Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty (2022) s01e10 Episode Script

Promised Land

(heavy breathing)
-(crowd cheering)
-(players grunting)
(audio fades)
(crowd cheering)
(muffled crowd cheering)
(muffled, distorted cheering)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar:
Fuck! Oh, fuck.
-Come on!
(high-pitched ringing)
-(pained grunting)
-Easy. Jack, hurry it up.
Chick Hearn:
Fourth quarter of
this rubber game five,
and the Lakers, who were
looking spectacular
on the strength of
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar's
stellar performance,
are now shell-shocked
and, friends,
they're playing like it.
The 76ers staging
a furious comeback here
since Kareem went down at
the end of the third quarter,
taking their first
lead of the second half.
(Kareem groans)
They're controlling the pace,
they're killing us inside.
Come on. Let's go.
Let's go. I'm fine.
Tape it up!
I'll play! Let's go!
Leave him alone!
-Tape it up!
-Cheryl: Don't you
touch that tape!
No, she's right.
We need to get him
across the street
-for an X-ray right now.
-(sighs) Give him
a shot or something.
-He's carrying us out there.
if that ankle is broken
and he plays on it,
it's gonna end his career.
Hey, could we have
a minute here, please?
-Pat Riley:
We gotta do something.
-Get the fuck out! Get out!
(heavy breathing)
I'm proud of you.
You are more connected
than you've ever been,
and that is
a beautiful thing.
But you don't have to run
your body to the ground
just for a game.
Hey. It's only basketball.
(Kareem panting)
Not this time.
-I want this.
-Say it louder.
I want it!
Six minutes to go
in the fourth quarter.
Lakers down by 11,
and Kareem
is back on the court,
playing with ferocity.
Let's go, Lakers!
It's good! And what
a great sign that is
for the Lakers.
Cheeks out ahead,
splits the defenders,
but Kareem is
running in on defense.
And Kareem with the block!
Taking it the other way.
Kareem is in the post,
Oh my! You're gonna
need a lot more Sixers
to stop the big man tonight.
-Slam dunk!
-And just like that, the
Lakers are back in it, folks.
And Kareem's ankle may be
hurting him but, oh Lord,
he is showing no
sign of it tonight.
-Under a minute now,
Sixers watching this one
slip-sliding away.

-(crowd cheering)
-Lakers win! Lakers win!
And now, they'll head
back to Philadelphia
with a three-games-to-two lead.
And they are just
one game away from glory.
Folks, you are looking at
the children of destiny.
And just when things
looked bleak,
the captain returns
to save his team.
Earvin Johnson:
Bring it here, baby,
bring it here!
-You a monster, Cap!
-One more!
Earvin, I'm going
to need your help.
Oh, shit.
Fuck, I'm really hurt.
Johnson: Yeah, I got you.
(sirens wailing)
("My Favorite Mutiny"
by The Coup playing

There it is ♪

Check it out ♪
Move, if you got the nerve ♪
Lash out for
your just desserts ♪
It's not just the worth ♪
Some of y'all heads
up in the clouds ♪
I'ma bring y'all
back to earth ♪
It's Black back to burn ♪
Bullshit y'all talkin' 'bout ♪
Out ya mouth ♪
I'm not concerned ♪
'Cause y'all got to learn ♪
It's y'all turn
like Detroit Red ♪
When his head
had a Ultra Perm ♪
The long walk'll
burn your bare heels ♪
So throw on your boots ♪
The game camouflaged
like army suits ♪
But I can see it
more clear ♪
'Cause I came with
The Coup in here ♪
Ring the alarm
and form the troops ♪
Send 'em out into the world
Go to war in a fluke ♪
Eye to eye with the enemy
you sworn to shoot ♪
Now comin' at ya neck
sick o' hearin' ♪
Something wrong with me ♪
Motherfucker somethin'
wrong with you ♪
When the chief just
way too smart to question ♪
The enemy the brothers
of a dark complexion ♪
The governments of the world
is shark infested ♪
They heavy on weaponry
like Charlton Heston ♪
Man, yeah,
it gets low here ♪
Real low
Know what I'm talkin' 'bout? ♪
Yeah, yo, it gets low ♪

-(siren wailing)
Reporter (on radio):
The organization now saying
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
is questionable
for Game six in Philadelphia.
(continues, muffled)
Jerry Buss:
Remember I was telling you
a while ago about swans?
About how they do
all the hard work
of paddling below the surface?
Well, it's funny. There's
something else about them.
The one and only time in
their entire lives they sing
is right before they die.
Their swan song.
It's true.
Up until then,
it's nothing but ugly squawks
and honks, but then,
right at the very end
they make something beautiful.
-(knock on door)
-Frank Mariani:
Are you alright in there?
Oof! You look greener
than goose shit.
Thanks, Frank.
Good to see you, too.
I'm so sorry for your loss.
What, you mean Kareem?
Well, him, too.
We're gonna close it out
in Philly tomorrow. Watch.
Just please don't tell me
I'm about to lose my shirt.
Or mine.
Uh, not this time.
Playoff revenues
exceeded our projections,
and next-year
season ticket sales
are off the charts.
Now, let's go pay those
bastards off and breathe.
Great work, Claire.
We just need a signature.
Claire Rothman:
Not yours.
Your treasurer.
Until you appoint someone new,
we can't make anything
official with the bank.
Got it. Understood, ahem.
Thank you, Claire.
I'm gonna
-get right on that.
-Of course. Thank you.
So who you thinkin'?
Jerry: Hey, Jean Bean.
There you are. Get that door?
Got something I wanna
pick your brain about.
Spent all night at Grandma's.
Sorting through her things.
I really appreciate
you doing that.
You're a good girl.
Jeanie Buss:
You know, I was thinking
I don't need to go
to Philadelphia with you.
I can just stay here in town
and get Grandma's things
squared away before
you come back.
Just so you don't
have to worry about it.
I mean, it'd be a bummer
to miss the game, but--
Would you do that?
I could not
do that right now.
Sure. Yeah, of course.
-I mean, probably be game seven.
Well, not if we're lucky.
I tell you, Jeanie,
it was so nice
seeing you with your brothers
at the funeral.
Just having the whole family
together like that was
(lights cigarette)
(shuts lighter)
Here's the thing. (sighs)
We have a seat that's
opened up at the company,
and it was your grandma's seat.
Treasurer, and

I need your help, Jeanie.
Of course, Dad.
I need you to take those
two brothers of yours
around this office,
and see how they spark to it.
You know, and then tell me
who you think would be
the better pick.
'Cause, you know,
what's the point of
having a family business
if we don't get some family
in here, you know?
(laughs) Yeah.
Yeah, right.
They just get so weird
around me and competitive
Sports Host (on radio):
In a decision that should
delight fans across the nation,
the NBA today has
selected Larry Bird
of the Boston Celtics
Rookie of the Year,
beating out the year's
other rookie sensation,
Magic Johnson,
-who currently finds him--
-(click, beer can opens)
-(pop tab clattering)
-Rule number one, fucker.
If you're thinking
you ain't up to it,
you ain't.
Ooh Big tube.
Bet I look good on that.
Won't be on there tomorrow.
Be me up there,
winning me a ring.
Don't matter none.
Ain't against me,
nobody gives a shit.
Says who?
I'm in your head, ain't I?
(sips) Ah
-I get your ass next year.
If you actually believed that,
I wouldn't be here.
-Nice try, though.
-Man, fuck off.
Larry Bird:
Make me.
Except you can't, can you?
'Cause I'm better than you.

Better player.
Better man.
-I know that's right.
-Got that right.
-You a asshole.
-At least I'm real.
Mm-hmm? Fuck you.
Fuck you. Fuck all y'all.
I ain't believing
none of this shit!
You just fucking with my mom,
playing tricks and shit!
I'ma go out there and win
me a ring! And you ain't!
None of y'all gonna
be nowhere close!
(insects chirping)
Announcer (on TV):
With Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
for game six in Philadelphia,
the rookie sensation
Magic Johnson may find
There's the motherfucker
we take out first.
Put that shit down!
And put on some
motherfucking pants!
Ain't y'all junkies
been paying attention?
The hit is on pause.
Kareem is out for game six.
That mean the Lakers gonna
need theyself a big man.
I got my agent reaching out
to Westhead and them right now.
So, clean this place up,
and get your asses
the fuck outta here.
I got to get my shit packed.
You seen my snake?
(phone ringing)
Spencer Haywood:
Here we go! Here we go!
That's them.
Turn that shit off.
Turn it off.
not to mention
minus Jabbar--
-This is Spencer.
-Agent (on phone):
Hiya, Spence! Listen.
I, uh, I got bad news.
I talked to the Lakers,
and, uh
They're not interested.
And you, and you
talked to him yourself?
-Agent: Yeah, it was him.
You know,
he says-- he says you're not
the right fit right now.
-I hear.
-But listen, I'm gonna
keep on pushing him,
and, uh, you just sit
tight there, okay?
We good.
So, you-you back on
the team or what?
The hit is on.
We'll ice those motherfuckers
when they're back from Philly.
Oh, hell yeah!
You're here for
Paul Westhead, right?
-Okay. That's me.
-Go get 'em. Okay?
-I will.
I'm proud of you!
-I know you are.
-(car door shuts)
Jack McKinney:
That makes one of us.
Glad I caught you
before the big trip.
What are-- what are
you doing here?
I brought you something.
Don't worry, it won't bite.
My notes on Philly.
I schemed for this.
A starting five without Kareem.
In case it came up.
I hate how all this happened.
I mean, all of it.
Look, I want you to know
I-I'm leaving next year,
no matter what happens.
Time for me to do
my own thing, right?
This is your thing.
You started this.
Then finish it.
Besides, I don't need you
out there competing with me
for a coaching job.
Got some place in mind?
Wherever I can come back
and kick your ass.
-I can't wait.
-McKinney: Good luck!
(clicks tongue)
(car engine starts)
Let's go.
Host 1 (on radio):
What's there even
to talk about?
Without Kareem in the lineup,
the Lakers are going to lose
this game in Philadelphia.
-This series is going seven.
-Host 2: Gone-zo! Bye-bye!
Host 1:
The only question
in my mind is
does Magic Johnson
have what it takes
-to even make it a contest?
-Host 2: Yes, yes!
This is what I've been saying!
On the money.
-There's no chance--
-(shuts off radio)

-What's up, Cheryl?
-Cheryl: Hi.
-Where the big fella?
-He wants to talk to you.
Have your driver follow me
to the parking lot.
(funky jazz music playing)
-I'll keep the hounds away.
You two can have a chat.
What's up, Cap?
Feeling like John Shaft,
you all up in here like
a spooky movie people.
Yeah, figured it
was best to lay low
with all those
buzzards circling.
You good to go then?
I'm out, Buck.
Well, you heal up then.
-We still may be needing
you game seven--
I'm out.
And you're the only one
who knows.
For now.
Look, Buck
before this season,
I thought I was done with ball.
Biding my time,
cashing my paycheck.
Then, this kid comes along.
Smiley motherfucker.
Whitest teeth you ever saw.
All grins and high-up fives,
and hugs.
First time he gave me one,
made my nuts draw up
-tighter than a cat
inside a mouse hole.
Thought you was
gonna punch me out.
I wanted to.
Remember what you told me
when I said
we still got 81 to go?
You keep on winning games,
I'm gonna give you 81 more hugs.
You owe me one more.
Maybe we screwed up
cuttin' Haywood.
Ask me, he put a mojo
on the team 'cause
we gave him the boot.
Fuck Wood, man.
Had his head been on,
he'd be there to back me up,
instead of y'all fucking
bitch-ass motherfuckers.
Shit, Wood's juju probably
comin' for me next.
You the big man now, buddy.
Why don't you go ahead
and sit down in
the big man's seat?
Jim Chones:
Hell no. When Cap find out,
most likely from
your snitchin' ass,
my ass end up gettin'
to fuckin' death.
-Fuck you.
-Fuck me?
The team seems
to be in good spirits.
-Heard it was a dicey practice.
-Any truth to the rumors
of bringing back Haywood for
the remainder of the series?
Is Kareem gonna be able to
come back for game seven?
-And what if he doesn't?
-Paul Westhead: Guys,
we're gonna take this
one game at a time.
Yeah. Who said
we need a game seven?
-(reporters chattering)
-Have a drink, relax.
-We'll talk after
the flight. Yep.
-How is Nixon's finger?
-Love you guys. Love you.
Flight Attendant:
drinks service
will begin shortly.
Well, I guess, uh,
if we lose, at least we did
that on our own, huh?
Won't give Jack any credit.
-Ain't over yet.
-Johnson: Aight, all you
peoples, listen up!
(song playing on boom box,
Magic singing along)
Time in your life ♪
-When you find ♪
-Someone take that thing
away from him.
Who you are Ooh! ♪
You sound like a dying bird.
Nigga, why you so happy?
-Shit, is big man coming back?
-You lookin' at the big man
right here.
-Hey, fellas.
-Player: What?
We closing out in Philly.
-Me at center.
-Player: Center?
Listen, I played center
back in high school.
Maybe I ain't as big as Jones
or Chocolate Thunder,
but I ain't no pipsqueak.
And can't neither one
of them keep up with me
speed-wise neither.
Ooh, I'll be spinnin'
in the post,
drivin' and kickin' to Norm
or Silk for the jay.
-For real?
-Get the fuck outta here.
Let them try
and match up with that.
Yo, I ain't trying
to fuck up the party,
but what six-nine guard
supposed to do against
two seven-footers?
Player: Exactly.
Send they ass home to mama.
Come on, Coach! What you say?
We don't have time
to practice it.
They won't neither, Coach.
They're gonna pound us
in the paint all night.
Or we can, uh,
race 'em off the court.
-No way.
-Riley: Look, I-I wish we had
a better option, too,
-but if we go seven
and Kareem's not back--
-"The gloomy shade of death."
-That means we're fucked then.
Hey, hey, fellas.
I know 33 ain't with us,
but you got 32.
Now y'all have no fear.
Magic motherfuckin' Johnson
be here.
Let me tell you about ♪
-(singing): There's a time
-(players groaning)
In your life ♪
Players (singing):
When you find
Who you are ♪
Yeah, there you go!
(all singing):
That's the golden
time of day ♪
What's that?
You will find ♪
It's what Jack would do.
You're a bright ♪
Well, fuck.
That's the golden time ♪
That's the golden time
of day ♪

(crowd cheering)
(crowd booing)
Right this way over here.
Over here?
These seats blow. (laughs)
You know what?
This is a mind game.
They're trying to
get under our skin.
Just don't let 'em razzle you.
-Go get yourself some beers.
-Jimmy Buss: Thank you.
Johnny Buss:
You sure? I can pay.
-David Stern: Dr. Buss!
-Man of the moment!
-David. Oh yeah.
Listen, I'm sorry
to hear about Kareem.
It's alright.
I like proving
the doubters wrong.
Commissioner not here yet or
-Uh, stuck in traffic.
(sarcastic laugh)
Tell the man the truth.
You'll see him
in LA on Sunday,
-giving that shiny trophy
to the Sixers.
-Jerry: Red!
I'm touched!
You showed up as a fan?
I'm just here for my award.
Exec of the Year.
Bill here's Coach of the Year.
Hell, with Bird,
we got the Triple Crown.
Wow! Isn't that something?
You guys have won everything
that doesn't count! (laughs)
For now.
You boys enjoy your popcorn.
Yeah. Enjoy your plaque!
I'll see you, David.
-Got you a beer, Dad.
-Thank you, Jim.
And don't sweat him, alright?
He's jealous.
He's a loser. (laughs)
It's not even the right sport.
-Triple Crown
-Yeah. He's miserable.
-Good to see you guys!
-Yeah, you, too.
-You wanna sit in the middle?
-Nah, nah. This is good.
Brent Musburger (on TV):
Well, here we are.
Game six of the 1980
NBA World Championship,
moments away,
the formidable
Philadelphia 76ers--
-(biblical music playing)
-Narrator (on TV):
And lo! The Israelites
have reached
the Promised Land.
Behold that land
with thine eyes.
But, Moses
Cheryl: Come on,
let's change the channel.
It's time.
-I can't, babe.
-Yes, you can.
You got them there.
And they need your
vibes right now.
Philadelphia 76ers
versus the nimble
Los Angeles Lakers.
Live from Spectrum Arena,
Sparks are in the air
tonight for game six.
The Lakers undermanned
but with a chance
to take it all tonight,
and, folks, we now
know Coach Westhead
has decided
to go small tonight.
Without their big man,
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar,
Magic Johnson listed
as the starting center.
He can't hope to match up
physically with the size
and strength
of Darryl Dawkins
and Caldwell Jones.
-Oh shit. Fuck, fuck, Bill!
Fucking runnin' up
on me like that for!
-Oh. Now, we're talkin'.
(crowd cheering)
They sound pretty worked up!
-Just another game, right?
We got a plan, gentlemen.
They may be bigger,
but we've got the speed.
That means we're
pushing that ball
every chance we get.
(voice slows down, distorts)
(upbeat funk music playing)
I had to compete ♪
In the concrete,
in the jungle ♪
In the jungle ♪
Had to kick and scratch ♪
Stab some backs,
in the jungle ♪
This is our game.
We got here as a team.
We're gonna finish as a team.
Team on three.
-One, two, three! Team!
-Players: Team!
-(buzzer blaring)
Here comes the tip
What you smiling for,
Young Blood?
Just can't believe I'm about
to take a ring from Dr. J.
What's up, fool?
Hey, take it easy on me
in that paint!
I got the tip.
-What's he doing?
-Magic wants--
He wants the tip.
Chones, let him in.
Rook, what the fuck
you thinkin'?
I be feelin', baby,
I be feelin'.
And look at this.
Magic Johnson
is stepping into
the center circle.
The 20-year-old rookie
is not just hoping to fill
the captain's shoes, Keith.
He's actually gonna
jump center for it.
Fuck's he doing?
What the fuck is he doing?!
No! J-Jones has got
five fuckin' inches on him!
Our kid's got bigger balls.
I can't fuckin' watch this!
I can't. I can't. I can't.
Fuckin' walk,
just fuckin' take a hike.
-(crowd cheering)
-Hey, hey, hey!
(insects chirping)
-(lighter clicks)
-Musburger (on TV):
Well, here we are.
Game six of the 1980
NBA World
Can't nothing jump
like a monkey.
You'll wipe that
smile off next year.
Shut the fuck up.
-(crowd cheering)
-Musburger: The ball
is in center court
He's there.
I ain't.
Hey, what's he
like in person?
-Earleatha, right?
-Yeah, I heard you went to MSU.
-(small chuckle)
I mean, you must
know Magic, right?
No. Can't say I do.
All I'm sayin',
the boy ain't hard enough
to play the center!
-Simple as that!
-But he played center
in high school.
Mr. Leroy:
Tell you right now,
you wouldn't know hard
if you the only dick
in a hotel room full of pussy!
Man, we in for a treat, y'all!
Game's starting!
Musburger (on TV):
Do not adjust your TV.
This is actually happening.
-Junior's stepping up.
-Doing too much,
-that's what he's doing.
-Christine: What the heck
do you know?
Watch your mouth, Earl,
or else you're gonna have to
watch your butt at halftime.
-Guests: Ooh!
-Tell him, Mama!
You heard the woman.
Now, look!
Settle down.
(crowd cheering)
Let's go, Magic!
Let's go!

Jones wins the tip.
Dawkins secures it.
Tapped away by Magic.
Jim Chones back to Magic
on the break.
Long pass down the court.
Hits Wilkes in stride,
lays it up and in.
And just like that,
these Lakers take the lead.
(clapping, cheering)
back the other way.
Long baseball pass to Hollins
for the open jumper.
And flat. It's no good.
Nixon with the rebound.
Quick pass around the horn.
Magic on the block,
pounding with the big man.
Floats up a skyhook,
and it's good!
That's my skyhook!
I taught him that!
Move over, Houdini.
I see you, Buck!
I taught him that! Let's go!
Oh, man.
The doctor makes his move.
Oh, that's no good.
And Chones with the rebound
to Norm.
-Westhead: Let's go!
-Hearn: Back to Magic,
with a snazzy dribble!
Hits Wilkes
Slam dunk!
Lakers out to
an eight-point lead.
Cheeks to Erving
for the jumper.
Johnson answers quickly
with an offhand
layup of his own.
And, friends, this Philly crowd
is getting restless.
They're itching
in their seats.
And that's the Doctor
with the cure.
And here comes
the slug-fest.
I think I, uh, might go
check on the commissioner.
Jay? Call New York,
get O'Brien on a helicopter.
And make sure
they've got a stage
in case we're giving
out a trophy.
Uh, is-is there a trophy?
I need a quarter.
You got a quarter?
Erving under the backboard
at the baseline.
-Riley: Shit.
-Hearn: Unbelievable!
And a scintillating
start for the Lakers
in that first quarter,
but the Sixers
are hanging tough.
This is gonna be
a doozy of a contest,

(crowd roaring)
(crowd roaring)
Just fuckin' take it.
Fucking walk in there.
Keep fucking walking
(muffled cheering)
This just
fuckin' sucks.
(sighs) Fuck.
(loud cheering)
(muffled cheering)
-What is it? What happened?
What happened?
-Philly tied it up.
No! Fuck!
I knew it! Fuck, I knew it!
Goddammit! (exhales)
Under a minute to go here
in the half. A dead heat.
Lakers 60, Sixers 58.
Collins out ahead of
the Lakers with a clear
path at the basket.
And just like that,
the teams stay knotted up.
You get to sit down!
And you suck! And you suck!
-Come here! Come on!
-Fan: I'll fuck you up!
Sit down. Sit down.
Sit down. Sit down.
(fans jeering)
Norm from the corner.
No good.
And it looks right now
like these Lakers
have come back
down to earth.
The crowd
is right back in it.
Last seconds of the quarter,
Magic with the steal.
-Magic from the half-court
at the buzzer.
In and out!
And that may be
the only place he's missed
the mark tonight.
But the lead he has built
has slipped away.
And you can feel
a frustration creeping in
for these Lakers.
right out the gate, but the
Sixers absorb the onslaught
and come out
tied at the half.
Bill Russell:
Well, you have
to ask yourself,
was that Magic
and the Lakers' best shot?
(Cheryl scoffs)
They're doing great.
-(indistinct commentary)
-Don't listen to that.
Dr. J is here to prove
that his reign
is nowhere near over.
But Magic's
rookie performance
does not disappoint.
And, oh look,
there's the rookie
owner of the Lakers
taking in his team
with his two sons.
Both chips off the old block,
I'm sure. I'll--
(echoing lights click)
If you're looking for the game,
you're in the wrong arena.
Why aren't you in Philly?
Uh, someone had to clean out
my grandmother's things, so
It's just a lot for my dad.
Your brothers didn't volunteer?
No. They'd just, uh,
steal the silverware.

My grandma was so smart.
So tough.
But I think she gave
the best of it away.
But I don't want to be like her.
I want to be like you.
You never will.
You're going to be him.
We have the feed up on
satellite if you want.
Maude made chili.

-Lon Rosen: Uh, excuse me?
-Riley: What is it?
Uh, I'm supposed to
give this to, uh, Magic.
Yeah, what is it?
It's the vote totals
for Rookie of the Year.
He asked me to get them.
He wanted to know
how much he lost by.
Alright, alright.
I'll tell him myself.
Alright, gentlemen, listen up.
One more message from the Bard.
"If we are marked to die,
"we are enough
"to do our country loss.
"And if to live
"oh, if to live,
"the fewer men,
the greater share of honor.
"For he who hath
"no stomach to this fight,
let him depart!
"We would not die
in that man's company
"that fears his fellowship
to die with us!
"We few
"We happy few
We band of brothers"
Let's kill those fuckers!
-(crowd cheering)
Alright, here we are,
beginning of round two,
all knotted up.
And who is going to make
this game their own?
We've seen marvels
out of Magic so far,
but if the Lakers want to beat
this veteran Sixers squad,
he is going to have to find
a new offensive gear.
Hey, it's EJ the DJ.
Watch this!
Chones with the inbound
pass to Magic.
Magic behind the back.
Beautiful spin move.
Long pass down to Norm.
Nixon with a lovely layup.
And the Lakers draw
first blood out of the half.
-Johnson: Yeah, y'all!
-Hearn: Magic back
in the paint now,
bodying up Erving,
giving the Doctor
a taste of his own medicine.
Nixon to Magic.
Slam dunk!
Coming to you live
and direct!
Magic battling for a rebound,
taking it back the other way.
Fools the Doctor!
Hits Norm in the corner.
Back to Magic.
And Magic, eyes in
the back of his head tonight.
Back to Norm, driving,
lays it up and in.
and, oh my!
Time out, Sixers.
You've seen Magic
at point guard,
you've seen Magic at forward,
you've seen Magic at center.
Pretty soon, you might
see Magic play a position
that nobody's even
invented yet, Keith.
Magic down the middle,
bounce pass to Jamaal.
Here's Magic,
behind his back to Chones.
Spies a wide-open Holland.
Magic puts 'em in
the popcorn machine.
On the block,
pounding with the big man.
And giving it right back
and more--
Magic says, give me that ball!
Put up, back it in,
by who else?
Magic Johnson.
Boy, I tell you, this kid
is everywhere, folks.
(crowd murmuring)
Lakers up 10 in the quarter,
and the game all on the back
of an astonishing performance
by Magic Johnson.
-They are one quarter
away from a ring.
-Oh, fuck! Yes!
But can he keep this up
for 12 more minutes
without running out of steam?
Don't! No-- Don't say
a fuckin' word, Bill!
Don't! You know better!
Don't say another fuckin' word!
-I'm gonna take a fucking
-Sharman: The other way!
-I'm gonna take a walk!
-Yeah, you do that.
It's working, Bill!
And at the end of three,
it's Lakers 93
Baby, they're gonna win it!
Do you want something
from the kitchen?
I'm having champagne.
Not only without their big man
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar,
but also without power forward
Spencer Haywood,
who was shouldering
a lot of the weight down there
in the post for this team.
The Lakers
are just 12 minutes
and one quarter of basketball
away from the Promised Land,
their first championship
in eight years.
-One, two, three
-All: Team!
(soft groan)
Lakers 10 ahead with
what could become
a comfortable lead if
they keep the pressure on.
Sixers gotta
come out swinging,
and they do, folks.
Erving with
a fast cut to the rim,
reminding everyone
why he's the Doctor.
And where was
Magic on that play?
Erving asking
for the ball again,
this time in the corner.
D up! D up!
Who peels Magic off
like a banana!
And just like that,
the Sixers
cut this lead in half.
And Magic Johnson
is looking winded, friends,
like the Doctor may have
found a cure for him.

Sixers have no quit in them,
I'll tell you that right now.
Come on, keep
a foot on their throats.
Don't let these guys back in it.
Oh! And Erving
with a clean pick
leaving Magic in the dust.
And if you're Paul Westhead,
this is exactly what
you were afraid of.
He's been out there
in high gear for
every minute of this game.
And even at the ripe old age
of 20, that will take a toll.
Nixon trying to
muster up some offense
for the struggling Lakers.
Misses badly.
Jones with the rebound.
(fans shouting)
You're alright! Get back!
Cheeks running the break.
-To Erving Good!
And the Sixers have
cut this deficit to one.
I'll tell ya, these
Lakers are starting
to look like a car
without an engine.

Just over three minutes
and 30 seconds to go
in this game.
Lakers clinging to
a three-point advantage,
Magic Johnson has
been carrying the team,
but now he's looking like it,
friends, walking this ball
up the court
just to get some air.
And he walks
right into a trap!
Dawkins, Hollins,
Cheeks surrounding him.
Magic throws the ball away
-right into the hands
of Julius Erving!
And just like that, the Sixers
trail by only one point.
(crowd cheering)
-God, they're--
-Hearn: The crowd
is going wild
and now, they can taste it.
Magic Johnson looking tired,
looking absolutely exhausted
out there, and frustrated.
-Let's just hope not beaten.
-Referee: (blows whistle)
Time out, Lakers!
(crowd cheering)
Did you call that time out?
No. He did.
Time out, Lakers.
-Sorry, I know.
-No, no, no, no, no.
Fuck that, fuck that.
We got this.
Ain't got nothing left.
I'm spent, Norm.
You ain't alone, Buck, okay?
Hey. Fucking look at me.
You've been doin'
everything out here,
but we got you.
I got you.
Let's go and win
this fucking game.
-Okay? Yeah? Alright.
Let's go. Let's take it home.
Magic has played
every minute here tonight,
and he looks out of gas.
Russell: We've been
wondering all year
when this kid was
gonna hit the wall.
This may be it.
It's looking more and more
like it's gonna take
-a lot more than magic.
-Russell: You can say that--
And I'll tell ya,
these guys look like
they've been in a war,
the two of them.
This whole team is exhausted.
He's got stones for legs,
and Nixon bringing him
over back to the bench,
and he is tired,
I'll tell you.
Magic has had
an amazing night,
spectacular performance,
but when push comes to shoves
in these
high-pressure situations,
you want experience
driving the team
when there's
a championship at stake.
You cannot hear yourself
think in this arena.
I bet they can hear this
crowd way back in LA.
I'll tell ya,
if Kareem can't come back
for that game seven,
this could be the Lakers'
last best chance.

Breathe! Breathe!
I know that we are tired!
But this is what we trained for!
McKinney miles, gentlemen!
Okay? Two minutes!
Two minutes to glory!
We are gonna win this thing!
We're gonna win it! Okay?
You believe that! Believe it!
We finish this
together right now!
Hands in!
Champs on three!
One, two, three
Come on!

Come on, let's do it!
Sixty-three to three.
(crowd cheering)
The rookie vote.
Bird won.
-(cheering drops out)
-Sixty-three to three.
(muffled ringing)
(muffled audio)
(cheering fades in)
(muffled cheering)
(loud cheering)
('70s rock music playing)

Magic pushing against Erving.
Cooper cutting to the basket.
Magic with the alley-oop.
What the--
God fucking arrest him!
That wasn't a f--
That's Michael Cooper
down on the floor,
and this does not look good,
I tell you.
-There's Jack Curran going out.
-I won't fuckin' calm down!
Hearn: Not good.
Boy, I'll tell you,
he is really hurt.
He may be out cold.
Team's gathered around,
and this could not come,
boy, this could not come
at a worse time.
Coop, Coop!
Fuck, man.
-(sound fades out)
-Jack Curran (echoing):
Mike? Mike?
Hey, Mike? Mike?
-(sound fades in)
-Do you know where you are?
Shit, Philly. Yeah.
Nah, Coop. You right at home.
Now, go in your living room
and sink a free throw.
-Johnson: Yeah?
-Johnson: Cool?
If he's unable to
shoot this foul shot,
the Sixers can pick anyone
from the Lakers' bench
to shoot,
including our own
hands of stone
Mark Landsberger.
There you go, Coop,
there you go!
(crowd cheering)
Watch your toes!
(muffled crowd cheering)
(crowd cheering)
-Let's go!
-(quietly): Come on, Coop.
Johnson: Sink it!
(echoing bounce)

Michael Cooper with
the shot of his life,
and he drops it.
If he can make
the second shot,
they're gonna
put up by three.
Coop. There you go.
Let's get this next one.
Let's go.
One more! One more!
Come on, Coop.
And the Lakers are looking
for a little cushion here.
-He's got it.
Lakers up three.
Still a one-possession game,
2:26 left.
But the Lakers can't go
celebrating too soon, Keith.
Now, they've got to get
a stop right here.
Back on D!
Jones looking for
an open man.
Norm. Norm!
Finds him with
a long in-bounds pass
to a wide-open Dawkins
at center court.
-Westhead: Norm!
Intercepted by Norm Nixon!
Go! Go! Go!
Moves it quickly
up ahead to Magic!
Driving to the basket
Magic muscles in.
Erving rushing in
to meet him at the rim
Slam dunk!
(all cheering)
Yes! Yes!
-Slam dunk!
Right over Julius Erving!
(West shouting)

That might be the dagger,
and the Lakers know
they've got this thing won.
The bench, the entire bench
is up screaming.

Hey, Paul! Paul Westhead!
Give me five.
There's 39 seconds
left, Chick.
Oh shi--
Come on, come on ♪
Oh! Thank you, Jesus!
Gimme five! Atta baby!
Yo, come on ♪
And this game is in
the refrigerator, friends.
The door is closed.
The lights are out,
the eggs are cooling,
the butter's getting hard.
And the Jell-O is jiggling!
Young Johnson:
Left corner!
Right block! A, B!
Earvin Johnson Sr.:
Junior! Keep your head up!
Look straight ahead.
Don't show him
where you wanna go.
Young Johnson:
Woo! Last few seconds
of the fourth quarter
to see which team wins.
Fades left!
Goes right at the fake--
And it's official!
The Lakers win
the 1980 NBA
World Championship.
That makes Magic Johnson,
a mere 20 years of age,
the youngest champion
of all time,
and, boy,
does this kid deserve
to be enjoying
every minute of it.
There's always other nights!
Enjoy this one.
(cheering, laughter)
(muffled cheering)
Dr. Buss?
We need to beat the rush
down to the stage.
Come on. It's time for
your moment in the sun.
One second, Dave.
Jessie Buss:
Don't be a sore winner,
You promised me a smile.
It's not fair.
You're talking to yourself,
(sons chattering)
Man (on phone):
Alright, if you can get
Kareem all set,
-we'll be calling you
back in a minute.
-Cheryl: Yes. He will be ready.
-(cheering on TV)
-Baby, they're gonna
call you in a minute
for the broadcast because
you just won the MVP Award.
I'm so proud of you.
Just a magical,
magical night,
led by a 20-year-old rookie
who was playing basketball
in high school
-just two short years ago.
-Erickson: I can't believe it.
Without question now,
without any question at all,
the greatest game
ever played in the NBA.
Winning a world championship,
on the road,
in one of the most hostile
arenas in all of sports.
-Fuck, yeah!
(laughter, cheering continues)
(shutter snaps)
(cheering continues)
Congratulations, Norm.
-Thank you!
Earvin! Got a minute?
Congratulations, Earvin.
-Mr. Stern!
-Listen, uh,
we have a little problem.
What, you gonna take it back?
(laughs) Not that. I promise.
"SPORT Magazine,"
you know the publication.
They sponsor our series MVP.
And see, the writers voted
to award it to Kareem.
That's great! He deserve it!
-We ain't here weren't for him.
-Of course.
Except he isn't here.
Wait, they can't get
him on the phone?
Well, we could,
but remember what we
talked about at dinner?
I think you proved it
to the world tonight.
The man of the moment is you.
So, you want me to
accept it for Kareem?
I want you to accept it.
Darth Vader wins
Rookie of the Year,
but you're the last
man standing.
With a trophy of his own.
In every living room.
Hell of a story,
don't you think?
-Maybe next year,
he strikes back.
Maybe you defend the title.
Tune in and find out.
But I'm gonna need an answer.

(muffled cheering)
(muffled chatter)
That whole combination going
with you and Magic.
It's fantastic.
-Thank you, Mr. Sharman.
-Sharman: Okay, Coop.
Really proud of you guys.
Alright? Do it again next year.
-Cooper: Of course. Of course.
Excuse me a minute.
(Jerry sighs)
Get your ass in there.
No, this one ain't mine, Bill.
It would have been if we lost,
though, wouldn't it?
-What about the next one?
What about the next one?
Oh What about it?
Fellow knows me pretty well
thinks that the front office
might be my sweet spot.
Jerry: What?
Bill: Monday.
Bright and early
after the parade.
We start next season.

-(shutters snapping)
-(players cheering)
Larry O'Brien:
Well done, gentlemen! Jerry--
-There he is!

-(shutters snapping)
-Fucking helicopter,
it's a death trap.
-I know! I know!
-What are you gonna do?
-Musburger: Alright, Hot Rod.
Thank you very much.
I'm here with
the commissioner of the NBA,
Larry O'Brien.
Very happy owner of the Lakers,
a couple of players. Larry,
why don't you present
the trophy to Jerry Buss?
Well, I'm happy to do it.
We just finished the greatest
season in NBA history,
and I think the greatest
series in NBA history.
It is my great honor to
present this world trophy
to the owner of
the new world champion
Los Angeles Lakers.
He's a rookie himself,
Dr. Jerry Buss!
(cheering, applause)
There you go. That's yours!
That's permanent! You keep that!
Well, you've been
an NBA owner all of one year,
already you're a champion,
must be on top of the world.

-Hoo! Yeah. Uh
I tell you, I have never
had a group of men
like this team do so much
minute by minute, week by week,
month by month. Uh
-We played, what, 108 games?
And these guys gave
everything they had.
Well, this is the end result,
so thank you, guys!
Thank you!
Well, where do
you go from here?
(shutters snapping)
Now, I guess we do it
all over again! (laughs)
Hey! That's what
I'm talking about!
Go ahead!
Everyone who said
we couldn't do it,
you can go (bleep)
And there you have it.
Colorful owner Jerry Buss
and his champion Lakers
Baby, they're gonna call soon.
Okay? Don't worry.
Moments from now,
we will be bringing to you
the presentation of this
year's "SPORT Magazine"
Finals MVP.
And, of course,
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
was this year's scoring leader.
But, tonight,
tonight was all about
the rookie sensation.
And so, we take you
to our own Bill Russell
to present the award to
Earvin "Magic" Johnson.
-Congratulations, Earvin.
-Thanks, Mr. Stern.
Thanks, Bill.
And, you know
we couldn't have done none
of this without Kareem.
-He the man on his team.
-I'm sure he's watching.
Well, he couldn't be here,
so I knew I had to take over,
get the job done.
(sighs) But,
you know, I'm glad of that.
'Cause I love to win.
And I guess I proved
a few things to them doubters.
-Magic is a winner.
-Russell: There's some
great players who have
never won a championship.
How many more do you want?
Oh, about 20. (laughs)
-Cheryl: You okay?
-(Russell laughing)
(Pat sighs)
Well, I'll tell you what.
It beats the booby prize.
At least you made the cut.
-Those fucking jokers
forgot my name.
-Westhead: Next year.
We make this our own.
(sighs) Next year.
Quiet in here.
'Cause it's unbelievable.
Well, you must be
used to it by now.
-All this winning.
-(laughs) Yeah.
I just don't want it to end.
Me neither.
-(door rattling)
Spence! You here?
-(door opens)
-Haywood Spencer:
Don't move, motherfucker.
-Abdul-Jabbar: Jesus
It's just me, Spence.
I've been calling.
I came to say congratulations.
-We won.
-Fuck you.
I ain't win shit. You won.
You motherfuckers
kicked me to the curb,
and you got the nerve
to come in here,
talking about congratulations?
-I'm here now.
Because I don't wanna read
about it in a newspaper that
-they found you in an alley.
-It ain't gonna be in no alley,
But it is gonna be by my terms.
-You'd be killing
the wrong man, Spence.
-Nigga, you don't know me.
I know Spencer Haywood.
Yeah? Spencer Haywood
ain't shit!
-I don't believe that.
-Like hell, nigga.
You know exactly what I am.
You figured out my trick!
That's why my Black ass ain't
drinking bubbly right now
with the rest of the team.
'Cause you know I ain't shit.
Nigga, you know I ain't shit,
and I ain't gonna never be shit!
Just the same!
Just like I always been!
-I know someone told you that.
That's what I am.
-Look at me.
Look at her.
Is your daughter beautiful?
Look at your daughter.
-Is she beautiful?
Is your daughter beautiful?
-I can't.
-That ain't me.
-It is.
Half of that beauty
comes from you.
It's yours.
A beautiful Black man.
My beautiful brother.
It's too late.
-It's not.
-I can't.
I can't. I can't. I can't
live like this anymore.
(Spencer crying)
I fucked up.
(crying, muttering)
-You're a champion.
-(plane roaring)
-(tires squeal)
Norman Nixon:
Whoo, cowboy Cap!
-Hey, Cap.
-We're good.
(crowd cheering)
(muffled cheering)

City's out there
throwing you a party.
Oh, that's their party.
Is this the paperwork?
This is the old paperwork,
and this is the new.
Just needs a signature.
How's that look to you?
Like we need to talk
about a raise.
Looking forward to it, Claire.
Me, too.
You remember what I was
saying about swan songs?
I went through about
80 million bucks this season.
But I got a few grand
left in the bank
fresh line of credit
and the best team in basketball.
So, swan songs?
This ain't mine.
Watch me paddle, motherfuckers.
Got something for ya!
Johnson: Whoo!
(funky music playing)

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