Falling Into Your Smile (2021) s01e11 Episode Script

Episode 11

(A collection of ZGDX's crazy event quotes
of a week ago)
(seeing you in danger,
I rushed over as fast as I could.)
(Yet you never came to
assist me on top lane.)
(Come on, come on. Look, I'll challenge him.)
(I'll challenge him, challenge…)
(I'm dead?)
(Challenge him, keep challenging.)
(You don't love me anymore.)
(Watch out, watch out.)
(The opponent's jungler
has gone to your side.)
(Grass, grass.)
["Grass" is pronounced the same as "damn it".]
(Who are you cursing?)
(I mean watch out in the grass.)
(Oops, I'm dead again.)
(You dare ambush me?)
(I'll punish you for that.)
(You dare ambush your Chubby grandfather?)
(I'll show you who I am.)
(Son of a Biscuit.)
(Beat him, beat him.)
(Quick, quick, straight forward. Nice!)
(In one breath. In one breath.)
(In one breath. In one breath.
We can beat them.)
(We can go back for dinner after the fight.)
(Beat him, beat him.)
(Come on.)
(Come on, where's Cheng?)
(Cheng, where are you going?)
(Cheng, Cheng, nice.)
(Cheng, why aren't you talking?)
(I feel like I'm in preschool.)
(My head is exploding.)
I want to empty my bowels.
=Falling into Your Smile=
=Episode 11=
Okay, now both sides
have sent out their lines.
Let's look at the middle lane.
Susabi is in the middle lane.
Susabi is a roaming assassin shikigami.
he's not particularly tough
in the early stages.
But he has the skills of control,
teleport and can also cause damage.
Since such a shikigami has been chosen,
if his enemy fails to contain him properly
in the early stages
and lets him get strong in the late stages,
it will be especially tough to deal with.
(To be honest…)
I'm not going to lie.
The opposing jungler is my ex-boyfriend,
the kind that
didn't break up with me peacefully.
I guess he will come to beat me up later.
Um, K.
If you don't come to help me in this round,
I will kill myself.
I mean it.
I'm a jungler.
I'll come to you when I need to.
Tong Yao.
I really can't stop thinking about the posts
about your e-sports version of
The White Snake Legend.
What's so funny about that?
(I won't offend people
before they offend me.)
(If people offend me…)
You are Xu Xian,
saving the dead and helping the wounded.
Heal him, see what a poor thing he is.
Chubby, let's pick a fight.
You go up and undertake the damage
to fool the other side.
Go, go.
(Chubby's Kuro Douji)
(took two skills from the opponent
and has only half health left.)
Protect him, can you protect him?
(Chubby makes a skill instead.)
(Butterfly is slowed down.)
(Chessman goes forward
with a set of moves.)
(First Blood Assist)
(Butterfly is killed.)
Control the attack player for me.
Here it comes, controlled.
(Double Kill Assist)
Chubby controls Wang again.
Chessman outputs the damage,
directly completing the double kill.
God, the other side had no time
to fight back Chessman's moves.
Long live the captain.
Tong Yao.
It's a pity that
the first blood is not your ex.
Okay, Smiling in the middle lane
is also doing well.
But Hua seems to be a bit anxious.
It's not worth it
to consume his power just now.
Yang has arrived in the middle lane.
Will he catch her or not?
Okay, Yang is on.
Yang, what's wrong with you?
Smiling is good.
We have to change the way we play.
We'll change the way we play.
(Is Jian Yang coming to
ambush on the top lane?)
(Sure enough.)
(Defeat Assist)
(Cat was killed by Yang.)
From what we saw,
they may have to pick a team fight
against the monster
for the previous mistake.
ZGDX should have given up on
the monster.
(We can see that
Yang is going on quite well.)
(After he gave up
the middle and bottom lanes,)
(he killed someone ganking
two times in the top lane.)
(He's going on quite well.)
But in fact, the middle and bottom lanes
are the most difficult to deal with.
Chessman has already
contained Butterfly
to the point where he can't fight back.
Is the bottom lane ready yet?
I'm coming. I'm coming.
Let's pick a fight.
(- Smiling is going to the bottom lane.)
(- The bottom lane is already in a fight.)
(Smiling released her ultimate skill
from the grass.)
(Chessman's ultimate skill continues
to output damage. Got it.)
Let me kill someone.
I came all the way to the bottom lane,
just to have you to take my credit.
I never want to be
in the same lane as you again.
Save your words.
I'm afraid you'll shit your pants.
Can't you just forget about it?
I can't.
Then at least don't remind me.
(Defeat Assist)
(That owed a lot to Smiling just now.)
(She attacked them by surprise.)
(CK's bottom lane
was completely collapsed at last.)
They win! They win!
Look, my daughter has won!
What are you talking about?
Why are they still playing then?
It's only for Chessman
to be able to kill someone.
Don't get excited.
That's not easy either.
It's easy for you guys to cooperate.
Do you know there is also a lane
called the top lane in our game?
Good Luck confronts me.
He took a buff in the beginning.
It's hard for me to fight back.
How can I play like this?
K, you and I play very well together
when we're at the base.
But you didn't even come to help me
in the formal game.
What a dog.
We're not Siamese twins.
Okay, fine.
Come to the top lane next.
Okay, I'm coming now.
Let's go.
K, you and Cat
go destroy the defense tower in the top lane.
All right.
(At this time, Good Luck's Hannya
hasn't freshened his ultimate skill.)
(He's quite fragile now.)
(ZGDX had good timing.)
(But Hua and Yang
have also supported the top lane.)
(Both sides' middle, top laners and junglers)
(have picked a small-scale team
fight in the top lane.)
(Cat's second skill picks the team fight
and controls Good Luck.)
(Smiling just plays her ultimate skill
after the continuous playing of first and second skills.)
(Good Luck is killed.)
(Defeat Assist)
Come hit Orochi.
Copy that.
K, save your skill.
Chubby, save your ultimate skill.
(Mulan in E-sports)
(Why do I feel that today's Chessman)
(leads the team to play at such a fast pace?)
(Successfully sealed)
(My God, it's too fast.)
(It was dazzling just now.)
We're sure to win.
Come on, keep playing. Keep playing.
Gather in the middle lane
and destroy the base turret.
Okay, copy that.
Push through the middle lane.
Go, go, go. Confront it.
ZGDX is already marching in the middle lane.
The victory is coming so soon?
ZGDX has marched to the base turret.
They're on the base turret.
Come on.
Come on.
(Hit the base!)
(It's exploding!)
(That was so fast. Nice.)
(The game is over!)
(Let's congratulate ZGDX)
(for the first victory in the opening round.)
Chessman is so cool!
(Smiling was also)
(quite eye-catching in this round.)
(That's right.)
(As expected, she is the No.1
Tamamo-no-Mae on the Chinese server.)
It's okay, it's okay.
Let's dedicate ourselves to the next round.
♪Who will come for you♪
♪Come for a pilgrimage♪
Jian Yang was so poor in this round.
♪We'll be your heroes♪
♪We'll be your heroes♪
Yang, what's wrong with you?
You were completely distracted in that game.
You were either slow to react
or you couldn't catch
your teammate's signals at all.
You let them kill you like crazy.
You didn't follow
our pre-game strategy at all.
I'm sorry, coach.
I don't want you to be sorry.
I want you to pull yourself together
for the next round.
Last game,
ZGDX employed a fast-paced way of play.
I noticed that
Chessman wasn't in a good state
either in the last game.
So let's hold them off for the late stage
in the next game.
Got it.
How does it feel to be beaten up
by your old rival and your ex-girlfriend?
Is it as heartbreaking as if
your own cabbage
was ruined by a pig?
I feel like I got a myocardial infarction.
I've read this.
It's over?
Did you read the Weibo?
The E-sports Industry Farm says
there are two crazy dogs
that lost control in ZGDX.
I never read that.
This is so funny.
If you don't read Weibo,
then why are you putting on make-up?
People are watching the game.
No one is watching you.
As a crazy dog that gets a lot of attention,
I have to look beautiful.
Tong Yao.
Your psychological burden as an idol
has outweighed Cheng's.
I think
you've been assimilated by K.
Focus on the crazy dog.
Don't mention me.
What's wrong with me mentioning you?
It's boring.
Cheng, you've got a fever?
Then let's get it over
as soon as possible.
Cheng has a fever.
Tong Yao is having a diarrhea.
What should we do in the next game?
Why do I feel that Chessman
is not in the right state
in terms of this operation?
That's right,
it is not as good as in the last game.
(He has been contained by Butterfly
since the early stage.)
We can play more concentratedly
in the bottom lane.
Okay. Okay.
(Chessman seems to be out of shape.)
Cheng, step back. I'll help you.
Come down to the bottom lane.
Come on, come on.
Go. Yang's Snorunt should follow too.
(He has killed Lu Sicheng.)
(Chubby's Ichimoku Ren
escaped with little blood in a flash.)
(CK's bottom laner and jungler
make a perfect match.)
Nice, nice.
Captain, are you okay?
Yes, I'm fine.
Chubby, go support other lanes.
I'll develop myself in the bottom lane.
Okay, be careful then.
Come here. Take Orochi.
Okay, okay, I'm coming.
(Overlord of Jungle, Yang
CK Our Faith)
Do you think CK is going to
take Orochi this time?
Is it dangerous to do that now?
It should be okay.
(Look, Chessman has just resurrected.)
(And CK's got good lines on the lower lane.)
They're taking Orochi.
Don't go yet, wait for us to join you.
(And if CK wants to pick up
a team fight here,)
(they'll face a five-against-four situation.
According to the data,)
(ZGDX is looking for a risky victory.)
(Where is Smiling going?)
(Does she want to fight
against five people alone?)
(She's on. She's on.)
(Smiling has already rushed up.)
Watch out for people coming.
Side up, side up.
Watch out, Butterfly.
(Smiling anticipated
Butterfly's displacement position)
(and is making her ultimate move.)
(Butterfly was hit and fell to the ground.)
Cat, come here now.
We can take over this Orochi.
Okay, I'm coming now.
I'm coming.
I'm on my way too.
I'm coming. Hold on.
(Cat makes his ultimate move
and rushes into the Orochi's pit.)
(His third skill stuns Yang.)
(A skill of Smiling directly kills Hua,)
(completing a Double Kill.)
Keep fighting. Keep fighting.
Don't run away.
(Wang makes his ultimate move.)
(Jian Yang and Good Luck
rush towards Smiling.)
(Smiling dodges a skill in a flash,)
(but is hit by Good Luck.)
(Chubby rushes out at the critical moment.)
(Triple Kill Assist)
(Smiling is safe now.)
(Good Luck is slowed down. Triple Kill!)
What are you doing?
(Good Luck is slowed down. Triple Kill!)
Withdraw. Withdraw.
Tong Yao is awesome.
Oh my God.
Let's go back and take Orochi.
Okay, come on.
(CK's players are dying one after another.)
(Three opponents killed with no sacrifice.)
(ZGDX has played really well this time.)
(Yeah, especially Smiling.)
(She is so fierce.)
(She's always fighting at the drop of a hat.)
(And her anticipation of
the ultimate moves is perfect.)
(She is really the No.1 Tamamo-no-Mae
on the Chinese server.)
In one breath. In one breath.
We can just go destroy the turret.
Okay, here we go.
Cheng, can I go sacrifice myself?
Chubby, have you got
your ultimate skill ready?
In five seconds.
Okay, then I'll go sacrifice myself.
Three, two, one.
(Keep a distance. Keep a distance.)
Don't be in a hurry.
(ZGDX looks like
they want to make an ultimate move.)
I'll move back a bit.
You guys go undertake the damage.
Don't rush.
I'll take the damage.
You guys can attack however you want.
In two seconds. In two seconds.
We'll wait for you.
Guard the turret! Guard the turret!
The turret is important.
Go, K, follow.
(Unremitting Assistance)
Run down, run down.
Protect Shooter. Protect Shooter.
(Double kill!
Smiling has made another double kill!)
Just join in the fight.
Don't stretch the battle line so long.
Everyone, keep closer.
(Unremitting Assistance)
(Retreat back to the base.)
(But K is right behind him.)
(Smiling makes an ultimate skill.)
(Triple kill!)
- Nice.
- Hit the turret! Hit the turret!
Just destroy their base turret.
Team fight. Team fight. Over there.
(Unremitting Assistance Assist)
(Congratulations to ZGDX for their victory!)
Lazy Girl has made a big comeback today.
Yes, Smiling acted so fiercely.
With Chessman in bad shape,
still showed their superb fighting power.
That's why Smiling is
the No. 1 Tamamo-no-Mae.
(That team fight was just excellent.)
(Unexpectedly skilled!)
Now they've won!
Our daughter's won, Tong.
My daughter is so great.
That's for sure.
Think about whose daughter she is.
No more objections?
All right. All right.
Keep your mouth occupied.
(Mulan in E-sports)
(Come on)
Tong Yao.
I'm too nervous today.
I meant to say
you played well.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Let go.
You've gotten better.
Yes, I have.
That's why I'll shake hands with you
more often from now on.
Until you retire.
Let go.
That's not polite.
See you at the next game.
Go for it!
Smiling! Smiling!
Let's welcome Chessman and Smiling
to our interview area.
Welcome, Tong Yao, welcome, Cheng.
both of you have won
MVPs in two consecutive games.
I want to ask Tong Yao.
Today I heard that
you were so nervous before the match
that you talked out of turn
and got included in the event quotes.
Is that true?
It's the first time
for a country girl to go to the city.
It's normal for her to be nervous.
Then I'd like to ask Cheng.
Today's game was a quick one.
Is it to avenge
the final of the Spring Playoff?
Not really.
It's just a normal game.
Then, Cheng.
Please comment on the new middle laner,
Tong Yao's performance
in the opening round today.
She won MVP in the second game today.
Did she meet your expectations?
Not bad.
Okay, thank you both for the interview.
Thank you, Cheng. Thank you, Tong Yao.
Thank you.
Thank you all for coming today.
This is the end of today's MVP interview.
There were four people on the top lane
in the last team fight.
I just went straight in.
You're finally here.
We're waiting for you.
How childish are you?
That's right.
- We can't win without me.
- Where's Cheng?
Cheng went back first because of fever.
Hurry up and get packed up.
Don't be late for the carnival later.
You're so boring.
What's wrong?
Rui, can I not go to
the event tonight as well?
What's wrong with you?
Are you going down with Cheng?
My pants are dirty.
You shit your pants?
I'm on my period.
I just called a special car to
take Cheng back on Didi.
He probably hasn't gone far yet.
I'll call him back now.
Sir, yes, it's me.
Maybe you need to come back.
Another one of us has gotten ill too.
Right, right, sorry.
He'll be right back. Just a moment.
Thank you, Rui.
What's up?
Your manager said
I should come back to pick up someone.
What's wrong?
You're not feeling well,
so I'm here to take care of you.
I have a fever.
But I don't have a brain fever.
What's wrong?
My pants are stained.
You shit on your pants?
Then stay away from me.
Your nose is stuffed up, you can't smell it.
Seeing you is bad enough.
Don't forget to fasten your seat belt.
Mr. Li, how come it's you?
What a coincidence!
Do you want to consider becoming
my private Didi chauffeur?
In fact,
it doesn't matter if people now
buy a car or not.
With our special car,
it's like you own a private car.
Not only is it environmentally
friendly and green,
but it also saves on parking fees, right?
Yes, yes.
Hey, Jinyang?
I'm telling you, Yao.
You're so cool today.
Where are you?
Why did you disappear so quickly?
I'm on my period.
I'm anxious to get back to take care of it.
I'm hanging up.
Sit tightly, you two.
I'm about to drive.
(I went to the opening round of
the National League today.)
(After the game, when shaking-hands,)
(wouldn't let go of Smiling's hand.)
(I could see it clearly from the first row.)
(Yang and Smiling.)
(Make more people
see this, quickly, quickly.)
(Watch Cheng take his medicine.)
(What a big boy he is.)
(He can't take it by himself?)
(He won't take it himself if you ask him to.)
(We can't help it. Just be tolerant.)
(If he dies, we won't have a captain.)
(I'll help the sycophant Chubby
to be the captain.)
(Then when you quarrel with Lu Yue,)
(there will be no one to help you.)
(Chubby can't control Lu Yue.)
(Recently, he has been
very obedient to Lu Yue)
(suffering from guilt.)
(He has pick up food for Lu Yue's.)
(Where's the medical kit?)
(They're on the refrigerator)
(Compound Acetaminophen Tablets (II)
Relieve Fever and Pain)
Captain, it's time for you
to take medicine.
Why are you sneaking around in my room?
Rui asked me to watch you take your medicine.
Leave it there. I'll take it myself.
Finish it before you go to sleep.
The water's too hot. Fill it again.
You know what?
The pain a woman feels during her period
multiplying by three it's just
as much as the pain of childbirth.
You know how painful it is
for a woman to give birth, right?
It's like lifting your bottom lip up
and using it to cover your whole head.
That's probably how painful it is.
So whenever this happens,
even if Godzilla were to invade the earth,
I could kick him back into the sea.
It's because it
disturbs me being a quiet, beautiful girl.
So drink the water, take the medicine.
Don't be high-maintenance.
Take another sip.
You're supposed
to drink more hot water when sick.
By the way,
you can't take pills with an empty stomach.
I'll order takeaway. What do you want to eat?
I want to die.
That can work.
It's just that it's not the right time.
Your Majesty, you have to die after
the treacherous traitor Lu Yue, right?
What do you want to eat?
Braised Chicken and Rice, spicy hot pot?
Japanese food or Korean food?
Don't say no.
Why do you still have
such a good appetite during your period?
And why the hell would you eat
Japanese food during your period?
I order it for you.
Congee is ok for me.
I also want congee.
I want the congee,
the kind with brown sugar.
Order takeaway.
We have brown sugar in the kitchen.
Eat congee by yourself when it arrives.
What's wrong?
There is no congee in all these stores.
The only ones that
cook congee have bad reviews.
Forget it, I'll just cook it myself.
I'm not used to congee of takeaway either.
You can sleep for a while.
I'll wake you when the congee is ready.
Can the patients in the base get well?
What are you doing?
Why did you come down?
If you want to drink water,
text me on WeChat.
I will send it up to you.
Get out of the way.
What's going on?
When Godzilla invades the Earth,
women can't touch water.
Tell me when it's ready.
I'll go upstairs first.
Why did you suddenly turn around?
Why are you following me?
Cheng, do you have a girlfriend?
I'm not that curious anymore.
I was just asking.
If you don't want to tell me…
No, I don't.
I lived at home when I was in school.
There were always a few days in a month
when I was at her beck and call.
So I was brought up with the idea that
a woman has the right
to be the center of everything
on certain days of the month.
Yeah, right.
Then you must have had a hard time.
That's why I lived in school later.
I didn't go home even
when it was hot in the summer.
You're really good.
I don't fall in love with anyone easily.
Oh, yeah.
It looks like
you don't like humans either.
What did you say?
It's not that I don't like humans.
I like games.
If I were to fall in love,
I would like to find someone
who can play games better than me.
(A human who can play games
better than Chessman?)
(A woman?)
I'm screwed.
Cheng either doesn't like women
or else he doesn't like humans.
(How can you tell?)
He said he wants to find someone
who plays games better than him
to have a relationship with.
(Do Tetris, Onmyoji,)
(or "The Untamed" mobile game count?)
(He didn't specify which game.)
(If you feel a pain,)
(just lie down for a while,
drink some hot water.)
Why are you here?
Keep sleeping for a bit.
The congee isn't done yet.
What are you doing?
I'm watching the live stream.
Is my live stream too noisy
for you?
I'm sorry.
I'll turn it down a bit.
You can go back to sleep for a while.
No, I'm fine.
I thought you got burned by the congee.
How come?
I'm not that
Why not make a hot water bag yourself?
How would I know
there are hot water bags in the base?
How would you know if you don't ask?
Wait for me here.
(As the idol of e-sports,)
(Cheng is not so talkative in games.)
(Except for the necessary commands,)
(he always quietly does his own thing,)
(listening to his teammates' crap)
(most of the time.)
(Or he may turn on the auto-block function.)
(Maybe he can't hear)
(their nonsense at all.)
(Lu Sicheng)
This is…
From the fans.
How could you just
suddenly touch a young girl's stomach?
I can't touch a tiger's stomach?
In ancient times,
you would have had to marry me like this.
I thought I was doing a good deed.
Why do I have to be punished like this?
In ancient times,
I would have married you 800 times
and then repudiate you another 800 times.
Marry me and repudiate me.
And then repeat it 800 times.
How mean are you?
I don't know.
Maybe it's because of
my intermittent blindness.
(Lu Sicheng)
I'm sorry.
I was supposed to take care of you.
And now you're taking care of me.
Who did you agree to take care of me for?
It's obvious you came back here
because you were so desperately in pain.
Why isn't your fever gone?
What kind of miracle medicine do you think
you gave me?
Let's go, let me take care of you.
This time…
Your stomach doesn't hurt anymore?
It hurts.
Forget it then.
I don't want a blue-faced person
rolling around on the carpet in my room.
But you need to be taken care of.
I don't.
You do.
I don't.
You do.
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
I don't.
You do, you do.
I really don't.
Rebuttal not accepted.
Let's go.
I don't.
You do.
I don't.
You do.
I don't.
I said you do.
Hurry up.
We're coming back.
Come on.
We're back.
We've brought you some good food.
Where are the people?
They didn't fall asleep
after taking the medicine, did they?
I have to go check on Cheng and Tong Yao.
What are you doing?
Did you bump into a ghost?
went upstairs…
Did my brother die of the illness?
Really? Go check on him.
What are you doing?
What's wrong?
Did you bump into a ghost?
It's even scarier than a ghost.
♪Whose reasoning and expectations♪
♪Don't seem to be my inner monologue♪
♪To be myself or to run away♪
♪Should I just sway with the wind?♪
♪You're the one
who came through the sea of stars♪
♪Those corners open unexpectedly♪
♪It seems someone will really understand♪
♪My helplessness♪
♪The loneliness that
comes with the gradual leave♪
♪I'm beginning to believe♪
♪The existence of a tacit understanding♪
♪That fate can be changed♪
♪Because persistence♪
♪Has never been pale♪
♪The successes and failures
we have gone through♪
♪The crowd of people cheering tomorrow♪
♪Your look fuels my passion♪
♪Welcome the sunshine♪
♪Let's welcome the sunshine♪
♪Do you still remember♪
♪That I watched the shooting stars
pass by with you♪
♪How many times I seem to have heard♪
♪The wish I made that night♪
♪We all made a promise♪
♪Youth is about no regrets♪
♪If I have a dream in my heart♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪If I have a dream in my heart♪
♪I'll follow the light♪
♪The moment we ignite with passion♪
♪Will light up the night♪
♪How foolish the stubbornness
that no one understands♪
♪How strong the desire to return to glory♪
♪Remember that moment at the top♪
♪Let's welcome the sunshine together♪
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