Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e11 Episode Script

Dog Decider

Who's gonna help
when the danger overwhelms ♪
And the mysteries
are piled high? ♪
Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Pencils, check. Textbook, check.
Binder, check.
What am I forgetting?
What do you want for lunch
today, Craig?
Peanut butter and jelly
or turkey?
Oh, yeah. Well, PB&J hits my
need for both salty and sweet,
but turkey's hearty --
a classic.
Still, PB&J is so cool.
It even has its own nickname.
Okay, I want --It's turkey.
Sorry, Craig.
You took too long.
Mwah! Mwah!
Don't be late
for the bus!
What'd you get,
I got pesto
and roasted chicken.
I'm all about
that umami.
Look what I found in that
construction site on Mills Road.
A shovel!
Um, JP?
Don't you think they need that?
[ Sighs ] Craig.
Buildings build up.
Shovels dig down.
Which is what we gotta do
with this! Dig!
I really think the practical
thing to do today is train
in case a hoard of orcs decide
to lay waste to the creek!
Ugh, Kelsey!
We should spend the afternoon
discovering the mysteries
of what's below the creek.
It's -- it's more mud.
Yeah, but what's
underthe mud?
I'm gonna say
dinosaur eyeballs.
you're the tiebreaker.
Dino balls!
Um, digging,
we can find something cool.
But how are we going to
protect our cool stuff
if we don't train?
I can't decide!
I can't decide anything!
I thinkI could
be of assistance.
My name is Brigid,
and I was like you once.
The weight of the world
was paralyzing.
With so many choices,
how do you know
you're making the right one
in your heart?
But then someone came along
and changed my life
and the lives
of many others.
Fred can give you guidance.
If that is what you seek.
That's exactly
what I need!
Or maybe I don't.
I don't know.
Just take me to Fred.
Welcome to
the House of Fred.
Simply offer up
two choices,
and Fred will make the decision
for you.
[ Children whimpering ]
I come to you on this day
to ask, should I cut my hair?
Should I?
Should I, boy?
[ Gasps ]Ooh. Yes.
Guess who's getting a bob?
Just bring two items
before Fred,
and he will provide you
Hey, boy. What --
what should I do, huh?
Should I duel,
or should I dig?
Which one, boy?
Which one?
Oh, my God.
I guess we're digging.
Oh! Yes!
No! Hmph.
Those dinosaur eyeballs
are gonna get peeped!
Think about it.
We get to move to the city!
Don't you want to get out of
this cookie-cutter town?
I don't know, Stacie.
I like this town.
We've got this house
and our very private backyard.
What? Hey!
How many times do I
have to tell you kids
to stop worshiping
our dog?
Kelsey: [ Grunting ]
I'm sorry, Kelsey.
That's not digging.
You heard
what the dog lord said.
We are excavating today.
[ Groans ]
I can't believe
the dog chose digging.
That's like one of three things
that dogs do,
besides chewing stuff
and seeing ghosts.
[ Clank ]Huh? Guys!
I found something!
It's an old Junior Meal toy.
Oh, is that a Fluffle from the
Fluffle movie reboot last year?
This is from the original.
[ Both gasp ]
We just found
an ancient relic!
This was one of the coolest
decisions of my life,
and I didn't even
have to make it!
We're gonna be swimming
in eyeballs!
Guys, I've decided that I never
want to make another decision
for the rest of my life.
I want to be a Freddite!
[ Barking ]
All right.
I play duck.
Hmm. Duck.
Don't think I can't see
what you're up to, JP.
Your move, Craig.
Uh, be right back.
[ Grunting ]
[ Panting ]
Hey! Sorry.
I'm back.
I play duck.
Geez. Finally. Duck.
[ Clears throat ]
I'm sick of your mind games,
John Paul!
it's your turn again.
Uhgimme a sec!
Craig! No!
[ Scoffs ]
[ Grunting ]
[ Panting ]
All right. I'm back.
Now I play duck.
Your move, Kelsey.
We already win.
JP played a goose.
Oh, um
Craig, come on.
You only have one card left.
All right, all right, all right.
I play the, uh
[ Crack! ]This is ridiculous!
Huh! Duck!
You're going to that dog
for everything!
And with all this running
back and forth,
we don't get to do anything!
Life is unpredictable, Craig.
Anything can happen.
[ Sighs ]
Have I ever told you guys
about Burning Justice?
You mean what Mortimer and I
deal out on the reg? Pound it.
One weekend, I was staying
with my grandparents,
and it was my turn to choose
what movie we should rent.
It was between "Rhino Racers:
The Movie" or "Burning Justice."
I thought
"Burning Justice"
sounded like
a sweet action movie.
But I was wrong.
[ Snoring ]Lawyer: Your honor,
my client burned his tongue
on this tamale,
and I will not rest
until I have justice --
burning justice.
You have ruined this weekend
and tamales.
That decision was the biggest
mistake of my life!
Look, decisions are scary,
but it can be liberating
to just let go.
You think explorers aren't
afraid of unknown dangers?
Sure, they are,
but they venture forth
into the unknown anyways!
Because knowing the unknown
is what life is all about!
You just gotta
follow your guts!
Someone's got mail!
Looks like a letter
from Aunt Tina.
a belated birthday card.
[ Gasps ] $20!
Thank you, Aunt Tina.
You are once again my favorite.
Ooh, generous!
What are you gonna get?
You got a lot of options
with that much.
Come on, Craig.
You can do this.
Which one do you want?
[ Sighs ]
Brigid: Is something wrong,
my pup?
No. I mean, I knew he'd choose
one of these.
As humans,
we walk dogs.
But as Freddites, we find
comfort when Fred walks us.
[ Horn blows ]
The deciding is done
for today.
We must let Fred rest.
Craig, trust in Fred.
Get the binoculars.
Trust in Fred.
[ Gasps ] The new Rhino Racer
action figures!
[ Gasps ]
They never have her!
Yeah, hoo, hoo!
Nobody in the grasslands
is faster than me!
this is kinda bittersweet,
considering that she dies
in the movie.
[ Sighs ]
I'm so glad I found you,
and I have you to thank, gut!
He's gone!
Fred's gone!
You were the last person
to sit with him, Craig!
Do you know what happened?No.
After the dinner horn,
I went straight to the mall.
To get binoculars?[ Gasps ]
Well, uh
You were supposed to
buy binoculars!
You defied our leader!
Fred forsook us all
for your disobedience!
You are not a good boy.
I'm sorry!
I just wanted to --
Hand over the doll!
Nobody touches the rhino!
This is not your fight,
You gotta get outta here
and go find Fred!
You're the coolest, Kelsey!
[ Shing! ]
Fred! [ Pants ]
Fred, a-are you there, boy?!
Fred! Oh!
Fred, you here, boy?
[ Sobbing ]
Are -- are you okay?
Don't look at me! I'm sad
and very vulnerable right now!
Mister, are you crying because
something happened to Fred?
What? No!
I'm crying because my girlfriend
just walked out on me.
She kept asking me to move out
to the city with her,
but I took too long trying
to decide whether to go.
She just left in the van
with the dog and everything.
Fred was in that moving van?
Maybe I should call her to see
if she'd come back, but I dunno.
Is that too desperate?
This is exactly why she left me!
I can't make any decisions!
I-I know exactly
how you feel.
I recently had to decide
which toy to buy
with some birthday money.
You just gotta
go with your gut!
You're right!
I'm gonna get her back!
[ Screaming ][ Clank! ]
Stacie: Hello?Just do it, man!
will you marry me?!
[ Tires screech ]
[ Truck door opens, closes ]
Stacie, you stopped!
So, is this a yes?
Give me your phone. I'm deleting
me off your contacts.
[ Gasps ] Fred!
Why are you leaving us, boy?
If you're not here,
who will we heel to?
Who will
make our decisions?
I think what Fred
is trying to say
is that we all should
make our own decisions.
No. Fred is saying that I'm
the new leader of the Freddites!
All shall hail to me!
[ Laughs manically ]
New world order!
New world order![ Fred whines ]
You know, guys,
I think I'm gonna stop
hanging out
with the Freddites.
Excellent decision, dude.
[ Laughter ]
No, but seriously,
I feel really unsafe here.
We need to bounce.Yeah, for sure.
When it's time to go to bed
Know you don't
have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
At the creek
Just like I drew it.
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