Brotherhood s01e11 Episode Script
Matthew 22:10
You remember Cath Parry? An old friend of mine.
Just look what the cat dragged in.
Moe and me, we're just settling accounts, right? You work for me.
I want you around here so I can keep an eye on you.
There's 50,000 in that bag.
You can offer it up as a donation, keep it.
- I really don't give a shit.
- I'm asking you for a personal favor.
- Don't fire Bob.
- I can't.
You really don't know what you did wrong, do you? In case you ever needed anyone to take you dancing in those shoes.
- Hi.
I'm Eileen, and-- - You're an addict.
When did Freddie and representative Tom Caffee start doing business together, mr.
Trujillo? I brought Marty Trujillo here on the presumption that it was Freddie Cork that we wanted.
You guys just shot an unarmed black law enforcement officer - for no good reason.
- Here's the truth.
I wish you'd never come back.
Fuckin'-- what? Fuck you, John.
Freddie gave me 3 days.
I got till fucking midnight.
What do you want me to do? Am I supposed to walk into a fucking crowded wedding and do it in front of 200 fucking witnesses? I got just as much reason to fucking clip Mike Caffee as Freddie does.
I'm the one who did the 4 fucking months, Johnny.
- Ticktock, you fucking rat.
- I didn't fucking rat, John.
That's a lie.
Fuckin' piece of shit.
- Beautiful.
- Hi.
So nice to nee you.
- Nice to see you.
- Hi.
You're welcome.
- Hi, dear darling Katie.
- Hi, Charlie.
How are you? - I rented my pants.
- You look real nice.
- Well, fix your tie.
- Did you rent your pants? I sure did.
Thank you.
- Wow.
I barely recognize you.
- I know.
I barely recognize myself.
You should know that I appreciate your trying to help me.
How can I take a splinter out of your eye - when I got a log in my own? - What I mean is, I'll be ok.
I should get back to Tommy.
- Hey, grandma.
- Hi.
Look for anyone with table 8.
I wanna see who I'm sitting sith.
Maeve Maguire.
I am not sitting with Maeve Maguire.
- Where's uncle Michael? - Oh, he's just getting me a mimosa.
Who's that with uncle Mike's girlfriend? Oh.
That's her husband.
What did Moe say? I know.
Look at it this way.
If he clips Michael, we know he's not working for the feds.
And if he punks out, we know he's a rat piece of shit and we clip him.
I say we clip 'em both, bury 'em under the freeway.
You'd like that, wouldn't you? You sick fuck.
- I swear, everybody knows.
- Nobody knows, ok? Besides, with me on the floor and Ralph here on the security monitors, we'll have 2 sets of eyes on you at all times.
Stop tugging at the recorder.
You're gonna pull your mike loose.
I can't help it.
You pulled it to my balls.
- Who was that? - This broad.
I slept with her once.
She's practically stalking me now.
What's the story, gentlemen? Just getting Marty ready to go back out there.
attorney's office has a lot invested in you, Mr.
Well, Freddie's a close-mouthed guy, so just give him time.
I'm afraid Mr.
Trujillo's illness does not allow us the luxury of time.
We must pursue Mr.
Cork and his associates by any means necessary.
Right, Marty? Yeah.
In any event, they stuck me out at table 21.
Where are you? I'm in the wedding party.
Well, you know where to find me.
- What are you-- stop playing with that.
- For god sakes, it's fucking moving.
What's going on with you and Franklin, Marty? - How do you mean? - Come on.
"by any means necessary.
" I don't have a lot of time to make things right.
I know you ain't got a lot of time, Marty.
It means I can't be real choosy about the means, ok? Look, for me, this has always been about Freddie Cork.
Your boss wants to bring down Tommy and Michael Caffee, too.
Pompous son of a bitch wants a headline to put his ass in the governor's chair.
Who gives a fuck what he wants? You were brought in to take down Freddie Cork, - and that's all you got to do.
- They're all jumbled up, Decco.
And Tommy Caffee is no angel.
Yeah, he paid me his condolences, but he still got Freddie's son a church funeral.
And that kid killed Leann.
It was an accident, Marty.
So says you and everybody else.
And ol' Franklin said you'd kick.
That's why we shouldn't tell you.
Well, you know, he was right.
for their first dance together as husband and wife.
At this time, James and Jamie would like all the married couples to join them on the dance floor.
What do you say? - Sure.
- Hmm? Don't worry.
I come in peace.
Hello, Eileen.
How are you, peggy? You know what Dorothy Parker says.
I love to have a martini.
2 at the very most, 3 I'm under the table, 4 I'm under the host.
Judd wants to see you.
Well, he knows where he can find me.
He wants to see you, but he's not gonna make the first move.
Well, you tell him that I can be as equally stubborn.
- No, you can't.
- Oh, I can.
- No, you see, he knows that you have everything to gain by making peace, and he has nothing to lose.
He's in the corner table.
- Rose looks lonely.
- All right, next slow one, I promise.
You know, your wife is almost as good at this as you are.
She's had a lot of practice.
How's Eileen? - She's good.
- A healthy marriage is important.
It's the love of a strong woman that makes whatever else we do possible.
We'd like to pretend otherwise, but as men we're all qubject to our hearts.
The sad sight of old age is to watch your peers prostrating themselves.
They get their name in brass letters on some grimy plaque on some bridge or bus stop.
You're philosophical today.
Only monument I'm interested in is a living monument.
My power preserved And passed on.
You think I didn't have plans for you? The old speaker fell in a scandal.
Blood was in the wind.
Which meant that people would be looking doubly hard at the new speaker and you are vulnerable to that type of scrutiny.
- Well, you could've just said that.
- I assumed I wouldn't have to.
- If you're loing for me to apologize-- - I'm looking to make you a king.
If you do what's necessary.
Come with me.
Hey, can I get you some oysters? Yeah.
Yeah, thanks, hon.
Tommy, this is Ellis Franklin, assistant United States attorney for southern New England.
We were introduced today at a function in Bayside.
- My oldest daughter is a student there.
- That's right.
My wife's an alum.
Ellis is investigating the influence of organized crime in Providence.
Like bathing the titanic with a beach bucket.
Needless to say, I admire your stand on public corruption.
- A new day in Rhode Island.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Ellis would like you to come in and sit for a sworn deposition about Freddie Cork and your brother-- your knowledge of their dealings.
I have no knowledge of their dealings.
Caffee, there is a way things get done on the Hill.
And your brother is your brother.
One doesn't choose one's family.
Well, that's true.
But you should think of this as a preemptive strike.
Judd tells me he wants you to run for higher office, although he won't say which one.
By going on the record now, you can inoculate yourself against anyone who might smear you with your brother's criminality.
Think about it.
Gentlemen, please excuse me.
My wife has a rule against doing business at social functions, and, uh, I imagine she's getting suspicious.
- Judd, I'll catch up with you later.
- Ellis.
- Representative.
Good seeing you again.
- And you.
So this is the price of your forgiveness-- - testifying against Michael.
- How can I make you mayor Caffee if at any moment you can be completely undone by your brother? Last time we spoke, it was "congressman Caffee.
" "Governor Caffee" then.
Titles are all a means to the same thing.
All right, let's say I agree to put my hand on the Bible and tell the whole truth.
I can get asked a lot of awkward questions.
About the garbage strike.
How you helped me end it.
The wonderful thing about the human mind - is its infinite capacity to forget.
- Meaning I should perjure myself.
Meaning it's not perjury if you honestly don't remember.
Oh, my god.
Look at you.
we never see you anymore.
- How are you? - Good to see you.
How is she supposed to see us? She and Tommy are out having dinner with the governor while you and I are stuck at Chuck E Cheese.
Trust me.
There are plenty of nights I'd rather eat pizza and play ski ball.
Excuse me.
We're just going outside for a cigarette.
Can I bum one? What, I'm not allowed to smoke? It's not like i'm the first lady or something.
Not yet you're not.
- What are you drinking? - It's, uh, Jameson's.
- We used to sell that in the store.
- Yeah.
I remember.
How are you, beautiful? - Let's dance.
- Later.
Oh, come on.
I'll let you step on both my feet.
I'll dance with you.
I'm a good dancer.
- He's a good dancer.
- That's a really sweet offer, Charlie.
But I think I'm gonna dance with my husband.
- I can't Cassie, ok? - Why not? Why not, huh? What is this? Hey.
Put that back, ok? You came armed to a wedding? What, you're wearing your ankle holster, too? Stop it.
What, are you on the job? Yes.
Ok? I'm on the job.
Is this is this about Marty? Shh, shh, shh.
Keep your voice down, ok? - People are watching.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, it's ok.
- I didn't know.
- It's ok.
Baby, hey.
I could not be more proud of you right now.
Hey, Charlie.
Still up for that dance? What am I gonna tell Toby when he gets older and wants to smoke? "Don't, even though your ma goes through half a pack a day.
" As long as he never sees you, he can't catch you.
You always were the master of secrets.
The shit you got away with.
She'd just tell her parents she was at my house.
At her wedding, her ma told me how proud she was that eileen was still a virgin.
You always could fool people, Eileen.
But hey, look at you now.
Upright and proper and on your way.
Where? We still live 3 houses away from Tommy's mother.
Come on.
You won the lottery when you married Tommy.
I saw him in the park last month with Lila and Nonie.
He was adorable.
And you should have heard him talk about you.
He's got you on like a 50-foot pedestal.
Well, sometimes a pedestal isn't always the best place to live.
Compared to what? I've got an ex who pisses away my alimony on booze and hookers.
And Carrie here has Mickey O'Donnell who just got fired again.
4 jobs in 3 years.
We hate you.
Hey, did you guys see Susie Kelly in her bridesmaid's dress? Oh, my god.
Like watching 2 pigs wrestle under a blanket.
Ooh! Hey, do you guys have any pot? I'm serious.
Have you seen Eileen? I didn't know she was missing.
Come on, Tommy.
Have a drink with me.
- Not now.
- All right, go find your wife.
I'll be fine here.
I'll come back.
Right there.
That girl.
She hit on me at the Decatur Club.
I passed on it.
She kind of had saggy tits.
You shut the fuck up for one fucking second? Did you know that Franklin ordered Marty to go after Tom Caffee? Aw, fuck, Ralph.
Hey, we are up to our necks with the Caffee brothers, and I didn't want you making it worse.
What, so it was for my own protection? Bullshit.
When it comes to Tommy Caffee, you just ain't rational.
You look like you were having fun with Jane and Carrie.
Yeah, they're fun people.
How was business? Judd wants me to testify against Michael.
If I do, he's offered to make me his crown prince.
- Governor, senator, whatever I want.
- How much do you know? Enough to point him in the right direction? - You should do it.
- He's my brother.
- Michael's made his own choices.
- But I should still be loyal.
Then be loyal to me and the girls.
Maybe I should just pack the car and move us all to Omaha.
You say the word, we'll leave tonight.
You would, wouldn't you? It doesn't matter.
You're like a medieval knight and hell's your kingdom.
That's good.
Thank you.
Come on, Tommy.
Pick up your phone, Tommy.
Come on.
Marty's wearing a wire.
Just make an excuse, ok? Tell him you got to go find Eileen or something.
- I'll explain later, ok? - Absolutely.
Got to go.
Yeah, ok.
I told you.
The U.
attorney has a serious bug up his ass about you.
Are you drunk? If I'm not, the Finnertys are watering down the booze.
Marty came in because I convinced him that he could get right by taking down Freddie Cork.
And now Franklin's gotten inside his head.
It's like he's twisting everything around.
- Your boss is Ellis Franklin.
- Yes.
attorney Ellis Franklin.
With the short hair, buzz cut, glasses.
Untrustworthy, lying son of a bitch.
Then again, aren't we all? Look, Tommy, I can't keep doing this.
I've been loyal.
I've stayed true to our friendship.
But from here on, I'm putting a wall between us.
It's every man for himself.
We all wander from the right hand of God.
That's what you told me, huh? But if we do good, we can find our way back.
We shouldn't be talking, marty.
People are watching.
You called Tommy.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I may be dying of cancer, but if Tommy tells Michael or Freddie, do you have any idea what they're gonna do to me? I'm the one that's doing the right thing here.
You're a son of a bitch.
- Everything cool? - Yeah.
No, everything's fine.
How you doing? Maybe you should slow down a little bit.
You are on duty.
- At least have some salad.
- No, I'm fine.
- Man cannot live on whiskey alone.
- Well, he can try.
Not if his glass is empty.
Freddie, I need a, uh A little extension on this thing.
Lift up your shirt.
What? Lift up your shirt.
I'm not gonna tell you again.
- All right.
- Drop your pants.
Banana hammac, too.
To make sure you don't have a recorder under the balls.
Now, if Michael Caffee's not dead by midnight, I'm gonna extend pieces of your ass from here to Newport.
- You understand me? - Yeah.
You can pull up your pants.
You look like a hermaphrodite.
Fucking cold out here.
No, it's not cold, kid.
You're fucking cursed.
I wonder what kind of cake it is.
You mean there's a kind you don't like? Whose idea was it to have me come in? Did you approach Franklin, or did Franklin approach you? You've obviously concocted some conspiracy in that head of yours.
Spit it out.
I think he's double-dealing both of us.
I think he's out to get me, and he may be out to get you.
I've known Ellis Franklin since the first grade.
Franklin is 20 years younger than you.
The point is, I know the man.
I trust the man.
Now, if you don't want my help, if you want to continue to struggle towards the middle-- I didn't say that.
I just I heard something.
I think he wants to get me under oath so he can trap me into an indictment.
Ellis and I played ball together.
Me, Johnny Pesci, Rudy York, Bobby Dewer.
Johnny Johnny Pesci played for the Red Sox.
We listened to them on the radio.
You must testify.
If only to free yourself of Michael.
- Where are we going? - I found some.
- Some what? - Pot.
- You're kidding.
- Come on.
Hey, save some for us.
- Aaron, this is Jan and Eileen.
- We've met.
Yes, we have.
I bought this embarrassingly expensive pair of shoes.
Which she returned.
It was embarrassing.
So here you are.
Oh, my god.
You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life.
Baby, what's wrong? - Go home.
- What? What are you talking about? I'm not any of the things you want me to be, Cassie.
My god, if you knew me.
If you knew the things that I've done.
So you need to leave.
You need to go home.
And you need to walk out.
Because if you find out the truth, it'll break your fucking heart.
Baby, talk to me.
Hey! You're my husband.
There's nothing you could say that would drive me away from you.
I told Tom Caffee that Marty Trujillo's wearing a wire.
I convinced Dina Finnerty not to testify against Michael Caffee.
I told myself it was because Michael would hurt him, but Ralph shot an undercover federal agent, and I stood by while Michael and Ralph destroyed the body.
I'm so stupid.
Why the fuck did you have to tell me? - What's wrong with him? - Hello there, bright eyes.
- Peggy.
- Who, Judd? It's nothing.
I need to know.
He's old.
He's old and he's not ready to get old, and sometimes his thoughts slip.
- How bad? - He's fine.
He could be half the man he is and still run circles around everyone in the state.
He wants me to do something.
I think it's wrong.
I think he's being played and he doesn't see it.
I think if I do what he wants, he's leading us both into a trap.
You do everything you have to do to protect him.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Could I ask you to say something for James and Jamie? Can we record something for James and Jamie? - What? - A little advice for the newlyweds? Oh.
Um No.
Yeah, yeah.
All right.
James and Jamie, whatever you do Just lie to each other.
Marriage is not about the truth.
It's about It's about ignoring the truth.
Like, uh "Do I look fat in this dress?" "No.
No, baby.
You look you look beautiful.
" Or, uh "Is my dick too small?" "No, I love your dick.
" Or, uh You get caught in bed with another woman.
It's "Who are you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes.
" So if you wanna Love each other for the rest of your life, lie about everything.
That was great.
They'll love that.
Does that really work for you? Yeah.
Fuck that.
Hey, cocksucker.
My fucking wife, Michael.
My fucking wife.
Dad? Dad.
I saw something outside.
Oh, you fucking Oh, you nosy fuck.
Get out of here, Tommy.
Get the fuck - What's Moe doing in the parking lot? - Moe's here? It's a wedding, Freddie.
There are women and children here.
I wanna know what kind of shenanigans you're up to.
But you need to get your one-eared goon out of the parking lot.
Tom, why don't you do yourself a favor and go back down to the party.
- Ask your wife to dance.
- You don't tell him to leave, I'm going downstairs to tell Michael to get rid of him.
Isn't that sweet? 'Cause Michael's the whole fucking problem.
Ever since he's come back to this town, I got to have 5 eyes in the back of my head.
Your brother's a pandemic, Tommy.
He's a biblical fucking plague.
Flies, frogs, locusts, and Michael fucking Caffee.
You seen the lower lately? I got murder, heavy drugs.
Andy Johnson's kid O.
'd the other day.
Had a seizure right in front of the post office.
I know I'm a greedy fucking pig, but when did I ever allow that to happen? He's a plague, Tommy.
And we're gonna take care of it before it kills us all.
You know, Michael may be a lot of things.
But he's still my brother.
And if you hurt him, - I will rain a storm down on you.
- That's funny, 'cause I remember a time when you said it was ok to break his legs.
Well, that offer expired.
It don't work that way, Tommy, 'cause if you get in my way, - I'll ruin you.
- 'Cause it might not be against the law to bribe the church with $35,000.
But I wonder how it'd look on the front page on the journal? Not to mention the 15,000 you took for yourself.
Come on, Tommy.
You don't want your kids to know you're nothing but a two-bit thief in a $500 suit, do you? He's looking very handsome today, isn't he? - Who? - My husband.
You know, the hardest part about being with a man like Judd-- He can never truly belong to just one person.
Mostly because he belongs so strongly to himself.
But you knew that.
Oh, don't worry.
I was jealous at first, but I got over it.
Besides, it's not like you were the only one.
- Would you like to dance? - Of course not.
You sure? I am perfectly fine right here.
That's what Mary Kate said you'd say.
You know, the way I figure it, everybody likes to dance at a wedding.
One dance? - If you insist.
- Ok.
You know, you You really are a very nice man, Jimmy Matheson.
- You broke my heart.
- You don't even have one.
Behave yourself, Aaron.
- Is everything ok? - Yeah.
You need a tissue or something? I need a drink.
- Ok.
What do you want? - I can't.
- Why not? - I'm pregnant.
Is that why you're crying? You're hardly the first irish girl to have a shotgun wedding.
I'm not sure it's his.
I didn't just say that.
Forget I said that.
I am a happy bride.
Sit down.
Let me fix your makeup.
- Sit down.
- Thanks.
- How old are you? - 20.
- I was 19.
- Were you pregnant? I'm not sure really.
It was either right after or right before.
It's not really the same thing.
I was still terrified.
What if this is all wrong? What if i'm marrying the wrong guy and 10 years from now, I look around and go, - "My god, what was I thinking?" - Truth? Some days you probably will.
But James is a good man, and he loves you.
And whatever else is gonna happen is gonna happen.
- Oh, sweetheart, don't.
- I'm sorry.
I just This is my life.
I'm 20 years old, and I just set my entire life in stone.
It's not in stone.
Married, a kid, a husband.
That's stone.
I used to wanna be an astronaut.
Is that stupid? I mean, I suck at math.
I guess I always thought I'd get to pick something else.
But what if I don't get to pick? What if this is it? - Tell me it's not really that scary.
- It's not really that scary.
You're happy, right? You married Mr.
Caffee at 19, and it all worked out.
Yeah, it all worked out.
I didn't mean what I said before.
It's James's baby.
I was - You were just upset.
- Making stuff up.
Thank you.
Uh, excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Shh, shh.
- Um, as most of you have been to one of these things before, you probably know that at some point, some poor victim has to get up and sing.
So today I'm your victim.
I'll walk beside you through the world today while dreams and songs and flowers bless your way I'll look into your eyes and hold your hand I'll walk beside you through the golden land I'll walk beside you through the world tonight beneath the starry skies ablaze with light and when the great cold comes the sunset gleams I'll walk beside you through the land of dreams What would it take for you to leave town tonight? Nothing will make me leave.
What if I said there was a gun pointed at your head right now? - I can handle guns.
- You said you'd never hurt me, Mike.
If you don't leave town tonight, you will destroy me.
What's the problem? I'll take care of it.
You can't.
You're the problem.
Just just leave.
Ask me to cut off my hand.
All right, ask me for all my money.
You got it.
But don't ask me to leave.
That's the one thing I can't do.
I've come home, Tommy.
I'm not leaving again until I die.
Just tell me what's going on.
I got a double-dealing U.
attorney who's coming after both of us hard.
He's got lawyers and subpoenas and informants and a special grand jury.
And the only way I can protect myself is by throwing you to the wolves.
Well, tell 'em everything you know.
Don't compromise yourself for me.
I'll be fine.
Is that it? - That's it.
- I know it's been hard on you, me being back.
And I know you hate me sometimes.
Maybe all the time.
And that's ok.
We're family.
Hey! - What the fuck was that? - Hey, Decco.
What's going on? Why did you just give Ralph money, huh? - What money? We're just having a talk.
- Yeah? What the fuck did he tell you? He was warning me about a rodent problem.
We wouldn't want anyone we care about getting bit by a rat, would we? No.
I'm not gonna let you hurt Marty.
He's turned against his own, Decco.
What are we supposed to do? Stand by and let him hurt Tommy? Is that what you want? - I was a good cop before you.
- All right.
Why don't you go home, cry on your beautiful wife's shoulder.
Wake up in the morning, your conscience will be clear.
- Good night.
- No.
Fuck you! Fuck you! You fuck! I'll fucking kill you! Fuck you, you fucking cunt! Decco.
Burn those fucking clothes and toss that sap.
Fucking beautiful.
Tommy, we have to talk.
Just look what the cat dragged in.
Moe and me, we're just settling accounts, right? You work for me.
I want you around here so I can keep an eye on you.
There's 50,000 in that bag.
You can offer it up as a donation, keep it.
- I really don't give a shit.
- I'm asking you for a personal favor.
- Don't fire Bob.
- I can't.
You really don't know what you did wrong, do you? In case you ever needed anyone to take you dancing in those shoes.
- Hi.
I'm Eileen, and-- - You're an addict.
When did Freddie and representative Tom Caffee start doing business together, mr.
Trujillo? I brought Marty Trujillo here on the presumption that it was Freddie Cork that we wanted.
You guys just shot an unarmed black law enforcement officer - for no good reason.
- Here's the truth.
I wish you'd never come back.
Fuckin'-- what? Fuck you, John.
Freddie gave me 3 days.
I got till fucking midnight.
What do you want me to do? Am I supposed to walk into a fucking crowded wedding and do it in front of 200 fucking witnesses? I got just as much reason to fucking clip Mike Caffee as Freddie does.
I'm the one who did the 4 fucking months, Johnny.
- Ticktock, you fucking rat.
- I didn't fucking rat, John.
That's a lie.
Fuckin' piece of shit.
- Beautiful.
- Hi.
So nice to nee you.
- Nice to see you.
- Hi.
You're welcome.
- Hi, dear darling Katie.
- Hi, Charlie.
How are you? - I rented my pants.
- You look real nice.
- Well, fix your tie.
- Did you rent your pants? I sure did.
Thank you.
- Wow.
I barely recognize you.
- I know.
I barely recognize myself.
You should know that I appreciate your trying to help me.
How can I take a splinter out of your eye - when I got a log in my own? - What I mean is, I'll be ok.
I should get back to Tommy.
- Hey, grandma.
- Hi.
Look for anyone with table 8.
I wanna see who I'm sitting sith.
Maeve Maguire.
I am not sitting with Maeve Maguire.
- Where's uncle Michael? - Oh, he's just getting me a mimosa.
Who's that with uncle Mike's girlfriend? Oh.
That's her husband.
What did Moe say? I know.
Look at it this way.
If he clips Michael, we know he's not working for the feds.
And if he punks out, we know he's a rat piece of shit and we clip him.
I say we clip 'em both, bury 'em under the freeway.
You'd like that, wouldn't you? You sick fuck.
- I swear, everybody knows.
- Nobody knows, ok? Besides, with me on the floor and Ralph here on the security monitors, we'll have 2 sets of eyes on you at all times.
Stop tugging at the recorder.
You're gonna pull your mike loose.
I can't help it.
You pulled it to my balls.
- Who was that? - This broad.
I slept with her once.
She's practically stalking me now.
What's the story, gentlemen? Just getting Marty ready to go back out there.
attorney's office has a lot invested in you, Mr.
Well, Freddie's a close-mouthed guy, so just give him time.
I'm afraid Mr.
Trujillo's illness does not allow us the luxury of time.
We must pursue Mr.
Cork and his associates by any means necessary.
Right, Marty? Yeah.
In any event, they stuck me out at table 21.
Where are you? I'm in the wedding party.
Well, you know where to find me.
- What are you-- stop playing with that.
- For god sakes, it's fucking moving.
What's going on with you and Franklin, Marty? - How do you mean? - Come on.
"by any means necessary.
" I don't have a lot of time to make things right.
I know you ain't got a lot of time, Marty.
It means I can't be real choosy about the means, ok? Look, for me, this has always been about Freddie Cork.
Your boss wants to bring down Tommy and Michael Caffee, too.
Pompous son of a bitch wants a headline to put his ass in the governor's chair.
Who gives a fuck what he wants? You were brought in to take down Freddie Cork, - and that's all you got to do.
- They're all jumbled up, Decco.
And Tommy Caffee is no angel.
Yeah, he paid me his condolences, but he still got Freddie's son a church funeral.
And that kid killed Leann.
It was an accident, Marty.
So says you and everybody else.
And ol' Franklin said you'd kick.
That's why we shouldn't tell you.
Well, you know, he was right.
for their first dance together as husband and wife.
At this time, James and Jamie would like all the married couples to join them on the dance floor.
What do you say? - Sure.
- Hmm? Don't worry.
I come in peace.
Hello, Eileen.
How are you, peggy? You know what Dorothy Parker says.
I love to have a martini.
2 at the very most, 3 I'm under the table, 4 I'm under the host.
Judd wants to see you.
Well, he knows where he can find me.
He wants to see you, but he's not gonna make the first move.
Well, you tell him that I can be as equally stubborn.
- No, you can't.
- Oh, I can.
- No, you see, he knows that you have everything to gain by making peace, and he has nothing to lose.
He's in the corner table.
- Rose looks lonely.
- All right, next slow one, I promise.
You know, your wife is almost as good at this as you are.
She's had a lot of practice.
How's Eileen? - She's good.
- A healthy marriage is important.
It's the love of a strong woman that makes whatever else we do possible.
We'd like to pretend otherwise, but as men we're all qubject to our hearts.
The sad sight of old age is to watch your peers prostrating themselves.
They get their name in brass letters on some grimy plaque on some bridge or bus stop.
You're philosophical today.
Only monument I'm interested in is a living monument.
My power preserved And passed on.
You think I didn't have plans for you? The old speaker fell in a scandal.
Blood was in the wind.
Which meant that people would be looking doubly hard at the new speaker and you are vulnerable to that type of scrutiny.
- Well, you could've just said that.
- I assumed I wouldn't have to.
- If you're loing for me to apologize-- - I'm looking to make you a king.
If you do what's necessary.
Come with me.
Hey, can I get you some oysters? Yeah.
Yeah, thanks, hon.
Tommy, this is Ellis Franklin, assistant United States attorney for southern New England.
We were introduced today at a function in Bayside.
- My oldest daughter is a student there.
- That's right.
My wife's an alum.
Ellis is investigating the influence of organized crime in Providence.
Like bathing the titanic with a beach bucket.
Needless to say, I admire your stand on public corruption.
- A new day in Rhode Island.
- Thank you.
- You're welcome.
- Ellis would like you to come in and sit for a sworn deposition about Freddie Cork and your brother-- your knowledge of their dealings.
I have no knowledge of their dealings.
Caffee, there is a way things get done on the Hill.
And your brother is your brother.
One doesn't choose one's family.
Well, that's true.
But you should think of this as a preemptive strike.
Judd tells me he wants you to run for higher office, although he won't say which one.
By going on the record now, you can inoculate yourself against anyone who might smear you with your brother's criminality.
Think about it.
Gentlemen, please excuse me.
My wife has a rule against doing business at social functions, and, uh, I imagine she's getting suspicious.
- Judd, I'll catch up with you later.
- Ellis.
- Representative.
Good seeing you again.
- And you.
So this is the price of your forgiveness-- - testifying against Michael.
- How can I make you mayor Caffee if at any moment you can be completely undone by your brother? Last time we spoke, it was "congressman Caffee.
" "Governor Caffee" then.
Titles are all a means to the same thing.
All right, let's say I agree to put my hand on the Bible and tell the whole truth.
I can get asked a lot of awkward questions.
About the garbage strike.
How you helped me end it.
The wonderful thing about the human mind - is its infinite capacity to forget.
- Meaning I should perjure myself.
Meaning it's not perjury if you honestly don't remember.
Oh, my god.
Look at you.
we never see you anymore.
- How are you? - Good to see you.
How is she supposed to see us? She and Tommy are out having dinner with the governor while you and I are stuck at Chuck E Cheese.
Trust me.
There are plenty of nights I'd rather eat pizza and play ski ball.
Excuse me.
We're just going outside for a cigarette.
Can I bum one? What, I'm not allowed to smoke? It's not like i'm the first lady or something.
Not yet you're not.
- What are you drinking? - It's, uh, Jameson's.
- We used to sell that in the store.
- Yeah.
I remember.
How are you, beautiful? - Let's dance.
- Later.
Oh, come on.
I'll let you step on both my feet.
I'll dance with you.
I'm a good dancer.
- He's a good dancer.
- That's a really sweet offer, Charlie.
But I think I'm gonna dance with my husband.
- I can't Cassie, ok? - Why not? Why not, huh? What is this? Hey.
Put that back, ok? You came armed to a wedding? What, you're wearing your ankle holster, too? Stop it.
What, are you on the job? Yes.
Ok? I'm on the job.
Is this is this about Marty? Shh, shh, shh.
Keep your voice down, ok? - People are watching.
- I'm so sorry.
- No, it's ok.
- I didn't know.
- It's ok.
Baby, hey.
I could not be more proud of you right now.
Hey, Charlie.
Still up for that dance? What am I gonna tell Toby when he gets older and wants to smoke? "Don't, even though your ma goes through half a pack a day.
" As long as he never sees you, he can't catch you.
You always were the master of secrets.
The shit you got away with.
She'd just tell her parents she was at my house.
At her wedding, her ma told me how proud she was that eileen was still a virgin.
You always could fool people, Eileen.
But hey, look at you now.
Upright and proper and on your way.
Where? We still live 3 houses away from Tommy's mother.
Come on.
You won the lottery when you married Tommy.
I saw him in the park last month with Lila and Nonie.
He was adorable.
And you should have heard him talk about you.
He's got you on like a 50-foot pedestal.
Well, sometimes a pedestal isn't always the best place to live.
Compared to what? I've got an ex who pisses away my alimony on booze and hookers.
And Carrie here has Mickey O'Donnell who just got fired again.
4 jobs in 3 years.
We hate you.
Hey, did you guys see Susie Kelly in her bridesmaid's dress? Oh, my god.
Like watching 2 pigs wrestle under a blanket.
Ooh! Hey, do you guys have any pot? I'm serious.
Have you seen Eileen? I didn't know she was missing.
Come on, Tommy.
Have a drink with me.
- Not now.
- All right, go find your wife.
I'll be fine here.
I'll come back.
Right there.
That girl.
She hit on me at the Decatur Club.
I passed on it.
She kind of had saggy tits.
You shut the fuck up for one fucking second? Did you know that Franklin ordered Marty to go after Tom Caffee? Aw, fuck, Ralph.
Hey, we are up to our necks with the Caffee brothers, and I didn't want you making it worse.
What, so it was for my own protection? Bullshit.
When it comes to Tommy Caffee, you just ain't rational.
You look like you were having fun with Jane and Carrie.
Yeah, they're fun people.
How was business? Judd wants me to testify against Michael.
If I do, he's offered to make me his crown prince.
- Governor, senator, whatever I want.
- How much do you know? Enough to point him in the right direction? - You should do it.
- He's my brother.
- Michael's made his own choices.
- But I should still be loyal.
Then be loyal to me and the girls.
Maybe I should just pack the car and move us all to Omaha.
You say the word, we'll leave tonight.
You would, wouldn't you? It doesn't matter.
You're like a medieval knight and hell's your kingdom.
That's good.
Thank you.
Come on, Tommy.
Pick up your phone, Tommy.
Come on.
Marty's wearing a wire.
Just make an excuse, ok? Tell him you got to go find Eileen or something.
- I'll explain later, ok? - Absolutely.
Got to go.
Yeah, ok.
I told you.
The U.
attorney has a serious bug up his ass about you.
Are you drunk? If I'm not, the Finnertys are watering down the booze.
Marty came in because I convinced him that he could get right by taking down Freddie Cork.
And now Franklin's gotten inside his head.
It's like he's twisting everything around.
- Your boss is Ellis Franklin.
- Yes.
attorney Ellis Franklin.
With the short hair, buzz cut, glasses.
Untrustworthy, lying son of a bitch.
Then again, aren't we all? Look, Tommy, I can't keep doing this.
I've been loyal.
I've stayed true to our friendship.
But from here on, I'm putting a wall between us.
It's every man for himself.
We all wander from the right hand of God.
That's what you told me, huh? But if we do good, we can find our way back.
We shouldn't be talking, marty.
People are watching.
You called Tommy.
I don't know what you're talking about.
I may be dying of cancer, but if Tommy tells Michael or Freddie, do you have any idea what they're gonna do to me? I'm the one that's doing the right thing here.
You're a son of a bitch.
- Everything cool? - Yeah.
No, everything's fine.
How you doing? Maybe you should slow down a little bit.
You are on duty.
- At least have some salad.
- No, I'm fine.
- Man cannot live on whiskey alone.
- Well, he can try.
Not if his glass is empty.
Freddie, I need a, uh A little extension on this thing.
Lift up your shirt.
What? Lift up your shirt.
I'm not gonna tell you again.
- All right.
- Drop your pants.
Banana hammac, too.
To make sure you don't have a recorder under the balls.
Now, if Michael Caffee's not dead by midnight, I'm gonna extend pieces of your ass from here to Newport.
- You understand me? - Yeah.
You can pull up your pants.
You look like a hermaphrodite.
Fucking cold out here.
No, it's not cold, kid.
You're fucking cursed.
I wonder what kind of cake it is.
You mean there's a kind you don't like? Whose idea was it to have me come in? Did you approach Franklin, or did Franklin approach you? You've obviously concocted some conspiracy in that head of yours.
Spit it out.
I think he's double-dealing both of us.
I think he's out to get me, and he may be out to get you.
I've known Ellis Franklin since the first grade.
Franklin is 20 years younger than you.
The point is, I know the man.
I trust the man.
Now, if you don't want my help, if you want to continue to struggle towards the middle-- I didn't say that.
I just I heard something.
I think he wants to get me under oath so he can trap me into an indictment.
Ellis and I played ball together.
Me, Johnny Pesci, Rudy York, Bobby Dewer.
Johnny Johnny Pesci played for the Red Sox.
We listened to them on the radio.
You must testify.
If only to free yourself of Michael.
- Where are we going? - I found some.
- Some what? - Pot.
- You're kidding.
- Come on.
Hey, save some for us.
- Aaron, this is Jan and Eileen.
- We've met.
Yes, we have.
I bought this embarrassingly expensive pair of shoes.
Which she returned.
It was embarrassing.
So here you are.
Oh, my god.
You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life.
Baby, what's wrong? - Go home.
- What? What are you talking about? I'm not any of the things you want me to be, Cassie.
My god, if you knew me.
If you knew the things that I've done.
So you need to leave.
You need to go home.
And you need to walk out.
Because if you find out the truth, it'll break your fucking heart.
Baby, talk to me.
Hey! You're my husband.
There's nothing you could say that would drive me away from you.
I told Tom Caffee that Marty Trujillo's wearing a wire.
I convinced Dina Finnerty not to testify against Michael Caffee.
I told myself it was because Michael would hurt him, but Ralph shot an undercover federal agent, and I stood by while Michael and Ralph destroyed the body.
I'm so stupid.
Why the fuck did you have to tell me? - What's wrong with him? - Hello there, bright eyes.
- Peggy.
- Who, Judd? It's nothing.
I need to know.
He's old.
He's old and he's not ready to get old, and sometimes his thoughts slip.
- How bad? - He's fine.
He could be half the man he is and still run circles around everyone in the state.
He wants me to do something.
I think it's wrong.
I think he's being played and he doesn't see it.
I think if I do what he wants, he's leading us both into a trap.
You do everything you have to do to protect him.
Excuse me.
Excuse me.
Could I ask you to say something for James and Jamie? Can we record something for James and Jamie? - What? - A little advice for the newlyweds? Oh.
Um No.
Yeah, yeah.
All right.
James and Jamie, whatever you do Just lie to each other.
Marriage is not about the truth.
It's about It's about ignoring the truth.
Like, uh "Do I look fat in this dress?" "No.
No, baby.
You look you look beautiful.
" Or, uh "Is my dick too small?" "No, I love your dick.
" Or, uh You get caught in bed with another woman.
It's "Who are you gonna believe? Me or your lying eyes.
" So if you wanna Love each other for the rest of your life, lie about everything.
That was great.
They'll love that.
Does that really work for you? Yeah.
Fuck that.
Hey, cocksucker.
My fucking wife, Michael.
My fucking wife.
Dad? Dad.
I saw something outside.
Oh, you fucking Oh, you nosy fuck.
Get out of here, Tommy.
Get the fuck - What's Moe doing in the parking lot? - Moe's here? It's a wedding, Freddie.
There are women and children here.
I wanna know what kind of shenanigans you're up to.
But you need to get your one-eared goon out of the parking lot.
Tom, why don't you do yourself a favor and go back down to the party.
- Ask your wife to dance.
- You don't tell him to leave, I'm going downstairs to tell Michael to get rid of him.
Isn't that sweet? 'Cause Michael's the whole fucking problem.
Ever since he's come back to this town, I got to have 5 eyes in the back of my head.
Your brother's a pandemic, Tommy.
He's a biblical fucking plague.
Flies, frogs, locusts, and Michael fucking Caffee.
You seen the lower lately? I got murder, heavy drugs.
Andy Johnson's kid O.
'd the other day.
Had a seizure right in front of the post office.
I know I'm a greedy fucking pig, but when did I ever allow that to happen? He's a plague, Tommy.
And we're gonna take care of it before it kills us all.
You know, Michael may be a lot of things.
But he's still my brother.
And if you hurt him, - I will rain a storm down on you.
- That's funny, 'cause I remember a time when you said it was ok to break his legs.
Well, that offer expired.
It don't work that way, Tommy, 'cause if you get in my way, - I'll ruin you.
- 'Cause it might not be against the law to bribe the church with $35,000.
But I wonder how it'd look on the front page on the journal? Not to mention the 15,000 you took for yourself.
Come on, Tommy.
You don't want your kids to know you're nothing but a two-bit thief in a $500 suit, do you? He's looking very handsome today, isn't he? - Who? - My husband.
You know, the hardest part about being with a man like Judd-- He can never truly belong to just one person.
Mostly because he belongs so strongly to himself.
But you knew that.
Oh, don't worry.
I was jealous at first, but I got over it.
Besides, it's not like you were the only one.
- Would you like to dance? - Of course not.
You sure? I am perfectly fine right here.
That's what Mary Kate said you'd say.
You know, the way I figure it, everybody likes to dance at a wedding.
One dance? - If you insist.
- Ok.
You know, you You really are a very nice man, Jimmy Matheson.
- You broke my heart.
- You don't even have one.
Behave yourself, Aaron.
- Is everything ok? - Yeah.
You need a tissue or something? I need a drink.
- Ok.
What do you want? - I can't.
- Why not? - I'm pregnant.
Is that why you're crying? You're hardly the first irish girl to have a shotgun wedding.
I'm not sure it's his.
I didn't just say that.
Forget I said that.
I am a happy bride.
Sit down.
Let me fix your makeup.
- Sit down.
- Thanks.
- How old are you? - 20.
- I was 19.
- Were you pregnant? I'm not sure really.
It was either right after or right before.
It's not really the same thing.
I was still terrified.
What if this is all wrong? What if i'm marrying the wrong guy and 10 years from now, I look around and go, - "My god, what was I thinking?" - Truth? Some days you probably will.
But James is a good man, and he loves you.
And whatever else is gonna happen is gonna happen.
- Oh, sweetheart, don't.
- I'm sorry.
I just This is my life.
I'm 20 years old, and I just set my entire life in stone.
It's not in stone.
Married, a kid, a husband.
That's stone.
I used to wanna be an astronaut.
Is that stupid? I mean, I suck at math.
I guess I always thought I'd get to pick something else.
But what if I don't get to pick? What if this is it? - Tell me it's not really that scary.
- It's not really that scary.
You're happy, right? You married Mr.
Caffee at 19, and it all worked out.
Yeah, it all worked out.
I didn't mean what I said before.
It's James's baby.
I was - You were just upset.
- Making stuff up.
Thank you.
Uh, excuse me.
Excuse me.
- Shh, shh.
- Um, as most of you have been to one of these things before, you probably know that at some point, some poor victim has to get up and sing.
So today I'm your victim.
I'll walk beside you through the world today while dreams and songs and flowers bless your way I'll look into your eyes and hold your hand I'll walk beside you through the golden land I'll walk beside you through the world tonight beneath the starry skies ablaze with light and when the great cold comes the sunset gleams I'll walk beside you through the land of dreams What would it take for you to leave town tonight? Nothing will make me leave.
What if I said there was a gun pointed at your head right now? - I can handle guns.
- You said you'd never hurt me, Mike.
If you don't leave town tonight, you will destroy me.
What's the problem? I'll take care of it.
You can't.
You're the problem.
Just just leave.
Ask me to cut off my hand.
All right, ask me for all my money.
You got it.
But don't ask me to leave.
That's the one thing I can't do.
I've come home, Tommy.
I'm not leaving again until I die.
Just tell me what's going on.
I got a double-dealing U.
attorney who's coming after both of us hard.
He's got lawyers and subpoenas and informants and a special grand jury.
And the only way I can protect myself is by throwing you to the wolves.
Well, tell 'em everything you know.
Don't compromise yourself for me.
I'll be fine.
Is that it? - That's it.
- I know it's been hard on you, me being back.
And I know you hate me sometimes.
Maybe all the time.
And that's ok.
We're family.
Hey! - What the fuck was that? - Hey, Decco.
What's going on? Why did you just give Ralph money, huh? - What money? We're just having a talk.
- Yeah? What the fuck did he tell you? He was warning me about a rodent problem.
We wouldn't want anyone we care about getting bit by a rat, would we? No.
I'm not gonna let you hurt Marty.
He's turned against his own, Decco.
What are we supposed to do? Stand by and let him hurt Tommy? Is that what you want? - I was a good cop before you.
- All right.
Why don't you go home, cry on your beautiful wife's shoulder.
Wake up in the morning, your conscience will be clear.
- Good night.
- No.
Fuck you! Fuck you! You fuck! I'll fucking kill you! Fuck you, you fucking cunt! Decco.
Burn those fucking clothes and toss that sap.
Fucking beautiful.
Tommy, we have to talk.