El marginal (2016) s01e11 Episode Script

Capítulo 11

Hi. How are you?
Hello, sir.
How is everything going?
What a stupid question,
If you say so, sir.
ANTIN: Rico was a good guy.
Do we know for sure
that Sub-21 is responsible?
Yes, sir,
it's been confirmed.
ANTIN: She's the widow,
MAN: Yes.
Give me a second.
Excuse me,
are you the widow?
My condolences.
My deepest sympathies.
LUCRE: My condolences
as well.
Rico was a great man,
he was highly respected.
He was an officer
with a true calling.
He was a role model,
we will always carry
his memory in our hearts.
I can't make any promises
because it doesn't
depend on me,
but I will do my best
to hang a plaque with
Rogelio Rico's name,
in honor of everything
that he represented
to the prison community.
Who are you?
I'm the director
of San Onofre.
How dare you come here?
Let go of me.
Hold on a second.
LUCRE: Calm down, please.
Just wait.
I know who you are.
Let me go.
Calm down.
You're responsible
for what happened
to my husband.
The only thing I did
was protect him.
Protect him?
You suspended him,
you sent him home
and they killed him
in the plaza.
They killed him!
Get this son of a bitch
out of here!
I'm carrying his baby!
Get him out!
I'm going to kill him!
Go fuck yourself!
What assholes!
Calm down, their reaction
is only natural.
Why the fuck did you
make me come here?
We could have sent a wreath.
They can all go to hell.
Calm down. Come on.
Fucking assholes.
Hello. Yes.
What's up Capece?
I'm just leaving a nasty
situation at Rico's.
They're rioting
in the visitors' room?
But who is
Which gang is it?
The guards are rioting
in protest against
what happened to Rico.
They can go
fuck themselves.
They can go to hell.
Tell them I'm on
my way and that
I'm going to beat
the shit out of
Come on!
Shut up!
What the fuck is going on?
What's going on Capece?
The guards are protesting.
The whole place
is in an uproar.
Fucking cunt.
Make us some mate tea,
INMATE: What pieces of shit.
Come here!
What are you waiting for?
An e-mail invite?
There aren't a lot
of guards around.
No one in this country
wants to work.
What are they protesting
about now?
Rico's death.
DIOS: Poor guy.
They say he died
next to his dog, in a plaza.
They gave it to him
right there.
Oh, did he have kids?
INMATE: I heard
his wife is pregnant.
At the end of the day,
he got off easy.
A few shots in the chest
and that's it. He didn't
even have time to suffer.
On the other hand,
I heard Osvaldo
suffered a lot.
We should take advantage
of this situation.
In the absence of guards,
we can more easily attack
the Sub-21 gang
and raise shit.
Relax. Don't worry.
Marito already has a plan.
What plan?
What do you know?
Enjoy your shitty meal.
What's wrong with him?
What's wrong with you?
Are you in love?
You're distracted.
This idiot's in love.
DIOS: Really?
What are you saying?
With who?
He fell
for Mrs. Molinari.
Stop saying stupid shit
because people will
end up believing it.
She's way out of reach.
My brother tried
to pick her up,
he's incredibly charming,
and even he couldn't
win her over.
Your brother, Rati?
How does he know her?
I asked my brother to
contact her to help her
verify some information.
One day, I was fixing
the wall with this guy
and he seemed
attracted to her.
Now they're together.
You have a wild imagination.
As if a woman like that
is going to pay
attention to me.
Since when are you
so modest?
Good for you,
she's quite the catch!
Personally, I wouldn't
give her a second look,
but congratulations.
She must be a good fuck.
You're talking shit.
DIOS: He never said
a word to me about Molinari.
Why didn't he tell me
about her?
I think you're obsessing
over something
that may not be true.
Keep your voice down!
Pastor is probably
listening in.
Pastor? On the other side
of the door?
Why would he be
on the other side
of the door listening?
Because he wants
to know what I think
of his relationship
with that chick.
It's just a rumor,
they're probably
just joking with you.
Joking? Triste confirmed it.
No he didn't.
He used the word "seemed"
and that's not
a confirmation.
What's wrong with you?
Did that snake
get to you too?
She's a colleague.
A colleague? Come on.
You've got more issues
with her than I do.
(SIGHS) I disagree.
Either way, let's get back
to what you were saying.
You think Pastor has
a sexual relationship
with Mrs. Molinari.
She did it on purpose.
I know it.
She's mad at me for putting
the squeeze on her
a few months ago.
So now she wants
to take away my friend.
Take away? Can't he
still be your friend?
She's got
How do you say
A hold on him.
That's it.
So, you're saying
that Pastor
can't be your friend
and at the same time,
have a relationship
with a woman?
I know what
you're trying to get at.
You're calling me a fag.
And he's treating me
like a fag too.
You'll see, cunt!
Excuse me. Who are you?
What are you doing here?
I'm a friend of the family.
We're looking for
information about the boy
who lived here with them.
He's still missing
and we still
don't know anything.
Did you know the family?
No, I don't know anything.
I didn't have
any contact with them.
Do you know anyone here
who might have known them
or who may have information?
Why don't you
try the grocer
around the corner?
One of the girls
who works there
knew the family.
Okay, perfect.
Thanks so much.
You're welcome.
Can I ask you a favor?
Can you stop coming here?
This used to be
a quiet neighborhood
and now everyone is
shaken up, nervous.
I can imagine.
Goodbye. Thanks.
You're welcome.
You're not going to
tell us anything?
What do you want me
to tell you?
How are we going to respond
to those bastards
in the courtyard?
As revenge for Osvaldo.
Are we just going
to leave it?
I'm sick of playing
this game of
an eye for an eye.
MAN: So, we're not
going to do anything?
MARIO: No, I have an idea.
We have to annihilate
the Sub-21 gang.
We have to finish
them off for good.
I underestimated them.
They're very good
at recovering and
organizing themselves.
If we keep playing
their game,
this will never end.
So, I'm going to
wipe them out,
all of them.
What happened here?
I don't know
but I'll help tidy up.
Cesar, will you
lend me a hand?
That's fine,
I'll finish.
Okay, I'll send
a janitor over.
Sit down.
What's going on?
With what?
Your family is worried,
they say you don't
want to see them.
I don't want to see anyone.
Is it because of
what happened
in the showers?
It's not a big deal.
It's done.
What do you mean,
"It's done?"
A bunch of guys grabbed you
and almost killed you.
It's over now.
Are you seeing
the psychologist?
You should go.
I'm fine.
So can I tell them that
they can come visit you now?
If they want to come,
they can come. I'm here.
Either way, you should
see the psychologist.
I need to
ask you a favor.
You have influence
in the courtyard, will
you do something for me?
Why don't you ask Pastor?
I prefer to ask you.
Okay, what is it?
There are two
new inmates arriving.
One is Chinese and
doesn't speak Spanish,
and the other is Pipita,
he wants to go
to the courtyard.
I'd like you to welcome them
and treat them well.
Can you do that?
Okay, you can
count on me.
And promise me
you'll see the psychologist.
I promise.
Now I have to
clean up this mess.
All right.
See you.
Can I have this?
Leave it here.
He cares more about
inmates than guards.
Why do you say that?
He suspended a guard
and left him
to his own fate.
What's going on here,
People are waiting
to see their relatives.
GUARD: They can go to hell!
You have to listen to us!
What's wrong with you?
Hold on a second.
Are you representing
these people?
Are you representing
these people's demands?
They want their grievances
to be heard.
And who am I? Aren't I
the prison's director?
You want to talk? Let's talk
in a civilized manner.
Let's go to my office
and clear things up.
They don't want
to talk to you. The
attorney general is here.
ANTIN: I can't believe this!
Thanks for coming, Octavio.
I'm sorry they bothered you
for something so silly.
Look, Antin.
Whenever someone
mentions San Onofre
it's never just
a silly little thing.
We have serious problems.
No, it's not like that.
Come in.
Hold on.
Wait. Listen to me.
I have to ask you
Do you know a lady
named Carla?
Listen to me carefully,
there is a lady named Carla,
she was your sister-in-law's
friend, she used to visit
your brother's house.
Do you know her?
I don't know. Why?
Because she's the one
in the photo with Lucas.
I suspect Lucas is
probably with her.
How do you know?
I went to your
brother's house.
I walked around
the neighborhood.
I talked to some
of the neighbors
and they told me about her.
It seems she was frightened
by what happened
and instead of taking
Lucas to the police,
she left with him.
I don't know.
But I have the name
of the guesthouse
where her mother lives.
I was thinking
of going there
to see if I can get
more information.
Be careful.
Be careful wherever you go.
Don't worry.
This is a good lead,
maybe we'll find him.
Thank you.
Son of a bitch!
What sons of bitches!
What other surprises
did they bring me?
Is it true that some
inmates were missing
in today's roll call?
Yes, Arevalo,
Troncoso and Diaz.
I found one of them.
How did this
get on my plate?
I don't know.
They gave me the plate,
I just brought it to you.
We're tired of asking for
increased guard security.
The inmates are
in charge here.
If you look at them
sideways, they want
to report you for abuse.
They killed Rico outside
but it was payback
for a courtyard incident.
No, you're
confusing facts.
Our salaries are too low,
some guys need two jobs.
That's not up to me.
And we have to pay
for our uniforms.
Gentlemen, can you put
together a list of demands
and recommendations?
And as a sign of good faith,
please go back to work.
All right, Doctor.
Give your list
to Doctor Belardo
and he'll deliver it to me.
I'll take care
of everything.
I want you to know
I don't appreciate you
going over my head.
Can we talk
for a minute?
Capece, come.
This is exactly what
we needed for the guards
to break their silence.
We just need to
pressure them a little.
You need to make them talk.
Give them all the guarantees
they want.
LUCRE: Antin.
No, this isn't the time
It's very important.
Okay, what's going on?
Three inmates were missing
in this morning's roll call.
Did they escape?
I don't know,
we can't find them,
Arevalo, Diaz and Troncoso.
I know what's going on.
Tell Cesar and Pena
to come to my office.
One thing
Excuse me.
Excuse me, good afternoon.
I'd like to talk
to you one-on-one.
Me too.
Let's go to my office,
I'll explain everything
to give you
the full picture.
Let's go, Lucrecia.
Doctor, this way, please.
I'll make some coffee.
Who's in the kitchen?
Chavo, Piltrafa, Patito
and another guy.
But I don't think they
You don't know shit.
No, Mario.
You're an idiot.
No, Mario.
You're an idiot
and you're not
watching my back.
We're in the middle
of a war and you're
not doing your job.
You leave me wide open,
you're a bunch of idiots.
It's not like that, Mario.
Fucking bastard.
Shut your mouth,
you piece of shit!
Fucking cunt!
Everyone, listen up!
Some son of a bitch
contaminated my food
with this finger.
I'm sure there's a rat
from Sub-21 here.
I want you to tell
those assholes
that these pranks
don't scare Borges.
When their mothers
were trying to decide
whether to get an abortion
or throw them in a ditch,
I'd already been around
the block a few times.
You can tell all of
the pieces of shit out there
that they can't outsmart
Borges, I'll always be
two steps ahead of them.
Thank you.
You're welcome.
Please treat the new
inmates well, okay?
Don't worry.
DIOS: I brought you
another worker
to speed up repairs.
You're coming to work here?
Is that how
you greet a friend?
Mrs. Molinari.
How are you?
Everything okay?
DIOS: Is there a problem?
Here, take this.
This establishment
of San Onofre
had always been
a shining example.
In the past,
there had never been
any jailbreaks or riots,
no one had ever been hurt
or tortured here.
We didn't have
gang fights or jail Mafia.
We saw very little
drug addiction.
Have a seat, Doctor.
But after I was nominated
as a candidate
for the role of security
that's when all
the issues started.
Today, San Onofre
is a nest
for all kinds
of problems,
jailbreaks, crimes,
Mafia, etc.
Don't you find
that fascinating?
As far as I know,
this place was never
a model establishment.
Just because you didn't know
doesn't mean it isn't true.
You're an experienced
you know very well
that when people
keep a low profile
and their mouths shut,
they don't have
any problems.
It's only when
you speak your mind
and stand up for
what you believe in
that problems arise.
If you shake things up,
it makes people nervous
and they begin
to play dirty.
These are serious
accusations. If you have
names, give them to me.
I have names but I can't
give them to you now
because I don't have proof.
These are powerful people
who are against
our state policy
of managing criminals.
Discipline and punishment,
as Foucault said.
I'm completely against
the idea of promising
guaranteed rights.
I see you're interested
in politics.
Ever since
I was a boy.
Politicians are experts
in the art of hiding
the obvious.
I'll give you
the benefit of the doubt
on everything you say.
There have been
very serious incidents
here in San Onofre,
Those were
just incidental.
Yes, I mean
You're denying everything.
Excuse me.
No, I'm not denying.
I brought you some coffee.
It's Lucrecia, right?
Yes, that's right.
I hope the coffee's good.
If you made it,
I'm sure it's perfect.
LUCRE: Sugar or sweetener?
That's all, thanks.
Excuse me.
Nice ass!
Can we take a break?
No, we just started.
I'm not talking to you.
Pastor, you want to go
for a smoke?
No, you go.
DIOS: You want me
to beg you, bitch?
Did you call me "bitch?"
Why are you looking
at me like that?
What happened
between you two?
Did you fuck?
No, I was joking.
DIOS: He's different
with me now.
He used to be my friend.
He wanted me to introduce
him to my brother for work.
Now he says he's
independent, but he's onside
with the Sub-21 gang.
I told you,
I'm not on their side.
Really? That's not right.
You should side
with your friends,
like Triste.
Now Triste here,
he's a loyal guy.
Don't drag me
into this.
Let's just all get to work.
DIOS: What's wrong?
Am I bothering you here?
Are you afraid
I'll screw things up
with your lady?
Why don't you stop
busting my balls?
It seems you're doing it
on purpose.
Of all the women
in the world,
you go after the one
I hate most.
You smoke too much shit,
it's fucking up your brain.
What do you mean?
This is craziness.
Did you know that I didn't
get my temporary leave
because of that cunt?
That's why
I'm locked up here.
That slut wanted
to fuck up my life.
It doesn't matter.
I'll get the last laugh.
Now that you're
chasing after her,
do you want
her home address?
No, I don't want you
to give me anything.
I did some research.
I even know
her bra size.
Listen to me, moron.
Don't you understand that
I don't want you to hassle
me with this anymore?
And leave her alone,
you piece of shit.
What's wrong?
You like fucking her?
I'm going to
the place I told you about.
We'll catch up later, okay?
Do you want to play ball?
Hello, good day.
Excuse me, sir.
I'm looking for
a lady named Nora,
she staying here.
No, I don't know her.
Do you know
who I can ask?
Who are you?
Emma, I'm her friend.
I'm looking for her.
Maybe someone here
could give me
some information?
The manager,
but she's not here now.
Come back tonight.
Okay, thanks,
sorry to bother you.
Lucas? Are you Lucas?
I'm a friend of
your dad's, Miguel.
You're Miguel's friend?
Yes, Emma.
He's looking for you.
WOMAN: Axel, come here.
Are you Carla?
Don't be frightened. I'm
Emma, a friend of Miguel,
Lucas' dad.
CARLA: I still can't get
the image out of my head.
She was dead on the floor
in a pool of blood.
Poor Lucas was hiding
under the bed.
(SOBS) I don't know
how anyone could kill
Betina like that.
She was my friend.
Fernando got involved
with the wrong people.
They were about to leave.
He wanted to leave quickly
and get away for a while.
He sensed
they were in danger.
We escaped to Santiago.
He was afraid
that if he came back,
they'd find him
and do something to him too.
They said
it was payback, revenge.
I had to come back
because I couldn't
find work there.
Are you working now?
Luckily, yes.
They let me bring
Lucas to work.
You don't have anyone
to watch him?
No. My mom used to
babysit but she had
to return to Santiago,
my brothers needed her.
Did you talk to the police?
Lucas' father was
a policeman and
he's in jail now, right?
I didn't know
if I could trust them.
You did the right thing.
You can't trust anyone.
we found each other.
Miguel is very worried
about Lucas.
He didn't know
where to find him.
Are you his girlfriend?
Are you going to help me?
Of course.
Lucas has to go back
to school
and return
to a nice normal life.
He's very quiet,
the poor thing.
He doesn't cry.
But I know he's suffering.
Come, sit down.
LUCRE: We've got
problems, right?
Yes, we've got problems.
Since I've become a nominee
for the sub-secretary
of security role
some of my fellow candidates
are trying to discredit me
by making me look bad.
We knew what to expect
but this is too much.
I hear they're planning
to intervene.
No! Don't say that!
Don't even suggest
such a thing!
I'll screw the
attorney general in the ass
before they intervene.
I didn't know this side
of you but you could
always ask him.
See what he says,
maybe he wants to
try something new,
a new experience.
The attorney general's
not interested in men.
He likes girls,
he appreciates
feminine beauty.
He likes pretty,
fuckable girls like you.
What are you suggesting?
Perhaps it's time
for you to do something
to help our cause.
What cause?
Our cause. Didn't we agree
to move up together
to the security office?
The attorney general
likes women,
he likes you and thinks
you're beautiful.
He has asked me
to introduce you to him.
You're joking.
No! Is it so hard to imagine
that he's attracted to you?
You're a beautiful woman,
those eyes
I know men
find me attractive.
This is different.
You're asking me
to give myself to him
to get you out of trouble.
I'm asking you to fuck him
to get me out of this.
You're asking me
to prostitute myself.
For free.
I don't understand
why the horse
has to move like that.
I don't know,
it's just one of
the rules of the game.
It doesn't matter why.
He moves like that,
that's it.
It's shit.
No, it's a good game.
It's strategic,
these are life skills.
Really? Will this help me
become a better thief?
Inspection, fucking cunts!
Inspection, get out!
Get out!
Come on.
GUARD: Get out!
Move into the courtyard!
CAPECE: Inspection!
Let's go! Everyone outside!
Move it!
I said, "Out!"
INMATE: I didn't do
anything, stop. (SCREAMS)
CAPECE: I like it when
you're nice and quiet.
Did you hear me? Let's go!
That's how I like it.
You didn't find anything?
Come on Capece,
there's nothing here.
Stop fucking around.
You don't have anything,
pieces of shit?
You're clever.
We're poor,
go search Borges.
You're poor?
You two, come with me.
Come on. Walk.
Move it.
You too, come on.
I wanted to clarify
a few things with you.
PASTOR: About the search
in the courtyard?
They just broke everything.
Stop, I'm talking.
First of all,
I heard that you had
a situation in the showers.
Is that true?
ANTIN: What happened?
They came in
while I was showering
and they hit me.
ANTIN: They beat
the shit out of you.
That day Rico was
in charge of the showers.
He was monitoring
that section.
Did you know that
Rico was killed?
The Sub-21 gang killed him.
They assassinated him
in Torcuato.
Do you know what this is?
A medallion, of course.
But who does it
belong to?
This medallion belonged
to Pablo Diaz.
Do you know
who Pablo Diaz was?
One of the three inmates
who disappeared.
And listen to this,
a little bird told me
that it was those three
who beat you up
in the shower.
Did you know that?
No, their heads
were covered.
What do you know
about the finger
that Borges found
on his plate?
Do you know anything?
You don't know shit.
You're usually
better informed than most.
It's as if someone
were constantly
giving you advice.
Pena knows
that I want things
to get better.
But for things to get better
we have to agree
on a framework.
Are you following me?
Because you're looking
at me like
You don't understand?
How can I explain
this to you?
This prison, San Onofre,
is like a boat.
It's sailing south.
I'm in charge
and you're on deck.
I sense trouble and say
that the boat might sink.
Why would it sink?
Because the crew thinks
they can navigate
through stormy waters
without a captain.
And you can't.
Are you following?
I need to navigate a course
and bring the boat
safely into port.
If the boat sinks,
I'll be the first to fall,
and you're going to
drown like rats.
Kill each other if you want
but stop busting my balls.
Get out.
I said, get out!
These two guys
are pussies.
My niece hits
harder than that.
I miss boxers like Rona.
I saw him in '94,
Jackson vs. Rona.
It was extraordinary.
Rona was knocked down,
just lying there motionless.
It looked like
he was going to
throw in the towel
but as soon as Jackson
let his guard down,
Rona gave him a left hook
and nailed him!
It was fantastic!
That's what we need to do.
Let them hit us,
let them come.
It doesn't matter
if they see us stumble.
It doesn't matter,
let them hit us.
You're going to
take them by surprise.
What are you talking about?
What do you know?
What does he know
that I don't?
You talk too much.
You'll go and tell
the psychologist
or some other idiot.
Is this all of them?
I think there are
some new ones too.
MARIO: It doesn't matter.
They can fuck themselves
for going to the courtyard.
What the fuck are
you talking about?
Let me see that paper.
Give it to me, Marito.
You'll find out.
No, I want to know now.
"I want to know now."
What are you laughing at?
That's not right.
If you open your mouth
I'll pull out your
tongue with my teeth.
Do you understand?
Yes, I won't say anything.
Tell me.
Come here.
Do you know
how we got rid of garbage
when I was little?
We set it on fire.
EMMA: We're here.
Let me turn on the light.
This is it.
This is my house.
Do you like it?
Where's the cat?
He's lazy,
I'm sure he's in my bedroom.
Look, there's Pancho,
sleeping like always.
Hello, Pancho.
LUCAS: Hi there.
Can I touch him?
Yes, of course.
Hello Pancho,
I brought you a friend.
This is Lucas.
This is my bed,
this is where I sleep.
Where am I
going to sleep?
Wherever you want.
We can put a mattress
next to mine.
Are you hungry?
Yes, very.
Would you like to cook
something together?
We'll be back Pancho.
Let's go see
what's in the fridge.
Wow! You're quite
the helper!
This is extra.
No, my sister is coming
to eat with us.
I want you to meet her.
You'll like her.
I'm glad you're here
because I'm terrible
at setting the table.
It's easy.
It looks great.
That must be Mabel.
I'll get the door.
Hi. You're right on time.
How are you?
I'm fine.
How are you?
I'm hanging in there,
more or less.
And my friend Lucas?
I don't know.
He was here.
I even brought him
a present.
Is he in the bathroom?
Luke are you here?
Is he playing hide and seek?
What are you doing there?
Are you afraid?
Why? Because of the door?
I'm sorry.
I should have told you.
It's my sister.
Nothing is going to happen
to you here.
I'll take care of you.
Do you want to meet
my sister? I think
she brought you a present.
Slowly. Come.
That's it.
Are you okay?
Let me introduce you
to Mabel.
Pass it over here.
Come on. You don't
know how to play.
Suck this.
You didn't stop.
You threw me on the ground.
This Chinese guy is going
to take Picachu's spot.
You can all fuck him
or ask him for acupuncture.
Don't bother talking to him,
he doesn't understand shit.
Everything okay?
What's up with this guy?
The Chinese are
all the same.
INMATE: Come on, let's go.
I'm so sick of
being stuck inside.
I want to be on a beach,
at night,
and feel the wind
on my face.
I don't want to think
about anything.
You could be
surrounded by girls
dancing and moving
their ass.
No, no one from here.
With no one around
to bust my balls.
With Gladys.
I hate being away
from her especially now.
Osvaldo's death
was hard on you.
The guy was like
a brother to me.
Like you.
Do you remember
when he scored a goal
on those guys from
Don Bosco?
He moved the ball nicely.
He played well.
He yelled
in their faces.
That's why they got
so pissed off.
We ran so much that day.
When someone
so close to you dies,
there's a part of you
that goes with them.
We need to be stronger
than ever now.
DIOS: When you stop
acting like a superhero,
you can count on me.
I'm here.
Are we really going to set
the courtyard on fire
with the guys inside?
I'm sick of it.
I'm tired.
I don't want to have
to fight to prove
myself anymore.
I want this
to be done, finally.
That's it.
Finished. Enough.
But we have friends
in the courtyard too.
You're worried about Pena?
What's wrong with you?
Is he your boyfriend?
Are you gay?
I'm not gay.
He's my friend.
Don't worry.
We'll rescue our friends.
The key is to nail
all Sub-21 members
and their cronies.
Give me a hit.
Are you serious?
Just one hit,
it's nothing
One hit
won't do any harm.
Now that's a hit,
son of a bitch.
This is the good stuff,
it's powerful shit.
You won't need anymore.
That's enough.
How could you eat a finger?
Did you see
their faces? God!
They almost threw up
their breakfast.
How disgusting.
Did you eat the nail too?
I already shit it out.
How are you going
to set the whole
courtyard on fire?
James is making
For when?
When Argentina plays Brazil.
We'll bring in
some big screens
that will
distract them a bit.
We're going to
miss the game?
We have to set up
a huge grill
in the courtyard.
It's going to be
quite the BBQ.
My lord.
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