Envious (2024) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

you decided to come back.
I'll listen.
I never really left,
but, um, it's that the
Debbie's wedding ceremony was chaos.
There was no marriage.
The wedding was called off.
Debbie didn't want to get married.
And on top of that,
there was drama with Lu's husband,
who I always said was a crook.
It was horrible.
Really shitty.
You came saying
everyone was getting married,
and in the end, no one got married.
Debbie was in a bad way.
[Fernanda] And you?
You are living your best life,
making the most of that stud.
Does it feel like I went in with a clunker
and came out with a convertible?
- I guess so.
- Nicolás? I don't think he's a catch.
What? I didn't win?
- What are you talking about?
- World champion.
- A world champion.
- Thank you, Tere.
- [Carolina] He's someone
- Drink up.
What time is it, Mom?
- You're drinking wine.
- 11:30, why?
[Lucila] I asked her for it.
- That's all right.
- It will do me good.
Do you know the amount of guys
I could've screwed while I was with Peter?
- Mm.
- Really hot ones.
Not just anyone, but super hot.
- Like yours, like him.
- Yeah.
You have to make the most of it now.
You have to make up
for lost time, seriously.
I didn't have an orgasm until 29.
- Oh, Mom, please.
- Seriously?
[Victoria] Please, Mom, why?
- Why?
- [Lucila] It's all right. Leave her alone.
- Good to listen to her. Gives me hope.
- I mean it.
Do you know what I'd give
to have a mother like yours?
Not like mine, who must think
that I'm a complete idiot.
- Did you sign lots of company stuff?
- Yes, yes.
- Well that was stupid.
- Ma.
- What are you doing with that?
- I'm cooking.
[chuckles] I cook sometimes, you know?
To be honest, I didn't know that.
- Yeah, you saw me.
- No, I don't remember.
- How long are you gonna keep that face?
- [exhales]
It's because you saw your neighbor
with her new boyfriend.
They went to a party.
I saw it all.
She wore a really nice dress.
And I saw her get in his car.
For a cook, you sure use your eyes.
- You like watching them.
- Mm-mm.
Concentrate on the food.
- Focus on your work.
- And so, they'll have a fight.
She'll call you up to come rescue her.
- That's not gonna happen.
- She'll call you up.
Because she's a very wild woman.
She's a mess.
If she calls, I'm not gonna go.
I've told her. We were clear.
She's with somebody else.
And I'm happy for her.
Mm. You need to sound convincing.
I'm not buying it.
- I'm gonna go cook.
- Yeah, go and cook. Go.
What's this mean, "accessory"?
What is it, "accomplice"?
Okay, so, you were part of the LLC that
accepted stock offers at your company.
Oh, that son of a bitch.
What do I have to do with this?
I'm sorry, but I made my money honestly.
What do I have to do
with what that stupid piece of shit did?
You signed it.
It means you're compromised,
but it will be clarified in the long run.
What long run?
I don't have time for the long run.
- I have to eat, live.
- I know.
Or worse. I can't look for work,
because you put my name into Google
and this appears all over. Who'd hire me?
It's all right, take it, relax.
- Lu, let's go outside for a minute.
- Yeah.
I don't want the kids to see me like this.
- It's okay.
- [Lucila] Do you still have that wine?
- [Teresa] Yes, it's right here.
- [Lucila] Yes. Okay, thank you.
Oh, God.
And it comes down to one thing or another.
The wheat and the chaff.
Everyone saw me with Nicolás, so
You did it.
Yes, I did it, I did it.
They saw you with your handsome boyfriend
in an expensive car.
But did they see his ripped abs?
Because, if not, you didn't win there.
[Carolina] Look, Vicky sniffed it out.
She's been telling me for 15 years,
"That guy looks like a crook."
"That guy looks like a crook."
And I You see, when Vicky
Well, anyway, all her friends' boyfriends
look like crooks to her, there isn't a
- Yeah, that's true.
- Except for that new boyfriend of hers.
Now she looks
She looks happy, I don't know.
Well, she she's smitten, isn't she?
Yeah, it's still early
in their relationship, but, yeah.
She looks pretty good.
Is it Is it serious?
Well, what do I know? Who knows, I mean
No, yeah, yeah. well
I don't know.
They've known each other for a long time.
It's her boss. It isn't something
that started from scratch, you know?
That's where it started.
- Yeah.
- That's good.
- A good guy, for sure.
- Eh
I don't know. Why?
- Not sure. We were together and
- Right.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
- You're good?
- Yeah, great.
There is just this to resolve, and then,
then we will all be all right. The troop.
The troop?
Whenever I come and tell you
something nice about my relationship,
you make me feel bad.
You threw me out the other day.
- No.
- No, yes.
- No.
- No. No, no.
- No, no.
- No.
- No, no.
- No, no, no, you
- No, I didn't throw you out.
- No, listen
- You listen to me.
- Listen to me.
No, I didn't throw you out.
I said we finished the session.
Well, regardless.
I tell you something nice about us,
and you don't seem to like it.
- I don't know.
- What is it that's nice?
Today, for example.
We have the company's
25th anniversary party
that we've been planning together
for a while now.
They'll come inside, and choose.
It's important that the bar
works flawlessly for everyone.
- Hi, my love.
- Anything else, let me know.
- Hi, gorgeous.
- Hi.
- You look great.
- Oh, thank you.
- How's your friend?
- Distraught. It is what it is.
Sorry for not coming to the station,
but your ex was there
Some clients are arriving.
Shall we check the list?
Yes, that's great.
Okay, just give us the list.
- Let me check it.
- Let Cata have the list.
She can give us a hand with the clients.
Yes, yes. No, yes, yes, I'm
- Anyway, I have a thousand things to
- [Nicolás] Mm-hm.
- I'll take a photo.
- I need to go.
- Right, guys.
- You're already here.
[Fernanda] The people who come here,
the people who are having
therapeutic treatment,
are trying to work on their problems.
To resolve their problems.
They are willing to shine a light
on their dark areas.
So I guess that is it, then.
I don't have any dark areas.
What are you laughing at?
- Nothing.
- Are you laughing at me?
- No.
- Laughing at what I said?
- No, no, no.
- No, yes. No.
- No, no.
- No, no, no.
- No, no.
- No, Vicky.
- No, no, no.
- No, not at you.
Yes, you were.
- No, no, I wasn't
- No, no.
- No, no.
- No.
I wasn't laughing, it was something else.
Nothing about you.
Let's see.
Your euphoria and your overall happiness
aren't really related, right?
Feeling euphoric doesn't really
do anything to resolve your problems.
Like, you know, driving a broken car
at really high speeds on the road.
You can get hurt.
I think the raffle
should go after the cake. At the end.
I put it after the show to take advantage
of the audio, since it's already set up.
It was at the end. The stage is there.
What are you trying to say?
Yeah, but as I said, we save time,
we save money, we make less noise.
Cata is right, yes,
but could you give me a tiny minute?
Listen to me. How about
you take it easy on her, okay?
Do you want to be responsible
for clients, glasses, napkins, cups?
I'm going easy on her, you know?
So easy, really.
That girl is a superstar.
I think she's amazing.
We have a difference in opinion,
where you should say,
"Yes, Vicky, you're right."
Not, "Cata, you're right."
I've always got your back,
but come on, let's face it,
she is a tiny bit right on this.
- I don't get it.
- Regarding the stage, distribution.
I don't know which part
she's getting right, I don't.
[phone buzzing]
I have to get this, excuse me.
I'll answer it.
- I'm going over there.
- Fine, yeah.
- Hello.
- [Lucila] Sorry to bother you.
There's something I'm worried about
Danny came over
and it seems I'm in deep shit.
It's gonna be okay. You've done nothing.
You are going to prove that.
Yeah, but do you know
how long a trial takes?
I just need to go back to my house,
I need my car.
I need somewhere to be sad and cry.
Cry, sweetie.
Cry anywhere, wherever you want.
If you want to cry, cry.
No, no, I can't.
I can't because your mom is on my back,
telling me about
all the men she screwed after your dad.
No, come, save me, please.
No, I'm not going anywhere because
I'm setting up with Nico, at the venue.
The company party, the one I'm planning,
I can't leave here.
But I'll tell you what. Put a dress on
and then come here to the party.
Yeah? But isn't that
a bit awkward for you?
This is the first party
you guys are doing together.
No, you are never awkward.
You'll stay with me.
It'll do you good, yeah?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, you know what?
Yeah, I'll go, yeah, okay.
Okay, I'll get dressed,
put make-up on, and come.
Okay, thanks.
Okay, kisses. Love you, I'll be waiting.
[indistinct chatter]
- Hey, the cake goes on the dessert table.
- There, to the right. Thank you very much.
- [Victoria] It's fine.
- [Lucila] Black.
Simple, see? I played it safe.
Played it safe? You're beautiful.
- Simple, I don't know.
- You look spectacular.
- I'm totally not used to this, honey.
- Make a fresh start.
- Today's an absolute no-no.
- No it's not.
You're gonna go flirt
and charm the pants off everyone.
- If you are anything, Lu, it's glam.
- I dunno if I'm ready to be on display.
- You're gorgeous. What do you mean?
- I love you.
- And Nico? Where is he?
- Here somewhere.
This place is full of investors.
Businessmen, you see? He talks,
they talk, he's here, there, everywhere.
Oh, he doesn't stop.
Well, maybe he's also embarrassed.
He recently separated,
like, being seen with you
Because of his ex, it's a big deal.
He said that she messes
things up for him, does things.
I mean, like, she's kind of crazy as well.
Oh, girl. [scoffs]
- Yeah, what?
- The crazy ex thing is just a story.
No, but he didn't say crazy ex, okay?
- What did he say?
- I had said crazy ex.
That's what I mean. Why did you say that?
Because he must have told you
she is jealous, a gossip, a nightmare.
- All right, yes.
- Anyway, honey. That's why.
- Mmm. Mwah!
- Hey!
- You look nice!
- You too.
- Can I steal Vicky for a moment?
- Oh yeah.
Take as long as you like.
All right, as promised, here she is.
- Victoria, right?
- Yes, Victoria.
I asked Nico because I wanted to meet you.
I want you to decorate my place.
- That's
- Careful, huh? She is my girlfriend.
It's a decent proposal. [laughs]
Yes, yes, you still got
your bad habits, you old dog.
Vicky is the one responsible for all this.
I had nothing to do with it.
- Hello.
- She's your wife as well, isn't she?
- No.
- I'd love to, she's my girlfriend.
- Thank you.
- You both make a gorgeous couple.
- Thanks, thanks.
- [laughs] Come on.
See you, huh? See you around.
- Did you tell everyone about me?
- Yes, it slipped out, love.
- What does it matter?
- [giggles]
No, but you are so reserved, I don't know.
It's one thing to be reserved,
another to be shouting from the rooftops.
It's another to lie.
If I'm in a relationship,
I'm in a relationship.
- No, lying is horrible.
- [man] My dummy!
- Oh, Grandpa!
- [Victoria] Is that your grandpa?
You know it. Vicky, my grandpa.
- Hello there, Grandpa.
- Tell me, doesn't he look like a dummy?
[awkward chuckle]
- You are very beautiful as well, huh?
- Oh, thank you.
Yes. He always, always had
beautiful girlfriends. Always.
Magui, are we ready?
- My dog is also named Dummy.
- Such a pleasure.
Pleasure. Gorgeous, huh?
- Pleasure. See you soon. Aww-
- Slow down on the drinks.
He's adorable.
All your girlfriends are beautiful.
"All," he said.
My Grandpa is a 185,000 years old.
He thinks my mom
and my grandma are still alive.
- I think he's lovely.
- Imagine. He's a sweetheart.
Yes, I agree. Beautiful.
So, why aren't you, I mean,
I don't know, happier?
- You're happy, but happier.
- I'm very happy.
- More, more. I know you.
- I'm very happy.
- The face you made at Cata.
- Ah, you're saying earlier.
- And when you met my sister.
- Way earlier.
And this and that, huh?
Yeah, don't remind me,
it really embarrasses me, no.
I swear, It's really hard to trust.
I find it hard,
because of all of life's scars.
Hurt, hurt, hurt, hurt.
Trauma, trauma.
It's all right, Vicky. You have to trust.
- I'm going to trust you, yes.
- You have to believe in yourself.
You have to trust your relationship.
Why wouldn't you trust
someone who loves you?
You love me?
[gentle music playing]
- It-it-it slipped out, I mean
- I love you as well.
I love you.
[Nicolás chuckles]
Sorry to trouble you.
- What's wrong?
- There are so many sleazeballs.
- I'm really freaked out.
- Protect her from all those old guys.
Hey, amazing. What's going on?
- No, it's all so incredible, girl.
- Kissing in front of everyone.
But seriously,
he was using his tongue like crazy.
Oh, there was tongue.
My question is,
if Nicolás left you,
would you be happy?
- Would you still be?
- Why would he leave?
I'm not saying he's leaving.
I'm saying there are couples
who don't work out.
If you end up by yourself,
would you be happy?
You are not the right therapist for me.
No, you aren't.
The veil has been lifted. You aren't.
It's not gonna work like this.
I'm putting an end to this now.
You don't have to put an end to it.
[giggles mockingly]
I do, starting right now.
Putting an end to it is done. I'm going
to declare, "Put an end to it, Vicky."
We're done. I'm ending it here.
I'm leaving.
I'm going to pay you what I owe.
Tell me how much I owe you,
I'll pay you right now.
You owe me $300.
[awkward music playing]
I'll get the cash to you, somehow.
Right now I don't have
I don't have enough cash.
But, anyway, I'll get it to you soon.
I'm leaving now.
I'll show you out.
He introduced me to all of his friends.
His colleagues, everyone.
He said the word "girlfriend."
- Girlfriend?
- Yes, honey.
He said girlfriend like five times.
I was counting them.
And he said, "I love you."
- What? No.
- "I love you."
- I kid you not.
- He said, "I love you."
- But did he say "I love," or "I love you"?
- No. "I love you," Lu. I'm trembling.
Oh, sweetie, I'm dying for you!
Congrats. Oh, how beautiful!
Beautiful moment.
Like getting noticed
by the cutest guy in school.
Like being noticed by Juan Pichigoyen.
Yeah, like being noticed
by Juan Pichigoyen.
No, no, no.
That was a great time, sweetie.
How 'bout we get wasted right now?
- Right now?
- Completely shit-faced.
So we forget about everything
and we won't remember anything.
- Ah, well okay.
- Let's do it.
- Why don't we dance?
- If you need to do that.
- Yes, yes, yes.
- Okay.
- Should we take these?
- Let's take them.
- I'll drink whatever they got.
- [Victoria] Yes, let's go all out.
[pop dance music playing]
Yeah, until the sun burns out ♪
Uh, until the wheels fall off ♪
[Lucila] I'm single.
If you saw me like this, you'd say,
"Oh, how can that girl be single?"
- Really, this girl.
- [both laugh]
Tell us, how old are you?
- Twenty-seven.
- Oh, baby.
- Really? That's almost the same as us.
- [laughs]
You're like therapy ♪
When we're face-to-face
It's like clarity ♪
You're the only sight
That I care to see ♪
It's only you and me ♪
No, no, Magui Roldán.
Maggie Roldán, this is my friend, Lu.
Maggie Roldán, do you remember?
- I've no idea who she is.
- No, but I told you she's my colleague.
- She sits across, we love each other.
- Oh, yes, yes.
- I know, I know, I know.
- Magui Roldán!
- Yes, yes.
- Ciao, Magui Roldán.
Oh, my God!
I love this old song!
I haven't heard it for thousands of years.
- It's the best song!
- It was so cheap.
I barely had any budget
to spend on the DJ.
But this is incredible, because
of the crappy DJ, the crappy music.
Nothing is better
than dancing to crappy music.
Come on! Let's dance to the crappy music.
Let's go. Let's go and dance!
[indie rock music playing]
Light it on up like a warning sign ♪
Watching it burn like a signal fire ♪
- Thank you.
- I'll drink all of it.
Where's Nicolás?
He's working, don't be a buzzkill.
I like checking him out,
I like seeing what a gorgeous body he has.
- He's so cute!
- It was God who created that work of art!
For real, he was sculpted by hand.
This, by hand.
He's the David.
- What's wrong? Do you feel sick?
- I just got dizzy.
Put water here on your wrists.
It will freshen you up.
I'm gonna look for a bottle of water.
- Okay, yeah.
- Wait for me there.
- Okay, yes.
- Keep it down, okay?
- Yes, you always tell me that.
- That's why, so you know.
Oh, I'm all sweaty.
I just saw a bright light flash.
Oh. Let's go. Woo!
- What are you doing here?
- Oh, hey there.
Nothing, well,
I came from the office with Dad,
and I wanted to have dinner with you.
- Aw.
- Well, he told me to come.
You are hiding from your wife.
- No.
- Yes.
- Not at all.
- Oh, Danny, Danny.
- Well
- What are you doing with your life?
Well, we're busy at work,
really busy, and, that
No, no, no, it's just that
you've changed the way that you dress.
All of a sudden, you marry
a Brazilian you hardly know.
You, who hates Brazil.
- I don't hate Brazil.
- You hate the sea.
You hate the beach, yes.
And suddenly, you're back,
dressed in your clothes again,
hiding, looking at photos of Vicky.
- What?
- Yes, I saw you.
I saw a post. It caught my attention
that she was dancing with Lu, I dunno.
- And?
- It doesn't matter.
Do you know why? I'm already married.
Vicky has a boyfriend.
It doesn't matter, all right?
Please, Danny.
That girl from Ipanema, write her a check,
and in twenty minutes she'll be in Brazil.
- All right, enough.
- And Vicky
I mean, Vicky just has a boyfriend,
she hasn't tied the knot.
- Okay.
- Think about it.
Right, fine.
I'll think about it. That's it.
[dance music continues]
Oh, no, no. I drank too much.
I'll put water on my face,
and feel better.
You're the interior designer, right?
Yes, that's me. Oh, Victoria, sorry.
Oh, no, I love everything you do.
- Seriously?
- Yeah.
Nicolás showed me the new building.
I loved how you made it look.
Oh, thank you very much, how nice.
I've had so many compliments today,
I'm very pleased.
That's great. You deserve it, sure.
You can see
all the hard work you've put into it.
- How dedicated you are, how you persevere.
- [laughs]
Seducing Nicolás at your age like that
[awkward music playing]
is nothing short of a miracle.
Because how old are you?
You are like me, you are my age,
a 40-year-old lady, yeah?
What are you? 41, 42?
[chuckling] Around there?
You have a few lines, huh?
Okay, uh okay-
- Hm?
- Yes, this was nice.
I have to go and see a friend
who is waiting for me.
- Wait. Hey, Magui!
- [locks door]
- Magui!
- [stall opens]
Give me a minute.
Listen, which one is this? I'm confused.
Vilar 2710.
[woman] Oh right! Oh my God!
You were assigned to a two-bedroom!
Very nice.
That's pretty good
for being a new lover, isn't it?
How long were you staying over
at Soler 1890?
Some shared studio-apartments.
It was a pigsty.
That was a long time ago. I'm married now.
Aw, don't pretend, Magui.
You left a nasty smell for me all over
the sail boat when I was in Barcelona.
That was all yours.
That nasty smell was yours.
It's your trademark, Magui.
[dance music continues]
Come on.
- Well
- [knocking on door]
I imagine that you've sobered up now,
and you know who I am.
- [knocking continues]
- Yes, I know.
Anyway, your marriage is your business.
It has nothing to do with me.
I can't believe you. Another stupid chick
who thinks she's his girlfriend.
Oh my God! But how many are there?
So many women.
Vicky, it's me. I got water for you.
How are you feeling?
- Mm? What?
- [Victoria whimpers]
- My friend's out there.
- Ah!
You got the divorce excuse.
You got the divorce.
Aww, how predictable, Magui.
He has no imagination.
He could have at least been more original,
like with the others.
Right? "An open relationship."
Mmm. The one where I have leukemia.
But when he uses the divorce,
I really hate that one. Do you know why?
Because there's no imagination.
It's all well and good.
I appear, I say that I'm married,
and it's the end of it.
Whereas when he says that I levitated,
ah, I really love that one.
I love it because I appear and, bam!
[dance music continues]
Tell her, Magui, go on.
You want to explain to her?
To this naive romantic decoration.
That I'm the one who's married to Nicolás.
And that Nicolás
doesn't have just one lover.
No, he has a lover
in every single building.
The same way you are in Viler 2710.
- Vilar, it's Vilar.
- Well, Vilar.
There's also one in Gurruchaga,
it's at 3254.
- There's another in Beruti 3526.
- Oh, God
And there's another one
in República de la India at 1600.
The young one, the assistant.
Honestly, I feel really sick.
I think I'm gonna vomit here.
- Marina, let her out. She's gonna vomit.
- Wait. Wait a minute.
Tell me he introduced you
to all of his old whore buddies.
All of his friends, the men he takes
to all the girls he fucks [laughs]
Did you meet him? He's a sweetheart.
One with Alzheimer's, he introduces him
to someone new every hour.
Did you meet him? Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Did he start with
all the psychobabble with you?
"If you don't trust in this relationship,
it actually means
that you don't truly trust yourself
or believe that someone else
could ever fall deeply in love with you."
Did he say that? Of course he said that.
Oh, please. I really need to
I swear, I don't feel well.
No, because I'm bringing water to Vicky
who wasn't feeling well,
and it was like,
the bathroom door was jammed.
I don't know. I can't.
Could you try it?
- Because you're stronger.
- [knocking]
- Vicky!
- Try it. Open it.
I bet he screws them all together
at the same time like a bayonet. Bam!
What I don't want is for you
to take what's mine.
And from what I see,
you pay for everything, right?
A night out, a nice tie, a little gift.
Oh, no.
You gave him the watch.
Yes, you gave him the watch the bastard
shows off at every stupid party.
All right, Marina, stop it, let her out.
She is about to pass out here? Stop it.
Wait, I'll grab someone to help me.
No, no, no, no, no. Don't leave, yet.
No. Vicky isn't well, please.
- Don't leave me alone, okay?
- All right, wait, take it easy, relax.
- You all screw my husband, then you cry
- [banging on door]
Hi, my love.
[kisses] The party
turned out so nice, huh?
What happened? Vicky, what's wrong?
Get me out of here, please.
Yes, of course. Let's go.
- [footsteps receding]
- [door closes]
It's always hard with chopsticks.
- Wait.
- Haven't you learned yet?
Well, chopsticks are hard for me.
- Oh, well done.
- Mm!
It's incredible. What is it?
It's homemade instant noodles.
No way.
It's either homemade, or it's instant.
It can't be both.
It can be both, I cooked it.
It tastes just like instant ramen
from the packet, but I cooked it.
In the kitchen. Really good.
Oh, it's a concept.
Food that takes like instant food,
but it's homemade.
That's what I just said.
- [Mei chuckles]
- I get your drift.
- What are you thinking about?
- [Matías] Nothing.
- [Matías clears throat]
- You're thinking about her, aren't you?
Did I like the girl next door? Yeah.
I liked her a lot.
Did she feel the same?
No, that's it.
I'll get over it.
I'd feel the same way.
You would do anything
not to marry that Chinese guy
that your grandpa wants you to marry.
Yeah, I made up that Chinese guy.
So you would have dinner with me.
[gentle music playing]
And your grandparents on the video call?
It was my dad's birthday.
I just wanted us to spend time together.
Hey, Mei, you
- I want to be
- No, no, don't say anything.
I'm in no hurry.
I'm not like the wild woman.
[gentle music rising]
[Victoria vomiting]
Alright, come on, drink a little water.
Oh. I feel like
I've been run over by a truck.
Why bother putting in all that work,
if I'm not even worth it, Lucila?
Well, he obviously gets
some kind of kick out of it, right?
- It's as if he acts like he's in love.
- Yes.
- Yeah.
- Sort of like, he enjoys it.
- I feel so stupid.
- No.
So humiliated that
How did I not see it? How?
How? Or, yes, I did see it, I don't know.
There were no bedsheets at the place
he took me to stay the night.
- One day, it was like that, no sheets.
- Aw.
And the smell in that shitty place
he took me for dinner.
Magui Roldán.
Magui Roldán!
It was obvious.
Hey, you were dealing
with a psychopath, hon.
- [sobs]
- Listen up, he tricked a ton of girls.
He's a pro. He's a pro at it.
He has a gift.
- It's not easy.
- But he didn't trick you.
- Well, no.
- He didn't trick Caro.
You both told me that you didn't like him.
That you sniffed him out as an asshole
from 1,000 kilometers away.
And I didn't listen,
I didn't listen, I didn't listen!
Take what you can get,
take what you can get!
Son of a bitch.
The assistant, that new one he has.
The young one. He's screwing her.
Why wouldn't he screw her?
All right, hon, but it's really easy
to see how things are from a distance.
When it's you in the center,
it's more complicated.
Listen to me, it was 15 years
that I was sleeping with a crook.
And you told me he looked like a crook.
- Yeah.
- And what did I say?
That you were just envious.
I was envious, Lu.
No, I know.
Yeah, I envied you.
The assistant, that stupid silly bitch.
'Course he was screwing her.
You don't know what I said
to the therapist today.
- Oh, what does that matter?
- Really told her off.
I told her I can't, that's it.
I have to leave the country.
- Quiet.
- I can't go back to therapy.
I can't go back to the office, I can't
look you girls in the eye, and Danny.
And Danny?
- Yeah.
- Are you kidding me, sweetie?
And what does the therapist matter, hon?
That's what you pay her for.
That's what her job is,
listening to a bunch of nonsense.
Yeah. I'm hurting.
- Come here.
- My heart, my pride hurts.
It all hurts so bad.
I don't know, my dignity is hurt.
I thought that this time I won the game.
I thought now it was my turn for something
nice to happen, something beautiful.
That it was my moment.
And no.
It's not my turn.
I'm like this once again. Yet again.
Again, what?
I have nothing, yet again.
Look, I don't know if this helps at all.
We're in the same boat.
- Yeah, it helps.
- Come here, girl.
- I love you so much, Lu.
- I love you.
Thanks for being with me today.
How am I not going to be with you?
I'll always be with you.
[bittersweet music playing]
[Victoria cries]
Okay, it kind of grosses me out
that you puked, but I'm dying of thirst.
Take it. Do I smell like vomit?
- Mm-hm.
- Yes, I do.
- You do, a little.
- Yeah.
[bittersweet music playing]
["Frágil" by Barbi Recanati
playing over phone]
["Frágil" continues playing]
- [yells]
- [thud]
- [groans]
- [Roto whimpers]
[grunts and pants]
[phone buzzing]
- [line calling]
- Answer me, answer me, answer me.
[line calling]
- [moans] Answer me, come on, please.
- [line calling]
[line calling]
[phone buzzing]
[phone buzzing]
["Frágil" continues playing]
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