Wonderful World (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

[opening theme playing]
[mysterious music playing]
- [lady] What is the meaning of this?
- What about my mom?
- [lady] What?
- [call connecting]
Your mom is with me.
Take care of her for me.
[mysterious music continues playing]
[unlocks car]
- [car door closes]
- [car starts]
[car accelerates]
[Seonyul] My belief is
will bring a bigger death."
[car accelerates]
[melancholic music playing]
[music fades]
[suspenseful music playing]
[dramatic music playing]
[indistinct voices]
[indistinct voices]
[indistinct voices]
[indistinct voices]
[bookshelf creaking]
[mysterious music playing]
[indistinct voices]
- [lady] Do you regret your revenge?
- [Soohyun] I don't regret it.
I don't regret it.
[dramatic music playing]
[camera clicks]
[camera clicks]
[camera clicks]
[dramatic music continues playing]
- [Taeho] Professor!
- Don't call her that.
- She's your sister-in-law.
- [camera clicks]
[Yuri] Mom, try this.
- This is good.
- [Soohyun] I'll think about it.
[Goeun] What type of uncomfortable
- call was that?
- [Suho] Soohyun.
Let's walk together
in the present now, okay?
[Yuri] Mom, do you want to hear
your favorite song?
- [Yuri] It's good.
- [Goeun] There you go.
[Yuri] Wait a second.
[Soohyun] As a daughter
and daughter-in-law
- [Soohyun] I haven't
- don't regret
[Suho] Soohyun wanted to invite you both.
I don't regret it.
- [camera clicks]
- [people clamoring]
[Suho] Soohyun!
Don't worry. I'll do everything I can.
Don't worry, okay?
[protesters] Release Eun Soohyun!
Release her! Release her!
- Release Eun Soohyun!
- Release her! Release her!
[Yuri] It's good.
[Yuri] Mom, do you want to hear
your favorite song?
[people clamoring]
[Yuri] Mom, do you want to hear
your favorite song?
[Suho] She's your sister-in-law.
[Yuri] It's good.
[Soohyun] As a daughter-in-law,
I haven't treated either of you right.
[Taeho] Professor!
[overlapping voices]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[man] Five minutes left!
[overlapping conversations]
[dramatic music playing]
[Hyegeum] I'm on my way.
[phone vibrating]
[Hansang] I'm here.
I'll go up once Yoon Hyegeum gets here.
[dramatic music continues playing]
Goodness. I'm happy
to see you like this. [chuckles]
[Suho] I'm honored you came.
I'll put my trust in you today.
Go easy on me. [chuckles]
That wouldn't be any fun.
I hope you enjoy
the beauty of live TV today.
I'll look forward to your responses.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Suho] This is it.
[indistinct conversations]
[music fades]
Hello, viewers. I'm Kang Suho.
The guest for my segment today
is Kim Joon, the presidential candidate
from the Hankuk United Party.
Welcome, Congressman.
It's nice to meet you.
[suspenseful music playing]
Hello, I'm Kim Joon.
[Suho] I'm very curious
about your conviction
regarding the rule of law.
[Joon] To achieve true rule of law,
the first and foremost priority
is to eradicate corruption.
Using power to manipulate laws
as one pleases
- Camera two, cut.
- [Joon] must disappear.
- Being fair and just
- [man] Three, standby.
- to everyone.
- [man] Cut.
[Joon] I, Kim Joon, will make sure
- our country abides by that.
- Now, last question.
[foreboding music playing]
Okay, this is the last question.
It's the most important one too.
Let me ask you.
are the allegations of using
the Junseong Welfare Foundation
to create slush funds true?
Please, answer honestly for the viewers
watching now.
[dramatic music playing]
To verify the facts, I have invited
Director Yoon Hyegeum of the foundation's
Geum Gallery here today.
Director, will you come out?
What do you think you're doing?
Hey, what's the director doing?
Tell him to put his earphone in.
We have to ask the last question!
[Hansang] Crap
Where is she?
[call connecting]
[phone vibrating]
[dramatic music playing]
Okay, this is the last question.
Why should the people
vote for you
for president?
There are so many strange things
and strange people
in this world.
People who drink and cause car accidents.
People who abuse
the elderly on the streets.
A world where anyone can stab and kill.
It's terrifying.
How can we live in a world like that?
- [man] How refreshing!
- [Joon] The people of our country
are already having a hard time.
What I want is
- for women to feel safe walking at night.
- That's so refreshing. [laughs]
[Joon] For children and elders
to live a safe life.
A world where good people
won't get wronged.
Let's make that world together.
Dr. Kang Taeho, a moment please?
- [man 1] Great job!
- [man 2] Great work!
- [lady] Great job.
- [Suho] Thank you.
- [man 3] Great work.
- [CEO] Goodness, Congressman.
Great job.
The response is great right now.
This is all thanks to Director Kang.
My approval ratings will increase
thanks to you.
[CEO chuckles]
[mysterious music playing]
I hope you enjoy
the beauty of live TV today.
I'll look forward to your responses.
That's right. [inhales]
I couldn't come empty-handed.
So I brought you a gift too.
How's this?
[dramatic music playing]
A kid who works for me gave it to me.
What did I tell you?
I told you I didn't send it.
Who knew I'd be able to use it like this?
[smacking lips]
What do you say?
Will you show me the beauty
of live television?
[dramatic music continues playing]
[assistant] The live response
after the segment is very hot.
The strategy team at camp predicts
a 10% increase in your approval rating.
Kang Suho.
I bet this will upset him.
Call her.
Yes, sir.
[call connects]
[phone vibrating]
I told you to pack your bags.
What have you been doing?
Did you think I wouldn't know?
I was wrong.
I've committed a grave sin.
Then die.
Did you think
I'd let you live in peace
with your boy after doing something
so fearless?
[Hyegeum] Please,
[breathing heavily]
Where's Heejae?
Don't touch Heejae!
- [Joon] Shut up.
- [breathing heavily]
I'll get rid of anyone who tries to block
my way, even if they're my own children.
You're all cockroaches to me.
If you make another move,
I'll trample you to death.
This my last warning.
[menacing music playing]
[Joon exhales]
Okay, where's Seonyul?
[breathing heavily, sniffles]
- Mom!
- Heejae!
- Heejae! [crying]
- [Heejae crying] Mom!
[Hyegeum laughs in relief]
[music fades]
[Joon] Hey, kiddo.
You look great in that suit.
You really helped me today.
Let's go in.
You can go now.
[foreboding music playing]
As you went inside,
are you sure you closed the door?
[dramatic music playing]
The defendant is found not guilty.
Would there have been a different outcome?
- I'm late.
- Hello, sir.
Is he Gwon Jiwoong's son?
Say hello.
They helped your dad.
I'm glad you're here.
- It's nice to meet you.
- Thank you.
It's nice to meet you.
I'm Gwon Seonyul.
Everyone here
are my people.
I'm Jeong Jaechan.
If you ever need our help.
[Joon] Take a seat.
[music fades]
I don't regret it.
[indistinct voices]
[melancholic music playing]
[emotional music playing]
[Eunmin crying]
[Eunmin sniffles]
[Eunmin crying]
I'm going to kill the person
who did this to my father.
I won't forgive her.
Don't be like that.
Let's forget it.
Please, don't hate her.
[voice breaking] Why do you keep
telling me not to hate her?
Why are you protecting her? [crying]
I'm sad
that I lost your dad.
[emotional music continues playing]
I also feel bad for her.
It'll be too hard for you if you hate her.
Don't hate her.
I'm begging you.
Promise me.
Mom, I'm sorry.
I have to see this to the end.
[tires screeching]
[music fades]
[dramatic music playing]
As Gunwoo's mother,
I have no remorse or shame.
[car accelerates]
will bring a bigger death."
[tires screeching]
[opens seatbelt]
[car door opens]
What are you doing here?
Since when?
Since when have you been following me?
I know who you are.
[suspenseful music playing]
[chuckles softly]
Then shouldn't you be begging?
If I beg,
will you stop here?
Does it finally hurt after seeing
your mom collapse?
Just go with your belief.
- Kill me.
- No.
I won't kill you that easily.
you'll leave your sick mother like that
just to get your stupid revenge?
How dare you speak of my mother?
What happened to
your mom wasn't a simple accident.
[mysterious music playing]
- What are you saying?
- You
You have to protect her.
Don't get involved in my mom's business.
Think about what you should be doing.
Think straight.
[dramatic music continues playing]
[Joon] I guess you're not afraid
of anything, Mr. Kang.
Take a look. It's from that day.
My wife received
an anonymous gift recently.
Seeing as you thought I sent it,
it must've been very expensive.
Director Kang,
you will come back to me.
Do you want to bet on it?
[music fades]
I made a copy of the photos
on Gwon Seonyul's camera.
The rest are clean.
- What about Yoon Hyegeum?
- She never showed up.
What did you say?
You said we could trust her!
It's Kim Joon.
He stopped her.
Then you should've just
exposed him yourself!
You said you were prepared to get fired!
Yoon Hyegeum and I
prepared so much for this moment.
I have a plan.
[breathing heavily]
[phone vibrating]
[melancholic music playing]
[Sujin] Seonyul!
What the
What is all of this?
[Seonyul sighs]
Who did this?
That woman came by.
[melancholic music continues playing]
She figured everything out.
Let's talk later.
- Just go today.
- Okay.
[unlocks car]
I couldn't give it to him.
[fastens seatbelt]
[soft music playing]
[Seonyul inhales]
[Soohyun] What happened to
your mom wasn't a simple accident.
[soft music continues playing]
[phone vibrating]
[Yuri] Soohyun.
Mom was moved to the general ward.
Suho's here too.
[flips phone shut]
Taeho said he wants to
keep her for observation.
Just until she wakes up.
Just be
Gunwoo's dad from now on.
[soft music continues playing]
[door closes]
We get to experience luxury thanks to you.
[Myunghee chuckles]
Why would the wife of Choi Myeong Group
say something like that?
What did she say?
Do you know CEO Yuri in Cheongdam?
She was at a cafe
with your daughter-in-law.
They're always together.
- What of it?
- She was crying and begging
in front of your daughter-in-law.
I think she's having an affair
with your son.
What a story.
Those two
grew up like sisters since they were kids.
Hey, Suho.
Where are you right now?
No, no. Even if you're busy,
I have to see you.
[cashier] Welcome.
[lounge music playing in background]
What's going on? I don't have much time.
I'll get straight to the point.
Did you
have inappropriate relations
with Soohyun's manager?
[melancholic music playing]
You're out of your mind.
I don't know
where or what you heard
but don't say anything to Soohyun.
Don't make things any harder for her.
What did she say?
If you can't make it work,
get a divorce.
Breaking up is no big deal.
However, the reason for divorce
can't be an affair.
You came this far.
I can't stand by and watch all of it
crumble in an instant.
[melancholic music continues playing]
You said you couldn't live without her.
You said she was the only one.
How could you do this?
How dare you do something so filthy?
[music fades]
[groans softly]
[groans softly]
What happened to me? [groans softly]
You collapsed in the restaurant.
[Soohyun exhales]
What about the restaurant?
I have a group reservation today.
Is that important right now?
I'm okay now.
Let's go home.
No, Mom.
The doctor said you need more rest.
Let's listen to them.
That'll make me feel better.
I feel
like you're suffering because of me.
[emotional music playing]
[voice trembling] Mom.
Do you know
how precious you are to me?
All I need
is you, Mom.
No matter what happens
I can overcome anything
as long as I have you.
Me too.
[voice trembling] All I need is you.
As long as you're okay, I'm okay.
[Soohyun exhales]
[emotional music continues playing]
[door closes]
Why didn't you come in?
I think
she collapsed because of me.
[doorbell chimes]
- [Yuri] I'm here.
- [Goeun] Come in.
- [Yuri chuckles]
- What did you buy this time?
I'll do it.
Is this how I do it?
It's so fresh.
Is something wrong?
Yuri, you can tell me the truth.
About what?
What your birth mother said that day
about getting stabbed in the back.
What did she mean by that?
What's the photo she gave you?
[breath trembling, sniffles]
[mysterious music playing]
No way
The photo
The woman
Is it you?
I'm sorry.
[Yuri crying]
- I'm so sorry, Mom.
- Don't call me that!
[emotional music playing]
- [Yuri crying]
- [Goeun whimpering]
[Yuri crying]
Does Soohyun know too?
Don't show yourself
to Soohyun for the time being.
She'll suffer at the sight of you.
Don't come here either.
Just go, Yuri.
[Yuri crying]
[doorbell chimes]
[mysterious music playing]
[doorbell chimes]
[mysterious music continues playing]
[Goeun sniffles]
[Goeun sniffles]
[doorbell chimes]
[Goeun sniffles]
[doorbell chimes]
You're here.
Have a seat.
[Goeun sniffles, exhales]
[Goeun groans]
[Seonyul straining]
Ma'am, are you okay? Ma'am!
[dramatic music playing]
[car accelerates]
- Over here!
- Doctor, we need you!
- Over here.
- [Seonyul breathing heavily]
Put her down there.
[Seonyul] Help me.
[doctor] Ma'am, can you hear me?
Ma'am, do you hear my voice?
- What happened?
- She just collapsed.
Check her pulse first.
- [nurse] Yes, Doctor.
- And let's get a CT scan.
[breathing heavily]
[dramatic music continues playing]
[indistinct conversation]
[phone vibrating]
[phone continues vibrating]
[solemn music playing]
are you picking up?
Your mom
is with me.
- [Soohyun] Where's Oh Goeun?
- [Taeho] Soohyun!
- Hey! You're here.
- [Seonyul] Yes.
- You must be hungry, sit down.
- [Seonyul] Okay.
- Here are some eggs.
- You do this every time.
It's on the house. Eat up.
[Seonyul] Thank you.
Thank you for the meal!
[rain pattering]
- [doorbell chimes]
- Son!
Take it with you.
- Thank you.
- Sure. Bye.
- [man 1] Cheers.
- Cheers.
[glasses clinking]
[lounge music playing in background]
[man 2] We ate so much earlier,
but it's still going in.
Hey, attention! Everyone!
To celebrate this week's
record-breaking ratings
with a special guest on ABS News.
Let's hear a toast
from Director Kang Suho!
[people cheering]
Forget it.
- Kang Suho!
- Kang Suho!
- Kang Suho!
- Kang Suho!
You all worked hard preparing it.
It was tough.
There are many times
you could waver between truth
and the report as journalists.
During those times,
let's not forget our sense of mission
and fight to the end.
Cheers to our industry conscience!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
- [lady] Cheers!
- Drink up.
- Why won't you drink?
- [all chuckling]
[lady] That's good.
[man 1] Ah.
[soft music playing]
You never should've come back to me.
Do you know
what the hardest part for me is?
It's not knowing it was you and her
and that I wanted to live again
for both of you.
Just be
Gunwoo's dad from now on.
[emotional song playing]
[indistinct conversation]
Director. [exhales]
You're really my role model.
I respect you so much.
Look at me, I'm a mess.
[phone vibrating]
[Suho] I won't be able to come home
for a while because of work.
[song continues playing]
All done.
Thank you.
- Excuse me?
- [receptionist] Yes?
Oh Goeun came in
as an emergency patient yesterday.
How did she get here?
A man ran here with her on his back.
- A man?
- He said he wasn't family.
Just a moment.
It says Gwon Seonyul.
[Soohyun] Why
did he help my mom?
He's been waiting for me to crumble.
The end was right there, so why?
Seonyul, you have a call.
I'm busy right now.
[opening theme playing]
[Yonggu] Hey, where are you going?
Gwon Seonyul!
[Sujin] Seonyul, your mom woke up!
[horn honking]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[tires screeching]
[Sujin] There's not much time.
Get here quickly.
[opening theme continues playing]
[breathing heavily]
[opening theme continues playing]
[Seonyul] Mom, wait for me.
[breathing heavily]
Mom! [breathing heavily]
[emotional music playing]
[emotional music continues playing]
[Sujin sniffles]
[Seonyul] Mom.
I'm here.
I'm a little late, aren't I?
I'm sorry.
You did great trying to stay with me.
You suffered so much, Mom.
[voice breaking] Thank you.
I'm sorry, Mom. [crying]
Mom. [crying]
Mom. [crying]
[emotional music continues playing]
[Sujin] We'll go with this coffin.
Go with the nice frame and sheet.
This one.
[man] What about the flowers?
[Sujin] For flowers
We'll do the 1.3 million won flowers.
Yes, ma'am.
[Sujin] Hey.
- Did you get all of her stuff?
- Yeah.
I didn't think there'd be this much.
Things kept coming out.
I almost forgot.
I found this in her clothes
while I was packing things up.
Give it here.
I'll put this in the car.
Change your clothes.
It was with her stuff.
I think it's her phone.
Hey, Mom. How are you feeling?
I'll come by later.
[phone vibrating]
- Hey, Taeho.
- [Taeho] Soohyun.
Did you hear the news?
What news?
[Taeho] Seonyul's mom passed away.
[soft music playing]
What's this?
She's here.
[door closes]
[emotional music playing]
What are you doing here?
Don't think about anything else.
Focus on sending your mom off.
Did you come here
to see me like this?
[emotional music continues playing]
[emotional song playing]
[Seonyul] What do I do now?
You know who his father was.
[Joon] If there's something on your mind,
you should look into it.
[Soohyun] Say hi to my sister.
[Joon] As for me,
I'd have my enemies next to me if I need,
and abandon my friends
if they become useless.
Feel free to fawn over him, you bastard!
[Seonyul] I
still can't forgive you.
But why are you doing this to me?
You can decide to bury it
or go all the way.
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