Eva Lasting (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

De profundis

I swear, I didn't want this to happen.
I was talking to Eva.
I didn't know anyone else could hear.
But did you see anything?
Uh, I saw Pabón and you
And you know what.
I was sleeping.
You weren't sleeping.
But I was high and drunk. Same difference.
Granados, man. We have history.
How well do you know me?
I am a man. Not a bitch.
So what do I do then?
Help me get out of this.
The school will ask you
everything about it.
Don't screw me.
All you have to say is I was asleep.
- And Pabón?
- [Salcedo] He's a rat.
He had us all fooled.
Please, man. I beg you.
Don't throw me to the wolves. I'm begging.
[adult Camilo] I thought about it
all night long, and concluded that,
since my relationship with Luisa
could be revealed at any moment,
this was my chance
to get a little insurance policy,
which would probably come in handy later.
And so I began
to contemplate Salcedo's petition.
[funky music plays]
[boys laugh]
Do you need any more proof that last night
wasn't just a hallucination?
Although, everything considered,
I wish I imagined it all.
Well, the school
will quickly make a decision
and they will come to you
and ask what you saw at my house.
We all know you're the only witness.
- Nervous?
- I have to be honest.
And tell the truth.
Then we had some beers
and we got a little drunk.
And what is "a little drunk?"
Well, some were acting crazy.
were being mischievous.
And Salcedo,
h-he'd fallen asleep
in one of the bedrooms.
And what exactly did you see in there?
Yes, well, I was looking for the bathroom.
I made a wrong turn and I entered, uh
Uh, I entered the bedroom with Salcedo.
And I saw Pabón
Well Well, you know what he was doing.
[melancholy music plays]
And Mr. Salcedo?
H-He was sleeping.
[melancholy music continues]
[adult Camilo] That's how,
in an unforgivable act
of selfishness and cowardice,
I threw Pabón to the wolves alone,
without considering
the severity of my accusation.
This version of the story falls under
the crimes of sexual assault and rape.
To my good fortune,
and to society's grave misfortune,
these crimes didn't have the weight then
that they do today.
What happens to Pabón?
They gotta give him the boot.
In that case, bro,
don't get mad,
but you should be kicked out too.
I'm still here.
It's proven Pabón took advantage of the
fact that I was sleeping, drunk, and high.
A worse offense.
Hey, Granados,
one question.
You didn't tell her
that we were all smoking weed?
No. I didn't mention any of that.
So you didn't tell them everything?
Big deal. That'll only make it worse.
For all of us.
Yeah, makes sense. Gustavo gets screwed
and yet everything's gonna be fine.
Very nice. What a great solution you have.
[tense music plays]
What do you think is going on with her?
Who knows? Best not to take her seriously.
Chicks are complicated.
Right, Granados?
Thanks, bro. You've saved me.
But I need you to make sure
Eva doesn't screw this up.
But don't worry. You know her.
In a couple of days, she'll be over it.
[adult Camilo] In that moment,
I started to become aware
of the horrible mistake I had made.
Especially when I saw Pabón and his mom
show up to school alone.
[melancholy music plays]
Where's Mr. Pabón?
Um, well, he couldn't come because he
He has a lot of work, so
he isn't here.
Understood, Mrs. Lucrecia.
First of all, I want to say
that we are open to listening to your side
of the story before making any decisions.
Now, I want you to know that the
infraction is very serious,
so the sanction will be severe.
I understand that.
Um, but, madam,
they are, after all, just children,
and, well, it's normal
for kids to do things in secret.
Um, well, what I mean to say is that, um,
they were just being mischievous.
Everyone has done it
at one point or another in their youth.
What do you mean, Mrs. Lucrecia?
Well, I-I don't think it's okay
for underage kids to be drinking alcohol.
I don't agree with it,
but I don't think it's something to
I wouldn't want them to burn at the stake
for it. [laughs awkwardly]
Plus I already spoke with Gustavo and he
He promised this wouldn't happen again
He didn't say anything more?
[man sighs]
Is there more?
[adult Camilo] Pabón hadn't dared
to tell the whole truth at home.
But how could you tell your parents
about a sin of this magnitude?
And when Martín Salcedo
fell asleep later on
[adult Camilo] And while his poor mother
had a date with public humiliation
and dishonor,
Pabón was treated like an absolute monster
and utterly abandoned.
The only one
who dared to get close to him,
let alone stand by his side, was Eva.
A noble act of solidarity
that none of us
had the courage to imitate,
and which made me aware
of how weak we really were.
What do I do? He
Henry will blame me
for not being on top of it.
He'll say I'm the one who did this.
[adult Camilo] While the process
that would decide his fate was underway,
Pabón would be suspended
from all his classes.
Do you have a minute?
I can explain. It's that I
No, I don't think this has an explanation.
I didn't want it to blow up anymore.
Are you okay?
See you, Granados.
See you, bro.
[adult Camilo] Eva walked Pabón
to the school entrance,
followed by 500 stares from ex-classmates,
who were satisfied,
because justice had been done.
I felt miserable again,
and I could barely look Salcedo in the eye
when he gave me a thankful nod
from a distance.
Let's continue.
Please get your Spanish textbooks
and open to page 86,
where we will review
the chapter on the subjunctive.
- Yes?
- May I read something aloud?
Don't worry, Professor.
It's literature and it's very short.
- All right. Come on up, Miss Samper.
- Thanks.
Tell us, what do you want
to share with the class today?
I will be reading an excerpt
from a book by Oscar Wilde
by the title of De Profundis.
"The sinner must repent."
"But why?"
"Simply because otherwise he would be
unable to realize what he had done."
"The moment of repentance
is the moment of initiation."
"To regret one's own experiences
is to arrest one's own development."
"To deny one's own experiences
is to put a lie
into the lips of one's own life."
"It is no less than a denial of the soul."
This book is dedicated
to Wilde's love, Alfred Douglas.
Wilde is one of the most brilliant writers
in all of history,
and because he fell in love
with Alfred Douglas,
he was publicly denounced
before the world as a pervert.
And went to jail, lived in poverty,
faced rejection, exile until his death.
Is that fair, do you think?
That the consequence of loving a person
different than what we're used to
is total humiliation of the human being?
Professor, did Wilde stop being
a good writer for loving another man?
No. No, he did not.
So I don't believe that Gustavo
stopped being a great friend
due to what happened at my house.
Thank you.
[soft music plays]
[adult Camilo] Telling a lie is always
easier than dealing with the consequences.
Right then, thoughts were rushing
into my head, as I tried to figure out
which would do the least harm
to my relationship with Eva.
Either stubbornly stay the course,
even though I knew I was wrong,
or recognize my fault
and give her a sign of vulnerability.
De Profundis.
Um, I didn't know
you liked this kind of literature.
[Camilo] Hm.
I don't know if you're aware.
Until recently, this book was banned.
No, no, I wasn't.
You know what this book's about?
Yes. It's all about
good literature, Miss Sara.
[Camilo] Eva!
Hey, Eva.
You're not talking to me, or what?
What are you gonna say?
Well, I It wasn't easy to do what I did.
Do you think I wanted
to screw Pabón, or what?
When we discussed it, you told me
something completely different.
Not that Gustavo took advantage
of Martín being drunk, high
I admit it, I was wrong, okay? I'm sorry.
Don't forget, I was also drunk
and smoking weed.
When did you realize you were wrong?
When you spoke with Professor Alicia?
Twenty minutes before that,
you had a different story.
You know, Camilo,
I don't know what happened to you.
Don't treat me like I'm stupid.
That does offend me.
- [Camilo] But, Eva
- [Eva] No, but nothing!
Deal with your conscience
and leave me alone.
[melancholy music plays]
[adult Camilo] The principal
was quick to arrange a PTA meeting.
And when asked
about the reason for the meeting,
I had to tell my parents what happened.
There's not really a lot to it.
That fruitcake has to leave the school.
We know that one bad apple
will spoil the whole barrel.
And you, young man, will cut off
all communication with him immediately.
- That kind of stuff can rub off on you.
- I'm not gonna do that, Pa.
Come again?
I mean, no, sir,
I'm not gonna do that, because
Pabón has been my friend since first grade
in elementary school.
He's a good person and
Are you being serious? You're going
to defend a pervert now, young man?
You said it yourself, all my classmates,
he's the one that you like the best.
The most polite and decent of all.
[José] We didn't know
about his bad habits.
- What does that mean?
- [José] Bad habits.
Not bad habits.
It's just that Gustavo's different.
I know you'd respect him
if you don't know about this.
Why are you defending him so vehemently?
- Are you also queer?
- What?
[José] Are you a gay? Tell me right now.
- This is crazy.
- That's probably why Eva never came back.
No, sir, I'm not gay, and even if I was,
I would probably feel really proud of it.
Is that so? Go to your room, Camilo.
Don't you dare come down till I tell you.
I'm just asking that you show some
respect, consideration for someone I know.
My friend, who I know and I love.
[José] I said go to your room!
Eva didn't come back
because we're not an item!
We're friends
and she doesn't like me like that.
So drop the subject already.
I'm tired of talking about it!
[melancholy music plays]
[door slams]
[adult Camilo] Much to my surprise,
during the argument at the dinner table,
my mom didn't say anything,
and I missed the support
that I was sure she would give.
I felt alone and drifting
in the middle of terrible chaos.
How was it possible
for me to betray the same friend
who moments earlier, I had defended
so passionately before my father?
I didn't write that night,
and I kept my newly acquired insomnia some
company with my reading of De Profundis.
[door opens and closes]
Hey, kid. Hi there.
Come on over here.
- Just
- [José] Let's talk. Come on.
Come here.
What happened last night will be
the last time you talk to me like that.
You hear?
Did you hear me?
When a son disrespects his father,
everything unravels.
There's no way I will allow that
in my home, no matter what I have to do.
Am I being clear?
Yes, sir.
One more thing, kid.
When you get a second,
I want you to pay the priest a visit.
Talk to him. Just confess.
Tell him what's been happening.
- Dad, I don't think
- This is not a suggestion!
This is serious.
Go and speak to God. Maybe he will
help you get your head straight.
Listen to me.
And I don't want you
complaining to your mother.
- I'm sorry I'm late.
- [José] It's all right.
- Careful closing my door.
- [Camilo] Let's go.
Good. Having heard all of the facts,
requiring a unanimous decision,
we can now proceed to the vote
over the expulsion
of the young man, Gustavo Linares Pabón,
for improper behavior and moral offenses.
I object to all of this.
I disagree.
I've known Gustavo Pabón for years.
He's been a friend of my son
and I know he's a trustworthy young kid.
[Dr. Alicia] Yes, but there are rules
and regulations that very clearly prohibit
certain types of orientations.
[Ana] What type of behavior
exactly, Doctor?
Please, Mrs. Ana, everyone here already
knows exactly what we're talking about.
[Ana] No, it's not clear to me.
I see two very different issues.
One is a boy whose sexual preferences
are maybe just somewhat different.
Which is not a sin.
Or a crime. So it's not punishable.
The other issue is
he may have taken advantage of a classmate
with circumstances
outside of school hours, and
If he forced him against his will,
this is a matter
in which we should come to a decision.
That would give
this problem more visibility,
and that would be inconvenient.
[scoffs] Inconvenient?
And what about the student
you're sacrificing as a scapegoat?
That's enough.
First of all, it's an abomination.
And secondly, the school's a place
where our children are able to come
not just to receive an education,
but to learn about principles
and morality.
- Am I right?
- Precisely.
No, no. Hold on, hold on.
That's precisely what I want my son
to be taught in this institution.
Not to be pointing fingers at anyone,
or to judge,
but rather the value and importance
in one's life of respecting
[José] It is a different topic
for another time, okay?
- Let's just proceed with the vote.
- [Ana] I oppose the expulsion completely.
We're going to sit and review
all the facts of this case right now,
and the decision for expulsion
of the young man, Gustavo Pabón. Period.
[adult Camilo] Thanks to my mom,
Pabón's life had been spared.
But the school had one condition.
And that was that he undergo
a psychological treatment program.
It may be hard to believe,
but in the ‘70s, feeling attracted
to someone of the same sex
was considered by many to be
a mental illness that could be cured.
Thank you for making me
look like a stupid idiot back there.
- For sure.
- What, do you think this is a joke?
No, I don't.
But I also don't really regret it,
or even feel badly about it, so
I don't get it. I just don't understand
how you could possibly defend Pabón.
Why don't you understand it, José?
I could repeat
all of my arguments for you.
You know what you have to stop doing?
Reading those papers that you type.
They're really hurting you, Mrs. Ana.
That's just ridiculous, José.
You're gonna tell me what to read?
If you want to have a discussion,
or argument,
make one, but with intelligence.
What bothers me, Mrs. Ana,
is that you contradict me in public.
- It really upsets me.
- [Ana] Let me tell you something.
The times when women didn't have a voice,
or even a vote, and couldn't comment
and had to agree with what their husbands
say, those times are over.
- At least in this house.
- Uh-huh. You see that, kiddo?
Your mom's a feminist now. [laughs]
I don't know.
What I do know is that I am a human being
that has an opinion,
and won't stay quiet.
I will say what I want, whenever
I want to, because I want to say it.
Very nice. What a fine example
you're giving the kid.
- Oh, José, spare me.
- Do you have anything to say?
Yes, well, I think
that Mom is probably right.
Why don't you shut up? Better stay quiet.
[adult Camilo] Mr. José's dramatic act
was useless.
My mom stayed firm in her position,
and I adored her with that ingredient
of which grand loves are made.
The school is willing
to give Mr. Pabón an opportunity.
He would be back
on a conditional registration
and he would have to see a psychologist.
And why is that?
Because your behavior the other night was
not normal.
It requires an explanation, a treatment.
The idea is to help you.
Well, we're very grateful,
madam, but [sniffs]
- I'm taking Gustavo out of school.
- But taking him out of school
Yes, the idea is to help him right now.
Can you imagine coming back here?
They will make your life hell.
Mama, except these are friends,
and I need to stay here with them.
These aren't friends, Gustavo.
Just the opposite.
If you want to do something
for this institution,
you know who you should kick out?
- That troublemaker. Eva Samper.
- Mom, please, no.
No. That girl is the one to blame
for all of this.
There are things you just
You don't know, madam.
You promised you wouldn't say anything.
- That girl That horrible young girl
- Mom.
You know what she's doing?
She's getting all the boys in the class
hooked on marijuana.
That's why I think
all of this is happening.
Instead of dumping shame over the victim,
you should take care of that girl.
[Ana] So you spoke with Gustavo?
[Camilo] Mm, no, ma'am.
Dr. Alicia's secretary told us.
- Incredible.
- [Camilo] Mm.
But I do kind of understand them,
because as long as there are
intolerant, backward people,
telling those who are different
how to live,
who have different lifestyles,
they'll never be allowed to simply exist
Yes. I think you're right about that.
That's actually the real problem.
and intolerant people.
[Ana] It's very sad, son.
But these bigots exist
and there's no cure for it.
I think those people
need a psychiatrist. Hm?
Hm, yes. You're right, Mom.
Those bigots are the ones
who need a psychologist. Not Pabón.
[José breathes loudly]
No need to get worked up.
- Bye, Dad.
- Camilo, I'll drive you.
No worries. I have plenty of time.
Let your old dad treat you this morning.
Hm? Let's go.
No, but it's, uh
You know what we're missing here,
big guy? Father-son time.
Hm? Heart-to-heart dialogue.
Plus, I'm not asking you for a favor.
- It's a command, so get in.
- [Camilo] Okay!
[jaunty music plays]
Do you think I'm an idiot, or what?
- Why would you
- I told you to respect me.
- What happened?
- "What happened?" "These old people"
- Backward.
- "Backwards people are the real problem.”
- I wasn't referring to you.
- Oh no? Then who?
- Some teachers
- You want me to whip you with my belt?
- No, well
- And teach you?
No. No, sir.
Since I know you'll go whine
to your mother, let's bypass the trouble.
- I appreciate
- [José] You appreciate nothing.
This is the last time
I put up with this bullshit.
Next time, even if your mom's hysterical,
I will beat you. You hear that?
- [Camilo] Mm-hm.
- What?
Yes! Yes, sir.
- School's that way. Turn right.
- No.
We're not going to school.
Where to then?
If you want, go ahead,
and I can go to school on my own.
You think?
[adult Camilo] My dad wanted two things.
To make sure I spoke with the priest,
and then he'd inquire concerning
the details of that conversation.
- Hop, hop.
- Excuse me. Sorry.
[adult Camilo] It was time
to invent some sins
and satisfy both fathers.
A true exercise in tactical creativity
that would later
be key in my professional life.
- [Camilo] Father.
- [priest] I hear you, son.
Thanks, Father.
- Uh, to start, I wanted to ask you
- Yes?
The confession is a sacred thing,
isn't it? Right?
Your dad didn't mention confession.
He said you wanted
to come and have a discussion with me.
I would feel more at peace
if we could maybe do a confession.
It's your decision.
In that case, what I say
will stay between us, isn't that right?
You can't go on
telling anyone these things?
And if you do tell,
you'll be damned to eternity in hell?
- [chuckles] Not necessarily, no.
- Even if you were talking to my papa?
Confessions are always secret.
No exceptions.
Oh, okay. I'm sorry, Father.
- It's just that
- So shall we begin?
[Camilo] Yes. Yes, sir. I'm sorry. Okay.
I confess
that I've been spending
all my time thinking about
huge asses,
and giant tits,
and, like, soft, fleshy things
that follow my thoughts
and stick in my brain day and night,
as if those succubi
were inviting me
to go and fornicate with them.
[priest coughs]
And it's all because of my father.
What do you mean, because of your father?
He was the one who always took me to see
To the bad women.
[adult Camilo] I couldn't resist
the temptation
of guaranteeing this backfired
on the old man.
[priest] Tell me more.
You wanna hear some more?
[priest] Mm. Mm-hm.
It will make you go crazy.
Oh. Oh, really?
And why do you really
think that's the case, son?
- I'm too embarrassed to talk about it.
- [priest] You have to.
Only if you see the magnitude of the sin
can I help you find forgiveness
and the spiritual peace, which is
the real purpose of this confession.
If that's the case,
then I'll have to tell you
about how the softest parts of a woman
are like little peaches.
Little peaches?
Yes. Let me explain.
[Camilo] Done.
- How was it?
- Just fine.
I feel more tranquil.
Oh. Do you mean
this will help get your head straight?
Yes. I think so. You should check it out.
- Father Angarita's wise.
- Yes, yes. Yes, he is.
- So you're off to school now?
- You're not taking me?
No. I have a couple of questions
I need to ask Father Angarita.
I really do need his holy guidance.
Hey, have you got some fresh sins
up your sleeve, or what? [chuckles]
They must be doozies. [laughs]
- Get going, kid.
- Yes, sir.
[jaunty music plays]
All right, Father. How did we do?
- Mm. I listened.
- Do you think he's gay?
How can you even say that about him?
- I'm sorry.
- No.
[José] So?
Camilo asked for a confession,
and I must respect its sanctity.
[sighs] Seriously?
This little prick
turned out to be smarter than his old man.
The person who I'm now
really very worried about is you, José.
About me? Why?
How could you have taken your own son
over to those promiscuous women?
- He told you that?
- Do you deny it?
In fact, get ready because, in this exact
moment, it's time for you to confess.
All right.
[adult Camilo] After leaving my dad
entangled with the clergy,
I had some time to think.
And Pabón's attitude
and my mother's example
made the betrayal I committed
feel heavier.
It also made Eva's disappointment
make all the sense in the world.
So I made some choices.
Thinking that, at any moment,
Salcedo could find out
about what happened with Luisa,
I agreed to help him out, and
I betrayed Pabón.
[sighs] I know what I did was pretty bad.
You have no idea how much I regret it,
and I'm willing to repent.
Especially because I hate
when you give me that look, like
Like I'm a sewer rat.
The looks I give don't matter, Camilo.
It might be
the least important thing right now, but
I really don't like
to be fighting with you.
[Eva] It doesn't matter
that you regret it.
What matters is that you make a decision
to try and make this right.
I'm gonna do whatever it takes
to fix this mess, okay? I swear it.
Damn. It's definitely not my day.
Your turn.
Hey, I
want to say that
I'm gonna tell Professor Alicia
the truth about everything.
And why I did what I did.
Not telling the entire truth,
to cover your back.
Uh, I wanted you to know
so that you could be prepared.
But why?
Because I I just can't
deal with the guilt anymore.
What we did was just wrong, man.
It's one thing that Pabón is gay.
It's another that he's taking advantage
of people when they're sleeping.
You know what, Granados?
Do it.
Honestly, I feel terrible
about making you tell a lie to everyone
to save my own skin.
Ever since Pabón left school
I-I think about it.
And it's not fair.
Because he's still a good friend.
What happened was consensual.
I was high and drunk,
but I knew what we were doing.
I still like chicks, man.
And I will my whole life.
I don't think
any of that will happen again.
But what hurts me the most
is that, somewhere,
Pabón isn't doing very well because of me.
They're accusing him of being
an opportunist, a pervert.
And it should only really matter
to the two of us.
- It's all good.
- Nobody else.
We came because Camilo has something
important he needs to tell you.
[adult Camilo] I told Pabón
about the extremely shameful agreement
I had made with Salcedo.
I acknowledged my moment
of supreme weakness and cowardice.
I swore I would tell the truth at school,
no matter the consequences.
Talking to Salcedo
[adult Camilo] And then,
we waited for Pabón's reaction.
And we got quite a surprise.
Why do you want to tell the truth?
Well, uh
[Gustavo] The damage is done.
And no, it's not worth it if,
instead of one,
there's two that end up screwed over.
Yes, but it's unfair
that Martín is completely free
while you're picking up the pieces
on your own.
Let's just say
Salcedo was luckier than I was,
and it's fine.
But now that you know what happened,
you should be able to go back to school.
No. Even if did, I would not
g-go back to José María.
Hm? No?
Please, just don't out Salcedo, okay?
Okay, but I don't understand.
You don't care that this is so unfair?
Here's a question.
Is it more fair if something that, um,
can't be reversed,
because it is irreversible,
happens to us both?
- Nothing should happen to either.
- Good luck with that.
I just want Salcedo to be all right.
If he suffers, then I suffer too.
Are you in love with Salcedo?
[gentle music plays]
[adult Camilo] Pabón's love sacrifice
definitely moved us,
and I was truly confronted
with the crisis of ethical values
and the truth.
Change those looks.
[adult Camilo] Something
I have never resolved over the years.
Back at home,
there was another surprise awaiting me
that pointed in the same direction.
In the end, it was my father who got some
much needed help exorcising old demons,
with the aid
of Father Angarita's confessional.
Your uncle? Ignacio?
He was your favorite uncle.
I never understood
why you suddenly stopped seeing him.
Isn't that the uncle
that died in a car accident?
[José] No.
My Uncle Ignacio
didn't die in a car accident.
The truth is he killed himself.
My uncle
[sighs] he fell in love.
It turns out he fell in love with a man.
When the family found out,
they all turned their backs on him,
Including myself.
Why didn't you ever tell me?
I was embarrassed.
'Cause my grandfather,
he made us all swear that
nobody would find out.
So you're saying
my uncle killed himself?
[soft music plays]
My uncle taught me how to ride a bike
and how to kick a soccer ball.
He got me a skateboard.
Do you remember our first house?
You know, that little blue one?
He lent me the cash to buy it.
He also gave me
the advice that finally won your heart.
When you were born
my uncle was there,
keeping me calm.
[soft music continues]
[inhales] But Ignacio never
had anyone, no one,
to support him in a similar way
like you and Pabón.
So he
died alone, ashamed.
Having been the best person in the world.
[soft music continues]
Marijuana? That's not true! None of us
would ever try that kind of stuff.
It's sinful.
Makes you crazy.
We are mentally healthy
students, Professor.
Yes. Yes, yes. Healthy,
intellectual, and we're also Christian.
[Dr. Alicia] Gustavo Pabón's mother
told me, because he told her.
So don't waste time denying it.
What's more, that explains
much of what transpired that night
at the house party of Miss Samper.
- It was just one time. We promise.
- What?
[Dr. Alicia] This is very serious.
You've disrespected our rules,
and even your own mental health.
Vices only require one opportunity
to get their hooks in you
and throw you into addiction for life.
Have you ever in your life
smoked marijuana, Professor?
Heavens, no.
So then, how do you know
what you're talking about?
From seeing marijuana
destroy entire families, that's where.
Are you're certain that it was only
smoking marijuana that destroyed them?
That is not what we will be discussing
at the moment.
Quick question. Are we expelled?
We'll leave things as they are
for this one time.
After what happened with Pabón,
the school can't take another scandal.
Business as usual.
The solution is to sweep it under the rug.
She just said they're letting us go.
No, no, I just find it weird that if they
really think smoking weed is that bad
and destroys entire families,
they would prefer to hide it
to avoid another scandal.
Do you know what's called, Professor?
Double standard.
So everything you told us about what
happened that night was a lie, Granados?
- [Camilo] Mm-hm.
- But why did you do it?
[Salcedo] Because I asked him
to do it for me.
I was a coward.
I was afraid of what everyone in school
would say about me.
- So you're Are you sort of like
- [Salcedo] No.
And if that were the case,
I don't think
it's something to be ashamed of.
Or did you forget what Eva said?
About that writer. Oscar
Oscar Wilde.
That one.
And if you bad mouth Pabón,
I will break your face.
No. No, no, no, bro.
I wouldn't do that.
For me, this is an injustice.
Why don't you talk
to Dr. Alicia, Granados?
It's possible
that she could reinstate him.
[Camilo] He doesn't want me to.
Pabón is leaving town with his mother.
[sighs] That's terrible, man,
because he was great.
He still is. He's not dead.
He'll be missed.
[Camilo sighs]
No doubt.
- Watch your step there.
- Yeah.
[Rodrigo] Pabón!
- [Álvaro] Pabón?
- [Lucrecia] Don't take too long, Gustavo.
["Estaciones En El Sol" plays]
What's up, you dumbass? You were
gonna leave without saying goodbye?
- I don't like farewells.
- Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, bro.
It's your turn.
["Estaciones En El Sol" continues]
What did you think, bro? You really think
we'd let you go that easy? [chuckles]
I'll help you with this.
[Eva laughs]
["Estaciones En El Sol" continues]
I want you to know
that we will be your friends forever.
And that you can always,
always count on us, really.
Thank you, Eva.
["Estaciones En El Sol" continues]
Don't forget that we're here for you, bro,
for whatever you need.
[Gustavo] Okay, stop.
["Estaciones En El Sol" continues]
Take good care.
And don't forget me.
- [Lucrecia] Gustavo, we're leaving!
- Never.
Gustavo, what's up? We're leaving!
["Estaciones En El Sol" continues]
[Gustavo] Please pass chemistry.
I love you, really, with all my heart.
[Salcedo] We'll miss you.
I love you guys so much.
[adult Camilo] Pabón's departure
was the price we paid
to understand
that the quality of a human being
didn't depend on their sexual orientation.
["Estaciones En El Sol" continues]
[telephone rings]
Oh, shit!
[telephone continues ringing]
Young man, it's the dead of night.
This is a decent house. Be respectful.
Oh. Hold on. Camilo!
- Camilo!
- [Camilo] What?
[groans] Son of a bitch.
[Camilo] Who is it?
Your friend Acuña. He says it's urgent.
Let's see.
- Hello?
- It's Eva. Pretend it's someone else.
What's going on?
I need you to come to my house now.
It's very urgent.
All right. Couldn't you
have asked me tomorrow, brother?
This is no time to call.
Be respectful. [tuts]
About this guy. Yeah.
For trigonometry homework.
Definitely need to get you
out of that school, Camilo.
[jaunty music plays]
[adult Camilo] Ever since the party
at her house,
the Acuñas had been surveilling Eva.
And they had designed a plan
to break in and rob her valuables,
which could be easily sold
on the black market.
I heard strange noises in the room.
I went to get my father's gun
and I caught both of you stealing.
[Camilo] It's just
a misunderstanding, right?
No, they've already admitted
to what they were doing, right?
Tell her to put the gun down
before she shoots somebody.
Did you really
break into the house to steal?
Well, you know we have to hustle
to make a living.
They didn't actually
steal anything, did they?
So I don't think there's a need to call
the police. We can definitely
If I wanted to call the police,
I would've already done so.
But no. I called you here because
I need you to help me convince them.
Your little friend's
got a screw loose, huh?
Convince them of what?
Of going to school,
getting into the main office,
and stealing the list
with all the grades for this semester.
[Camilo] What?
[rock music plays]
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