Daily Dose of Sunshine (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

And The Journey Continues

[whimsical music playing]
Ugh, Mom, you don't have to walk out.
God, you should have
gotten up earlier than this.
- Did you even brush your hair?
- [Da-eun] Ugh, yeah, yeah.
- And breakfast?
- I told you I finished my breakfast.
- You should be wearing a thicker coat
- I'm gonna get going now.
- [Da-eun laughs]
- God, I'm so frazzled.
She looks so tiny in those sneakers.
Like a little kid.
[feel-good music playing]
[wind whistles]
[Da-eun] I compliment myself
for deciding to work as a nurse again.
So tired. [yawning]
Were you up last night?
I had a dream that all of the patients
were acting out. It was horrible.
Always working.
[Jung-ran] God, I'm so tired.
[Da-eun] Hello, everyone!
Beautiful morning. [laughs]
Da-eun! Oh my God!
I can't believe you're back!
Mmm. You guys had to work
so much harder. I'm sorry.
I mean, everybody was so worried,
and we missed you!
- [Deul-re] I know.
- We would've planned something.
- Sorry.
- [Soo-yeon] Guys.
- [Jung-ran] Huh?
- Aren't you gonna start your rounds?
- [Soo-yeon] Hi.
- [Jung-ran] Morning.
We'll do greetings later.
Let's get to work for now.
- Yes.
- Yes.
Talk later.
Park Byeong-hui
was admitted this afternoon.
- Eighteen-year-old patient.
- Mm-hmm.
She had trouble adjusting in school
and couldn't get along
with her classmates.
Breathing sounds good.
Hey, Nurse, what time do I get to eat?
Byeong-hui, ask more politely.
Nurse Jung, what time will I get my food?
The doctors are coming to see you later.
You'll eat earlier though.
Can't I just have food right now?
- Byeong-hui.
- Mmm.
Be patient, okay?
[Da-eun] I'll let you rest.
[Jung-ran] All right, Ms. Song.
Your blood pressure is fine.
Are you glad you're in the open unit
before getting discharged?
[Velcro crackling]
ROOM 521
[melancholy music playing]
[Ms. Song] Don't scare yourself
into submission
before facing it head-on.
For now, I want you to keep your chin up
and come in to work starting tomorrow.
[breathes deeply]
[Da-eun] Good morning.
Mr. Kim, how are you doing?
I came back to work.
[laughs] Congratulations.
I saw you developed insomnia
when I looked at your chart.
Did you sleep
any better at all last night?
I think it's familiar surroundings
because I slept well.
Oh, that's great.
Let's check your blood pressure.
[Velcro crackling]
Mmm. Your sleeves can stay down.
Oh, good morning, sir. It's been so long.
- What are you doing?
- I'm checking Mr. Kim's blood pressure.
Uh, please don't.
- What?
- I'll go get someone else to do it.
[melancholy music playing]
You were gone for so long,
I thought you'd come back
with a facelift or something.
The greatest facelift is losing weight.
You look amazing.
I think I'll never get prettier than this.
I just can't seem to get sick.
Well, being healthy is a real blessing.
That's so true.
What did you come down with?
I'll tell you later
when everyone's around to hear.
It's okay. You don't need to tell me
if you don't want.
It's okay.
I'm making a coffee run.
What would you like?
On you, right?
[Da-eun] Two iced Americanos.
Three hot Americanos,
each with two sugars.
And then, I want a tea too.
- Hmm
- Two chamomile teas.
Oh? Long time.
You should have a decaf tea.
Thank you so much.
- [Da-eun chuckles]
- How's it going?
How are you doing?
A lot better now.
The meds are working too.
How's it feel to be at work again?
Oh, really good.
Just a bit uncomfortable.
I haven't told anyone else
I was admitted to a hospital
for my depression.
Actually, I should really tell everyone.
Right now,
what really matters is
eliminating your anxiety.
So do whatever you need
to reduce those factors.
It's your call, okay?
[Man-cheon] You can just tell me.
[woman 1] I'd like to tell them directly.
- Excuse me.
- Yes, ma'am?
I'm Park Byeong-hui's guardian.
We need to switch her nurse.
Uh, ma'am, can you calm down first?
- How could I be calm right now?
- I'm sorry. Ms. Park, what's going on?
Come on, you know.
Nurse Jung Da-eun.
She was admitted
to a psychiatric hospital.
[Da-eun] Silence itself is not a lie,
but if you miss the right moment,
it becomes a lie.
[opening theme playing]
I'm sorry that I didn't tell you sooner.
I was at Hayan General Hospital
as a patient while I was gone.
Kim Seo Wan's passing
was difficult to get through.
[Soo-yeon] And now?
How are you doing?
Did they say you're okay?
If I continue the medication,
it shouldn't interfere with my life.
- All settled, then.
- You should have told us.
Then I would've at least been able
to visit you or something.
Hayan's pretty far away, right?
You should've gotten treated at Myungshin.
I'm sorry.
And I'm grateful for you.
There, there.
[door opens]
[door closes]
[Jung-ran] Great job beating it.
[Da-eun sobs]
Don't cry.
[Da-eun] Sorry.
- [Da-eun crying]
- Mmm.
[Ms. Song] Have some.
I'm sure that gave you a good scare.
Ms. Song, I'm so sorry.
I didn't intend for people
to find out that way.
This is all my fault.
I'm the one who told you not to tell.
It would've been nice
to keep it secret forever.
And what would make you say that?
I know it firsthand.
The way people look at patients
from psychiatry, the judgment.
All the staring.
I wanted to spare you the experience.
The patient, Song Ae-sin,
with schizophrenia who's in the open unit
She's my sister.
And I've learned
most people view schizophrenic patients
as future addicts and criminals.
So what if you're sick?
There's no crime in becoming ill.
You didn't choose to get sick,
and you don't hurt anyone.
Why stress about
what people might think of you?
Other people may not get it
but don't feel guilty
for a crime you didn't commit.
You were just sick.
You didn't do anything wrong.
I was so sad when I realized that
Ae-sin might feel the same way you do.
I'm sorry, Ms. Song.
Ms. Jung, why do you keep apologizing?
I told you not to go back into your shell.
Shoulders upright and stand tall today.
You truthfully did nothing wrong.
Others might not understand,
but we all get it.
Do you understand?
[breathes deeply]
Can I not take my meds today?
Sorry, it's the rule.
Here. Swallow these for me, okay?
Ah! Are they gone?
That's ridiculous.
Well done. Thanks.
Ms. Jung.
Are you sure you're feeling all right?
Is it really safe for you to do this?
[scoffs] You think I believe that?
[woman] What's she saying?
How could it be safe when the hospital
admitted you to the closed unit?
[woman 2] C. Closed unit?
How could it be safe
when I'm not even sure
if you have it worse than her?
She took her meds
so she could feel drowsy soon.
Just, please,
can you keep her awake for now.
She'll struggle at night
if she falls asleep too early.
Byeong-hui, just so you know,
there's group therapy this afternoon.
Join us if you can.
Ignoring my questions?
She was hospitalized? Is that true?
Yeah, Mom?
The nurse here,
she was admitted for depression recently.
[man] Hey, it's that nurse, right?
[woman] It is.
I knew she seemed a bit gloomy.
To hide something
so important from us is unthinkable.
Shouldn't we complain to the hospital?
What would we say though?
It's just a rumor right now.
No, it's true.
My brother was also a patient at Hayan,
and he ran into her there.
[woman 1] She really did seem fine though.
And maybe she could
even understand how to treat them better.
If you have cancer, that doesn't
qualify you as a cancer surgeon.
Why not trust our loved ones
with someone who's
someone who's healthy?
Mr. Song Yu-chan It's been a while.
- How's everything going with you?
- Good.
But, um, Doctor,
when do you think I can stop medication?
Why do you wanna do that?
I feel like my recovery is
only because of the medication,
which means that the disorder
would return when I finish it.
You know the reassuring feeling
when you're learning to ride a bike,
and someone holds you?
That's like medication.
It helps you mitigate the turbulence.
So you don't need to try so hard
to get off the meds.
Just like how you ride a bike to the point
where you don't need any help.
You'll eventually learn
to get back to your life
without the need for medication.
So, I was looking for a new job, and
honestly, I'm a little scared.
- What if it comes back?
- Hmm, so you're looking for a new job.
Any particular reason for this?
I, uh, feel inadequate
in my life right now.
And so, I wanna do the work
to become better.
Has anyone ever used that word?
"Inadequate," something like that,
when referring to you?
No, they never did.
Someone must have. Any idea?
Uh [chuckles]
I did.
It sounds like
you've been saying stuff to yourself
you shouldn't be saying to anyone,
including you.
That's true.
Oh, I guess they're done for the day.
[man 1] Thank you for your hard work.
Ms. Hong, thank you
for taking care of that for me.
- Don't mention it.
- Good night.
- Good night.
- Have a good night.
- [woman] Thank you for everything today.
- Thank you, everyone. See you tomorrow.
God, they're being so rude to you.
- Don't worry about them. You did great.
- Thanks.
- Good job, guys.
- Thanks so much.
- We sure did do a great job.
- [phone buzzing]
Since we did, why don't we celebrate
with some chicken?
[Da-eun] Hey, what's up?
- [Yu-chan] Hey, Jungda, turn around.
- Huh?
No, no. Look here.
[Yu-chan laughs]
[Yu-chan] All righty.
I said we could get anything you wanted.
Why'd we come here?
Okay. Well, you know the thing where
you expect people to eat a certain way
based on the work they do?
So then this cafeteria
should serve different foods
that cater to certain professions.
So what about what nurses are eating?
What's your takeaway?
Not good. It's very predictable.
So what did you think
it was gonna taste like?
We're people just like you, dude.
You're right.
How did it feel to start work again?
Mmm, I was nervous before I got to work,
but now it's all right.
Good to hear.
By the way,
I'm interviewing for a job in a few days.
Really? Yu-chan, that's awesome.
Uh, just I
I'm kind of afraid.
What's there to be afraid of?
Nothing's changed at all.
Just 'cause you took a little time.
You're not a different person.
Whatever the interviewer says,
don't be scared.
Be confident, and do your usual thing.
Don't hide anymore.
A certified hermit crab saying all that?
You're more of one
than I ever was right now.
- You little
- Whoa, what? Hey!
Stop it!
- Dude, what the heck?
- [laughs]
- Seriously?
- You said to be myself.
You took it too far
when you took three of these.
- No, no, no, no, no, no. No!
- Give me.
- [keypad beeping]
- [door opening]
Oh, hi. Did you end up moving in?
Did the consent form
get signed by everyone else yet?
[Ms. Song] No, not yet.
Uh, I was just throwing
a couple things away.
I haven't unpacked yet.
Okay, bye.
[wistful music playing]
[Da-eun humming]
You won't need
to worry about me any longer.
[knuckles cracking]
[Da-eun sighs]
I'll be turning in my resignation soon.
I thought you were done.
Looks like you're going back?
Could I ask you something?
Since you changed your mind
and you're going back to work,
does that mean you also take back
not wanting to see me?
[bus approaching]
Hurry, you're running late.
[feel-good music playing]
When do you ride the bus tomorrow?
Well, I don't know. Not quite sure.
Come this time again.
[Jung-ran] Shit!
Ms. Park, take a look at this!
The hospital forum is
blowing up right now.
- This hit piece is targeting Nurse Jung.
- Huh?
Has Da-eun seen these posts yet?
I don't think so.
I don't think she's here yet.
[nurse 1] Have you checked
the hospital forum?
Oh, the nurse in psychiatry?
I heard she was admitted to the hospital.
the guardians are really upset.
Man, that's terrible.
[elevator dings]
[man] Excuse me.
Oh, this is me.
[man] Mon, is that her?
[indistinct chattering]
Ms. Min, is it true that Ms. Jung was
admitted to a mental hospital?
What was she there for?
Bipolar? Depression?
[air hissing]
You can't move
while I take your blood pressure.
Let's start again.
[Jung-ran] Stretch out both of your arms.
[woman 1] Breathe.
[Jung-ran] Next, we'll do cat pose.
[woman 1] Stretch your right leg backward.
- [Jung-ran] Let's stretch those legs.
- Let's really stretch it out for a while.
Stretch your right leg.
Ms. Park, wanna give it a try?
Hey. That's her, right?
The nurse right there.
- Think she might have it worse than I do?
- [both laugh]
We should ask what pills she's popping.
[both laughing]
[woman 1] Let's move on
to our forward fold pose.
Next pose, it's time
to stretch those legs out.
- I'll help you out here.
- [woman 2] Okay.
[grunts] Nurse Hong,
I don't think I can reach that far.
- You're doing great. Let's go.
- Ow, ow.
- [Jung-ran] Exhale, exhale! You can do it!
- [woman 2] Ow! Stop it! My stomach!
- Hello.
- Oh, hello there. Hi.
[chuckles] All right. You did great.
- Nurse Jung, I'm sorry.
- Why?
It was my brother.
Oh. No, it's all right.
I only told him
because I was glad to run into you.
Mr. Kim,
do you remember what I told you?
Stop always blaming everything
on yourself.
All done in there?
It's really nice of you,
but you don't have to do this.
I can handle it all.
It gives me peace of mind.
[Min-seo] Ms. Lee Won-mi is
a 30-year-old patient
admitted for an eating disorder.
- Measurements are 158 centimeters tall.
- [phone buzzing]
Yet she weighs just 39 kilograms
Sorry, everybody.
Let's take a quick break.
Hello, what can I do
for the PR department?
[man 1] Hey, I'm sorry to bother you.
I know you must be busy, Doctor.
Nurse Jung Da-eun is
the reason I'm calling.
The hospital forum
has completely blown up, thanks to her.
Shouldn't you tell the nursing staff?
This is not an issue for the doctors.
Uh, yes. Well, we did
call Head Nurse Song first,
but you know how she is.
She called us ridiculous
and hung up on us after.
Now, she won't even pick up my calls.
Well, I'm sure she had her reasons.
Ms. Song is normally right
about these types of things.
But shouldn't we still
address the situation somehow?
How about this?
We'll get a statement from her doctor
at Hayan General Hospital
saying that she's recovered.
Then there won't be any more problems.
Oh, you know I'm not talking about that.
This is about the image
of the entire hospital.
I'm just telling you
what the whole PR team already agreed on.
If that's the case, uh, I should run it by
the rest of the doctors.
Good thing I have them
all with me right now.
So you'd like me
to dismiss Nurse Jung Da-eun,
despite the fact she can get a note
saying she's fully recovered,
all so that she doesn't besmirch
the good name of our hospital
and the care we provide.
Is that pretty much the gist of it?
Wait. Gosh, that's not what I
Then, uh, please at least
help me persuade Ms. Song, then.
[laughs] I don't know.
If I asked her, she wouldn't listen.
Dr. Hwang, would you bring it up with her?
Oh, I'm scared to even make
eye contact with Ms. Song.
Dr. Cha?
Doubt I'd get in a word.
I wouldn't dare. God, I just
Well, that's the gist of our opinion here.
Is there more you wanted to ask us?
I I understand.
- Hmm. Let's get back to it.
- [Min-seo] Yes, sir.
Here are the forms you requested.
Oh, thank you.
Byeong-hui says
she's having stomach pains right now.
Just a moment.
I'll man the station. You go, Ms. Jung.
- Yes, ma'am.
- No, no, not Nurse Jung, please.
Can you come take a look at her?
Uh, Ms. Jung is Ms. Park's nurse.
I'm sorry.
Each nurse is assigned
to specific patients here.
Ugh, you already told me that.
[sighs] Why are you all
being so frustrating?
I asked you to assign a different nurse,
and you still won't do that.
Sorry, ma'am, we have rules,
and we can't just change the way we work.
Please understand.
Uh, do you have children?
Would you be okay
with having someone who's sick up here
taking care of your children?
How can you entrust your sick patients
to a person who's sick herself?
If this is how it's gonna be,
I'll look for a different hospital.
Yes, I have children.
But I think that
I would actually be grateful
if my child's nurse went through that.
Wait, what?
Someone who's been sick
would better be able to treat them
since they went through it.
And if it's a problem, please feel free
to look into some other hospitals.
Shall I process the discharge?
It's like I'm talking to a wall.
Thank you. I'm
Forget her. Go check.
[Da-eun] I compliment myself
for standing my ground today
and not hiding in my shell.
When I get a place, I'll get out of here.
Does, um, getting off work
ever excite you?
You see,
when that time comes around,
I get excited.
Knowing that I'll see you
once I get home, it makes me
Thank you for the meal.
I get excited as soon
as I get ready for work.
It's because I know I'm coming here after.
I planned on leaving so I didn't intrude.
I think I'll stay though.
Like it or not,
it's what my heart wants.
That works, yep.
[dishes clattering]
Okay, so thinking about me
is one thing that excites you.
But, I mean, is there anything
besides that?
It's stupid to say out loud
but I never really got excited before.
Seriously? Never?
Well, for instance, there's always payday.
Or it could be a movie
you've wanted to see.
Uh, holidays?
Seeing a friend for the first time
in a while. Maybe something like that?
I wish I could make every day
so exciting for you.
[Da-eun] Sorry, coming through.
Huh? Oh! Dr. Dong.
Here you go.
- Oh no, please. Sit down.
- I held it for you, please.
Uh, I
Sorry about that. So sorry.
Did you get on earlier
just so you could save a seat for me?
I was afraid you were running late.
I'm so glad it worked out.
The hospital always has you standing.
You should feel comfortable,
at least on your bus ride to work.
[crowd] Stop her now!
[woman 1] The director of Myungshin
University Medical Center must apologize.
[crowd] Apologize, apologize!
[man 1] The hospital should fire
Nurse Jung Da-eun! Fire her!
[all] Fire her! Fire her!
How can a mentally ill nurse possibly
[Da-eun] Wait.
Apologize and resign.
Nurse Jung Da-eun needs
to resign right away!
[all] Resign, resign!
Are you doing all right?
Huh? With what?
With all the, um,
people picketing out there?
It's a little disheartening,
but there's nothing I can do
except work even harder.
You're right about that.
Let's get to it. Yeah?
I'll go ahead and get ready
for the shift change.
Don't rush. Take your time.
[Jung-ran] I won't take long.
[door opens]
The doctor ordered a blood test
for you today. So we'll do it now.
Wait, what are you doing?
Oh, we're taking the blood
the doctor ordered.
Forget about that. Stop touching my child.
Just call another nurse over here.
Park Byeong-hui is my patient though.
I will take her blood.
I said to stop that right now.
Please stop.
You're making this unsafe now.
No, it's unsafe because of you.
Don't you think that you're being selfish?
- Just stop it already!
- [grunts]
[Byeong-hui] Mom.
Oh God! Byeong-hui!
It's going to be okay.
Just don't move, okay?
It'll hurt if you move.
- [Byeong-hui's mother] Nurse!
- I'll take care of you. Just a moment.
Let me know right away
if something doesn't feel right.
I'll get you a blanket
and some new clothes right away.
[man 1] Excuse me, ma'am.
- Everything okay?
- Hmm?
Oh, yeah. It's okay.
I don't have a change of clothes, though,
so I'm stuck with these.
I didn't mean your clothes.
Well, to be honest, I'm not okay.
It's gonna be fine though.
Can't you just quit being a nurse?
You even had depression
because of one of your patients.
This is how they're treating you
after you overcame everything
you've been through
and then came back to the unit?
I guess I'm just not understanding
why you would
deal with all this nonsense.
So what made you want to work here?
I didn't exactly jump into this profession
because of my altruism.
Nothing noble or anything like that.
Know how there's stuff in your life
you just learn to enjoy?
All the small things you love?
Doing this is one of those things.
The more that I work here,
the more I want to learn about all of it.
That's why I want to be a better nurse.
I may be lacking in some ways,
but I know that
all these hurdles are really a good thing.
If I clear them, then I'll really grow.
[phone chimes]
Na-ra is coming back to Korea today,
so we're gonna throw
a long-overdue get-together. Wanna come?
[indistinct chattering]
[unsettling music playing]
God, I'm hungry.
Looks amazing. I'm hungry too.
- [Jung-ran] Looks so good.
- [Soo-yeon] Enjoy it, you guys.
- [both] Hello.
- Hmm.
Don't let them get to you, please.
You didn't do anything wrong.
Aw, ma'am, thank you.
[feel-good music playing]
[Jung-ran] Thank you for the meal.
Thank you for the meal.
- Hey.
- Oh? Hey.
- This guy got beaten up.
- What?
Ugh, something got in my eye.
He got into a fight
with one of the picketers. Ugh!
- Zip it.
- Dr. Dong, why did you do that?
It's not a big deal. I wanted to. Ugh.
Wait, let me take a look.
- Uh, your Come on.
- No, it's fine. I'm good.
Let me just take another look.
- It's okay. Yeah.
- [Da-eun] Behind you, behind you!
[Da-eun] Oh. Uh, but
- [Yeo-hwan] Sorry.
- [Go-yun] Come here!
[Go-yun] I know.
It just still hurts really bad.
[Go-yun groans] Man.
Are you sure you can
treat your patients like that?
- I think Ms. Jung left this for me.
- [Yeo-hwan] What is it?
Dude, wait.
Aren't you supposed to use a raw egg?
Doesn't matter if it's raw
or hard-boiled, actually.
It's soft-boiled though.
Those work just as well. Look it up, man.
[woman 1] She's here.
We're glad you're here.
What brings you all here?
Uh, there's something
we wanted to talk about with you.
I know you're busy,
so I'll cut to the chase.
Jung Da-eun doesn't belong here.
Are you just gonna do nothing?
- [woman 2] Unbelievable.
- I'm sorry?
[woman 3] Is she joking right now?
Whatever. We'll meet
with the hospital administrators.
[man 1] That's not the problem right now.
- [woman 1] Are they even gonna come here?
- [man 2] They're on their way.
- [Mr. Kim] Yes, this way. This way.
- [woman 2] Oh.
- To the right. Yes, yes, welcome, right.
- Excuse me. Thanks.
[man 1] Right, we want to make
sure of it this time.
Yes, they'll be right, uh
[all chattering]
[man 3] She can't be serious.
[all chattering]
[man 4] Look at her walk in
like she owns the place.
We gathered here today
to hear the patients' guardians
and explain the hospital's stance.
So, uh, we can all work together
to reach a compromise.
Now, I'd like the guardians
to share your opinions.
We only have one.
It's unacceptable for a sick person
to be a nurse here.
- Exactly.
- Yeah.
Our parents, brothers, sisters,
and children are all at risk,
so we can't just sit back doing nothing.
Don't you agree?
- Right you are.
- That's right.
- [man 1] So true.
- [woman 1] This shouldn't be allowed.
We'd like to hear it from you,
Ms. Jung Da-eun.
You were in the closed unit
at Hayan Hospital for depression.
- Were you not?
- Yes, that happened.
- [man 1] It's true.
- [woman 2] Oh my God.
You actually recovered?
Well, no. Since I left,
I've been taking daily medication.
- [man 2] No way.
- What did I tell you?
How is that allowed?
If that's the case, then you never know
when she might relapse.
[man 3] Exactly.
There's a risk a patient
will get hurt 'cause of her disorder.
- [woman 3] Yup.
- [man 4] That's absolutely true.
It comes across as selfish that she wants
to function in this workplace
when she's so unwell.
[man 1] Right, we totally agree.
- [Mr. Kim] Right, right. Yes. Right.
- Unbelievable.
[Mr. Kim] Ms. Jung Da-eun.
Did you want to add something?
I just
[sentimental music playing]
I will give a statement as the head nurse.
Byeong-hui's mother.
It's selfish for someone so unwell
to want to go back to work, right?
So do you feel like Byeong-hui
should also hide all her life?
- What is she talking about?
- Come on.
- It's not the same.
- What does that mean?
That also means Kim Sung-sik
shouldn't be given back his job.
Did you hear her?
All of our patients should just
stay inside their homes
for the rest of their lives.
Am I getting this right?
[all clamoring]
What's wrong?
Did hearing me say something like that
hurt your feelings?
Did it break your hearts?
Everything that you've been saying
affects your families too.
That's the kind of language
that patients will have to deal with
once they're out of the hospital.
"Why let someone that's sick
come into work?"
How many times do I have to tell you?
Do it again.
[pills rattling]
[Ms. Song] "What if they mess up
an important project"?
"And plus, we shouldn't let
sick kids go back to school."
"Their parents are being selfish."
[boy 1] Did you understand
what we just said to you? Hmm?
Byeong-hui, you wanna be a pilot, right?
Why don't you study more, then?
[girl 1] Put your back into it.
Sure, others may not get it,
but why are we, of all people,
not behaving like we know better?
You've all been through it.
"Why did it have to be my child"?
"Why'd it have to be my family"?
- [screaming]
- Oh, Ae-sin. Ae-sin, don't!
All right, Ae-sin. No sink, then.
"Why'd it happen to us?"
[Yu-chan's mother] By the way,
is Da-eun going back to work?
You know what I mean.
Who would wanna keep employing her
as a nurse?
She was admitted
to a psychiatric hospital.
It could affect her work,
and her colleagues won't like it either.
[Ms. Song] That's exactly what
a mental illness is like.
It's a disorder
that can strike anyone
at any time, anywhere.
Don't be so sure that you won't fall ill
like that one day either.
You're giving up like that?
We have to get back to picketing!
- [woman 1] We should.
- [man 2] Right.
[woman 2] We should.
[woman 3] Let's just end it here.
Count me out too.
You were the most vocal person,
and all of a sudden,
you're gonna back out now?
Imagining my child hearing that
when she gets out just breaks my heart.
I'm done with all of this.
I'm sorry, everyone.
Ma'am, wait. Ma'am, wait.
- [woman 3] Did you check on their room?
- Mr. Kim
Just going to the restroom.
[woman 4] It's gonna be okay. I know.
Deul-re. Oh my God.
It's been so long. We never see you.
She's a nurse at a university hospital.
I'm sure she's busy.
Well, you are the most successful
out of the three of us.
Where's Na-ra?
Oh. Mmm, she's almost here, she said.
- [woman 1] There she is.
- [woman 2] Oh! Na-ra! Na-ra!
[all laugh]
[Na-ra] Hey, guys.
Min Deul-re, it's been forever!
- How long has it been since you saw her?
- It's been three, four years?
Mmm, you should've reached out.
You're the one traveling the world
and coming back once a year.
- You should call her.
- You're right.
Deul-re, do you know
what kind of work she's doing?
No. What are you doing?
I work on cruises now.
- Cruises?
- Mmm.
She gets to travel all year long,
cruising the world.
It's not traveling. It's work, okay?
I have to tend to the guests.
And I'm singing and dancing.
Why are you singing and dancing?
Oh, I sing when guests get onto the ship.
- You guys wanna see?
- [woman 1] Show us.
Here, I'm in front.
[Na-ra] See that? There, look.
- [woman 1] Whoa!
- [woman 2] Whoa.
- [woman 2] That's you in the center?
- Uh-huh.
[woman 1] You look so cool.
- [woman 2] Oh my God! So pretty!
- [woman 1] Right?
- [woman 1] You're such a good dancer.
- [woman 2] I know.
- [woman 1] Wait, look at that move!
- [woman 2] How does she do that?
- [woman 2] You get to travel too?
- [woman 1] Good for you?
- [woman 2] We're headed this way.
- [Na-ra] Bye-bye.
- Get home safe.
- Bye, see you.
- Deul-re, which way are you going?
- This way. How about you?
I have a meeting with my cruise colleagues
not far away.
- Uh
- Wanna tag along?
- [woman 1] Cheers.
- [man 1] Yeah!
[all exclaiming]
- [man 2] Hey!
- [man 3] Hey!
- [woman 2] Yes, girl!
- [man 3] What took you so long?
So this is my friend
from high school, Deul-re Min.
She's a nurse at a university hospital.
[all] Whoa!
- [Na-ra] She's a nurse!
- [man 1] At university, no less.
[all exclaiming]
Oh, Na-ra, Na-ra.
I was thinking of doing this song
that we haven't sung in a while.
What do you think?
Sounds good to me.
Really? Okay. Well, now that you're here,
should we just simply give it a try?
- Shall we? Shall we do it now?
- Oh yeah!
- [woman 4] Yes? All right!
- [man 2] Let's go!
Let's go!
[all exclaiming]
[rhythmic music laying]
[man 1] Kick it up a notch!
Here, soju!
Nice to meet you.
Hey, you're welcome.
Don't be shy!
[woman 1] Hell yeah!
[music fades]
[sentimental music playing]
Hello, I'm Song Yu-chan. Nice to meet you.
The reason I applied
to your company is that
- [Da-eun] Ooh!
- Intention?
[Da-eun] Practicing for your interview?
What are you doing here?
Whoa! You have terrible taste.
Dude, that's the best-selling one, okay?
Just put it on.
- I thought it was mine.
- Here.
You suck at tying your own tie, so I will.
You could never tie it in high school,
so I always had to do it for you.
Jeez, I really shouldn't have to still
tie your tie, and especially at this age.
Ugh, you always toot your own horn.
I can't stand you.
Then you try it. I know you can't.
[sighs] If you get hired,
big sister will grant you
any wish you want.
You should really think
and be more careful with offering that.
I could ask for something super crazy.
Hmm? Super crazy, like what?
I have one outrageous wish. I don't know.
What's this super crazy wish?
Buy me dinner.
Oh, that's not outrageous.
What are you talking about?
- At the Shilla Hotel buffet.
- You bastard.
I told you it's outrageous, didn't I?
- The Shilla Hotel? You're unbelievable.
- You're buying, right?
- You little
- What? You wanted me to tell you.
[man 1] The director of
Myungshin University Medical Center
must fire Nurse Jung Da-eun!
[all] Fire her! Fire her!
Jung Da-eun should resign right away!
[all] Resign, resign!
We can't stand by
and let a sick woman treat our children!
[all] We won't
Everyone, please stop this now.
The staff at the hospital
decided Ms. Jung Da-eun
will have no issues whatsoever
performing her duties here.
We've decided to let her continue working.
- That's our official stance on the matter.
- No, ridiculous.
- Let us meet with the director.
- Sure.
The hospital director said that if you
still have complaints despite all this,
our team can offer you some assistance
in transferring your loved ones
to a different hospital.
[Mr. Kim] It's been taken care of.
I'll deliver the message
to Dr. Dong Go-yun.
- [man 1] Mr. Kim.
- Yes?
Would you say it's acceptable
for a second-year doctor
to come speak with the director?
Conventionally, I would say no.
It's gonna be one or the other.
He's a troublemaker,
or he's gonna make it.
[feel-good music playing]
Uh, wait, wait, wait, wait.
So sorry. Sorry. I'm so sorry. Sorry, sir.
Oh, hello, Mr. Director.
Uh, and you are
Oh, I uh
uh, that's me.
Oh. You're from colorectal.
Dr. Dong, right?
That's me. [laughs]
I'm really sorry, but could I have
five minutes of your time right now?
I'm afraid not.
I have to head out right now.
Then would you just
drop me at that bus stop
so I can talk to you for a minute?
Thank you so much.
Dr. Dong Go-yun.
Uh, yes. Yes, Director?
I wanted to ask you about something.
You're a colorectal surgeon.
Why stick your neck out
for a nurse in psychiatry?
There must be a reason.
I was just concerned that our hospital
was losing a good nurse.
You can tell me why.
Uh, the thing is
I actually have feelings for her.
[Mr. Kim] The patients' guardians
have promised
that they're going
to stop the protests now.
And in return for taking down the posts,
we agreed to let them continue
being treated here at our hospital.
That's good to hear.
The director wanted me to tell you
so you'd know it's taken care of.
He wanted me to know that it's
Thank you so much.
Thank you so much!
Would you check on those posts
from the forum one last time, please?
- Uh, right.
- Thank you.
- I'll do that.
- Thanks so much.
Oh my God. It never ends.
What a surprise.
Are you just getting off work now?
You think it's a coincidence?
Hmm, I don't.
Were you waiting for a reason?
For you.
- Why?
- Hmm.
Because I missed you. [chuckles]
[sentimental music playing]
[Da-eun laughs]
[feel-good music playing]
Shall we, then?
Did you have to wait long?
[Da-eun] I missed five whole buses.
[Go-yun] Oh.
- It must have been cold.
- [Da-eun laughs] It wasn't.
There. Here we go.
Why haven't you unpacked your things?
Oh, I've been busy.
I will soon.
Let's save the tour for later.
Leave your things there.
We're going somewhere now.
[doorbell rings]
- Oh, hi there. How are you?
- Hello, ma'am.
What can I do for you, Nurse Song?
I wanted to introduce you to Ae-sin.
Say hello, Ae-sin.
How are you?
I'm Song Ae-sin. It's nice to meet you.
Uh, yes, how are you?
I thought we should say hello
since we're getting settled here.
[woman] Right.
- We hope to see you around.
- Yeah.
Let's go.
I'm just going to stay inside.
[wistful music playing]
I'll stay out of the courtyard and
stay away from the daycare center too.
I'll be better inside.
So, then,
would you consider
letting us live here together now?
Please let us live here.
Applicants number 241 to number 246.
You can come in.
Please come forward.
[water burbling]
[man 1] Applicant number 254.
Mr. Song Yu-chan.
Is he not here yet?
Mr. Song Yu-chan.
[water sloshing]
Applicant number 254. Mr. Song Yu-chan!
[tense music playing]
[Yu-chan] There is only one way
to get rid of anxiety.
[breathing heavily]
Finding one's own safety mechanism,
someone you can let in.
Someone you can go to for help.
One that will offer you company
when you need it.
[Da-eun] Just because I get a stain
on my nurse's scrubs
doesn't mean they're not scrubs anymore.
The same way it doesn't mean
that I'm no longer a nurse
just because I was a patient
at a psychiatric hospital.
[TV plays indistinctly]
Here you go.
[Da-eun] Stains called prejudice
and stigma
Take a look at this. Cute, right? [laughs]
Put this over there for me.
Number 254. Is Song Yu-chan here?
Okay, if he's not here,
I'll call the next group up now.
I'm here! [breathing heavily]
Wait! I'm here.
Song Yu-chan.
[Da-eun] Even all the big
and the small stains.
Ones you didn't even know you had
Mr. Song Yu-chan, I see you wrote
that you have panic disorder.
It's better than it used to be,
though I still take the medication.
Was there a reason
that you, uh, wanted us to know?
Well, I was suffering for a while,
all by myself, during a rough time.
That experience taught me
to value the things that are important.
[Da-eun] Even the stains
you didn't know were stains
because they were hidden behind scars
Hey there.
- Dr. Hwang.
- Yes?
I don't wanna be a nurse anymore.
This job just doesn't excite me.
[Da-eun] Even the stains that I got
from spilling water on myself
Lots of things are different now.
So what? You can sparkle like before.
It's not that easy though.
Mom, did you really tell her
I was admitted to a psychiatric Hospital?
Why would you tell them that?
That's not fair!
- Hey.
- [Da-eun] What are you doing?
Ugh, let me go!
Your shoes.
And here. This too.
[Da-eun grunts]
[Da-eun] Let's wash them all away
and let them all go.
[phone chimes]
[Go-yun] Good morning.
What are you up to, Da-eun?
[Da-eun] I just did my laundry.
Are you free today?
[phone chimes]
[Da-eun] For a nice and fluffy tomorrow,
in anticipation of a spotless morning
that's sure to come someday.
[feel-good music playing]
[music fades]
[sentimental music playing]
[music fades]
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