Beast Tamer (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Black Waves

Warm and toasty Warm and toasty
I love the sun so much!
Soft and fluffy Soft and fluffy
I'm so proud of the fur on my tails.
Nice and shiny Nice and shiny
The people around me are all so nice.
Peace and quiet Peace and quiet
I hope that tomorrow
and the next day and every day after,
I can stay just this happy—
Someone help me.
Beast Tamer
Black Waves
Black Waves
Who are you people?!
Coming here, armed, at this time of night
Don't you realize that
this is the lord's mansion?!
I am Vice Captain Stella Enplace
of the Horizon Order of Knights.
I am here to inspect the lord's
domain on urgent business.
Let me through!
A Knight inspection?!
We weren't informed!
Wh-Where's Captain Gilet?!
Gilet and his men
were arrested for corruption.
You surely understand my implication.
A-Are you kidding?!
You think you can defy the lord's will?!
I do.
Don't go thinking they're the same
degenerate Knights of times past.
They fight for justice now!
Stella here took a stand for justice!
Pure, righteous, beautiful!
The honorable lady knight of justice!
Stella Enplace!
Vice Captain Stella!
Enough of that, you two!
And the rest of you,
don't look at me like that!
The Knights serve not the lord,
but His Highness, the King!
Throw in your lot with your lord,
or let me pass—
Make your decision now!
It's an attack!
Come out, everyone!
Yeah, figured that'd be the way.
Just as I'd hoped for.
There'd be no use for us otherwise.
Kanade, Tania.
Let me thank you anew.
I could not have done this without you.
Hey, no prob!
Like our master,
we're doing this quite enthusiastically.
Now, let's execute Rein's plan!
So they've come
That trash, enacting their
ridiculous ideas about justice!
So those are the ultimate
species serving Rein Shroud?
If I use this to take out Rein,
it will end their contract,
and they'll lose their reason to fight.
Perhaps I'll even become their new master!
Now, where is he?
Looks like things have started.
The diversion allowed us
to infiltrate with ease.
Now, we must locate the townspeople
kidnapped by the lord's son—
And save the heck out of 'em!
Runa, restrain yourself!
If we are to prevent their being used as
hostages, we must save them covertly!
So we'd better get searching.
You got it!
I'm gonna show what I can do!
I told you, restrain yourself!
You're not usually this violent, Sis
Material Search.
Tania used that spell before.
It lets you read the flow of magic, right?
All humans possess
some level of magical ability.
If we trace back its signature
We can find the kidnapped people!
Then we will use our teleport magic
to evacuate them.
Then the diversion team
can fight without concern.
Then we win by arresting
the lord and his son,
and finding proof of their wrongdoing.
What the heck is this?
What's the matter?
I'm picking up a huge magic signature below
us which is likely the kidnapped people
But there's another
super huge signature out there.
Definitely not a human.
This magical quantity
It's on par with our own.
On par with our own?
You mean an ultimate species?!
What do we do, Rein?
What would an ultimate species be doing here?
Was it kidnapped like the townspeople?
Or is it the lord
and his son's ace in the hole?
One way or another, I
All right.
Can I rely on you two
to save the kidnapped people?
Of course you can, but
What are you gonna do, Rein?
I need to check out
the source of the magic signal.
We can't just let it remain
unknown in this situation.
It's too dangerous!
Whatever it is, it possesses
magical power on par with our own!
Yeah, that's a no-go!
We're gonna go with—
Thanks for caring, you two.
But I don't have teleport magic, so I can't
help getting the trapped people to safety.
I'm sorry about this.
Even if it is to save all those people,
you'll have to reveal your secret.
Oh, you.
How can you be worried about others,
even at a time like this?
What a troublesome master we have!
For real!
If you don't come back safe, as punishment,
you'll be forced to administer
a hundred head pats!
You take care, got it?!
You hear me?!
I hear you.
I won't do anything to aggrieve you.
Now, let's move out!
Is this the place?
A cell?
Fox-like ears three tails
I know what this is.
An ultimate species
A demigod.
Are you all right?
It's okay.
I'm here to help.
I'm Rein.
Who are you?
I'm Nina!
I didn't expect much
from this backwater burg.
To think I'd score myself
an ultimate species
and a child, at that!
S-Stay back!
D-Damn you!
You impudent beast!
Do it!
Please go away.
I think even a beast like you
knows the right choice to make here.
D-Don't do that
Did you just give me an order?
Please don't do it
It's a slave collar.
Put it on.
I will.
The ecstasy of tormenting
an ultimate species!
It's unparalleled!
Demigods, gifted a piece
of the power and name of the gods
With you in my service,
I'm as good as a god myself!
I've been all alone here ever since,
scared and in pain.
But I endured it
I see.
You're very strong and kind.
Don't worry. I'll save you.
It has a powerful spell on it.
You can't take it off.
It'll be fine.
Trust me.
Rein, I trust you.
A spell to subjugate and control the target.
It's similar to the taming skill
in its fundamentals.
Which means
I can use my power as a beast tamer
to overwrite its control.
Stop it!
Please stop!
You've done enough.
No one would be sad to lose me.
Because I'm already gone.
It's okay.
I'd be sad.
Even though I've only just met you.
I think my comrades would be sad, too.
Yes. It's not just me here.
The strength Kanade gave me
The magic power Tania gave me
And the magical control
Sora and Runa gave me
They should be enough
It worked out.
I guess it did tire me out a bit.
Don't push yourself so hard.
I don't want you to suffer!
It'll make me sad if you do!
I see.
I'd better be careful, then.
Scatter them!
Don't let them get into the mansion!
Hold the line! Justice is on our side!
Yes, yes. That's enough out of you.
Holding back is such a bore.
I wish I'd been part
of the infiltration team!
That might not've been the best role
for a meathead like you, Tania.
In that case
Bring the women from the basement
and use them as hostages!
Fireball Multi-shot!
The stars take to the stage!
Sora! Runa!
We have taken all of
the prisoners to a safe location!
You need no longer fear
their use as hostages.
No more buyin' time for you!
Just what I've been hoping to hear!
Yeah! Let's do this!
The minute they eliminate the enemy force,
I want you to take them into custody!
I'll enter the mansion and arrest
the lord's family myself!
Yes, ma'am!
Those worthless fools!
What in the world is happening?
You said you'd handle this!
You escape without me.
I'll dispose of the proof of our wrongdoing.
The Knights can't touch us without it.
Oh, how true!
You're so wise, my son!
I'll leave the rest in your hands!
Hey, everyone!
You're all safe?
Oh, this is Nina.
She's an ultimate species
the lord's son had captured.
A demigod—
Rein picked up another girl!
Hold on a minute!
It's not unlike that, I guess
No, it's not like that!
We know you, Rein.
What's that supposed to mean?!
We're joking.
Sora and Runa informed us
of the ultimate species' presence,
and we had a feeling
you'd seduce her to our side.
Phrasing, please
It is curious, though.
Demigods are frequently worshiped by humans,
and rarely appear in their presence
Not that a shut-in species
like us are ones to talk, Sis.
Cease using that term, if you please!
Well, we can get into the details later—
So fluffy!
We're sisters in cuddliness!
You'll be okay.
We're all here for you.
Nothing to be afraid of.
Oh, so cute!
Hey! Don't hog her all to yourself!
Really, no need to fear!
To take a new ultimate species
under your wing
I'm very generous
with the weak and vulnerable.
You truly are exceptional.
She shares our ultimate species nature.
But I suppose
that's what's brought us this far.
Yet I cannot deny the cuddly appeal
I must thank you anew.
It's your determination, too,
that brought us this far.
Either way, it's not over yet.
Yes, you're correct.
Not until we arrest the lord and his son,
and find proof of their wrongdoing!
No! They've made it this far?!
Stella, is that
Lord of Horizon!
Submit yourself willingly
to this Knights' inspection!
Y-You must be joking!
I'm the lord of this town!
You're all traitors—
I'm sorry, I should have asked first.
Please. You've made him easier to take in,
and shut him up to boot.
Rein Shroud!
What's going on here?
A reaper?
It seems he used it after all.
The gamble paid off, then.
You can die like the pathetic trash you are.
Farewell, Rein.
At last, I'll be able to sleep well at night.
I'm fine
A hallucination?
But it felt awfully realistic for that
A-A-Are you okay?
That weird thing swung its scythe at you!
You're not injured? Any pain?
I'll cast a healing spell!
Show me your wounds! Hurry!
W-We're not gonna let you die without us!
Please don't die!
Hey, don't worry.
I'm really just fine.
B-But that was the epic magic "Deathscythe."
It's an instant-death spell that inflicts
the "death" status effect on anything!
But he didn't die instantly.
Therein lies the mystery!
I'm so relieved.
Even instant death spells
don't work on beast tamers! Awesome!
I don't think that's a beast tamer thing.
But it didn't work, did it?
Is it once more because he's Rein?
Which one is it?
Status effect because he's Rein?
Rein, mind if I try something?
Huh? Yeah.
Poison Drop.
Mission accomplished!
What kind of mission was that, you fool?!
What kind of familiar
casts poison magic on her master?!
Explain yourself, Runa!
J-Just calm down!
I've been wondering for a while
why it is that Rein only got one power
from formin' a contract with both of us.
It seemed kinda unfair.
She's got a good point!
So I figured maybe our contract
gave him a second ability.
And it might be status effect nullification!
A contract with an ultimate species
could be enough for
nullification of epic instant-death magic.
And the poison didn't work, either!
Another powerful skill, huh?
My intellectual curiosity is satisfied,
and Rein learned about his new skill.
I'd call that a situation
where the ends justify the mea—
There are no ends that justify
unauthorized experimentation on Rein!
Sorry, Sis!
Hey, no worries.
Don't look directly at it!
I think Sora might be
a bad person to get
on the bad side of, yes.
Watching you people makes me question
my understanding of the world.
She lumped us in with Rein?!
You guys can be really mean.
Why? Why didn't he die?!
I'm the son of a lord!
I'm supposed to get everything I want!
So how can that fool still be alive?!
Are you going to take everything
from me after all?!
I won't accept it!
How pleasant.
I won't accept it!
Such a corrupt, ugly, repugnant soul.
I'll never accept it!
The foolishness of humans never changes!
Stop it!
Don't you know who I am?!
What's going on? It smells dangerous
I'm scared
I am this city's—
Stop it!
Stop it!
Someone h-help me!
This isn't good.
That can't be allowed to exist in this world!
Get back, everyone!
Are you the ones who reawakened me?
I owe you my gratitude
Thank you kindly.
I knew it.
To express that gratitude, I'll kill you,
without pity, mercy, or dignity of any kind.
a demon!
Next Time: "Champion."
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