Divorce Attorney Shin (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

So about Hawaii…
I heard you recommended
that she move there.
You told her you'd visit often
with Jeong-guk.
But guess who's here right now?
It's me and my daughter.
Why do you think that is?
Because I put my mind to it.
And this is what happens when I do.
Do you understand?
Ms. Shin.
Know your place.
It's in your best interest.
If I put my mind to kicking your son out,
where do you think he'll end up?
Why would you do this?
I don't need Daenam Electronics' money.
I just need Gi-yeong.
Please send him to me.
He's so young.
- He's much too young.
- Exactly. So please.
Get out of his life before your face
is etched in his brain, okay?
Go live with your brother in Germany
or just drop dead!
I've had enough, Ms. Shin.
I'm warning you.
And don't bother studying the law.
It won't do you any good.
Unless you want your son to suffer.
I didn't want to get in the car
after my science class.
I see.
I get it. Sometimes you just
don't want to do anything.
Uncle Sung-han.
Why did my mom pass away?
She got in an accident.
A car accident.
Why did she get a divorce?
You see,
- when grown-ups don't get along--
- Did my stepmom
kick her out?
Who told you that?
The kids at my school.
Can't I come with you to Germany
and study there?
Of course you can.
That'd be great.
Is there nothing you can do
because you're not my parent?
Then how will you protect me?
I will.
Guess what?
That's exactly why I became an attorney.
I don't know
how I'm going to protect you yet.
But I'll find a way.
So do me a favor.
Let's not…
Let's not think about
giving up or anything.
So can you tell me?
What happened today?
You know…
I feel the most comfortable in the car.
Mr. Jung drives me to school
and to my lessons.
It's even better
when there's traffic.
Because Mr. Jung
turns a blind eye to everything.
He says I'm a good boy.
But the thing is,
he'll be leaving soon as well.
I'll be completely alone, Uncle Sung-han.
Why is Mr. Jung leaving?
I have…
no one left on my side.
His violin school
doesn't have enough parking space.
So you can drop Gi-yeong off here,
and use the parking lot
about 100m past the building.
They're really strict
about parking around here.
It sounded like she'll be sending him
to all new classes as well.
I see.
I'm so sorry.
Why are you sorry?
I thought…
you were doing well.
I thought things were fine with you.
I just made an assumption.
But I was wrong.
That's why I'm sorry.
Look at me.
You need to go home for now.
Do you understand?
I'm going to start looking right now.
For a place where you'll be
more comfortable…
than when you're in traffic.
And for people who'll make you
feel that way.
I'll make sure I find them.
But it might take a while.
I need you to be patient.
I need you to eat well, exercise,
and stay positive.
Can you do that for me?
Hi. Say hi.
I'll drop him off after dinner.
After dinner?
He can eat at home.
No, I'll eat with him.
It's already dinnertime.
All right then.
Where is he?
I'll pick him up right now.
Let him be.
He's just having dinner with his uncle.
Is it normal for him to eat
with his grandmother's divorce attorney?
You can't put it like that.
It's his uncle.
It drives me crazy to see
how much of a pushover you are.
Why is everyone stuck in the past?
You're so good.
Is there anything you can't do?
She's Uncle Hyeong-geun's girlfriend,
and he's helping her cook.
Good looks must run in the family.
You're so handsome.
Sorry, I'll leave you alone.
The ramyeon here is amazing.
You might want to order
two bowls to begin with.
Can I have some rice with it?
I'm all out.
- Gi-yeong!
- Welcome.
- Hi, Gi-yeong!
- Just in time.
Go get us some instant rice.
How have you been, Gi-yeong?
He wants some rice with his ramyeon.
Is that so hard?
You want some rice with your ramyeon?
Then I'll go get
some steaming hot rice for you.
Stop baby-talking, will you?
"Stop baby-talking, will you?"
Should I try it?
Hyeong-geun, are you done
chopping the green onions?
I'm sorry, kid.
- I won't do that again.
- Okay.
That wasn't too bad.
Right, Gi-yeong?
It's not okay?
Please tell her that it's okay.
Say it.
Let's go in.
Sung-han must be heartbroken.
I thought Gi-yeong just came by to say hi.
It seemed like he came by himself.
I hope everything's okay.
Do you think Sung-han went home?
The number you are
trying to reach is currently….
His phone is off.
He shouldn't be alone right now.
Let's go.
His car isn't here either.
I don't think he's home yet.
He should be home by now
after dropping Gi-yeong off.
Where the hell is he?
We should know his door code
for emergencies like this.
What the hell?
It's the office door code.
How did you think to try it?
I use the same passcode for my house too.
No way. Hey.
You should break up with So-yeon.
- Why?
- You're meant to be with Sung-han.
Shut your nonsense hole.
I got goosebumps.
You knew what it was, didn't you?
No, I didn't.
Stop it.
We're ordering sandwiches.
You want avocado?
I want to go to one.
- You lunatics.
- I'll get you ham and egg.
What's your address?
You're getting this, right?
I'm not drinking soda with my breakfast.
What do you want then?
- Coffee.
- Coffee.
I'm getting a bicycle.
What for?
Have you seen that movie?
Il Postino.
The one about the postman.
He writes poems and travels on his bike.
What about that?
I write poems too.
You idiot.
You made it worse.
Did Gi-yeong get home all right?
Where was Mr. Jung? On vacation?
He got fired.
It was that crazy woman, wasn't it?
Gi-yeong must have been shocked.
Of course.
Mr. Jung's been around since he was born.
She fired him?
What the hell is her problem?
Why did she suddenly fire him?
- Answer us, man.
- I don't have any answers.
I wish I did.
What a crazy woman.
Thank you for staying behind
and taking care of Gi-yeong.
Don't mention it.
I did it for his late mother's sake.
Thank you for everything, ma'am.
Yeong-ju can be difficult.
She must have put you through
quite a bit of trouble.
I know you had to endure a lot.
I'm an adult. I can handle that.
But I'm concerned
about Gi-yeong these days.
He eats well at home.
But he's been binge-eating a lot lately.
He asks me to drop him off
at a convenience store
and eats a ton.
And after eating all that,
he throws it back up.
Is Jeong-guk aware of this?
I don't think so.
I told Ms. Jin about it,
but it must've ticked her off.
She brought in a new driver.
Where's Gi-yeong right now?
I'm not sure.
I was in no position to ask.
This is it.
Seems like it is, right?
Shouldn't Attorney Shin know
that we're working so hard on a weekend?
Pose with me, Ms. Lee.
Let's take a photo for him.
I'll send it to him.
Ms. Lee.
Have you ever had corn sujebi before?
I've tried it once,
and it's very light and savory.
- Here's your food.
- Gosh.
Let me.
I'm sorry, I have bad knees.
You should switch to self-service.
What if I lose my regulars?
This is really delicious, ma'am.
Did you put corn flour in the soup?
That's right.
It's also in the dough.
- Isn't it nice and nutty?
- Yes, it is.
Isn't it tasty?
Coming back from work?
Are you Jun-hui's teacher?
No, I'm not her teacher.
Jun-hui, this is really good.
You know how I said
I've had this somewhere?
It was at a chain restaurant,
but this is much tastier.
- Thank you.
- Thank you, come again.
- Of course.
- The soup is amazing.
My grandma came up with the recipe.
- Did you enjoy the food?
- We loved it.
Thank you so much.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
- Come again.
- Goodbye.
Having fun?
- Stop it.
- She started her own restaurant
with the guy she had an affair with.
My son used to run this place.
This neighborhood produced a lot of corn.
That's all that we had.
The restaurant
did well enough to support
the three of them.
But they just didn't get along.
There's nothing you can do
when people don't get along.
You're right.
There's nothing you can do.
My son wasn't any better than her.
They fought like cats and dogs.
And then my daughter-in-law…
She had an affair.
She ran off with a younger guy
who had been supplying
corn flour to the restaurant.
And then my son was
so devastated that he fell ill.
I don't care what kind of life she leads,
but she should still look after her kid.
She's never paid any child support.
Have you ever asked her for it?
Yes, I visited her several times.
But she said
the restaurant was her husband's
and she had no money.
Even without income,
she's obligated to pay the minimum amount.
We have a law for that now.
You can sue her for it.
Can I really do that?
You bet.
Well, that's…
Please help me get
that child support for Jun-hui.
So you're at church?
I see.
Jo Jeong-sik Real Estate is open 24/7.
Yes, I sent you the file.
So please take a look.
This little punk.
What are you planning?
What do you mean?
It just seems like a suspicious way
to prepare for resignation.
I went to a real estate office
to find an office.
What's wrong with that?
There are plenty of other realtors.
Did you forget?
If it weren't for Jo Jeong-sik,
you never would have met me.
Then what would have happened?
What we did wasn't just suspicious.
We committed a crime.
Sure, I handed over
Shin Ju-hwa's medical records.
But not many attorneys would
betray their own clients.
It was just a stupid divorce suit.
And you gave up your morals
and your life for it.
You should watch your mouth.
You married into a conglomerate,
but I guess wealth can't fix
your lack of class.
Mr. Park.
What's your plan then?
What are you trying to get from me
using this picture?
Make your offer.
What do you want?
Mr. Seo's coffee franchise
seems to be doing well.
Just get me a store in a nice spot.
Consider it my severance pay.
You don't look too well.
I didn't get much sleep.
You must be concerned about Gi-yeong.
I am.
I asked to see you today…
because I don't think I can finish
our Beethoven operation.
What do you mean?
To others, his score
may have seemed incomplete.
But in Beethoven's head,
he must have had
a complete understanding of the piece.
I'm not sure I follow.
All the evidence
you put together for the case,
this cakewalk of a lawsuit,
Gi-yeong running away from home,
Mr. Jung suddenly getting fired…
something going on.
There's definitely something.
But I can't interpret it.
You must be having second thoughts
- after seeing Gi-yeong suffer--
- I even visited
Ju-hwa's old home.
I even went to the street
she passed away on.
But I'm still lost.
It feels like I'm…
walking in a haze.
So I'm sorry,
but I'm dropping your case.
This is very irresponsible of you.
I've already negotiated
with Daenam's attorneys.
They can't give you 50%.
And you know very well
that we didn't expect them to either.
You'll be receiving 27%.
But we're almost there.
I know.
But the thing is…
I don't think I can perform a piece
that I don't fully understand.
As for the rest of the case,
no attorney could make a difference,
for better or for worse.
Thanks to this weapon you gave me.
You don't have personal reasons.
Did you go cycling?
- Have a sweet potato.
- Thank you.
Mr. Jang.
Ms. Lee and I did a pro bono consultation,
and the client wishes to file a suit.
- Can we go ahead with it?
- I'll take care of the fees.
Is the client struggling financially?
It's LifeSucksAnyway's family.
Come on.
The one you wanted to sue?
You caught them?
She's a kid.
- Elementary schooler?
- Middle schooler.
Well, a middle school dropout.
So you're telling me
that she needs to file a lawsuit, correct?
I assume it's not a divorce suit.
Her mother refuses to pay child support.
That's why she dropped out of school.
Oh, dear.
Shouldn't we talk
to Attorney Shin about this?
There's no need for that.
You can take care of it.
I can't take Ms. Lee's money.
Her money?
I thought you were helping this poor kid.
Thank you, Attorney Choi.
I'll treat you to a nice meal.
No, thank you.
About Ms. Ma Geum-hui's suit.
Could you hand me all her files?
I'm handing them over.
We agreed to end it here.
Please give her a call.
You have her number, right?
Give her a full refund.
The sauna should be open, right?
Is this your sauna?
I was sunbathing.
Mr. Jang sure is your friend.
He said you'd be at the park
since you don't like saunas.
And he was right.
I never asked
because I didn't want to be rude.
About why
you quit the piano
and became a divorce attorney.
About what happened to your sister.
About why Ms. Ma came to you for help.
Or why…
you're backing out.
It's so complicated.
I don't even know where to begin.
Attorney Choi told me a bit
about your relationship with Daenam.
So I have a rough idea.
What do you want the most right now?
What do you need?
For example,
back then,
all I wanted was
to keep Hyeon-u by my side.
Something like that.
I want Gi-yeong to live a happy life.
Then do that for him.
The law won't allow me to.
I'd never be granted custody of my nephew.
The law even allowed
a mom like me to have my rights.
And you're the one who made it happen.
So your nephew's name is Gi-yeong.
Let's look for a way.
There could have been
similar cases in the past.
And I've been looking very hard.
It took a toll on my eyesight.
I'm becoming farsighted.
I'm sick of reading.
When's your next shoot?
Probably when I get the script.
I think it'll be soon.
I heard you caught him. LifeSucksAnyway.
It wasn't a "he."
It was a middle school girl.
Jeez, a middle school girl?
You fired Mr. Jung
after hearing about my divorce.
You made the right call
if you're trying to block me out.
That's not why she did it.
Tell her.
But you could have taken your time
for Gi-yeong's sake.
I did it for his sake.
Mr. Jung talked as if
something was wrong with him.
Any parent would be offended by that.
A proper parent would
worry about their child, Yeong-ju.
Can I ask you something?
Why do you hate me so much?
You look at me as if I'm subhuman.
That's not true.
Then why do you look at me
with such contempt?
That's enough.
She's worried about Gi-yeong.
This is irrelevant.
I need to hear her answer.
I went to the same schools as Jeong-guk
when we were growing up.
You know my family used to be well-off.
Why does that matter?
Because you treat me
as if I'm dirt poor.
That's not important.
I couldn't care less.
It's about how you look at others.
The insecurity and hostility in your eyes
make me uncomfortable.
Even after moving away,
you found jobs near Jeong-guk.
You even took out a loan
to follow him to New York
and move in with him.
Don't you think you tried too hard?
It's beyond desperate.
Had you not stepped in,
he wouldn't even have gotten a divorce.
I pity you for thinking that way.
But enough about you.
Let Gi-yeong go.
I want him to live with his uncle.
He'll be going through puberty soon.
We're his parents.
His parents?
His parents?
That time in Hawaii.
That morning.
His mom got into that accident
right after your phone call.
You know that, don't you?
This is ridiculous.
Are you blaming me?
Do you think I staged
the accident somehow?
I don't even know that driver.
That phone call.
Has it never occurred to you
that I might have overheard it?
What is she talking about?
It's nothing.
It's nothing?
I'd like for you
to apologize to Ju-hwa, Jeong-guk.
And I'd like for you
to let Gi-yeong live with his uncle.
That's what he wants.
Please stay out of this.
Welcome… Hi!
Hold on. We're having ramyeon?
This place is great.
- They're also our only sponsor.
- Hello.
Long time no see.
By the way, I'm giving out two bowls now.
So don't please call
my sponsorship humble again.
- Three bowls?
- I already ate.
Make it three. Two won't be enough.
We'd also like some wine.
You didn't drive here, did you?
Why would you have wine with ramyeon?
Why does this work?
We're picky about our sponsors.
Verified businesses only.
I have to go pick up Hyeon-u soon.
So what's this about?
I'll have you know…
I jumped through hoops for this.
For what? My comeback?
Come on, you ruined it.
Is she making a comeback?
It's not the 9 a.m. slot though.
What the heck?
Are you serious?
You're not kidding?
It's the 4 p.m. slot.
DJ Yeong is going to the UK to study.
I did my absolute best.
I suited up and went to
the vice president--
It only worked out
because our stream was a success.
Hey! Don't be ridiculous.
You think the radio is so easy?
If I were to line up all the soju bottles
that I had to drink to give her a slot,
they'd reach all the way…
Down to the Supreme Court in Seocho?
That's right.
Gosh, I'm getting all worked up.
Excuse me, could we get
another bottle of this château?
Call me a baron, because I'm loving this.
"Bring me wine!" "Yes, My Lord!"
I'm sorry.
But I have to close early today.
I have a date.
It must be going well between you two.
I'm so jealous.
Any news from Mr. Jo?
I haven't seen him lately.
I'm sitting right here.
- So I went--
- I should get going.
I can't make Hyeon-u wait.
Okay, let's call it a night then.
- Should we?
- Ms. Kim has a date too.
That'll be 35,500 won.
Why is it so hectic here?
- Thank you for the meal.
- Don't mention it.
- It was only ramyeon, not beef.
- Thank you.
Wait, was there beef in it?
- Thank you and goodbye.
- Goodbye.
- Thank you for the meal.
- Come again.
Have fun on your date.
There's a nice fried chicken place nearby.
You two can get some beer.
Thank you so much, sir. I'll stop by soon.
Get home safe.
Let's go have some chicken.
We need to plan the show.
I'm going to hire another producer.
Come on, Mr. Jang.
Let's go!
You'll get me divorced.
It's okay. I know a divorce attorney.
The 4 p.m. slot?
That's not bad.
"It's 4 p.m., and I'm Lee Seo-jin."
Break time?
I could do that.
I could totally do that.
Bye, Hyeon-u.
- See you tomorrow.
- Okay. Bye.
- Hyeon-u.
- Mom!
- Did you have fun?
- Yes.
- Where's your car?
- I left it at home so we can walk back.
- There's something I want to do with you.
- What?
I saw it on the internet.
This is supposed to be a good pairing.
Isn't it good?
I'm going to gain so much weight.
When is your next shoot?
A lot of people are
asking about that today.
Who else asked?
My old boss at the radio station.
Did you meet him?
He suggested that
I should make a comeback.
Do you know what that means?
It means starting again, right?
Will you be doing a morning show?
They're giving me the 4 p.m. slot.
That's even better.
I'll be able to listen to it.
Nothing's for sure yet.
Just maybe.
I hope it works out.
You're great on the radio.
What did Attorney Shin say?
I haven't told him.
Nothing's set in stone.
I'll tell him when it is.
I'm sure he'll be happy for you.
I think we've seen all the new movies.
You're right. There's nothing left.
No, thank you. I'm full.
Please don't take this the wrong way.
But since we've seen all the movies,
if it's okay with you,
we could go to my place and…
I mean, we could watch
some dramas and chill--
Should we change the channel?
You're not going home tonight.
He's hilarious.
He's so lucky.
I'm okay.
- Wipe your nose.
- Okay.
Gosh, my foot.
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
My foot is asleep.
- Your foot?
- Yes, it's asleep.
Let me see.
Stop it!
Are you okay?
You don't look okay.
I'm okay.
I'm okay. Are you okay?
About your former wife.
"Former wife?" That's not it.
Your ex-wife.
Yes. Her.
Why did it take you so long
to break up with her?
Because I was a lousy husband.
I was away all the time.
She said she was very lonely.
And I just couldn't forget those words.
So I wanted to treat her well
if she came back.
That's why.
Are you okay now?
Have you
really moved on?
Of course.
She looked happy.
Does that mean
it's okay for me to be happy
without feeling guilty?
Hold on.
Where are we going?
I don't know.
I think I do.
I said I would come to you.
You didn't have to.
- Thank you.
- My pleasure.
So this is your office.
I've always wanted to come.
I see.
She wants 27%?
That's not a bad rate.
They initially demanded 50%
and we got it down to 27%.
Why is she getting so greedy?
She had donated all her money
as if she were Mother Teresa.
And now she wants her share?
So she's…
never taken Gi-yeong to a doctor?
He was in third grade
when he suddenly became
quiet and depressed.
He would only brighten up
on the days when he'd see you.
Since he started fourth grade,
he's gotten a lot worse.
I have told her, but…
You know.
Did you tell his dad too?
No, I rarely got to see him.
I told Ms. Jin about it a couple of times.
And what did she say?
Not much.
I'm sorry.
I should have taken better care of him.
It's not your fault.
I'm his uncle,
and I had no idea.
I couldn't do anything for him.
always seemed so happy
whenever he was with me.
That boy
grew up too fast.
Maybe it's because
he was raised by his stepmom,
but he catches on quickly.
He's too nice to complain.
It really breaks my…
I'm sorry.
Thank you…
for being so good to him.
And for telling me
all of this.
I appreciate it.
Don't mention it.
Please let me know if you need any help.
Hey, what's up?
You little…
Why is your office still closed?
What are you up to?
Come on, man.
I'm busy. We'll talk later.
I'm driving.
Come in.
Did Mr. Jung leave?
I wish he stayed for a meal.
I asked him,
but he had plans with his family.
It's tough, isn't it?
You'll get Gi-yeong out of there, right?
Of course.
All right then.
Let's do this.
Are you done with this?
Can I have a look?
It's no use.
I couldn't find a case where an uncle
sued for his nephew's custody.
Let's keep looking.
I'll help out.
I hope he's not causing trouble.
Jeez, when will he grow up?
Did he answer his phone?
Yes, but he said he was driving
and hung up.
- He must be driving a taxi.
- To pay rent?
That little--
Yes, that's me.
Where are you calling from?
I'm sorry about him.
I apologize.
I understand why he acted that way.
But Ms. Park must have been
really frightened
to have called the police.
A suspicious car tailing her for days?
That's creepy.
A suspicious car?
I'm very sorry about that.
Can I have a word with you?
Why are you so obsessed with Gi-yeong?
You coaxed an old lady
who had no interest in money
into demanding a large amount of money.
And now you want Gi-yeong's share
of the inheritance too?
Is that why you're being so stubborn?
Ms. Jin.
Don't you think this is too much?
She bought a shabby farmhouse
so she can live a simple life.
She sold her one and only building
and donated the money
to some international relief organization.
So why would someone like her
suddenly demand her share?
For her contributions?
Please get me as much as possible.
I need the money.
You should be content with what you have.
Why won't you leave me alone?
Your sister was just like you.
So desperate to get custody of her son.
But what gives you the right to do this?
Are you incapable
of filtering your words
before you say them?
I just can't hold back anymore.
What is it?
Did it hit home?
Is this how you treated my sister?
What did you say
to my sister over the phone that day?
I have no reason to answer that.
Your words are…
like daggers.
They can rip someone to pieces.
Did I say something wrong?
She should have known
there was nothing she could do,
no matter how much she prepared
or studied the law.
It's not like I pushed her.
Why are you acting like it's my fault
that she got herself killed?
Damn it!
I'll make this short.
I just have to know. Please excuse me.
Is something wrong?
Why do you
need so much money?
I heard you sold your building
and donated the money.
That run-down building was
barely worth one billion won,
but I had to pay a hefty tax.
Why do you need that money?
Where will you spend it all?
I won't die anytime soon.
I need the money to age gracefully.
I'm finally starting
to understand the score.
I'm starting to understand
why you need so much money.
It's for Gi-yeong.
You want to secure his share for him
before Jin Yeong-ju can get to it.
You must have heard
their conversation that day.
I'm not sure I follow.
You were always afraid.
You needed someone
who was fearless enough to challenge her.
So you must have been delighted
to find out that I had
the motivation to do so.
You're right.
You interpreted the music perfectly.
Do you finally understand
why you have to win this case?
After all,
I gave you a very powerful weapon.
Why are you backing out?
Tell me the reason.
Most people put their children
before their grandchildren.
So why are you going to such lengths
to protect Gi-yeong?
Because he's her son.
Ju-hwa was like
a daughter
that I never had.
Ms. Ma.
Shall I drive you to a hotel?
What for?
This is my house.
I had returned from a long trip,
and my husband had brought
his former secretary home.
I couldn't bring myself to go inside,
but I was too proud to turn around.
You can't tell Jeong-guk about this.
I used to go there a lot before I met him.
It's my secret place.
We could have had Mr. Jung drive us.
I want it to be just us two.
It'll be more fun.
We'll go to the beach tomorrow.
We'll watch the sunrise
and have breakfast.
Why didn't you take me with you?
I wanted to go on a date with her.
Where are you headed? I'll be there.
Then it wouldn't be a date.
You can tag along next time.
Fine. Have a safe trip.
She knew everything
but never once asked about it.
Thank you.
Let's eat.
You must be too tired to eat.
I've been having indigestion
for the past few days.
I feel nauseous too.
Have you seen a doctor?
How could you not know
that you're pregnant?
I can drive, Mother.
Don't be ridiculous. Let me.
I could do this countless times.
I'm not tired at all.
And that's how
I first met…
my dear Gi-yeong.
I couldn't stop their divorce.
I didn't have a say in it.
It was between the two of them.
There was nothing I could do.
You should have at least rented a car.
How could you tail her for days
in your flashy car?
How could she not notice?
Don't tell me you were dense enough
to open the roof.
Hey, Jo Jeong-sik!
You crazy bastard!
What the hell were you thinking?
You idiot.
You could have gotten convicted.
I did it because I love you.
You're unbelievable.
Don't pay rent anymore.
Our friendship is rent enough.
You stupid, kind-hearted landlord.
You bastard.
You must have been terrified
at the police station.
I was.
- Have a drink.
- No, thanks.
He did it out of love.
Have a drink.
I'm busy. I'll get busier from now on.
Then I'll get busier too.
Hey, listen to this.
"Concerto for Two Violins."
Hi, Gi-yeong.
It's a concerto for our two clients.
- Have you been well?
- Yes.
Have you been eating well
and sleeping well?
How much do you have on you?
Me? Why do you ask?
Give it to me.
You're too young to have this much.
All right.
This is your down payment.
Mr. Seo Gi-yeong.
I, Attorney Shin Sung-han,
will do my best…
Seo Gi-yeong!
…to get you out of that
suffocating castle.
What do you say?
Subtitle translation by: Soo-ji Kim
Find out what she's most desperate for
and put a leash on it.
Please, I'm asking you.
Support me from afar.
In your seat, in the radio booth.
If we can prove that laws were broken
in the process of Ju-hwa's divorce,
we definitely have a chance.
Let's go down together.
I'm not going down alone.
You're supposed to be his dad.
Why do you live with your eyes closed?
You're going to lose.
Don't lose, Mom.
I'm going to win.
Ripped and synced by
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