Wind Breaker (2024) s01e10 Episode Script


Thanks, everyone, for coming!
Did you all have fun?
So what's happening?
I don't know
You're hilarious as always, Ume-chan!
All right! We're done for today!
Let's head home!
Hey, do you know any shops
around here that have takeout?
Huh? Why do you ask?
'Cause we're having an after-party,
of course! Yay!
Yay! Cheers!
Good job today, guys!
What's this?
Why are we doing this outside?
It's a party! We gotta have it outside!
-Sakura-san, it's wet everywhere.
-What the hell is happening here?
Looks like it was raining a lot, huh?
Oh! They all look delicious!
Exactly what you'd expect
at a bar district!
All right, let's dig in!
It's good!
They're all so good!
Yeah, it's really good.
Oh, they gave us a lemon!
You idiot! Don't squirt it on everything!
I'm surprised they can still
eat in a situation like this.
Oh, you think so too, Suo-san?
Thank goodness.
Oh, I'm on a diet. That's all.
A diet?
What's wrong with him?
How can he share a meal with a guy
he was fighting just a moment ago?
can that even be considered a fight?
How is he capable of something like that?
I would never
Hm? What's wrong, Togame?
You're not eating at all!
I'm sorry.
Looking back, this whole incident
started because of me.
The reason why Shishitoren
began to rot from the inside
From yesterday's raid to today's fight
All of that
I'm truly sorry for
the trouble I've caused.
Kame-chan, but that's my
You heard them.
What do you say, Sakura?
You decide.
I'll accept any punishment.
That's just the right thing to do.
You better change and become a cool guy!
Don't you ever do lame things again!
Got it?
I promise.
All right!
That settles this matter for good!
Oh, what's this?
It's fried burdock roots!
Ume-chan, you're the top, so why do
you look like you're having so much fun?
I simply like eating.
I like eating, too!
Curry is my favorite!
How about you?
I like omelet rice.
But rather than the food
I like being with everyone
and having fun together while eating.
We talk about stuff, laugh like idiots,
and feel like all the bad things
don't matter anymore.
Spending time like that
is what makes me happy the most.
That's why I'm having
so much fun right now.
And, well
that has nothing to do
with me being at the top.
I knew it. That's right.
I remember.
I was already having fun
before I became the top.
I was having fun, too,
when everyone was smiling.
But I didn't realize that back then
so I thought I would have
even more fun being the top.
But why
didn't I realize that sooner?
Well, it's not like everyone
feels thankful for oxygen
every time they breathe.
That just means that the fun you have
is so close to you that it feels natural.
Good thing you realized that
before you lost them for good.
I'm really relieved.
Also, can I ask one more thing?
If you knew that all along
why did you still become the top?
Because I want to always have fun
eating together with everyone!
If everyone can be happy
and smile together
then I can have my meal with joy.
And when I thought about how
I could make that happen
the answer was to become the top of Furin.
That's all.
It's not like I strived to become one.
It's just that I had something
I wanted to do by becoming the top.
If there was another way
to make it happen,
I would've probably done that instead.
But if that was the case
I wouldn't have been able
to eat with you guys like this.
You're really amazing, Ume-chan!
You became the top while knowing
full well what you wanted to do.
Nah, I didn't "become" one.
I was given the title.
You can't become the top
when you're alone, right?
I only became the top
because everyone supported me.
They agreed with my vision
and wanted to help me.
So when I became the top, I realized
my dream was no longer just my own.
That is why to make that dream a reality
no matter how difficult,
no matter how unreasonable,
no matter how absurd the path is
I will never lose.
You're really shouldering a lot
on your back, huh, Ume-chan?
Your fists are light.
Do you know why?
Because they don't shoulder anything.
No wonder my fists are so light.
I could never win against you.
See ya!
You guys should come play
at our place next.
The stuff here was great, but we've
got a lot of great food over there, too!
Of course!
I wish I brought something.
I forgot I brought the anpan from Cactus!
Wanna try?
Their breads are still good
even when they're cold!
I don't think being cold
is the problem at that point.
I'll treat you with
a freshly baked one next time!
See you later!
There they go.
Hey, Kame-chan.
I know.
I know what I did can't be
forgiven with a simple "sorry."
But I don't know what else I should do
or what I can do
Even so
need all of you.
Me too.
I still did what I did.
I want to make up for it
But I don't know what I should do
after I apologize.
But that's why
I think we have to face the consequences.
Let's look for the answer.
Together this time.
What's the matter?
Even after it's been crushed this badly,
it is still a proper anpan!
This is good!
I wonder how it tastes
when it's freshly baked.
Huh? It's raining again?
Oh, you're right.
It's so weird.
Even though the sun parted the clouds
Welcome back.
Wait, Sasaki? You were waiting
for us this whole time?
I told you to leave it to us, didn't I?
It's all over now.
Thank you
so much!
We're back!
Welcome ba
Huh, wait? You got all patched up already?
-Shishitoren wasn't much, then?
-Kotoha! I'm back!
Yeah. We're apparently friends, now?
You guys always go all out, huh?
Are you guys okay?
This much is no big deal.
And you look pretty fine.
I don't sweat much.
And you look so beaten up, too, Sakura.
Welcome back.
Because you are alone.
I only became the top
because everyone supported me.
They agreed with my vision
and wanted to help me.
What's wrong, Sakura-san?
You've been awfully quiet
on the way back, too.
I'm leaving.
Huh? Sakura-san? What's the matter?
Now hold it there.
Today is a momentous day!
We gotta celebrate!
Kotoha! Make us some of your
special coffee, won't you?
There's nothing to celebrate!
You managed to converse
with your opponent today!
Today is your
"first fist conversation" anniversary!
Huh? You're making no sense!
What's a "first fist conversation"
Hmm, maybe like the salad anniversary?
-If you want, then do it without me
want to talk with you.
I thought you could become
the top all by yourself.
That the strongest one around
gets to be the top.
But it seems like I was wrong.
So, how was it?
How was your talk with Togame?
I told you I didn't talk with him.
I didn't hear any words from his fists.
Oh, I see. So that's how you took it?
You're quite the dreamer,
aren't you, Sakura-kun?
Sakura-san, that's not
what he meant by that.
What's with all of you? Stop laughing!
Sorry. It's my fault for
not explaining it to you properly.
Still, you're pretty pure.
I wasn't talking about telepathy.
Not even I could hear anything
through punches.
When I said fists are a type
of communication
it doesn't mean verbal communication.
I'm saying it's a means to let you express
your thoughts and feel other people's.
And because fists are a much primitive way
of communication compared to language,
things that you can express
would be just as primitive.
Like whether you like
the other person or not.
My eyes!
Hold it, Sugishita.
Wow, he used poison breath!
Good grief, what are you guys doing?
You better wipe it all off!
My bad, Kotoha.
You had a conversation with Togame
and grew to like him, didn't you?
And that's why you tried
to punch Tomiyama.
I believe that's the proof that
you had a conversation with him.
So what? What if I managed to do that?
Why do we gotta celebrate it?
Well, because
that makes me happy!
You see, when I heard an outsider
moved into the town
I thought you were some weirdo,
so I was curious what you'd be like.
After watching you for two days
You're a good guy.
And a good guy like you came to this town.
That makes me happy!
Then you could've just
called this a "welcoming party."
It's easier to get than
"first fist conversation" anniversary.
Oh, that's a good idea!
You're right!
How can you accept me so easily?
Letting me in
Everyone in this town
And also the guys in Furin
I came here to become the top,
to beat you and take your place!
I can't do what you're doing.
After all, I've never accepted
anyone in my life before.
That was why I strove to
become stronger by myself.
I came here because I wanted to usurp
the top and accept myself for who I am.
Apparently, you need other people
in order to become the top.
And as someone who
can't accept other people
I could never
Wait! Hold on, Sakura-san!
Yesterday you said I wasn't pathetic!
But well
I suppose you're not all that pathetic.
You saw me for who I am!
That made me really happy!
So, Sakura-san, you
Huh? What was I trying to say again?
It's okay. I think he gets it.
Hey, Sakura.
Do you know the requirements
to talk with your fists?
It's to face the other person.
To want to know more about them.
And you accomplished that.
That's why you were able
to converse with Togame.
I want to know.
I want to know more about him.
You don't necessarily need to accept
everything about the other person.
But to accept someone,
you have to face them first.
You're a guy who can do that,
and it looks to me that
you want to accept others.
You haven't given up on other people.
You don't have to.
You should lift your face up to us, too.
Once you do, I'm sure
And if you can do that,
you can become anything you want to be.
You can even be the top!
If I become the top, that
would mean you lose to me!
I guess so! Well, let's worry
about that when the time comes!
Huh? What's up, Sugishita? Bathroom?
I'll crush you!
Huh? You wanna go? Bring it on!
Sugishita-san! Wait!
He's been glaring him
this whole time, after all.
Hey! What are you guys doing?
If you wanna fight, take it outside!
Umemiya sure is weak against Kotoha.
That means Bofurin's top is
You finally realized, huh?
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