Arthur (1996) s01e11 Episode Script

Arthur's Baby/D.W.'s Baby

Every day when you're
walking down the street ♪
Everybody that you meet
has an original point of view. ♪
( laughs )
And I say hey! ♪
What a wonderful kind of day ♪
If we could learn
to work and play ♪
And get along
with each other ♪
You got to listen
to your heart ♪
Listen to the beat ♪
Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪
Open up your eyes,
open up your ears ♪
Get together and make things
better by working together ♪
It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪
Believe in yourself ♪
For that's the place
to start ♪
And I say hey! ♪
What a wonderful kind of day ♪
If we could learn
to work and play ♪
And get along
with each other. ♪
What a wonderful kind of day ♪
Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day. ♪
Hey, D.W.
( crash )
Happy first birthday, Kate.
Happy birthday, Kate!
( giggles )
( all gasp )
Babies do some dopey things, but
I guess we were all babies once.
like my friend Buster.
No, Sweetie,
don't do that.
Oh, goodness.
No stop!
And Mr. Ratburn.
Emil, what are you doing?!
Even my mom and dad.
Clean your room.
Even my little sister
Kate is growing up.
( cooing )
I miss the days
when she was little.
No, you don't.
Do too!
You didn't even like Kate
when she was a little baby.
Did too!
Uh-huh, sure.
I remember
exactly what happened.
( barks )
( gasps )
( gasps )
( both shout )
Let go, D.W.!
No, you let go!
You already ate
more than me.
I need it
more than you.
You're bigger
because you're
full of food.
The world could be perfect
without little sisters.
That's my idea
of perfect.
( gulps )
( slurps )
Arthur! D.W.!
We have a surprise.
Is it a new bicycle?
Is Arthur moving out?
What is it?
We're going to have a baby.
A baby?
A baby?
A baby! Yahoo!
Baby, baby, baby, baby!
yay, baby!
It'll be
about six months
before the baby comes.
Baby, baby, baby-- yay, baby!
( chuckling )
( grunting )
( all gasp )
Binky grunting
and groaning )
( Arthur screaming )
( thud )
( growling )
You better buy some earplugs.
Babies never stop crying.
( laughing )
( baby crying )
Pass the salt,
I said,
"Pass the salt!"
( siren wailing )
baby's crying
cuts through siren )
So you can forget
about sleeping.
( kids laughing )
Poor Arthur.
In a few months,
he'll be changing
all those dirty diapers.
This should
protect you
from those
smelly diapers.
I can't smell anything.
But I can't breathe.
( grunting )
( gasping for breath )
( crash )
Babies don't
even do anything.
Maybe you can
teach your baby
to do something useful--
like earn money
for you.
Presenting the amazing baby!
( applause )
( cheering )
Thank you, thank you.
Or do your homework.
And when you're
done with the math
don't forget to
write my report
on Magellan.
( sighs )
If only life
were like that.
Pretty soon,
you won't play after school.
You'll have
to baby-sit.
( laughing )
And you'll talk baby talk.
( children cheering )
Go! Come on, you can do it!
( cheering continues )
( whistle blows )
Great catch, Read!
You okay?
Got an ouchy boo-boo.
( all laughing )
Arthur talks like a baby.
And you smell
like diapers, too.
( all laugh again )
( moaning )
No you
( screams )
Everything okay, Honey?
You were tossing.
Uh, I was
having a dream.
You must be as excited as I am
about the baby coming.
It's all I think about.
I guess I'm ready
for that baby now.
I've thought
of everything.
What if your mom
has more than one?
( babies gurgling,
crying and screaming )
( Arthur screams )
Arthur, come over here
and I'll show you
how to diaper a baby.
Oh, no, no!
Get that diaper
off my Bionic Bunny!
And stop turning
everything into a baby!
Come over here.
I want to show
you two something.
You were a baby
once, too, you know.
Is that me?
MOM ( on video ):
Come on, Dear!
Whoop! Aw!
You were such
a cute baby.
Yeah, what went wrong?
( crying )
That's me?
( duck squeaking )
( crying harder )
Don't I look adorable?
And I bet the new
baby's going to be
just like me.
That's what I'm afraid of.
What are you doing?
I have to be ready
to go to the hospital.
Here's something
to look at
in the hospital
to help you make
another perfect kid.
( laughing )
I'll pack that.
I win, I win!
Did not--
it was a tie!
( laughing )
( grumbles )
Who wants blueberry pancakes?
Grandma Thora!
You're in
the wrong house.
Where's Mom
and Dad, Grandma?
They're at the hospital.
You both have a new baby sister.
A sister!
My sister.
She'll be
just like me.
Oh, brother.
Oh, sister!
( weakly ):
Which one
is my sister?
That's her,
and her name is Kate.
She has your
nose, Arthur.
( crying )
And your mouth.
She's here!
My sister's here!
Let me see,
let me see!
She's sleeping.
She's kind
of cute.
Arthur, would you
like to hold Kate?
( crying )
Mom! Mom!
( crying hard )
Can I hold her?
Can I hold her?
She doesn't cry
when I hold her.
Hi, Kate.
I'm your big brother.
( begins crying )
What do you mean,
she hates you?
She cries when
I get near her.
She's a baby.
Babies cry.
D.W. doesn't make
her cry-- just me.
( crying )
Could you watch Kate
while I go upstairs?
Are you sure?
Oh, I'm sure
you'll do just fine.
Y-y-you dropped this.
Was that on the floor?
It has to be
( crying )
Hold this.
Don't worry.
I'll take care
of everything.
( blows on pacifier )
( doorbell rings )
I'll get it.
Can Arthur
come out?
No, he's
Would you like
to see my baby?
Yeah, sure.
Don't get too close,
because you have germs.
What a cute baby!
She looks just like me
when I was
a baby.
( crying )
Everyone, stand back!
I know what she wants.
( crying )
Everyone remain calm.
aren't you
going to help?
No, I'll only
make it worse.
I know exactly what to do.
Arthur, hold her while I get
a clean diaper.
Come on, Kate.
( making baby talk )
I wonder what she's
trying to tell us.
( burps )
( sighs )
Is everything all right?
It is now.
Arthur burped
the baby
right when she was
about to explode.
( slurping )
Oh, gross!
spitting on him.
She is not.
She's kissing him.
And now
My mom's about to have a baby.
I feel good.
All's I know is
it's just going to come.
We don't know if it's a boy
or a girl or anything.
We have a baby,
and his name is Justin.
My little brother Zack--
he always, like, climbs on me,
jumps on me.
My brother Corey,
he's very cute
and I liked when he was born.
My brother was born
three months ago.
I went to the hospital
after it was born.
When he first came home
I was thinking that he
would be nice, and he is
and I was excited.
My dad said that he looks
just like me.
I help with my brother
by feeding it.
I help push him in the carriage.
I help take care of my brother
by dressing him
playing with him and trying
to keep him out of trouble.
My mom had to change his diapers
and I had to watch.
I never change his diaper.
Sometimes I change his diaper.
( chuckles )
What's most important
is to love the baby
whether it's a girl or boy.
And now
This is a video
of my first birthday--
before I had glasses.
Come on, Arthur ( blows )
that's right, now blow.
( laughs ):
"Come on, Arthur."
( blows )
Hey, perfect.
Happy birthday, D.W.!
And this is
D.W.'s first birthday.
( talking baby talk )
D.W., watch me--
I'll show you how to
blow out the candle.
Ibby dabby present.
And now it's Kate's
very first birthday.
Cut it out.
Mom, D.W.'s wrecking the video.
I'm just trying to make Arthur
look more interesting
but it's hopeless.
Happy birthday, Kate.
A little sister is always
more interesting than a brother.
You didn't
always think that.
What do
you mean?
I remember how you felt
when Kate first came home.
More powerful
than a locomotive
She's here!
My sister's here!
Let me see, let me
see, let me see.
Shh. She's sleeping.
( D.W. moans )
Let me hold her
It's nice to be home.
It was just too quiet
at that hospital.
Now we'll hear her
if she cries.
That's it?
We're done
with her?
D.W., want to help me
make dinner?
We have to let
the baby sleep.
Hasn't she had
enough sleep?
I heard that too much sleep
is bad for you.
( laughs )
Now she's exhaling
inhaling again,
exhale, in
Dad, she's
doing it again.
D.W., please.
( whispering ):
Inhale exhale.
Bath time for Kate.
I'll give her
a bath.
You'll have to wait
until she's a
bit older, D.W.
How about now?
Hey, I'm
a baby expert.
Why don't they
want my help?
You know grown-ups--
give them time.
They're slow learners.
( giggling )
Arthur, watch Kate
while I'm upstairs.
Why is she leaving
him in charge?
He doesn't know beans
about babies.
Here's your chance to show
Mom how much you know.
Here, you dropped this.
Was that on
the floor?
It has to be
( blows )
Don't worry,
I'll take care
of everything.
( doorbell rings )
Here-- I'll get it!
What a cute baby.
She looks
just like me
when I was
a baby.
Everyone, stand back!
I know what she wants.
( crying continues )
( crying stops )
( bawling )
Stand back.
( moans grumpily )
( crying )
You should get your Mommy.
No, I've
watched Mommy.
I know exactly
what to do.
( crying )
Now you should get her.
Then she'd think
I'm not a
baby expert.
Everyone, calm down.
I know what to do.
You hold her while
I get a clean diaper.
Come on, Kate.
( making baby talk )
( bawling )
I wonder what she's
trying to tell us.
( burps )
( sighs )
Is everything okay?
It is now.
Arthur burped
the baby
right when she was
about to explode.
( others laugh )
( growls )
I loosen up
the gas, and he
takes the credit.
Arthur wasn't trying
to make you look bad.
Burps are mysterious things.
One burp and he takes over.
I should be doing that.
She's my sister.
It would fit
right here.
Huh? What would fit?
The crib-- Kate
will be sleeping
in here with you.
She will?!
Maybe you make her burp, Arthur
but she's going
to live in my room.
( gasps )
( laughs nervously )
A little to the left.
does it.
Mom, your end's
We're going to have
so much fun.
( giggles )
( Kate wailing )
( humming )
It smells like
a zoo in here.
Close that--
Kate will be
in a draft.
Ew, my doll smells
like stinky diapers.
( Kate wailing )
( Kate verbalizing )
You want to
play, too?
You can have my truck.
Watch out, the tire
kind of falls off.
D.W., Kate can't play
with your truck.
Why not?
It has too many
small pieces
she can choke on.
You have to be
extra careful.
This room has
to be baby-safe.
We have to clean up
( Kate bawling )
( making baby talk )
What a good
girl you are!
Eat your cereal, D.W.
I can't eat--
my teeth are tired.
Why don't
you just get
rid of her?
I can't-- Mommy
and Daddy like her.
What if they didn't
like her anymore?
Yeah, what
if she did
bad things?
She doesn't do anything,
except eat and cry and poop.
humming and
whistling casually )
She doesn't have
to do anything;
she just has to
get blamed for it.
( explosion )
She did it.
A demolition
team did it.
Yeah that's what I meant.
( snaps fingers )
( exclaims ):
How did my new shoes
get in the dishwasher?!
Kate did it! I saw her.
Go to your room and
think about what you said.
I'll be up to discuss it.
He said "discuss."
You know what
that means.
I'm in trouble.
I wonder what he'll say
when he finds
Baloney in the C.D. player.
I told you
not to do that.
What are
you thinking?
About our garage sale tomorrow.
Mrs. Tibble, we have
a nice, brand-new baby,
hardly used-- 50 cents.
My Mommy says she's
too much trouble.
Okay, 35 cents, but
it's my final offer.
NARRATOR ( on tv ):
On an island with
everything they need
the monkeys live happily.
This family's not working out.
Where are you going?
To live happily on an island
that has everything I need.
Bye, D.W.
Where's the
nearest island?
Button Island.
( crying ):
( humming )
( sobbing ):
Mom, I'm leaving.
( cries )
( knocking )
Okay, keep your shirt on.
Hello, D.W.,
what a surprise!
I came to say
I'm going to live
with monkeys on Button Island.
I see. Are there monkeys there?
You're silly-- it's an island
you know, monkeys island.
( crying ):
Could you drive me there?
I think I need a boat.
Won't your family
miss you?
No, they like Kate now.
I'm really going
to miss you, D.W.
I'll write
to you--
after I learn to write.
I think Kate will miss you.
She's just a baby--
babies don't miss.
But when she grows up
she'll have a mommy,
a daddy, a brother
what's missing?
A me, a sister.
Oh, poor Kate--
all alone
without a sister.
Back up, Grandma,
I've got to get home.
My sister needs me.
No way will
I let Arthur
show her how
to do things.
D.W., where
were you?
We were
all worried.
I'm here, Kate,
don't worry.
I'll show you
how to do everything.
That's what
a big sister's for.
But mommies and daddies
change the diapers.
What a wonderful
kind of day ♪
If we could learn
to work and play ♪
And get along
with each other ♪
You got to listen
to your heart ♪
Listen to the beat ♪
Listen to the rhythm,
the rhythm of the street ♪
It's a simple message
and it comes from the heart ♪
Believe in yourself ♪
For that's the place
to start ♪
And I say hey! ♪
Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day ♪
If we could learn
to work and play ♪
And get along
with each other ♪
Hey! What a wonderful
kind of day! ♪
Hey! ♪
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