All That Glitters (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Boss, can I ask for a little more?
You're just supposed to grill satay.
I'm not hiring a master chef.
How much do you want?
S$2,000? I think
S$1,200 is too much as it is.
Can we
Hello, Boss?
You're looking for a job?
You're no longer selling satay?
My dad is giving up his stall.
How would I know?
I don't usually
interfere with his affairs.
At the end of the month,
someone else will
take over this satay stall.
Forget it.
Like you say, the money you earn
all goes into paying his gambling debts.
But I'm not educated.
I have no skills. How can I find a job?
Who says you have no skills?
You can make satay.
Your satay is fragrant and crunchy.
It's delicious.
So what? They think S$1,200
is too much to pay me.
Listen. Don't accept anything less
than S$3,000.
S$3,000? You think too highly of me.
Bro Jianzhi, don't be discouraged.
If you have true talent,
it can never be buried.
You're the only one who would say that.
What brings you here?
You look troubled as it is.
I don't want to add to your burden.
Tell me. What is it?
You asked me to tell you.
My period hasn't come yet.
I've always been very regular,
so I'm rather worried.
Have you seen the doctor?
I don't dare to.
Come on, I'll take you to see the doctor.
You're offering to take me
to see the doctor without hesitation.
I thought you'd be frightened
and try to shirk your responsibility
like those men in TV dramas.
Instead, you're offering to take me
to see the doctor without hesitation.
I'm touched.
-Come on.
-It's a prank.
We're safe.
This is no laughing matter!
You're so silly!
Bro Jianzhi,
I also need to apologize to you.
I know we agreed to keep that matter
a secret between us.
But I unintentionally told someone.
Didn't you say you'd keep the secret?
I said, it was out of carelessness.
How could this be carelessness?
Why are you so worried?
It's Zhenting who knows, not Bro Musen.
I'm worried for you, not for myself.
It's not good for a girl's reputation
if such things get around.
It's all right.
Zhenting is my close friend.
We often share secrets.
She told me
that she slept with Arthur too.
See, I accidentally revealed
Zhenting's secret.
-What's the matter?
-I'm all right.
See? You can be careless too.
Don't worry, Bro Jianzhi.
Zhenting won't say anything.
-Does she really trust that man?
-Which man?
You mean Arthur?
Do you know what Arthur plans
to give Zhenting
as a graduation gift?
A sports car.
He wasn't joking.
They really went shopping for cars.
I went along with them.
Those sports cars cost hundreds
of thousands or even millions.
They're beautiful.
I'll never be able to afford one.
Arthur is actually going
to get one for Zhenting.
And it's just to celebrate
the completion of her studies.
Being rich really makes a difference.
Wait till he really gives it to her.
Does his family approve
of their relationship?
I heard from Zhenting
that Arthur no longer
considers himself engaged.
He also declared his love
for Zhenting openly.
His parents gave him
a severe tongue-lashing.
But what can they do to him?
If Zhenting is really carrying
the Tang family's flesh and blood,
they'll have no choice but to accept it.
And I hear Arthur only has one brother
who has been married for years,
but has no children.
You mean
Zhenting will use her pregnancy
to achieve her aim?
She didn't say that.
But I've known Zhenting for a long time.
I know what she's thinking.
Zhenting is smart.
She knows what she wants,
and she knows her strengths.
Think about it.
So many women want to be with Arthur,
but only Zhenting managed
to capture his heart.
I have to work hard too.
I'm going to graduate very soon.
I must work hard for my future.
Bro Jianzhi.
Let's work hard together.
Hello, Bro Musen.
Okay, I'm going over now.
Work hard?
I can't even keep the satay stall.
I hear many students are approached
by big companies even before graduation.
It isn't happening to me.
Why? Did you do badly?
Didn't I tell you to work hard?
I've been trying very hard.
I think my GPA of 2,5 is good enough.
How dare you say you scored 2,5?
Your expectations of yourself are too low.
It's too bad that
I'm not that intelligent.
I'm happy enough
that I've passed, all right?
Give me some pointers,
I hear you're doing well now. Please?
What kind of job do you want to find?
First of all,
I don't want something too tough.
I don't want to be at anyone's mercy.
I want every Saturday and Sunday off.
I want at least 21 days of annual leave.
The salary doesn't have to be too high,
but it mustn't be too low either.
How about S$5,000?
S$5,000? Okay!
I'll give it to you now!
How could you make so many demands
when you have no experience?
I really don't want to work for free
at the shop.
Help me.
Instead of begging me,
you should rely on yourself.
-Rely on myself?
All right. I'll sell my charms, then.
Your charms? Let me see.
I don't see any charms on you.
I only see an ugly duckling.
This ugly duckling has grown into a swan.
-A swan, my foot!
Be an agent.
A property agent?
Sell gold at my company.
-Very good.
-Wait here.
Carry on. Don't stop.
The school is closed today.
Liu Mu, why are you here?
This is my instructor Susakong.
He's Liu Mu, the good friend
I've often mentioned to you.
Pat? Pat.
You're alive.
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
She looks like a friend of mine.
-She's Liu Mu's cousin, Jiahui.
-Did I ask you to introduce her?
Why are you so irritable?
-Who angered you? Jianzhi?
When did I provoke you?
You're never doing anything productive.
You're wasting time here.
Granny Thunder will
kill you if she finds out.
I'm not doing anything productive?
Practicing Muay Thai is serious business.
You call this serious business?
I want to be a Muay Thai champion.
Of course it's serious business.
A Muay Thai champion?
I'm Dongfang Bubai,
the ultimate martial artist!
How could you be deceived
so easily at your age?
Who's deceiving me?
Do you mean him?
Do you mean I'm deceiving him?
-Yes, you.
-Hush! That's not so.
Don't shut me up! I'm talking about him!
That's not what Liu Mu means.
Where's the boss?
Where's the boss?
What do you want with the boss?
I want to lodge a complaint.
I'll lodge a complaint against him
for taking you to fight
in underground matches.
It's the weekend. No one's working.
And Susakong only taught me Muay Thai
because I asked him.
And I had to plead with him
again and again
before he let me fight
in underground matches.
Don't make things difficult for him.
If he can no longer
be an instructor, I'll
What will you do? Hit me?
Don't assume I don't dare to!
Huang Jintiao, do you really think
you're a Muay Thai expert?
He simply had someone
pretend to lose to you.
Now you're completely subservient to him.
Next, he'll ask you to be
a loan shark runner
or to smuggle drugs in from Thailand.
Are you going to do that too?
You idiot.
Idiot! Wake up!
-Huang Jintiao, is he really your buddy?
You'd be better off without such a buddy.
I only have Liu Mu and Jianzhi.
I can't do without either of them.
Aren't you angry with him
for hitting and scolding you?
That's the way he is.
And he's the only one
who can call me an idiot.
No one else can.
Do you know why?
He's simple-minded. He's too trusting.
But I won't watch him
being used and lied to.
You're an instructor.
You're a Muay Thai expert, right?
Come on, let's spar.
No. Susakong packs a real punch.
Don't pick a fight with him.
I'd like to see that for myself.
Do you want to fight?
I'll fight you.
Will you believe me if I defeat you?
What if you lose?
If you lose, leave with Bro Musen
and don't trust this person again.
Susakong, if I use too much force,
you must stop me.
I don't want to hurt my buddy.
You'll hurt me, your buddy?
Do you think you can beat me?
It hasn't started! That's a foul!
You played foul! You'll be disqualified!
I'll be disqualified?
There you go again!
I'm not going to hold back.
You won't hold back?
Let's see what you can do to me!
He's really fighting for real!
I only used 20% of my strength.
Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to get up.
You're mocking me!
I'm going to return the blow.
Why didn't you dodge?
Your punches are weak.
It's a little ticklish.
A little ticklish?
Bro Musen!
His nose is bleeding.
Jiahui, don't overreact.
A little nosebleed
is very normal in boxing.
He only used 20% of his strength.
Huang Jintiao really regards you
as a buddy.
How do you feel?
How many times
are you going to ask me that?
I care about you.
You can go. I'm not done with this
Where is he?
Jiahui is leaving?
What are you doing with this?
I'll stem the bleeding for you.
Get lost!
Liu Mu, don't be like this.
I'm trained. You aren't.
You shouldn't be embarrassed about losing.
An amateur can't
compare to a professional.
I said, get lost! Do you hear me?
Come back.
Who's Pat? Your friend?
Do I really resemble her?
You do.
Do you have a photo of her?
From your expression just now,
you looked like you had really met
someone you know.
I wonder if there's really
someone else in this world
who looks exactly like me.
Was she your girlfriend?
Did she dump you?
You seem sad.
She's dead.
How much do you need
for your studies abroad?
My studies?
Don't you want to train in Thailand?
Yes, I want to train in Thailand.
Susakong says he'll recommend me
to a Muay Thai school.
He trained in Muay Thai there.
He says the teachers
there are really good.
I can also be a professional instructor
once I graduate.
What are you waiting for, then?
I need money for that.
All my money is with Grandma.
Why don't you help
me take it from Grandma?
Do you want to get me killed?
You know Granny only takes money
but never gives it away.
And if she were to know that
you've been learning Muay Thai,
she'd give you a real good scolding
I'll have to wait then.
Till when?
Till Grandma is reunited with Grandpa.
Granny Thunder is still hale and hearty.
She might well live to 100.
You won't have to go to Thailand then.
You can go to
the Wudang Mountains instead.
Why the Wudang Mountains?
To learn tai chi. What else?
I want to learn Muay Thai, not tai chi.
What can you learn if you have no money?
I'll have to fight
in a few more matches then.
Underground fighting matches?
There's a match tomorrow night.
The opponent is tough,
but the prize money is considerable.
I'll get S$500 if I win.
You look excited.
Are you certain of winning?
No, I'm always nervous before a match.
But then I sing
I'm a little bird
I want to soar but I can't fly high
I'll be okay then.
Okay? Let's see if you'll say that
once you're knocked out.
I might be defeated.
But if you don't dare
to get into the ring for fear of failure,
you'll never be a true fighter.
What nonsense is that?
Susakong said so.
Did he tell you how much
the training will cost?
It'll cost at least S$10,000
inclusive of food and lodging.
I think you'd better apply
for a scholarship.
Are scholarships available
for this sort of thing?
It's the Lin Musen Scholarship.
I'll sponsor you. Get it?
You're truly my good friend.
That hurts! Let me tell you this.
If you take part in
that underground match,
the scholarship will be canceled.
Okay, I won't take part.
You won't? Does it really not hurt?
I'll stem the bleeding for you.
It's about to flow again.
Hello, He Jianzhi.
Why are you here at this hour?
I'm thinking of buying supper
for my family.
But most stalls are closed.
Do you have any more left?
Twenty sticks of pork satay.
-Do you want them?
My family says your satay is really good.
-Hold on.
Speak your mind. Scold me if you want to.
You keep staring at me
without saying a word.
Why would I scold you?
You know.
You mean what happened
between you and Jiahui?
You're both adults.
You're free to do what you want.
Why would I scold you?
But I'm quite surprised.
I always thought of Jiahui
as a timid, conservative
and reserved girl.
I never knew that
she could do shocking things at times.
It just shows that people can be
complicated and hard to understand.
Not just others,
I don't even understand myself.
It's the same with you.
You look like a simple and honest chap.
In fact, you're a bold lady killer.
You're blushing.
But on closer inspection,
I know why Jiahui can't resist you.
You're really handsome and manly.
Don't tease me.
It's true.
It's too bad that you're not rich,
or I'd seduce you.
-It smells great.
-What are you doing?
Miss, are you mistaken?
I mean the satay smells great.
It's so fragrant.
-I can't wait to take a bite.
I want all this satay.
It's reserved.
I said, I want it.
How arrogant! Who do you think you are?
I'm the boss of this satay stall.
I stop by to collect
my payment every night.
Take your money and get lost!
Workers are so rude these days.
How dare you tell your boss to get lost?
So you're a loan shark.
You're the type who commits arson.
He Jianzhi, why did you give him money?
You should call the police
and have him arrested!
Are you his girlfriend?
His dad owes me lots of money
and is now on the run.
As his son, he has to bear his debts now.
I'd advise you to break up with him,
or he might sell you into vice
to pay his debt!
What did you say?
What are you doing?
I said, get lost! Do you understand?
I haven't taken my satay yet.
I said, that's not yours!
Miss, do you still want the satay?
How disgusting!
Zhenting, you should go.
What about you?
That woman is good-looking.
She's really shapely.
Tell her to sell her body.
She can pay your debts
and earn lots of money for you.
Get lost!
Young man, don't be so hot-tempered.
Let's share good things
and have fun with women together.
Are you not going to leave?
Are you leaving?
Are you going to hack me
with that cleaver?
Fine! Do it!
Young man, you were still in diapers
when I first started out in society!
Jianzhi, let's go to karaoke.
Have you closed for the day?
-Where is he?
-Where did he go?
What is it?
I went to the washroom.
What are you doing?
Hello. I've been robbed.
Please call an ambulance
I'm at Redhill
What's taking him so long in the washroom?
Even if it's diarrhea,
he's taking far too long.
Where have you been?
You're drenched in sweat.
You must have had diarrhea.
Did you see a ghost?
Don't talk nonsense.
-Why does he look so pale then?
-What happened?
Are you sure nothing happened?
Give it back to me!
Whose bag is this?
A customer left it here.
I wanted to give it back to him,
but I couldn't find him.
Don't take others' belongings.
Let go!
That's a lot of money!
Did you rob someone?
Keep your voice down!
You'll get me into trouble!
So you really robbed someone?
I didn't rob anyone. I found this bag.
He Jianzhi, explain yourself.
Just what happened?
This is Bro Hai's bag.
Bro Hai?
That loan shark?
The one that your dad
owes tens of thousands to?
He has been coming here
to collect the debt every night.
I saw two men following him,
so I went along to take a look.
And I saw them
stabbing Bro Hai with a knife.
They started fighting.
Bro Hai even kicked one of them
till he coughed up blood.
That person dropped this bag.
He dropped it in front of me.
Seeing that it contained a lot of money,
I picked it up and ran back.
Jianzhi, can you explain better?
How could Bro Hai fight
when he was already stabbed?
Have you been drinking? Are you drunk?
It's true. The knife was still stuck
in his abdomen.
My cleaver.
What are you doing? Jianzhi.
Let's go quickly,
or we'll be deemed as suspects.
That's how it is in the movies.
-Come here!
Hey! What are you looking for?
-My cleaver.
-Your cleaver?
I came here with a cleaver just now.
I must have dropped it somewhere.
If the police find it, I'll be implicated.
What were you doing with a cleaver?
Don't ask! Let's help him find it.
Hey! Where is it? Calm down.
Where did you go just now?
Think carefully.
The phone!
Let's go.
Hurry! Let's go!
Let's go!
What do you plan to do now?
What do you plan to do now?
I don't know anything.
-I'll pretend that I don't know anything.
So you'll keep this money for yourself?
What else can I do?
-What else? Report it to the police!
-Are you crazy?
What if the police deem me a suspect
and arrest me?
Two people died. It's murder.
Do you know how long I'll be in prison?
Yes, he mustn't report it.
If you don't
report it to the police first,
you'll go to prison
if they trace it to you!
Yes, you must report it.
Whatever it is, just pretend
you don't know anything.
And stay out of this.
I don't want to get you into trouble.
That's right.
Liu Mu, let's stay out of this.
What nonsense are you spouting?
What are friends for?
How can we call ourselves buddies
for nothing?
I couldn't do anything
if I wasn't aware of this.
But since I am, I can't stay out of it.
Yes, we must help.
And you should have said "we".
We're buddies, right?
If we're buddies, keep this secret for me.
We'll split the money equally.
Is that the right thing to do?
What do you think?
That's not right.
Jianzhi, this money is stained with blood.
I don't dare to take it.
If Liu Mu doesn't dare to take it,
neither do I.
Keep it if you dare.
That loan shark Hai's money
was already stained
with blood to begin with.
Some of this money belongs to our family.
He has been harassing us for years.
I've been slogging away
making and selling satay
for over ten hours a day just to pay him.
This money was taken from us so unfairly.
I'm going to take it all back today!
What's that smell?
What's the matter?
Sis, what are you cooking?
It smells so nauseating!
-I can't take it.
-Li Zhenting!
Mom, you startled me!
Your sister is cooking for you.
How could you say something so heartless?
Can't you smell how disgusting it is?
It's just the smell of
steamed pork patties with salted fish.
Exactly! Haven't you ever had salted fish?
But the salted fish really stinks today.
It doesn't stink!
Salted fish always smells fishy.
Mom, she's being absurd. Just ignore her.
Please excuse your lowly servant.
Come back.
Yes, Empress Dowager.
At your service, Empress Dowager.
Aren't you about to graduate?
Have you found a job?
Do you think you're really living
in a palace
with mountains of money
to support a princess like you?
Don't worry, Mom.
I won't expect you to support me
no matter what.
You've only been giving me S$5 a day.
I'm lucky to have survived till today.
Is S$5 very little?
You only have lessons four times a week.
You only need to dine out once a day.
A packet of chicken rice only costs S$3.
Yes, it's more than enough.
Thank you for your generosity.
So stop claiming to be poor.
Don't assume I don't know
that your sister has been giving you
everything you ask for.
If you ask for 50 cents,
she gives you a dollar.
I know.
So my sister is the one
who treats me best.
I'm cooking.
No, it really stinks!
You'd better find a job soon!
Yes, Empress Dowager.
How are things going
between Zhenting and Arthur?
Why don't you ask her yourself?
Will she tell me anything?
I feel that
I'm really a failure as a mother.
I'm always the last to know everything.
You sound so pitiful.
Isn't that so?
How many things are you sisters
keeping from me?
No, don't be overly sensitive.
Why won't you answer my question then?
Do you mean Arthur and Zhenting?
I haven't asked her.
But she has been in a great mood lately.
Things must be going well.
Tell Zhenting
not to date him for his money.
But I'm not saying that
money isn't important.
What am I supposed to say to her?
Even if his family is rich,
it's not his own hard-earned money.
If he's not capable,
he'll eventually
squander all his wealth away.
So men must be capable.
Apart from that, they must be faithful.
If he's a playboy,
you won't be happy
no matter how much money he gives you.
But come to think of it,
I don't believe Arthur is
a womanizer from a rich family.
You've met him?
When he saw Zhenting home,
I met him downstairs.
He's polite and honey-tongued.
He said that
had Zhenting not called me Mom,
he'd have mistaken me for her sister.
You can put your mind at rest then.
When you have children in future,
you'll realize
that parents never stop worrying
about their children.
-Li Zhenyu.
-What is it?
Zhenting is feeling nauseous
out of the blue.
Could she be
It came on the 12th of the last month.
It's really late.
Stop fooling around.
Perhaps Mom is right.
Experience comes with age indeed.
How lightly you put it!
What else am I supposed to do?
Burst into tears?
You've just graduated.
You haven't found a job yet.
If you're really pregnant
I'll be a rich man's wife.
I won't have to work. That's great!
How unambitious!
Who says I'm unambitious, Sis?
If I spend three years in university
and then work hard for several years,
I might earn over S$10,000 a month
if I do well.
That would be considered good, right?
By then, I'll be 30.
I should be married with kids by then,
but there's a chance that I won't be.
No matter what,
I'd have to work
to support myself and the children.
I'd have to pay the instalments
on my home and my car.
I'd have to prepare for retirement too.
Sis, do you know how much money
one needs to save up for retirement today?
You'll be shocked.
Experts say
one needs S$2 million
to enjoy life after retirement.
Everyone has a different definition
of enjoying life.
If you're very particular
about having the best in everything
and expect to go on holidays frequently,
travel business class
and stay in five-star hotels,
no amount of money will be enough for you.
If I work hard all my life
and can't enjoy life in my old age,
won't that be really sad?
And worse still, a lifetime of hard work
will pass in the blink of an eye.
One day, you'll look in the mirror
and be shocked to see your white hair
and wrinkles.
You'll realize that your youth is gone
and your life has passed just like that.
The thought of what you call
a fruitful life
discourages me.
Life's like that.
We all work hard to earn a living
and support our family.
What's wrong with that?
Nothing's wrong with that.
But why does everyone have
to take the same path in life?
Can't I take a different road?
That's not a road.
I know. That's a shortcut.
But if you insist on taking the long path
when there's obviously a shortcut,
that's really foolish to me.
Our exams are finally over!
We've graduated!
I'm never coming back here!
You did so well.
Have you considered going to university?
Spare me! Why should I continue studying?
How old will I be
once I finish university?
But you did so well.
Won't it be a pity for you
not to go to university?
You might even get to study law.
Do you know that the law textbooks are
thicker than bricks?
I have zero interest in studying.
I won't continue with my studies.
You're not interested in studying,
yet you did so well.
I barely passed when I studied so hard.
Don't worry.
Don't you have your cousin
to look after you?
Yes. Thank goodness for Bro Musen.
Otherwise, my mom would exploit me
as free labor.
Ladies, congratulations on graduating!
This is your graduation gift.
Yes. This is your favorite model
and color.
Jiahui, did you hear that?
I heard it.
Thank you, baby.
I thought you were just joking.
How could I be joking?
Take it out for a drive.
I'll take you out for a spin.
No, I shouldn't ride
in such an expensive car.
It's all right. I'm the owner
I'm taking you for a spin. Get in.
I signed for it. I bought a car.
No, that will be embarrassing.
Zhenting, there's a cul-de-sac ahead.
Slow down!
It's really fast!
You're going too fast!
It's really fast.
Are you all right?
No. I'm weak at the knees.
You're really useless.
Thank you, baby! It's really fun.
Dear, we'll have to take the car
back to the dealership later.
They say some of the paperwork
hasn't been completed.
-Is it really just the paperwork?
Don't lie to me.
From the look on your face,
I can tell that
something must have happened.
They don't usually interfere
with how I spend my money.
But it's a large sum this time.
-They know you bought me a car?
Had you bought it
for that banker's daughter,
there would be no problem, right?
Are they forcing you to break up with me?
Am I really so off-putting to them?
It's not that.
My parents really have
nothing against you.
I know. But they can't accept who I am.
Too bad I'm not a banker's daughter.
I told them
that you're the one I love.
I don't want to
be with anyone else but you.
What did they say?
They say I'll never be able to use
my credit card or get a single cent
if I insist on being with you.
They'll cut you off financially?
But can they bear to do that?
You're their precious son.
Won't it hurt them to see you miserable?
You don't know my dad.
He's capable of carrying out his threats.
So you're asking to break-up?
No, I really don't want to.
I truly love you.
All right. Tell them I'm pregnant then.
I'm carrying the Tang family's descendant.
Dear, you can't tell this sort of lie.
They'll be even angrier
if they find out you're lying
I'm not lying to you.
I did the test this morning.
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