Doctor Odyssey (2024) s01e11 Episode Script
Casino Week
Right now, we're surrounded
by a pod of orcas.
And they are pissed.
The only thing that's gonna
get us out of this situation is
to get the power back up.
I don't like how you've
been treating Avery.
Excuse me?
[TRISTAN] You really want it all.
Avery, the woman on the side,
the baby too.
Why are you helping him escape?
Welcome back, First Mate Munroe.
[AVERY] That was totally amazing,
what you did for Munroe.
I guess sometimes you just
can't see the thing
that's right in front of you.
Cross your fingers.
I'm throwing the switch.
All right, let's set a course.
[MASSEY] Well, gang, here we go.
Casino Week is in full swing.
[CHUCKLES] Oh, Lordy, we get all kinds.
Look it, you got your high
rollers who are looking to be seen,
and you get the pros that don't.
All the ones in between
who just wanna let it ride.
[AVERY] I love Casino Week.
[MAX] Really?
I never took you for a gambler.
It's the spectacle I love.
The games, the glitz, the glamour.
It's exciting and kinda sexy.
People often tell me that I have
a sort of a George Clooney,
Ocean's Eleven vibe.
- That so?
- I've been looking forward to this too
'cause, no offense, Captain,
your poker games are great,
but I have been wanting
something a little more challenging.
[SCOFFS] Well, you're
definitely gonna find it here.
And what's even more challenging is
that during Casino Week,
the whales draw the sharks.
I'm glad the authorities
got at least one of them
off the ship before we set sail.
Well, whatever happens,
the infirmary will be ready.
Counting on you.
We should make sure that we
have plenty of IVs, fluids, pain meds.
Tristan and I handled it this morning.
The cupboards are no longer bare.
Yeah, you two were up and at it
pretty early today, weren't you?
Mmm, I'm just excited for Casino Week.
Between the sharks and the orcas,
we haven't had a chance to talk since
Since the last time I told you
I wasn't ready to talk?
Well, are you talking about it
with anyone?
- You mean Tristan?
- [CHUCKLES] No, I mean anyone.
Max, this may be my last Casino Week.
Next year, I could be
in med school with a baby.
I wanna have fun.
I'm fun. I took dance lessons, remember?
I haven't spoken to Tristan
about it yet either.
I'm just thinking.
Thinking about whether or not
to keep the baby?
About all of it.
- And I know it's a big ask, but I
- [PASSENGER] Hello!
- Did you hear that?
- [PASSENGER] Hello!
I need to get off this boat
right now.
That's gonna be tricky.
We left port about half an hour ago.
No! No, no, no.
Not a cruise ship.
Not again!
No obvious signs of fracture,
but you did bang it up pretty good.
Not good enough.
It wasn't enough to get me
off this damn ship in time.
Sergeant Grant,
you strike me as a smart
and capable woman
who seems to seriously,
seriously hate cruise ships.
So how did you find yourself locked
in a closet here on the Odyssey?
[SIGHS] The LAPD got a call
from the FBI
asking us to pick up a Henry Methvin.
He was trying to board
the ship with a fake passport.
Cuff him.
Turned out, Henry was carrying
an AI-powered safe cracking device.
Take him in.
- Let's go.
- [OFFICER] Come on.
to my great misfortune and annoyance,
Henry had checked a bag
that was already on board.
Suspecting that it might
contain evidence,
I had my partner take him in
while I went to get the bag.
On my way to his room, I heard
one of your crew members cry out.
She had cut her hand
on a broken light bulb, so
I stopped to help.
The door closed behind me,
locking us in.
Detective Moura, can you hear me?
[ATHENA] My walkie didn't work.
No cell service. No way out.
Hello, can anyone hear me?
So now, I'm stuck on this
Glorious marvel
of engineering and luxury.
- floating death trap
for God knows how long.
Three days.
We'll be in Cabo in three days.
We can drop you there.
Do you know what can go wrong
in three days? Hmm?
- Get on the ground now!
Hold on.
Bobby! Bobby!
Okay, that explains
why your heart rate's elevated.
We could try to get you on a tender,
get you back to port right away.
But don't you need those
in case of an actual emergency?
I guess I'm gonna have to call
my husband and tell him
I won't be home for dinner.
Well, I can assure you the food
here on the Odyssey is fantastic.
- Like pretty much everything else.
And the crew and I are gonna
take these next three days
to convince you just what a
fantastic experience a cruise can be.
That crook sprung for a nice room.
Well, thanks to your astute police work,
he's out and you're in.
A couple of shirts,
a pair of pants, a jacket,
and a toothbrush.
Only that for a whole week
in a bag this size.
How does your husband pack for a trip?
Now listen,
I know it wasn't your choice
to be on the ship with us
for a whole week,
but, um, I, for one,
am grateful that you're here.
You know, we've got more money
in that vault
than on any other cruise.
And it's a perfect time
to beef up security
either officially or unofficially.
Well, I'm happy to help.
Anything to keep me distracted
from being stuck on this boat.
Oh, and speaking of distractions,
I took the liberty of ordering
you some refreshments.
And some possible clothes for the trip.
Enjoy your time on the Odyssey.
Those are some awfully fancy gowns.
It's Casino Week.
Fancy is the only game in town.
Did I hear someone say
refreshments? [CHUCKLES]
I'm staying next door with my grandson
who refuses to look up from his phone.
Sounded like a lot more fun over here.
- Well
Oh. You have a little something
on your hand there.
My friend Esther said
I should zhuzh it up
for the cruise.
Let's face it. I'm too old for glitter.
But you, my dear, can still sparkle.
This would look amazing on you.
Isn't it pretty?
Good choice. Hmm?
Gotta start somewhere.
Now let's see about those refreshments.
- Oh, yes, let's. Have a seat.
- What do you think?
- What's not to like?
I'd like to see some other ones.
Yes, this color looks good on me too.
- Oh, I love that.
- [AVERY] I know.
- Medieval times.
- Yeah.
- Option number two.
- [AVERY] Beautiful!
- Oh, yes.
- Too much.
Or maybe maybe some earrings as well.
- Maybe something like this.
- Oh, very pretty.
You know?
I need a break and another glass.
Then I can decide
a lot better I think.
How far along are you?
You've been babysitting that glass
since we popped the bottle.
It's still very early.
Well, congratulations.
Yeah, pour me another.
- Sure.
Get ready.
Children are a lot of joy
and a lot of work.
- How old are yours?
Twenty-three, and 17.
My son is grown now.
But somehow we just keep
butting heads, he and I.
But my grandson and I are
like peas in a pod.
Even though he is obsessed
with video games.
I'll probably be lucky
to get him out of the room.
Are you still deciding?
I am.
Well, you get to do that.
Decide for yourself.
For your life.
And whatever decision you make is right.
And whatever obstacles arise,
you will handle them
the way women always do.
With grace, with style,
with perseverance.
- Okay, just one more gown.
- Oh!
I really, really think
you're gonna like this one.
Give it a try.
- [PASSENGER] That's beautiful.
- [AVERY] Won't try on itself.
I like Okay, I'll give it a try.
I'll give it a look-see.
You feeling okay?
I I think I may have had
one too many.
May I?
Your pulse is a little elevated.
Can you take a deep breath for me?
Folks, we have officially
entered international waters.
Let the games begin.
Good luck.
- Feeling better?
Taking your money should help.
See what you're made of, Doc.
[CROUPIER] Congratulations, sir.
Don't look now, but I think
one of the gentlemen
at the high rollers table is
checking you out.
I am happily married.
- Stop trying to distract me.
I call.
Call, 40.
And what about you?
Are you happily or unhappily anything?
I think you're trying
to distract me now.
- [CROUPIER] One hundred on the table.
- Raise to 150.
- I think you got your flush.
But I'm not willing to pay to find out.
[CROUPIER] Fold. Pot is for Mrs. Grant.
I'll show, if you will.
Ladies first.
You. Top two pair?
[MAX] A set.
But you have it.
Well, reading people's my job,
but I gotta say I'm kind of surprised,
you laid down a set of tens.
- Well, you bet too much.
- Well, you bet too little.
You wanted that pot.
You go all in on the turn, scare me off.
Mm-mmm. I played that right.
You just got lucky.
You play smart. You never lose big.
And you never win big, do you?
Hello, ladies.
How's the action over here?
Are you talking differently?
- No.
- You remind me of that actor,
the one in those heist movies.
- Elliott Gould.
- George Clooney?
- Yes, that's the one. So debonair.
- Thank you.
How about it, George?
Lend me some luck.
- Hard eight.
You two are so beautiful.
Can I get a picture?
[AVERY] Alternating pulse.
Diminished breath sounds,
a significant crackling.
Any COPD or pneumonia,
we should get an X-ray.
Also, I wanna do a quick
ultrasound of your heart,
just make sure everything's fine.
Let me save you some time, Doc.
It's not.
I'm in late stage heart failure
from cardiomyopathy.
Oh my God, I'm I'm so sorry.
I assume you're already
on a heart transplant list.
Yeah, I've been on one for, like, ever,
but I've got a rare blood type
and high antibody level,
which makes it nearly
impossible to find a match.
So I've been waiting and waiting
and finally I decided I was going
to stop waiting and start playing.
We could put you on nitro.
It should improve blood flow
to your heart.
I'd also like to put you on IV Lasix,
reduce some of the fluid
around your lungs.
Listen, Dr. Handsome, I have a
very high-end memorial set up.
So just patch me up,
get me back to the tables,
because in a cruel and ironic twist,
I'm actually on an incredible
hot streak. [CHUCKLES]
Make sure to keep the monitor on you,
and if you feel anything,
dizziness, shortness of breath,
you call us immediately.
Sounds like a regular day.
If things get markedly worse,
I'll be sure to send out a flare.
- I'll stay with you just in case.
You really don't have
to come and babysit me.
Oh, if you're on a hot streak,
I want in on it.
- Where should we start?
- Not the craps table.
Start with something calmer.
Excuse me.
- [GASPS] I'll take the slots.
- Okay.
Oh, thank God. I guess you
really are my good-luck charm.
That was my jackpot.
I don't usually play blackjack.
Oh, come on, you're a natural.
I'm thinking you're gonna
to want a card there,
so you just say "hit me"
and then just tap the table.
Hit me.
- Look at
- Twenty. Now stay right there.
[MAX] Everything okay?
I need to talk to the captain.
Captain. Quick word.
Let it ride, you play. You're lucky.
I just got a call from the FBI.
It seems Henry, who we took
off the ship earlier,
usually works in a three-person crew.
His partners go by Bonnie and Clyde.
They've been on the feds' radar
for quite a while,
but they've never been able to ID them.
Now, based on the electronic
lock cracker that we took off Henry,
the feds believe that
they're targeting yourself.
As in present tense,
his partners are still aboard the ship?
And the heist is still on.
- [PASSENGER] Doctor!
- She's having a seizure.
Head CT looks normal.
No signs of bleeding or stroke.
- How are you feeling today?
- Much better.
Too little sleep, too many piña coladas.
I should know better with my epilepsy.
You were so kind
to stay with me last night.
It was my pleasure, delightful company.
vitals are in normal range.
Good to hear.
We are gonna have to hold
on to you for a little while longer
until the blood work comes
back, then you're good to go.
Well, if my own personal George
Clooney is here to take care of me,
I'm good with that.
You okay?
These two are up to something.
- You think they're cheating?
- I know they're cheating.
I think they might
be our Bonnie and Clyde.
[MAX] Well, maybe they're
just good at playing cards.
It doesn't mean
they're casing the vault.
They always sit
with a view of the cashier.
They request their winnings in cash,
and they watch it like a hawk
when the money comes out of the vault.
I've notified security.
They're casing the place.
You know, I may just be a
friendly doctor, but all of that sounds
circumstantial to me at best.
Which is just why we need
to catch them cheating.
- We?
- If they saw me arresting Henry,
my covers blown, but you?
You're just a friendly doctor.
You ever wore an earpiece?
Hit me.
- Winner.
- You can't lose.
Daphne, your hands are blue.
I, uh I guess my luck has run out.
Just call.
Action to you.
I know.
I think we got 'em.
Watch for the chip tap.
Mm-hmm. They're whipsawing you.
The tap signals
that he's got a strong hand.
Call and she'll re-raise.
[MAX] I really hope you're
gonna reimburse me for this.
[ATHENA] All right,
I'm gonna bring 'em in.
Miss, I'm the ship's doctor.
Can you tell me how long it's been that
you've been
having trouble breathing?
[AVERY] Your heart condition has caused
poor blood flow to
your hands and kidneys
and a fluid overload.
And the ultrafiltration with dialysis
should help control the excess fluid.
And since we can't bring the
machine to the tables with you,
we thought that we would
bring the games to you.
You know, I just wanted
one final adventure,
you know, to just cut loose and have fun
and gamble and risk it all.
It was nice to pretend my
reality way just a little bit longer.
Once you get a new heart, your
kidney function will recover.
Yeah. And you can be my special
guest during Casino Week next year.
- I would love that.
- Good.
And I'm not getting a new heart.
This is the beginning
of the end
which means I don't have
a lot of time to take money.
Hit me.
How long have you been
having trouble breathing?
An hour maybe. Hadn't really noticed.
- Are you familiar with whipsawing?
- I play professional poker.
I'm trying to listen.
I don't hear any signs
of pneumonia or a heart murmur.
I think you and your husband
whipsawed the nice doctor,
sending each other signals.
We weren't.
What's that?
It monitors her vital signs.
Like a lie detector?
Why don't you and your husband
sit together at the table?
It seems you're always across
from each other.
It's just how we like to play.
Officer, do you think this could
wait till I'm done with my exam?
I'm almost done. Why do you
always request your winnings in cash?
- I like cash.
- Who doesn't?
Except it seems that
you're scoping out the cashier
to get an eyeline to the vault.
- I'm not
- Officer Grant.
Seems my questions are
driving up your heart rate and BP.
That happens when someone is lying.
Also, when someone is unwell.
I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
My wrist is acting up. I'll wait
until you're finished with her.
Do you have any history
with asthma or any allergies?
No asthma. [COUGHS]
I'm allergic to cats, nickel, pine nuts,
but I haven't been exposed
to any of those things.
[ATHENA] That could be a panic attack.
You feeling anxious
about anything, Cynthia?
No, not really.
Poker is a stressful game.
You know what else is stressful?
Planning a heist,
knowing that the cops
are on to you, facing decades in prison.
- Officer.
- I know you're lying, Cynthia.
You and your partner are
up to something,
and based on how
your heart rate is climbing,
I suggest you get it off
your chest before it's too late.
You're having an allergic
reaction to your necklace.
I wear this all the time. [CHOKES]
You mentioned a nickel allergy.
Fake jewels are often made of nickel.
My diamonds are not fake. [COUGHS]
These are.
Why would I wear fake jewelry
if I know I have a nickel allergy?
My take: card sharp, but not a thief.
Then the real Bonnie and Clyde
are still somewhere on this boat,
still planning their heist.
And just when I was starting
to like this cruise
The money hidden in the vault
isn't the target.
It's the millions of jewels that
your cruisers have been flaunting.
Bonnie and Clyde are stealing
the real ones
and swapping them out with fakes.
They are really good.
I-I couldn't tell the difference.
Neither could the woman
who was wearing it.
It was only her nickel allergy
that gave it away.
But how could they know
which jewels to bring aboard?
Maybe they scouted out certain cruisers
ahead of time,
picked out their targets,
had the pieces ready.
What's that?
That's a smoke alarm
in the passenger hallway.
- Chris, sound the call to muster.
- Yes, Cap.
Is there a fire?
[MAX] I'll head down to the infirmary,
get everybody cleared out.
[MAX] Sergeant.
I get the sense this is bringing
back memories and not in a good way,
but we have people who need help
right now
and I can certainly use yours.
Attention, all passengers.
We have an active fire emergency.
Sir, can I help you
to get to the leisure deck?
Not letting someone else get my jackpot.
The machine will be here
when you get back.
We have to go now.
My leg. I-I can't walk.
- Tristan.
- Yeah.
What seems to be the problem here?
My leg, it hurts. I can't walk.
Do you mind if I take a look?
- Go ahead.
- Okay.
- What's your name, sir?
- It's Bernie.
Okay, Bernie. Well, it looks
like your leg is swollen.
And it's warm.
You might have developed
a blood clot from all the time sitting.
Let's get him a gurney
and get him to the top deck.
I'll grab the Doppler and the meds,
and I'll meet you up there.
I'm just gonna take
a closer look, all right?
You let me know if this hurts, yes?
- Okay. Yeah?
- [MAX] Hey, have you seen June?
- No.
She must have found a way
to the leisure deck on her own.
Surprised she didn't wait
for George to escort her.
I have a gambler with a deep
venous clot from sitting too long.
I need to get him some blood thinners.
I must have left it in my room.
Can you swipe me in?
- Thanks.
We need you to get to the leisure deck.
I found something.
[ATHENA] It's a smoke bomb.
Must be some kind of prank.
All passengers are instructed
to remain calm.
It's not a prank.
It's a diversion
to get the passengers
to come out of their cabins.
Leaving their jewels unattended.
Meanwhile, we have no idea who
or where Bonnie and Clyde are.
What's on your hand?
Is that metal dust or
I'm giving you heparin
to help treat the blood clot.
But we caught it before it
embolized in your heart or lungs.
You're quite lucky, you know.
[SCOFFS] Tell that
to the frigging slots.
Keep your leg up. Don't move.
What's wrong?
My doctor just called.
He said that they have
a heart for me at Cedars.
It's been so long, I nearly lost hope.
I mean, that's amazing. Congratulations.
We're almost 200 miles away
from Los Angeles.
And I have to be there in four hours.
If we don't get her there in time,
she could lose her chance at this heart.
[CREW MEMBER] Excuse me, ma'am.
Hi. We're asking our passengers
to report to their muster stations
on the leisure deck, so if you
just follow me this way.
Would it be too much trouble if I
stopped by my cabin to grab my meds?
Of course. Uh, do you need any help?
That's very kind,
but I can manage on my own.
I'll see you in a jiffy.
- Did you get it?
- Of course I got it.
She's a beauty.
White gold with 23 inlaid.
Princess-cut colorless diamonds.
We can get 75 grand for this easy.
We can get 100 grand.
- I know a guy.
- I'm sure you do.
Come on, Grandma.
My friends aren't all bad.
You're just like your father.
That's not fair. I didn't get arrested.
Is the replacement bracelet ready?
It's flawless.
You know, if you got to know
my friends, you'd like 'em.
Look who it is.
The famous Bonnie and Clyde.
Excellent work.
Excellent plan all around.
Sweet innocent grandma mingles with
the bejeweled crowd,
snapping photos,
while her grandson makes fakes
using a 3D printer.
This is unlawful search and seizure.
You don't have a warrant.
But I do have a watch
with universal access.
And I was just coming
to check on a patient.
Tristan's gonna need
his watch back, by the way.
And you are so close
to walking off this ship
with millions of dollars of jewelry.
If only your son, Henry Methvin,
hadn't gotten arrested.
Next time,
let him know not to use the name
of a famous criminal on his passport.
Tends to raise flags.
One of you must have seen me
when I took Henry into custody
and then went to get his bag.
Apparently, there was something in
that you didn't want me to find.
- Okay.
You already had the 3D printer,
but not the lock-breaking device,
which wasn't for the vault.
It was to get into all the rooms.
So you needed another way to get access.
So sweet, innocent grandma
decided to make herself sick.
Now you could have faked it.
But fakers get caught, right?
So you stop taking
your seizure medication.
Started drinking alcohol and caffeine,
hoping to induce a seizure.
And you knew that the medical
staff has access to all the cabins,
so you got close to us.
Tristan in particular.
But then you went missing,
and so did Tristan's watch.
I must have left my watch in my room.
- Can you swipe me in?
- [MAX] Sure.
- How'd you figure this all out?
You used the trash can in your
room to set the smoke bomb,
but inadvertently left a clue.
What's on your hand?
Is that metal dust or
Oh. You have a little something
on your hand there.
Oh. Let's face it.
I'm too old for glitter.
And then I realized that
your grandson wasn't holed up
in his room playing video games.
No, he was printing 3D fakes
of expensive jewelry,
using powdered nickel.
And after you went missing,
I realized
your carbamazepine levels were low
because you intentionally
stopped taking your medication,
hoping to induce a seizure.
Luckily, I knew exactly
where to find you, neighbor.
Fun theory.
Might even hold us in LA.
But we're in international waters.
LAPD has no jurisdiction here.
Yeah, but I do.
And in accordance with maritime law,
I can detain you for as long as I want.
Until your ride gets here.
The Feds are sending a
helicopter to escort us all home.
They're very excited to meet
the infamous Bonnie and Clyde.
You see, I knew
having you on the
ship during Casino Week was good luck.
- Thank you for your great work, Officer.
Well, I'm glad I could help
and very glad to be leaving.
I was looking forward
to playing a couple more hands,
but seeing as you're leaving,
is there any chance you have
another seat on that helicopter?
The tender will take you out
to the helicopter.
An ambulance will be waiting
for you at the port.
You'll get to Cedars
in less than an hour.
And the criminals
I'm hitching a ride with?
Handcuffed, nonviolent, and accompanied
by one LAPD officer
and two federal agents.
My winnings from this last week.
- No.
- Keep it.
You'll be back next year.
I already won the lottery.
Thanks to you guys.
Good luck.
Feeling lucky?
- [SERVER] Champagne?
Yes, please.
- No, thank you.
- [TRISTAN] Uh, one second.
Job well done.
- To Daphne.
- And to Casino Week.
Can I steal you for a second?
You place it. You're good luck.
I wanted to tell you that I am
all in.
Which I recognize is kind of a cheesy
thing to say
while you're standing
in the middle of a casino, but
All in for what?
For you.
For us.
And I know that you're still deciding,
and I just want you to know
that I'm here for you whatever,
whenever, however you decide
- Max.
- What? And I'm not
I'm not trying to get
in the way of your fun,
and I'm not trying to short-circuit
your decision making this time,
and I'm not trying
to invade your need for space.
I am here for you however you
need me to be for us, for this.
As a family.
This isn't necessarily even yours, Max.
You can't take a paternity test
for another few weeks
and it's a process
and there's rules and
I know.
- I know all of that, but
- But what?
But I can see it, Avery. I can see it.
Me working while you're at school.
You working while I stay at home.
Getting up with the baby.
Us cooking together, traveling together.
Building a life together.
And I think it looks beautiful.
And I know I'm getting ahead of myself,
and I know that you are still making
up your mind about the pregnancy,
about what to do with your life,
and I'm okay with
whatever decision you make.
Can't you see it too?
I have been thinking.
And I can see one thing clearly.
That it's it's pretty fun.
A baby.
I'm going to have a baby.
And that is all I know.
That is plenty.
- [CROUPIER] Winner!
Right now, we're surrounded
by a pod of orcas.
And they are pissed.
The only thing that's gonna
get us out of this situation is
to get the power back up.
I don't like how you've
been treating Avery.
Excuse me?
[TRISTAN] You really want it all.
Avery, the woman on the side,
the baby too.
Why are you helping him escape?
Welcome back, First Mate Munroe.
[AVERY] That was totally amazing,
what you did for Munroe.
I guess sometimes you just
can't see the thing
that's right in front of you.
Cross your fingers.
I'm throwing the switch.
All right, let's set a course.
[MASSEY] Well, gang, here we go.
Casino Week is in full swing.
[CHUCKLES] Oh, Lordy, we get all kinds.
Look it, you got your high
rollers who are looking to be seen,
and you get the pros that don't.
All the ones in between
who just wanna let it ride.
[AVERY] I love Casino Week.
[MAX] Really?
I never took you for a gambler.
It's the spectacle I love.
The games, the glitz, the glamour.
It's exciting and kinda sexy.
People often tell me that I have
a sort of a George Clooney,
Ocean's Eleven vibe.
- That so?
- I've been looking forward to this too
'cause, no offense, Captain,
your poker games are great,
but I have been wanting
something a little more challenging.
[SCOFFS] Well, you're
definitely gonna find it here.
And what's even more challenging is
that during Casino Week,
the whales draw the sharks.
I'm glad the authorities
got at least one of them
off the ship before we set sail.
Well, whatever happens,
the infirmary will be ready.
Counting on you.
We should make sure that we
have plenty of IVs, fluids, pain meds.
Tristan and I handled it this morning.
The cupboards are no longer bare.
Yeah, you two were up and at it
pretty early today, weren't you?
Mmm, I'm just excited for Casino Week.
Between the sharks and the orcas,
we haven't had a chance to talk since
Since the last time I told you
I wasn't ready to talk?
Well, are you talking about it
with anyone?
- You mean Tristan?
- [CHUCKLES] No, I mean anyone.
Max, this may be my last Casino Week.
Next year, I could be
in med school with a baby.
I wanna have fun.
I'm fun. I took dance lessons, remember?
I haven't spoken to Tristan
about it yet either.
I'm just thinking.
Thinking about whether or not
to keep the baby?
About all of it.
- And I know it's a big ask, but I
- [PASSENGER] Hello!
- Did you hear that?
- [PASSENGER] Hello!
I need to get off this boat
right now.
That's gonna be tricky.
We left port about half an hour ago.
No! No, no, no.
Not a cruise ship.
Not again!
No obvious signs of fracture,
but you did bang it up pretty good.
Not good enough.
It wasn't enough to get me
off this damn ship in time.
Sergeant Grant,
you strike me as a smart
and capable woman
who seems to seriously,
seriously hate cruise ships.
So how did you find yourself locked
in a closet here on the Odyssey?
[SIGHS] The LAPD got a call
from the FBI
asking us to pick up a Henry Methvin.
He was trying to board
the ship with a fake passport.
Cuff him.
Turned out, Henry was carrying
an AI-powered safe cracking device.
Take him in.
- Let's go.
- [OFFICER] Come on.
to my great misfortune and annoyance,
Henry had checked a bag
that was already on board.
Suspecting that it might
contain evidence,
I had my partner take him in
while I went to get the bag.
On my way to his room, I heard
one of your crew members cry out.
She had cut her hand
on a broken light bulb, so
I stopped to help.
The door closed behind me,
locking us in.
Detective Moura, can you hear me?
[ATHENA] My walkie didn't work.
No cell service. No way out.
Hello, can anyone hear me?
So now, I'm stuck on this
Glorious marvel
of engineering and luxury.
- floating death trap
for God knows how long.
Three days.
We'll be in Cabo in three days.
We can drop you there.
Do you know what can go wrong
in three days? Hmm?
- Get on the ground now!
Hold on.
Bobby! Bobby!
Okay, that explains
why your heart rate's elevated.
We could try to get you on a tender,
get you back to port right away.
But don't you need those
in case of an actual emergency?
I guess I'm gonna have to call
my husband and tell him
I won't be home for dinner.
Well, I can assure you the food
here on the Odyssey is fantastic.
- Like pretty much everything else.
And the crew and I are gonna
take these next three days
to convince you just what a
fantastic experience a cruise can be.
That crook sprung for a nice room.
Well, thanks to your astute police work,
he's out and you're in.
A couple of shirts,
a pair of pants, a jacket,
and a toothbrush.
Only that for a whole week
in a bag this size.
How does your husband pack for a trip?
Now listen,
I know it wasn't your choice
to be on the ship with us
for a whole week,
but, um, I, for one,
am grateful that you're here.
You know, we've got more money
in that vault
than on any other cruise.
And it's a perfect time
to beef up security
either officially or unofficially.
Well, I'm happy to help.
Anything to keep me distracted
from being stuck on this boat.
Oh, and speaking of distractions,
I took the liberty of ordering
you some refreshments.
And some possible clothes for the trip.
Enjoy your time on the Odyssey.
Those are some awfully fancy gowns.
It's Casino Week.
Fancy is the only game in town.
Did I hear someone say
refreshments? [CHUCKLES]
I'm staying next door with my grandson
who refuses to look up from his phone.
Sounded like a lot more fun over here.
- Well
Oh. You have a little something
on your hand there.
My friend Esther said
I should zhuzh it up
for the cruise.
Let's face it. I'm too old for glitter.
But you, my dear, can still sparkle.
This would look amazing on you.
Isn't it pretty?
Good choice. Hmm?
Gotta start somewhere.
Now let's see about those refreshments.
- Oh, yes, let's. Have a seat.
- What do you think?
- What's not to like?
I'd like to see some other ones.
Yes, this color looks good on me too.
- Oh, I love that.
- [AVERY] I know.
- Medieval times.
- Yeah.
- Option number two.
- [AVERY] Beautiful!
- Oh, yes.
- Too much.
Or maybe maybe some earrings as well.
- Maybe something like this.
- Oh, very pretty.
You know?
I need a break and another glass.
Then I can decide
a lot better I think.
How far along are you?
You've been babysitting that glass
since we popped the bottle.
It's still very early.
Well, congratulations.
Yeah, pour me another.
- Sure.
Get ready.
Children are a lot of joy
and a lot of work.
- How old are yours?
Twenty-three, and 17.
My son is grown now.
But somehow we just keep
butting heads, he and I.
But my grandson and I are
like peas in a pod.
Even though he is obsessed
with video games.
I'll probably be lucky
to get him out of the room.
Are you still deciding?
I am.
Well, you get to do that.
Decide for yourself.
For your life.
And whatever decision you make is right.
And whatever obstacles arise,
you will handle them
the way women always do.
With grace, with style,
with perseverance.
- Okay, just one more gown.
- Oh!
I really, really think
you're gonna like this one.
Give it a try.
- [PASSENGER] That's beautiful.
- [AVERY] Won't try on itself.
I like Okay, I'll give it a try.
I'll give it a look-see.
You feeling okay?
I I think I may have had
one too many.
May I?
Your pulse is a little elevated.
Can you take a deep breath for me?
Folks, we have officially
entered international waters.
Let the games begin.
Good luck.
- Feeling better?
Taking your money should help.
See what you're made of, Doc.
[CROUPIER] Congratulations, sir.
Don't look now, but I think
one of the gentlemen
at the high rollers table is
checking you out.
I am happily married.
- Stop trying to distract me.
I call.
Call, 40.
And what about you?
Are you happily or unhappily anything?
I think you're trying
to distract me now.
- [CROUPIER] One hundred on the table.
- Raise to 150.
- I think you got your flush.
But I'm not willing to pay to find out.
[CROUPIER] Fold. Pot is for Mrs. Grant.
I'll show, if you will.
Ladies first.
You. Top two pair?
[MAX] A set.
But you have it.
Well, reading people's my job,
but I gotta say I'm kind of surprised,
you laid down a set of tens.
- Well, you bet too much.
- Well, you bet too little.
You wanted that pot.
You go all in on the turn, scare me off.
Mm-mmm. I played that right.
You just got lucky.
You play smart. You never lose big.
And you never win big, do you?
Hello, ladies.
How's the action over here?
Are you talking differently?
- No.
- You remind me of that actor,
the one in those heist movies.
- Elliott Gould.
- George Clooney?
- Yes, that's the one. So debonair.
- Thank you.
How about it, George?
Lend me some luck.
- Hard eight.
You two are so beautiful.
Can I get a picture?
[AVERY] Alternating pulse.
Diminished breath sounds,
a significant crackling.
Any COPD or pneumonia,
we should get an X-ray.
Also, I wanna do a quick
ultrasound of your heart,
just make sure everything's fine.
Let me save you some time, Doc.
It's not.
I'm in late stage heart failure
from cardiomyopathy.
Oh my God, I'm I'm so sorry.
I assume you're already
on a heart transplant list.
Yeah, I've been on one for, like, ever,
but I've got a rare blood type
and high antibody level,
which makes it nearly
impossible to find a match.
So I've been waiting and waiting
and finally I decided I was going
to stop waiting and start playing.
We could put you on nitro.
It should improve blood flow
to your heart.
I'd also like to put you on IV Lasix,
reduce some of the fluid
around your lungs.
Listen, Dr. Handsome, I have a
very high-end memorial set up.
So just patch me up,
get me back to the tables,
because in a cruel and ironic twist,
I'm actually on an incredible
hot streak. [CHUCKLES]
Make sure to keep the monitor on you,
and if you feel anything,
dizziness, shortness of breath,
you call us immediately.
Sounds like a regular day.
If things get markedly worse,
I'll be sure to send out a flare.
- I'll stay with you just in case.
You really don't have
to come and babysit me.
Oh, if you're on a hot streak,
I want in on it.
- Where should we start?
- Not the craps table.
Start with something calmer.
Excuse me.
- [GASPS] I'll take the slots.
- Okay.
Oh, thank God. I guess you
really are my good-luck charm.
That was my jackpot.
I don't usually play blackjack.
Oh, come on, you're a natural.
I'm thinking you're gonna
to want a card there,
so you just say "hit me"
and then just tap the table.
Hit me.
- Look at
- Twenty. Now stay right there.
[MAX] Everything okay?
I need to talk to the captain.
Captain. Quick word.
Let it ride, you play. You're lucky.
I just got a call from the FBI.
It seems Henry, who we took
off the ship earlier,
usually works in a three-person crew.
His partners go by Bonnie and Clyde.
They've been on the feds' radar
for quite a while,
but they've never been able to ID them.
Now, based on the electronic
lock cracker that we took off Henry,
the feds believe that
they're targeting yourself.
As in present tense,
his partners are still aboard the ship?
And the heist is still on.
- [PASSENGER] Doctor!
- She's having a seizure.
Head CT looks normal.
No signs of bleeding or stroke.
- How are you feeling today?
- Much better.
Too little sleep, too many piña coladas.
I should know better with my epilepsy.
You were so kind
to stay with me last night.
It was my pleasure, delightful company.
vitals are in normal range.
Good to hear.
We are gonna have to hold
on to you for a little while longer
until the blood work comes
back, then you're good to go.
Well, if my own personal George
Clooney is here to take care of me,
I'm good with that.
You okay?
These two are up to something.
- You think they're cheating?
- I know they're cheating.
I think they might
be our Bonnie and Clyde.
[MAX] Well, maybe they're
just good at playing cards.
It doesn't mean
they're casing the vault.
They always sit
with a view of the cashier.
They request their winnings in cash,
and they watch it like a hawk
when the money comes out of the vault.
I've notified security.
They're casing the place.
You know, I may just be a
friendly doctor, but all of that sounds
circumstantial to me at best.
Which is just why we need
to catch them cheating.
- We?
- If they saw me arresting Henry,
my covers blown, but you?
You're just a friendly doctor.
You ever wore an earpiece?
Hit me.
- Winner.
- You can't lose.
Daphne, your hands are blue.
I, uh I guess my luck has run out.
Just call.
Action to you.
I know.
I think we got 'em.
Watch for the chip tap.
Mm-hmm. They're whipsawing you.
The tap signals
that he's got a strong hand.
Call and she'll re-raise.
[MAX] I really hope you're
gonna reimburse me for this.
[ATHENA] All right,
I'm gonna bring 'em in.
Miss, I'm the ship's doctor.
Can you tell me how long it's been that
you've been
having trouble breathing?
[AVERY] Your heart condition has caused
poor blood flow to
your hands and kidneys
and a fluid overload.
And the ultrafiltration with dialysis
should help control the excess fluid.
And since we can't bring the
machine to the tables with you,
we thought that we would
bring the games to you.
You know, I just wanted
one final adventure,
you know, to just cut loose and have fun
and gamble and risk it all.
It was nice to pretend my
reality way just a little bit longer.
Once you get a new heart, your
kidney function will recover.
Yeah. And you can be my special
guest during Casino Week next year.
- I would love that.
- Good.
And I'm not getting a new heart.
This is the beginning
of the end
which means I don't have
a lot of time to take money.
Hit me.
How long have you been
having trouble breathing?
An hour maybe. Hadn't really noticed.
- Are you familiar with whipsawing?
- I play professional poker.
I'm trying to listen.
I don't hear any signs
of pneumonia or a heart murmur.
I think you and your husband
whipsawed the nice doctor,
sending each other signals.
We weren't.
What's that?
It monitors her vital signs.
Like a lie detector?
Why don't you and your husband
sit together at the table?
It seems you're always across
from each other.
It's just how we like to play.
Officer, do you think this could
wait till I'm done with my exam?
I'm almost done. Why do you
always request your winnings in cash?
- I like cash.
- Who doesn't?
Except it seems that
you're scoping out the cashier
to get an eyeline to the vault.
- I'm not
- Officer Grant.
Seems my questions are
driving up your heart rate and BP.
That happens when someone is lying.
Also, when someone is unwell.
I'm gonna have to ask you to leave.
My wrist is acting up. I'll wait
until you're finished with her.
Do you have any history
with asthma or any allergies?
No asthma. [COUGHS]
I'm allergic to cats, nickel, pine nuts,
but I haven't been exposed
to any of those things.
[ATHENA] That could be a panic attack.
You feeling anxious
about anything, Cynthia?
No, not really.
Poker is a stressful game.
You know what else is stressful?
Planning a heist,
knowing that the cops
are on to you, facing decades in prison.
- Officer.
- I know you're lying, Cynthia.
You and your partner are
up to something,
and based on how
your heart rate is climbing,
I suggest you get it off
your chest before it's too late.
You're having an allergic
reaction to your necklace.
I wear this all the time. [CHOKES]
You mentioned a nickel allergy.
Fake jewels are often made of nickel.
My diamonds are not fake. [COUGHS]
These are.
Why would I wear fake jewelry
if I know I have a nickel allergy?
My take: card sharp, but not a thief.
Then the real Bonnie and Clyde
are still somewhere on this boat,
still planning their heist.
And just when I was starting
to like this cruise
The money hidden in the vault
isn't the target.
It's the millions of jewels that
your cruisers have been flaunting.
Bonnie and Clyde are stealing
the real ones
and swapping them out with fakes.
They are really good.
I-I couldn't tell the difference.
Neither could the woman
who was wearing it.
It was only her nickel allergy
that gave it away.
But how could they know
which jewels to bring aboard?
Maybe they scouted out certain cruisers
ahead of time,
picked out their targets,
had the pieces ready.
What's that?
That's a smoke alarm
in the passenger hallway.
- Chris, sound the call to muster.
- Yes, Cap.
Is there a fire?
[MAX] I'll head down to the infirmary,
get everybody cleared out.
[MAX] Sergeant.
I get the sense this is bringing
back memories and not in a good way,
but we have people who need help
right now
and I can certainly use yours.
Attention, all passengers.
We have an active fire emergency.
Sir, can I help you
to get to the leisure deck?
Not letting someone else get my jackpot.
The machine will be here
when you get back.
We have to go now.
My leg. I-I can't walk.
- Tristan.
- Yeah.
What seems to be the problem here?
My leg, it hurts. I can't walk.
Do you mind if I take a look?
- Go ahead.
- Okay.
- What's your name, sir?
- It's Bernie.
Okay, Bernie. Well, it looks
like your leg is swollen.
And it's warm.
You might have developed
a blood clot from all the time sitting.
Let's get him a gurney
and get him to the top deck.
I'll grab the Doppler and the meds,
and I'll meet you up there.
I'm just gonna take
a closer look, all right?
You let me know if this hurts, yes?
- Okay. Yeah?
- [MAX] Hey, have you seen June?
- No.
She must have found a way
to the leisure deck on her own.
Surprised she didn't wait
for George to escort her.
I have a gambler with a deep
venous clot from sitting too long.
I need to get him some blood thinners.
I must have left it in my room.
Can you swipe me in?
- Thanks.
We need you to get to the leisure deck.
I found something.
[ATHENA] It's a smoke bomb.
Must be some kind of prank.
All passengers are instructed
to remain calm.
It's not a prank.
It's a diversion
to get the passengers
to come out of their cabins.
Leaving their jewels unattended.
Meanwhile, we have no idea who
or where Bonnie and Clyde are.
What's on your hand?
Is that metal dust or
I'm giving you heparin
to help treat the blood clot.
But we caught it before it
embolized in your heart or lungs.
You're quite lucky, you know.
[SCOFFS] Tell that
to the frigging slots.
Keep your leg up. Don't move.
What's wrong?
My doctor just called.
He said that they have
a heart for me at Cedars.
It's been so long, I nearly lost hope.
I mean, that's amazing. Congratulations.
We're almost 200 miles away
from Los Angeles.
And I have to be there in four hours.
If we don't get her there in time,
she could lose her chance at this heart.
[CREW MEMBER] Excuse me, ma'am.
Hi. We're asking our passengers
to report to their muster stations
on the leisure deck, so if you
just follow me this way.
Would it be too much trouble if I
stopped by my cabin to grab my meds?
Of course. Uh, do you need any help?
That's very kind,
but I can manage on my own.
I'll see you in a jiffy.
- Did you get it?
- Of course I got it.
She's a beauty.
White gold with 23 inlaid.
Princess-cut colorless diamonds.
We can get 75 grand for this easy.
We can get 100 grand.
- I know a guy.
- I'm sure you do.
Come on, Grandma.
My friends aren't all bad.
You're just like your father.
That's not fair. I didn't get arrested.
Is the replacement bracelet ready?
It's flawless.
You know, if you got to know
my friends, you'd like 'em.
Look who it is.
The famous Bonnie and Clyde.
Excellent work.
Excellent plan all around.
Sweet innocent grandma mingles with
the bejeweled crowd,
snapping photos,
while her grandson makes fakes
using a 3D printer.
This is unlawful search and seizure.
You don't have a warrant.
But I do have a watch
with universal access.
And I was just coming
to check on a patient.
Tristan's gonna need
his watch back, by the way.
And you are so close
to walking off this ship
with millions of dollars of jewelry.
If only your son, Henry Methvin,
hadn't gotten arrested.
Next time,
let him know not to use the name
of a famous criminal on his passport.
Tends to raise flags.
One of you must have seen me
when I took Henry into custody
and then went to get his bag.
Apparently, there was something in
that you didn't want me to find.
- Okay.
You already had the 3D printer,
but not the lock-breaking device,
which wasn't for the vault.
It was to get into all the rooms.
So you needed another way to get access.
So sweet, innocent grandma
decided to make herself sick.
Now you could have faked it.
But fakers get caught, right?
So you stop taking
your seizure medication.
Started drinking alcohol and caffeine,
hoping to induce a seizure.
And you knew that the medical
staff has access to all the cabins,
so you got close to us.
Tristan in particular.
But then you went missing,
and so did Tristan's watch.
I must have left my watch in my room.
- Can you swipe me in?
- [MAX] Sure.
- How'd you figure this all out?
You used the trash can in your
room to set the smoke bomb,
but inadvertently left a clue.
What's on your hand?
Is that metal dust or
Oh. You have a little something
on your hand there.
Oh. Let's face it.
I'm too old for glitter.
And then I realized that
your grandson wasn't holed up
in his room playing video games.
No, he was printing 3D fakes
of expensive jewelry,
using powdered nickel.
And after you went missing,
I realized
your carbamazepine levels were low
because you intentionally
stopped taking your medication,
hoping to induce a seizure.
Luckily, I knew exactly
where to find you, neighbor.
Fun theory.
Might even hold us in LA.
But we're in international waters.
LAPD has no jurisdiction here.
Yeah, but I do.
And in accordance with maritime law,
I can detain you for as long as I want.
Until your ride gets here.
The Feds are sending a
helicopter to escort us all home.
They're very excited to meet
the infamous Bonnie and Clyde.
You see, I knew
having you on the
ship during Casino Week was good luck.
- Thank you for your great work, Officer.
Well, I'm glad I could help
and very glad to be leaving.
I was looking forward
to playing a couple more hands,
but seeing as you're leaving,
is there any chance you have
another seat on that helicopter?
The tender will take you out
to the helicopter.
An ambulance will be waiting
for you at the port.
You'll get to Cedars
in less than an hour.
And the criminals
I'm hitching a ride with?
Handcuffed, nonviolent, and accompanied
by one LAPD officer
and two federal agents.
My winnings from this last week.
- No.
- Keep it.
You'll be back next year.
I already won the lottery.
Thanks to you guys.
Good luck.
Feeling lucky?
- [SERVER] Champagne?
Yes, please.
- No, thank you.
- [TRISTAN] Uh, one second.
Job well done.
- To Daphne.
- And to Casino Week.
Can I steal you for a second?
You place it. You're good luck.
I wanted to tell you that I am
all in.
Which I recognize is kind of a cheesy
thing to say
while you're standing
in the middle of a casino, but
All in for what?
For you.
For us.
And I know that you're still deciding,
and I just want you to know
that I'm here for you whatever,
whenever, however you decide
- Max.
- What? And I'm not
I'm not trying to get
in the way of your fun,
and I'm not trying to short-circuit
your decision making this time,
and I'm not trying
to invade your need for space.
I am here for you however you
need me to be for us, for this.
As a family.
This isn't necessarily even yours, Max.
You can't take a paternity test
for another few weeks
and it's a process
and there's rules and
I know.
- I know all of that, but
- But what?
But I can see it, Avery. I can see it.
Me working while you're at school.
You working while I stay at home.
Getting up with the baby.
Us cooking together, traveling together.
Building a life together.
And I think it looks beautiful.
And I know I'm getting ahead of myself,
and I know that you are still making
up your mind about the pregnancy,
about what to do with your life,
and I'm okay with
whatever decision you make.
Can't you see it too?
I have been thinking.
And I can see one thing clearly.
That it's it's pretty fun.
A baby.
I'm going to have a baby.
And that is all I know.
That is plenty.
- [CROUPIER] Winner!