Conversations with Friends 2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11


I'm happy.
It's important you know
how happy you make me.

What happened last year?
Um, I'm sorry.
Is it okay that I'm asking?
- Yeah.
- It's alright.
I was doing this job
in, uh, in California.
It was really tough.
Just long days and
The director was
a bit of an arsehole
and I was smoking a lot
and I couldn't sleep
and I got pretty rundown
and I had to drop out
of the film in the end.
And it just felt
like everyone was
- That sounds hard.
- Yeah.
Melissa and I
weren't really in touch.
She'd been away.
And then we both
go back to Dublin
and we just kept arguing and
And we had this
weird row about kids.
Um, I think she sort of
just announced it,
"I don't want babies," this
sort of grand statement thing,
felt like she just discovered.
And I was like,
"Well fuck.
"I do.
I thought that was the plan."
I said things I regret.
And then
I just couldn't get up.
I'd sleep all the time.
Wouldn't eat.
I think she thought
that I was punishing her
and, you know, it was about her,
I was doing it to her, you know.
But, um,
it was pretty clear soon
that I was, uh,
sick, I guess.
And she really tried,
you know,
getting me to the doctor
and a counselor or whatever.
But I just
like, I wouldn't go.
I was admitted to, um, hospital
for, um,
six weeks, I think.
And then she messaged
she started seeing someone.
A friend of ours.
And she told me about it
and she said
she wanted a divorce.
And think I just didn't
really do anything actually.
I didn't react, um,
and she was crying
and I was just
trying to thank her
for helping me
and-and she just lost it.
Broke down.
She'd been really,
really scared.
I hadn't noticed that
and thought about that.
She was so guilty
about everything.
And we talked for ages
and said sorry, both of us,
I mean, properly and
agreed to keep living together
in separate rooms
just until we could
figure something out, you know.
I started working again,
exercising, reading,
walking the dog.
She stopped seeing Chris,
who was the guy and
Yeah. Life sort of got to be
yeah, okay,
I guess.
I was functioning,
but I felt pathetic.
Just a waste of everyone's time.
And that's where I was at
when I met you.
It was really hard to believe
that you actually had
any interest in me, Frances.
I didn't know
you were feeling like that.
I like trying to be this cool
person you thought I was.
Don't get carried away now.
No one said the word "cool."
I know you felt that
I wasn't expressive enough.
I just found it so hard.
- It sounds like I'm making excuses.
- No.
I'm not expressive either.
I feel like I was
really cold sometimes, and
I could never seem
to actually express what I felt
and I
For the record,
you make you really happy too.

Do you still want children?
that's off the table.
You don't know.
You're still young.
I think you'd be a great dad.
You have a kind nature.
And you're very loving.
We have to talk about something
else or I'm just gonna cry.

Where are you meeting your mum?
I'll walk you.
You wanna meet my mum?
Is that alright?

- Hi.
- Frances.
Um, this is my friend Nick.
Nick, this is my mother, Paula.
It's lovely to meet you.
Famous Nick. Yeah.
Frances showed me your picture
but you're more
handsome in person.
Oh, my God. Mom.
- And younger.
- That's very kind.
Will you, um,
will you join us for dinner?
Thank you. I have to go.
But maybe another time.
Good luck tomorrow.
- Will you call me after?
- Yeah.
- I'll see you then. Enjoy.
- Bye.
Thank you.
- Do you wanna sit? Yeah?
- Mm-hmm.
- Hey.
- Hey. How's Paula?
Yeah, she's good.
She was asking after you.
She's staying at Vicky's?
You okay?
Yep. I'm just tired.
You sure?
You want some tea?
- Wine?
- No, I'm okay.
You should go to bed.
It was funny seeing you
like that yesterday.
You looked like a real grown-up.
You look very elegant together.
Like film stars.
Um, that's Nick.
He's glamorous.
are the two of you
together then?
I don't really have a
straightforward answer to that, Mum.
You're a wild woman.
I learned from the best.
I'm no match for you, Frances.
- Frances Flynn?
- Yeah.
No fibroids, no cysts.
Nothing life-threatening.
Your ultrasound is clear.
So that's the good news.
Have you heard
of endometriosis, Frances?
It's a condition where cells
from inside the uterus
grow elsewhere in the body.
These cells are benign,
as in they're noncancerous,
but endometriosis
is complicated.
It's difficult to diagnose
and there's no cure as such.
It's not uncommon.
One in ten women suffer from it.
There are
surgical interventions,
but they're
only really necessary
in particularly severe cases.
So our focus right now
is pain management
and preventing it
from becoming debilitating.
There's one other thing.
Unfortunately, this can lead
to fertility issues
for some women.
But there's much more
we can do about that.
Now, this really doesn't mean
what it used to.

Can I ask if
you're trying to conceive
or planning to
in the near future?
Uh, I mean, that's not
something I'm currently, um

She said, "All clear."
- So does clear mean
- What, like
It's just like bad
period pain, I guess.
Seemed like it was more than
bad period pain, Frances.
- Well, apparently not.
- But you were practically fainting.
I'm just telling you
what she told me.
Well, did-did she mention
any treatments or
Uh, yes. She said
switching my pill might help.
Did the doctor
say something else?
That was it.
Hey. You okay?
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
I've been calling you.
Sorry. I ran out of battery.
How did it go?
Frances? -Yeah, it was fine.
Uh, just bad periods.
Really? And that's all?
- Yeah.
- Oh.
Well, that's good, right?
I mean, not good
that you're in pain,
but it's good it's not,
you know,
anything more complicated or
I'm not helping. -You are, it's fine.
Um, I feel stupid
for making such a fuss.
You didn't make a fuss.
Well, I know my mother
enjoyed meeting you.
I enjoyed meeting her.
She seems great.
Yeah, she's a cool lady.
I heard you do that thing
where you breathe in 'cause
you're about to say something.
I mean
It's fine, um
Actually, it can wait.
No. What? What is it?
My timing is, uh
Okay, what
You have to say it, Nick.
Melissa and I kissed. Uh
Actually, we slept together.
I feel weird telling you
about it on the phone.
Are you there?
Yeah. I'm here. I heard.
I didn't mean
to tell you like this.
It's alright.
Uh, I better get back to
Talk soon.
Nick and Melissa are sleeping
with each other again.
- Okay.
- Is that a problem for you?
Well, I think it's reasonable
to need to process
that information.
We kissed.
That's different.
I have to go.

reaching for his own legacy
his own quest to put his name
to ancient mythologies.
Joyce in turn
was not behind the door
in admitting that
his writing contained
"the intentionality
of literary allusions"
and clues to puzzles
that he predicted
would have academics talking
about his work
for the next century.
And here we are.
What you might have
assumed to be arrogance
is now, with hindsight,
a prophecy.

Are you okay?
Um, thanks.

Well, it's good to see you.
- Hmm.
- Hmm.
- Hey.
- Hello, there.
Happy birthday.
Thank you.
Are you having a nice time?
Yeah, I am, actually.
Do you wanna come in and
Uh, if you need
to go mingle, then
You okay?
Yeah, I'm fine.
I mean,
I am having some difficulty
processing the whole
fucking your wife thing.
- Okay.
- And possibly it's just the timing,
because, like,
I saw you the day before.
You felt you had to
tell me all about it, so
Did you call me with
your dick still inside of her
or was there a gap?
Can we talk about
this properly, please?
Not here.
- We're leaving.
- Happy birthday.
You don't have to stay,
but you on the other hand
- Happy birthday, man.
- Thanks.
- Frances, this is my sister, Laura.
- Hi, Frances.
- Hi.
- And Jim.
Hi. We met at Melissa's.
Yeah. Hello.
And this is my niece.
Maybe my favorite human.
- Oh.
- Hey, Rachel.
We're invisible to Nick now.
She's really cute.
Isn't she?
Would you like a hold?
Okay. Sure.
Uh, is that okay?
Aw. You're a natural.
She looks so comfy.
This is a great baby.
She is.
Ten out of ten.
Hi, Frances.
I'll take her.
She's lovely.
Yeah, she's a charmer.
We need to get going.
She'll be less charming if
I don't put her into a cot soon.
- Lies.
- Have fun.
It was lovely
to meet you, Frances.
Good to see you.
Cute kid.
How you doing?
Yeah, fine, thanks.
Um, I'm gonna go.
- This was stupid.
- Can't you stay?
I'll call you tomorrow.

Do you want coffee?
Did you have a good night?
Melissa showed me your story.
What? How?
Were you going to tell me?
I'm sorry.
I heard you're getting
good money for it.
- Yeah.
- Fuck you.
I actually need the money.
I realize that's like
an alien concept to you.
So fuck morals and friendship
and honesty then.
That's not what I meant.
"She belongs everywhere.
"She never seems
to be serious nor joking.
"She can be unrestrained,
"She breaks things and treats
people, men, with contempt.
And whatever she wants,
she can have."
It's fiction.
So why couldn't you
show it to me then?
What is wrong with you?
I'm sorry.
I don't think you think
anyone else is real, Frances.
Standing in front of
all those people at that party,
all fucking wounded, kissing me,
and then writing this shit instead
of communicating anything.
Even now, you can't.
Your self-obsession
is exhausting
and it's hurtful
and it's fucking boring.
"Sometimes when
I'm doing something dull,
- "like walking home from college
- Okay.
"or hanging up laundry,
"I like to imagine
that I am her.
"Her wrists are slender
and she has long, elegant hands.
"She has better posture
than I do
"and a memorably beautiful face.
"I find myself believing
that if I looked like her,
then nothing bad
would ever happen to me."
That's so fucking dehumanizing.
I mean, fuck, Frances.
Is that really how you see me?
Like, my only role is to move
effortlessly through the world
in contrast to poor fucking you?
I don't think I can be
your friend anymore.
I don't want you in my life.

Could we talk about it?
There's nothing to talk about.

Do you want me to leave her?

I don't really know, um
how to do this anymore.
I don't think
I'm managing it very well.
I hate making you so unhappy.
Maybe we shouldn't
see each other anymore.
Is that what you want?
I love you.
I know.

I think I'm a killer ♪

I scared you in your house ♪
I even scared myself
by talking ♪
About Dahmer on your couch ♪
But I can't sleep
next to a body ♪
Even harmless in death ♪
Plus, I'm pretty sure
I'd miss you ♪
And faking sleep
to count your breath ♪
Can the killer in me ♪
Tame the fire in you? ♪
Is there nothing
left to do for us? ♪

I am sick of the ♪
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