Edens Zero (2021) s01e11 Episode Script

Sister Ivry

If you wish to challenge me,
find me on Guilst.
My hobby is
turning cute girls into furniture.
And this time, I wanted to use B-Cubers.
For now, I want to assist
in rescuing your comrade.
Her appearance does not match
the Sister that I know.
Don't you go anywhere!
This blade is the holy power
granted to me by my master.
It is the blade meant to defeat
the Demon King.
Then maybe it will dissolve
that glass window too!
It worked!
How did you escape?
This is a battle to protect…
my friends!
I think it's about time
you tell me what you're really after.
A Chronophage is headed for Guilst!
A Chronophage? You mean
one of those things that ate Norma's time?
Will Guilst return
50 years to the past too?
It is impossible to predict
how many years it will eat.
The only thing for certain is…
there is no way to avoid it.
Rebecca and the others are
still on Guilst. What will happen to them?
When the planet is devoured
by the Chronophage,
not only time, but their existence
will disappear from this cosmos as well.
The Chronophage will arrive in 60 minutes.
I will land Edens Zero on Guilst!
We will rescue the Demon King
and the others!
Get back over there!
Skymech Ninjutsu Attack…
Windstorm Slash!
Magimech Attack…
Gravity Wave!
-Magimech Attack…
Gravity Comet!
This guy… He's stronger than before.
Like I told you, that was just a skirmish.
This is a battle for my friends!
They're blades!
Why are you fooling around?
Who's this brat?
My, if it isn't the little lamb
from the church.
I see. You followed me, didn't you?
Jinn, the mission has changed.
Go and find Illega.
If you're looking for Illega,
he's right over…
He's gone!
Find Illega and eliminate him.
-Yes, ma'am.
-Wait! What about the contract?
There aren't many clients
with pockets as deep as Illega's.
We're taking all his money as well.
It's quicker this way, isn't it?
I would like to speak with
this little lamb for a moment.
Are you really Sister from Edens Zero?
At any rate, you're acting like a bad guy.
I'll take all three of you on at once.
I now see what thou art after.
Thou wish to become a soul
that wanders through the cosmos.
Then I, Sister of
the Demon King's Four Shining Stars,
shall exterminate thee
according to God's wishes.
The exit is this way.
Hurry, everyone! We're all here, right?
-Where's Copa?
Copa's gone!
We must have lost her somewhere!
You're kidding!
What should we do?
We've got to find her!
I'll go back the way we came
and look for her!
All of you should hurry to the exit!
That is inefficient.
But if all of us look for her,
we're more likely to get caught.
If increasing the survival rate
of the majority is our priority,
searching for the missing member
would be inefficient.
No way…
Even so, you'd look for her
if she was your friend, right?
We may not be close enough to be friends,
but it must be fate that we met here.
So I'm going to look for Copa.
Pino, take everyone to the exit!
She would decrease efficiency
for a friend?
How long do you plan to stand there?
Until you tell me
what you're really after.
What are you hiding?
What's that noise?
I sense Ether.
-It's from underground!
-Hey! Get back here!
This is…
What the heck is this?
-No doubt about it.
This is Sister Ivry, one of
the Demon King's Four Shining Stars.
How do you know that?
Her power must have been sealed
by this machinery.
Can you release her from this
using your Ether Gear?
With only this much protection,
it shouldn't be hard.
Then please, rescue her.
Please trust me.
Want a fight? I'll give you one, brat!
Compress gravity into spheres,
Aim! Point at your target and fire!
What's with that single-shot gun?
That peashooter is
no match for an assault rifle!
Aim well and fire!
That's heavy!
Why did you do that, Sister?
Thou art Sister's soldier,
and thou art my sword and my shield.
Are you not?
Yes, I am.
Why you…
You treat your own comrade like that?
I have the power to heal.
Not to worry, Jinn.
I will heal thy wounds.
I was scared for a second there.
You're a lifesaver, Sister.
My invincible soldiers can be revived
over and over again.
But they're still your comrades!
Where are you, Copa?
Isn't that…
It's Copa's hat!
This place is…
I never imagined he would have
so many women turned to stone.
How cruel!
It is not cruel.
They remain eternally young.
I'm sure they're very happy.
You really do tick me off.
I'm angry now.
Let Copa go!
I don't want to. I won't let her go.
If you don't want me to kill this girl,
then get on your knees!
Grovel before me, bitch!
Get a move on, or I'll shoot her!
Bow your head!
I'll teach you
just how frightening I can be!
You pathetic thing!
Just look at you now! Ribbit!
All the girls do what I tell them
once they're reduced to this.
You'll be my toy forever now.
Not my furniture, but my toy. Understand?
From now on, you cannot disobey me
no matter what I tell you to do.
If you disobey me, I'll shoot this girl.
Master Illega! There's big trouble!
There's a Chronophage!
It's coming toward Guilst!
What's that?
It's a space monster
that eats a planet's time!
A monster?
That is big trouble!
We have to leave Guilst immediately!
I don't want to! What about my collection?
You can make a new collection
on a different planet!
What's more, Sister has betrayed us!
Either way,
it's too dangerous to stay on Guilst!
Damn her!
Then at least bring that woman…
What does that mean?
I can't hit them at all!
It means to point at your target.
Watch. Like this.
You're great at tracking moving objects!
Tracking moving objects
is a necessary skill,
but what's more important is to predict!
Where will the enemy come from
and how will they move?
Set your sights
on where you predict they'll be.
Then just aim…
-and fire!
-And fire!
This is more damage than I expected.
But with my healing powers…
Not so fast, lass!
How dare you use my power
without my permission?
You'll be on latrine duty
for the Demon King from now on.
Sister Ivry…
There are two Sisters?
Shiki! Are you all right?
Who's that?
There's no time to explain!
A Chronophage is on its way here!
There's mass panic outside!
This is no time to be hanging around here!
Jinn! Sister! Let's get out of here now!
Sister, who is that?
That's what I'd like to know.
Who the hell are you?
I came to this planet
for a job ten years ago.
The last thing I remember,
I was surrounded by a bunch of weirdos.
When I woke up, I was hooked up to
a machine in a dingy church basement…
for a whole decade!
I just woke up a while back.
And after asking a few questions,
I found out there's a moron using
my powers in my name.
The device in that basement was
apparently transferring my power to you.
Seems like you made
a bundle using my powers.
I never intended for this to happen.
At first, I just wanted to help
my injured comrades.
But before I knew it,
people started flocking to me,
and a mercenary group had formed.
I always meant to give back these powers.
Please! Believe me!
I have worshipped you as a god!
I believed you were a god
with miraculous powers.
Even now, I…
I couldn't give a rat's ass!
You pretended you were me for a decade!
You won't get away with that!
Listen up! From now on, I'll bust you up
then fix you over and over again
for eternity!
I'll put you through living hell
until I get sick of it!
-Forget about her!
We need to get off this planet!
So you're the new Demon King?
You look pretty wussy to me.
Are you the real Sister?
Right. I was saved by your servants.
I'm not a servant!
I am no servant!
I heard all about you.
You're getting the whole
Edens Zero gang back together.
I haven't told you anything!
It was Witch.
It was good to hear her voice again.
I look forward to working with you,
Demon King.
I'm Shiki. Call me Shiki.
All right. Before we ditch this place,
I've got to
take care of unfinished business.
Don't worry, I'll be done in a flash.
The job I was hired to do ten years ago
was right here in this tower.
If I leave without finishing this job,
it would disgrace the Four Shining Stars.
Dispel Driver!
Why did she strip?
Haven't you ever seen any nun videos?
There must be
some way to save all of them.
What's this light?
What's going on?
-Why am I naked?
-They've returned to life!
-Where am I?
Amazing! It's like a miracle.
What did you do?
I'm done. Let's go.
Jinn, get a move on! Forget about them!
Fine! You're on your own!
You'd better get out of here fast too!
We can settle this another time.
Please take me with you.
What are you…
You deceived me!
No, that's…
I healed your wounds tons of times!
I did all your dirty jobs
because I believed you could save Kleene.
I can save her!
I still have some of Sister's power!
I will save thy friend as well! So…
Kleene is my sister. I have no friends.
Get on a ship now!
It's all over!
The Chronophage will destroy everything!
Make way! I'll kill you if you don't!
I'm staying here. I might regain my youth!
I hope Guilst returns to
when it was beautiful.
Don't be stupid!
-Rebecca! You made it!
-Copa too!
Along with a large group of women.
Pino here. Ms. Rebecca is back with us.
Rebecca is amazing!
She beat up that frog
and saved all these girls!
It wasn't me who saved the girls.
More importantly…
The Chronophage, right?
Not sure if we're lucky, but there are
a ton of ships left on this tower.
Let's get off the planet now!
Go on ahead. I'll wait for Shiki.
I can't leave him behind.
After all, he's my friend!
The Chronophage will arrive
in ten minutes!
Pino, stay right where you are!
Sister, did you get the coordinates?
We just need to get to
where that Pino is, right?
We're on it.
Don't you sound a little old, Witch?
Just kidding!
Ten minutes until the Chronophage arrives!
It's getting exciting!
It's not exciting at all!
I've made even more friends!
I dare not say it,
but he's quite adorable.
Don't you people feel
any sense of urgency here?
Subtitle translation by: Brian Athey
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