Destined with You (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

What's wrong?
Are you in pain?
Let's go to the hospital.
Can you walk?
There's no time for that.
We've got to make a wish.
Are you okay?
It's just a mild migraine.
Look. The sun is almost set.
Let's make a wish.
I'm fine.
This is not fair.
I'm not done making my wish yet.
Continue. I won't bother you.
You are bothering me.
Then I'll continue bothering.
How do I look?
Why did you buy me clothes?
We're not going back.
Something happened, right?
Is it related to the mayor summoning me?
It was nothing.
I'll handle that issue.
Then where are we going now?
We'll rest a bit and go see the sunrise.
Big news.
Mr. Jang grabbed the wrist
of the red-cheeked woman
in front of everyone
and walked out of the lobby
like a real man.
What on earth is happening?
I shouldn't have told him.
I should've handled it myself.
You said you liked someone.
And that was Hong-jo?
So, you're the culprit.
You pressured the mayor
to transfer Hong-jo to somewhere else.
I'm not "the culprit."
I'm Yoon Na-yeon.
You seem like the type to act on impulse.
It's better to do something
than not do anything.
Be thorough if you're going to do it.
Think before you act.
It's nice.
Of course it's nice, you're with me.
Your room's that way.
There's a bathtub inside.
Go wash up and rest.
Where are you going?
To wash up.
Why is he suddenly washing up?
No naughty thoughts.
Of course you wash up.
Washing your hands is washing up too.
What time is it?
He's taking so long to wash up.
He didn't go to bed, did he?
This is ridiculous.
I'm not upset about anything else.
I came all the way here.
Shouldn't he at least wish me good night?
Don't get me wrong.
You seemed to be sick earlier.
So I was worried.
I didn't mean to do anything else.
I didn't get you wrong.
That's good then.
How are you feeling?
I'm fine.
Then I, well…
I can feel at ease and go to bed.
That's right. I hope you sleep tight.
Sure. You sleep tight too, Sin-yu.
What is it?
I didn't say you should go to bed alone.
You've got to get
some shut-eye for the morning.
How can I sleep?
You're right in front of my eyes.
Now I'm not.
This won't make me sleep.
If you say another word,
I won't stay still.
You won't get to see the sunrise.
Every New Year's Day,
he'd wake me up at 3:30 a.m.,
saying we should
see the sunrise on Bukhansan.
I complained all the way up
saying I didn't want to go,
and complained all the way down
saying I was tired.
But after my dad passed away,
I started the New Year
by myself all the time.
And I always slept in.
I guess I didn't want to feel
that he wasn't around anymore.
So my New Year's Days
have always been depressing.
Thank you.
For being with me.
Aren't you cold?
It's bearable.
Because I'm a bear.
I'm cold.
Because I'm not a bear.
Goodness, you.
You don't hate holding hands?
Who says I hate it?
I didn't expect to see you here.
I didn't expect
to see you like this either.
What brings you here, Mr. Kwon?
This is my sunrise spot
for New Year's Day.
There are many places to go.
Why here of all places?
You came here out of all places too.
Since we met,
why don't we eat tteokguk together?
What are you saying? No.
Yes, I'd like to.
Don't lift a finger and stay seated.
I'll do everything.
You don't look like a good cook though.
I've never tried it,
but as I said,
I can do anything once I try it.
Are you going to
look up the recipe on your phone?
I can cook without one.
Just look it up,
so you won't waste the ingredients.
Do you need a hand?
It's fine, Hong-jo. Just stay seated.
This is so exciting.
Looking forward to it.
I was worried yesterday.
I'm glad nothing happened.
I didn't know you'd come
all the way here for the sunrise.
I got pictures from last year.
Do you want to see them?
The weather was great.
You're a great photographer.
You're a bear
with a keen eye for pictures.
Do you want to see some more?
This is bad.
I thought I was a good cook, but I wasn't.
I might ruin the ingredients.
We must eat tteokguk today,
but I doubt we can.
Oh my…
Move, I'll do it.
Thank you.
Do you need help?
It's okay.
Take your recipe with you.
Thank you for the food.
It looks pretty good,
but good-looking food usually tastes bad.
It's good.
It's so savory.
This is the best tteokguk I've ever had.
Even your words are so nice.
That's the only nice thing about her.
Look at her, she's ugly.
Eyes, nose, and lips.
They're pretty.
You're right.
It runs in my family.
Nobody has ever avoided it.
Father thinks it's due to a curse.
There's no spell to use on a sick person.
What are you doing?
I was waiting for your call.
I thought about it long and hard.
Why don't we try
the Mind-Body Cleanse Spell?
It doesn't say it cures illness,
but it'll cleanse your mind and body.
Should I come to you now?
You can't.
Don't you miss me?
I do miss you.
So hang up.
If you miss me, why would you… hang up?
What took you so long to pick up?
I was reading a book.
So I didn't know you called.
It's Meditations.
I guess I got in the way
of your journey of knowledge.
Should I hang up?
I finished reading.
Which line is the most memorable?
I want to be with you.
Is that from Meditations?
It's from me.
We were together until this morning.
You're not by my side now.
Lie down.
It feels like we're together.
Shall we go to bed?
Not yet.
Why not?
Isn't the bed
more comfortable than the sofa?
I said not yet.
Why not yet?
I don't know.
Let's talk about something else.
When did you start falling for me?
Not that. Something else.
Something else…
Something else.
When did you start falling for me?
Please. Something else.
Okay then.
When did you start falling for me?
You must be crazy.
When did you
start falling for Jang Sin-yu?
I'm going to hang up.
What did you talk about with the mayor?
He seemed to be in a bad mood.
The no-scolding coupons have expired.
Entering my room without knocking,
and entering my room when I'm not in it.
Please don't do these.
I'm doing this to get close to you.
What's that pot?
It was delivered
while you were out of office.
I think it's from your girlfriend.
Should I call her your ex-girlfriend?
Does that mean
the red-cheeked woman you left with is--
No red cheeks anymore.
No way.
Ms. Ma, I'm sorry.
If there are unavoidable circumstances,
it's okay to leave during work hours.
But you should've given
one of us a heads-up.
Everyone was worried.
I'll be more careful from now on.
If something like this happens again…
How about paying a penalty?
Let's do something meaningful this year.
This bank account is very convenient.
It helps you manage group money.
We'll collect penalties
for tardiness, playing hooky,
or making mistakes at work,
and then give it to one person.
What do you think?
Who will you give it to?
Whoever gets married first among us.
Is that going to be you?
Are you marrying Ms. Cha?
That's not happening.
She dumped you.
I knew it.
It was strange
that she even wanted to date you.
To be honest,
you don't look very likeable.
Seung-yeon said I was her ideal type.
Shut up.
Let's change who will get the money.
Whoever gets sick first.
I don't want that. Marriage is fine.
I'm suddenly getting competitive.
That makes the two of us.
This is Sin-yu.
Who's worked the longest
in Greenway Building Division?
Okay. I'll come down.
You don't even call me now.
Is that why you did this?
Yes, I sent you that on purpose.
I wanted you to call me,
get angry and come find me.
At this point, I don't think you love me.
I asked to wait until my work was over.
If you wanted me to do that,
you shouldn't have used your dad.
And why did I do that?
I chased her around first.
I liked her first.
So take your anger out on me.
I checked the transaction,
and the prime cost seemed inflated.
Autumn chrysanthemum festival,
Buyongjae Fireworks Festival,
and several other times.
He's a terrible guy.
He didn't seem like one.
By the way,
is being fooled also considered a crime?
The audit will take place,
but if you tell them
that you double-checked, found it,
and dealt with it, it should be fine.
However, they should be excluded
from any further events starting today.
There might be a hearing if he objects.
You can testify then.
Okay. I will do that.
By any chance,
did you practice tunneling?
You've only worked
with Green Landscape Garden.
Are you suspecting me of bribery?
I never got bribed.
It's a customary practice.
When did
that customary practice start and why?
Well, we kind of owe them a little.
Mr. Na's wife,
went missing five years ago.
So he was investigated as a suspect.
As her husband, he was suspected first.
Then rumors spread in City Hall
that he was the murderer.
Everyone was talking about it.
And his name even happens
to be Na Jung-beom,
which sounds like a murderer's name.
He was acquitted in the end.
But the rumors that spread
don't die down easily.
He drank every day
and became a complete mess.
The manager of my team
back then felt bad for him.
So he decided to help him
and gave him all the work.
That's how we started working with him.
Is there no news from the missing wife?
I don't think so.
I see. Thanks anyway.
Sure. Thank you.
Mr. Jang found him inflating the cost.
We should've changed
our vendors regularly.
We were too complacent.
What about the tree replacement case?
Thankfully, that's done
by another partner.
Starting with the bulb planting,
let's work with a different partner.
Give me a list of our partners.
Yes ma'am.
It's our first workday of the year.
How about a team dinner?
I have a prior engagement.
Another date with Seung-yeon?
No, I'm going on a trip.
A very long trip.
What about the rest?
I'm so sorry,
but the three of us have plans too.
I see.
I have plans with you guys?
Yes, we do have an engagement.
What about you, Mr. Park?
I have a stomachache.
So you held hands.
You did.
Spill the beans.
What happened with Mr. Jang?
First, food and drinks.
Calm down.
Settle down, okay?
Just order the garlic flavor.
I prefer chili.
Then order that too.
What about this?
Are you off work?
Order that too. What else?
And for the drinks…
I'm with my seniors.
It's a gathering.
Mr. Jang, I knocked.
I'll be off now.
You wanted to get close to me, right?
Yes. I'll do anything.
Tell us now.
Ms. Lee, why did Mr. Jang go out with you
holding hands?
Speak casually. What's up with "Ms. Lee"?
I've got to say though,
the chicken tastes amazing.
It's spicy.
-The garlic one tastes good too.
Are you listening?
How many times do I have to
ask you what happened with him?
I'm dating
Mr. Jang.
How did you win his heart?
I cast a spell.
Love Spell.
Why won't you answer me?
What happened is…
He's here.
-Mr. Shocking.
You're here for dinner.
We're here for dinner too.
Gi-dong over here
pestered me to go for a drink.
You're drinking?
No. Not me but Gi-dong over here.
Yes. I'll be drinking.
Let's go.
Can we join you?
If you insist--
Come here.
We work in the same place,
so it'd be strange to sit separately.
Come here.
Who is it?
The security.
Thanks for your hard work--
My goodness.
How can you
open the door without checking?
You live alone after all.
If someone comes at this hour,
you must check the intercom,
ask why they're here and check their ID.
You came here
all of a sudden to nag at me?
What's with this bag?
I'm on a trip.
And this is my destination.
Is any of us three your ideal type?
Why aren't any of us your ideal type?
I don't have an ideal type.
Also, ideal types have
nothing to do with dating.
That's true.
Beauty and the Beast
weren't each other's ideal types.
-Excuse me.
I'll spin it this time.
Is there a chance of breaking up
with that rumored woman?
We broke up.
Is your knee okay?
The second round is on me. Let's go.
Check this out.
What is this?
It's a nicely written document. It's neat.
There are a lot of advantages
of living together.
But I'm not doing it.
Why not? There are many advantages.
Let's live together first,
and if you don't like it, I'll move out.
I don't want to do it.
Do you not like me or living together?
Why did you do that to me?
Why didn't you let me go
on a blind date with Seung-yeon?
I don't want you with someone else,
but I don't want you with me either.
Can't you just be with me?
Think of me as your servant.
I'll do all the work.
I don't believe it.
My ex-husband said that too.
Some people don't change over 20 years.
You know that you're my first love.
I'll leave.
I'm leaving.
Rewrite the document and bring it to me.
I hate typos.
What's with "chamring"
and "love of a thousnad years"?
What do you want to sing?
Don't mind me, Gi-dong.
"I Ain't Going Home Tonight."
Three, seven, three…
About what I wanted to say earlier--
Tell me later.
Mr. Jang just became single, so…
-I have something to tell you.
-It's my song.
Sung by Sae-byeol.
"I Ain't Going Home Tonight."
Stop pretending you're ignorant
How can you have such slow wits?
You have aged in vain
Do I really have to say it out loud
For you to realize?
Actually, I'm not drunk
But I wanted to look drunk
You really don't know
You don't know women
Hey, listen to me.
I ain't going home tonight
I ain't going home tonight
Let's enjoy this in a more calm manner.
If you feel the same
If you want the same thing
It would be nice
If I held--
Gosh. Oh.
I meant to press "Clap."
Don't try to hold my hand
But hold me in your arms
Try to feel me
With your eyes closed tight
If your heart is tangled up
Look into my eyes
I am indeed seducing you
Move your limbs and do it!
Just the two of us
Tonight, let's take it!
Light up the moonlight
Let it shine your heart
And show it to me
Mr. Jang. You should sing too.
Okay, I will.
I'll sing.
It's my favorite song!
Even among the distant stars
There must be someone singing love
Every night he'd be merry
Collecting good old memories
And write a song to sing
The starlight that embroider
The pitch-black night sky
Follows where the wind blows
The thought of missing you
Grows in this October night
This beautiful night
You have a CCTV now,
but don't let your guard down.
When you work overtime or have gatherings,
make sure you tell me.
So you can drive me home every time?
Beware of the garden owner
and Jae-gyeong too.
All men are dangerous except me.
I get it. Go now.
It's late.
You don't need light fixing these days?
You asked me
to change the ballast last time.
Should I come up and check just in case?
They're fine.
You don't like eating alone.
Shall we go up and eat?
We had a gathering. I ate two chickens.
I guess this is it then.
You're the dangerous one.
I could be more dangerous.
Where are you going?
Go home quickly.
I don't need to go home.
I really don't need
to go home today.
Why not? Hong-jo…
Drive safely and carefully.
-Must I really go?
-Wear your seat belt.
Oh, my goodness!
Why're you sitting here?
How could you do that
in front of the house?
I wanted to go buy drinks, but I couldn't.
You already look very drunk though.
I'm very drunk.
My drinking limit is
one bottle of soju, and I had two.
But I want to get more drunk.
You said you liked me
on September 27th.
It hasn't even been 100 days,
and now you like someone else.
It breaks my heart.
How can…
love change?
Who considers a crush as love?
It should've lasted longer.
To be honest, you guys
don't look good together.
The height difference.
It's too much.
A bear and a giraffe
cannot get together to begin with. A bear…
looks better with an otter like me.
They both eat fish.
-Mr. Kwon--
-Don't call me that again.
You call Sin-yu by his name.
Why won't you call me by my name?
Call me by my name.
So annoying.
Is my name hard to pronounce?
Kwon Jae-gyeong.
This is crazy.
Come out now.
Hi. What's up?
Anyone can get drunk and make mistakes.
Did I make any mistakes?
I don't remember anything.
Didn't you avoid me
because you remembered?
I didn't avoid you.
I went back in to get my phone.
I see.
You left your phone inside. That's why.
Does his phone have feet?
It keeps moving on its own.
About what I said last night…
Don't worry about it.
I didn't take it seriously.
No. Please take it seriously.
I do want to be called by my name.
"Mr. Kwon."
It's hard to pronounce.
You started having
tactile hallucinations again?
I didn't have this symptom for a while.
But it came back a few days ago.
There's an MRI that detects acute lesions.
If that turns out to be normal,
then… you'll have to go to a psychiatrist.
I don't know which is better,
the results being normal or abnormal.
I can't decide.
I'll set the earliest date.
Let's do it first and then discuss.
You killed her.
The owner of the bloody hand
that caresses your cheek.
"A terrible curse is cast on me."
That awful curse will be
passed down for generations
and will not end.
I feel endlessly sorry.
But I ask a favor.
Leave the shrine on Mount Onju as is.
From one generation to the next,
take good care of it.
By any chance…
if I was your mortal enemy
in our past lives,
what would you think?
Did you have the dream again?
Before, you had a high status
and I was a lowly being.
What is it now?
A young master and a servant?
A crown prince and a maid?
It was similar.
How absurd.
If that was the case
and I gave you a hard time,
and if you remembered all of that,
how would you feel?
Obviously, I'll break up
with you right away.
I'm joking.
Why is that important?
What matters is the present.
Promise me
that you won't change your mind.
Why go so far as to promise?
Close your eyes.
Another kiss?
It's pretty.
You can't go anywhere now.
I won't go anywhere.
This is my present.
Use it well.
How can she do this?
She didn't say anything when we drank.
You're right.
What I hate the most is that she acted
like she knew nothing in front of us.
Good morning.
Did something happen?
We need to talk.
Did you post the pictures?
Why would I do that?
I still don't think Sin-yu and I broke up.
Did you really not post them?
I told you before.
I think you have a stalker.
Aren't you scared?
If I were you, I would be
looking for that stalker first.
And you didn't hire that stalker?
You must think
you're somebody.
Well, you are the talk of the town.
For hitting on multiple men.
This was a stupid idea.
Even if you did it,
you would never admit it.
Forget it. Get back to work.
It's her in the pictures.
She's so promiscuous.
I'm actually jealous.
Both of them
are the most popular men here.
Excuse me. I can hear you.
And I'm not promiscuous.
It was posted then deleted quickly.
But the screenshots keep going around.
The whole City Hall is making a fuss.
Mayor shouted in anger.
This is the biggest scandal I've seen
in five years of my career here.
Where are you going?
Not to Hong-jo, right?
If I go meet her right now,
don't you think things will get worse?
Then where…
I was going to tell you. But--
You were going to tell us?
You should've told us.
We were trying
to impress Mr. Jang in karaoke…
My pride is hurt.
So embarrassing.
What did you think of us?
Did you have fun watching us?
-Did you find us funny?
No, I never thought that.
I didn't keep it a secret on purpose.
I couldn't tell you.
Of course you couldn't tell us.
You were two-timing.
How can you date two guys?
I don't believe this.
I will tell you everything.
Whatever. It's too late.
You're worse than girls like her
who hit on guys so aggressively.
Flirting with everyone, acting innocent.
Let's go.
What's wrong?
Ms. Yoo.
Are you okay?
Yes. I'm perfectly fine.
I'm working energetically.
What's going on here?
I can't even breathe.
If you have a problem, just fight.
That's absolute nonsense.
It's fun to watch others fight.
I'll go check out
the tree replacement site.
It's just that tree, right?
Why did it die alone?
Since you're curious,
I'll do my best to find out.
And one more thing.
I'm rewriting the document.
Are you curious?
I'm not.
A tree over three meters dies.
And a ridiculous scandal breaks.
Why are so many incidents happening
since the start of the year?
You seem fine.
Is there any reason not to be?
On my way in,
the atmosphere felt strange,
so I asked around.
An incredible scandal broke apparently.
It's not a scandal. It's a crime.
You can't take others' pictures
without permission.
I see.
They posted pictures.
I wonder who did that.
Is there no news yet?
About your missing wife.
You know a lot about me.
And I'm thinking
that it's very strange.
You're here to complain
about how unfair it is
to be excluded from the partner selection.
But you keep talking about something else.
We can… talk about that now.
To the right.
Move aside.
-What is it?
What's wrong?
-What's that?
Human bones.
Where is this?
I think it's around here.
There really is a pit.
Who did this?
Did Green Landscape Garden
take part in creating this park too?
I guess so.
But it was under a different name then.
By any chance,
did Na Jung-beom's wife go missing
around the time this park was created?
I think she went missing much earlier.
But why…
Don't tell me…
Don't come in.
Subtitle translation by: Kim Yeeun
I now understand what you said.
You said you saw me in your dreams.
I saw you too.
Even all my servants have names.
I can't call you "No-name."
I'll name you.
What did you see?
I saw something
I didn't want to see.
Ripped and synced by
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