Begins Youth (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

The Note

This series is based on a fictionalized story inspired by the story of BTS's album,
The Most Beautiful Moment in Life,
and is not related to BTS members and their families.
Child actors and animals were filmed
in safe conditions under the supervision of their guardians.
It's all set for you
Thank you
See you again
Yes, this is Naeri Gas Station
You need petrol delivered?
Ah, yes, that's possible
Could you please tell me the address?
Excuse me
Naeri Gas Station Could you please not make prank calls?
Then why are you asking for
water instead of petrol?
And it's weird to get a delivery call
from that house around 6 PM tomorrow
Isn't this some kind of strange thing?
I don't see any reason
to follow your request
Looks like we've got no choice but to be discharged from the hospital
What about Dad's surgery?
First, get a place to stay
We can do the surgery
once we've saved up some money
I confirmed the money deposited
this isn't some dangerous job, right?
Piano Academy Alright
I left it near the house
I'm done now
I can't do it anymore
If you deliver it to the house, I'll deposit the same amount as I just sent
why don't you do it yourself
and pay someone else to do it?
Who are you?
You are
the one who sent the money to me, right?
Suicide / Arson / Legacy
The Hidden Contractor
Contract / Arson
The Most Precious Thing
The Boy of Fate
Dorena Songjoo Apartment Construction Site
How far have you come?
- Have you entered Songjoo? - Yes
I just entered
How is it? Changed a lot, right?
Man, it was chaos even after you went to the US
People were dead set against redevelopment, but
once it was decided and underway
property prices went up
Jobs came to this rotten neighborhood
then the legislator's approval ratings
shoot up
In the end, no matter what
what matters most is
food on their table
Hello? Are you listening?
Yes, I'm listening
You're really boring
Why didn't you learn
some American jokes?
How much shall I fill up?
- Full tank, please - Yes, full tank
- Please turn off the engine - But you know what the legislator
loves more than
his rising approval rating?
What is it?
That you changed your mind and came back to Korea
Let's talk more when we meet
- You're coming straight home, right? - Sir
Could you please turn off the engine?
Please turn off the engine
Did you know about it?
- I'm sorry - Stop it
Ladies and gentlemen!
Dear citizens of Songjoo
Do you know who's here with us?
The grandson of our Songjoo city
has returned!
Let's hear a word from
Songjoo's grandson
about his aspirations!
Instead of a boring speech
Instead of a boring speech
how about I pour
everyone a drink?
Ah, that's great!
The grandson of Songjoo!
I'll take the first drink
- Thank you for the help - Oh, no need to be so formal
Oh, dear
- Have a drink - Yes
He has really grown up well
You're here?
It's boring to sit inside
when I can't even drink
You're the main guest today
What are you talking about?
Except for Dad, we're all just extras
the legislator
did go a bit too far
How hard have I worked all this time?
On a day like today, he could've at least
filled my glass and said well done
introduced me
in front of everyone
as his aide
That would have been nice
I can't even share the table with him
You shouldn't do that, okay?
Just kidding
You wouldn't do that
I haven't forgotten
that you took care of me
Did I only care about you?
I cared about your friend too
Remember that kid from the container?
He nearly got into big trouble
You're all I have now
You're my insurance and my lottery
When you said you'd follow
the legislator into politics
all these grievances in my heart
flashed before my eyes
What am I saying to you?
Make sure you succeed, alright?
Yes, of course
About what I said today
- Please take care of it - Sure
I will take care of it
Let's go, Hwan
I'll walk to sober up
- You go ahead - Okay, keep in touch
Can I help you?
Long time no see
it's been a while
Wait a moment
It's all set, come in
Sit here
Do you want some coffee?
Ah, thanks
Ah, so that car earlier was yours
I wondered
Sorry about earlier, I was just so floundering
I thought of you when I saw this place
but didn't expect you to be here
I thought you had moved away
I'm just living like this
Nothing much has changed
from living in a container, right?
Ah, unintentionally following the latest trend
minimalism, huh?
When did you come back?
Not long ago
Maybe a month or two?
What about you, bro?
When did you come back?
I've been in Korea for a while
but today's my first day in Songjoo
So you were in Korea
How are the guys?
I left
without saying much back then
I don't know
After you went to the US
and I moved
I didn't keep in touch with them
No, actually
I couldn't
Just to survive
I did get in touch with Hosu
but that was only until
Dohyeon was transferred
to another facility
Where did Hosu go?
The orphanage was demolished
for redevelopment
It felt too awkward to ask
how each other was doing
At that time,
honestly, it was a mess for everyone, wasn't it?
You never know, everyone might be doing okay
and living well
so maybe there's no need to contact
I hope everyone's doing fine
Why don't you call them?
Their numbers
might still be the same
They'd probably be happy to hear from you
At least
you won't be talking about your own hardships
- Nice shot - Good shot
Good shot
Mr. Seo
maybe you should tell your sons
to go easy
That's a bit difficult
They're already trying to play gently
- Shall we go? - Yes
I heard that
it was your son who crushed
the dreams of Chairman Kim's second son
who was aiming to go pro
Jeha is still young
but he's surprisingly strong
You're pretty skilled
I'm glad that you look like you're doing well
Does it seem that way?
You too
I'm glad that you are doing well, too
Stepdad mentioned
you came back
to get into politics
Suits you, kinda like
What you said before
try to become like Dad
Hadn't you already become like him?
Dressed like this
you're exactly like your Dad
Because I'm his son
You really do seem like family now
Trying doesn't always make it happen
Especially for family
I met Dogeon yesterday
Did you stop by the gas station?
You knew? That Dogeon came back?
Saw him on the way
But he probably doesn't know
that I saw him
You saw him, but why didn't you say hi?
Dogeon is curious about you guys too
Do you keep in touch with the others?
How could I contact them?
They don't like me
Who doesn't like you? Us?
After Cein transferred like that
and we all were split up
It's because of me
Why's that your fault? It's not
It's just
Everyone was having a hard time
I was too
What about now?
Is it easy now?
When does it all
stop being hard?
If it stops being hard
can we all meet?
If you contact
and we all get together
let me join, okay?
It's been so long since we all met
Except Cein
It was only me that I saw him
I sometimes went to Cein's new place
waited outside, and then sneaked a peek
without anyone knowing
Cein would hate it
Like that time with the location tracker
Why didn't you call?
You didn't even know when I'll be home
Thought you might not answer
If you don't
I might not have the courage again
Is that why everyone
doesn't call?
Why aren't you eating?
I ordered it for you
can't eat silkworm pupa
Did you not
eat silkworm pupa?
Then who likes them?
How about this one?
You like this
Oh, sorry
I know I'm sloppy, but you
If you are going to act clumsy with that face,
just give it to me
But you're quite late
Where have you been till now?
Night work
You work at nights
Not that kind of night work
I work part-time at a funeral home at night
Oh, I thought
I heard that's a hard job
switching day and night
I like it
At the funeral home
no one complains if I don't smile
But why did you
come back?
I heard you went to the US
you came to see me?
Probably not
I just
really wanted to
apologize properly
were genuinely
worried about me
- I - That's enough
Let's just drink
And how would you know
if I was sincere back then?
I'm sorry
really am
sorry to you
I'm so sorry that
I can say nothing but sorry
- really wanted to say this - Damn it
Enough with the apologies
We were young at that time
We were nineteen, maybe twenty
But now I'm twenty one
Look at this, a receipt
a lighter
all these kinds of crap
Back then, we had even less
and, bro
back then, among us
you looked the most anxious
When you're anxious, you can see nothing but you
Your vision narrows
like a racehorse
To escape anxiety,
if you flounder for a way out
you can't see anything around you
That's how it was
My dad
it's been a while
since he could sleep without his meds
really didn't know
Not that I didn't know
I chose not to see
I was always focused on
my absent mom
You know what?
While I saw my mom who's already dead and gone
I didn't see my dad
alive and worrying about me
Do you have evidence?
Is there a witness?
He is a minor!
Cein Min
Get up
What are you doing?
You don't need to be like this
Get up
Even if you say it's okay
seeing my son go through this
as a father, it makes me angry
Now that I see my father, who was never around before
I think about how he managed
all this time
how he lived
It's not just because he's my father
but that person
That person, Youngho Min
his back
it's just too
So I decided to live
To live, at least for my father's sake
And I just get through each day
Not living, but getting through
like this drink
Yeah, whatever
just have to live
As long as you're alive
you can meet anyone
I met Dogeon yesterday
and Jeha today
Is Jeha
doing well?
Call him
You know
Jeha is waiting for you
What can't be done, can't be done
You don't want to see him?
Just because you want to see someone
doesn't mean you can see anyone anytime
I know that
I'm going to see
I'm going to see everyone
So you
follow me or not, it's up to you
This is my call, so
you can't stop me
Huh? What?
- Jooan is - You're really calling?
Wow, this guy is really drunk
- Don't do it - Why not?
Why can't I?
If you don't see who you miss now
When will you?
This guy
after going to the States
became so open minded
Yeah, I'm open minded
Yeah, right
Better not to have done it at all
than to have done it and be refused
That's just too cruel
Obituary message for Cein Min
Chamjoheun Funeral Home
What is this?
Chamjoheun Funeral Home
Even so
A death notice text
It's the surest thing, right?
Not coming even after hearing my death?
Then it can't be helped
Let's go
Hey, that's
just nonsense
I don't know
Sit down
I guess they noticed it was a joke
I knew it was kind of out of the blue
Who jokes about their own death?
Seriously, who does that?
It's really late now
It's 4:30 AM
He is Hosu
But where is he going
By the way
Why this bro all of a sudden
What's your relationship with him?
He was a really close friend like a brother
I went to the same middle and high school
With my father?
- Your father? - Yes
- I'm sorry, I'm sorry - What?
- What? - Sorry
I'm sorry
- Did you drink? - No
A little
A little too much
Watch your language
It was my idea
Hwan is not to blame
That's right
What the
Sorry, no
I should have stopped even if I was drunk
My fault, sorry
I thought I'd never see you again
I was so worried
Ah, you elder, come on!
I'll text the guys it was a joke
It's unfair
if I'm the only one tricked
Ah, seriously! Ah, really!
Ah, that crazy guy, seriously
Are you out of your mind?
Sorry, really sorry
Let go
- Let go! Won't you let go? - Calm down, please
Is this a thing for humans to do?
- You're crazy, really - Sorry, we
drank too much
and were out of our mind
Hey, Jooan Kim
Your dirty words are
pro level, huh?
How much do you earn for that?
- How much, huh? How much? - What's wrong with you
I'm really scared of Jooan
So at least pretend to stop
please, huh?
Waah, Cein
That's enough
Baby Jeon
I thought
I really thought you died
for not dead
Ah, this is freaking awkward
I know you like it
What are you saying
Honestly, it was too much
But if you didn't do it
it would be impossible to meet everyone
It's not everyone
Is Haru still in the hospital?
Can't we go see him?
I'm not fully awake yet, right?
Ah, so that's why your eyes look like that
Oh, my poor baby, were you sad?
You have no idea how shocked I was
Cein went too far
He had always been a bit odd, remember?
Was there ever
a normal one among us?
Our hardships
were coming from the reason we couldn't be normal, right?
Seeing everyone like this
I'm so happy
Do you live here? Not discharged yet?
I'll come get you when you're discharged
Call me
Are you sure?
Everyone is coming that day?
When all of you are here
The beach
Remember how fun it was
when we went to the beach?
Playing in the water
Even saw a dead body
Went to the police station
Let's go
let's go for sure, Haru
'someday', 'soon', 'eventually'
Hate those promises
Don't believe them
If we're going, let's just go today
- Today? - Right now
Is it possible to
go out from here?
Technically yes
But I need parental consent
Probably it won't happen
There's a way
- Guys - Yes?
- Run! - Run, Run, Run
I promise, I'll definitely come back!
- Sorry! - Wait!
Okay, say cheese
One, two, three
What was that?
- Missed one - Sorry, guys
Let's try again, again
One, two, three
- Grab him - Grab, Grab
Why? Why?
Hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey!
No, don't
Hey, did you see?
This is who I am, huh?
Hey, you're messing with a sick kid
Hey, it's cold, come out, quick
- Haru - Wait
Are you okay?
Freezing, isn't it?
- Sorry, are you okay, bro? - Here is a towel
Let me see your face first
- I'll leave this here for now, put it on - Okay
Oh, dear
Put this padded jacket on
I'll get a blanket from the front
- Hold on - Got it
Haru, let's change your clothes
If you catch a cold here
I'll really be the ultimate trash
Are you okay?
Can't unbutton it?
I'll do it, I'll do it
Slowly, slowly
Take it off
It's cold
Wow, golf
It looks expensive just by looking at it
Let's change now
Come here
The sun is setting
Okay, coming soon
- All dressed? - Yeah
The sunset looks like the sun is crying
Just because
Looking at it makes me feel like crying too
That's because
when the sun sets,
you get hungry
My stomach's been crying for a while now
It's not just crying
It's like wailing
But honestly, I've been
starving for a while
Just kept my mouth shut not to ruin the mood
Shall we go eat dinner?
Since we're at the beach
How about sashimi?
You don't like sashimi?
Ah, what did I say?
I knew it the first time I saw that guy
He is someone we should cherish forever
Didn't I say that? Huh?
You said he looked sneaky
and annoying
I was surprised
Let's go eat then
Where's Jooan?
Where did he go?
Where is him?
He was just here a minute ago
It just felt like
Something I saw in a dream
Me being up there
In a dream?
I've been having weird dreams lately
Ah, won't talk about it, forget it
Dreams are usually the opposite
Maybe you're
going to win the lottery?
It's not that kind of dream
I keep having similar dreams
They all make sense
You know, usually, dreams are a bit
or something like that
But this one feels
too real
I hate it more
Did you dream of me too?
Then tell me
Let me be careful
What is it?
Why are you looking at me?
Here's the king crab
Huh? We didn't order king crab
You didn't order?
Isn't this the right table?
Oh, yes, please
- Thank you - Okay!
- Wow - King crab!
- Let's eat - Thank you
Thank you
You're the best
I'll be late today
I went out to get some fresh air
So, all of you have girlfriends, right?
Ah, even if you don't have girlfriends
You must have someone you're flirting with, right?
Wow, no one? Even for flirting?
Why are you talking like you have someone?
Me? Of course
I don't
That's why I was all set to enjoy your dating stories
but looks like nobody's got any action, huh?
Would they?
Jeha Jeon
That laugh of yours, it's like
'I have someone' is it?
Come on, you don't have anyone either
I do have someone
You do?
- Really? - Seriously?
- Hey, Jeha - No way
It's not like we're dating or something like that
- Is she pretty? - Pretty?
Well, she's like
Oh, who was it?
That girl group member
The one who's popular these days
she kind of looks like her
- Pretty? - Pretty?
Anything I say turns out to be 'pretty?'
Anyway, she's really smart
Good at studying too
- Pretty? - Pretty?
What are you saying?
But the problem is
Her brother, who's a year older than me
- Pretty? - Pretty?
- It's her brother - Oh, her brother
- Her brother could be pretty too - Brother, brother
- You're overdoing it - Yes, sir
Your seat is over here in the 'O'conomy section
Here it is
Ah, it's hot!
Hey, what's this, hey, 'O'conomy
I know that
It's economy
Just misspoke for a moment
You've never even been on a plane
What are you talking about?
Of course
The only ones here who have been on a plane are
Hwan and Haru, right?
I haven't been on one either
Your brother
I lied
I've never been to the US to see my brother
He was embarrassed of me
because I was sick
Our whole family was like that
That 'O'conomy thing
I'd like to try it with you guys sometime
Ah, I know it's economy
'O'conomy seat
- It's on, It's on - Come with me, let's go together
Me too, me too!
Go, Go, to the snack bar
- Milk for me - I'll have a chocolate bar
- I'm getting a hot dog - Anything for me
What are you sorry about?
One, two, three
What? Did you miss me?
I feel like to start over
It's my life
And it feels like I haven't made enough of my own choices
This time
I want to make my own decisions
That's why I came back
What choice do you want to make?
For a new beginning,
I want to choose it myself
My beginnings were always
too weak
With my dad
With you guys
In any relationship
When I was in kindergarten
I let go my friend's hand
that was holding mine
From the moment
I let go that hand
My start was
already failed
That irreversible beginning
became an excuse for me
An easy excuse
for things I should have done
but didn't
No matter what, I'm just this kind of person
and to justify that I've already messed up
That kind of excuse
How can you change what happened in the past?
I was late then
And maybe I'm late now too
If I start again and again,
it's neither being too late nor a failure
If I can let go,
I believe I can grab it again
I want to try to start over
Even for you guys
I've started wanting to try politics
The power of politics itself
isn't bad
The people who use that power badly
are the real problem in the end
If the problem is people
If I can be different,
a new beginning
seems possible
This might just be
part of becoming
one of those mundane adults
Well, I
it's not advice or something like that
it's just my opinion
If that decision is
for you then I totally agree with you
But don't do it for us
Why do you want to take
on our starts too?
And thinking that I can
change someone's life
I feel like that makes everyone unhappy
Still, I want to try
I don't want to be an adult
who can do something but doesn't
Not again
I understand how you feel, bro
Even looking back at the times we spent together,
like Dogeon said,
no one can
save anyone
We were happy then
And it's true that
we supported each other
But it's also true that
we've grown apart like this now
I'm grateful, even just for the thought
Before we start
Let me briefly explain the background
It's the 1920s during the Japanese occupation
The setting is inside a train in Seoul
First, let's look at the theme
The exploitation by the Japanese
Acknowledging that first
It expresses
the miserable life of our people
We'll touch on that too
Thank you
Hwan Kim
Hwan Kim?
Thank you
Where are these messages coming from?
Urgent messages from Dogeon
Obituary message for Cein Min
Oh, come on
The power is off
After the beep, voice message
Oh, Dogeon
I can only check my phone on weekends
I just saw it now
What's with Cein's message?
I did that with him first
Now it's your turn?
Because you also sent the message, for a moment I
Deceased Cein Min / Chief mourner: Youngho Min Cein
Set a motel on fire and
committed suicide
Chamjoheun Funeral Home The funeral is tomorrow morning
But I just can't
skip work three days in a row
It's too much and uncomfortable
So, maybe
Can you go there for me?
What about the others?
I can't reach Jeha and Hosu
They're in the hospital
Even if I reach out, they likely won't make it
Jooan is
at the police station right now
Sorry, bro
I should have been there
1 missed call from Cein
Can I
call you
Of course, you can
By the way, Cein
seeing you get drunk
you're kind of cute, you know
What are you saying?
I am
I wish people
would remember
Cein Min
as a somewhat fun guy
Not just negative stories about my mom
or me getting expelled
I also play the piano
Quite well, honestly
Yeah, Cein Min, you're
- kind of interesting - Right?
- Yeah - Bro
- Am I fun? - You're fun
- Funny? - Funny
I'm really funny once you get to know me
But people are afraid of me
They just don't know
All cowards
They just don't know
when you honked your horn
in front of the house earlier
I felt a bit happy inside
That you didn't forget and came to find me
I was really grateful
I didn't even know
Maybe I was waiting for something like this
Was I lonely?
Is that really it?
Is this
what you want to be your end?
Poverty / Part-time job / Container / Family
Naeri Gas Station / Dogeon / Alcohol / Left ear / Rule breaker
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