Be Loved in House (2021) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

(keep missing each other.)
(Once we miss each other,)
(we might become farther
and farther apart.)
(In the end,)
(we'll become two parallel lines that
have no interaction with each other.)
(Just like)
(the way we were before.)
♪Show me Show me Your eyes♪
♪One, two I got distracted
and delayed the rhythm♪
♪Clear my mind and realize
who's being unreasonable♪
♪Hey, on the base card for our bet♪
♪Write down our agreement♪
♪Don't change it♪
♪In the next moment the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
♪The little prince♪
♪Goes to dreamland
and plants golden wheat♪
♪Your smile is like the sunshine
that will be always on my mind♪
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
♪In the next moment, the tears
in the win are like the soft rain♪
♪When it becomes sunny, it's my turn♪
♪To help you clear the clouds away♪
♪Stop hesitating♪
♪Heal the hurt from the memories♪
♪Light the match from the fairy tales♪
♪Let it burn♪
=Be Loved in House=
Jin Yuzhen.
=Episode 11=
(Diamond Chips)
Jin Yuzhen.
Is he not home?
Jin Yuzhen?
What are you
What are you doing in my room?
I came to look for what I lost in here.
I cleaned already.
I didn't see anything.
How do you know what I lost here?
House Rule number one.
Without permission,
you can't enter someone's bedroom.
Don't rephrase the rule.
The meaning is the same.
I canceled that already.
You crossed out two lines
and left three.
What does that mean?
Do you know
that these are the most words
that you have spoken to me lately?
Why are you looking for me?
Gang said
that in order to thank you
for protecting Siqi,
he's inviting you to a picnic
this weekend.
OK, I'll relay the message to him.
I think that it will be
our first time traveling together.
He only invited you.
If you're not going,
I won't go either.
Jin Yuzhen, I
You can't refuse.
I want to drink
Hi, Lei.
What is this?
A mosquito did this.
A mosquito?
I think it was more like a bee.
A bee?
What a big bee!
You two are so sweet.
Hi, Mr. Jin.
Let's set things up first.
Come on.
Let's go.
Come on.
Not bad.
You thought about inviting Shi Lei.
You have so many tricks.
Of course I must know
how to make use of them.
Thank you.
Why are you being so polite?
You're my boss.
Of course I must be polite.
I think Jin Yuzhen
will have Shi Lei under the palm
of his hands.
And Lei is really stupid
when it comes to love.
Is it fine
to say that about a senior who has been
guiding you for a long time?
What are you chatting about?
Oh, nothing.
Tell me.
It's really nothing.
Tell me.
Gang, save me.
Tell me.
What a lively atmosphere.
I happened to be passing by,
so I came uninvited.
Why are you here?
Of course I know
Yuzhen's schedule.
I suddenly remembered something
that I have to do.
I'll go ahead.
I just arrived.
We haven't even chatted yet.
It's fine.
I was just dragged here anyway.
Shi Lei.
By the way,
I want to talk to you
about the proposal.
These are the options we came up with
at the moment.
You can revise it
if you have any comments.
Mr. Director, you're so silent.
Come in.
Mr. Jin.
Take a look
at these.
Our workshop's team leader
will also join
this project's discussion.
I'm not here to discuss
What is
Aren't we having a good discussion?
Since this project
is an extension of the previous one,
Shi Lei
should participate.
Because we came up with the idea
for that project together.
Since you want someone else to join us,
of course I welcome him.
The emphasis of this project
is that no matter how long
you've been far apart,
you can still understand
each other's feelings
and know what
the other person is thinking.
Shi Lei, any thoughts?
I'll get back to work first.
Shi Lei.
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
♪To what extent do I like you?
When should I say I love you?♪
♪Now we lying on the roof,
so what you gonna do♪
♪Perhaps I don't need any reason
to say goodbye to loneliness♪
♪Because awkward
conversations became warm♪
♪At which point should
I tell you I love you♪
What kind of lousy dream was that?
Jin Yuzhen didn't say
that he's getting back together
with Yi Zitong.
What am I worrying about?
did Jin Yuzhen
really come to the workshop
to pursue Yi Zitong?
Shi Lei.
What are you worrying about?
You're the team leader.
The team leader of the workshop.
A long-time employee and team leader
of the workshop.
It's going to be fine.
It will be fine.
It's fine.
I can do this.
I can do this!
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
Good morning.
Good morning, Shi Lei.
Why do you
look strange?
I'm great, okay?
Did something happen?
Of course not.
He's acting strange.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good morning.
I want to talk to you.
Don't we need to wait for Real?
He's not here yet.
I'll have the discussion with you.
I want to talk to you too.
This is
We can revise these a bit
and make some adjustments,
then the project that Real and I
are working on
can be done simultaneously
with your plan for summer
and it won't be redundant.
Done simultaneously?
Using my transnational
collaboration project
to drive the workshop's project
for the next season
can let us strike the iron
while it's hot.
I want to prioritize your ideas.
What's going on?
I don't know.
I think they're talking about work.
I accidentally placed
all the projects on file.
I think it will be more convenient
for you to work on them in this way.
are all my uncompleted proposals before.
It's a shame to just set them aside
because they weren't approved.
These are all great ideas.
Since Real wants you to be the one
to handle them,
of course you're the priority.
This year, if you want
Herkimer Diamond to be the focus,
should I use Larimar
on my side?
Yi Zitong
is so efficient.
That's better than Jin Yuzhen
fighting with Shi Lei
when he initially came here.
I think that's feasible.
Help me hold these.
Look at him.
He's so competent
and sociable.
And he's tall and handsome too.
He's a perfect boyfriend.
That's not what I meant.
You have a lot of strong points too.
You don't need to console me. It's fine.
Little Qiqi.
Come here.
Let me ask you.
Is Wang Jing
a good man?
Oh, yes.
What if you compare me to Yi Zitong?
That's different.
He's incredible.
You stupid guy.
Wang Jing.
Hey, where are you going?
What are they doing?
That's their daily routine at work.
You're all so interesting.
I'm very happy to be working
with you all.
Actually, having a discussion with you
is fun too.
So are we
friends now?
I'm sorry, that was sudden.
Can we start becoming friends now?
I'll take that as a yes.
This isn't right.
He's quite nice.
What reason do I have to hate him?
Yi Zitong?
Did I surprise you?
But why are you calling me?
It's nothing.
I'm just wondering
what you wanted to tell me
since you said
that you want to talk to me.
Thank you.
is something Real can't drink.
Living together
must be very inconvenient for you two.
I'm used to it already.
Me too.
I think Jin Yuzhen
still hasn't forgotten about you.
That's why I came back to find him.
Do you still love him then?
It doesn't matter if I love him.
But I want to know
if he still loves me.
How will you confirm it then?
have you already confirmed it?
he's unable to speak
the truth straightforwardly.
You know that too, right?
He's very hard to get along with.
Were you seriously complaining
just now?
So seven years ago,
you really
just left?
My family arranged for me
to train in our subsidiary in the US.
That was a really good opportunity.
But didn't you discuss it
with Yuzhen first?
I've always been someone
who can't stay still.
Regardless if it's my relationship
or career,
I'm unable to be satisfied
with the status quo.
Of course.
Real knows that too.
I just didn't know
that he'd take it so hard.
Because he loved you.
I know.
That was why he tried so hard
to rush to the airport
the day I was leaving.
Yet, he had a very serious
car accident along the way.
From what I can remember,
he didn't have
that scar you mentioned yet in college.
I heard that he got
into a car accident later on.
A car accident?
The timing was too coincidental.
I don't know
where he got the news from.
Perhaps it was from Mr. Mai.
After all, we all know each other.
I only found out later on
that he was in a coma at the hospital
for half a year.
After he woke up,
he had been depressed for a while.
So that was
how he got that scar.
Is his scar
very serious?
Later on,
he kept working hard on his career
and expanding his network.
He wanted to use another way
to keep up with me.
You mean
Jin Yuzhen wants
to keep up with you?
Isn't it very obvious?
He's allergic to Nickel,
yet because of my family background,
he started becoming very interested
in metal and mineral stone products.
He even took over Jingcherng
Metalwork and Design now.
Everything he's doing
is forcing me to come to him.
If he wasn't hoping
for a possibility of seeing me again,
then it's very hard to rationalize
everything that he's doing.
Regarding the Singlehood Rule,
I'm sorry.
Because of our affairs,
you guys were affected.
"The Fragrance of B612".
"The Little Prince".
Have you heard of that?
I have.
He loves a rose.
does the rose really love him?
Do you have a title for this?
"The Fragrance of B612".
The Little Prince is still thinking
about that rose a lot indeed.
Compared to Krypton,
the destroyed planet that Superman
can't go back to anymore,
at least he still has the rose.
Superman was sent away
since he was little.
The Little Prince only needs
to fix his spaceship,
and he can go back.
should we tie a balloon to him?
Tie a balloon?
No wonder
Jin Yuzhen liked you back then.
Are you sure it was only back then?
I heard from Mr. Mai
that you guys think Real
is very hard to get along with.
Initially, he was hard
to get along with indeed.
But later on, I realized
that it was his way
of showing concern for you.
You're the one in
charge of this project.
This is so sudden.
Is it that hard?
During the meeting,
he was still very concerned about you.
These are the related materials.
Thank you.
Your director
told me to sleep in his room.
I moved my stuff there already.
And he would often silently use
his own way to show concern for you.
He would often be very stubborn too.
Since you hate me so much,
isn't it good to get a new boss?
He won't say it,
but he's really scared of loss.
He's very scared of getting hurt.
Do you know
that when you were
describing him just now,
your eyes
were twinkling like a star?
(HWC Roasters)
I'm finally seeing
the version of you
that I'm familiar with again.
No pretensions.
You'd get angry.
You'd say your thoughts.
The last one
hasn't happened yet.
this is already very close
to the version of you back in college.
But Zhaogang,
doesn't everyone change?
I know.
It's because of Zitong.
I'm mentioning him
because your problem now
is obviously him.
I think the bigger problem
is me.
I admit.
I really minded
that he left without a word
seven years ago.
I thought about seeing him again.
Who knew
that he'd suddenly appear?
I haven't seen you for a long time,
Jin Yuzhen.
Or should I call you
After that day, I've always had
a bad feeling.
I feel like
he has other motives for showing up.
Why do you think
that he showed up then?
I really don't know.
Have you asked him?
Do you think he'd tell me?
You're someone capable
of solving problems.
Jin Yuzhen.
Why are you forcing yourself this way?
Just tell me if there's a problem.
I'll help you.
Or is it because you're still mad
at me?
That's enough!
Have you ever thought about
what our relationship is?
Figure out how you feel.
You just came home too?
I want to talk to you
about Yi Zitong.
he's actually
quite interesting.
And it's quite good
to work with him.
Is that so?
Xiaoqian and the others quite like him.
Why do you keep saying good things
about him?
What's the matter?
If there's nothing else,
I'm going to bed.
(you're not showing any signs)
(of making a move at all.)
(Figure out how you feel.)
Did you get new stuff again?
This uses black onyx
as the main stone.
And this
uses Burmite and Uruguay Amethyst.
this is
Are you listening to me?
I am.
Do you know that these metallic stones
are actually blood and tears of gods?
This huge?
Because gods are huge.
The tears of different gods
become different kinds of gemstones.
After their blood coagulates,
they would become metal.
That's why
people collect them
and make them into accessories
in order to put the blood
and tears together,
and commemorate
unforgettable love.
That was a lie.
Yi Zitong.
You're so weird.
Compared to you being allergic to Nickel
and liking metallic accessories,
I'm very normal.
I've already chosen
these accessories carefully, okay?
Just like how you've chosen me?
Weren't you the one
who pursued me?
In certain aspects,
you're very easy to read.
I was just responding to your feelings.
Then why
Why did you leave me?
my Little Prince.
That was too realistic.
Shi Lei.
(Jingcherng Metalwork and Design)
Yi Zitong is already here.
Why isn't Jin Yuzhen here yet?
Yi Zitong.
Are you
feeling jealous?
Why is it Yi Zitong again?
Since when did they become so close?
♪I do! I do! I do♪
♪Coz I do! I do! I do♪
♪The smell of foam wafts
from the cafe in the corner♪
♪I suddenly have a gut feel
that I'll meet someone today♪
♪The hour has finally come,
the street view is very classic♪
♪With the romantic wind by the river, I
can't hide my excitement and spun around♪
♪The last full show was delayed♪
♪I made a wish upon a shooting star♪
♪I can't resist your side view,
smile and look♪
♪Im gonna share with u my luv♪
♪I do, do do,
we agreed to meet in early summer♪
If I really date someone,
should I resign too?
Shi Lei!
♪I know oh oh oh,
every moment is the best♪
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