Wizards (2020) s01e10 Episode Script

Our Final Act

Enough hiding, Nari.
This ends now.
You're not taking her.
You're going down, buttsnacks!
[birds fluttering]
Elemen-zath! [grunts]
No, no, no. No, no, no! No!
[yelling] Claire! Steve! Nari!
What happened here?
-[Krel groans]
-Krel! No.
[Krel moans]
Oof! Couldn't stop them.
-Took Nari. Oh, wait!
-[Dadblank babbling]
-He can show you.
Wahoo! How are you, buckaroo?
[Krel screaming on recording] Oof!
[Claire screaming, Blinky yells]
This looks like the end!
I leave my classic VHS
action movie collection to my nana!
That's all, fo-- [whines] beep-boop
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
This wasn't supposed to happen!
No! Oh, please tell me
there's something in here to help.
You don't need the book
to tell you the answer, Doux.
Merlin was clear.
If the Order has Nari,
we can't let them get the Seals,
or it's arcane Armageddon.
But I can't just leave our friends to die.
It's not easy being a leader.
[Archie] The Order will never stop
coming after the Seals.
We'll spend the rest of our lives running.
Save our friends or save the world?
You have to make a decision.
[Krel] We're out of time!
Or maybe time is all we have.
-[Steve] Hey!
[Steve] What are you creepozoids
doing to Nari?
Ensuring she won't leave us again.
Morgana, help us.
My sister only looks out for herself.
She'd leave any of you for dead
-if it meant her freedom.
You don't know me at all, brother.
My patience grows thin
-Don't you realize you've already lost?
Merlin is dead at the hands
of his greatest champion,
and we turned his Trollhunter against you.
Tell us where to find Merlin's errand boy
or be turned to ash.
Jim! I know you're in there!
[Steve wails]
Arcane Order, Hisirdoux is here!
Hold your hexes if you still want these.
[Skrael gasps]
The Genesis Seals.
You want them?
Well, come and get them.
I'll be at the cafe.
[Bellroc sighs]
[Bellroc] Secure Nari.
And if the others give you
any trouble kill them.
Your designs were complicated,
but I'm 98.442 percent sure
that this will work.
Akiridion tech and magic
are so compatible!
Who would have thought?
-[Archie] No turning back now.
-Wasn't planning on it.
Arch, pass me those salad bowls,
then head out.
-Krel, prep the airship.
I'll always follow you, Doux,
but this could be a huge mistake.
"A wizard doesn't make mistakes--
he makes unexpected possibilities."
[doorbell jingles]
[Douxie] Milords and ladies
gather round!
Test your luck with the Lad of Fortune.
Find the Seals, win the planet.
Keep your eyes on the prize.
[Douxie] Round and round it goes
Now, choose.
That one.
Are you absolutely positive?
Enough games!
We have made our choice.
[Bellroc] Agh! What is this strangeness?
It's a miniature Heart of Avalon.
Scrapped it together
out of bits the old one.
-I call it
-[guitar chord rings]
"Hisirdoux's Eternal Time Trap!"
You dare meddle with the forces of time?
[Skrael] You lack the power to control
such an instrument.
My whole life, people-- Arthur, Merlin,
you-- have been saying that.
And I believed it, so I never tried.
But my friends helped me realize
I am strong enough.
[guitar chord rings]
-I am Hisirdoux Casperan
-[guitar chord rings]
successor to Merlin
and protector of this realm!
[guitar chord rings]
You want the Seals? Go get 'em!
-[Skrael] No!
-After them!
Bon voyage, buttsnacks!
[both grunting]
We are in ages past. [gasps]
He's trapped us in a time loop.
You are not worthy!
[both grunt]
[both yelling]
Who dares to steal Gatto's treasures?
Sorcerers [belching] give me heartburn.
[grunting, panting]
-Troll! Look out!
-Can't stop, Toby!
-[Bellroc, Skrael grunting]
-[Troll laughing]
[Arthur] Watch over them, beast.
I'll secure the forest child.
[grunts] Don't stare at me.
He calls you a beast, but I see you.
I see you in there, Jim.
-Hold on, big guy.
[Steve] I'm about to bust you out.
[grunting] Agh! Cheap lighter!
-[Steve yelps]
I did it! Sir Steve is your savior!
Helpful as always, Steve.
Please stop, Jim!
[Claire grunts]
[Steve grunts]
Don't make me hurt you, Master Jim.
[both grunting]
-Wingman, no!
-[Claire] No!
-[guitar riff playing]
-[growls, groans]
How about a little music
to soothe the savage beast?
[Jim grunts]
-[Douxie] Is everybody all right?
-[Toby] Douxie!
[Toby] I'd hug ya,
but I can't move my arms.
-[Claire] Where is the Arcane Order?
-[Douxie] I have them preoccupied.
[gasps] What's the Queen
of the Apocalypse doing here?
What I should have done long ago--
deal with my brother.
[Morgana] Get your injured to safety.
-Nari! She's not here with you?
-They locked her up somewhere.
-Douxie, did you get the Seals?
I'll explain later. Let's go.
-Grab Jim.
-Got him!
-[ship bangs]
-[Krel] Whoa, whoa!
-[ship creaking]
-Whoo-hoo! Whoa!
Sorry, sorry!
I'm still getting the hang of it.
[Douxie] All right, everyone on board.
Krel will take you down to Arcadia.
I have to get Nari,
see my plan through to the end.
[Morgana] Brother!
I would have words with you.
-Agh! [yells]
[both grunting]
-[Arthur] This is pointless.
I am immune to your majicks.
True, but there's a force
neither of us can escape.
[Toby, Steve scream]
[Toby yelps]
[Claire] Oh, no!
-[Steve] Oh!
No, no, no! Go back to sleep, Big Jim!
[grunts, screams]
[Claire] Steve!
[crew screaming]
[Bellroc] It's weakening!
We are almost free!
[gasps] Where is the boy wizard?
[Bellroc] He's after Nari!
[Bellroc yells]
[Douxie] Nari!
[Nari grunts] Oh, thank you.
Though the Order
will surely rip your soul to pieces.
We need to work on your pep talks.
[Archie] Douxie! Douxie!
Seems the Order's back from time,
which means we're out of it.
-[Douxie] Nari, you must keep running.
[Douxie] Never stop.
[Douxie] You can't let the Arcane Order--
-[Bellroc] Nari!
-[Douxie] --find you.
-[Archie, Nari grunt]
What is this?
[Skrael] An Infinite Corridor? Agh!
Beginner's magic.
-You think this will hold us?
[Douxie] Buttsnacks! Ha!
You will die for this!
That was kind of the plan.
But it was worth it so my friends--
and Nari-- could get away.
[Arthur grunts]
-[Toby] Claire!
[Aaarrgghh grunts]
Aaarrgghh remind Jim who he was.
Master Jim, snap out of it!
-We are your friends.
[screams, grunts]
[groans, yelps]
My tooth! [laughs]
Oh, no!
-[Toby gasps]
Come on, Jimbo.
It's Toby, your best friend. [yelps]
-Oh, no, oh, no!
Jim Lake Jr., I know you can hear me!
I know you're still in there.
[growls] Get out of my head!
[Claire grunts]
[Jim growls]
[Claire] I promised I'd come back for you!
Now fight it, Jim!
[Claire screams]
No! My soul belongs to the king!
-I have escaped death, and I shall again.
-Why do you fight, sister?
This is what you wanted--
to fix the world.
The world isn't ours anymore.
You have failed to destroy it.
I have failed to save it.
[Morgana] Perhaps they can fare better.
[all yelling]
[Arthur grunts]
You are no longer worthy
of wielding Excalibur!
-[chanting] Magda mani achtenebris!
Kraga doom!
Morgana! [screams]
-[Toby] Oh, no!
-[Blinky] Claire!
[Claire grunting]
-[Claire] I love you, Jim.
We all do.
[Claire] Please
-[Bellroc] Foolish child, you have lost!
Thanks to you, we have the Genesis Seals.
[Bellroc] The Summoning is nigh!
[Morgana groaning]
[Arthur] Pathetic.
You are a disgrace to Camelot's memory.
You want Camelot back?
Have what's left of it.
[chanting] Tenebrius
-[foes wailing]
[Claire screams]
[moans, sighs]
-There you are.
-[Jim] Huh?
-[Jim yells]
-Oh, no!
-[gasps] Claire!
[gasps] Jim--!
[sobs] No!
Jim! [sobbing]
[Claire] No! No!
-Master Jim!
-[Claire] No! No! No!
[Claire] No, Jim!
-No! No!
[screams] No! Jim!
Goodbye, my friends.
Oh, no! Is that--?
[groans, gasps]
Mordrax's miracles!
If this is the afterlife,
I must surely be in--
-Hello there, boy.
Master! You're-- you're not dead!
Magic may be mastery over life,
but I am most certainly deceased.
You saw me vaporize into soot.
The question really is
why are you here?
[Merlin] Hmm?
I see you translated my grimoire.
-You wrote it in Draconic!
-Ancient Draconic.
You figured it out, didn't you?
Though you somehow did the exact opposite
of my extremely specific instructions.
Uh I knew you wouldn't approve.
But I came up with my own plan.
No regrets.
Yes. I can see you no longer need
my validation.
Remember when I told you
that magic is mastery over life?
Nine hundred years
you've guarded this realm.
You've disrupted time,
freed ancient beasts,
fought to save one life
at the risk of countless others
because you believed
every life was precious.
[Merlin] And still
despite such relentless hardships,
you managed to protect
those dearest to you.
My, Hisirdoux,
what a life you've lived.
-What a wizard you've become.
[sniffles, sobs]
[woman's voice] Time to be off, then.
You were a foolish old man,
but you had good taste in apprentices.
I'd say you have to join us,
but you've never listened
to anyone else before,
so why start now?
Alas, I fear the age of wizardry
ends with us.
But you will carry on in the world of man.
You must protect Nari no matter what.
-Promise me that. And don't
-But, master!
"But, master" me.
Good luck, Master Wizard.
Safe travels, Master Wizards.
[all gasp]
-Douxie! You brave, foolish boy.
-[Douxie groans]
[groans] But everything hurts.
I can't believe you're okay.
Seems you're the one with nine lives.
And don't you ever do that again.
-[Claire] Happy you're alive, Teach.
-[Steve] Yeah!
[groaning] Easy.
I just came back from beyond the grave.
But wait, where's Jim?
Mordrax's miracles.
It seems I've missed a lot.
Same, but glad to be back.
What about Arthur?
[Blinky] Indeed.
And I'm afraid with their demise,
[Toby] Is right over here!
Okay, I just had to try.
What of you, Master Jim?
-[Douxie] Jim, Blinky's right.
With Arthur gone, someone needs
to wield Excalibur.
Who better than the Trollhunter?
But without the amulet,
am I still the Trollhunter?
This means nothing, Jim.
If I've learned anything,
it's that we don't draw strength
from magic artifacts
like amulets and swords.
Our strength is something
far less enchanted, but no less special--
our friends.
We are the protectors of this world.
That's why I made the gamble I did.
Because the only way to stop
the Arcane Order and save this world
is to do it together.
Are you sure our Douxie
came back from the dead?
-[meows, purrs]
-This one is super sappy.
It's time Nari and I got a move on,
-before the Order catches up.
-[Claire] You're leaving? Already?
[Steve] Yeah, you just finished
a whole speech
about saving the world together.
-[Jim] Where are you going?
I promised Merlin I'd keep Nari safe,
which means taking her far away from here.
Don't worry, I'll be seeing
you champions of Arcadia soon enough.
The world's gonna end!
We're all gonna die!
[driver] Hey, look out!
The world's gonna end!
We're all gonna die!
Not on my watch.
[buzzes, screeches]
[music playing]
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