Zorro (2024) s01e10 Episode Script

Baile de máscaras para tres funerales

Come in.
- Good morning.
- Hello, Bernardo.
- What do mean, a brother?
- Well, half-brother, to be exact.
Conceived out of wedlock,
but when your parents
had the chance of marrying.
Your father and I were engaged
and intended to wed.
Before the wedding,
he argued with my father and
killed him.
An accident?
Alejandro fled Capistrano and
shortly after I found out
I was with child.
My family refused
to let me contact him.
You at least got to know him.
I'm sorry you had to
find out this way, Don Diego.
But my son deserves what,
legally, is his.
Here are letters written
by Alejandro shortly before his death
that accredit his intention
to marry me
and make up for the harm
I endured years before.
As for my son's birth certificate,
you can find it in the church
of the Mission of Capistrano.
Father Legarra can provide it
and attest to what occurred.
I think this matter
is the judge's responsibility.
He's in San Francisco now,
so we'll await his return.
I'll send a couple of men
to Capistrano
for the registry book
and Father
- Legarra.
- Legarra.
Does everyone agree?
Don Diego?
Very well.
A half-brother?
Why didn't he tell me anything?
Did you see him?
- Lolita.
- I need to talk to you.
- It's not the time.
- That's the way it is.
I'll bring him right back.
Did you try to kill my father?
I'm sorry, I was wrong.
- It wasn't him.
- Of course not!
It was your mother.
- No, you're sick. You're crazy.
- Lolita.
- She stabbed me in the back.
- I'd have done the same
if Zorro tried to kill my father.
It makes no sense to me either.
I adored your mother,
you know that, but it was her.
She killed my father,
I'm sure of it.
She wore a necklace
with the Clan symbol.
Swear that she didn't leave
the house that night
and I'll forget it.
Yes. She was away two hours
because she was going
- Carmen's house to
- It all fits.
Carmen lied when she said
she saw Zorro.
Her brother, Ramírez
and your mother killed my father.
She gave them the perfect alibi
when he went to see you.
- It makes no sense.
- Lolita.
It's hard for me to believe too.
But please, think it over.
We have to be careful.
She's on the alert now.
I need you to hold a masquerade party.
I have a plan.
But it's dangerous.
The soldiers found the priest
of Capistrano and several women dead
and no one saw the culprits.
Strange, isn't it?
Oui. The only way to check
would be to go there.
Wouldn't that raise suspicions?
If they're frauds,
it'd alert them, oui.
Everything alright, Judge?
It appears so.
Father Legarra's testimony
would be fundamental
to dispelling any doubt.
He attested to the claimant's
baptism at Capistrano.
Wasn't he supposed to come?
My men have informed me
that Father Legarra died recently,
along with several parishioners.
Apparently, his house was attacked
by a band of outlaws.
What a setback.
Well, with the papers provided
and at the impossibility
of further verification,
I determine that Don Diego de la Vega
is to give a third of his inheritance
to Don Alejandro Montoro,
illegitimate son
of Don Alejandro de la Vega,
whom he had, in addition,
the clear intention
of recognizing as legitimate
on expressing his wish to wed
his mother, Doña
Guadalupe Montoro,
as shown in the letters provided
by her to this end.
Any objection?
Bernardo, calm down, please,
I'm not giving them my house.
Yes, of course I know
what's underneath.
Mei, please, talk to him.
Hood man!
My father found gold
in the Scotsman's mine.
I don't know if it's still there
or if he hid it somewhere.
I don't know. Maybe.
I don't know if they know.
The native graveyard is there too.
I can't give it to him.
One condition.
and a mine.
On one condition.
My commitments to the workers
in the mine are maintained.
Of course.
If they know about the gold,
they don't know where it is.
They would've demanded
the Scotsman's mine.
- Too easy.
- It was a judge's order.
I don't trust him.
He's preparing something.
There's no choice.
I'll make it out of this.
Or I hope so.
As a joke, your disguise
isn't very amusing.
In fact, it's offensive.
I didn't expect this of you,
Señor De la Vega.
I'm not the only one who failed
the expectations placed upon him, Captain.
I'm sorry.
If you have something to tell me,
forget the position
and speak to the man.
Are you sure?
You wish is granted.
Perhaps this costume
wouldn't annoy you so
if you'd been able
to keep your promise
and catch Zorro.
But, putting the cards on the table
I understand that you're annoyed.
Because you owe him your position.
only those present are offended,
and the people of Los Angeles
due to your incompetence.
- Apologize.
- Or what?
Will you lock me up
like the natives?
Gentlemen, calm yourselves, please.
Your father must be
turning in his grave.
- Let's finish this outside.
- Please.
- No, no. What are you going to do?
- I'm sorry. It's a question of honor.
Gentlemen, are you sure
of what you're going to do?
- There must be another solution.
- There isn't.
Very well.
It will be a duel to first blood.
Do you accept?
Perhaps the Governor
will save us the work.
Go ahead.
Call Dr. Ros, please!
Get the doctor!
He's dead.
Get out.
Get out of my house!
I never want to see you again.
I wish you'd never come back.
- My girl.
- No.
I want him to go, to never
set foot in this house again.
The duel's outcome was awful.
It shouldn't have happened.
- It was his fault, mom!
- I know.
And I'm sure he'll regret it
his whole life.
But it was a fair duel.
It's true.
Your mother is right.
I don't care if it was
a fair duel or not.
To me, Diego de la Vega
is dead, do you understand?
Dead and buried.
Don Antonio.
Doña Lucía.
- It's you.
- No, don't get up.
What happened to you?
Who did this to you?
Zorro discovered me
and gave me to the natives.
- Those from the village?
- No.
That savage who
accompanies him sometimes.
They're coming for us.
Be still. Diego kept his promise.
Monasterio is dead.
Now we'll take care of Zorro.
May our Lord God
guide us with a firm hand
in our darkest hour.
May our brother Enrique
gain eternal peace.
And may this land,
bathed in blood and tears,
cease its pain
and give rise to forgiveness
and reconciliation.
You have passed the test.
Your loyalty to the Bear Clan
have been proven.
- You are one of us.
- This was your father's.
With the army leaderless,
if we finish off Zorro,
no one can stop the uprising.
Zorro relies on the natives.
The three of us are not
able to counter him.
Don't be led astray by appearances.
There are more of us, many more.
This way we eliminate
the problem once and for all.
We have you cornered!
Impossible. I saw the blood.
This is your last chance.
- Throw down your weapons.
- Lucía.
There's no way out.
For California!
For California!
Kill them all!
Fire at will!
What a disappointment.
You're just like your father. A traitor!
Your father wanted to sell
California to the United States.
- That's a lie.
- Vanderveen and him.
He was going to betray us
to the Mexicans. Like you!
That's why I had to kill him.
As I'm going to kill you.
You were right about my mother.
Still, stay away from my family.
You only cause pain.
- Lolita
- Your secret is safe.
I don't understand, Lucía.
What happened to you?
Where is the woman I married?
A conspiracy.
What kind of madness is that?
Why ruin the name
of the family like that?
What family?
The land you tread on every day
is my family's. Mine!
I thought you were a man.
But I was wrong
You were just a servile rat
at the orders of Pedro Victoria.
A nobody who thought he was someone
because he bedded whores.
That's enough!
I regret nothing of what I've done.
I'm done now.
I don't understand
why you hate us so.
California isn't Mexico
or Spain, Governor.
California is California.
If it were your land,
you'd understand.
The best solution
has turned out to be terrible.
I've destroyed her family.
What do you know about Vanderveen?
New York
As soon as possible.
The answers are there.
Mei, one more thing.
Gather your things,
you're coming with me to New York.
What? No, no, no, no.
New York.
Where's New York? Far away.
- Why me?
- Look, Mei.
- Why?
- Listen.
Hood man better.
Hood man and Zorro.
Mei, please, I need you.
This isn't blocking a port.
New York. Support. Discreetly, please.
A generous offer.
If we return safe and sound,
apart from the gold,
I promise to sell part of my land
to your compatriots,
which no one else would do.
It would mean a great advance
for our community.
An advance that would cause
less commotion
if I'm the first to gain access
to it, don't you think?
This is even dangerous for me.
You'll be the first
to gain access to my land.
Trust me.
This will do.
Don't you trust me?
I know why you've come.
I don't think so.
The fox speaks to you,
the snake to me.
The time has come to prove
how you honor your people.
I gave up being Zorro.
Not as Zorro.
As Red Snake.
I think it'll do you good.
I'll be back.
I give you my word.
I don't know what kind
of person you were.
But I know you weren't
the person I admired.
I became Zorro to find out
more about your death.
But I discovered something
much more important:
who I want to be.
And I'll get to the bottom of this.
Stop, stop.
You'll be alone on the ranch again.
I've asked Cuervo Nocturno
to watch over you.
No, Bernardo.
Hood man doesn't work alone.
I'll be back soon.
What are you doing here?
I'd be lying if I told you
that I missed you.
We Russians love tragedies.
And yours, my love,
is irresistible.
Relax, no one saw me.
After all, you're still a married man.
I'm a man with no reputation.
It's as if
I were dead.
You have a long time left.
Please! Help!
Hold it!
Throw down your guns.
Get off your horses!
A very timely suicide.
To the departed.
Tell me about the Clan.
Do you want to join?
Well, perhaps our already
consolidated friendship
can keep growing
to become an alliance that
changes the destiny of California.
Who knows?
Dear Mr. Vanderveen.
My name is Diego de la Vega.
I am the son of Alejandro de la Vega.
I am in New York to speak
to you about my father.
I believe you were friends
and had business together.
I'd be very grateful
if we could meet
when your obligations allow it.
Best regards, Diego de la Vega.
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