You Cannot Hide (2019) s01e10 Episode Script

Cara a cara

Is it just me, or are you not
very happy to see me?
Your dad's back from the dead,
and you look at him like that?
This took a lot of work, didn't it, bud?
She takes after her parents, bud.
I'm a little disappointed.
I thought you'd be more excited.
-You son of a bitch!
-Don't you dare!
Don't you dare, miss!
You disgust me.
It disgusts me to be your daughter.
You're human garbage.
But you know what?
You won't beat my mom.
I would've loved to have seen
your mother rot in a grave.
It's the least she deserves
for betraying me.
But unfortunately, that's not the case.
Don't touch me.
Now that I think about it,
it's a good thing she's still alive,
and that she's here in Mexico.
My mom is here?
How about it?
Our happy family is reunited once again.
What do you think, sweetie?
-Hello, miss.
I left my key in my room.
What's your room number?
Sorry, but that's not your room.
Open the room. My daughter is in there.
Sorry, ma'am, but I can't.
Sure you can. Open the room.
I'm sure she's there.
If you're so sure, then why
don't you call the police?
It's your choice. You decide.
Why don't you let me call my mom?
I just want her to know I'm OK.
Amalia, don't underestimate me.
You're my daughter. You're no fool.
Why don't you sit down instead?
You don't know how difficult
it's been to get here.
Having to hide for so long.
Believe it or not, it's tiresome.
Why did your mother do that?
I mean, I don't say it because of me.
I say it because of you, her daughter.
I don't think you liked
having to leave Mexico like that.
Don't touch me.
She had to mess with the gringo,
hadn't she?
What did she expect?
For them to catch me?
To someone like me?
He's in the hotel.
There's no one here.
Open the other one.
No, I can't open every room.
-You said
-Open it!
Who the hell tipped them off?
We have to go.
Come on.
Goddamn it!
We have to keep looking.
At the hotel. Where are you?
You said you'd help
and you haven't done shit!
-This way!
-Let go!
Mom! Mom, I'm here!
Shut up!
-Shut up!
Get in! Get in, damn it!
-Get in!
Come on! Move!
Get out of the way!
Who are you? Who the fuck are you?
Sanchez is alive. I saw him.
Sanchez died in his car
after it caught on fire.
We just saw him.
He ran away with his daughter.
Daniel, a friend and police officer.
If what you say is true,
why wait three years to come back?
To find his daughter?
He doesn't want my daughter.
He wants to get back at me
for betraying him to you.
-Don't you see that?
-I insist.
Why not kill you both?
He tried. I was tasked with the job.
It's hard to explain.
I've been helping her since.
Of course he wants something.
He wants something from me.
Alex Molina escaped the station
where he was held
awaiting to be questioned by
the judge overseeing the case.
His whereabouts are unknown.
The police are investigating.
Here's some linden tea for your nerves.
Everything will work out. You'll see.
-But you have to calm down.
-Calm down?
My father is a murderer.
He killed two women
and he's now a fugitive.
How the fuck can I calm down?
You look after me
and I take it out on you.
You're right. I need to calm down.
Go on. Drink.
Drink up.
You know, when your father
was arrested I felt relieved.
What are you doing?
Everything was over.
I even gave myself the luxury to pity you.
I was going to let you live.
What are you talking about?
But since your father escaped,
I can't ignore it anymore.
He'll continue to suffer just like I did.
What did you give me?
I want to leave.
I saw my mother's body.
She was naked and propped up by ropes.
I can't get that image out of my head!
I want your father to feel
what I felt at that moment.
I hope you don't mind if I record you.
I don't get what Sanchez
would want from you.
Sorry, I was tied up.
Andres, this is Pete, DEA.
We know each other.
Andres spent a year
assisting our department.
Sanchez is alive.
What do you mean
that asshole is still alive?
We're waiting for his call.
The same Sanchez
who up until now was dead.
He's a man with a thirst
for revenge and a very big ego.
If he were smarter and less proud,
he would've stayed quiet.
He could've undergone plastic
surgery and the like, but no
Hi, Lidia.
Where are you keeping Natalia?
She's asking for a so called Natalia.
Do you know her?
Give me the phone!
Mom, Mom!
Honey, my beautiful little girl.
How are you, sweetie?
I'm fine. Where are you?
Please come get me.
That's enough!
Let go!
If you hurt Natalia,
I swear I'll kill you.
Don't worry.
If everything goes as planned,
nothing will happen to her.
Lidia, Monica, whatever
your name is, put the gringo on.
I have an offer you may be interested in.
Any news?
It's him, Velasco. Humberto has Eli.
Humberto's mother was killed
in Polanco 20 years ago.
I think he wants to get back
at Alex because of it.
If that's true, maybe Alex
didn't kill Beatriz Prats
and Humberto did it
to mimic his mother's murder.
That doesn't matter now.
I'm outside his home.
Wait, don't go in alone.
Wait for me, you hear?
I'm on my way.
It's for you, gringo.
It's for you.
Get in, you fucking gringo.
Laura, Laura!
Laura, can you hear me? Look at me!
Goddamn it!
Hey! Laura!
Hang in there.
Hang in there, Laura. Hang in there.
Look at me. Hey, hey.
Listen to me. Laura!
There's an officer critically wounded!
I need an ambulance.
22 Calle Secoya.
It's an emergency!
Laura Hey!
Please hang in there.
They're coming for you. Hang in there.
Goddamn it! Goddamn it!
Being dead suits you.
That's what I love about fucking gringos.
They've always got a joke on hand
even when they're about to die.
I'm glad you agreed to come.
You have more balls than
your friends over at the DEA.
I also love that about gringos.
They're always in a rush.
What do you want?
You guys slacked with
the Witness Protection Program.
Take me, for example.
If that's not enough,
there's also my daughter.
That proves my point.
It took me three years to find them,
but in those three years, I found
other "protected" witnesses.
I know where they live,
what they do,
their new names.
Can you imagine if that
information were to be leaked?
That's not all, though.
If I got them, I can also
get to other witnesses.
How would that make you look?
How many heads would roll?
Do we understand each other?
You're in trouble, aren't you?
If you don't disappear,
someone will make you disappear.
It's the nature of the business.
I'm not saying it isn't.
Relax, relax.
Why hold your daughter hostage?
Let's just say my daughter is insurance
for this to be a deal among gentlemen.
What do you say?
-Move it!
Eli, how are you? Eli!
What did you do to her?
I gave her a sedative
so she won't suffer as much.
Don't come any closer!
Why don't you let her go, Humberto?
She's not to blame for any of this.
Neither was my mother, but you killed her!
Yes, but that was my fault and mine alone.
It's not fair to make her pay.
I don't care if it's fair or not!
What I want is for you
to suffer like I did!
Don't move.
Don't you think we've all suffered enough?
Do you think you suffered just like I did?
My father couldn't cope
after losing my mother,
so he drank constantly and
killed himself that same year.
He forgot he had a son to look after.
Humberto, Eli is a lot more
like you than you think.
She also lost her mother.
Don't try to use her story
to garner sympathy.
I'm familiar with it.
You already got your revenge.
You killed Beatriz
and you framed me for it.
-What more do you want?
-Prats meant nothing to you.
But I realized that too late--
Stay back, I said!
You're not a murderer.
You're not as screwed up as I am.
You're much better than me.
You don't have to kill
another innocent person.
I don't care if they're innocent or not
so long as their deaths make you suffer.
That's not true, Humberto.
You're very important to her.
And I know she's very important to you.
You turned yourself in to save Eli,
but then you fucked it up by leaving.
You sentenced your daughter to death!
Release her.
Let her go.
Kill me instead.
I'm a fellow officer.
Urrutia! Urrutia
It's going to be OK.
Eli, honey.
Sweetie, listen to me.
Hey! Eli.
Eli, sweetie. Eli.
Look at me.
It's me.
Hi, baby.
Hi, honey.
You and I are the only ones
who know the truth.
Now you'll know what living is like
after losing everything you love.
Come with me!
Come on! Come on!
Where's my daughter?
We're still negotiating, Monica.
Sanchez won't give in.
She's in danger with him.
Did you see her? Is she OK?
-I didn't see her.
-Fuck! Then what now?
What do you mean "calm down"?
He said he'd let her go after
we give him a new identity
and we get him out of the country.
Smart bastard, huh?
Elisabeth? Are you OK?
Are you OK? Look at me.
Look after her.
Did you give her the pill?
I just did.
Hopefully she'll sleep for a few hours.
We're on the right track.
We'll surely have good results.
Pete requested Sanchez's documents
and I hope it won't be long.
Where is it going to happen?
Why are you asking me that, Dani?
You know I can't tell you.
Don't do that again.
I need to know.
I don't trust Pete, much less Sanchez.
Didn't you hear what I said?
I can't tell you.
Got it?
Well, I'm leaving.
Don't worry so much.
Everything will be alright.
You son of a bitch.
A son of a bitch?
Why do you say that, Daniel?
Someone tipped Sanchez off
to us being at the hotel.
You were the only one who knew.
Don't give me that shit.
I'm faithful.
I'm loyal.
You worked with Pete
in the Witness Protection program.
You told Sanchez about Monica
and her daughter's identity
and where they were.
What a coincidence that I, your friend,
was asked to kill Monica.
All I know is that alcoholics
makeup a lot of things.
You were the hooded man in Plaza Oriente.
You ran as soon as you saw me.
What was your price?
Don't fuck with me, Daniel.
Stop beating around the bush, damn it!
What I'm about to do
is your fault, asshole.
Where's Sanchez?
I don't know.
Where and when, asshole?
I don't know, Goddamn it!
Tell me where Sanchez is
or I'll shoot you right now!
There's a wrestling ring nearby.
Get up.
Get up, asshole.
The doctors don't know if she'll make it.
She will.
She's got more balls
than you and I put together.
She'll make it.
I don't know.
What I do know
is that someone has to explain
what the hell happened.
Why was Urrutia in that house,
alone, with a gun in hand?
Why did she return a second time?
If Urrutia doesn't make it,
you'll have to explain.
This stinks to high heaven.
I guess it was unexpected.
He caught her by surprise.
Don't give me that, Velasco.
We're talking about Urrutia.
She knew where she was going
and what she'd find there.
What I don't understand
is why she went there alone.
Will you tell me or should
I come to my own conclusions?
Sir, it's better to let it be.
Urrutia went to the wrong place,
not knowing what she'd find.
No. I don't buy it, Velasco.
Beatriz Prats' alleged murderer
escaped in, shall we say,
a peculiar manner.
And then Urrutia,
without any prior explanation,
shows up at the right place
and, by herself, takes on
a man who almost killed her.
I'm not stupid, Velasco.
I insist, sir.
It's better to let it be.
Isn't that what I should do when I'm asked
why we steered our investigation
towards Alex Molina's daughter
when everything seemed
to indicate Torres was guilty?
We all have friends everywhere.
Even in hell, Captain.
If Urrutia survives
and wakes up, let me know.
We'll have to think in a way to
reward her, I don't know, even
condecorate her.
Laura, you have to pull through
even if it's just to kick
that asshole in the balls.
The girl.
You won't get the girl
until after I leave the country.
I couldn't care less
if you trust me or not.
Do you have it?
Relax, relax.
It's our friend Pete.
Is everything OK?
Promise me no one will touch my money.
I need to use that money
with my new identity.
You know you'll get to use it
once everything checks out.
No one will stop you.
I can screw you over.
And you know it.
My flight leaves in three hours.
After I land, I'll give
the order to release the girl.
I'll miss her.
Pleasure as always, Agent.
Easy, easy.
Look at that.
My wife, the Galician, and you.
Guess you're their errand boy now.
By the way, you owe me.
You didn't finish a job.
You'll pay for it.
I always get what's mine.
What do you know about this?
Don't be like that.
This happens all the time.
You can't trust the police.
Put the gun down.
Put the gun down.
What are you going to do?
Are you going to kill me?
And then what?
I'm the only person who knows
where Amalia is.
Put the gun down!
Now we're all friends.
Daniel! ¡Daniel!
Let's go!
Jesus Christ!
Where's my daughter?
Put the gun down.
-Put the gun down, Lidia.
I'm not leaving until
you tell me where Natalia is.
I don't want to orphan my daughter.
-Put it down.
We already worked out a deal.
I don't care about your deals.
Then I'll have to kill you, Lidia.
And I'll kill you. We die together.
You have to understand. I can't tell you.
It's nothing personal.
Put the gun down!
This is the only way
to save your daughter.
That's it. Very good.
Attagirl. Very good.
Good girl.
Let's go.
Now what?
You can't leave me here.
If I stay, I'm screwed.
I got a deal for myself.
I can't get one for you.
You owe me.
I don't owe you anything, asshole.
I paid you very well for your services.
You knew the risks.
Face the consequences.
There's just one small thing.
Which is?
I know where your daughter is.
Where is she?
-Monica, Monica.
-Where's my daughter?
Tell her.
What is it, boss?
Take me to the girl.
The boss knows.
Come on! Move it, asshole.
-All right, follow me.
Stay down! Stay down!
-Natalia, sweetie!
Let go! Natalia, sweetie!
My beautiful girl!
Sweetie! Baby!
Amalia, my little girl.
I love you, I love you
There's the girl.
I kept my word.
See you around, blondie.
What's the matter with you?
She's right there, isn't she?
I'm talking to you, asshole!
What is? Pete!
How long have I been here?
Two weeks.
You've been looking after me
for two weeks?
This is the second time I saved your life.
Now I'm the one who
doesn't know how to thank you.
There are many ways.
How are you?
I thought I wouldn't make it too far.
I bet things got so ugly that
they ended pretty badly, huh?
You can forget about all this shit.
You'll be OK.
I want to help you get out.
Thank you, but I don't think
it'll be so easy.
You don't know my mom.
All polls say you'll win
by a large margin.
We'll win. This was a team effort.
Thank you all, really. Great job, guys.
We have food in the conference
to thank you for your work,
so shall we?
Alberto, a new candidate
to be your secretary has arrived.
I've asked her to be
in your office in five minutes.
I needed it yesterday.
Ramirez, you're late.
A hot coffee for my favorite inspector.
-Thank you.
You know, it's very strange how
the Captain didn't say anything.
He didn't ask any questions.
How'd you know about
his dealings with Torres?
I didn't.
Like you, I followed my intuition.
I mean it.
I was bluffing, but it seems I was right.
Is everything OK?
Nothing of importance.
Think it was the photographer?
I don't know, Velasco.
He's obsessed with death
and it seems he's killed before.
How do we know he won't do it again?
We'll only find out if we
ever hear from him again.
Take it easy.
Come in.
Sit, please.
What's your name?
My name is Elisabeth Molina
and I'm 19 years old.
What? What's this about?
I'm Natalia Saldaña's mother.
Sorry, what do you want? Money?
Use your connections to bring
someone here from Mexico.
An inmate.
I'll be in touch.
If you don't, you can forget
about your political career.
I hope I made myself clear.
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