Call It Love (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

What's with your forehead?
I fell.
Is it going to scar?
They said it would be okay.
Jun, you should go first.
You should be the one to go first.
when we were talking about
Dad passing away
and us getting kicked out of the house,
I told her I quit studying
for the civil service exam
and started singing.
my mom just glared at me
with tears in her eyes
and didn't say a word.
I wished she'd just hit me instead.
That would have been less painful.
Stay here, I'll call you
when the food is ready.
I love you.
I know you guys never listen to me
but just do this for once.
Don't say anything and just eat.
What about your food?
I just told you not to say anything.
Let's eat. Pick up your spoons.
Thank you for the food.
I'm so indebted to you.
Please don't say that.
Just make yourself at home.
I'll feel bad if you don't.
Who wants more rice?
Give some to me.
That's way too much. I can't eat all that.
Mom never makes seaweed soup
unless it's someone's birthday.
She said she had too much of it
after giving birth.
Are you seriously making a joke right now?
What joke? I'm asking
because I'm genuinely curious.
Is it your birthday, Jun?
That's in winter.
It's Woojoo's birthday, you punk.
That's right.
So that's why Mom came to Seoul,
to cook Woojoo a birthday meal.
Just leave the dishes there
when you're done.
Let's listen to her.
And let's go out soon
so that she can at least
let out a sigh in peace.
It's suffocating even for us.
Imagine how Mom must feel.
Have dinner at home.
Be back by seven, everyone.
I can't get out of my shift today.
I'll buy the cake
on my way back from work.
We can just skip the song, right?
Why get a cake for a family in mourning?
Just skip it.
We'll get you one next time,
so don't get upset.
Upset about what?
Why would I be upset
about that at this age?
Why are you taking it out on me?
You said you'd tell her about the house.
You said you'd deal with it.
And you let her go back to that house?
You've always looked down on me
and now I'm supposed to be the older one?
Do you think
I didn't want to say anything?
Looked down on you?
When did I ever do that?
-Stop it, you two.
Don't do this
in front of your little brother.
Don't mind me.
Running away because you have no comeback?
Happy birthday, Woojoo!
I'll buy you a designer bag
when I become rich and famous!
I'm going too.
Why are you going that way?
Are you not taking the bus?
I moved to a practice room
around here to save money.
See you later.
-Not now.
Let's talk about it later.
It's not about that.
I have to go receive a drug delivery,
so I'm leaving too.
I'm not trying to avoid you,
so don't get the wrong idea.
I'm off.
All right. Go on.
What is it? Did you leave something?
I forgot to do the dishes.
I'll do it.
Go cry in the room.
I'll pretend I don't hear it.
I'm done crying.
Come here and do the dishes.
I have no energy for your stubbornness.
You don't have to go to work?
I took a day off.
And I'm not really working
for that company.
I'm just working temporarily
as a part-timer.
It's not like you're working part-time
because you're incapable.
There's no difference
between part-time and full-time.
You work there like everyone else.
I told Ms. Baek
I'm taking the day off
because my mom suddenly came to visit.
I'm texting you in case you get worried.
All right, have a nice time
with your mother.
Good morning.
-Good morning, sir.
-Hey, good morning.
-Good morning!
-Oh. Drink this.
Oh, thank you.
I see Ms. Sim isn't here yet.
Is she running late?
She has the day off. Her mom is visiting.
So you know everything
about her now, don't you?
How was the camping trip?
It's Kang. We keep in touch all the time.
By the way, I discovered this
while organizing some files.
Today is Ms. Sim's--
I know.
What do you know? How? Why?
I saw it on her résumé.
How do you remember that?
That was so long…
Look at you.
You liked her way before
I caught on, didn't you?
For how long exactly?
I'm just curious.
Are you teasing me?
Hey. Wait.
On your way to work today, did the world…
How do I put it?
Did it look a little different?
Wasn't your heart sort of tossing,
fluttering, and thumping?
Ah, and once you listen to some music
on your earphones,
the whole world turns into a music video.
Gosh, it must be incredible.
You seem more excited than I am.
Of course it's exciting.
For once, you and I
are talking about dating, not work.
I've never said this out loud but,
I was always sorry to you.
If only I hadn't asked you
to start a company with me…
You were already
so burdened by responsibilities,
and I went and dumped another load on you.
Did you see the new booth arrangement?
You don't have to be shy.
Oh, right.
I almost forgot.
Can you ask Ms. Sim
to spare some time for me?
Kang and I should at least
thank her properly.
She saved a lonely guy,
it's the least we can do.
We should thank her,
eat together, and go for a drink.
That's how people bond.
Okay, I'll talk to her about it.
I didn't see the arrangement.
I'll get going.
Thanks for the coffee.
Just let it out.
When Haesung and Jigu
were crying their eyes out yesterday,
you kept your mouth shut.
It made me wonder
what was holding you back from crying.
And I thought
it must be something serious,
so I was just trying to prepare myself.
That woman is living
in the house in Yeonhui-dong.
So she…
stole my husband and my house.
And I…
What now?
I went to the funeral
of your ex-husband and my father.
I bought the flashiest clothes
at the department store.
I did my hair and makeup,
and even wore sunglasses.
I went to take revenge.
Because I was too young back then.
All I could do was
dive in front of his car.
I wanted to show them
how I suffered every day to just survive,
thanks to them.
"I'll just say everything
I've prepared."
"It's nothing."
"This will just be
a funny story to laugh about
over drinks for the rest of my life."
That's what I told myself.
Thirteen years ago,
when the two of you took off
with the bank account book and jewelry,
didn't you prepare
for this humiliation at least?
What, is this embarrassing?
You should be embarrassed
about your entire life.
I'm here for the ghost of the man
who's here to taste his memorial feast.
To show him that his daughter has been
waiting for this day for 13 years.
Did you get a funny story out of it?
Since that day,
there's been a weight on my heart.
Why did I do that?
Why did I go there
and remind myself of those faces?
It's heavy.
It's too heavy.
I'm sorry.
I was wrong.
Would you like a pack?
-Just this, please.
Let's go home.
Let's stay just a little longer.
Was it a month ago?
There was a medicine packet
sticking out of your bag.
I mean, it'd be weirder
if I didn't have a look.
So I just checked what medicine it was.
If you hadn't said anything first,
I wouldn't have said anything either.
You should come to me next time.
I'll take care of that stuff for you.
What is it?
Is your heart still pounding?
It's beating quite fast.
I think it's because of you.
When I thought I was losing my mind
and I couldn't even breathe,
the only thing I could think of was you.
I should go to Jun immediately.
You hugged me.
I thought my heart was fluttering
because of the hug.
But I don't think that's it.
I think
my heart was fluttering
because I like you.
Drop by the pharmacy
before you go home.
Let's finish what we were talking about.
Do you want to drink this?
I can just get another one.
I thought I told you
I don't drink sweet coffee.
Let's talk for a bit
after work today.
Even if we're ending things,
we should at least talk.
Today, I--
You've dated quite a lot, right?
Did you end every relationship like this?
-For you, with your past experiences,
maybe it's okay to let things
fizzle out in a relationship…
but it's not for me.
Let's meet up and talk.
Your shift ends first,
so you decide on the place
and I'll meet you there.
That's done, then?
-What is it?
-My goodness.
What is it? What happened?
Come look at this.
I think this is crossing the line.
We put up an advertisement
for senior staff, right?
Mr. Cha applied.
That's absurd.
This is him just outright mocking us.
I'll delete it.
No, don't just delete it.
Send a reply.
"Your application will never be considered
at Best Fairs, ever."
I'm serious.
How dare he?
These shameless jerks
should be nipped in the bud.
-Done for the day?
Do you have a lot left to do?
I'm just reviewing
a few of the bidding exhibitions.
By the way, the employees
are going to be surprised
because you're leaving work before me.
A big-scale bidding exhibition
is too much for now.
That's why I'm reviewing it.
Don't worry about it
and go celebrate her birthday.
See you tomorrow.
Mr. Han, are you clocking out?
I'll have this one, please.
How many candles would you like?
Three long ones, please.
Mom and I ate first.
Jun is also going to be late.
You said you had to be home soon
for your sister's birthday.
No, it's okay.
How can I believe what you say?
All you do is lie to me.
I came here
because I thought
you were apologizing to me.
For what?
It's not like we'll date again.
Are you going to date me?
Are you going to let it slide?
I'm going to meet Suho.
Go home first.
Say what you have to say
and drop by the pharmacy.
Let's go in together.
Where are you? Why aren't you coming?
Are you done yet?
You should let me know
if you're going to be late.
I'm waiting.
You thought I'd be naive
because I'm young.
You think I don't know
that you dated me just to kill time?
Are you drunk?
If I didn't ask to talk,
it would have just ended that day, right?
I finally understood.
You must've let things fizzle out
in your relationship like this
every time.
You wouldn't even bother
arguing or fighting.
You'd just pretend to be the victim.
That's why you've never had
a meaningful relationship by this age.
It's natural that people start arguing
when they are honest with each other,
but you avoid it.
I'm not wrong, am I?
You've never argued with anyone.
-You're right.
-Then do you want to try arguing now?
Argue with me.
"Was gaming more important than me?"
"Why did you share
my personal stories with others?"
Do you want more beer?
Or should we at least get some food?
Let me treat you for the last time.
I'm sorry if I hurt you.
I tried my best to make it work.
But I think that wasn't enough.
I hope you meet
someone who's good for you.
Is Haesung seeing a guy?
What does he do for a living?
Is he from the bank?
He's young. I don't know the details.
Where does Jigu work part-time?
At a neighborhood karaoke place.
I'll let him do what he wants for now.
And when things don't work out
and he gives up,
then I'll make him study again.
I still have the installment savings plan.
They say a person's name
determines their destiny.
And I did a terrible job naming you kids.
"Haesung" after a comet
and "Jigu" after the Earth,
they both float around in you,
named after the universe.
They can only survive
if the universe embraces them.
I should have named you
after a star or the moon.
I regret it.
Welcome. Just a moment.
I was going to
head straight home after this.
Mom wanted to see
your work before going back.
Woojoo, could we talk for a second?
Come on.
Woojoo, it would've been nice
if you called before you came.
Just take Mom out of here.
Are you embarrassed about working here?
It's not that.
Dongjin is in that room right now.
He brought a cake
because it's your birthday.
I couldn't make him leave,
so I told him to wait a while.
Aren't Dongjin and Mom
not supposed to meet?
Why not?
Why shouldn't they meet?
Woojoo, I know everything.
I know what kind of relationship
Dongjin's mom and our mom have.
Didn't you already know this?
I saw this picture,
and I was like,
"This lady looks familiar."
Then I remembered.
You know Mom's friend
who used to do door-to-door sales,
the one selling makeup products.
She was always so flashy
and she used to visit from time to time.
This is a very faint memory,
but I think that lady fought with Mom
over money a long time ago.
They ended up meeting, after all.
Mom, do you need to go
to the bathroom or something?
Slow down.
You two should go get tea or something.
We'll go home first.
It was nice meeting you.
Thanks for the cake.
It's nothing.
Next time, come over for dinner.
Or come to Tongyeong.
You're very tall.
My daughter is quite tall as well.
You guys look good together.
Mom, you're making him uncomfortable.
I'm leaving.
-See you.
-Good night.
You were so down this morning,
but you seem all right now.
Shut it. You're not helping.
Come on, I know you're feeling better now.
It's so rare to see guys like him.
He seemed very decent.
Hmm, he also lives very decently.
He cleans every day,
and showers every morning and night.
It's hard to do that
when a guy lives alone.
Have you been to his place?
Actually, I stayed with him for a bit
when I ran away from home
to avoid Haesung and Woojoo.
When you're old, you can tell
by the way a person walks.
No, you can even tell by the way
a person holds his chopsticks.
Gentle and decent.
At least, he wouldn't make
the same mistake as your dad did.
I haven't had dinner.
Do you want to drink soju?
We should at least have a birthday drink.
One bottle of soju, please.
Coming right up.
What did you talk about earlier?
With my mom?
You guys were talking for a long time.
Did you talk about something fun?
What makes your mom a little different
from others is that
she didn't ask me what I do for a living,
what my parents do,
or if I have any siblings.
She didn't ask the things
that most people her age do.
She just asked,
"What do you like about my cold daughter?"
And she added
that even though you seem a bit cold,
out of the three siblings,
you're the most warm-hearted one.
Once you start caring about people,
you pour your heart out to them,
and that's why you get scared
and treat them very coldly.
She also said
that if you're shown enough love,
you do show your cute side eventually.
Is that true?
I don't have a cute side.
But I told her I liked you
because you weren't so sweet.
When I see someone
approaching me with a sweet smile,
I start thinking, "What if they hurt me
with that smile on their face?"
And I get scared.
You approached me with a straight face
and told me not to be scared
and not to be afraid.
I said that's what I liked.
And that I think I liked you first.
Happy birthday.
It's my birthday, so I guess this is okay.
Come on.
Let's turn the lights off!
We should save electricity.
It isn't too bad
being the last one to leave the office.
What the…
W-What is this?
I thought you were Mr. Han.
If it were Dongjin,
were you going to have a drink together
and beg to be hired back?
Don't even dream of it.
Even if I take you back,
Dongjin will say no.
He was the one who first said no
to Director Kim as well.
Gosh, seriously.
As wretched as he was,
when I saw CEO Shin break down…
…it gave me nightmares for a week.
I'll pretend that I didn't see you.
So just leave quietly.
I need to turn off the lights!
What is this?
What are you doing?
I didn't come here just to leave
without saying anything.
My rumors have spread everywhere
so no one will hire me.
You hired Ms. Sim Woojoo again,
so can't you hire me back as well?
It was after Ms. Sim was fired
because she was mistaken for a spy.
She told me this
when she returned later on.
You've been caught.
So if you really want to
ruin this company,
then try harder.
"If you want to ruin this company,
try harder."
Thanks to her,
I was able to buy some time
to gather the data
and take the employees with me.
Do you expect me to believe
what you just said?
Are you crazy? Why would she do that?
I'm curious as well.
Why did she help me?
If you don't believe me, ask her yourself.
One thing is for certain.
She didn't come
to Best Fairs for no reason.
There's something more.
You're going to work early.
Are you going somewhere?
I'm going to work too.
And going on a blind date.
You know my mom.
She insisted I have at least one date.
Do you want a ride?
I'll drop you off on the way.
It's a short walk.
I put my apartment on sale.
I'm planning on moving.
To be really honest,
I thought you'd let me off the hook.
I thought we'd be able
to hug each other again.
I didn't think I'd be lonely,
so close to you.
That's why I'm moving.
I hope you're happy. I mean it.
I like Ms. Sim.
I want to be happy with her.
Thanks for making an effort to tell me.
And I knew it, to be honest.
You should go. You'll be late.
I like Ms. Sim.
I want to be happy with her.
Are you listening to me?
Go ahead.
Hi, it's me.
I'm sending you an address, so go there.
If you're busy today,
then at least tomorrow.
Aren't you going to answer me?
Send it.
I mean, there is a market price.
No one's going to spend
three billion won on that house.
Two billion is a good enough offer.
And you run a real estate agency.
Didn't you hear about the redevelopment?
I'd be earning money if I kept the house.
If it wasn't urgent, I wouldn't sell it.
I'm from this neighborhood too, you know.
I've been hearing the stories
about redevelopment for ten years.
I'll put it up,
but it probably won't sell.
Look at all these heavy things.
Let me help you.
Do you live here?
Who are you?
Oh, you don't remember me?
You saw me at Yeonhui-dong.
In front of the house.
Oh, right.
Here's my business card.
You know Ms. Ma Heeja, right?
Let's go over there
and have a chat, shall we?
Suho quit all of a sudden.
Did you two really break up?
How about jajangmyeon for lunch?
Or tteokbokki? You love that.
It's on me.
You never seem to be able to eat alone.
Is there anyone who likes eating alone?
I don't like it because it's too boring.
Even if you don't like it,
try eating by yourself
and try going on trips alone from now on.
Don't spend all your time dating.
Sorry, but I brought lunch today.
Have you thought about it?
Think about what?
I just said that out of spite
because you kept on pushing.
If I had feelings for one of them,
I shouldn't be living with them.
I'd be a real weirdo to do that.
Can you please just…
Ugh, just let me live how I want to live
and how I've been living all this time.
What kind of moron gets married
just because his family told them to?
I wasn't cursing.
I have a customer. I'm hanging up.
You're here.
Are you smoking again?
I brought the prescription.
You said you'd take care of it.
Just unbelievable.
-Are you sulking?
-Don't speak to me like that.
It's annoying.
Am I your boyfriend?
Don't use that tone on me.
Think before you speak.
What the heck did I do
for you to give me such bullcrap?
What? Bullcrap?
What's your problem?
Is it because
I stood you up yesterday? Or…
Is it because I said
you made my heart flutter?
What's wrong with a woman telling a man
he made her heart flutter?
It's wrong.
Why would there be anything
like that between you and me?
It's gross.
Haesung, I'm Jun.
Not someone on the streets that you can
date and break up with whenever.
I'm your sister's friend, Jun.
Furthermore, I know you've dated
and broken up with so many guys.
And now it's me?
I don't want that.
I see you and eat with you every day,
and I don't want to be uncomfortable.
That'd be the worst!
…what do you want?
Let's just say it was a mistake.
Did I ask you to like me back?
All I did was tell you
that you made my heart flutter.
Let's stop.
Just go, Haesung.
Let's just say I didn't hear that…
and pretend this didn't happen.
Did I ask you to go out with me?
I just…
I was just saying
that's what my heart feels.
I broke up with Suho.
You know what he said?
That I must have let
all my relationships fizzle out
without even trying
to argue or fight over the issues.
That I'd pretend to be the victim.
That bastard knows nothing
to say those about you!
That's what I mean.
Eat with me.
I don't want to eat alone.
Let's go have jajangmyeon.
I'm not asking you to date me.
Don't worry.
I'm not going to even if you ask me.
That's settled, then.
One thing is for certain.
She didn't come
to Best Fairs for no reason.
There's something more.
By the way, how did Sim Woojoo
come to learn about this?
I don't think Cha Youngmin
told her on his own.
Did you ask her in detail?
It's not her.
I saw Mr. Cha a few days ago,
at the cafe near the office.
He asked if Ms. Sim is still working here.
The folder with his family photos.
Open that.
We need to talk.
Don't tell Dongjin.
I know that
you might feel offended by this,
but I had to ask this directly.
Yesterday, Mr. Cha suddenly came
and said some weird things.
He said you told him
that if he wants to ruin the company,
he needs to try harder
and stuff like that.
And he said that you helped him.
I mean, when a person is cornered,
they'll just say anything,
but why would he say that about you?
This… This is just ridiculous.
Oh, I'm just blabbering.
Did you ever help Mr. Cha?
If you said it wasn't true,
I was going to consider
his words as nonsense.
Is it really true?
I helped Mr. Cha.
I told him that Mr. Han knew everything.
I did tell him that.
Why did you do it?
You must have had a reason.
None of this is making any sense to me.
You helped him
and then helped us at the same time?
This doesn't make sense!
Don't just keep your mouth shut.
Explain yourself! You need to explain…
so I can make a decision.
If I should keep this to myself,
or if I should tell Dongjin.
Ms. Sim Woojoo!
Our company didn't go down.
It turned out well, in the end.
So let's say we can just move past this.
But you and Dongjin like each other.
Even if you make an excuse,
saying it was before you guys found out
about your feelings for each other,
you should have told him afterward.
Just think of how betrayed he'll feel
if he hears this from me.
Hey, Dongjin.
Do you want to go grab a drink?
It's been a while.
I'll wrap things up and be right out.
Next time. I have plans.
Plans with who?
Let's drink tomorrow.
What are the plans?
Cancel it and drink with me today.
Ms. Sim's brother
left some things at my place,
and she's coming for that.
I'll see you later.
I put away the tent that I'd
abandoned like an island for a long time.
If I hadn't met you,
I would've still been trapped
on that island.
Thank you for helping me escape.
It's not too bad, right?
I first learned how to camp
from Uncle Daehong,
when I started middle school.
Back then, I called him Father.
He was the first one I called Father,
from all the men that my mother married.
After three years, maybe?
My mother married someone else.
Back then, Uncle Daehong…
…quit his job and traveled
around the country, camping.
Since then,
I've never had a proper home in my life.
My mother is my weakness.
A weakness I want to hide
and don't want anyone to spot.
To hide that weakness,
I always tried so hard to look nice.
And because of that,
I got used and betrayed a lot.
The reason I'm telling you all of this is…
I want to lay it all out in the open.
I want it to work this time.
Do you want to stay here tonight?
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