Crusade (1999) s01e11 Episode Script

The needs of earth

You sent for me, Captain? Yes, we're almost at the rendezvous point.
I figured you'd want to be at the meeting.
Thank you.
I There's something you don't see every day.
Where'd you get this? Mr.
Eilerson said that he didn't have time to print up his latest report so he gave it to me on datacrystal.
After I finished watching it, I forgot to turn it off and found this at the end.
There's Snow White and the Seven Narns Who's Your Little Pak'Ma 'Ra? Others.
He must have recorded over an old datacrystal without erasing it first.
You're going to pull this out the next time he gets snotty with us, aren't you? No.
That would be far too easy.
Leave it to me, Dr.
Given someone as repressed as our Mr.
Eilerson I could play this one out for days.
As a doctor, I have to say that's totally unrealistic.
An alien life form like the Pak'Ma'Ra is not biologically equipped to interface with humans in that kind of It's an amazing thing, technology.
Captain Gideon.
I am Anla'shok Trulann.
An honor.
This is my medical officer, Dr.
- Doctor.
- Please sit.
So, what's this all about? Your message said you had information critical to our mission but that's all.
It was all I could risk on an open channel.
Like all the other Rangers, my crew and I divide our time between enforcing the rules of the Interstellar Alliance and listening for any information that might aid your search for a cure for your people.
In the past, those two have never come into conflict.
That has now changed.
I'm not sure I understand.
The Alliance and the Rangers exist to create the peace to ensure that the rule of law is upheld at all times.
The information I have would require you to violate those laws.
You'll have to interfere in the affairs of another race help a fugitive escape justice, traffic in stolen merchandise and break any number of local laws.
So the question becomes: how far are you prepared to go? There are 10 billion lives at stake, Trulann.
I'll break any law I have to if it means saving them.
Then I may have something for you, Captain.
But understand that after I leave here I will deny this conversation ever took place.
You will be alone in this.
I've been alone before.
I'm in, all the way.
Matthew Gideon, Captain.
Attached to the Earth Alliance starship, Excalibur.
To find a cure to the Drakh plague before it wipes out all life on Earth.
Anywhere I ha ve to.
Who do you serve and who do you trust? CRUSADE 1x11 "THE NEEDS OF EARTH" Captain, I was wondering if you'd had a chance to look over the datacrystal that I gave you the other day.
No, I've been busy.
Why? I was going over my files and I think I've given you a corrupt datacrystal.
I've been banging the same crystals around this last year.
They get damaged.
You know how it is.
I'd hate to see you read a corrupt datacrystal into your system.
It can cause all kinds of havoc.
True, but then it takes all kinds, doesn't it, Mr.
Eilerson? Yes.
If you could get the datacrystal back to me at your first opportunity without loading it into your system I could get you a better copy.
I really- I think we should talk about this after the meeting.
We really don't have a lot of time.
We have just received some promising information about this individual.
His name is Natchok Var of Morada 7.
According to reports, our subject downloaded all the important knowledge of his race onto a series of high-compression datacrystals and then took off.
Our source believes that he intends to sell that information to the highest bidder.
That's one hell of a security breech.
The Moradi government has put a price on his head for anyone who can return him and the datacrystals to his home world.
We don't have any specifics about the nature of the information he carries.
Only that it covers centuries.
The chance to get our hands on something that extensive is too good to pass up.
Even if there's no useful medical data, there may be information about other civilizations that we haven't encountered yet.
It could save us years of work looking for them.
So what's the problem? We find him and we make him an offer.
He's already been captured by bounty hunters on Praxis 9.
The Moradi know he's been captured, and they're en route to pick him up.
But we are closer to the target.
We could get there before they arrive.
We'll go in, spring him and the data and with luck, get out before the Moradi show up.
Then we'll negotiate for the information.
Where does the Alliance stand with all this? Praxis is outside Alliance jurisdiction and the Moradi aren't members, so we're on our own.
We have to enter someone else's space, conduct an illegal raid to free a fugitive from justice and buy stolen data.
So, if any of us is hurt, killed, or captured no one's going to bail us out of trouble.
I vote no.
You said yourself that he stole this information from his own people.
Even if we do manage to get him out, it still means dealing with a thief.
And your problem with that is? It's nothing personal.
Your profession is a fine one.
The second oldest one on record, I do believe.
But we have to draw the line somewhere.
You're afraid to go into a situation without your government's protection.
An entire planet is at risk and all you care about is your own skin.
- I resent your implications- - Mr.
Eilerson, Dureena.
Obviously we are walking a very fine line here between what is right and what is moral.
To tell you the truth, I don't know which this is.
I only know that it's necessary.
If I wasn't prepared to do whatever I had to do to accomplish our mission I would have never signed on in the first place.
So we're going.
Unless you have some more thoughts to give us on morality, Mr.
No other thoughts, Captain.
Approaching Praxis system.
This is Praxis 9.
It's a commercial planetary colony consisting of four domed cities in the northern hemisphere.
Its outside atmosphere is extremely toxic with high levels of carbon monoxide and methane.
This dome, the largest, is the capital.
It's also the only one with a working spaceport so if our target is anywhere, he's probably in there.
The biggest problems for the dome are getting in and getting out.
If we go in the front door, they'll know who we are and I doubt the Alliance would appreciate that.
Once in, if there are any problems they can lock down the shuttle and spaceport and keep us from escaping.
Then you'll have to drop me as far from the main dome as necessary to avoid detection.
I'll find my own way in.
Captain, I must protest- We're about to break about half a dozen laws.
I won't let anyone take the rap for it if things go badly.
It's my decision and my ship and I'm going.
Then I'm going with you.
You need me to get in and out without being captured.
I know you're good at this thing- I've been to Praxis 9 before.
I know the place inside and out.
On your own, even if you do get in, you'll never find the target.
I can.
All right, suit up for EVA.
And bring a spare for the target.
Lieutenant, prep a shuttle for launch.
We're going in.
Aye, sir.
Report on the Stellar North Matrix Is there something you'd like to tell me before we go down there? No.
Not really.
They haven't sent any ships to investigate.
We must have come in low enough to avoid the scanners.
We're about six miles from the city.
It'll be a tough haul with this dense atmosphere and terrain but I think we can make it.
It can be done.
I did it.
Just once.
With four others.
I think we made it just about this far.
What happened? They were killed.
Coming? We're almost there.
We should rest a minute before going in.
So when were you last here? It was a while ago.
Before my people were murdered by the Drakh.
So you weren't there when it happened? No, I was many places during that time.
Some you know, some you don't.
Some you'll never know.
What brought you here? I was learning to serve.
We should go.
Eagle One to Eagle's Nest.
We found the air door.
We're going in.
Well, they're on their own now.
You sure you remember the combination? I don't forget these things.
There were six combinations, for maintenance, air flow control, others so they could track who was going in and out.
Maybe they changed some of the combinations but I doubt they would have changed all of them.
It's the gloves.
They're too thick and the keys are too small.
I keep hitting two at a time, instead of one.
Maybe I can find something else.
I won't be able to key in each sequence fast enough.
Someone's bound to see us.
I've got to lose the gloves.
Absolutely not! The atmosphere is toxic.
It'll kill you- If we don't get in, the mission is a failure! I can handle it.
Just take off the gloves when I give the signal.
It's the only way.
Let me know when you're ready.
You all right? Interesting collection of people.
Praxis colony is a way station for the lowest forms of life in this sector.
Smugglers, terrorists, traders, usually dealing in illegal goods.
Weapons, techs, supplies Sold for 2,200 Next up, we've got a strong male Faranian here only 24 years old, in very good shape.
Speaks two languages.
He's got experience loading cargo, storing supplies any heavy work you got, he'll do it.
Bidding starts at 400 And? Nothing.
I figure the Moradi will get here in three or four hours.
How do we find the target? I need a distraction.
How big a distraction? Big enough so that everyone here is looking at you.
I can do that.
Excuse me.
Just so you know, it's nothing personal I should have started smaller.
- Thanks.
- Don't mention it.
Was that a big enough distraction? It was very nice.
Does that hurt? Profoundly.
I No, it's all right.
He belongs to the Thieves' Guild, same as me.
There's usually a few of us around a place like this.
I knew I could find him on my own in time but since we're in a hurry, I left a sign for him during the fight.
In times like this, we're trained to look where everybody else isn't.
We need to find somebody fast.
Can you help us? - Do you know those guys? - Yeah.
They work for Redjack.
He was a small-time extortionist when I was here the last time.
Probably hoping he can score big with this.
We need to get inside somehow.
I may have an idea.
I don't think you've recovered from your last good idea.
That would explain it.
Why? What did you have in mind? Got it.
I'll take the reader.
We'll do this quietly.
Dureena? Get away from the door.
I said quiet! What the hell was that? Another distraction.
This way.
Eagle One to Eagle's Nest.
We've secured the target.
We're clear.
Ready for dust-off.
Confirmed, Eagle One.
Shuttle is en route to your position.
He's exhausted.
We have to let him rest.
Thanks to your little stunt we'll be lucky to get off this rock before they scramble fighters to come after us.
What the hell were you thinking? Those people were slaves on their way to being sold.
That's unfortunate.
But slavery is legal in this part of space.
Why did we have to be- Because when I was stuck in that room waiting and praying for help, nobody did it for me! Captain, we have a problem.
Scanners have picked up a Jump Point opening in this sector.
The silhouette looks like a warship.
Is it the Moradi? Good chance.
Doctor, he's been through a lot.
See what you can do for him.
Will do.
Are you two all right? I heard there were some problems down there.
No, no problem.
If you need me, I'll be on the bridge.
- Status.
- The Moradi ship just picked up a narrow-beam transmission from the planet's surface.
Probably telling them what happened.
Prepare to jump.
We got what we came for.
I'd rather avoid a fight if we can.
With luck, their jump engines haven't recharged yet.
Stand by to jump.
The Moradi vessel is accelerating.
Moving to intercept.
Jump engines are on-line.
Jump! - Any sign of pursuit? - Negative.
Looks like we've gotten Stand by! Don't say "stand by" when we're one word away from good news.
We're picking up a distortion field.
The Moradi vessel has entered hyperspace.
They are pursuing.
Full power to engines.
See if we can outrun her.
Aye, sir.
Full power to engines.
I can't examine you properly with those in the way.
Do you understand me? I have learned the words of many other races against the laws of my own people.
Then if you'll just put those down- I must hold them until I decide who is deserving to have them.
What does deserving have to do with it? We heard you planned to sell that information to the highest bidder.
I'm sure this is what you were told.
But there is no price high enough for what is in here.
When I find the right person the right place, it will be given freely.
And are we the right people? I do not know.
Until I do, I will hold this.
They just fired a warning shot, Captain.
I'm getting a signal.
They want to send someone to talk with you.
To try and resolve this peacefully.
All right.
Give them docking instructions.
Make sure they're thoroughly searched for weapons on arrival.
- Reduce speed one-fourth.
- Aye, sir.
Reducing speed one-quarter.
I'm Captain Matthew Gideon of the starship Excalibur.
This is Apriori Flentak.
First Counselor, Minister of Justice, sanctioned- I get it.
And you are? Nix, the translator.
Like others of his station Apriori Flentak does not speak the words of other races for reasons of morality and intellectual purity.
Really? Tell your boss he's an ass! I told him you were honored and deeply humbled to have a being of such high moral character aboard your ship.
Do you do this a lot, lie to protect his ego? All the time.
It's politics.
And self-preservation.
So, let's talk.
Understand that we are the recognized legal authority on our world.
This person you have taken onboard your ship- Allegedly.
Allegedly taken onboard your ship is a known criminal and a troublemaker.
What he has taken would cause us great difficulty in the hands of the wrong people.
You must turn them both over to us.
Assuming that this person is onboard, and I'm not saying he is what if I say no? We are attempting to be merciful but we will not allow him to leave this area alive.
If that means destroying your ship and your crew, we will do so.
I might be willing to take that chance in a fair fight.
A fair fight is not what they have in mind, Captain.
Captain to the bridge! What is it? Intruders on an approach vector, coming into visual range now.
I say we turn him over.
We didn't come all this way to roll over and play dead.
Better to play dead than the real thing.
Look, we don't even know what we're fighting for here.
Has he told you anything about this information he stole? Anything to indicate that it was worth dying for? No, but I get the sense that it's important.
Thank you.
If you could just sense the card I'm thinking of, we can join the carnival.
That's enough, Mr.
Where are the two Moradi who came aboard? In the brig.
That seemed safest until I figure out what to do.
My guess is they won't attack as long as their people are onboard.
More divine revelation.
I'm positively awestruck.
Look, do what you will, but I did not sign on to die for something like this.
We have to put the needs of Earth first.
Our mission is to find a cure for the Drakh plague not to give shelter to every refugee that we come across.
Now, we can either save him or we can keep trying to save the 10 billion people back home.
Do the math, Captain.
Personal diary continued.
Survey of Tarkon 3 reveals no sign of survivors.
How can a world so big feel so alone? This is yours? Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
One of you One of you did all this? By the time he was 35.
When I find myself getting too smug I remind myself that when Mozart was my age he'd been dead for six years.
We've been discussing your situation, Natchok.
I'll have to start making some hard decisions.
My ship, my people, our mission they're all at risk.
I'm willing to accept that risk if the goal is worthwhile.
You will not have to make that decision, Captain.
I have made it for you.
I will go back with the others.
But why? You came all the way here, put yourself and us through all this- You are surrounded and you are outnumbered.
If I stay, the odds are I will die.
So what is to be gained by fighting? Maybe nothing, maybe a lot.
I'd like to be the one to make that decision.
I brought you here.
I have the obligation to protect you.
And I thank you for that.
But the choice is not yours to make unless you intend to hold me against my will.
I suspect they will not harm me, Captain.
They want me as an example to others.
But I have done what I set out to do found what I needed to find.
Now, only one thing remains we must copy these for you, quickly.
Natchok will meet you in the flight bay.
These men will escort you there.
You'll all go in together.
We will take the datacrystals but Minister Flentak does not wish to sit beside a criminal.
None of our people will sit with him.
We will send another ship programmed to take him back on autopilot.
When he reaches home, we will give him a fair trial.
Yes, I'm sure you will.
First shuttle is away.
I don't like this.
It's too easy.
Did he tell you anything more about the data? It contained all the important knowledge of his race.
I've got Dr.
Chambers analyzing it now.
Why would he want to go back when he knows there'll be trouble? He seemed almost eager to get clear of us, to make sure that we'd get away.
Second shuttle's taken position.
Put me through to the second shuttle.
I want to ask Natchok a few questions.
Shuttle two is on autopilot, sir.
What? You mean there's no one else in there? Yes, sir.
Why didn't you tell me? Launch a fighter escort.
Moradi warship powering up all guns.
Shuttle has been destroyed.
Warships opening Jump Points.
Shall we pursue? No.
Take us away from here, Lieutenant.
Anywhere, just take us away.
The moment Natchok got on an empty shuttle he must have known what they had in mind.
So why did he do it? I've turned it every way I can.
It doesn't make sense.
What was on those crystals that was worth dying for just to get them to somebody else? He didn't tell you? No.
Why? What's on there? Music, poetry, songs.
Stories going back centuries.
The recorded creative output of an entire planet.
Here, I found this, too.
Today, the final edict came down.
The death warrant for everything we have built as a people.
They are burning the books, they are burning the music burning the arts, tearing down the statues.
Our leaders say that art is a waste of time that art is decadent, subversive, indecent.
They say we must become more competitive, more aggressive that we cannot support the drain on our moral strength placed upon us by ideas that do not support the goals of the state stories and music that do not reinforce the will of the state.
Art that doesn't- They ha ve erased it all from the planetary datanet and burned all the copies in private hands.
Nearly all.
I ha ve the last copy.
I ha ve it all.
If I can escape, I will try to find someone, somewhere who can appreciate what we ha ve.
What we had.
Perhaps someday my people will understand what they ha ve lost and ask for it back.
That hope is all that sustains me.
I have only had a chance to review a little of it but what I've seen is beautiful stunning beyond anything I can describe.
Nothing useful? No, nothing scientifically useful but that's not the point.
Advanced cultures sooner or later figure out that hydrogen is the most common element in the universe.
They have different names for it, but it's the same thing.
Science is a universal constant.
It's there for anyone to discover as long as you can do the math.
But you don't just discover Ode on a Grecian Urn or Beethoven or Gauguin.
When the last copy is burned, it's gone forever.
He threw away his life.
Sarah, he said that it contained all the important knowledge of his race.
I guess it's a question of what you consider important.
Eilerson said it himself: We have to focus on the needs of Earth.
And this does.
Don't you understand? I've listened to it.
The stories, the music, they're all about hope.
Hope enough to inspire a dozen generations.
We talk about the needs of Earth.
There's more to it than the obvious.
While we're waiting on science to discover the math that will lead to a cure we need something to sustain us.
This is the music and the literature of hope.
It's what we need.
Another culture forgot that.
We can't.
Not now.
Not ever.
I'll chart the next stop.
We'll start looking again tomorrow.
The Rangers say they have a lead on an alien medical research vessel spotted in Sector 200.
Maybe we can find something.
- Captain- - Good night, Doctor.
First Officer's personal journal.
Back when I was a kid in Sunday school, Father Minkowski once said: "Given that crucifixion was a terrible thing for anyone to endure "if you could go back in time 2,200 years "would you prevent the crucifixion of Christ?" After a heated debate, we all agreed the answer was no.
The crucifixion was necessary to redeem the world.
When they said that Natchok would get a fair trial even though I was trying not to scan them telepathically I could sense they were Iying, but I didn't go deeper.
I just assumed that it meant that he would get a mock trial.
I didn't even suspect the truth until I saw Natchok.
He knew.
By dying, he saved a part of his world.
And maybe even a part of Earth.
If I'd said anything, I would've guaranteed his dream died with him so I did nothing, as he would've wanted.
To save the souls of billions.
I believed I withheld that information from my captain for lofty reasons, and not because I was afraid that by revealing what I knew, I was violating the new rules for telepaths.
Because it was right! Not because I was protecting my own ass.
But I guess I'll never know.
How odd to know everyone's heart but my own.
- You're up late.
- I couldn't sleep.
It's been a long day.
Thought I'd come by and pick up a little of that.
Something easy on the ears something hopeful.
Here's a copy of what I was just listening to.
I think it will do.
I guess we could all use a little hope from time to time.
I'm sorry I was short with you earlier.
It's just The reason that they picked me for this job is that I have a thing about death.
I don't like it when people around me die.
I've seen too much of it in my time.
Is this because of what happened on the Cerberus? You were just an ensign back then.
There was nothing you could do.
347 officers and crew died aboard the Cerberus, Doctor.
Many of them were my friends.
And because of that accident, now you take death personally.
No, not personally, and it wasn't Wasn't what? Nothing.
Good night, Doctor.
I was thinking about what happened down on Praxis 9 and I thought I'd stop by and see if you wanted to talk about it.
Not really.
So what was on the datacrystals, more of Eilerson's special videos? No.
It's hope.
At least according to Dr.
I should It was my family.
Sold me into slavery to pay off their debts.
Did what they had to do.
It doesn't bother me.
When do you want that back? When you're done with it.

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