Angry Birds: Summer Madness (2022) s01e11 Episode Script


[Mighty Eagle whistling]
[Mighty Eagle]
Camp Splinterwood ♪
Our summer home ♪
[driving rock music]
For catapultin'!
Slingshottin'! Getting thrown! ♪
Campers rocket through the trees ♪
Cannonballing where they please ♪
Zippin' in the air ♪
Crashin' everywhere! ♪
Archery, Dodgebird
Borb tennis-- it's absurd! ♪
Here they come!
Red, Stella, Bomb, Chuck! ♪
Flyin' Fast!
Look out, duck! ♪
All your life, you'll be glad
You had this ♪
Angry Birds Summer Madness! ♪
[Red] Once a year,
Camp Splinterwood goes epic.
They call it Splashageddon.
It's the awesomest day of the summer.
Chuck, get your swim cap and towel.
Bomb, don't forget your shovel.
Let's move it, slow pokes!
What are we thinkin'? Sporty Chuck,
Casual Chuck, Bird-about-town Chuck?
Oh, I'm gonna dig
the biggest sand hole ever!
[laughs] I'm gonna surf
on Terrence's belly flop waves!
Waterslide! Waterslide!
Waterslide! Waterslide!
-All right!
-[towel snaps]
Let's get our splash on!
Cabin inspection!
Hey, some people like pineapple on pizza!
[flies buzzing]
Is this laundry or rubbish?
I'm not really into labels.
I've never in my life seen such squalor!
You three are forbidden to take part
in Splashageddon
until this cabin is thoroughly cleaned,
scrubbed, and dusted!
[all] Aww…
No wailing! I have spoken!
Lynette, we both know
they're disgusting screw-ups…
[Chuck belches]
Why not let them go to Splashageddon
and they can clean up later?
Or the four of you can stay here
and clean this cabin until it sparkles,
and I mean sparkles!
B-But I'm not even in this cabin!
[Bomb] It's not fair!
You're darn right it's not fair!
I am not gonna stand for this injustice!
I'm sure she's gone.
Let's just sneak out of here.
[sheepish laughter]
You know, we could just clean the cabin
and then go to Splashageddon.
Come on, Stella. Cleaning the cabin
would be admitting that Lynette is right
and we're a bunch of lazy, no-good bums.
[Bomb] But… isn't that what we are?
That's it! We'll dig our way
to Splashageddon!
We'll tunnel to the lake
and Lynette will never know we've left!
[both chanting] Red! Red!
Red! Red! Red!
Start diggin'!
Bomb, legs please.
Yeah, love the creativity, but this is
way more work than cleaning the cabin.
Sometimes you gotta go with your gut.
Well, my gut's telling me
this is not gonna end well.
Diggin' to Splashageddon! ♪
Diggity-dig! Dig, dig, dig! ♪
Diggin' to Splashageddon! ♪
Diggity-dig! Dig, dig, dig! ♪
Okay. Time out. This is taking too long!
I got it! Bomb, you should explode!
Uh, okay! Here I go.
[Bomb grunting]
Did-- Did I do it?
Yeah, no. But that's okay
because I was just gonna-- Boo!
Hey, come on, Red. That's not cool.
Why don't you leave Bomb alone-- Boo!
[Bomb] Sorry, everyone.
Well, we gave it a shot.
Let's go back and clean the cabin.
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
There's no reason to admit defeat.
We just need to use our heads.
If there was ever a moment
I was meant for, it's this one!
[chuckling] Oh, please.
Step aside.
-[Bomb gasps]
Stella, I like where your head's at…
literally. Come on!
-Let's go!
-[all whooping]
Okay, according to my calculations,
we should be there by now.
What calculations?
I calculate…
Ah… [smacks lips]
The familiar tangy essence
of decaying plant matter.
A little gamey.
Tastes like lake water!
Two, four, six, eight,
Who got us to the lake? ♪
Red, Red! Yay, Red! ♪
[chuckles] Oh, come on, boys.
No need for the adoration.
We all know who got us to Splashageddon.
Okay, okay, you were right
and I was wrong.
[hammering noise]
[all grunting]
I knew that water tasted familiar.
Huh. That's weird. We seem
to be in the boys' bathroom.
Uh, I don't think you're allowed
to be in here, Stella.
Well, I'm not the one who led us here.
I said we should clean the cabin.
This is just a minor setback.
I actually think
this is going pretty well.
Listen to Red, Stella. He's never wrong.
And even when he's wrong,
he's always right in the end.
Yeah, Red always comes through.
[stall door opens and shuts]
[Chuck gasps]
-[whispering] Inappropriate!
-[trickling sound]
[toilet flushes]
[all shouting]
Two, four, six, nine,
Who's my favorite friend of mine? ♪
Red, Red, yay, Red! ♪
'Scuse me, stella. I'm wondering
if you'd like to purchase any items
from our new line
of Red-themed merchandise?
How about an "I Heart Red" foam finger?
Or an autographed shirt?
Or maybe Red-branded suntan lotion?
You guys don't seriously think
this is gonna work, do you?
I love Red, but he has no idea
what he's doing.
[both gasp]
B-B-But we always follow Red
when he doesn't know what he's doing!
Just blindly put your trust in him.
That's how it works!
Look, Red and me, we've been
best friends since we were hatchlings,
but a stupid idea is a stupid idea,
and I'm putting my foot down right now!
[lava bubbling]
Stella, hold on! We'll be right down!
Chuck, grab your towel!
I'm coming!
Oh, whoa! Whoa!
Hey, check it out. I'm surfing lava!
You are so lucky I'm an awesome surfer.
Luck? Pfft. All part of the plan.
Red! Red! Red! Red!
Hey, you wanted to surf, right?
Well, yeah.
Weren't you just surfing back there?
Sure. But--
Come on, admit it, I got this!
Yeah, we'll see about that.
Two, four, six, ten, who's as sharp
as a ballpoint pen? ♪
[Red grunting]
Yay, Red.
Come on. Help me push.
[all groaning]
[all screaming]
Where are we?
[French accent] Seven, nine, four, five
Who's the bird that's still alive? ♪
Yay, Rouge! ♪
-[Rouge screams]
-[all scream]
Nothing like a good scream
to clear out the lungs.
The name is Rouge.
What are you doing here?
I'm on my way to Splashageddon,
but we got a little sidetracked.
Whoa, that's a coincidence,
'cause that's where we're heading.
Well, you made it, mon ami.
Huh? You're right under the lake.
How long have you been down here?
Ooh, now let's see, um…
I'd say about 40 years or so.
We fall into this mine shaft,
been stuck here ever since.
Sure, it look bad, but I always
come through in the end.
Boy, does that sound familiar.
Eh, we'll be at the Splashageddon
any day now…
soon as we can figure out
how to get out of here, eh?
We? Who's we?
My best friends in the whole world!
Eh? They believe in me!
Ain't that right, mes amis?
Buck, Flomb, Ella, say bonjour.
[all screaming]
Uh, you know how you said
this was a stupid idea?
I think you might be right.
Aha! So you admit it! Boom!
Uh, I'm saying we're doomed.
Ah, still taking the win.
We're not doomed. Red'll save us.
Yeah, Red's got this!
Yeah. I totally don't got this.
[whimpers softly]
[both screaming]
[water bubbling]
[all gasping and shouting]
[all shouting]
[all shouting]
[all panting]
Guys, I'm really sorry I didn't get us
to Splashageddon.
You should have listened to Stella
and not me.
What are you talking about?
Yeah, that was amazing. You're a genius!
-I… I am?
-He is?
Yeah, the way you made Bomb
panic and explode,
causing the lake to drain us into
the most epic water slide of all time!
Not to mention
all the great digging I got to do,
and Stella got to surf lava!
[gasps] Well, this is a surprise!
Everything's sparkling!
Huh. Guess Chuck and Bomb are right.
You did come through in the end.
Thanks, Stella.
Guess I am pretty awesome.
-[both chanting] Red! Red! Red! Red! Red!
Whoo, ha ha ha!
See? I told you we make it
to Splashageddon, mes amis.
[theme music playing]
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