Darwin's Game (2020) s01e11 Episode Script

Sunset Ravens

You were getting on my nerves.
Yes, understood.
But are you really sure?
Weren't you against Ryuji's plan?
We got here too late.
No, I took too long to make a decision.
Again, I failed to save a friend.
I'll use my special privilege.
You two, proceed to back me up.
What happened to Shinozuka isn't your fault.
Don't blame yourself.
Rein, I can't do that.
Why are we just standin' around?!
Waste hi—
Is there some rule that says not to fire
unless someone makes a fuss?
Honestly, my mind wasn't made up
until the last possible moment.
I told myself that you were murderers,
but that's only because we're in D-Game.
D-Game forces us to kill each other.
Players must do anything to survive.
If someone from outside the game
condemned us for that, I'd be ticked off.
But for you guys, it didn't matter
if you were inside or outside of the game.
That's right, I had the wrong idea.
I was too naive to think there was
an "inside" and "outside" of D-Game.
Oh, right. I have to set it to clan battle.
Feels like I've come a long way with D-Game,
but this is the first time I've initiated an attack.
Are you ready for this?
Yeah. I was wrong before.
These punks aren't humans.
Someone's gotta take out the trash.
Will you help me, Ryuji?
Don't gotta ask, bossman.
Of course I will.
A clan battle. Let's finish this.
Hey, what are you goons gawkin' at?!
Hurry up and kill 'em!
Leave a few for me.
Sorry, they went down easier than I thought.
Compared to Xuelan and Danjo,
these guys are like infants.
Y-You're dead meat!
To me, you're nothin' more than playthings!
Just die, already!
You always stick to the same pattern.
What is this?!
Shuka, take care of the rest.
Sure, I've got this.
Now it's me-ow turn!
Over here, big guy!
Go to hell! Friggin' bitch!
Kaname's right,
you're a one-note knucklehead!
Come on, you ogre! Over here!
I'll kill you. Or, rather
Butchering all of you
wouldn't be satisfying enough.
I'll make a special course out of you!
I'll take a hard pass on that!
You've got a big mouth, kitty-cat,
but all you do is run away!
Your kicks are light as a feather!
Surround them!
There are just two of them!
We've got them outnumbered!
They got us surrounded.
You don't have bulletproof gear, so go hide.
No, I'll crush them from the front.
You take care of the rest.
He's nuts!
But he totally caught 'em off guard!
Yo! Who's hungry for some hot lead?!
Fill up 'til you burst!
What the hell?
What the hell is he?! We had ten guys here!
It's not like he's especially fast.
And he doesn't have
an insane Sigil attack like Wang!
All he's got are above-average reflexes,
and some talent with guns and knives.
But before I knew it, he killed us all!
Is that all of 'em?
Yeah, we're done here.
Let's give Shuka some backup.
Killing Wang is our final objective.
Hey, kitty-cat!
Don't hide on me! Come out to play!
I've decided how I'm gonna serve you!
First I'll lop off your arms and legs.
Letting you die like that would be boring,
so I'll carefully stop the bleeding.
Then I'll set you next to Kaname,
who'll get the same treatment
and take turns cornholing you both!
I'm sure it'll feel great!
You're one sick son of a bitch.
Why were you even born?
Did God crap you out and forget to flush?
So there you are, kitty-cat!
I did my homework on you.
For being a woman, you're cocky enough
to be an A-Ranker like me.
Your weapons are those chains
you control with your Sigil.
But you lost to Kaname, which makes your title
"The Undefeated Queen" a pathetic joke.
Well, after you lose to me,
you'll become "The Twice-Defeated Queen."
It's not like I chose that title.
Besides, Kaname is special, so I don't mind.
I'm sure my wish will come true.
After all, even though he was a total beginner,
he completely dominated in our battle.
Nobody else could do that.
I'm sure he's the man of my dreams.
Don't babble about your boyfriend
to me, you ditzy bitch!
The point is, I'm going to take out trash like you!
Your Sigil is what's trash!
First I slice your chains and then you!
Huh? What was that?
I couldn't quite catch that.
In fact, who are you even talking to?
What is this?! What happened?!
That looks painful!
Did you cut off your leg with your Sigil?
It can't be, I'd never be that clumsy!
Was it that woman's attack?!
Damn you! How dare you chop my leg off?!
I'll kill you! I swear I'll kill you!
How do you think "I'll kill you" sounds
when you're lying on the floor?!
Go ahead and smirk, you arrogant bitch!
You're within my range!
With my Sigil, Beelzebub, I can control space!
It's a whole other league than you
and your pissant ability to whip chains around!
First I'll leap two meters above her,
find my openings for multiple attacks
while I'm falling,
then carve her up from behind!
What the hell?!
Oh dear! Now you went and
chopped off your own arm!
At this pace,
you won't have a leg to stand on!
What is this?! It doesn't make sense!
Why's my arm lying there?!
Oh, that's gotta hurt.
How many liters of blood loss
does it take before dying?
Does she mean to torture me to death?!
I'm the one who does the torturing,
not the other way around!
I'm about to teach her that!
Still, what kind of attack is this?!
I don't get it!
In the first place, when my leg got cut off,
I was over ten meters away from her!
Even Beelzebub's space-cutting range
is just over a meter.
Are you telling me this broad has
a space-slicing ability that surpasses mine?!
Now then, is your tourniquet in place?
Ready to lose the last couple of limbs
you have left?
Up yours, bitch! Don't mock me!
But what am I gonna do?
Isn't her Sigil the power to control chains?
No, wires?
Have you finally noticed?
I strung up colored wires
in this warehouse beforehand!
You sliced off your own limbs!
H-How?! A few wires can't cut through bones!
You'd need a huge blade or saw!
Sounds like you're speaking from experience?
But you're on the right track.
My Sigil, "Queen of Thorns," allows me
to control anything with a string-like structure.
Whether they're chains or wires.
And I can do more than wave them around.
I can make them vibrate subtly and continuously.
In other words, they're mere wires right now,
but if I use my Sigil to make them vibrate a bit
This woman's wires are
like a souped-up electric jigsaw!
So, what shall I do?
I'd like to let Kaname and Ryuji
finish you off, but
D-Dammit! If I use Beelzebub to leap,
I'll be free in a second!
That'd only work if there were
no wires where you leaped to.
Her traps could be all over
the friggin' warehouse.
And my Sigil is about to run out.
I can't waste anymore
Why am I thinking about escaping?
This isn't right!
I'm the hunter, not the hunted!
My ace. I'll counterattack
with the ace up my sleeve.
Normally, I can't use Beelzebub
to teleport an opponent.
But there is one exception.
Yeah, I think I'll just kill him myself.
I can exchange positions
with an opponent in an instant!
Ha! I win!
As if!
How did this happen? Is it a dream?
Switching places with me doesn't mean much
since I'm holding the other end of the wires.
And I already figured you would pull that.
How did you know about the ace up my sleeve?
D-Game's not supposed to be
some cheap game!
You still don't get it?
Are you really that stupid?
This is your fault for picking a fight.
Hey, D-Game admins!
You gotta be watchin' this!
Your game's got a bug in it!
Do somethin' about it!
Hey, admin assholes, answer me!
Why won't you answer?!
Now this is just pitiful.
You lost. You were just a fool
who played at being a king.
I lost?
Th-That's impossible.
I'm the main character of D-Game.
I'll gratefully take over yout territory.
All of Shibuya, Your Majesty.
Y-You're gonna kill me?!
No! No! I don't wanna die!
I'm not ready to die!
Well, there's only one destination
for a pathetic king dragged from his throne.
The guillotine.
Queen of Thorns.
Wh-Why?! This is the sky?!
Is it because I wanted to escape?!
But no matter how much I focus,
I could never leap more than ten meters!
Anyway, I have to teleport again!
If I do, I can cancel this speed!
I did it!
How about that?! I escaped!
I really am the main character of this game
You've lost a lot of weight
since last I saw you.
Do you now understand the feelings
of those who were on your chopping block?
Did our scary princess treat you harshly?
I bet you'd die if we leave you here.
D-Don't kill me!
Oh, I know! I surrender!
We lose! This is how it ends!
The game is over. Clan Sunset Ravens wins!
It was an A-ranked clan match!
You get 1800 points from us!
That should be plenty
of a reward for this battle!
I see, that's 180 million in Japanese yen.
Not enough.
That's not even close
to what you took from us.
So I'm going to take everything from you.
In poker terms,
do you know what "all-in" means?
It's a winner-take-all strategy
where I bet all of my chips
to make my opponent bet the same.
Poker? You don't mean
In other words, if you have less chips than us,
you guys will be ruined.
High Roller.
When the game starts, I can bet
as much as I like to increase my points.
This is the privilege I received
from a D-Game admin.
Looks like 8869 points
were transferred to me for this game.
It seems you guys had quite a bit saved up,
but it's still less than the chips we made.
Too bad. Your members lose all your points.
So this is how it ends?
You were saved by the bell, Inukai.
I'll see if karate works on demons in hell.
Kaname Guess you settled things after all.
It's over. It ends like this?
Why me?
Wasn't I the king?
Darwin's Game?
Is this what Shinji's been playing?
This is awesome!
With my power, people and concrete
are no stronger than tissue paper!
I slaughtered those annoying cop bastards!
This town is ours now!
That's dope, Wang! You're so awesome!
You're definitely the king of this town!
King Wang?
I like the sound of that, Shinji!
You're not the King of Venom for nothing
King of what now?
They would seal hundreds
of poisonous creepy-crawlies in an urn.
Naturally, the sealed creatures
would kill each other.
One by one, the bugs would die
and die and die
Until there was one venomous insect remaining,
the strongest of all.
I see.
The strongest venomous insect.
The King of Venom
Yo, new king.
Here's a piece of advice
from the king upon his execution.
Don't relax just because
you squashed one poisonous bug.
People will keep dropping like flies around you.
After all, you're just another venomous insect,
dumped into an urn,
just like me, Kaname!
Man, that guy blathered to the very end.
Looks like we all survived.
Did you win, Kaname?
No, I lost.
Yet again, I failed to save a friend.
But at least our enemy's dead.
We sent the scumbag who brutally murdered
my little brother and your buddy to hell.
Whatever the reason,
killing someone is bullshit.
But letting yourself or a friend get killed
is even bigger bullshit.
And the biggest piece of shit
is the Game Master who created this situation.
I've decided. I'll put an end
to this bullshit game.
And I'll kill anyone who gets in my way.
That's the goal of the clan I created,
the Sunset Ravens.
Even so, are you guys still with me?
I told you before, remember?
A clan is like a family.
So will you make me a promise?
Promise me you won't die or leave me.
I don't care if you lose or look bad.
But promise me that you'll always come home.
I don't want to lose any more family!
I promise to survive, by any means necessary.
Seems like I'm pretty good
at that kind of thing.
You know that, right?
I do!
Then I'll always be by your side!
Don't even bother asking me, bossman.
My mind's been made up for some time now.
Sure, that ship has already set sail.
And without me, it's a ship of reckless fools.
I-I'll do my best!
Though I'm sure I'll just be a burden
Well, I'm with a different clan,
but I'll give you guys a hand when I'm free.
At any rate, if a clan's a family,
ours sure is a dysfunctional one.
Well, it doesn't mean we're blood related,
more like we have a strong bond between us.
That's weird!
You make us sound like a mafia family!
Yeah, but I don't mind.
Well, let's go, Kaname.
A family needs a home, right?
That's true. And we're loaded.
Let's seize a place with a huge yard.
Kaname's clan won unscathed!
He's so incredible. Be still, my heart!
Oboro, are you okay to talk?
I just got done with a job,
so I've got some time on my hands.
So, what can I do for you, Game Master?
There's been a major development in the game.
It involves that.
Concerning Kaname, perhaps?
You catch on quick.
I'm putting him under special observation.
So steer clear of him, Oboro.
Oh, you're such a party pooper.
So he's going to replace the late Wang?
No, not exactly.
I had Wang under observation because
it seemed he would become the eye of the storm.
And then, as planned, the game didn't stagnate
because the powerful player Kaname Sudo was born.
In short, the game is
about to proceed to the next stage.
And you have a large part to play.
Hurry up! The early bird gets the worm!
I know! All right, I sent a clan flag.
Those Eighth assholes
are finally out of the picture.
If we plant our flag quickly,
the territory will be ours if we're lucky.
Sniper fire?! From where?!
This is the tallest building!
It can't be a sniper!
Like I'd know! Just shut up—
Point five has been dealt with.
It helped that the foolish clan
tried to plant their flag on a roof.
Returning to lookout duty. Over.
D-Game is awesome!
I can unload like this without interruption,
thanks to the conceal function!
But you guys were in the wrong.
I warned you that our turf
is off limits for D-Game.
Wh-Why?! Aren't you people
D-Game players, too?!
Huh? Just tell us what you want.
Come on!
U-Um, don't do that, Ryuji.
The strategy is not to kill
unless it can't be helped.
Of course, I know that.
But these losers are all still alive, Sui.
Um, you are alive, right?
W-We're alive. F-For the moment
That's a relief.
I thought maybe Sota got carried away.
Dammit! We can't shake her!
We've got no choice but to take her out!
I'm done too, Kaname.
I'm disappointed how easy it was.
Shuka, you didn't wipe them all out, did you?
N-No, of course not!
I think Yeah, there's one.
Copy that. It's almost dawn.
Rendezvous at point one.
On my way!
And there you have it.
You realize why I'm not killing you, right?
No, I don't get it!
Why would you not kill me
when you butchered the rest?!
Go and spread this message of fear.
"D-Game is prohibited in Sunset Ravens territory."
D-Game is prohibited?
What the hell?!
You think you're a watchdog?!
Watchdog? At least say "raven."
They're tough, aggressive birds,
clever to the point of being sneaky,
and never forget a grudge,
but also compassionate.
If you see this mark, D-Game is done.
That's the rule decided on
by the Sunset Ravens.
Sunset Ravens
I see, so that's what they're doing.
A mere clan ordering a D-Game ban
Kaname is more of a heavyweight
than I imagined.
Guess it's only a matter of time before
the D-Game match-making function stops working.
And that would probably be
for the whole Kanto area.
So, Kotori, what are you gonna do?
Damn, where'd you set it this time,
you Game Master bastard?
I'll teach you a lesson
one of these days, I swear!
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