Delicious in Dungeon (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

Reddo doragon 1

[loud rasping]
[Marcille] Everything's all set.
I can bring down this building anytime.
I'm feeling confident about my mana.
So if anything happens to the others,
I can cover for them.
This is enough, right?
I'm using magic to knock the dragon out.
Instead of trying to hit it directly
and risk hurting the others
in the crossfire,
I'm gonna collapse a building
on top of it.
Yeah, this is the best way.
Stay calm.
[inhales deeply]
I have to focus on the job I was given.
We'll make this work!
Falin, just hold out for us!
[theme music playing]
[distant thudding]
[loud rumble]
[loud clang]
[Laios] It saw us.
[Laios] It's fast!
Fun fact, Red Dragons can run
up to 60 kilometers per hour!
[Chilchuck] That's fun?
[Laios] It's fine.
The terrain is slowing it down!
Up ahead! Turn right!
Now we bait its fire breath
down this corridor.
Dragons store fuel in their bellies
and click their tongue to ignite it.
For our own safety,
we have to make it exhaust
all of its fuel!
-It's tonguing it!
[Laios] Look out!
[all grunt]
[Laios] Such intense heat!
We can handle it,
thanks to the pan and spells!
Yes. We've got th
Oh, no.
The heat from the pan,
it's spreading evenly.
Oh, yeah! Of course, it's hot!
Senshi was cooking with that pan
every single day!
I assumed it would be able
to repel dragon fire.
[Laios] According to Namari,
adamantine is supposed to block
all attacks from a dragon.
I think she was making stuff up!
Was not.
[Chilchuck] Ah! Here it comes!
[Laios] Damn it!
Let's change course! [screams]
[distant rumbling]
-[loud explosion]
-[Marcille] Huh?
They're here?
But why?
I thought that we were supposed
to stay split up!
Should I still do things
according to plan?
Ah, fine then!
Here I go!
-[loud explosion]
[loud rumbling]
Huh? [gasps]
[all gasp]
-[all yelp]
[all gasp]
[Marcille screaming]
[Marcille panting]
Are you kidding me?
It didn't work?
-[Laios] Quiet.
-Don't move.
[tense music playing]
[Laios] The inverse scale is right there.
If I get a bit closer, it's mine!
[Laios] It
It made a run for it!
Damn it, Kensuke!
You're just a monster after [gasps]
-It's you
-[Senshi] You two! Get up!
-[both gasp]
Above us!
[clicking tongue]
[Laios] Get under its belly!
[Chilchuck] Damn you, Laios!
[Laios] Look, I'm sorry, okay?
The common language
doesn't have enough curse words!
-Ponza! Toroldo! Unerma! Poojam!
-Please. Don't curse at me
-in a language I don't speak, Chilchuck!
-Varo! Monsanto! Belcher!
Any plans, genius?
-[all gasp]
-[Laios] It looks really mad.
This way!
Let's run out the tail side!
On second thought, nix that.
This is where we live now,
under the Red Dragon's crotch.
[loud explosions]
[Marcille] No good!
Simple spells
aren't gonna work on it at all.
Focus! [gasps]
[clicks tongue]
[all gasp, groan]
What the hell is that?
Did you just go and shatter
our last weapon?
-[all scream]
-[Chilchuck] How do we fix this mess?
No choice.
Use this.
Does this mean that knife
is made from a special metal?
[Senshi] It cuts the bones
and skin of any monster.
I've never gone a day
without taking good care of it.
It's a mithril kitchen knife.
Maybe the only one
of its kind in the world.
[Laios] Mithril?
[Chilchuck] Seriously?
Wish we could have shown Namari.
Uh, pretty sure
she would've killed Senshi if we had.
[Senshi] Yeah, I had a feeling
that was the case,
so I kept my mouth shut.
-[loud rumble]
-[all scream]
Take this!
Whoa! It really pierced
right through the scales!
[Laios] But with the size of this blade,
no matter where I stabbed,
I doubt I'd be able to fatally wound it.
[loud rumble]
[all scream]
[screaming continues]
-Oh, crap! What now?
-[screaming continues]
This means that the plan failed,
doesn't it?
Or is this some sort of new one?
What the heck do I do?
-[screaming continues]
[growls] There's no time to hesitate!
[Laios] Stop! Get back!
[Laios] I'm getting farther from my sword.
We're gonna end up in the town square
if we keep backing up.
And then we'll get burned to a crisp!
-[Senshi] I'll distract the dragon.
-[Laios gasps]
No. You can't!
[Senshi] Laios, I know you know this.
Of all the monsters
that we've eaten so far,
were there any that didn't fight
until their last breath?
It's eat or be eaten here.
If we don't give it our all,
then we're gonna be some monster's dinner.
Prepare yourself!
[Laios] Senshi!
[dramatic music]
[both gasp]
[Senshi grunts]
[groans, retches]
-[Chilchuck] Stop!
There's no point
in just running out there!
-Go find Marcille.
You two think of a new plan!
Hey! Are you alive?
I'll get this off. [gasps]
[Chilchuck] Can you move?
[Chilchuck] I did it!
[loud rumble]
[dramatic music intensifies]
Why is this thing stuck to the ground?
-[Senshi] Move it!
I'll be right back!
Come on! Get up!
Senshi [groans]
[loud rumble]
[Laios panting]
[gasps, groans]
Sorry, Marcille.
[Laios] I didn't know you were here.
[groans] Good to know
that the spell is working.
[Marcille] What's going on?
Where are the others?
It's not looking too good.
All the plans we had set up failed.
The other two are still out there
with the dragon.
Huh? What what should we do?
[Marcille] Does that mean
we have to use my magic?
[Laios] The dragon is wounded and violent.
It will be too dangerous to get near it.
But we have to do something and fast!
-Let's move upward.
[Marcille] To do what?
[Laios] We'll get level
with the dragon's face.
-And I'll get on the pan.
-[Marcille] The pan?
[Laios] And once I'm there,
you'll blow it up.
What? Huh!
[Laios] It's been blinded in its left eye.
So if we approach from that side,
we should be able to jump on it
without being noticed.
Are you sure?
[Laios] Marcille, you did something
similar before, didn't you?
Back when you fought the Undine.
Yeah, but at the time,
I had Water-Walking in water.
[Laios] I have the pan
and abjuration magic.
[Marcille] And then what?
How will you hit the inverse scale
while clinging to its face?
Don't worry. I've got an idea.
We can't make any more mistakes.
[Laios] I have no intention to.
[heroic music playing]
[Marcille] I'm a little hesitant
that this is going to work, but
I trust you.
[Laios] You're gonna get flung off.
Hurry and go through with the plan.
It'll be over fast.
It's not that big a deal.
Compared to what Falin went through
this is nothing!
Laios, no!
[loud creaking]
[loud thud]
[loud rumble]
[hurried footsteps]
[birds chirping]
-[Falin] Big brother!
Where are you going?
I heard there's a ghost in the graveyard.
Don't tell Mom and Dad, okay?
[both laugh]
-[Laios] It'll be fine.
It's hard to walk
when you're clinging to me.
Hmm? Hmm.
Not even any bugs here.
Let's go home, Falin.
Hey, um
-[Laios gasps]
-[Laios whimpering]
[wind rustles]
Take it off me!
[ghost] Help me.
-Please. Take it off.
-[Laios] So cold.
I can't breathe.
-[Laios] Falin, run.
[father] Laios!
Leave my brother
[ghost groans, wails]
[dramatic music]
The person in that grave there
his ring is binding his soul here.
Please remove it.
[Falin] The ghost will then be freed.
His ring?
Is this real?
This is the grave of Olman,
who died recently.
[man] When he was alive, he bragged about
how he bought a golden ring from an elf.
But how would a child know about that?
[Falin] Did I do something bad?
No, you did great, Falin.
Ghost magic is a cool talent to have.
Don't be sad.
Grown-ups are just scared of magic.
I think you should go
and study it for real.
It'll help you get work, you know.
-It will?
You could try priest, grave keeper.
Ooh, traveling exorcist might be fun, too.
[Laios] You could wander across the lands
and help people who need you.
Wow, I like that.
Would you be able
to come with me too, brother?
[Laios] Of course.
Where should we go first?
[Falin] Hmm.
How about the ocean?
Oh, or the desert.
[Laios] I hear there's a country
with talking dogs there.
Let's go, please!
[Falin] But
it might be best
if we don't travel together anymore.
[Laios] Falin, why?
[Falin] Don't worry about me.
Goodbye, big brother.
-Laios, you okay?
[Marcille grunts]
I stopped the bleeding for now.
So hold on a bit longer.
I'll go find the other two
along with your leg!
[hurried footsteps]
[Laios] "Don't worry about me," huh?
You really shouldn't say such sad things.
I'm gonna bring you home. I promise.
-[Senshi grunts]
Oh! Ah! [sighs]
Thank goodness!
-You okay?
No, you're not.
[Marcille] I need more practice
with my abjuration magic, huh?
[Senshi] We're still mostly in one piece,
so it could be worse.
Tronsum Lunaae Stantinus Eurekant Oonzu.
[gasps] Mother
[Senshi] He's suffering more than before.
You get healing pains
if you fix a big injury in a short time.
[Marcille] It's fine.
That just means it healed properly.
Now it's your turn, Senshi.
No, thanks. I'll fix it myself.
[Marcille] But that will take you months.
Falin was always better at healing magic,
but I at least have the confidence
in being able to heal quickly.
But isn't that why it hurts so bad?
[Marcille] I found it!
All right, let's begin.
[Laios grunts]
[Marcille] Britrayeums Lunae Actum
Asbam Histum Eres Eurekant Ounzu.
It's back on!
Uh, but now, it itches.
Just those healing pains at work.
-[Senshi] Laios, you did well.
You really managed to slay the Red Dragon.
Thanks to all of you.
It was possible
'cause we each did our part.
I felt like we weren't gonna make it
at one point.
Even I was shaking in my boots.
Guess we underestimated it, didn't we?
Eh, doesn't matter since we won.
[Chilchuck] Here, Laios.
[Laios] Kensuke.
I still haven't forgiven you
regarding that thing yet.
So we'll have a long talk later.
-[Laios] Right.
Okay, let's go check
inside of its stomach.
-[flesh squelching]
-[Laios grunts]
[Marcille gasps]
[Marcille] Such thick skin.
[Laios] We wouldn't have even reached
the fat underneath
if we fought it with Senshi's knife.
Which means getting to the stomach
could take us a while.
Want me to blow it up?
Nah. Dragon's organs should be similar
to what other creatures have.
So let's try
to carve our way through bit by bit.
[flesh rasping]
I hit a rib bone.
We'll have to go around it
and keep on digging.
[Senshi] It's dark.
Should we light a lantern?
No fire.
Marcille. Lights, please.
[flesh squelching]
-[groans] It's so hot.
-[Senshi] Hmm.
Reminds me of back when
I used to work in the mines.
[Laios] This is
the stomach!
All right.
Here goes.
[all gasp]
[Laios] Empty.
[gasps] But how?
Maybe it's a different dragon?
-[Laios] Not possible.
It has the same scar above its eye,
the one we saw that day.
[Laios] Male dragons are territorial,
so I doubt there'd be many
within the same vicinity.
Let's check the intestines too.
Not not even a single bone
is left in there.
-I need to hurry and check its dung!
-[Chilchuck grunts]
Maybe it digested faster
because it was moving around.
[somber music]
Hang on.
-[Marcille sobbing]
-[Laios grunting]
[foreboding music]
-What is this?
A giant clump of hair and bones.
Animals that swallow their prey whole
spit out the indigestible parts
all at once.
However, Red Dragons use it
as fuel for their fire breath instead.
[Laios] Judging by this black fur,
looks like it ate a few Wargs and
A strand of hair!
[Marcille] Could it be
Let's sort through it.
[Laios] We might find some human bones.
[Chilchuck] Hey, isn't this rod
[Marcille] Laios! Look!
This staff!
[Laios] Falin?
[closing theme music playing]
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