Cafe Minamdang (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

Let's work together
to catch my brother's killer.
Please. Really?
Jae-jeong's sister is named Jang-mi,
Han Jang-mi.
And she went to the US with her parents
when she was a kid.
I persuaded my parents to let me come back
so I could catch my brother's killer.
I changed my name to live as a
police officer, not as a victim's sister.
Do you expect me to believe that?
Here. That's me.
If you're Jang-mi,
I can't let you join me.
You convinced the chief to
give me the Gu Tae-su case,
so it's not like you don't trust me.
So why?
What are you talking about?
That wasn't me.
I saw Minamdang merchandise in his office.
I definitely won't work with you
if you're Jae-jeong's sister.
I won't let my feelings sway me.
I was going to keep quiet
about what Minamdang really is
if you worked with me.
I guess it can't be helped.
First, let's go to the station
and talk this out slowly.
Hey, Han Jae-hui. I mean…
Han Jang-mi! Jang-mi!
Are you really going to do this?
Let's talk at the station.
I have lots of time.
But I don't.
This is blackmail.
I told you. I'm not going to get hung up
on rules or procedures anymore.
You told me to get what I want,
even if I have to resort to blackmail.
Let's not tire ourselves out
and go to the station.
-Hold on.
You can't take Mr. Nam away.
He's not a bad person.
Yes. I think there's been
a misunderstanding.
He is incredibly annoying,
but he's not a bad person at heart.
Well. If you'd all like to come with me…
I'm suddenly hungry.
-I'll join you.
-Come on.
Fine. Damn it.
I was just testing you.
I'm very impressed with your resolution
and determination.
I'll take you up on the offer.
Let's work together.
Let's work together.
No takebacks
or I'll take you down.
What's our schedule tomorrow?
We have so many bookings.
Let's go.
-I was going to say that.
I need to talk to you. Come over here.
Where are you going?
-Want some coffee?
So you are
Prosecutor Han Jae-jeong's sister?
And he asked Han-jun to spar
with you without telling him
that you were his sister?
Yes. I'm telling you, he did.
Jeez, that crazy idiot.
What if it ended badly?
For whom? Lieutenant Han?
No. For me.
Gosh, you used to be cute
and not violent like you are now.
How did that cute little girl
end up like this?
Gosh. What did you say?
He said she was cute.
And he said she was pretty last time
at the hospital.
Hey, that was because I was high,
you idiot.
Pretty? Please.
We've all agreed to work together on the
investigation, so tell me your next plan.
We need to come up with our next plan.
Do you think the handcuffs
might jog your memory?
Gosh, how unseemly. Goodness.
There is a possibility that Park Dong-gi
might be behind Gu Tae-su.
Gu Tae-su and Jeon Gyeong-cheol used
the trainees at Joyce for sexual bribes,
and they didn't get along
with Park Jin-sang.
But Park Jin-sang didn't fire Gu Tae-su,
and kept him by his side, which means…
Park Dong-gi is
the one who gave Gu Tae-su the job?
I was going to approach Park Jin-sang
to find out how Park Dong-gi
and Gu Tae-su are related,
but I haven't come up with a plan yet,
because someone barged in.
So sorry.
I'll tell you when I have a plan,
so go away now.
Don't even think
about squirming your way out of this.
Unless you want me to arrest
each and every one of you.
I'm telling you, under no circumstances
are you to go off on your own
without telling me, okay?
It's dangerous on your own.
Okay, then.
Are you really going to get Gopuri
with her?
Not a chance. Who knows
what she might cause?
I'm just pretending.
I'll get rid of her later
when I get the chance.
Why don't you just work with her?
She's Prosecutor Han's sister.
She must want to catch the killer
as badly as you do.
And she's a skilled detective.
I think she'll make
a good partner, so why?
She's Jae-jeong's sister.
How am I supposed to face him
if his sister ends up getting hurt too?
No way.
"I don't want you to get hurt.
I'll catch him.
Just say it!" And so the drama continues.
Things are going to get interesting.
Have you ever properly apologized to
Prosecutor Han or his family?
Are you even sorry?
I always am.
I'm wracked by guilt every night.
But I never made a mistake.
Was I too harsh with Jang-mi?
Damn it.
Mr. Nam!
She's pretty.
Goddamn it!
Oh, my god. You crazy idiot.
What the heck did you do to
your friend's sister, you crazy idiot?
Oh, god.
Wait, so Ms. Little Police…
Jeez, what a mean-looking figurine.
Is this supposed to look like me?
Well, I guess it is kind of cute
if you keep looking at it.
Kind of handsome too.
"Nam Han-jun rocks."
Don't look at me like that.
It's your sister.
I'm doing this to protect her.
It's not that I like her in that way
or anything like that.
I don't. Stop looking at me like that.
Gosh, you used to be cute
and not violent like you are now.
Damn it, is my face too thin?
I can't believe I…
I told you that's not it!
I got you, you stalker.
You let a criminal run away…
Oh, god. It's hopeless.
I shouldn't have hit him so hard.
Now that I think about it,
I've held hands with my first love.
We kissed too.
Maybe it's the cold.
I saw his drawers too.
They were red.
Oh, gosh.
Oh, gosh, I don't know what to do.
I'm so bad. I just can't.
These are everything…
Do I look too pale?
I thought you were going to talk
to an informant. What's with the box
and the make-up?
My gut is telling me
that this is 100 percent a date.
It is, right?
No, it isn't.
I just slapped it on
because the air's so dry these days.
And this is for work. I'm going to work.
You're going to work?
Work and a date.
You're going to see Mr. Shaman, right?
What? I thought it was Prosecutor Cha.
Come on, I told you,
he and I aren't like that.
See. Prosecutor Cha's her friend.
Mr. Shaman's the one she likes.
You're both idiots.
Anything can happen with couples.
You never know
until they go down the aisle.
Personally, I'm a big fan of love
triangles. It's a big part of dating.
Date them both. Give it all you've got.
Come on. I can't believe
you're being like this too.
I'm really leaving for work,
so don't go getting any wrong ideas.
See you later.
This really is for work.
Don't get any wrong ideas.
-Good luck.
-Good luck.
-It was Mr. Shaman from the start.
-It's Prosecutor Cha, I'm sure of it.
Yes, I have all the files. I'm on my way.
Call me when you get here.
I'll meet you at the door.
-You might not know this,
but hot guys like me
have to see the sun once a day.
It's not to carry your stuff for you,
I'm doing it so I can see the sun,
so call me.
It's not even that heavy.
You offered…
Mr. Cha, you're here.
-No way.
That's one shocking confession of love.
I refuse!
Why are we wearing similar outfits?
Damn it, he annoys me so much.
So that's why
I didn't want to put this on.
Take it off.
I said, take it off.
I don't want to spend even a single second
with Prosecutor Cha here.
Mr. Cha's helped me so much,
-and he knows this case better than--
Cooperation with Prosecutor Cha?
I refuse.
So, you refuse…
If this isn't working,
I have no choice but to use this.
The list of Joyce Entertainment's
secret investors.
That is pretty tempting.
Just give me that.
I'll do it.
I'll work with this idiot.
Here you go.
So the initials here refer to
Lee Myeong-jun, the mayor of Sinmyeong,
Head of the Anti-corruption
Department Nam Pil-gu,
and Senior Assemblyman Park Jeong-hyeon?
Joyce Entertainment used Jeon Gyeong-cheol
to provide these guys with overseas
gambling trips and sexual favors.
One of the girls they used was
Kang Eun-hye.
These people then invested
in Joyce Entertainment,
and Joyce Entertainment reinvested
that capital into Joyce Partners.
I don't know how they made the money,
but they paid enormous dividends
to the investors.
One hundred times the initial capital?
That's way too good to be true.
The cash flow seems to indicate
that Park Dong-gi is
laundering money for them.
But we don't know if he's the real
mastermind behind Gu Tae-su.
Are we sure that
one of these men is the real culprit
who pulled Gu Tae-su's strings?
We'll have to find out.
I'll look into Park Dong-gi,
you trace the money and find out where
the dividends came from, Prosecutor Cha.
I'll look for stronger evidence
to arrest Gu Tae-su on.
Shall we end the meeting here today?
-All right.
It's strange.
Have I done something wrong?
Are you still waiting
for Mr. Shaman's call?
Yes. I told him
I've been discharged from the hospital,
but he's left me on read.
Hae-seong, could you take a look at this?
Did I offend him in some way?
Mr. Shaman.
I hope you and your family are well.
I am recovering quickly, thanks to you.
Mr. Shaman, I had a nightmare.
I've been having terrible dreams lately.
I'm scared.
I'm out of the hospital.
I have something I'd like to ask
your opinion on. May I go see you?
Mr. Shaman, the weather's lovely today.
Mr. Shaman, I await your answer…
I'll be waiting for you ever so patiently.
I can't think of anything, though.
Jeez, he's obviously telling you to GAFC.
What's that?
"Get a fucking clue."
It's Mr. Shaman. It's him.
It's him.
Beware of the east and the color red.
"Beware of the east and the color red."
GAFC, my foot.
I'll do that, Mr. Shaman. Thank you,
I love you, sir.
There is an evil spirit
haunting your father.
An evil spirit?
I don't understand…
I see it. He's tall and has dark skin.
He's your employee,
but he turns a deaf ear to your orders.
He has a burn scar on his arm.
Director Gu.
He doesn't answer to a human master.
He serves an evil spirit like your father.
So the demoness that Gu Tae-su works for…
Auntie Im.
-"Auntie Im"?
-You must know her.
She reads fortunes for the top one percent
of the political and business worlds.
Everyone calls her "Auntie"
and looks up to her,
so I thought she'd be old,
but she was young and pretty.
She's good at it too.
Thanks to her,
my father's business has been flourishing.
Gu Tae-su works for Auntie Im, doesn't he?
Why invite someone like that
into your company?
That wasn't me.
I thought he was embezzling
the company funds and told my father,
but he only told me off.
I don't know what Gu Tae-su's doing,
sticking by my father's side like that,
but now he's taking the company funds…
Your father's been bewitched
by the evil spirit.
Mr. Shaman.
I've never knelt to anyone
except for my father.
Please, tell me what to do.
Well, this won't be easy.
I'm not sure if you can pull it off.
I'll do it. I'll do anything.
Okay. Then conduct an exorcism.
These evil spirits are no ordinary ones,
so your father won't escape
unscathed either,
but this is the only way to prevent
your family from going down.
Okay. I'll do the exorcism.
An ordinary exorcism won't cut it, though.
I'll give you five hundred million won.
Five hundred million?
Well… One billion won!
One billion more.
-How about 1.5 billion won?
-Then 1.5 billion won.
Please, just get that evil spirit away
from my father's side.
Well, if you are truly so desperate,
we shall embark on this journey together,
arduous as it may be.
My faith is pure, Mr. Shaman.
My faith is pure.
I believe in you, sir.
get through this together.
Together, we can do it. Mr. Shaman.
What? 1.5 billion won?
I'm telling you.
Should we just start
accepting only the top one percent?
Jeez, get a hold of yourself.
Isn't it time we upgrade your computer
equipment, dear sister?
-We can kill two birds with one stone.
-A win-win situation.
All in one fell swoop!
But we have to find this Auntie Im first
if we want that money.
But how? There's no information on her.
What? None at all?
Yes. She isn't registered
with the National Tax Service,
and when you search for "Auntie Im,"
you only find stories about aunts
becoming shamans. I don't see a way.
Have we popped the champagne too soon?
What do we do now?
Park Jin-sang said Auntie Im used to
operate in Taepyeong, right?
News about someone like Auntie Im must
have spread like wildfire among everyone.
About Gu Tae-su…
I found a record that says
he was investigated
in relation to a firearm accident
five years ago.
-A firearm accident?
Gu Tae-su was in, what was it?
The society for damage prevention
against harmful wildlife?
He was with some group like that.
Yes. He was a witness for the victim,
not the suspect,
so it didn't come up in our searches,
but we found it when we checked
his investigation records.
Someone got hurt
when a gun was discharged by accident?
The victim is running a mountain lodge
in Paldung Mountain, Gangwon-do.
-I see, maybe he knows Gu Tae-su…
Mr. Jang and I will go visit him,
Detective Kim and Detective Na, you…
What the heck?
We really love hiking.
Take us with you, ma'am.
This is an investigation,
not a hiking trip.
Well, then shall we go together?
-Yes, ma'am.
Here's your hat.
-You too.
Joyce Partners has
more than ten affiliated companies?
Entertainment companies have their hand in
restaurants, clubs, fashion, real estate…
Anything that rakes in the money.
Joyce Partners seems to be
a global franchise of that sort too.
They all look legitimate on paper…
KM Leaders? What's this one?
It's a company Joyce Partners
established in the Philippines.
The overseas investment process is
complex, so they made a local corporation.
So there's a possibility
it's a paper company?
Yes. Shall I ask the Ministry of Justice
for financial details?
Track the cash flow
for all of Joyce's affiliate companies.
Yes, sir.
-Yes, Ms. Han.
-I found someone who knows Gu Tae-su.
We're going to Gangwon-do right now--
Let's go together.
Yes. Let's go together. Wait, my jacket.
Where are you right now?
Yes, okay.
Was that really Prosecutor Cha
who just rushed out of here?
Yes, I've never seen him like that.
So he is dating Lieutenant Han.
Come on, it's…
Maybe it's true.
Hey, this isn't a getaway.
This is an investigation.
Come on, I can't concentrate, stop…
Stop moving around. Let go of me.
Damn it.
This is for the investigation, right?
Yes. It might not look like it, but they
are serious about the investigation.
Of course.
They look like it.
-The air's so clean.
These are poplar sanghwang mushrooms.
These are really expensive.
-What kind is it again?
-Poplar sanghwang mushrooms.
How do you know so much about mushrooms?
I used to go hiking all the time with
my grandfather when I was a kid.
-It has a lot of antioxidants.
Yes, it's called antioxidants
because it helps the oxidation process.
Shall we try it?
-Here, try it.
-Is it good?
It's good.
Spit that out! That's poisonous!
That was the
Daedaleopsis tricolor mushroom.
It looks similar
to poplar sanghwang mushrooms.
Some hikers eat it by mistake
and end up dead.
You're lucky you didn't die. Jeez.
Jeez, you just had to tag along.
There are many good mushrooms
in the mountain,
but you just had to eat a poisonous one.
-And what were you doing?
Wipe that off. That's so gross.
I'm sorry.
Gosh, so gross.
So you're here
about the firearm accident five years ago.
Yes. Do you by any chance
remember Gu Tae-su?
Gu Tae-su…
How could I forget that name?
Just a minute.
It's been five years already
since he's gone missing.
Gu Tae-su's missing?
I got pretty hurt in that firearm accident
five years ago.
So he went hunting instead of me,
then went missing in the mountain.
They found a dead body in the hunting
grounds around the area recently.
I called the police because
I thought it might be Tae-su,
but they said the body
couldn't be identified.
Come on. In that case,
he just might be out of touch.
Why do you think the body was Gu Tae-su's?
They found his watch
when they dug up the body.
Is this the man who went missing?
This is Lim Yeong-ju, Gu Tae-su's friend.
That's Gu Tae-su.
So this person isn't Gu Tae-su,
but Lim Yeong-ju?
Lim Yeong-ju…
So the real Gu Tae-su is dead,
and Lim Yeong-ju stole his identity?
Yes, if Lim Yeong-ju is his real name.
If that's another false identity,
it'll make it really hard to find him.
Let's just hope there's some information
on him under that name.
Lim Yeong-ju…
I know I've heard of the name,
but I just can't remember.
Lim Yeong-ju…
Damn it, you toadstool of an idiot.
So a gathering to learn about
Auntie Im will be held here?
It's a good idea that we rented
the place out for the gathering.
We make a little on the side too.
But why do we have to wear these outfits?
He lied and said Minamdang is a café
based on the modern reinterpretation
of shamanism
to get them to hold the event here.
I went to a lot of trouble
to bring them here,
so get everything
you can out of them on Auntie Im.
Let's squeeze them dry.
Okay. All right.
-But they're intimidating.
Let's go.
That startled me.
Hi. Hello.
Hello, little girl.
You are…
Gong Su-cheol.
You have never had a girlfriend, have you?
I just haven't met the right person yet.
What about me?
You need a woman with a strong character--
Where are your manners
when you're with your elders?
You can't talk like that to a grown-up!
She's possessed
by an old goddess of Jirisan.
Your woman is nearby.
Take a good look around you,
instead of looking in useless places.
But everyone is a shaman here.
Are you all enjoying yourselves?
I am.
I'm glad to hear that.
By the way, I heard
there's this really powerful shaman
in Taekseong,
I wonder if she's here today.
I think she was called Auntie Im.
Don't you mention that scum here!
I heard she was really good,
so I was curious.
Good, my foot. It's all hogwash!
I'm guessing you two don't get along.
You won't find a single shaman here
who's on good terms with that quack.
I dare you.
I sense resentment, fear,
and a deep grudge.
I thought you had a powerful aura.
You could be a shaman yourself.
It's true that there is deep-rooted enmity
between the two of them.
She murdered my mother.
How could I not hate her?
She and Auntie Im were under
the tutelage of the same godmother.
Did Auntie Im kill her godmother?
That scum cajoled the daughter
of one of the congregation members
and led her astray, ruining the family,
and our godmother found out about it.
I pray to you.
-I pray to you.
You fool,
you do not deserve to serve the god.
Please, just give me another chance.
I won't ever do it again.
Mother, forgive me, please.
The police said it was an accident,
but it wasn't.
Auntie Im, that scum,
killed our godmother.
After that,
Auntie Im took over the temple.
There were some chaebols
among the congregation,
and she even managed
to wheedle them all away.
Do you know what she did or where
she lived before she became a shaman?
Our godmother said you must cut all ties
with the world when you serve a god,
and she didn't let us ask each other about
what we did before we became shamans.
Auntie snatched away
members of our congregation.
-Oh, gosh.
She got to you too, Seong-gwang.
She took my biggest client away too,
and I haven't heard from him since.
Me too.
That scum. She's the reason
why I had to start doing YouTube.
I knew I'd seen you somewhere,
it must have been on YouTube!
You can't blame Auntie Im for that.
You've been losing
your touch lately, Chilseong.
Isn't YouTube for frauds
who have lost their power?
-What, frauds?
Hey, Bak-su, I've got tens of thousands of
subscribers, you know.
So what?
I've watched it, and it's obvious
the whole thing's a sham.
Goodness, this fool's saying
that YouTube is
for frauds who have lost their powers.
-Oh, gosh, goodness.
-Let go of me. I said, let go.
-You're talking to one of those frauds.
Everybody, calm down.
Even my gaming meet-ups aren't this bad.
Shouldn't we stop them?
Don't. Let's just go.
I'm sure it'll die down, somehow.
-Let's go, come on.
-Okay, let's go.
Hey, what if it doesn't die down?
Hey, go do something.
What? Damn it.
I'm not sure if I can.
Mic test. Mic test.
-One, two, three, check.
-Is Na-dan going to intervene?
Come on everybody, stop fighting.
Can I have your attention, please?
We have a surprise performance
for you all today.
Everybody shout for me!
Our surprise guest today is,
give me a drumroll please,
the wonder of Yonghae-dong, Minamdang!
Let's have a big round of applause!
Now, let's start the music.
Everyone, put your hands together!
I hope everyone has fun today.
Thank you, everyone,
for coming to Minamdang today.
A round of applause!
Are you having fun?
Here are our members.
Gong Su-cheol,
the twerking machine form hell!
Next is, Nam Hye-jun,
the armpit berserker!
And next,
Jo Na-dan the maverick! Make some noise!
Now, finally, the guest of honor today,
the star of Yonghae-dong,
Nam Han-jun!
The spirit told me there are those
trying to dig up information on me,
you must have found out who they are.
Nam Han-jun has been asking around
about you and your godmother.
They won't give up easily.
Keep an eye on them for a while.
How can I get him when he's
just about to get caught in the web?
We need to wait until he's trapped.
They'll come to me of their own volition.
You will wait.
Yes, ma'am.
On 4 P.M., April 17th, 2022,
at Cheonggakjeong,
all of Joyce Entertainment's investors
will gather for the signing ceremony
for the Sinmyeong
land development project.
We should go undercover and find out
who's involved.
I'm sure they'll lead us
to the mastermind.
Gu Tae-su might be there,
so shouldn't we contact Lieutenant Han?
We agreed to work together.
And it's better to have backup.
Why bother?
If Gu Tae-su's there,
we'll catch him and turn him over.
You must be really worried
about Lieutenant Han.
Are you crazy? No way.
Isn't this because you're worried
she might get hurt?
-Is that so?
What? Wipe that look off your faces, jeez.
Why would I worry over someone
who can so clearly take care of herself?
Su-cheol, put up a notice that the café's
closed and you, check your equipment.
-Damn it, I'm swamped.
-Let's see.
upload the announcement. April 17th, okay?
Everyone who's invested in Joyce
will be coming to the ceremony.
Gu Tae-su might come too.
I'll need to find a way to infiltrate it.
What? You don't have to.
You can go with me. I've been invited too.
I heard the Director of Choekang
construction is your older brother.
I don't want to get you into any trouble…
The gathering will be
plenty troublesome as is.
You might as well come and save me.
Then I'll call Mr. Nam--
don't think we'll need to call them.
I mean, people might notice
if there are too many of us.
Let's check it out on our own first,
and afterward,
we can call him if we need to.
Okay, I'll just ask my team members
to provide backup, then.
Okay. Sounds good.
Please enjoy.
Nam Pil-gu and Park Jeong-hyeon…
Their faces
are so amazingly clear.
Money's the best.
Look at the definition on this thing.
It's 4K.
Calm down and check
if all the investors are here.
Be nice to Park Jin-sang when you see him.
Thanks to him, work is fun
with this new and improved environment.
Get a grip.
Detective Han?
Lieutenant Han's here?
-Why's that idiot here?
-How are you?
That woman looks familiar.
-Whatever. Who cares?
You idiots. That's Lieutenant Han!
My gosh.
-Yes, okay.
Mr. Shaman, what are you doing here?
The evil spirit might hear you.
I'm in the middle of an exorcism. Leave.
You have to hold on to her, okay?
Don't worry.
What do you think you're doing here?
You take care of this, okay?
-I'm going to go.
-Cha Do-won.
Aren't you going to say
hi to your brother?
Right. It's been a while.
He's always had no manners.
Stay still.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Lee Min-gyeong,
the vice president of S&H group.
And Mr. Nam here is my fiancé.
You're Mr. Nam's fiancé?
We're getting married soon.
-Wait, I…
I remember turning that offer down.
So he's rejected you.
I don't give up so easily
just because of one rejection
like some poor little girl.
Take her.
-Let's go.
-Let go of me.
I heard they have great drinks here.
Shall we get some?
-Let's go. You're so strong.
-Stop it.
Get over here right now!
I know this perfume.
It's yukgaejang.
What was that?
Is he someone scary?
That guy at the funeral home.
Thank you for your hard work.
He's obsessed with his sense of privilege.
He has to have the best.
He has a lot of weaknesses.
He has bodyguards, but they're useless
because he can't bear to let them
walk in front of him.
He's the type who will do
whatever it takes
to root out anything that gets in his way.
If this land development project
goes well,
you'll be a shoo-in
for the future president
at the next stockholder's meeting.
I thought it'd happen
at the last stockholder's meeting.
But Director Park and the labor union
turned against me.
I heard that
Director Park wanted you, Uncle.
I'm sure you have it wrong.
You do have to win over Director Park,
but I'm sure he'll change
his assessment of your abilities
if you successfully finish this project.
How ironic that I'd need to be assessed
to take what was mine in the first place.
Isn't Park Dong-gi Cha Seung-won's uncle?
Him, along with Shin Gyeong-ho and
Park Jin-sang, are "the three mad dogs."
The jerk has no sense of respect
for his elders. What a douche.
A mad dog? No.
Shin and Park are small fish compared
to him. He's on a totally different level.
Cha Seung-won's
at the top of the food chain.
I didn't expect to see you here.
What do you mean? You sent the invitation.
What, should I just go?
I was just pleasantly surprised.
I didn't think
you were interested in my work.
I'm glad you're here.
Who's this with you?
This is my partner, Ms. Han Jae-hui.
Say hello.
This is my brother.
Your partner?
-Nice to meet you, I'm Cha Seung-won.
-Nice to meet you.
Can I offer you a glass?
No. You can go.
Yes, sir.
What the… Didn't they train you?
I didn't get much on me.
Don't get mad, it's a happy occasion.
I'll just go visit the bathroom.
Goodbye, then.
Do-won went his own way
instead of taking over the group,
he should be bowing down in thanks…
Everyone knows Do-won was
first in line for the succession--
Shut up.
Now remember, this is a happy occasion.
We're all in the same boat now.
This development wouldn't be possible
if it weren't for Choekang Construction.
It's true.
I only hope that you'll realize
your own place and step down soon.
Hey, pain in the ass.
Get over here. Come on.
-Are you drunk again?
-Damn it, you pathetic fool.
Lee Min-gyeong, come on.
I hate you. Seriously.
You did that on purpose, didn't you?
I'm glad you're jealous.
I'm not jealous.
I'm worried like I'd be for my sister.
And Cha Seung-won might be your brother,
but I can't let that psychopath
and Lieutenant Han--
Are you sure it's nothing more than
brotherly love?
What about you?
Why would you bring her as your partner?
I think that's fine given
how we're close.
My partner is waiting,
so bye.
Damn it, he doesn't pull his punches.
Are you okay?
I didn't get much on me.
Mr. Nam, you should go to your fiancée.
Should stop fighting and cooperate,
now that we're here together.
You wanted to be with me forever.
I don't do fiancées.
So I was mistaken about the whole thing,
the fiancée and the cooperation.
I was going to call you when I got
the situation under control. Really.
Then you should have told us before…
Let's go, shall we? Prosecutor Cha?
Let's go work together.
"We" should do that.
No, wait.
No, wait. Come on, wait.
Wait, Ms. Han.
We shall now sign the agreement.
Thank you.
Could you pose for a picture?
When is Auntie getting here?
She'll be down as soon as
she finishes her prayers.
She'll be with us soon.
Why are they looking for Auntie Im?
Who is she?
Mr. Nam said she's someone important…
It's Gu Tae-su.
Is it really him?
Yes, it was him. I'm sure…
I'll go that way.
Okay, then I'll go this way. Be careful.
Did the ceremony go well?
Yes, they're all waiting for you.
-Nam Han-jun…
He must be here.
I had a feeling he would choose to come.
He's at the ceremony in disguise.
What should we do with him?
We'll make sure
it's his last day on earth.
-I'm sorry.
-I'm sorry.
You look like a real chef.
It suits you better than I thought.
Don't be so nervous and smile.
There you go.
-Here's your food.
-There you go.
What are you doing here?
I'm just serving the food.
You go out of your destined way to
appease the unhappy spirit.
Be careful, or you might find your
life unexpectedly cut short.
Auntie, if you tell him
out of the blue, you'll scare him.
Yes, ma'am.
You better pay her for the fortunetelling
before you go.
I don't have any cash on me.
How am I supposed to eat this?
You need to cut it.
Did you have to do that?
It wasn't me.
Let's go, come on.
The bug's working fine.
But it doesn't have a wide radius,
so don't go too far.
We found a spot nearby.
I'll connect you to the bug, then.
My readings tell me
that you will now take flight, unimpeded,
and soar like a dragon, sir.
And that's what he wants too.
It's been less than a month
since I came into office.
That reminds me.
Has the Kang Eun-hye case
been taken care of?
You should have taken it easy, Mayor.
She should have taken it easy.
What a load of crap.
She went crazy for the drugs
and just wouldn't stop struggling.
I was only going to scare her.
Who knew she'd die so easily?
It's all been taken care of.
You don't have to worry.
You are as remarkable as ever.
You must have been scared
with the campaign going on.
Of course.
I was shaking in my shoes.
By the way, that Gu Tae-su…
The one with the creepy look in his eyes.
The police keep calling him
into the station.
I can't help but worry.
Gu Tae-su's been taking care of the
business until now.
We'll get rid of him
as soon as this project is over,
so wait a little longer.
Right. Gu Tae-su was
cleaning up after them.
It also means
he knows all their weaknesses.
The director is here.
I'm sorry I'm late.
The man of the hour.
You have impeccable timing.
The work…
Someone's coming your way.
-Did they find the bug?
Subtitle translation by: Jung-in Park
I've got them.
-Deal with them quietly.
-Gu Tae-su!
Gu Tae-su.
You're Lim Yeong-ju, aren't you?
We'll look for evidence
that will allow us to arrest them both.
Am I interrupting anything?
Auntie Im is that woman
from before, right?
Whatever you're planning to do,
-you should stop.
-You punk!
So, his hideout is in one of these places.
A secret hideout that no one knows about,
that only he has access to.
Benzene, the gopuri fabric…
It's definitely Gu Tae-su's.
You need to come quickly. Hurry!
Ripped and resynced by YoungJedi
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