Enheraf (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

I don't understand
a thing you're saying.
I drowned my kids.
Who drowned your kids?
They did.
Who are they?
I drowned them.
You drowned them?
They did
They did
They did?
Have they got no mercy?
To torture a woman like that
You had to be a monster.
Hadir Can you hear me?
Who are those?
Your mom and dad or your siblings?
My husband.
-Then who's Fawzeya?
-His wife.
How's she his wife?
Isn't he your husband?
He's my husband, and she's his wife.
It's obvious she suffers
from a nervous breakdown.
I'll prescribe pills
that she'll need to take regularly.
Hopefully she'll be better next time
I see her.
Where did you find her?
Why don't you ease up
on the crap you're smoking.
You burn through a week's supply
in a couple of days.
Ease up, man.
What do I do, Fawzeya?
That son of a bitch who ran away
Is one making me feel like crap.
I'd smoke anything to feel better.
Feel better as much as you want.
But don't stay in the house
while you're unconscious.
Know what?
The bathroom's rug
is more useful than you.
Open the door, see who it is.
But hide the crap you're smoking first.
-Oh my God.
Salam Alikum.
Alikum Alsalam.
Is Mrs. Fawzeya there?
Come on in It's Haji Gamal.
Have him come in.
-Come on in, Haji.
-I'm in.
-Salam Alikum, Mrs. Fawzeya.
-Alikum Alsalam.
We'd like your help
But please don't turn us down.
Ask away.
My son Hany
He's going to get married.
We got him a 2 bedroom apartment.
With the utilities that come with it.
But it needs a paint job, floors
Woodwork. And it's our hope
that you'd help us get these stuff.
And treat us like your family.
And have us pay in installments:
Over a year, two, or three.
Of course, brother.
But you'd have to sign bonds.
I'm at your service, be it bonds,
cheques, warrants, or anything.
I'd sign, have my son sign,
have his fiancee sign, if you agree.
I agree, Haji. I agree.
Stop by tomorrow
with your son, so you'd both sign.
And I'll send the workers
To check the needed products
and give me an estimate cost.
And I won't treat like a stranger, no
I'll take a 15% interest
for 200,000, instead of 20%.
Thank you so much.
May god grant you more wealth.
-Thanks for your visit.
-Salam Alikum.
He said Salam Alikum.
Alikum Alsalam.
Oh my God.
Have you now understood, Mr. Sherif
Why did I insist
that you'd handle this case?
Of course, sir.
Because you don't want me
to get married.
When I received the reports
regarding the hotel murder.
I found out that I'm dealing
with two cases in one.
And both have the same details.
The radio host
which you handled his case.
And Salem,
who we found dead in the hotel.
Both cases have the same details.
Same pattern, and same repetition.
Why are you linking the two cases?
Why link them together?
In the radio host case
The last person to be seen
with him is a woman called Solafa.
And she disappeared, without a trace.
And in Salem's case
It was a journalist called Huda Amer.
And again,
she disappeared without a trace.
So it's the same pattern in both cases.
No fingerprints.
The same loud music in both murders.
And in both cases
Just one woman.
Are you trying to say that those
two woman are, in fact, one?
In both cases, it's the same woman.
I don't know how did I go along with
you and applied this horrible makeup?
It's the best makeup you've ever put.
You look beautiful.
Your lips look like that
-Absolutely beautiful.
-Stop it, Abeer.
How I wish to say how I feel.
You're hiding a lot underneath.
Why don't you put more makeup?
More of what? Let's stick to the plan!
What's wrong, doc?
My feet hurt from all the walking.
Who's Sindbad we're here to find?
That's nobody's name.
Dabur and Fawzeya are regular names.
But Sinbad is a unique name,
making it easier to find.
He must be the thug
who was torturing the girl.
How do you know this is the right place?
Maybe it's the wrong place.
Soaad said they found her near here.
And the girl was all messed up
and beaten up.
She mustn't have gotten far
from where she was.
I don't know, doc.
So we're looking in the right place?
Yes. Hold up.
-Salam Alikum.
-Alikum Alsalam. How can I help you?
I was hoping you could.
Do you know where Sinbad is?
Do you mean Mr. Sinbad's coffee shop?
Turned out to be a coffee shop.
It's right in front of you, Mrs.
-That's the one?
-It is.
-Ok. Thanks.
-You're welcome.
See? Didn't turn out to be
a person's name.
It's a coffee shop.
Who are all these people?
Who should we ask?
Let's ask this guy?
Salam Alikum.
-Alikum Alsalam.
-Can I ask you a question?
Do you know a girl called Hadir?
Do you Hadir, Dabur's wife?
That's her.
Why are you coming to me?
You can ask Mrs. Fawzeya, Dabur's wife,
if even she could find her.
-Why is that?
-She ran away.
-Ran away?
Yo, woman.
Haven't you seen Hadir?
Haven't you seen the kids?
Oh my God.
Oh my God. Where might have she gone?
Help me, people.
Help me, Galal.
Help me, Gamal
Help me, Haji Shaker.
-Help me, y'all.
-What's wrong Mrs. Fawzeya? Calm down.
-The girl.
-What girl?
She escaped. She distracted me.
I don't know where she went.
She stole my gold.
And ran away, and the kids
She took the kids and ran away.
Oh my God.
I wonder what happened to them.
-Oh my God.
-Please calm down, Mrs. Fawzeya.
We'll definitely find them, God willing.
I'm worried about the kids, man.
I'm worried about the kids.
I told you. I told you.
They're so young.
They'll be lost without me.
Where did she take them?
We'll find them. We'll definitely
find them, Mrs. Fawzeya.
Oh my God.
Calm down. Please calm down.
Where's Haji Gamal?
He's here all morning.
Maybe he saw them.
After I rescued her off the street,
and married her to my husband
She steals from me and runs away.
Takes the kids and leaves? Oh my God.
Oh my God.
I told you. I told you,
your goodness will get you in trouble.
-You were right. You were right.
-We'll find her.
I swear we'll find them
and return the kids.
Look everywhere, shout their names.
Oh my God.
Stop doing this to yourself, please.
Calm down, we'll find them.
My heart. My heart.
We'll definitely find them.
-And where's Fawzeya's?
-This house behind you, sister.
-Honest advice, don't call her ma.
She's troubled.
Don't call her ma.
I won't talk to her.
Will we go straight upstairs?
No, we'll ask around for Hadir
in the building.
Come in, this is the house. Let's go.
Did you notice anything, sir?
At which floor was Salem's room?
Mr. Salem stayed at room 2021.
Which is on the second floor.
-Get me footage from the 2nd floor.
-Yes, sir.
I said OK!
-Salam Alikum.
-Alikum Alsalam, sis.
We're Hadir's relatives.
-Hello, dear. Please come on in.
-Thank you so much.
We've finally managed
to find her any relatives.
Ever since she came here to the alley,
we never knew of any relatives.
I'm Zekra.
-And this is my sister.
Welcome, dears.
Welcome. Did you really find her?
We've been looking for her for a while.
Good Samaritans told us she's married
and staying here, so we came to ask.
-We've heard weird stuff.
-Very weird.
We were told she stole stuff.
And the most shocking
is that she ran off with another man.
Here the hacker entered
the hotel normally.
He kept walking around
until he found the electricity room.
To sabotage surveillance cameras
at the entrance.
Excuse me.
Camera 6 at the entrance is broken.
Ok, sure. Thank you.
Then he exited the hotel,
and changed clothes.
And he returned as the technician.
Great job. Great job.
-I'll check other cameras outside.
-Go on.
When he got up here.
He managed to access
surveillance cameras' IP.
And he managed to stop
all the second floor cameras.
And have them repeat
the last hour of recording nonstop.
If you were right?
Why did he shut off
the second floor's cameras only?
Why haven't he shut down all of the
hotels' cameras? Since he was capable.
If he did that,
he'd be compromised after 5 minutes.
But shutting off one camera
in one floor.
No one would spot it.
Specially if he paused footage
or had the camera repeat older footage.
What's important,
is for it to keep working.
Shutting down second floor's cameras.
The floor where the victim was killed.
And the killer
Refused to show up in the cameras
to wave at us goodbye.
Look, dear. People talk a lot,
and they have no mercy.
But where's the truth? Nobody knows.
But this girl, ever since she came here,
I've witnessed all her stories.
- Congrats, Basbosa.
- Thank you, Mrs. Fawzeya.
Oh my God.
Here's your fix, Dabur.
Give her a taste.
For the morning.
Before tomorrow morning.
Be at my place.
Go, girl.
I'm telling the truth, and I'll held
accountable before God that Hadir
Have lived her for quite a while,
and she was very peaceful.
She gave birth to a boy and a girl,
until Mrs. Fawzeya came along.
And claimed she stole her gold
and ran away with the kids.
Excuse me for a second.
What's with the door today?
What's the matter, girl?
Why haven't you been answering?
Should I knock for an hour?
I heard someone was asking for me.
What? What do you want?
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