changed,
so I got no reason to
keep looking into him.
All right. Except, when he left here,
I saw his girlfriend
has a teenage daughter.
ORMEWOOD: And you can't
get it out of your head?
- No.
- And you want to check up on him.
Uh, yeah.
Okay, what?
Okay, let's check up on him.
It might make that feeling go away.
- Mnh-mnh?
- All right, yeah.
- All right.
We're all set for bed.
You can keep Betty for the night,
but you gotta make sure
you pet her evenly all over.
- I don't want her getting a bald spot.
- Okay.
Scoot speaks.
Oh. I'm honored.
Please, speak more.
Can you read me a story?
How about I, uh, make one up for you?
Does that work?
A long time ago, there was a, uh
brave, little mouse.
A brave, little pterodactyl.
And the, uh, pterodactyl
was missing his family.
So he got on his pterodactyl motorcycle,
and he drove around looking for them.
But pterodactyls can fly.
This one had a broken wing.
So he looked everywhere
on his motorcycle,
but he couldn't find them.
And even though he was very brave,
he began to feel sad and lonely.
And so he drove on his motorcycle
to the tallest mountain,
and he used his voice to
screech as loudly as he could.
And the family heard him.
And they flew to him,
and they hugged him.
And they told him what
a cool motorcycle he had.
And they were happy.
The end.
That's a good story.
Thank you.
Um, okay.
How about you tell me a story now?
Maybe a story about your mom?
She had to go away.
But she's coming back.
We got a lot in common.
My mother had to go away when
I was even younger than you.
Did she come back?
Of course she did.
And she gave the best hugs, too.
What was her name?
You know, I've been doing
an awful lot of talking.
It's your turn now, Scoot.
Can you tell me your mom's name?
- Kylie.
- Kylie.
You know, since we're
on the subject of names,
what's yours?
Theo. Theo Davis.
That's a fine name for a brave boy.
ANGIE: You've reached
Detective Angie Polaski.
- Please leave me a message or text me.
- [BEEP]
Angie, um, hey.
Haven't heard from you. Um
I don't know if you were
planning to come over tonight.
But, uh, I have a visitor, a kid.
We, uh, just found out who he is. Um
his dad's in prison, mom's M.I.A.,
and, uh, the rest of
his family was killed.
He's staying here.
It's kind of, uh,
stirring some things up.
I could use a little help.
Um, you're probably busy.
Yeah, anyway, if you get
this, um, give me a call.
- Bye.
REPORTER: It's a beautiful day
here in Atlanta at 74 degrees.
Feel better?
That shower was amazing.
- You were right.
- I know. Come sit.
So I think the best thing
for you to do today
Now, mind you how right
I was about the shower
You were.
The best next course
of action is to go in.
Yeah, you might be right.
So eat, get dressed, let's go.
You mean like "Let's go, team,"
or are you trying to say?
I just need to get my walking shoes.
Just a minute.
Seem out of place ♪
- Me watchin' sunshine ♪
Agent Trent and Junior Agent Theo.
Deputy Director has an
important assignment for you.
- Oh.
- All right, come with me.
WILL: You're here?
I am here.
EVELYN: I'm here, too.
Hello, Special Agent Will Trent.
Long time, no see.
What's it been, a few months
since you ruined my life?
Six months since you
ruined your own life, yes.
And by the way, the APD has been nothing
but lovely to me ever since.
How are you?
A pile of ash. Thank you for asking.
Mom, Will and I need
to discuss our case.
Confidential details.
Of course, dearheart.
I want to see Mandy anyway.
- All these reunions.
- Hm.
Far be it from me to
encourage any impropriety
amongst law enforcement officers.
Well, that went great.
What'd you find out?
I looked into the financial
records of our dead shooter
and his buddy at the hospital, Gary,
and get this they
each deposited $10,000
two days before the attack.
So this was a paid hit?
- Evelyn?
It's good to see you.
How are you?
Go screw yourself.
Oh, doing that well, huh?
Oh, no. I'm great.
Took a while to figure out how
to maneuver this stage in life
with your knife still in my back.
Oh, wow. I'm the traitor?
I knew there was something
rotten in my department,
so I came to you for help.
I thought maybe we could
work it out together
and root out the trouble. But instead
a bunch of your guys come into my office
to escort me out.
Evvy, we're like family.
You know that investigation
had to be by the book.
That's why I put Will on the
You could have given me a heads-up!
They stormed my office, Mandy!
Do you know how humiliating that was?!
Any way we handled it,
you would've been out.
Consider it a blessing.
We got rid of the problem officers,
and your name didn't get
dragged through the mud.
Like hell it didn't.
Mandy, I lost my job.
It was like losing a limb.
Oh, God. That's a bit dramatic.
Ma'am, the Atlantic
Star Standard'son line
Carolyn, hold my calls.
Her name is Caroline, for God's sake!
She's your assistant. She's got her name
right on her desk! Oh,
but of course, I'm sorry.
- You don't care.
Anything else?
Ma'am, the boy's
grandmother has been located.
You could've knocked me over
with a feather when they called.
My son Joey always
manages to find trouble.
He's in prison.
Breaks my heart.
He and Kylie dated, but
I had no idea they'd
had a baby together.
Theo mentioned that his,
uh, mother had to go away.
I wasn't sure what he meant.
She had herself mixed
up in drugs real bad.
Same reason my Joey's in prison.
Anyway, I have a big
house with lots of rooms
and a hardware business
that Theo will love.
CPS is going to have
to do an inspection,
and there's some paperwork to fill out.
Okay, well, I'll just
wait here to take him home.
H How about I, um
I drop him off myself when it's time?
AMANDA: How did she seem?
Like a nice grandmother.
Well, where's Theo?
Oh, he's playing with Caroline.
Why didn't anybody tell
me her name was Caroline?
'Cause everyone is terrified of you.
Your shooter, Gary Keller,
regained consciousness.
- Well, great. Let's go talk to him.
- Can I?
The citizens of Georgia
aren't paying you to sit around
- and talk about your feelings.
- Great.
EVELYN: I'll get my purse.
The shooters were hired, and
we need to find out by who.
- Whom.
- Whom.
You know, I think you can flip him.
This job was cheap, sloppy.
Obviously, they weren't professionals.
I told you to sit in the waiting room.
You're about to have
an emotional breakdown
at any second, so I need to be here.
Anyway, not that
anyone asked my opinion,
but never forget that people are dumb.
Uh, I know, Will, that you're a genius,
but not everyone's an
international assassin.
I've considered all of this.
- Thank you, Captain Mitchell.
- Mrs. Mitchell.
You know, your Aunt Mandy and I,
when we wanted to get a
suspect relaxed and talking,
we'd crush a Valium into their coffee,
and they'd sing like birds.
Ma, please stop talking.
What What did I say?
ORMEWOOD: His boss at the car
wash says he's the best worker.
And the guy at the
corner bar says he plays
a couple games of pool and drinks soda.
Yeah, I know. I was there.
Well, they say people can change.
- You believe that?
- God, no.
That's her.
All right, be back in a minute.
- See you guys tomorrow. Bye.
- Bye.
Crystal, hey, can I talk to you?
So, I wanted to ask you
about your mom's boyfriend.
- About Lenny.
- Who are you?
I'm I I'm someone
who used to know him.
And, um, when I knew him
he was not someone I could trust.
He He
did bad things with girls.
What do you mean? Lenny's nice.
Uh, has he ever done anything
that made you uncomfortable?
You're kind of making me uncomfortable.
I'm trying to do the right thing here.
Crystal, c'mon!
- I gotta go.
- Okay.
Wait, wait. Uh, one more thing.
Um, Detective Angie Polaski, okay?
If you need anything
I will believe you.
Did you just give her your
card with your name on it?
- He's gonna get you for that one.
- Yeah, he's gonna get me anyway.
I got all the time in the world, Gary.
Who hired you?
Johnny Cash.
Okay, see, my patience is running low.
I didn't say that was his name.
That was the name he gave me.
Obviously, his name isn't Johnny Cash.
Eric knew him, and Eric hooked me up.
- Now Eric's dead.
- Hmm.
- Johnny Cash.
- Mm-hmm.
The Man in Black.
Wait, who who's the Man in Black?
Johnny Cash. Keep up. How'd he get away?
When we heard the sirens,
he took off running.
I'd been hit hurt too much to run.
What'd I tell you? People
are dumb, dumb, dumb.
Johnny Cash is the third shooter.
Theo was right.
And what about the drugs?
- Ma, can you please?
- She's got a point.
Ya think?
Okay, Mrs. Mitchell, I'm not your enemy.
But this is my case and Faith's.
If you're gonna be here,
I'm assuming it's to help.
And I'm happy to have
your wisdom and insight,
but anything else, I
don't have time for.
- Are we good?
- Stellar.
Without the drugs, this
case doesn't make any sense.
You know that, right?
Doesn't make any damn sense at all.
- Detective Polaski?!
What business do you
have scaring my daughter,
giving her your card?
Maybe she should be scared.
Do you know who you're dating?
My fiancé told you to stay
Oh, your fiancé? Even better. Okay.
Lenny is a pedophile.
Ask me how I know.
Okay, okay. Let's just calm down here.
He is a good man. He paid his debt.
- He didn't pay what he owes me.
- Angie, you need to settle down.
Ma'am, just take a deep breath, okay?
Oh, I'm sorry. Do you not like me coming
in your job, making a scene?
Why are you protecting him instead
of protecting your daughter?
If I had a kid, and there
was any slightest thought
that someone was preying
on them, I would
Wow. Wow. You're into it?
This woman is harassing my family.
Okay, all right. You
want to file a complaint?
We can do it at my desk.
So it's cool if he
messes around with her
as long as you get a
ring on your finger?
- Is that it?
- Hey! Enough! Enough!
Come on. Enough.
ANGIE: Hey! I'm okay.
- I'm all right. I'm all right.
- FRANKLIN: No, you're not.
- You could get fired for that!
the foster father that
raped me and got me pregnant,
and she's his dumbass fiancée.
She has a 15-year-old daughter!
[VOICE BREAKING] Man, it makes me sick.
- I take it you've been tailing him?
- Well, you find anything?
- No, I didn't find anything!
But I don't need to find
anything! I know! I know.
He needs to be stopped.
Yeah, but not like this.
Now, you're scaring the hell out of me.
- You talk to Will about it?
- No.
- Why not?
I don't know.
Well, are you waiting for
somebody else to know for you?
Fine, I
I haven't told Will the truth
because the truth is that
God! No matter what I say,
he's gonna know I'm lying.
Okay. Practice on me.
What's the truth?
I have that feeling again, you know,
like I'm gonna do something.
Talk to him. Secrets, they mess you up.
You know that.
You gave the girl your
card. You did your part.
Don't let this cat become
your next addiction.
He's taken enough from you.
Don't you turn around and
throw away your career,
- the life you built for this sorry ass.
What's Cap gonna say when he finds out?
Cap ain't gon' hear about it.
- I got you.
WILL: This car is fantastic, honestly.
It's got cup holders everywhere,
even has a built-in vacuum.
Yeah, but why did you rent a minivan?
WILL: You don't put a
child in a '73 Porsche.
Any luck on who our
Johnny Cash might be?
I've got a clerk at the
minimart near the crime scene,
said there was a guy in the parking lot
all winded like he'd been running,
hung around until an SUV
pulled in and picked him up.
I've got a tech reviewing
surveillance footage.
All right, keep me posted.
- Okay, bud. We're here.
Mitchell. Oh. Uh-huh.
Uh, it's something. Thank you.
Thank you, thank you.
It was a green Chevy Blazer.
Another guy at the wheel.
No digits, though.
KATHLEEN: Well, look
who's here. Hello, my boy.
- Hi.
- Did you bring a friend?
Nice place you got here.
Gotta love a hardware store.
Thanks. My late husband and I
started small, but here we are.
Would you like to meet your uncles?
This is Aaron,
and over there is Deacon.
He's locking up.
Well, um, all right, bud.
Um, it's been fun hanging.
Oh, you know, he, um
he's giving me the, uh,
"I need the bathroom" code. Can we?
Back of the store, the right-hand side.
Just be a minute. Come on.
Hey. What's going on?
That's the guy.
The third nugget.
This is Special Agent Trent of the GBI.
I need backup at Marigold
Hardware immediately.
Suspects are armed.
KYLIE: Where's Theo?! Where's my son?!
Your son is safe, Ms. Davis,
but I need to ask why you left him.
It was a job in Ohio, good money.
I'm a nurse.
Theo and I were staying at my cousin's
while I saved up for a place.
The job was only two months,
and the shifts were 12 hours,
thought it would be better.
[CRYING] Please, let me see him.
My partner Will took Theo
to his grandmother's place.
Kathleen Marigold?
Kathleen? Why?
She's been trying to get
Theo from me for a year.
Ever since she found out about him.
She called CPS on me.
She said I used drugs.
- Everything okay in there?
Yep, just a minute.
Okay. You crawl as far as you
can, and you stay very quiet.
You gotta take care of Betty.
She's counting on you.
I will find you.
All right, go hide.
Yeah, poor little guy.
He's been backed up.
You know, all that stress
with everything going on.
Aaron, go get the boy.
Why's the door locked?
Deacon, get his gun.
Didn't bring it. All right?
I don't carry it around the boy.
This all about custody, Kathleen?
You kill that family just to make sure
no one else had a claim to him?
He's a Marigold.
Aaron, the door!
- He's not in here.
He must've gone up in the ceiling.
Theo! Come on out, buddy!
KATHLEEN: None of this is your fault.
Theo, Grandma's waiting.
- Don't move!
- Stop that.
Put the gun down and
tell that boy to stay put.
We're coming to get him.
I'm putting it down. Easy.
[SCREAMS] You shot my finger off!
Shut up! On your knees!
- Hands behind your back.
- [SOBS]
- There you are.
Hey, you did great, Theo.
Come with me. Come on.
Hold Betty, okay? Here we go.
One, two, three, all right.
Now, why am I not surprised?
I'm not gonna stop.
I can't I can't do
that. You're a monster.
- You need to leave my family alone.
- Family?
What do you know about family?
They They don't deserve this.
I didn't deserve what you did to me.
Didn't you?
You want some truth, Angie-pants?
You were 15 going on 30.
The way you'd do the
little walk when you knew
that I was watching you.
The tight jeans, huh?
You gave all the boys a little taste.
But what you wanted was a man.
And all I did was give you one.
15 is 15.
And you are still garbage. I knew it.
Well, pot, meet kettle. [CHUCKLES]
Hey, Lenny.
Enjoy your day. I mean that.
Go see a movie or
something. Make it nice.
Because I'm gonna kill you.
And you will never see it coming.
If I could, I'd cry once more ♪
- If I could, waterfall ♪
Warm and clear, crystal blue ♪
Got you two extra neckties.
People are gonna tell
you that the correct way
to store a tie is to hang them.
They're wrong.
We roll them.
Oh, oh, I'd bathe you ♪
You look good.
Um, always keep your look sharp, Theo.
It helps.
And, um, keep this in your pocket.
Once more ♪
Oh, oh, I'd save you ♪
Where do I work?
Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Mm-hmm. And who do you ask for?
- Will Trent.
- Who?
Special Agent Will Trent.
That's right. Yeah.
Don't forget, you got
that pterodactyl call, too.
Let me hear it.
- Yep. That's good, buddy.
- If I could ♪
I'd cry once more ♪
If I could ♪
Oh. Oh! [GRUNTS] Okay.
Warm and clear, crystal blue ♪
- I'd shower you ♪
You want some milk? You
still need your calcium.
I'll get it. I'll get it.
If I could, oh ♪
If I could ♪
You know, too bad we didn't know
about those nut milks sooner.
They're better for you,
and you don't have to have
all those hormones in there.
- You know, your brother went vegan.
Wash you of the sins that plague you ♪
And you'd be free once more ♪
What if I'd convinced
Sam to turn himself in?
If I prevented it all
from going down like that,
I I could've I I could
Rid you of the
curses that plagued you ♪
I don't want that to ever happen again.
Well, you could get a
job at an accounting firm.
Researcher, nail tech, anything safer.
But you chose this job
a job that will kick
your behind every time.
It's a job with purpose
and authority, risk.
And a job you chose
while being a Black woman.
It's a fact
You ended Tate Grillo's life
while doing your job.
You own what you did.
Respect that life.
Every asshole is somebody's child.
And then, you do what you have to do
prayer, therapy, talking to your mom.
And you'll be free ♪
So you can continue doing your job.
I'd save you ♪
- Rid you of the curses that plague you ♪
- Come on.
- Give you all the praises ♪
Then bring you back to shore ♪
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