Doctor John (2019) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

You can choose how much time
you have left.
Give up being a doctor
and you'll live longer.
Choose to be a doctor and you must risk
all the time you have left.
Is your career as a doctor
your whole life?
We have to pull ourselves together.
Coming through. Let us through.
-Coming through!
-Excuse me!
-This way. How is she?
-There's no breathing.
The oxygen saturation level is 78.
Because of the nasal bleeding,
intubation will be difficult.
You don't feel pain.
How do you feel about patients who do?
Do you feel pity?
Or is it curiosity?
Ri-hye. It's your sister. Ri-hye.
I'm sorry, but you can't enter.
Now let's see your son.
Do you think we did the right thing?
She jumped from the rooftop
because she wanted to die.
Do you think it's right
to save her like this?
We're not her friend.
We're in no position to consider
whether she wants to live or not.
We're doctors.
But I'm also a little worried.
If, by any chance, she wrote
an advance directive beforehand,
the intubation might end up
becoming a problem.
Are you saying
we shouldn't have done anything?
No, that's not what I mean.
-I don't know what's right.
-Let's report this to Dr. Cha.
Yoo Ri-hye?
How's her condition?
Take her to the ICU.
Okay, I'll be right there.
I heard the patient has a son.
No mother would think of dying
when she has a son.
That means something motivated her
to jump from the rooftop.
I have a feeling
that this will not end here.
We have a problem. Yoo Ri-hye.
What is it now?
Someone turned off her ventilator.
What? Who?
Who did that?
Right when the nurse discovered
that her ventilator was turned off,
there was someone standing
right next to her in the ICU.
Who are you?
-Dr. Cha?
I'm sorry.
-What are you talking about?
-The entire ICU is a mess.
Someone called the police,
so they're on their way here.
How could that happen?
Who did it?
Who do you think? Isn't it obvious?
Dr. Kwon,
please don't jump to conclusions.
We should hold an investigation,
not just guess who it was.
Yes, you're right.
The police are already on their way.
The police are on their way here.
The police!
Director Kang, please calm down.
How do you expect me to calm down
when someone turned off
a patient's ventilator?
This is clearly attempted murder.
We should be thankful
that she was still breathing.
This could've turned into a murder case.
The professor in charge
of this patient is Cha Yo-han.
And the doctor in charge is Kang Si-young.
You all know that, right?
I want you to order everyone
to cooperate with the investigation.
I'm going to pay close attention
to the investigation results.
I knew something like this
was going to happen one day.
This is driving me crazy.
Should I call Si-young and Mi-rae?
Should I ask them if they know anything?
Things will become a lot more serious
if they actually do know something.
Send Dr. Cha to the legal team.
Hurry up before the cops get here.
You can't go inside.
-Aunt Joo-kyung.
Dr. Cha is with the legal team.
The legal team?
Chief Min sent him to Mr. Han.
You guys don't know anything about this,
What about Yoo Ri-hye?
We moved her to the general ward for now.
Thanks, Aunt.
-Is this the ventilator?
I'm Min Tae-kyung,
the chief of Anesthesiology.
Hello, chief.
I'm Lieutenant Kim Jung-rok
from Gangnam Police Station.
We moved Yoo Ri-hye to the general ward.
-How's her condition?
-She's breathing on her own,
and she's unconscious.
Can you explain to us
what happened in detail?
It happened right when
visiting hours were over in the ICU.
What time are people allowed to visit?
At our hospital,
it's from 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
But Yoo Ri-hye didn't get any visitors
in the afternoon.
But it's when other people
were allowed inside.
So please continue
to explain everything in detail.
Who are you here to visit?
The nurses let the visitors inside
after we ask who they're visiting
-and how they're related to the patient.
-You may go inside.
-You don't keep a record?
That's when things get really hectic
in the ICU.
And earlier today, as soon as we let
the visitors inside…
-Mom, what's wrong?
-Things were even more hectic
because there was a code blue.
Yoo Ri-hye was in Room 2
which is right in front of the station,
but it's hard to look inside
because the table's a little high.
Even so, how could you not notice
that her ventilator was turned off?
Isn't there an alarm for that?
I'll answer that question.
An alarm goes off
when there's a problem with her vitals.
But the patient was able to breathe
without a ventilator,
so the machine didn't detect any symptoms,
and that's probably why
-the alarm didn't go off.
Yes, she's right.
Then how did you find out
that the ventilator was turned off?
Like I told you,
visiting hours end at 5 p.m.
So I went inside her room
to replace the antibiotics
after all the visitors had left.
And that's when I saw Dr. Cha
from Pain Management
standing next to the ventilator
that was turned off.
Are there no CCTVs
inside the hospital rooms?
It's against the rules to install CCTVs
in hospital rooms.
Go to the security room
and check all the CCTV footage.
Check all the doctors and visitors
that entered the ICU.
-Yes, sir.
-Officer Park, follow me.
-Let's go.
You won't even tell me?
The police are here.
You wouldn't have done it
without a guardian's consent,
but why can't you say you didn't do it?
-You know something, don't you?
-Can I leave?
You'll stay silent?
There must be a reason you won't speak.
Okay, then. Until the truth is out,
don't say anything.
I'll answer all questions honestly
like I did three years ago.
Dr. Cha. Dr. Cha.
Dr. Cha.
Dr. Cha.
Kang Si-young.
I promise.
We meet again, Dr. Cha Yo-han.
Guess what.
After I investigated you three years ago,
all medical accidents and incidents
end up on my desk.
Take a seat.
I'm halfway to being a doctor.
Whenever anyone in my station feels sick,
they come to me first.
Are you expecting someone else?
Who'd you say is in charge
of the investigation?
It's getting more complicated
than I thought.
As of now, all questioning
and gathering of information
will be headed and done
by Prosecutor Son Seok-ki.
Take care of it.
Yes, sir.
You should've listened to me.
I warned you.
Don't you remember?
What I want is only one thing.
For you to do nothing.
Do not do anything.
If a doctor does nothing,
two things happen to a patient.
They suffer dreadful pain,
or suffer and then die.
So today, you did something.
Shall we begin then?
This investigation is about
the attempted murder of Yoo Ri-hye.
Cha Yo-han has a right to refuse to speak,
and any statement he gives
can become proof of guilt.
Is there anything you wish to say
before we start?
-I want to ask you something.
From about noon
to the time of the incident,
for about four hours, you were absent.
I was on sick leave.
Are you sick?
I don't want to answer.
You are sick. What a pity.
It's a pity that I'm not sick enough
for you to worry about.
Anyway, it's true that you were away
until right before the incident.
-Is that it?
-That's correct.
It reminds me of that day,
three years ago.
The first time I sat across from you.
If anything is different
from that day, today,
your team members
will be questioned as witnesses.
Yes. This is how terrifying contagion is.
Kang Si-young.
If anything happens to me,
you'll be the first to hear.
Because you're the one I'll contact first.
I promise.
Don't worry, Dr. Cha.
I trust you.
What will you do?
"Do you think Dr. Cha
turned off the ventilator?"
If the police ask,
what will you say?
Do we have to tell them that too?
That we offered to grant
Yoo Ri-hye a wish.
What about it?
Because of what we said,
she had hope that she'd see her son.
When that fell through
she jumped.
That's unrelated
to this ventilator incident.
None of us turned it off.
We're keeping an eye on her.
For now, her vitals are stable.
You don't know
when she'll regain consciousness?
No. We must wait and see.
At around 5:05 p.m., you were at the scene
right after the suspected time
of the incident.
-In Yoo Ri-hye's room.
-Why were you there?
-To see the patient.
I'd heard she had jumped
and was concerned.
When and whom
did you get that report from?
I informed Dr. Cha about it
around 4:45 p.m.
There's the call history.
You were told around 4:45 p.m.
and arrived at the hospital
around 4:50 p.m. Is that right?
Did you go straight to the ICU?
Upon my arrival,
I saw the site where she'd landed.
I went straight up to the roof.
The roof?
You came out of concern for the patient,
so why did you first go to the roof
instead of the ICU?
He's not a fool.
-Dr. Cha.
Who do you think
people would suspect the most?
Even if he wasn't at the scene,
he has euthanized his patient before.
He knows he'd be suspected,
so he turned it off then denied it?
Do you think he's a fool?
I don't think
he turned it off
-It's not him.
-Then who is it?
Do you suspect someone?
No, but…
Why did you go to the roof
and what did you do?
I looked up at the sky.
And then…
I looked at the ground.
You looked at the sky and the ground?
-What was there?
-The patient.
Right before she jumped.
You're saying that
you stood where she stood
and empathized with the patient?
After you did that,
you must've wanted to do what she wanted.
What did the patient want?
You agreed to grant her wish.
Her son.
She wanted to see her son.
When she was unable to see her son,
she decided to jump,
and then her next wish
was that you help her die?
How badly did she want to die
that she jumped from this height?
Once you had empathized with that,
you went to the ICU?
It's true that I headed there
from the rooftop.
And the time was
-5:05 p.m.
That's the exact time when
her ventilator was turned off.
It's also the time when someone
attempted to murder her.
For the first time,
I was truly impressed with Dr. Cha.
When we were performing intubation on her,
I didn't know whether or not…
we should do it.
-But Dr. Cha
endured everything three years ago
and allowed the patient to die.
Just so you know,
I'm definitely not saying
that Dr. Cha was the one
who turned off the ventilator.
When you had arrived there,
the ventilator was already off?
And it was a coincidence
that you arrived there
at the exact time and place
where the crime was committed?
All right, then.
Let's say that you're right.
I have one more question.
That will be the last question
I'll receive for today.
Says who?
I'm a bit tired.
This isn't a formal interrogation.
Would you like it to be?
Be my guest, but do bring a warrant.
Fine. This will be the last time
you'll give an answer.
But it's not because you're tired.
It's because there is only one more thing
that I am curious about.
-It's murder.
My father is bedridden in this hospital.
He's also on a ventilator.
But if someone
were to turn it off
without my family's approval,
that would be downright murder.
We didn't have Yoo Ri-hye's
guardian's consent,
although there was more than
enough time to get it.
I believe that there is no reason
for Dr. Cha to turn it off
behind her guardian's back.
She was in extreme pain
and didn't have much time left.
The ventilator was connected to her
despite her refusal to prolong her life.
Let's say
that when you had arrived there,
the ventilator was still on.
Then what would you…
have done?
What did you just say?
All of this happened…
because of me.
What do you mean?
To tell you the truth…
Hello? Did you check it?
We can confirm it ourselves.
We can find out if the truth
you're hesitant to reveal
is recorded on the CCTV cameras or not.
They finished checking the CCTV footage.
We'll continue after checking it.
Are you okay?
What did you tell them?
I'm sorry.
What are you sorry about?
This all happened because of me.
That's not true.
How may I help you?
We're not receiving any patients today.
I came to meet the doctors.
Ri-hye is easily frightened.
To think that someone like her
jumped off the building…
I'm not sure if I should…
hold on to her
when she is so desperate to let go.
I know…
that she already signed a DNR.
If her condition worsens
I'd like…
to just let her go.
We understand.
We'll make sure
she doesn't suffer anymore.
Is her son not coming after all?
I didn't know it'd be this difficult…
to hold her one and only son's hand
just once.
I can't believe she won't be able
to see him before she leaves.
This is her being moved to the ICU
after falling.
This is the estimated time
of the crime, around 5 p.m.
Cha Yo-han is heading toward the ICU.
-After that…
-Hold on.
Could you go back?
is he running?
-Why is he running if he is
on his way to turn off the ventilator?
It's as if he's on his way
to rescue a critical patient.
I'd like to see all the previous footage.
I want to know from when,
and why he's running.
If you wish for us not to intervene
by performing CPR or intubation
the next time she is distressed,
you must sign an agreement.
Please come with me.
-What is it?
Yoo Ri-hye is having an arrest.
Doctor, please…
Yoo Ri-hye is experiencing code blue.
Her heart rate is dropping
and so is her saturation.
She signed a DNR.
Dr. Cha.
Please stop.
She signed a DNR.
Her guardian gave her consent as well.
You must stop.
May I see…
her last moments?
Of course. This way, ma'am.
Excuse me for a minute.
What? What happened to him?
What are you saying?
Are you saying that you lied?
He's at the hospital?
I'm bringing in the emergency kit.
Please make way.
Excuse me.
Dr. Cha, you can't do this.
Get the intubation ready.
Increase the amount of epinephrine
every three minutes.
Ambu bag.
Please prepare the Ambu bag.
It wasn't that
-the kid didn't want to come.
Her ex-husband refused to send him,
claiming that he'd be shocked.
After she jumped off the rooftop,
I called him in a fit of rage.
Her son heard everything.
He even heard that his mom was
about to die in the ICU.
Let's go.
He didn't return home after his lesson.
His father thinks he came to the hospital.
Where in the world could he be?
Have you seen this boy?
No, I haven't.
-Have you?
-No, I haven't.
Have you seen this boy?
No, I haven't.
Are you Min-seong?
Are you here to see your mom?
Let's go.
I think we should hurry.
Don't just stand there. Intubate, now!
What are you doing? Let her go.
Not like this.
There's something she and I must do.
She can't go yet.
That's him.
That's the boy.
On the camera, with Cha Yo-han.
-What's the matter?
-That boy.
Is he Yoo Ri-hye's son?
Yes. What is this about?
I must check something.
Not yet.
Kid. What are you doing here?
Saying goodbye to Mom.
Your mom?
My mom went to the afterlife.
A short while ago.
Do you know what place it's like?
I don't know yet.
do you know what death is?
Not really.
"When do you think someone dies?
When a bullet pierces their heart?"
"When they have an incurable illness?"
"When they eat toadstool soup?"
Then when does someone die?
When they're forgotten
by their loved ones.
That's what they said in the movie Coco.
So I won't ever forget her.
My mom.
The prettiest person in the world.
Isn't she pretty?
Are you…
Yoo Ri-hye's son?
Yes. Do you know my mom?
I do.
What do you mean that
she went to the afterlife?
The afterlife…
is where people you love go.
My grandmother.
My grandfather.
And my mom.
-your mom hasn't--
-A while ago,
she crossed over.
Come this way.
-What's wrong?
-Wake up.
-Do you hear me?
Wake up. Mom!
-Mother. Mother!
We can administer CPR,
or we can give medication.
If we give her medication,
how much longer can my mom survive?
I can't say for sure,
but she won't last for too long.
Do you hear me?
My mom…
I don't want her to die
attached to machines…
or drugged out of her mind.
I'd like to give her peace.
Mom. Mom.
You fought hard.
I love you, Mom.
We should let her go.
My mom was very sick.
Her face looked…
It looked very bad.
Mom. Mom.
Aunt said to Dad
that Mom was in too much pain.
She suffered so much
that she jumped off the roof.
That's why I…
Min-seong, do you want to see Mom?
I'm sure she wants to see you too.
She'd love to give you a hug.
For one last time
before she leaves.
Let's go to Mom.
Stay here. I'll come get you.
Who are you?
No way.
Please open your eyes.
Defibrillator and intubation!
Here's the defibrillator.
I'll take care of the Ambu bag.
-How's the rhythm?
-She's in V-fib.
Charge 200 joules.
Step back.
Check the rhythm.
She's still in V-fib.
Charge 200 joules.
-Step back.
-Check the rhythm.
-It's back.
Do you want to see Mom?
Go to her.
You didn't turn off her ventilator,
but you rushed to turn it back on.
Why didn't you say that
from the beginning?
I didn't think the first thing
she'd find out when she woke up
should be that her son
was being investigated by the police
for turning off her ventilator.
You also didn't think
that the son should feel guilty
about his mom's death
for the rest of his life?
Is that why you stalled for time
until the patient woke up?
You would never let even a child
get away with doing this.
I am, of course, ready to be punished
for obstruction of justice.
I'm clearly at fault there.
I read a book yesterday.
It said something like this.
"The ultimate goal of medicine
is to make people happy.
And simply reducing pain
or prolonging life through medicine
does not guarantee people's happiness."
Do you agree?
What do you think is the role of doctors?
The continuous development of medicine
lets a person stay alive
without being actually alive.
The line between life and death
becomes blurrier and blurrier.
More than ever, we need people
who make a righteous decision on life.
We need people who determine
what is most beneficial to patients.
I believe that's a doctor's duty.
A righteous decision on life?
Is euthanasia a part of it?
Of course.
Are you saying death
could be a righteous option?
In this day and age,
death could be a righteous option.
Like you said, there's a thin line
between life and death these days.
If someone is given the right
to decide on that,
that right will become an authority,
and that authority
will become corrupt and abused.
With people's lives on the line, at that.
After that,
a life
that has been sacrificed…
will never be able to return.
Death isn't always the righteous option.
All that I'm doing is striving
to determine what's best for the patient
until the end,
when the decision between
life and death must be made.
And the law determines whether or not
your decision is righteous.
No law can satisfy everyone.
Just like how no medical treatment
can satisfy all patients.
When it comes to both the law
and medical treatment,
we need to determine what's the most
valuable thing during that time.
This is regarding Dr. Kang Si-young.
This is her testimony on Dr. Cha.
She mentioned her father.
I see. Thank you.
-Oh, right. Could I see that notebook?
Could you look into what this means?
-Thank you.
-No problem.
If that was the case,
he should've told them sooner.
Why did he have to make matters worse?
On top of that…
we're in a sensitive situation
regarding Chairman Kang.
This shouldn't have happened.
We should convene
a disciplinary committee.
A hospital has its own order and rules.
Dr. Cha's actions weren't suitable
as the patient's doctor
or as the trainees' professor.
He stirred up trouble.
Are you planning to make him
leave the hospital for the time being
-by convening the disciplinary committee?
I think that's the best solution for now.
That boy won't be punished, will he?
He's only eight,
so I doubt he will be.
There were extenuating circumstances.
It was only possible since he was eight.
He had no idea that he could've been
punished for doing so.
Thank you, everyone.
Thank you for not giving up on her.
Dr. Cha is the one
who didn't give up on her.
-But he's not here right now.
-I see.
I'm going to thank him myself.
I heard she regained consciousness.
How is she doing?
She told me that she'd like to move
to a hospice once she recovers.
She'd like to spend her last days there.
You said I didn't feel any pain.
You were curious about my feelings
toward my patients.
You wondered if it was curiosity
or pity.
I found my answer.
It's neither pity nor curiosity.
It's empathy.
Everyone is afraid of death,
whether they can feel pain
or not.
During those fearful last moments,
I'd like to be next to them.
Dr. Cha.
Tell me.
Tell me how you are doing.
I know it wasn't just because
of Yoo Ri-hye.
If you're okay,
and it's nothing serious…
please nod.
If you're not okay
but it will get better soon,
please nod.
If you're not okay
and won't get better either…
Then what should I do?
Comfort me.
I'm the one
who should be comforted.
But I'm the one who will be losing you.
Why is your pulse so fast?
Do you feel dizzy?
My heart is pounding fast.
If this gets out,
no hospital will take Cha Yo-han.
What did you hear?
One of Death Talks' members
was reported missing.
She's missing?
Do you think they can work with us?
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