Eerie, Indiana: The Other Dimension (1998) s01e11 Episode Script

Nightmare on Eerie Street

I do solemnly swear that everything
I am about to tell you is true.
A spool of weirdness from
another dimension turned my
hometown into the center of
weirdness for the entire universe.
Don't believe me? Just watch.
Stop it! Stop it!
On wild nights with evil things
around there screaming in the dark,
I like to think my family
is safe asleep in bed.
They just don't understand
how strange it gets out there.
I wonder if that is.
No, no, turn off the lights and I go away.
Oh, Mitchell.
No, no, no.
Don't you hear me? There's not even human.
Mitchell, stand away from the door.
Oh, but that's an order.
To Everett and Wise, we
must think we're terribly rude.
How's it going?
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
This is how I'm bringing you to the house!
Mr. Paranoia's seeing things again.
Help me!
Help me!
Help me!
It's your problem.
Say so, very good concern.
You know, Mitchell, if
something's troubling you,
you can always come to us.
Tommy's troubled me. They're everywhere!
What can you do?
Nightmares are pretty
strange at the best of times,
but in earring, they can leak
right off the weirdness scale.
I've been having some
pretty intense dreams.
Lately, they were
getting a whole lot worse.
I don't know.
Oh, that's better.
I haven't been able to
sleep very well lately.
I've been having the strangest dreams.
Like what?
Well, I dreamt I was lecturing
my chemistry 101 class,
and suddenly I realized it was stark naked.
Yeah, everybody was laughing at me.
All 172 of them.
Well, I dreamt. I flicked the
wrong switch at the nuclear plant.
I melted down everything within 100 miles.
That is nothing.
I dreamt I was wearing my
new dress on a blind date,
and then I opened the
door, and my date was
A zombie?
It was awful.
Look, I don't want to talk about it.
There's that sand again.
Don't you think it's strange that we're
all dreaming our worst nightmares?
As usual, my family could be
counted on to miss the obvious.
But something was
rotten in the dreams of Erie,
and it was up to Stanley
and me to find out what.
Then on Tuesday, I applied for a
job color-coding brown shoelaces.
At two o'clock.
Tuesday, two. That's how I remember it.
More coffee.
I wore my gray suit with depleted pants.
Not my other gray suit.
It doesn't have plates.
Of course, I also have a Navy blue suit.
But Navy blue is too
flashy, don't you think?
When you're applying for the job of
a color coder for brown shoelaces.
You too?
I'm so tired.
I'm afraid to go to sleep.
I mean, last night, I dreamt.
No, I'll forget it.
What, tell me, I dreamt
I was going on a date,
and on this lame-o suit and
carrying a bouquet of roses.
Smell like my grandmother's bath salts.
You poor guy.
It gets worse.
The date was with.
I can't tell you.
What's going on?
Look at the tweeters on those.
What do you think, fellas?
W-Y-R-D's broadcasting live
all week from the world of stuff.
W-Y-D, weird radio.
Yeah, baby. Good morning, Eren.
People this city, it's worth a fortune.
Who's he?
Oh, that's the night guy.
He calls himself the Sandman.
Looks like a weirdo.
Yeah. Something out of a nightmare.
You have nightmares, too?
Night after night.
My dreams are filled
with indescribable horrors.
The frogman, a sheep, and a
Don't make me tell you more.
I won't.
I tell you, I can't risk
going to sleep at night.
They say nightmares can kill you.
If you die during your dream,
you never wake up again.
That can't be true.
You really want to find out for sure?
Mr. Crawford.
Don't miss.
Oh, no.
The most boring man in Erie.
He's been driving me nuts.
He's been hanging around
here every day since he
the past fact you laid him off.
I couldn't help overhearing
your fascinating conversation.
And I wanted to tell you about my dream.
I was waiting for a bus.
I waited, and I waited.
But the bus never came.
That's it.
There was a bench.
But I didn't sit on it.
What's this?
Maybe the nightmare left it behind.
He is the Sandman, isn't he?
Crawford was right.
It was getting dangerous to sleep.
I decided to stay awake that night.
I couldn't stop my family from sleeping,
but at least I could be there
to make sure they woke up.
We'll do hourly checks
on Mum, Dad, and Carrie.
They look at all scared.
Wake them up as fast as you can.
I can barely keep my eyes open.
It's not even midnight.
I'll need for that, Stanley.
I'll take the first watch where
you get a couple minutes' arrest.
I'm setting the bucket for 1 A.M.
At worst, we'll be out for an hour.
I better go to the bathroom.
I had three triple-strength hot chocolates
before I came to keep me awake.
It's midnight, sleeping, beauties,
and the Sandman's here
to walk to him to dream.
And where the Sandman walks you children,
you will go.
Wonderful sleep.
You'll sleep tonight, children.
You'll sleep tonight and never wake up.
This is Sandman my children.
Coming to you from Dream Central,
or should I say?
Night, Mecetro.
I'm so sorry.
The sequence of events began
as a dream's butterfly in Budapest.
Could cause a tidal
wave to obliterate Tokyo.
Just like that.
Hey, wake.
Hey, stay awake.
Mitchell, this is beyond a joke.
Stand aside, young man.
I'll do it.
It was bad enough
saving my family from Erie.
Now I had to save myself.
From them.
What's wrong with you people?
For thousands of years
you were perfectly happy to
trot off to your beds
when the sun went down.
Of course it wasn't
much else for you to do.
But then, long came the electric light.
And then, radio.
And then, the most
evil invention of them all.
Calm down.
It was just late night talk shows.
And then, it was the late talk show.
And then, infomercials.
The psychic hotline.
Are you people nuts?
Don't you sleep anymore?
Well, you sleep tonight, my children.
You'll sleep.
And never wake up.
Squeeze your mind and shut.
Find children and bid farewell.
You are about to become silly!
Go away, go away, go.
Prominent citizens of Dreamland.
You're about to be out of the way.
And I stand there for
the minutes of losing.
What's going on?
DJ is doing something weird to our dreams.
We've gotta get down the world and stop.
No, Mitchell, it's a pretty
weird I'm dreaming or.
Past is falling apart. Oh,
actually I'm dream. You're
just a big man of my imagination
long for the ride. Uh-oh.
Hey, it's just a dream.
Yeah, what's our real
zombie? I can't really
hurt us. No, I know that.
You know that I don't think they know that.
Hi, Mr. Thomas zombie from
the word zachie, which means
dead walking although. I'm
not so much walking as shuffling
Even a boring zombie. Yeah,
I won't I have an out of good
night's sleep for 50 years Do
you have any idea how that feels?
50 years of vicious little parakeets.
Just nivelling on my
nerves playing chopsticks.
Tonight everyone goes
to sleep at the same
time and everyone
sleeps forever and finally.
The sandman will catch up on his Z zand.
No one.
Will stop him.
Wonder what he did with crop.
Think I know I.
Think you should know that
Stanley and me aren't really
here. He's just a dream. I'm just along
for the ride I know whose dream this is.
What do you think created it you
tell me that you're sandman the
guy who sprinkles sleep dust
and sets a sailing off to land a nod.
There is no nod They parceled it off
and sold it for beachfront condominiums
Brace yourself boy.
This dream is about to become a whole lot.
Why are you doing this
because I'm in a very bad mood.
You would be too if you
hadn't slept for 50 years.
You help me, huh? That's rich.
What have you got to lose?
This better be good, right?
You're getting sleepier and sleepier.
Your eyelids are growing very heavy.
You're falling into a deep deep trance
Your mind is spinning around
and around and around like a watch.
around and around and around and around
You're making me nauseous And good night.
Clothes your sleepy eyes tight
and you're still making me nauseous.
Good night faucet. Good night sink.
Good night water that we drink.
Anything Nada.
Slower not a yarn not even a droopy eyelid.
I don't get it. That's it.
You had your chance and you failed.
People are very say your prayers.
You're about to sleep the big.
Maybe in a hundred years if I get up in
a good mood. I just might wake you all
Cut it out.
Oh, you know, it's wine wine wine.
Well, I wouldn't say wine.
I sure would.
Like it or not. You're a public servant
Your job is to help
people go to sleep at their
convenience not your own.
I can't work around the clock
Then delegate higher assistance get
computers bringing new technologies
even Santa's got his elves and I've got
just the guy for you See you right there.
Do you ever run into the tooth fairy.
Once in a while.
She stiffed me on a molar when I was eight
gave me a nickel instead of a silver dollar
What I'm not saying she
did it on purpose. Here he is.
You're new assistant allow
me to present my resume.
Willing to travel mm-hmm
likes shift work love it.
It's familiar with a snooze
program for windows intimately
that's very impressive, but
you make people sleep Big time.
Tell them about the bench. Oh, I've
known several fine benches in my day
The wooden bench in front of the hardware
store is a particular favorite of mine
Although there are some dangers
associated with wooden benches
my sister sat down beside
me once and got a sliver in her.
Hand and on the second
finger from the end and it was the
sister with the gamey leg not
the one who lost her kidney.
Higher higher that man. Oh, thank you.
You won't regret it because some have but.
Still you wait, I think so.
Listen hear that nothing.
The sand man's off the air. All right. Yes.
Let's go.
Sleeping habits are very interesting.
Some people can't sleep on a plane.
But I don't find any cover
at all. I think Mr. Tumis
is gonna enjoy his new
job a lot more. Yeah.
He's right. He's not scary at all.
Maybe he never was I.
Guess every dream good or
bad has a kernel of truth in it
I had to face the fact
that I couldn't protect
my family from all
the weirdness up there
But on a good day, I could take
on most of it good morning here.
This is Mitchell Taylor coming
alive from the world of stuff
I'm here with Stan the
man a true legend in his own
mind tell me Stan how
you've been sleeping lately
Well, not great, Mitch, but I
expect the situation to improve
thanks to a friend the forecast
is sweet dreams all the way
You harden folks to save the dream
so why not stand bed today and catch up
on some sleep you hear that I hereby
declare all businesses and schools.
Close everybody gets the day
off of course an eerie no matter
how careful you are something
weird always slips through.
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