Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (1967) s01e11 Episode Script

The Heart of New York

(footsteps clicking)
- [Narrator] The Mysterons,
sworn enemies of Earth.
Possessing the ability to
recreate an exact likeness
or object or person.
But first, they must destroy.
(bottles clattering)
(cat screeching)
(lights popping)
(guns firing)
(one shoot)
(man moans)
(dramatic music)
Leading the fight one man,
fate has made indestructible.
his name, Captain Scarlet.
(mysterious instrumental music)
(water lapping gently)
(submarine humming)
- [Man] Stop the engine.
We can drift to shore from here.
(phone ringing)
- Spectrum Security
Holtz, night guard here.
No I'm sorry, there's no
one else around.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
Yes, I'll do that.
I'll pass on the message
in the morning.
Right, goodbye.
- The guard's coming out.
Give me the disc.
(disc clanks)
(disc beeps)
(disc beeping)
(gas hissing)
Hold it.
Wait for the gas to clear.
Right, come on.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
He'll be out for about
a half an hour.
How long will you need
to open to strong room?
- About 10 minutes.
Carl gave all the
detailed drawings,
the circuit diagrams for
the alarms, everything.
I'll get the equipment.
- Right, and I'll borrow the
keys from our old buddy here.
I'm sure he wouldn't
want us to start
breaking down doors to getting.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Well, I've taken care
of the alarm system.
One little bang in the
right place, and she's open.
- Get back behind a table.
How long?
- Five seconds.
(explosion booms)
(door whirring)
- We've done it.
The door's opening.
- Beautiful.
- Well, let's see just
how rich Spectrum are.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- [The Mysterons] This is
the voice of the Mysterons.
We know that you can hear us,
Earth men.
We've seen the greed
and corruption
of the world in which you live
and we'll take our
revenge upon it.
We will destroy the
heart of New York.
We have not forgotten.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
(melodic instrumental music)
- I don't know why Colonel
White sent us here.
It looks like a job for
the Spectrum police.
- What a mess.
Have you any idea
what's missing?
- No, I haven't had
time to check.
- Do we know what was in
the strong room?
- Nothing but
documentation and microfilm.
All on the secret list,
grade A security.
- Well, it looks like
an inside job.
Whoever opened this
strong room door
knew just what they were doing.
- Yes, it's obviously been
done by professionals,
but there's something
funny about it.
I'll report to Colonel White.
(engine humming)
- Yes, Captain Scarlet?
- [Captain Scarlet] We've
talked to the guard, Colonel.
- How is he?
- Oh, he's fine.
They used some kind of nerve gas
but he's fully recovered.
I'm glad to hear it.
Go on.
- We're inside the
Spectrum security vault,
but something just
doesn't add up.
The job was planned
most efficiently
and the strong room opened
with a minimum of effort,
but the whole place has
been ransacked.
It's as if they didn't know
what they were looking for.
- I see.
Well it doesn't sound like
the work of the Mysterons.
I wanted you to check
it out first
but now I think we can leave
it to the Spectrum police.
Captain Scarlet, I want
you and Captain Blue
to concentrate on the
latest Mysteron threat.
Go to New York at once.
- Yes Colonel, we'll
leave immediately.
(engine Humming)
That break-in at Spectrum
security vault.
It's still puzzling me.
I can't get it out of my mind.
- I know what you mean.
- Why would a group of
apparently professional criminals
go to such trouble to
break open a strong room
full of what to them must
be useless documentation?
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Useless, junk.
Kruger and I risked our necks
to get a heap of useless paper.
- How was I to know
what was inside?
- You work at the plant
where the vault was made.
It should have been checked out.
- Look, Spectrum ordered
a strong room.
Not just any strong room,
but the best.
Now you'd think they'd
used to store
something more
valuable than papers.
Isn't that reasonable?
- Will you two stop arguing?
Have either of you read
any of this documents?
- A few of them, why?
- I have here a Spectrum
report on the Mysterons.
It's headed Top Secret.
Listen to this.
The Mysterons have the
power of retro-metabolism.
They can destroy an
object or a person
and reconstruct them for
their own ends.
- Go on.
- The report then describes
an eye witness account
of a reconstruction as
acctualy happen.
- Very interesting material,
but it doesn't help us
unless you're thinking of
writing a book.
- Not a book, maybe a play,
and we'll all be in it.
I think I know how to make
the Mysterons work for us.
(dramatic instrumental music)
(wind whistling)
- The heart of a great city.
- Yes, but the pulse seems
to have stopped
now that the people have gone.
- Well the evacuation's complete
and the detector
road blocks will warn us
of any Mysterons who
try to enter the city.
We'd better organize a
search for booby-traps
that may have already
been planted.
- [Kruger] Enough to blow a
whole city block to pieces.
- Well all we plan to do is
blow open one small safe.
- Yes, but what a safe.
The head office of the Second
National Bank New York.
The gold reserve for the
whole Eastern seaboard
is held in there.
- Do you think it'll work?
- Sure it'll work.
Inside an hour, we will
all be Mysterons.
(dramatic instrumental music)
Now you know what to do.
There it is ahead.
Get out that bottle of
whiskey and splash it around.
(tires screeching)
Hey buddy, I think we
spotted a fire.
- Where abouts?
- Come down here.
I can't hear ya.
- Right.
- Here he comes now.
(elevator whirring)
Well, you must get quite
a view from up there.
- Here, pal, have a drink.
- No thanks.
You said you saw a fire.
- The man said have a drink.
- Look, quit playing games,
will ya?
Pull off the road and sober up.
- Are you insinuating I'm drunk?
- Well the smell of
liquor in this car
I'd say you'd all had enough.
- Let's get out of here.
- Take my advice, friend,
keep the speed down.
There's some mighty
dangers bends just ahead.
- You just watch you
don't fall of that tower.
(tires screeching)
(engine rumbling)
- Stupid fools.
- Wow, we convinced him.
He won't forget our
faces in a hurry.
- We can stop around
the next bend.
We'll be out of sight
of the look out.
(tires screeching)
Right, get the dummies
out of the drunk.
If we can roll the car
down to that clearing
it'll be in full view
from the tower
when it goes over the edge.
- Right.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- Very lifelike.
Is the pedal jammed down hard?
- Yeah.
- Right.
Put her in drive.
(engine rumbling)
It's nearly there.
He should spot it any moment.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- Drunken fools, they're
gonna kill themselves!
(suspenseful instrumental music)
(tires screeching)
(car clattering)
I warned them, I warned them.
(explosion booms)
(explosion booms)
(dramatic instrumental music)
The car sailed right
over the edge.
They didn't stand a chance.
They must have all been
killed instantly.
Yeah, I saw the whole thing.
Right, I'll wait for ya.
- Shouldn't you be
looking out for fires?
- But, I saw you.
You were all killed.
The crash, the fire.
- You're wrong, Earthman.
Tell the authorities we
Mysterons intend to destroy
the Second National
Bank of New York.
Tell them that when you wake up.
(spray hissing)
(dramatic instrumental music)
(engine humming)
- The fire look out has
a first class record
and is considered
absolutely reliable.
- Well it look s as if his
story must be believed.
- Yes sir.
It seems the Mysterons
have taken over three men
and intend to destroy the Second
National Bank in New York.
- The Second National Bank.
That could be called
the heart of New York.
Well I'm not going to
risk Spectrum lives
trying to save a bank.
Put me in touch with
Captain Scarlet.
- [Lieutenant Green] Yes, sir.
- [Colonel White] What's the
latest situation, Captain Scarlet?
- We organized a systematic
search of the whole area
and we've nearly covered
all of the city center.
So far no sign of a
Mysteron booby trap.
- Has the area been evacuated?
- Yes sir.
Only the police and
Spectrum personnel are left.
- [Colonel White] Well l want
you to pull every one out.
- Pull out, sir?
- Yes, Captain.
The Mysterons have narrowed
their field of attack
to the Second National Bank.
I don't pretend to
understand why
but if they do
succeed I don't want
any of our men hurt in
the explosion.
Pull back to the road blocks.
- [Captain Scarlet] Yes sir.
- Well, we'll be inside the
city limits in five minutes.
- A road block, better ease up.
- Right.
- It's a Spectrum road block.
We'll have to be careful.
- Spectrum will be
looking for Mysterons.
That's the way we planned it.
We'll get through.
- Three men have just pulled up.
Gray Saloon, license
number 101-X238.
- Keep 'em talking while
I check them out
with the Mysteron detector.
- SIG, contact me over
the personal receiver.
I'll turn the volume right down
so they can't overhear.
- SIG, Captain Magenta.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- What's the trouble, Captain?
- Just a routine check,
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Negative.
- I'm sure you're aware
of the Mysteron threat
and that this is a
restricted area.
- Oh yes, but we
understand the Mysterons
have now limited their target
to one small area downtown.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- Two are negative,
Captain Magenta.
I'm checking on the third.
(detector whirring)
- I'm afraid I have my orders.
No unauthorized personnel
can pass through.
- We understand, Captain.
I think this is what you need.
Mm, you're government agents.
Where are you heading?
- Like you Captain, we
have our orders.
- They're all clear,
Captain Magenta.
They can proceed.
- Well gentlemen, everything
seems to be in order.
I must warn you that you enter
entirely at your own risk.
If you do run into difficulties,
Spectrum cannot help.
All our personnel have
been pulled back
outside the road blocks,
but you are clear to proceed.
Good luck.
- Thanks Captain, we'll manage.
(dramatic instrumental music)
(engine rumbling)
- Well , I've got to
hand it to you, Kruger.
You were smooth.
- He even told us they'd
pulled all their men back.
- Well boys, the town has
been evacuated.
We can take our time and just
help ourselves to the money.
(dramatic instrumental music)
(suspenseful instrumental music)
There it is, let's go.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
(engine rumbling)
(door bangs)
- Captain Scarlet, Captain Blue.
- Three men were reported
heading this way.
Have they been trough here yet?
- Yes, we let them pass
about 15 minutes ago.
- You let them pass?
- Yes.
They checked out clean.
They knew the Mysterons
had changed their target
and had government
authorization to enter.
- Government agents, eh?
- Yes.
- Wait a minute.
How did they know about the
Mysteron change of plan?
That information was only
circulated to Spectrum personnel.
- You're right.
- It's beginning to
fall in to place.
They must be the
Mysterons the fire look out
saw in the crash.
But they're checked
out by the detector
and they weren't Mysterons.
- There's only one explanation.
That accident was faked.
The city's evacuated.
They're going to rob the
Second National Bank.
I'm going in, put Colonel
White in the picture.
(dramatic instrumental music)
- We can forget the alarms.
No one's gonna hear them.
Just fix the explosive.
- Right.
- It's uncanny, the
silence I mean.
No traffic, no people,
an empty city.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
(soft footsteps)
- What was that?
- What's what?
- I thought I heard something.
Someone, outside.
- There can't be.
The city's empty.
Let's get the safe door open.
(soft footsteps)
- Listen, there it is again.
- Look, I heard nothing.
The quicker we blow that door
the quicker we can
get outta here.
Let's move.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
(engine rumbling)
- How far to the bank?
- About two miles.
- Let's hope we're in time.
(tires screeching)
(explosion booms)
(door whirring)
- Perfect.
- Let's get the money and
gold and get outta here.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- There must be millions.
- We'll load the gold first.
Don't try and carry too
much at a time.
It's heavy.
Stay where you are, Earthmen.
The greed that brought you here
will cost you dearly.
In five minutes this
bank will be destroyed,
and you with it.
- Let us out!
- You can't leave us Here.
(dramatic instrumental music)
(engine rumbling)
(tires screeching)
- Look, there's a car
coming towards us.
That's it.
Gray Saloon,
registration 101-X238.
- But there was only
one man in it.
- Yes, and unless I'm
very much mistaken
that man was Captain Black.
(tires screeching)
We're closing on him.
Warn the road block.
We've got him trapped.
- Captain Magenta, the gray
Saloon is approximately
one mile from the road block.
We suspect Captain
Black is driving.
Make sure he does not escape.
- Don't worry Captain Blue,
he won't get through here.
- [The Mysterons]
Captain Black, this is
the voice of the Mysterons.
There is a road block ahead
and a Spectrum
Saloon behind you.
(tires screeching)
(tires screeching)
(suspenseful instrumental music)
(tires screeching)
- Hey!
He's gone, vanished
into thin air.
- He can't have.
(suspenseful instrumental music)
- There's no way out,
absolutely none.
He's vanished like a ghost.
- The Mysterons have powers
we cannot hope to understand.
(explosion booms)
(dramatic instrumental music)
(engine humming)
- Now that the full
story has emerged
we see how the greed
of three men
resulted in their
eventual death.
The Mysterons also
recognize the corruption
and greed of man and
have destroyed
as they said they would,
the heart of New York,
the Second National Bank.
But surely these three men
were not typical of mankind
whom I believe to be
basically good.
And because of this I am
convinced of our
ultimate victory against
the Mysterons.
(upbeat instrumental music)
(dramatic music)
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? - Captain Scarlet
- Captain Scarlet ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
? In-des-tructible ?
? Captain Scarlet ?
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