Cracked s01e11 Episode Script

Night Terrors

Previously on Cracked You'll keep me in the loop about Aidan's behaviour.
You've been spending a lot of late nights here.
When do you sleep? You shot a sick man aboard a school bus last year, and the little boy was I know.
The coroner had no choice but to call an inquest.
What is your opinion of Detective Black's mental state? I believe Detective Black suffers from a combination of conditions, including PTSD, anxiety issues and antisocial tendencies.
You son of a bitch! What kinds of things would Dr.
Ridley tell you about Detective Black? She would keep me apprised of Aidan's state of mind.
- Aidan.
- Aidan, wait! No cop goes into a situation hoping for death as an outcome.
It's the worst thing that can happen, because you have to live with it for the rest of your life.
I got out of bed today Swear to God, couldn't see my face I got out of bed today Staring at a ghost Oh have you seen my ghost Seen my ghost, seen my ghost Oh have you seen my ghost Staring at the ground Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah It's the first commandment - you have your partner's back.
You don't betray his secrets, and you certainly don't rat him out.
Your life depends on that absolute bond of trust.
And you broke it.
Go on.
I was new, the Unit was new.
Inspector Caligra needed to keep tabs on Aidan's mental state.
He's unstable - she was trying to protect the Unit.
And you? He was he is unpredictable.
But very smart.
And very alone.
And now I've betrayed him, so I guess now he's even more alone.
You said you were trying to protect him.
But that's not the whole story here, is it? I knew it was wrong.
I was afraid.
What were you afraid of? Losing the Unit.
Letting everybody down.
And? Maybe I was trying to push him away.
Maybe I was afraid of that closeness.
So now I'm a coward as well as a traitor.
I don't know about coward.
You're facing a difficult truth.
There's nothing cowardly in that.
OK, so tell me How do I do it? How do I walk through that door and face him? They're all down in Sex Crimes.
You should join them.
Sex Crimes? The Riverdale Rapist struck again last night.
It's all hands on deck until we find him.
You think there's aberrant behaviour involved? More than usual, I mean.
I do, and we need to explore every angle.
How are you doing? Is everything all right? - Not really.
- Aidan can get past this, Daniella.
In the meantime, we've got work to do.
My sister lives in Riverdale.
Now she's scared to come out at night.
I'm Roz Cabrera.
This is Sam Parkes.
We've been after this guy a while, so we appreciate th extra brainpower.
Last night's sexual assault was the 4th in the last 3 months.
Two in the last 10 days.
He's accelerating.
Each assault occurred while the women were asleep in their beds.
- All the victims live alone? - M.
's always the same: Forced entry into the home, vaginal penetration.
He wears gloves and a balaclava.
No DNA, no fingerprints.
He wears a condom? A lot of rapists do these days.
I mean, they watch forensics shows just like the rest of us.
But not this one.
There are no traces of lubricant or spermicide in the rape kit.
He doesn't ejaculate? Some don't.
If these guys were wired right, they wouldn't be sexual predators.
Speaking of faulty wiring, what's with the teddy bear picnic? Caligra mentioned deviance.
I guess this is what she meant.
These little animals were left behind at all 4 scenes? - Mm-hmm.
Different animals, but yeah.
You got any sex offenders in the ViCLAS database that bring their toys to work? - None that we could find.
- Could be a twisted play for publicity.
Then he failed.
We withheld the toys from the press.
- What about this gap? - There's been a gap at every scene.
- Think he takes one home as a trophy? - The toys are already his.
A trophy would belong to his victim.
If you'll excuse me What's that fetish where people dress up like bunnies and have sex with each other? Those people are called furries.
Then there's plushophiles.
For them, stuffed animals are fetish objects.
This could be any number of things.
Developmental issues, where he thinks the bears are his friends At least they wouldn't stab him in the back.
Aidan, they've asked us to build a profile.
Can we just stick to that? Fine.
Our guy is smart enough to commit Maybe he's not devious, maybe he's just lucky.
Or he's an organized and vicious criminal who calculates his every move.
He's a loner! - He's a predator! And he's got you thinking just what he wants you to! Aidan, Caligra was worried about you.
OK? She asked me to keep an eye on you.
I did it for the Unit in the beginning, and then I did it for you.
For me? So the knife in my back was giftwrapped? If you had something to say about how I do my job, you should've said it to me.
So, I'm sorry.
Aidan, I'm really sorry.
I can't do this anymore.
Just the person I'm looking for.
I want a divorce.
Aidan Look, I can't focus on catching this rapist if every time I look at her my gut churns.
A divorce will impact the whole Unit.
So will cop-on-cop shouting in the middle of a crime scene.
You know I value you, Aidan, and I'm willing to cut you a lot of slack, but my goodwill is not bottomless.
With all due respect, you broke it, you have to fix it.
All right.
People are scared and they're angry and they want this guy caught.
I want all my detectives on top of their game, not dealing with domestic strife in the Unit.
Amen to that.
Until further notice, Aidan, you're partnered with Leo.
Poppy, you're with Daniella.
What? Don't punish us for their beef! You think it's punishment to be partnered up with me? I don't need the words I say in private ending up in some report.
Inspector, look.
Poppy and I, we work well together.
Why mess with a good thing? I will consider switching you back when things calm down.
Get back to work.
Maybe I'll grow on ya.
He he was strong.
I mean, I work out, but I just He was so You're a nurse at West General? I work in the ER I'm the one who usually administers the rape kits.
I need you to take me back to last night.
It would be really helpful if you could visualize your attack.
He wore a ski mask, but I could tell that he was white.
What else? He had dark jeans and a um a sweater.
Dark brown, I think.
And he wore gloves.
What kind of gloves? - I don't know.
- It's OK.
We'll get to the details later.
Let's go back to last night.
He spoke to me.
It was more like croaking, he was trying to disguise his voice.
What did he say? He said he'd been watching me, that I was his perfect little doll.
When he was done, he put his mouth near my ear and, um he said 'Don't peek.
' Then then he took my hands and he pressed them over my eyes.
Did you peek anyway? I saw him take one of the stuffed animals.
Look, I know you'd rather be working with Leo, but please don't do that in an interview again.
We solve crimes with details.
The gloves might've been important.
And if you trusted me to do my job, you would have heard me ask about them.
This is huge.
The Riverdale Rapist has never spoken before.
- Maybe he's growing more confident.
- He called her a doll.
You think that connects to the toys he brings? Well, he does seem to like dark-haired, petite women.
Oh great, I'm his type.
Uh-huh, you're right up there in his snack bracket.
Maybe he uses the plush animals to recreate his childhood bedroom.
If the toys don't watch, he can't get it up? No, he told Kate he'd been watching her, so we know he stakes out his victims They've always been home alone.
So he's the watcher and the watched? If he likes watching so much, wouldn't he just film the rapes so he could relive them? Some people can only finish in private.
- The toys he takes with him.
- They're nanny-cams.
Interrogating the witnesses? We think the rapist is filming the attacks using a nanny-cam inside the stuffed animals.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Any luck tracing the new ones? No.
They all look alike.
Imported from China, sold to dollar stores, then distributed around the country.
Nothing distinctive about them.
Parkes and I have been checking out Kate Fincher's patients and co-workers at the hospital, looking for connections to the other victims.
You guys find anything? Not so far.
Where is she with the profiling? Well, the human sexuality, it's complicated.
It's not one size fits all.
Tell me about it.
He told Kate Fincher that he'd been watching her.
Been watching - as in, for a while.
OK, so we know that he stakes out his victims to make sure that they're alone He chooses them, studies them.
Falls for them? Maybe he works on their street.
Sex Crimes has been all over the gas, cable, and phone company guys in the area.
Maybe he's more transient? She says he's a loner.
OK, wait.
That's twice you've called Daniella a 'she.
' Do you have a problem saying her name? Look, I'm just saying.
Number 15.
I'm sorry, I need to be seen right now.
You'll just have to take a number.
I have a number.
I need to be seen right away.
- Are you all right, ma'am? - I don't think so.
OK, well, if you'll just take a seat, we're gonna be right with you.
Ma'am, can you please just take a seat? I've been raped.
I'm sorry? I've been raped.
Sydney Reid.
Walked into St.
Stephen's and claimed she was raped two nights ago.
- And she didn't report it until now? - Apparently she had work to do.
Or she was in shock.
No sign of violence, no bruising or tearing traces of semen? That doesn't sound like our guy.
I know it was the Riverdale Rapist.
Did you read about him in the paper? Yeah, there's been about three, right? Or four.
I know that women get raped every day, but not by a man in a ski mask, and not when they climb into your own bed.
Is there anyone in your life, a co-worker maybe, or a neighbour, who just gave you a bad feeling? Most sexual assaults are committed by someone - the victim knows.
- No.
Please don't call me that.
Sydney, I need you to take me back to the night before last.
Can you tell me what happened? I was at home, I was working on a presentation.
I'm head of marketing for a solar energy start-up.
And I was all keyed up, so I took a pill and fell asleep around midnight.
I don't think I'm gonna be able to do this.
Sydney, it's really important.
When I woke up, he was on top of me.
And I think my pill really kicked in, because he had pulled down my blanket and he had hiked up my t-shirt, and I had slept through all of that.
Can you visualize him for me? No, it was dark.
He was wearing a mask.
I just remember trying to stay really, really, really still.
He left my kitchen a mess.
I don't know what he was doing in there.
I didn't stop to check it out.
I just I packed my suitcase and I went to a hotel, because I had my presentation and I just wanted to keep on track with that.
You haven't been home since? No.
That's good, that means the crime scene hasn't been touched.
- This guy ejaculated - our guy doesn't.
- First time for everything.
- No teddy bears.
- Maybe he's growing up.
Or changing his M.
Hey, guys.
We got DNA.
I heard.
And so many prints.
No sign of forcible entry.
The victim says she locked up, so either she's wrong or he came in with a key.
What do you guys make of this? Same prints as on the doorknob and banister.
- He made tea? - Mint tea.
So he comes into a strange woman's house, makes tea, then goes upstairs and rapes her? And makes a bizarre mess while he's at it.
Check this out.
He got dishes on the stove, a milk carton in the dishwasher, and the blender's in the freezer.
This isn't our guy.
We've got two rapists.
This technique is called guided memory.
You'll engage all five of your senses to help you recreate that night.
- Maybe I want to forget.
- You'll be OK.
You're safe now.
We're here.
I want you to focus on my voice and close your eyes.
Let's start with the time just before you went to bed.
Like, when I brush my teeth? Sure, just focus on textures, tastes, smells All rightThere's peppermint toothpaste.
I could feel the cold tile on my bare feet.
Then I went to bed and pulled the duvet covers up really tight.
I had a dream.
Tell me about the dream.
I was in the bottom of a boat.
There was a storm, the waves were rocking me and pushing me Then I woke up.
He was on top of me.
He was breathing in my face.
I could feel that he hadn't shaved.
You felt stubble? He wasn't wearing a mask.
He had stubble.
- Did you see his face? - No, because I had my eyes closed.
- Did he say anything? - No.
But why didn't I open my eyes? Why did I keep them closed? God, I thought I was so strong I couldn't even scream, I didn't fight, I didn't do anything, I just - froze.
- You survived.
I've even had self-defence lessons.
He attacked you when you were sleeping in the night.
Nothing can prepare you for that.
Sydney read about the Riverdale case and some of the details fed into her distorted memory.
So she wasn't assaulted? She was, just by somebody else.
No forced entry, no signs of a struggle.
So what about fingerprints? They're not in the system.
She's not lying.
That was real pain she experienced while reliving the assault.
Great, then hand it over to Sex Crimes.
They're swamped over there.
Every resource they have is devoted to the Riverdale case.
I don't see a psychiatric angle here.
What about the tea and the bizarre kitchen reno? That's pretty out there.
He made a cup of tea, rearranged the cupboards, then went upstairs and raped her? OK.
Run with it until Sex Crimes is freed up.
Let's hope that's soon.
Aidan? Buddy, why don't you go home and get some sleep? 'Cause it won't happen.
Have you tried relaxation exercises, maybe a hot bath or work out till you're exhausted? What do you want, Leo? Roz and Parkes brought in a suspect.
I'm not your rapist, Roz, but I admire his work.
Out there, spreading fear and mayhem.
You were talking to underage girls.
I could have you locked up for that alone.
My lawyer would have me out in an hour.
- Your liar for hire, you mean.
- I'll tell him you said hi.
Gary Lewis, career sexual sadist.
We picked him up on a parole violation for chatting up minors in a café.
- Does the victimology line up? - Could do - he's a hebephile.
He likes teenage girls with childlike bodies.
- Yeah, like little dolls.
- What's the M.
? Breaks in at night, wears a ski mask, assaults the girls when they're home alone.
He watches them for days, stakes out their houses.
And he lives in the neighbourhood.
Stuffed animals? - No.
- Huh.
Well, maybe he's changing his pattern.
Do you miss me, Roz? Is that why you keep arranging these little visits? You still haven't told me where you were last night.
I was at Church.
Did you know they have altar girls now? I think I better have a talk with your priest.
He'll understand.
I am as God made me.
The Lupron isn't working, is it? It's not about the hormones with you, it's about the fear.
- Lupron? - It lowers testosterone levels, supposed to stifle the urges.
It's not always effective.
Sometimes the dose is too low.
I'm ordering blood tests.
I wanna check your levels.
They're well within regulation, I assure you.
Then I'm putting a tail on you.
I want you on my radar.
No toys, teenage girls, Lupron I really don't think this is our guy.
Does anyone have a key to your back door? - No.
- No boyfriends? None that I would give a key to.
Did the landlord have the locks changed when you moved in? He said he did, but he also told me the pipes were copper, and they're not.
Did the previous tenant leave a forwarding address? She did, yeah.
It's Elle Shipley.
On Symon Street.
Are the sheets still on my bed? They're locked away in an evidence room.
Forensics removed every trace of your attacker they could find.
Your home is your own again.
My home, right.
Got any friends or family who can stay with you? I don't have any family in the city, and you know, I work, I sleep I don't really have a social life.
I know how isolating that can be.
But I love what I do, it's important.
I'm good.
If you need anything at all, please, don't hesitate to call.
Thank you.
- OK.
- Take care.
Hey, partner.
They figure out how lost you are without me yet? I miss you too, Poppy.
Apart from being in Riverdale, the last victim's attack looks as random as all the others.
North and south of the tracks.
There's no methodical pattern.
If he's watching his victims, he's moving around the area.
We have a master list of independent contractors who work primarily in the Riverdale area.
We're cross-referencing them with the time and place of each rape.
And every new attack narrows down our list.
So you're canvassing her neighbours to see who had work done? Within a three-block radius.
There's a lot of overlap.
You're the former tenant of 240 Park Street? I lived there about a year and a half, before I got my condo.
Did you ever give anyone a key to the back door? - Sure, my dog walker, my cleaner, my boyfriend at the time.
- Did you get them all back? - I think so.
Maybe not from Connor.
He wasn't very organized.
Connor? Uh, my my old boyfriend.
What's he like, this Connor? Kind of adorable, in a kind of slacker way.
Did he ever contact you after you broke up? Drop by your place? No.
God, no.
Was he ever violent or aggressive? He smoked dope all the time.
It took all of his initiative to cross the room.
Connor Mackenzie? - Yeah? - I'm Detective Wisnefski.
This is Dr.
We'd like to ask you a few questions.
What's this about? - Do you know an Elle Shipley? - Sure, we used to go out.
Why, is she okay? She's fine.
Can you tell us where you were on Wednesday night? I was here.
We don't get out much since we had the baby.
There was an assault at the house where Elle used to live.
Landlord admitted he never changed the locks, and since you had a key, we'd like you to come down to the station and make a statement.
- Uh Sure, I guess so.
- Connor's a really good guy.
He stuck with me and the baby.
Most guys would have bailed.
Can you think back to Wednesday night? Do you know where Connor was? With me.
Sleeping right next to me.
Do you sleep soundly? It must be difficult because of the baby.
Well, he sometimes sleeps through the night now.
What about sleeping pills? Have you ever taken one to help you? No, I'm nursing.
What about marijuana? I know Connor smokes do you? Seriously? You dragged both of us in here for a little pot? So, you and Elle Shipley broke up a year and a half ago.
About that, yeah.
But you still have a key to her house? I think I still have it on my key ring.
I should probably give that back.
Did you ever go over to her house after you two broke up? No, she was pretty pissed at me when we ended it.
- What happened? - You can probably do the math.
I got Janie pregnant.
- Right, so she was really pissed.
- Yeah.
Actually, no.
I mean, she would have ended it anyway.
She kicked me out.
Jane, could Connor have gotten up out of bed and left the house that night without you waking up? - No.
I don't think so - But you're not sure.
I mean, he must get up out of bed all the time because of the baby.
Do you always wake up? Not always.
I'm used to him being a restless sleeper.
He tosses and turns? Worse - he gets out of bed and he sleepwalks.
- I bet you go over there sometimes.
- What? - Let yourself in with your key.
- No! - Just to show her that you can.
- No.
Smoke a joint, pour yourself a drink.
- I don't drink, so I - Right, you drink tea.
Yeah How did you know that? Go upstairs, watch her sleeping, make out with her, prove you're not the loser she thinks you are.
Would you stop? Only there's another woman there, so you watch her.
- What are you saying? - She's a lot like your ex, isn't she? You force yourself on her, to show her who's boss! My God! What? Jane, does Connor drink tea? Look, you're asking me all these random questions! Does Connor make tea before he goes to bed? We both do! It's soothing.
Does he make tea when he sleepwalks? This is the print Forensics lifted from Connor Mackenzie's water glass, and this is from Sydney's house.
Have they made a match? Just waiting on the paperwork.
- Good work.
Take him down to holding and book him.
I just got off the phone with Elle Shipley.
She says that Connor Mackenzie sleepwalked when she dated him too.
He would get up, do the dishes, and then put everything back in the wrong order.
What are you saying? Sydney said she felt that the rapist didn't know she was there.
And what kind of a rapist makes tea and rearranges the whole kitchen? You're saying he was sleepwalking? - I'm saying it's possible.
- Are you kidding me? Sexsomnia? Come on, he drove five blocks.
Sleep-driving's rare, I know, but it can happen.
Sometimes they even drive to familiar places.
Sleepdriving? Yes.
I think Connor Mackenzie got up, grabbed his keys, drove to his old girlfriend's house and had sex with Sydney.
And I think he slept through the entire thing.
Look, drugs and alcohol play too big of a role in sexsomnia cases.
It's like drunk defense, by another name.
- It's right up there with 'she asked for it.
' - There's science to back it up.
Sleep studies show arousal during delta-wave deep sleep.
A few juries have also acquitted.
And a lot more have convicted.
But the Supreme Court did uphold a sleepwalking defense in the Kenneth Parks trial.
Come on, you talking about the guy drove Connor Mackenzie wasn't acting weird because he was sleepwalking.
He was probably freaked out by the fact that he'd just raped somebody.
Ugh OK, where are we with the Riverdale Rape cases? Reinterviewing neighbours and colleagues, looking at local tradesmen.
Basically searching for anything that connects us to the latest victim.
Tell him to wait there.
Connor Mackenzie's lawyer.
So we've narrowed it down to within a 3-block radius of the victims on the days they were attacked.
So we have two landscapers, a plumber, and an electrician.
Two carpentry outfits, a painter Two roofers, an eavestrough installer, and a window-cleaning company.
This guy likes to watch his victims, so I'm thinking he doesn't work inside.
OK, let's take down the plumber and the electrician.
If he's like the stuffed animals, he likes to look down.
So unless he's a tree pruner, that eliminates the landscapers.
Hold on.
We can't eliminate this guy - he specializes in roof decks.
So, 7 companies.
One of which may have a serial rapist on the payroll.
We're supposed to be helping the victim, not the man who assaulted her.
I'm just trying to make sense of what happened to her.
Oh, so the rapist did nothing wrong? It was what, a tragic accident? In this case, maybe it was.
Did you tell Connor's wife about your sleepwalking theory? Of course not.
Although I asked about his sleepwalking when she brought it up.
That planted the seed.
His lawyer's going for a sexsomnia defence.
He's transferring Connor to St.
Stephen's for a sleep study.
- Way to go, partner.
- It could be a valid defence.
That's for the courts to decide.
Oh, and your friend Dr.
McCray is supervising the test for the defence.
- Daniella? - The hospital said I could find you here.
You're a little underdressed to be my plus-one.
Why are you supervising Connor Mackenzie's sleep study? I'm just trying to help out.
Would you please stop interfering in my cases! I'm trying to support you.
I need you to hand over the sleep study.
Or what? You'll slap my face? That was wrong, and so was trying to destroy my partner.
- Your partner is unstable.
- I don't need you to protect me, Sean.
I want you out of my life.
Well, your wish is granted.
I'm leaving the hospital.
- You're what? - I took a faculty position at the Colorado Medical School.
- When are you leaving? - Two weeks.
My wife is ecstatic.
We both love to ski.
Well, despite everything, Sean, I wish you well.
I really do.
If you'll excuse me.
Aidan! You can't live in the Soft Room, Aidan.
We need it for witnesses.
I like it here.
It's designed to comfort people.
I feel comforted.
Is there something wrong with your apartment? It's fine, I just can't sleep there.
You know, if you were so worried about me, why didn't you just ask me how I was? You would've lied.
Probably, but you could have asked anyway.
I was the one who asked Daniella to keep an eye on you, because I was afraid Psych Crimes could be your last stop.
You're too unpredictable for Tactical, you've pissed off most of Homicide Don't forget Gangs and Guns, they think I cheat at poker.
Look, I know that you'll never admit you have a problem, but you do.
You're a hard man to help.
You wouldn't go to a shrink, so I found one to come to you.
I'm fine.
You should've saved yourself the trouble.
I happen to think you're worth it.
You're that good at what you do.
Then just let me do it.
You know the irony in all this is you do it so well with her.
Get out of my house! - What's going on? - Christmas in Sex Crimes.
The Riverdale Rapist met the business end of a baseball bat.
And the best thing is, he left his teddy-cam.
We were right.
He was filming the rapes.
- Is the girl okay? - She chased him off singlehandedly, not a scratch on her.
Turns out she is a nationally ranked triathlete.
Guess he picked the wrong little doll to play with.
Right there, that's my screensaver.
Boom! That had to hurt.
And leave one helluva bruise.
I wonder if any of our contractors are working nearby.
Hear that? Yeah.
This guy likes being up high, looking down on his prey.
Watching them come and go, to see which ones live alone.
Excuse me.
I'm Detective Aidan Black, Metro Police.
There was an assault in the house just up the street last night.
Just wondering if you saw anything out of the ordinary? Not me.
You, Mike? No, I didn't see nothin'.
Hey, Al! See anything weird yesterday? Somebody got attacked.
No, nothing.
What happened to his face? Says it happened this morning, at the lumberyard.
- Where'd you get that shiner, Al? - Some shingles fell on me.
Would you mind coming down for a sec? I just wanna ask you a few questions.
- Stop! Police! - Unh! Get up! Get up! Get down there! Don't move, asshole! Hands behind your back! And I will long look To the churning sea This call to arms Means wrap them Around the first person you see Dandelions in bullet holes We stand in our civilian clothes On blankets laid out on a lawn Clouds of rain will all move on And when the mist clears we will see Both of our names on a marquee Across the ocean the same day And then washed ashore A block away I met a woman this week.
She's smart, driven, and incredibly alone.
And I kept thinking, I'm just like her.
I don't want to be alone anymore.
OK, so what do you want? Connection.
To hold and be held.
A child.
Your son.
I never should have given him up.
But I was the 'good girl'.
I did what I was told.
That's what I do.
I ignore my instincts, and then I do things that I regret.
Go on.
I spent 2 years with a man I don't even know.
- Dr.
McCray? - He's interfered in my cases, my life.
He's married.
And everything inside of me was screaming, "This is not a good man", but I didn't listen.
What's your gut telling you now? That I shouldn't have listened to Caligra.
That I should have believed in Aidan.
And that I screwed up.
That I really screwed up.

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