365: Repeat the Year (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

Park Young Gil Is Not Dead?

(Episode 11)
I got the address.
The address was my shop.
What does this mean?
Okay. I'll be there right now.
Ga Hyeon!
Excuse me. Was this Ms. So Hye In?
Yes, she passed away.
It looked like there was a gas leak from her heater.
We found soot on the mucous membrane of her nose,
so it looks like
she first passed out from the gas, then she suffocated her to death.
We'll have to conduct an autopsy to be sure.
Could this have been arson?
There's nothing I caught in particular,
but we'll know for sure after the NFS gives us the result.
Please do give us a call as soon as the results are in.
Sure, I'll call you.
Do you think this happened because we found out
about the flower shop?
It was already addressed to the flower shop.
Ms. So Hye In could've been the target from the start.
But she didn't even reset.
So why?
Whoever that ordered it will know.
Did you find out what the flower baskets mean?
You do know that
Ms. So Hye In passed away, right?
- Who? - The pregnant lady you invited.
Hye In, who didn't even reset, just died
after she got the message with those flowers.
What are you talking about?
Will you keep denying it even after you see this?
The one who sent the flowers was Ms. Song Ji Hyun.
Ms. Song.
You're here, Mir.
We're closed for the day.
I came to give you this.
To be exact, I'm sure Ms. Song was acting on your order.
I have no idea what's going on.
Why do you keep denying this?
You wrote excerpts from "Pieces of Destiny" and sent it.
"Pieces of Destiny"?
("Pieces of Destiny")
Ms. Song gave this to me.
We'll talk to her in person.
She suddenly quit yesterday.
This has never happened in any other reset,
so I was quite flustered.
She said it was for personal reasons,
so I couldn't pry anymore.
She disappeared
as soon as we found out.
Is that what has happened?
I can't believe this.
She doesn't know anything about these resets.
Are you 100 percent sure?
If she knows about Ms. So Hye In,
it means she also knows what happened before the reset.
There's no way.
It's impossible for her to find out unless I tell her.
What if you're lying?
Then everything is possible.
Since when were you acquainted with Ms. Song Ji Hyun?
It has been a long time.
It was
Banana cha cha
Everyone sing la, la, la, la, la, cha cha
Banana cha cha
Banana cha cha
Everyone sing la, la, la, la, la, hoo
Mom, Mom
Yeah, it's so good
Mom, sing cha cha
Dad, Dad
Banana Na
Yeah, buy one for me
Dad, sing cha cha
If it's long, it's a train, cha cha
Ms. Song Ji Hyun?
Is Ms. Song Ji Hyun here?
One second.
- Right here? - Yes.
I wanted to ask you something.
Were you on your way to the sanitarium?
Yes, I couldn't seem to focus on my work.
Were you there yesterday too?
With your wife?
Yes, right.
I was there with her.
Anyway, what was it that you wanted to say
At the time of the explosion,
Detective Ji and I were
in front of that flower shop.
And I saw you
were you there?
(Michael Clinic)
I know Ms. Song Ji Hyun very well.
She comes here once every week
to volunteer.
Then was she especially close
to someone who's in this clinic?
I'm not sure.
She's probably close to other volunteers
that she was trained with.
- One second. - Okay.
But there weren't a lot of volunteers
during the beginning of this year.
What's the exact date?
(January 14, 2019, signed by Song Ji Hyun)
It was January 14.
In other words, exactly a week from today,
on January 11, 2020 at 11am, you will be going back
to January 11, 2019 at 11am.
Three days after the reset?
In that case,
what about this person? Do you know her too?
She used to work here, didn't she?
I think she was a psychiatrist.
Does Detective Ji know this?
No, I wanted to check with you first.
I didn't want this to be a misunderstanding.
Did you know that flower shop was
- owned by Ms. So Hye In? - No.
I was shocked when you just told me.
Then why were you there?
Mr. Hwang.
Well, do they know
why a fire broke out in that flower shop?
Does this fire
have something to do with you?
I didn't want to leave my wife in the sanitorium
when I realized I don't know when I'll die.
I took her home with me to spend at least a few days together.
But that's when everything went wrong.
That'll be 28 dollars.
All right.
- Here you go. Keep the change. - Thank you.
- Goodbye. - Goodbye.
Excuse me,
but did you see a woman in her 60s?
Goodness, you.
How did you come all the way here?
She was in the neighbourhood
we used to live in back when we were newlyweds.
Our house is gone.
- Let's go home. - I finally found her.
- Honey. I - She told me something.
- set it on fire. - She said she set it something
- on fire. - We'll be okay.
She said we'd be okay.
I just brushed it off as another delusion of hers.
Let's go home.
But a fire actually broke out nearby.
I thought about reporting it.
But I just wasn't sure.
I didn't know if she really did that
or thought that way after seeing those young kids.
If I reported it, she'd be interrogated.
I wasn't sure whether she'd be able to endure it.
When I heard that it was Hye In's flower shop,
I couldn't report it even more.
I couldn't believe the fate she faced
just like those of yours and Yeon Soo.
(Psychiatrist, Kim Soo Yeon)
It's been about three years.
Ever since she quit, we lost touch.
I heard that she moved abroad.
She's in charge of Zian Clinic.
- Didn't you know? - Are you saying she's in Korea?
I didn't think she'd work as a doctor again.
Sorry? Why not?
She had a delicate heart.
Her best friend committed suicide,
and she couldn't move on.
She blamed herself
for not being aware of her friend's state
when she was a psychiatrist herself.
After a few months, she decided to quit.
Do you know who that friend was?
I'm not sure.
Do you know her?
I'm not sure.
She doesn't look familiar.
(Lee Shin, Song Ji Hyun)
I looked up some articles about Zian Clinic.
("Interview with Mr. Kim Joon Hyuk of Zian Clinic")
This was released last December.
It's not her.
And look.
It's a transfer of ownership.
(Certified Copy of Register)
She bought it on January 14.
She purchased it right after the reset.
She needed the clinic
in order to gain our trust for the reset.
She lied about knowing Ms. Song for a long time.
They first contacted each other on January 11,
the day of the reset.
The date Ms. Song signed up for Michael Clinic
was January 14.
She knew about that clinic
because she worked at Sejin Hospital.
So everything was a lie.
She planned it all.
- Hey. - Song Ji Hyun's phone turned on.
This way!
Ms. Song.
Why did you send the bouquets?
- I have no idea what you're - Was it Ms. Lee Shin's order?
I don't know anything.
I just delivered the cards like she told me to.
What do those messages mean?
Why are people dying? I'm sure you know that much.
Are you planning to take all the blame?
People are dying. Five people have died already.
- How many - Exactly.
Run away while you still have the chance.
I don't know why you people gather at Zian Clinic
or why you're dying one at a time.
I don't want to know either.
But what I do know
is that Lee Shin is capable of anything.
It's as if she knows the future.
She knew everything about me.
I said what you told me to say.
But they'll soon find out that it was a lie.
They'll find out the real reason why you quit.
It doesn't matter.
She might even know that you've found me.
If you want to live, don't fight her.
Come with us.
If you can prove that it was her doing
It's already too late.
The 8:40pm bus headed
for Cheongdo will depart soon.
(We are closed for the time being. Zian Clinic)
(We are closed for the time being. Zian Clinic)
Mom, are we moving again?
We're just playing hide-and-seek.
Where will we hide?
I'm not sure.
Where should we hide to make it fun?
Ms. Lee Shin
has a daughter.
Resetting the time means
the daughter will always be the same age.
Any mother would want to watch her kid grow up.
But she chose to reset instead.
And she purchased Zian Clinic
right after the reset.
Why would she?
It's not like we're special.
Who knows? Maybe it had
to be us.
The NFS hasn't announced the result of the accident yet.
We'll have to wait a bit more.
Did you tell him about my wife?
No. You don't need to worry.
How is she doing?
Ever since that day, her condition has worsened.
She couldn't even recognize me yesterday.
No matter how many times I think about this,
I don't think we met by coincidence.
That woman came to me and brought us together.
Got it?
We should find out
whether our encounters were special or ill-fated.
Let's remove them.
What a waste.
(Director of Zian Clinic)
Park Young Gil. Car accident on January 11.
Choi Kyung Man. Heart attack on January 25.
"I hope sun's power gives you energy and moon's power gives you rest."
Seo Yeon Soo. Fell on January 27.
"Let the rainbow of the soul be in your garden."
Cha Jeung Seok. Committed suicide on February 22.
"The gleaming golden glory of the light will be with you."
So Hye In. Explosion on March 13.
"You will become the captain of your life,"
"challenging your fate."
(Hwang No Sub, Bae Jung Tae)
(Ko Jae Young, Kim Se Rin)
(Shin Ga Hyeon)
(Lee Shin, Song Ji Hyun)
(Seo Yeon Soo)
(Kim Dae Sung)
(Seo Yeon Soo)
(Cha Jeung Seok)
(Bae Jung Tae)
(Kim Dae Sung)
(Bae Jung Tae)
(Lee Shin)
(Song Ji Hyun)
(Song Ji Hyun)
(So Hye In)
We all went to
Mr. Choi Kyung Man's funeral.
And you checked Seo Yeon Soo and Mr. Cha Jeung Seok's death
yourself, didn't you?
We were on the scene when Ms. So Hye In died.
Mr. Park Young Gil who couldn't make it here today
is dead.
There was someone whom we couldn't check.
(Park Young Gil, January 11, car accident)
So you're saying
your elementary school friend's alumnus' friend's cousin's
sister's husband is Park Young Gil?
So just check
if he's on the death list from car accidents on January 11.
Exactly. Why do you need to check?
I'll treat you to Korean beef, grade two pluses.
- Two pluses? - Yes.
Let's see.
Park Young Gil. Park Young Gil. Park Young Gil
He's not on it.
He's nowhere in the death list.
He's not?
Who are you?
We were born on the same day,
but I guess we had different days of death.
I suggested that we run a business together,
but he ended up dying like this after he took up a driving job.
I saw that Mr. Park Young Gil's death
wasn't registered.
Is there a story?
It's all because of money.
When I went to file his death,
they told me I need to pay back his debt at once.
I've been wondering
if I should give up on his inheritance or pay his debt.
Anyway, why do you need to see him?
By any chance,
do any of these people ring any bells for you?
I'm not sure.
I think his colleagues would know better.
We barely got some sleep at home, and never really saw each other.
I'm not really sure.
Did Young Soo say anything bad about me?
Young Gil died
because of me.
What do you mean?
Wasn't it a car accident?
It was his day off,
but he had been delivering in my area with my car.
It was my daughter's recital, so I asked him to fill in for me.
Then this is
It's his car.
I've been driving it thinking he left it behind for me.
Goodbye, then.
Did you know that Ms. Lee Shin has a kid?
So what?
You knew.
How much do you know?
Do you also know why she invited us?
If you need information, you need to pay.
We're all about to die. Why do you want money?
Then maybe I should stop looking for that guy.
I'm going to get his facial composite tomorrow,
but should I stop here?
Why do you think
those people died?
Do you think good people
suddenly died without any reason?
Are you saying they paid for their sins?
I never said that.
You must have sinned a lot.
Are you scared that
you might be next?
Are you?
I like how quickly you made this decision.
What do you need me to do?
It might be a little difficult,
and you may not understand.
But I will make sure
I compensate you handsomely.
I promise.
The cooler of her refrigerator for flowers became overheated.
The circuit breaker got loose,
so it didn't get shut off either.
Your wife misunderstood.
I can finally die
on a clear conscience.
Thank you, Ga Hyeon.
Thank you, Detective.
If something like this had happened, you should've told me already.
What if this turned into an arson case?
He thought this over many times as well.
He didn't want to put you in a tight spot,
so he couldn't tell you.
Hey, I'm very sorry.
It's nothing for you to apologize.
did you find out anything?
Not yet.
We're all living in fear without knowing the reason.
Do you think someone who knows everything
thinks this is nothing but fun entertainment?
- Thank you. - Goodbye.
Ms. Shin!
- Hello. - Seung Min.
What brings you here at this hour?
You suddenly said you're taking a hiatus,
so our company is in huge chaos.
My team leader got mad at me and blamed me
for not taking good care of you.
Gosh, that's awful of him.
I already said I had personal reasons.
Is something going on?
I should know as your manager
to cover for you and help you out.
That's why I'm here.
I already sent a few files,
so you can continue to publish for a couple months.
Then will you return within two months?
He asked me to make sure we won't have to announce your hiatus.
I'll talk to your team leader.
It's not your fault, so don't be discouraged.
Please excuse me.
Ga Hyeon.
You meet your boyfriend every day. Isn't it okay to skip a day?
This is my first housewarming party ever.
I pushed it back
until he had time to come.
I'll celebrate with you in his place, so stop crying.
Anyway, why did you move?
Wouldn't it be better to stay with your parents?
I'm mostly alone at home anyway.
And it's reassuring to have my boyfriend next door.
You should worry about yourself.
Aren't you scared to be alone in that huge house?
I'm a woman who draws a knife fight every single day.
And I have good security because that place is expensive.
You're so cool.
Ga Hyeon, you seem just like my sister.
You're pretty, nice,
and smart, someone who's too good to be true.
I get that pretty often.
It must be pretty tough because of that.
You always have to be the best.
You always have to live up to other people's standards.
I looked up your interview,
and you said you even get volvulus
when you don't get the first place for ratings.
You did my background check too?
I'm saying
I learned to understand my sister thanks to you.
That even winners of life
have troubles losers like us can't imagine.
We're all just people.
If I had known that before my sister died,
it would've been great.
Something like that.
(Zolid: Sleep inducer)
I'll get a housewarming gift for you later. Let me know what you need.
Really? May I ask for anything?
Something really expensive?
Sure, something very expensive.
I think this is it. It's this one. Bye, then.
Go home safely!
(Episode 12 will be aired shortly.)
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