Yumi's Cells (2021) s01e10 Episode Script

Episode 10

[Yumi's Cells]
[Episode 27: History of Cuteness]
Yu-mi Encyclopedia: Edition 32, Page 12.
[To wrap up the end of the year,]
[I will record history
of Yu-mi's cuteness.]
[History of Yu-mi's Cuteness]
[Prime cell Love is good at everything,]
[but her only weakness is]
Nothing makes relationships easier
than acting cute.
Acting cute?
That's the only thing I'm not good at.
You fool. If you can't do it,
you should make an effort.
You should bring a teacher or something.
She finally started dating after a while.
How long do you think she can last
without cuteness?
A teacher?
I, Detective,
recommend Ruby as the sole teacher.
[Lee Ruby, the queen of acting cute.]
[Her common tactic is]
My. I called you Ugi again.
Is that coffee for me?
No, this is mine.
Come on. Give it to me.
The Tongs of Love.
[The skill used to beg for something.]
[If one falls for it deeply,
he'd even give his soul.]
I want to drink it.
Ruby. You can always get one yourself.
I was joking.
A Spike Serve on Your Shoulder.
[You get to touch him and act cute
at the same time.]
I have mine here.
I can't open it.
The Cap Skill of Love.
[The basic skill to manipulate
men’s psychology]
[which reacts to the cap
that does not open.]
It's closed too tight.
My arm hurts.
You can't open it? Give it to me.
It's okay. Ruby can do it.
Calling Her Name Herself.
[The dark cute tactic.]
[The skill used secretly
among cheesy couples.]
Ruby can do it too.
What did you just say?
Did you get goosebumps?
That was a joke.
-Thank you.
[Watch carefully.
Grab his attention first.]
I had a dream about you last night.
[Act cute irrationally.]
-I'm joking.
[-A Spike Serve on Your Shoulder.]
[That is Ruby's lethal move.]
[The infinite loop of cuteness
that never ends.]
[Daehan Noodles]
Let's go eat.
Yes, let's go.
Ruby. Are you busy?
Yu-mi. What do you think?
-This is my first time trying this out.
Doesn't it look perfect on Ruby?
Oh, yes. You're right.
It looks perfect on you. You look pretty.
I love it.
By the way, Ruby. Are you busy?
[So after getting in a relationship,
Love decided to]
[invite Ruby who was once a rival
as a teacher]
[and learn her cuteness.]
The basic skill is
the Spike Serve on Your Shoulder.
A spike on your shoulder?
Yes, it's nothing hard.
Now, while giggling,
slap the shoulder. Next
What do you think? Wasn't that easy?
That alone will make you look cute.
Try it on your boyfriend.
It'll drive him crazy.
But that's not exactly what I do.
My. Watch your mouth.
"Not what I do"?
You have to put in the effort to act cute.
You think I was born with it?
[How about now? Should I try it now?]
[But Woong's wearing a sleeveless today.]
If I hit him, it'd hurt.
That is true,
but it is not a manner to slap bare skin.
Are you saying I shouldn't do it?
Right. Let's not do it.
He'll find it disgusting if I do it.
[If that's hard,]
I'll tell you the most basic skill,
the Cap Skill of Love.
that you're weak.
Why can't I open it?
I don't think I can ever do that.
That's not for me.
What are you talking about?
Hurry up and try.
Hold it. Now.
Yu-mi. Is it hot?
Do you want the Coke we bought?
[You won't improve if you don't try.]
I'll open it.
[Yes. I think I can do it.]
-Let's call the right hand.
So, turn it with no strength?
What? Don't open the cap?
But pretend to strain?
My goodness. You're so demanding.
All right. Okay.
Listen, guys.
You're going to open the cap
with no strength, but don't open it.
You're only going to pretend to strain,
but don't open it. Okay?
What's that?
Are we supposed to open the cap or what?
[Pretend to turn the cap
with very weak force.]
I told you to go weak.
-It's exploding.
-My delicious Coke is
-What a waste.
-What a waste.
That was cute.
Why are you so cute?
You're so cute.
He said she's cute.
It's not from acting cute.
As long as she looks cute.
That's all that matters.
By the way, Detective.
I can never try Ruby's cuteness.
Can we change the teacher?
[In the end, Love cell decided to
study cuteness on her own.]
What about this? This looks good.
-What is it?
-The Half Tongue Skill.
[Half Tongue]
[The basic cuteness skill
where you use only half of your tongue.]
[It's the long-loved traditional skill.]
Thank you.
I'll open it for you.
-It's tasty.
Gosh, hot.
[Love. Now is the time. Let's do this.]
Honey. Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay?
Let me make you feel better.
A joke.
It was a joke.
That was weird. That was totally weird.
Don't be a fool.
It's because Yu-mi didn't pull it off.
It's driving me crazy.
What about this?
You don't have to say anything for this.
Is there one like that?
That's nice.
[The Cat's Greeting.]
[Approach and rub the other like a cat.]
[That's crazy. That looks even harder.]
[Let's try it just once.]
What's wrong?
What are you doing?
Look. My hair's stuck on you.
It's fun.
-I can't do it.
-Are you giving up?
I'm sorry.
But Yu-mi's stiff body can't
bear such skills.
That's how she was born.
She can if she tries.
No one was born with zero cuteness.
There is one. That is Yu-mi.
And me!
Hey. Love.
I can never give up.
Wait, Love. Wait.
Then let's try this.
I bet you can do this.
No. Yu-mi can never act cute.
That's not true. This is for beginners.
You can do it without a lisp
or with a stiff body.
[Cuteness Encyclopedia]
Nothing is easier than this.
[The Knock on the Shoulder Skill.]
[It's the basic cuteness skill.]
[You call the other
by knocking on his shoulder.]
[Knock, knock.]
[It's important to say "knock knock"
with your mouth.]
[If Yu-mi can't do this, let's give up.]
Knock, knock.
Is there a problem?
Kind of.
What was that?
Knock, knock. That was funny.
Knock, knock.
That's cute.
Knock, knock.
She did it. Yu-mi did it.
It wasn't awkward at all.
Yes, that was smooth.
Yu-mi did it!
Yes, be confident, Love.
There is always one right tactic
for a stiff body.
We just need to find it.
I think you can put me down now.
Knock, knock.
Did you wait for long?
Come sit here. What's this?
[With a knock,]
[Love knocked on cuteness.]
[After undergoing trial and error,]
[she started developing
Yu-mi's own cuteness skills.]
[Yu-mi's Cuteness]
[And now]
Excuse me. Can you speed up please?
I'm late.
Oh, okay. We're almost there.
What am I going to do?
Woong will sulk big time.
I'm sorry. Did you wait for long?
Mr. Nam suddenly stopped me.
You should've told me
if you were going to be late.
He acted like he wouldn't take long.
By the way, why did you wait outside?
They asked me to leave
because I didn't order anything.
Really? Then did you wait outside
the whole time?
I didn't know when you'd be here.
Let's go in now.
I don't like that place.
Let's have something else.
[What now?]
Woong never gets mad.
He must be sullen for real.
Don't worry, guys.
I can handle it.
Yu-mi has her special cuteness skills.
Here goes Coochi-Coochi-Coo.
[Yu-mi's cuteness that treats other's
heart like a baby and melts him.]
Did you wait outside when it's cold?
Woong. Do you want some mackerel?
Your favorite mackerel.
Do you like mackerel, Woong?
I don't think it's working.
That's not true.
It comes in a combo.
There's one more.
Here goes Coochy Coo.
[Coochy Coo]
[It's Yu-mi's cuteness that treats
the other like an older sister.]
Coochy coo.
What are you doing?
You must've been cold and hungry
waiting for me.
Your cheeks are so cold.
Coochy coo. Well done, Woong. I'm sorry.
Get me something delicious.
You like mackerel.
Better than that.
Okay. I'll get you
all the delicious stuff.
Let's go.
It was so cold.
How about now?
That's better.
How about now?
Even better.
[The Crab Walking.]
[Yu-mi's cuteness of walking sideways
while hugging the other's waist.]
[The Tickling Static]
[By rubbing her head against his,
she causes static]
[and makes him laugh.]
Woong, watch.
[Yu-mi's cuteness has become
a unique brand,]
[and it is expected to improve next year.]
[The end of the history
of Yu-mi's cuteness.]
[Recorded by Reason cell.]
[Episode 28: Compliment Package
and Cinderella's Potion]
[Compliment package.]
Are you having coffee?
Yes, the heater's on too high.
I keep feeling drowsy.
Would you like some coffee?
I'll do it.
Did you have a good time on Christmas?
Yes, what about you?
Not really.
You didn't go on a date?
The reporters are busier in the year-end.
My plan suddenly got canceled,
so I cooked for myself at home.
I made the tartar sauce with your recipe.
Gosh, you.
Isn't that when you say that?
-I read your posting.
Was it last week?
The keyword was "Gosh, you".
What? You read my posting?
I found it by chance through
another coworker's account.
Oh, my.
I'm an ardent subscriber.
I press "Like" every day.
Why would you
I just write down random thoughts I have.
Don't read it.
Why not? It's fun.
You're a great writer.
[There's something called
a compliment package.]
You have a package.
Gosh, it's a compliment package!
[When she gets complimented, it gets
delivered to the cell in charge.]
[Inside the package is a soul.]
Hello. I will give you a gift.
Wow, it's a gift! I'm so excited!
[And the soul gives the cell a gift.]
Mr. Nam.
This is the data you asked for yesterday.
Right. Thank you.
Ms. Kim. I knew it. You're so meticulous.
I have a package for Reason cell.
It's a compliment package!
-Here you go.
-Thank you!
I'm so excited!
I should ask for more concentration
as a wish!
What's this? Where's my soul?
[Any packages without souls
is a fake compliment.]
[It's hard to get compliment packages
that have souls in it.]
don't think
I'm a great writer.
You are.
How should I put it?
It's hard to explain,
but your writing is like you.
What does that mean?
It's a good thing.
[I have a compliment package.]
Is this for me?
Yes. It's a compliment package
for Writer cell.
It's genuine!
Is this real?
[It was the first time in a long time]
[that she received
a real compliment package.]
Thank you.
That's why I wanted to ask.
Can you write something for us?
-The marketing team
wants to renew the company's
social media page.
I thought it would be nice
for you to do it.
The tone of your writing
will fit perfectly.
How can I
I'm not even in the marketing team.
That's not important.
We were looking for someone
who is a good writer and knows
the company products.
I think you'd do a great job.
Here. I'll give you a gift.
What is this?
Cinderella's Potion.
"Cinderella's Potion"?
It raises your self-confidence
about the area you were complimented on
until midnight tonight.
Goodbye then!
Let's see.
The effects of Cinderella's Potion is
[Talent that's as genius as Shakespeare,]
[and everything I write will
move everyone who reads it?]
[It will be so good that I could
potentially win the Nobel Prize!]
[That is the kind of delusions
it will give you.]
Do you want to try?
When do you need it by?
It'd be good to get it
as soon as possible,
but whatever works for you.
I'll get it to you by tonight.
By tonight?
You said you just need
a couple of sentences.
I'll try it.
I think I can do it.
I'm going to go.
A simple greeting.
He just needs a couple of sentences.
A greeting that's a couple of sentences.
It's 6:00 p.m. right now,
so I'll finish by 6:30 p.m. and go home.
Thirty minutes?
Yes, that's enough.
It's not for her personal social media.
It's for the company.
Shouldn't you invest more effort in it?
I'm investing a lot of effort
by giving it 30 minutes.
It would normally take
less than ten minutes.
I see.
Is there anything we can help--
-I see.
Then good luck, Writer cell!
Shall I get started now?
It would be nice if it was trendy and fun.
Should I use a greeting
that's popular these days?
"Daehan Noodle followers, hi!"
Oh, that's good.
Since it's Daehan Noodles
[Draft of Daehan Noodles Marking
Social Media PR Post]
Since it's Daehan
[Noodle-hi! Dae-hi!]
This is an official page,
so it can't be
too casual.
[Draft of Daehan Noodles Marking
Social Media PR Post]
But "Hello" is too boring.
[Draft of Daehan Noodles Marking
Social Media PR Post]
Ms. Kim.
-Good job today. Bye.
I ate everything.
Gosh. I'm hungry.
Reason. Let's eat.
I'm really hungry.
What? It's already past 7 p.m.
Is she still working?
Gosh. I feel better now.
It woke me up.
I can write now.
Writer cell?
Are you done?
I'm almost done.
Really? It's way past 30 minutes.
Is that important?
It's for the official account.
I can't do a sloppy job.
Right. Of course not.
I'll be done soon,
so wait just a bit longer.
Okay. Good luck.
Why can't I think of anything?
How weird.
What's wrong with you, Yu-mi?
It's only a couple of sentences.
This doesn't make sense.
It's just a couple of sentences.
Writer cell. It's past 9 p.m.
Do you still need more--
Writer cell?
Writer cell. How is it going?
Yu-mi needs to eat, go home,
and go to bed.
Writer cell!
Open the door!
This isn't easy.
It's not.
Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to this.
It's not like I'm going to get paid
for doing this.
Who gave her Cinderella's Potion?
She should've refused.
What is the assistant manager
of the accounting team doing writing?
I'm hungry.
Hunger cell is dying.
When is she going home?
She hasn't washed her face yet.
Her skin will suffer.
She needs to do laundry.
If she doesn't,
she doesn't have underwear for tomorrow.
What? Seriously?
Woong sent her a text message!
[Woong: Yu-mi, are you home?]
[No, I'm still at work.]
[Are you working late again?]
[Yu-mi: Yes, I have something left to do.]
[I was going to drop by]
[if you were at home.]
She should see him.
Guys, let's go see Woong.
Let's eat something with Woong!
She needs to do laundry,
so let's order in.
-Let's go home!
-Let's go.
Hold on! Guys, we can't!
-Why not?
-Why not?
Writer cell took Cinderella's Potion,
so we can't do anything
until it wears off.
Writer cell. Just give up!
We have to go see Woong!
I'm almost done! Just wait a bit longer!
When will you be done?
By 10 p.m. I'll be done by then.
I just thought of something.
Are you sure you'll be done by then?
Yes. I'll be done by 10 p.m.
Woong. I think I'll be done by 10 o'clock.
Yes. Want to meet up at 10:30 p.m.?
Oh, there? Okay.
Got it.
[Once upon a time]
Right. I finally have something.
I can write that. Like a fairy tale.
[there was a king who loved noodles.]
[One day, the king saw all the people
of the world,]
[and said,
"I've never seen such tasty noodles!"]
Why didn't I think of this before?
[Draft of Daehan Noodles Marking
Social Media PR Post]
[Once upon a time]
[Draft of Daehan Noodles Marking
Social Media PR Post]
I'm sorry,
but I don't think I can meet up today.
I haven't finished yet.
Yes. I'm sorry.
Good night.
I must've lost my mind.
Why did I agree to do this?
[As soon as the clock struck midnight,]
[the effects of Cinderella's Potion
wore off.]
[Writer cell realized she wasn't
talented at writing]
[and was reminded of
what happened ten years ago.]
[New Writer Contest]
[Genre Novel Writer Contest]
[A dream platform for rising writers,
a chance to fulfill your dream!]
[Cover Letters to Avoid,
Best Cover Letters]
[Ideal Cover Letters, Worst Cover Letters]
Yu-mi, come out to eat.
Yu-mi, you can work on the contest,
but eat first.
I'll eat later.
[Kim Yu-mi, you can do it!]
[What is a sentence? The standard
of writing, Expressive storytelling]
Forget it.
I don't have the talent
to become a writer.
I should just look for a job.
[When Yu-mi lost all desire to write,]
[Math cell]
[and Writer cell ended up getting buried.]
[Writer cell]
Writer cell! What happened?
Everyone's mad,
so they're all heading over here!
Writer cell!
Writer cell. Where did you go?
-Get over here!
Why is she being so stubborn
when she's not even talented?
-Give up!
-Give up!
-Give us a break!
-Come on!
What's the point of resurrecting?
I'm still the same as I was ten years ago.
I should just go back in. That's better.
I told Mr. Yoo that I'd get it to him
by tonight.
[Mr. Yoo. I figured you might be asleep,
so I'm sending you a message.]
[Assistant Manager Yoo Bobby]
[I'm sorry. You recommended me,]
[but honestly, I don't think
I'm good enough to do this.]
[Ms. Kim. I'm still up.]
[I was going to call you tomorrow
since it's so late.]
[Our head of marketing said that since
this is additional work,]
[so the company will provide
[Yes. I think you might be satisfied.]
Why would you die?
He said they're going to pay her!
Who says you can die
when they're going to pay her?
Let's write, Writer cell. I'll help you!
I'll be your reliable sponsor!
[The power that humans have
is quite mysterious.]
[At times, they manage to finish]
[something that took all day in minutes.]
[Especially when they have a motive,
which is better than a compliment.]
I'm done!
[Episode 29: We Need Courage]
Okay. Let's get the new year started.
[The first day of the new year.]
[On new year's day, something
interesting happens in the village.]
I wonder who it is this year.
I hope it's me. Please!
Don't you think it might be me this year?
Writer cell. I think it's you too.
I'm sure it's you!
[One of the cells gets really big
for three days.]
I'm getting bigger!
[Last year and the year before,
it was Diet cell.]
-You look so cool!
-You're so cool!
I'm going to lose 3kg this year
no matter what.
If I don't lose it,
I don't deserve to live.
This year's motto is "Thrift and save".
Nobody is allowed to spend money!
Darn it. Why is it Cheapskate?
I need to buy clothes!
[Three years ago, it was Cheapskate cell.]
I'm going to record all of my spending
this year.
I'm not going to forget.
[This phenomena disappears
after three days.]
Hey, Cheapskate! Your three days are up!
It's January 4.
Yu-mi. Let's go shopping!
I'm so upset!
What's this?
Oh, my.
What's this?
Do I look older?
Look. I'm getting bigger!
Clean-up cell!
-What's this?
-It's Clean-up cell.
That's right. I've decided.
This year, I'm going to do
one sheet mask a day.
I've gotten so big!
This is so exciting!
Look at Clean-up cell!
I'm going to buy 365 sheet masks!
I'm going to get facials too!
I'm going to get some coupons for facials!
-Clean-up cell!
Can you calm down
and listen to what I have to say?
I don't want to! I'm going to go buy
some sheet masks!
What's this? I don't have
any sheet masks left.
When did I use them all up?
Gosh. This is why I got old!
No! You can't buy sheet masks!
Clean-up will get back to normal
after three days anyway!
We just need to endure it for three days.
Just make her buy three.
I will join you in doing
one sheet mask a day.
Please let me go!
-Do you promise?
-Please let me go!
Yes, I do.
Did I buy too many?
No. If I see them at home,
I'd use them so it doesn't go to waste.
Hey, Woong.
Are you done with work?
Yes. I'm at home.
Oh, my. What is that?
All those years of humiliation
are finally over.
This is the year of facial hair.
I shall grow it out like a beast.
The absolute worst option won.
Let's be patient.
Just endure it for three days.
Nothing lasts
longer than three days anyway.
What is that?
Are you growing a beard?
You noticed.
Wouldn't it be weirder if I didn't notice?
I thought I'd grow it out.
-What? Why?
-It's my new year's resolution.
What kind of a goal is that?
-It's cool.
-No, it isn't.
-Aren't you sick of the same face?
-Not at all.
I want to change things up for you.
Change is good,
but not this drastic of a change.
-Why are you laughing?
You've become witty
after going out with me,
the wittiest guy in the world, for a year.
Oh my gosh.
Yu-mi, you can't stop me.
You see, I was born different.
What? Born different?
I'm stubborn.
One joke a day
is also a new year's resolution.
Mission completed.
Why you
What do you want to drink? Hot cocoa?
Okay. Hot cocoa.
I'd like to order please.
Sure. What would you like?
One hot cocoa please.
-You said hot, correct?
[Ms. Kim, happy new year.]
[You too. Happy new year.]
[I hope all your wishes come true.]
[The company's official account
has over 5,000 followers already.]
It hasn't been that long.
[Really? It hasn't been that long.]
[I'm so glad.]
[Our general manager
wants to meet you on Monday.]
[Our general manager
wants to meet you on Monday.]
[General manager?]
[Ms. Seo Yun-woo.
The general manager of marketing.]
[She does? Why?]
[I don't know.]
I wonder why.
[Hospitality Noodles]
Not only is it drawing attention,
it's receiving positive feedback.
The response within the company
is positive as well.
They even discussed it
during the executives' meeting.
That's a good sign.
It's all thanks to you.
I had assigned it
to several people before,
but I didn't like any of them.
Mr. Yoo recommended you, so I was hopeful.
You did great.
Thank you. I enjoyed working on it.
I really like Ms. Kim's writing.
It's really good and on-trend.
It has How do I put it?
A warmth about it.
It's a good fit with our noodles.
The feeling matters more
than getting full, to be honest.
Thank you.
I can't really tell
if I'm good at evoking emotions.
You are. I told you, didn't I?
Ms. Kim. So I was thinking
Why don't you transfer into Marketing?
-If you're okay with it,
I can probably make it happen.
Give it some serious thought.
I think it would be great.
-I'll go ahead.
-Yes, ma'am.
Surprised, right?
What happened?
I was surprised too.
She must have really liked your writing.
Did she really mean what she said?
Of course.
You should've said yes.
Why do you need to think about it?
I was so caught off guard.
I've never considered it before.
Marketing is
our most successful department.
That's why this is a good thing.
There's nothing to think about.
[Yes, it's a good thing.]
[Of course, I should go to Marketing.]
[So why are you hesitating?]
[So why are you hesitating?]
[I'm scared.]
[I don't have the courage to start over.]
Do I not have courage?
[Yes, you do.]
Where is it?
I know I buried
a pot of courage here somewhere.
Yes. Found it.
When did you bury this?
A while ago.
We never needed courage.
There should be enough left though.
What? Only two scoops?
Isn't this enough?
I doubt it. Look at this.
"The amount of courage required
for each act is as follows."
[Summer 2019, 2 years ago]
[Watch a horror movie. Two scoops.]
[Summer 2017, 4 years ago]
I need to exit.
-Oh no.
[-Drive on a highway.]
[Drive on a highway. Four scoops.]
[Four scoops.]
[Kill a cockroach. Five scoops.]
Yu-mi. Goodbye.
Don't leave Ruby.
Oh no.
What do you mean?
We'll just work late every night.
[Transfer departments. Seven scoops.]
[Transfer departments.
Seven scoops of courage.]
Transferring departments
requires seven scoops. What now?
It's okay. We can borrow courage
if we're short.
Yes. Let's borrow some from Mr. Nam first.
Do you mean it? Ms. Seo suggested
you transfer into her department?
Wow. You must've written it really well.
I haven't seen it yet.
I was wondering what you thought.
No, this is wrong. Very wrong.
It's wrong to hesitate like this.
Why would you hesitate?
It's a great opportunity.
-Of course.
Everyone else is dying to join Marketing.
That's great. See?
They recognize true talent.
[Yes. Let's borrow one from Yi-da too.]
What? For real?
Congrats. That is so awesome.
Quiet. Keep it down.
Hey. You were just scouted.
Your new year is off
to a great start. Awesome.
But I don't know if I can do a good job.
What do you mean?
Naturally, you'll do well.
It's not like you applied.
They want you because they need you.
You did great.
I'm so happy for you.
We got a lot, right?
We need just one more scoop.
We can get it from Woong.
[Courage, Courage, Courage,
Courage, Courage, Courage]
You're transferring to Marketing?
Yes. I wondered why
the general manager wanted to see me,
and she suddenly proposed that.
So? You plan to go?
I haven't decided yet.
I said I'd think about it.
What do you think?
Do you think
it would be good for me to go?
I think
I don't think it's a good idea.
-Doing something new is good,
but you've never done it before.
I think it's better to improve on
what you've been doing well.
[Courage, Courage, Courage,
Courage, Courage]
Yes, that's true.
But everyone wants to go to Marketing.
Just because everyone wants to go
doesn't mean it's a good fit for everyone.
You may end up doing something
you never expected.
[Courage, Courage, Courage, Courage]
That's true.
-It's unfamiliar.
You stressed about it all day long
last time
when you had to write up a few lines.
I did.
Can you do that every day?
[Courage, Courage, Courage]
Won't there be pros as well?
Everyone wants to work there.
What if you expect good things,
but it's different once you get there?
What if it's hard to adapt?
Do you think I won't be able to adapt?
Come on.
Things in life don't always go your way.
I believe
one must always be prepared for the worst.
It broke. Oh no.
Be prepared?
Is not even trying being "prepared"?
Is that what you mean?
Don't be so antagonistic.
You know that's not what I mean.
Let's stop talking about it.
What should we eat?
What do you want to eat?
You're busy.
I can just eat at home.
You don't want to eat?
I'm not hungry and you're busy.
We were meeting up briefly anyway.
Are you mad?
Excuse me.
Do you have spicy tteokbokki?
Of course, I do.
No. Super spicy tteokbokki.
Like insanely spicy.
[Yu-mi's crying.]
[Why is she crying?]
[She's eating spicy food right now]
[because she's stressed out.]
[I think she's more stressed out
because it's too spicy.]
It's so spicy.
[She's adding stress
on top of stress on purpose.]
[Why? Because once her stress level
reaches its limit]
Look, everyone. Endorphin is here!
♫ I'm so angry ♫
♫ I want to cry ♫
♫ The frustration is driving me insane ♫
♫ When you want to feel joy
and the epitome of pleasure ♫
♫ And lose yourself in it ♫
-♫ Call me ♫
-♫ Call me ♫
-♫ Shout it out loud ♫
-♫ Shout it out loud ♫
♫ Leave behind the sadness and anger ♫
♫ Lift up your head ♫
♫ Look up at me ♫
♫ I'm singing a powerful song for you ♫
♫ Sing it, oh♫
♫ Throw away the stress and ♫
♫ Replace it with excitement ♫
♫ Oh ♫
♫ I'm not being tested.
It's all in my head ♫
[Yu-mi's cells]
[absolutely love Endorphin's concerts.]
-We love you Endorphin!
-We love you Endorphin!
I know you said you wanted it super spicy,
but I must've made it too spicy.
No. I like it spicy.
While crying?
That's what I like.
It washes away my stress.
How did you like that?
Was it cathartic?
Promise me that we'll always be happy.
If you promise, make an O above your head!
I promise!
Let's meet again the next time
Yu-mi is fed up.
Thank you.
I'm Endorphin!
That was such a great concert.
I hope Yu-mi gets fed up again real soon.
Thank you.
Come again.
[Did you get home safely?]
[I did. Where are you?]
[Did you eat?]
[Did you eat?]
[Yes. I had something simple.]
[I feel better now.]
[I was feeling down.]
[Should we make up with Woong then?]
[Sooner the better.]
[Let's not let bad feelings fester.]
-Excuse me.
Let me get two orders of tteokbokki to go.
Okay. Just a minute.
Fish cakes and tempura too.
-I'll give you extra.
-Thank you.
Why are there
[Late Night Snacks,
Kyung's Webfoot Octopus]
so many flyers?
[Hold on.]
Don't flyers fall to the ground
when you open the door?
There are way too many there.
Maybe they came after Woong went in.
That many already? In that short a time?
Did he fall asleep already?
[Hey, Yu-mi.]
Were you sleeping?
[No, I'm not sleeping.]
Where are you right now?
[I'm home.]
I'm in front of your place right now.
You're not home,
are you?
Where are you?
What's going on?
[Yumi's Cells]
[Why am I always the only one
out of the loop]
when something important happens?
Something's wrong with the village.
[Something big must've happened.]
[Stop what is about to happen to Woong.]
[It's not like you need a clear goal
in order to succeed.]
[I may like it]
[once I try it.]
[And I may see a goal once I do it.]
[I'm sure there will be difficulties,]
[but I don't want to know in advance.]
[Now that I live with him,]
[I think Woong is a better person
than I had thought.]
Let's ask Woong
if he wants to get married eventually.
Ripped and synced by
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