X-Men (2011) s01e10 Episode Script


My dream will soon become a reality.
So I need my loyal men by my side.
My trusted right-hand man
left me, though.
Right, Emma?
Beast, Emma, stay with Dr. Sasaki!
Curse you!
Who is he? Don't let him go in there!
That's Mastermind,
a member of the Inner Circle.
What's the Inner Circle?
A mutant organization whose main goal
is to create a new world order
with mutants ruling over humanity.
They're evil
and Mastermind's their leader.
He deceived you. Made you think
he was your assistant, Jun.
-But the whole thing was an illusion.
-An illusion?
He's not Jun Sanada?
That's right, you better run!
How did I?
Kaga. Hey, Kaga, wake up!
What happened?
Riko, how in the world did I get here?
I don't know. I've been asking
myself the same question.
I don't remember anything at all.
What happened?
It can't be.
What happened to Riko
happened to me too.
What was that?
It's my mind against yours.
We'll see who's stronger.
I'm not strong enough! It's no use.
Charles! Charles!
Charles, you can't let them down.
You have to keep fighting.
That voice! Jean?
Hey, you.
You were looking a little pale.
I thought you could use a tan.
Well, you can scratch Rat
off our to-do list.
Damn it. I thought I had him.
Yeah, well,
he's out of range now, anyway.
But I still smell something rotten
behind those doors.
There are three people.
No, more than that!
-Dr. Sasaki!
-Doctor, what happened here?
First, Kaga and I
wake up in the infirmary.
And then we find out that
the laboratory's been destroyed!
It's hard to explain.
Not really. Try telling them the truth.
It's her custom-made virus.
It accelerates the very mutations
it's designed to prevent.
-It does what? What are you saying?
-Then we
Yes. First Riko's mutant powers went
out of control, and then yours, Kaga.
Don't worry, you're all right now.
It's over. I've treated you
with a vaccine that I developed
back at the Xavier Institute.
Your DNA is now stable.
-Doctor, how could this happen?
I wish I knew.
-We failed. All I can do is apologize.
-It can't be!
I'm so sorry.
That enormous device.
There's a similar mutant detection device
at the Xavier Institute
but it's probably not the same thing.
Isn't this the device
that's blocking Cerebro
and mutant detection through telepathy?
Perhaps a demonstration is in order.
Just as I thought. The device detects
any attempt to scan for the X-Gene.
Then it somehow blocks or scrambles
our detection capabilities
in this facility.
Even for the X-Men and these two
Mastermind and his mutant.
Is that just about right?
Feel free to jump in at any time.
So this is what was blocking
Professor X and Cerebro.
This thing was jamming
their scanning devices.
The worst part is that you clearly knew
you had something to hide.
Why else would you want
to black out this entire area?
You could've done something to prevent
or even stop the increase in mutations
and the incidents caused by
the Damon-Hall Syndrome.
I can't believe it. Why are you blocking
the detection of mutants
if you're the one
doing research on them?
-Dr. Sasaki?
-Did you two know what was going on?
You're mutants, for God's sake!
You just stood by and let her!
Later. We need to focus on Mastermind.
Now, what's behind that door, doctor?
It has something to do with
what Mastermind told me
when he stopped pretending to be Jun
Sanada and I discovered his true identity.
Wait, what are you saying about Jun?
I'm confused. What do you mean?
That wasn't really Jun?
You two will just have to try to catch up.
Mastermind found out about the strange
mutant activity occurring here last year.
After the battle with the X-Men
he discovered that something
very powerful
is responsible for the series
of mutations.
Naturally, Jason wasn't going
to leave something like that alone.
So he came here and wormed his way
into gaining Dr. Sasaki's confidence
hoping to find the source
of this power.
And from what he told me
he did.
And now I have discovered
where the power is coming from.
What did he discover?
What is the source of this power?
Listen, doctor, if you know anything
about this, you better tell us.
Your inhibitor no longer works
because you are hiding what is
responsible for the series of mutations
at the back of the dome, right?
Dr. Sasaki.
Forget it. This is a waste of time.
I say we go in.
Mastermind is in there. I will handle it!
You're right, it's in there.
The source of power.
But you don't understand.
The power itself is terrible
but what's behind it
is the sweetest
He's the reason why
I began developing the inhibitor.
The one Kaga and Riko were taking.
So you're saying that the source
of this remarkable power is a mutant?
One of the U-Men told me something odd
and it's all starting to make sense now.
There is a monster here
more dangerous
than any other mutant.
What can be more dangerous?
He had a Cerebro-like scanner
that wasn't affected by the device.
I think I know why.
The U-Men were working for you,
weren't they?
My work required mutant tissue. I couldn't
develop the viral serum without it.
The U-Men got the tissue
that I needed.
From a fresh organ.
And you two knew about this
and did nothing?
In return, we made the mutant detection
interference device
and we gave them a device
to help them avoid the interference.
You knew that they were killing mutants
with that device and you did nothing?
You were helping to kill mutants!
No, I can't believe it.
Dr. Sasaki was
That does it, I've heard enough!
Time to gather some tissue of my own!
No, wait!
Please, look at it
from her point of view!
Yeah? What point of view justifies working
with those mutant-hating scumbags?
She wanted to keep her hands clean.
What could you do?
It was the only choice you had.
To obtain organs.
But recently, the inhibitor
has not been working well
and the power source hidden
behind the door started to leak.
This is why you promoted the awakening
of mutants in this region.
Instead of hiding,
why didn't you contact Professor X?
You two were close once, weren't you?
Cut the crap. When are you gonna tell us
who you've got hidden back there?
If we have a chance at stopping him
you've got to stop wasting our time
and start talking.
What could this mean?
The closer I get to those doors,
the more this thing hurts.
Finally, I was starting to get impatient.
We were about to begin without you.
Who's that?
He's my son.
And Charles is his father.
-He's Charles' kid?
-That's his son?
Really, your own child.
We didn't know!
We thought he was just a patient!
Not Dr. Sasaki's son!
I bet the professor doesn't
even know about him.
He didn't. Not until I told him
shortly after you arrived.
There was a mutant incident
in this area once
and Professor X came.
Love was in the air. Cue the violins.
I checked everything.
That man
The person you thought to be
Jun Sanada was, in fact, Mastermind.
He was Jun?
That time,
she built a school for young mutants
and dreamed of giving them
a good education.
But then her own son started showing
that he didn't fall too far
from the X-Tree.
She began seeking a cure for
what she called the "Mutant Condition."
Luckily, she had two mutants with her.
Her dutiful lab assistants.
She came upon the idea
of a custom virus
that would eradicate
the mutant part of our DNA.
Right, Kaga and Riko?
But our research didn't progress
as well as we expected.
The doctor discovered
that fresh mutant organs were the key
to saving her dear son.
Knowing that the U-Men hate mutants
just as much as they enjoy murder
she hired them to do her dirty work.
You know, you make me sick.
What she didn't know was that the U-Men
are cooperating with the Inner Circle.
Since when did the U-Men
decide to start cooperating
with mutants?
Maybe because she knew that
she could kill more mutants
by collaborating with us.
That's why she accepted to work
with the Inner Circle.
But little Takeo here
is what's important.
The first Omega-level mutant
since the late Jean Grey.
All we needed was someone like Takeo
to change this world as it should be.
A world ruled by mutants.
So we haven't given Takeo
any inhibitors over the last months.
What have you done to him?
Thanks to you, I've had months
to work on his mind,
breaking it down little by little.
-All this time, behind our backs
-You monster!
Now, here's a real monster.
Neuron. He's the White Bishop
of the Inner Circle.
Watch out! No!
What the hell?
-They're both dead.
No! Kaga! Riko!
What have you done?
They're dead because I shocked them.
They were gonna die, anyway.
I have this wonderful way
of showing people what pain feels like.
What did you just say?
He can override a person's neural
pathways using his powers, don't forget.
I can crank up all your senses to levels
you've never dreamed of.
I'll make the sound of a pin
dropping a mile away so loud,
it'll burst your eardrums.
Or even better,
give you a teeny little pinch
so painful that you die
from electric shock.
Yeah? Pinch this, jackass.
Warning. Unstable descent trajectory.
Danger of impact.
Now, enough moping around, Takeo,
let's get this party started. Come on!
No, don't!
Go on. Bring an end to all your misery
and release the power raging within you.
My hand! Why is it?
What's going on?
-Good Lord! What is that?
-It's gotta be those damn mutants again!
Can you feel it? It barely started
and the earth is already trembling.
If you value your friends' lives,
you won't interrupt.
Besides, where are your manners?
The boy is just getting started.
As Mastermind gets closer
to dominating the world
he holds the X-Men captive,
while unleashing Takeo's power.
When Professor X
and Yui Sasaki's child, Takeo
destroys the facility and escapes
the countdown
to world destruction begins.
But can Takeo's mother and father,
Dr. Sasaki and Professor X
even control this power?
Next time on X-Men: "Revenge."
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