Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku (2018) s01e10 Episode Script

Introducing Kou-kun and Online Gaming Revenge

All right. Penalty.
Haven't you had enough?
President, it's almost time.
Oh, it's already late.
Thank you!
See you later!
Keep up the hard work this afternoon!
Do you know those people just now?
Know them? He's my brother.
But you guys seem so different.
You think so?
Nao, you can go on break now.
I'll check the seating area before my break.
I wonder if Nao would look cool in a suit.
We're talking about Nao here.
Studying hard
What a hard worker!
There's someone in my family just like that.
I feel like I've seen that game before.
It's the one where I died after one punch!
My brother had fun playing it, so I wanted to try it.
I wondered if it'd be too hard.
But it looks easy enough.
He hasn't even gotten any damage.
Oh, he won.
That game's really fun, right?
I've played a little bit before.
Oh, no!
That's not what I mean.
That was fast.
Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
Now, let's get started
Where we left off yesterday
There's no pleasure without pain
Let the story be
Getting out of the deep sea
Leaping to the flying city
Now we can't get down
A plot with no coherence
This story is one and only
Always remember the good times
Brace yourself for letdowns
It'll come in handy
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
I let my emotions flow
Gently, softly
Turning pages of the story
It seems never-ending
Will it ever come to an end?
I have no clue
Too bad I don't
It's a small world.
What happened, Nao?
I met that guy at work yesterday.
The one playing games over there.
That's Sakuragi! I didn't know Sakuragi goes here.
-Yokkun, you know him?
-Sakuragi was in my high school class.
-Ken, you were in the same class too.
-Really? I don't remember.
Sakuragi wasn't the type of person
to hang out much.
Sakuragi's the type of person
who's fine being alone.
What's so important that you had to interrupt me?
Hi! Thanks for yesterday.
Oh, wait! Wait!
Don't run away.
I have something to give back to you.
Here. You dropped this, right?
We go to the same college, so I held onto it.
I'm glad I found you before looking all over.
I'm Sakuragi. Kou Sakuragi.
Maybe saying "sorry" is just a habit of his.
I'm Naoya Nifuji.
Excuse me.
Oh, wait!
Do you have something else to say?
Sakuragi wasn't the type of person
to hang out much.
Sakuragi's the type of person
who's fine being alone.
Do you want to play games together sometime?
I want to
become friends with you!
Do you mean
you want to send a friend request?
If that's what you mean,
then take a screenshot of this
and search for my ID later.
I'll leave it unlocked.
Oh, okay.
I didn't mean I wanted to become gaming friends.
Nice to meet you, Kou!
Uh Yeah.
-Sakuragi is a girl?
-I'll send a friend request.
I wonder if Nao knows.
We're talking about Nao here.
Your screenshot has been saved.
Our main character today is late.
Sorry to make you wait!
Sorry to be late.
The lobby is so large that I got lost.
Where did you get those crazy ears?
Oh, these.
I'm from a race of werewolf-like creatures.
-Can I touch them?
-Go ahead.
They have good stamina and work well
for beginners. My friend recommended them.
By the way, I haven't seen
the older Nifuji brother yet.
I bet he's coming later.
Nao, did Hirotaka say anything?
My brother?
My brother's sleeping right behind me.
What do you mean? Details!
Nao, don't say it that way.
People will only misunderstand.
Aren't you coming, Hirotaka?
You can log in on your phone, right?
I'm busy.
You're just playing a different game, right?
I know how you are.
Nao started playing online games
with his friend recently.
But leveling up is hard in the beginning.
Yeah. I feel bad making my friend help me out
in the easy areas.
So, today, we're all going to help Nao
and try to complete an advanced quest! Okay?
Even if he levels up,
if his skills don't improve,
you're just wasting time.
I've had enough of you.
Playing without Hirotaka isn't a big deal at all!
Let's go, Nao!
Wait, Narumi!
Sorry. It looks like I ran out of strength.
Damn! Nifuji's seriously not coming?
We might not make it.
No! We've come so far!
Who's that? Could it be?
Just got here. Explain, please.
What? Everything's done already.
I didn't have to come and help.
You didn't have to change into your joke costume.
I got a rare weapon.
Oh, well.
Anyway, her costume is cute.
Kou! You logged in just now, right?
Thanks for helping us!
That quest you were trying just now
You should level up more before trying it.
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Wotakoi: Love is Hard for Otaku
This is bad.
This is so bad.
There's still five minutes.
It's too soon to give up!
Narumi, be like the wind!
No way. That's unusual.
Good morning! You look pretty calm, Hirotaka.
Narumi? Good morning.
Hirotaka? You
You're early today.
Not at all.
Check your watch.
So Hirotaka finally switched to contacts.
No, he didn't.
-We'll be late.
Let's run, Hirotaka!
-Be like the wind!
-Wait, I can't see the road.
He stepped on them when he woke up.
He said he'll get new ones at lunch.
His eyesight is really bad.
He's about to kiss the computer.
I wonder if Hirotaka's okay.
Not being able to see must be stressful.
Naru, your hands stopped.
When Kabakura gets back, can you give him this?
I can't stop thinking about it.
Momose, why are you looking around like that?
Concentrate on your work.
Okay! Right away!
I heard his voice just now,
but I'm not sure which person he is.
Oh, Nifuji.
When did you switch to contacts?
Are you Mr. Kabakura?
Yeah. You're Mr. Kabakura. Good.
You didn't!
No. Thanks!
Sorry, Nifuji.
I was surprised. Are you okay?
I'm okay.
Someone asked me to give you this.
-Who is it from?
-Who knows?
Hey, Nifuji is kind of hot, right?
Do you think so?
His eyes look mean.
That's what I like about him.
Nifuji is pretty hot.
-Hey, Hana-chan. You too?
-Haven't you ever thought so? Not even once?
His face does have nice proportions.
But Hirotaka's always been Hirotaka.
Taking off his glasses doesn't automatically
make him hot.
You might be used to the way he looks,
but it's new for the other girls.
Nifuji, when was this document created?
Which one?
You can take your break early.
Hurry up and go get new glasses.
You're not getting any work done like that.
I hear Mr. Kabakura's voice coming
from somewhere.
Momose, can you go with Nifuji?
Is Kabakura trying to be considerate?
It's not safe to send him alone if he can't see.
By the time you return,
your ability to concentrate had better return too.
He's serious.
Thanks for taking care of me, Momose.
I'll take care of you.
Oh, Kou!
Wait! Don't go!
Thanks for the other day.
If you hadn't helped us, we'd all be dead.
You should complete the solo stage first
before going to that area.
I see.
I wanted to level up, so I wouldn't hold you back,
but you ended up helping me anyway.
I don't mind helping you.
It helps me practice multiplayer battles.
Then let me get started.
Hey. You can actually see, right?
-What? Can't you see how I am right now?
-You're exaggerating.
You can see without getting that close.
You're just pretending you can't see.
I can't see well enough to do that.
I can't see anything unless I am that close.
Why do you doubt me so much?
-The reason and proof are in your eyes.
This morning, a moment ago and right now.
You can see my face
without making your eyes do this.
That's because I know it's you,
even if I can't see you.
By the way, there was gossip going around
that you're hot without glasses.
-What was that? Hirotaka?
Why don't you switch to contacts?
You'd be popular.
Okay. Maybe I will.
Thank you.
You're not switching?
Let me borrow your computer!
This is for you. Sorry to come on your day off.
I don't mind.
Nao, did you notice anything?
-Did you get a haircut?
-Never mind.
Kou! Thanks for waiting!
It took longer than I thought.
Oh, no problem. It's okay.
How was it?
Did you complete the solo stage?
Don't feel bad.
Do I really have to defeat that boss alone?
Since it's a stage for solo players
Sorry, I can't help you.
But on the other hand,
if you complete this, your rank will go up
and you can access more advanced quests.
All right, I can do it!
I'm going to rank up!
It was no good.
Next time.
Sorry, I'm still no-good,
no matter how many times I try.
Let's try something different.
Maybe your weapons aren't compatible.
Their stats are high enough,
but maybe the problem is
that you're not getting enough hits.
So let's try a knuckle-type,
super close-range weapon.
If you try attacking the enemy from the front,
you'll definitely be able to wear it down and win.
You're not mad at me?
People always say I'm so bad
that they get frustrated watching.
My brother loves games,
and he gets mad at me a lot.
Don't worry about it.
I thought you guys were similar,
but you're different.
I'm sure I'll win this time.
Let's play together when I get back!
That's foreshadowing that he's going to die.
Kou! Kou! How do I change weapons?
Nao. Your phone is ringing.
Your phone.
Thanks, Hirotaka.
Hello? What's wrong? Yokkun.
Why would Nao come here
to play games on a weekend?
What got him so addicted?
Let me see.
Maybe it was too early to bring him to this area.
If I can get the enemy to target me instead
I hope I can do multiplayer well.
My DEF isn't high enough to be a shield yet.
What's he doing here?
I have to save him!
Come this way.
Why am I here?!
Come on, bro! Don't play using my data!
Sorry, sorry.
I wanted to try using the knuckle type, so
-You surprised my friend.
-I'm surprised too, because I was blown away.
Did you just say he was your brother?
Right! The brother who always gets mad at me
when we play games.
The way I am now, I bet I'd make you mad too,
so I'm going to drop out of this quest.
I'll try again later.
Sorry. Uh
I won't get mad.
So let's play together.
Introducing Kou-kun and Online Gaming Revenge
We say anything to each other
And we have similar tastes
But we are not a typical couple
Nothing's changed since the time we were friends
Why do we still have distance between us?
-Why so
-Why me?
-I'm so
-I'm too afraid to ask
-I know
-But I love you
Don't give me that look
Comforting to be next to you
We were both so clumsy
We try to walk at the same pace
Feeling nervous next to you
Let's fall in love
We'll figure it out slowly
I'm sure
-We dropped out as friends.
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