Fantastic Four: The Animated Series (1994) s01e11 Episode Script

Mole Man

And Paris thrills
to this gala parade of new fashion
representing the avant garde of style.
It's a quake! Oh, my God!
Oh, dear!
We came all the way from
California to be in another earthquake?
Oh, dear! Oh, my!
Now a word from
His Royal Highness Prince Charles.
First and foremost, I would like to
summarily dispel the ugly rumor
that I have in any way become involved
with Roseanne Barr, and that
Run for it, Charlie.
It's a monster!
Oh, crumbs!
we'll be late for the dance.
Hmm? Oh, that's wonderful, sweetheart.
Ben and Alicia are waiting and Johnny
will be here with Melinda any second.
Sorry. It's just that
I've been triangulating
the source of those
strange landmark sinkings.
And if I'm right, New York City
could be the next target.
Oh, Ben,
you're so light on your feet.
just call me twinkle toes.
Hey, hoofin' is thirsty work.
You like something cold to drink?
That'd be lovely.
Here, choose your beverage, baby.
Oh, Ben, you're so gallant.
Good evening, Ben, Alicia,
I understand Johnny is bringing Melinda.
- Yes, so I hear.
- That's nice. Who is she?
- Our landlady's niece.
- Your putting me on.
Just because
Miss Forbes is a pill
don't mean the kid's a lemon.
Besides, the little hotfoot's
crazy about her.
Let me put a chill on that, Alicia.
Warm soda tastes like garbage.
Just the sort of tasteless vulgarity
I'd expect from you, Mr. Grimm.
Quick, tell Dorothy and Toto to hide.
It's the Wicked Witch of the West.
When Melinda told me
who her escort was to be
I didn't know whether to accompany her
as a chaperone or throw up.
- You look like you did both.
- Stay close to me, child.
If you're not alert, he'll flame up
and raise your temperature.
Hey, Forbesy,
don't be a wallflower.
Well, then let's
give them something to stare at.
Good grief!
Relax, babe, we're a smash.
Cool, huh?
I mean, the lights of the city
stretched out all around
great music and
and, and you in my arms.
It's very nice,
in an unsophisticated way.
Dancing on the Champs Elysées
in Paris is much more romantic.
Er, yeah, right, the Champs Alisa,
that's my favorite hang-out.
And now, folks, a surprise treat.
The Human Torch himself, Johnny Storm
performing his own song!
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh
Uh, uh, uh
This is for you, Melinda
Uh, uh, uh
I hope you like it
Uh, uh, uh, yeah
Uh, uh, uh
They oughta teach this in school
It's not always cool to be cool
You tried to play me for a fool
Like you see a girl who's unique
It's a dream 'cause she's sweet
And she really seems
to knock you off your feet
You wanna say hey but you don't
You don't
Your mom says
tell her how you feel, but you won't
'Cause you're just too cool
to tell her truly
That your feelings are getting unruly
Don't try to school me
So she passes you by in the hallway
You're staring at the wall
trying to play
While I say, man, you're cool
Really cool, slick, just like ice
But you didn't realize
You never get this chance twice
So you're busy playing cool
now she's gone
Gone onto another
while I sing my funky song
I never passed up a chance
I know this story seems long
But when I know the time
is right for me and you, I just
Flame on
Flame on
And on, and on, and on
Flame on, yeah
Yeah, flame on
And on, and on, and on, and on
Flame on
I just flame on
Keep calm, everyone. Don't panic.
Flame on!
Whhh What's happening?
We're sinking
into the center of the earth!
Wow, we're miles beneath
the surface of the earth, Sue.
In some bizarre series of caverns.
Yes, but how? And why?
I don't know, but it's clearly tied
to the disappearance
of those other landmarks.
The building seems
to have stabilized.
Everyone must maintain
your composure and remain here
while my colleagues and I
address this predicament.
He means hang loose,
we're working on it.
Sheesh, can't you ever
talk plain English?
I want to go home, Aunt Lavinia.
So do I.
If you'd gone out with Leland Armbruster
as I wanted you to
we wouldn't be in this ghastly pickle.
But Leland Armbruster is a dork.
Better a rich dork
than an inflammable weirdo.
Alicia, I'm leaving you in charge.
Try to keep them calm.
One, two,
one, two, three, four
Oh, Susanna, don't you cry for me
The explanation to all this
lies somewhere out there.
Hey, wait for me, will you?
I'm afraid to stay
with Aunt Lavinia and the others.
I want to come with you.
We've got to get started.
- Coming, Reed. Hang on.
- Ahh!
- Did you have to do that?
- Heck, yeah. Now, come on.
Oh, Johnny!
Melinda! Johnny,
I specifically requested
I'm sure she'll be no trouble.
And we've no time
to take her back.
Oh, with your yadda, yadda, yadda.
Let's get going already.
We get hassled underwater
by Prince Namor
bugged in ancient Greece
by Doctor Doom
and now we're stranded
in a cockamamie cavern!
Gee, just once I'd like
a problem that took us to Vegas.
Reed, what can be causing this strange
light so far under the earth?
Phosphorescent minerals
in the cavern walls.
But they're gaining their intensity from
some incredibly powerful energy source.
Almost like an underground sun.
Oh, great,
now that you've explained it
we're still up the creek
without a paddle.
I think it would be best
if we split up here.
We can use our communicators to keep in
touch. Johnny, you and Melinda, with me.
Sue, you and Ben
try that tunnel. This way.
Gas! It could be explosive, Johnny.
You'd better not flame up
until we're clear of it.
Must flame up, Reed.
No! Hold tight.
I think I can ride the geo-thermal
updrafts. There.
Oh, it's so dark
and it smells bad. I hate it.
Look, this isn't
anybody's idea of Fun City
so shape up, Melinda,
we've got a job to do.
Johnny, Melinda, there seems
to be a light source up ahead.
I Feel dizzy.
- What's happening?
- Don't look.
- What on earth?
- Or under it.
Diamonds as big as boulders.
And we're not alone
in this crystal-encrowded kingdom.
Look out.
They're some species
of belligerent troglodyte.
Bye-bye, baddies!
I am the Mole Man!
Supreme ruler of the worid
within the earth.
All that is here is mine!
Then this is your doing?
The Arch of Triumph, the pyramid
Parliament and now Rock Center?
Ha ha! Rock Center is now
at the center of this rock.
Ha, ha, ha! Ironic, isn't it?
- Crazy's more like it.
- Not crazy! Brilliant.
By bringing the worid's landmarks
into my domain
I have displayed the awesome power
with which I will seize control
of the surface of the earth as well.
And none will dare stand against me
because I have defeated you.
Reed Richards! Johnny Storm!
You and your colleagues,
the so-called Fantastic Four.
Then you took Radio City just to get us?
Of course! You are
the only surface beings
who might have challenged my power.
Reed Richards.
The only scientist who is my equal.
And you have been neutralized!
We're not quite neutralized yet!
Flame on!
Watch out for his staff, Johnny.
It's some type of power generator.
He's using it on those stalactites.
The next one will pin her
to the floor of the cavern, permanently.
- No, that won't be necessary.
- I knew you'd respond to reason.
Follow me!
Johnny, make them stop.
Leland Armbruster would sue them.
Reed, can you hear me?
Something must be wrong.
Yeuch! Icky clay.
It's like walking in glue.
- Yeuch.
- The clay is alive! It's a monster!
All right. I ain't
never clobbered clay before, though.
You did it. It seems to have returned
to wherever it came from.
Yeah, lucky I got it off so easy.
Come on, let's blow this dump.
Ben, look, an underground ocean.
It's incredible!
And me without my rubber ducky!
Holy baloney!
The entire cavern
is alive with clay monsters!
Head for that island.
Water dissolves clay.
They won't be able to follow us.
Yeah, for once,
we'll do it the easy way.
Way down upon the Swanee River
Do you hear her everybody? Now,
come along and sing along, all of you.
Far, far away
All right! Scratch that.
That's quite enough gloom
and doom for one evening.
When I was a child
we British came through the Blitz
with a song on our lips,
and that song was
Remove their protective garments!
- Hey, careful!
- Don't mess my hair, you creep!
Your initial sensitivity
to the mineral brilliance
of my kingdom has passed.
It is now safe for you
to look upon my wealth without harm.
Why are you doing this, Mole Man?
We've never harmed you.
You and all who live above these caverns
harmed me, Reed Richards!
And now my masterpiece
an Earth Suction Generator.
I used it to bring down the pyramids
Parliament and the Rockefeller Center
using only a fraction of its power.
And tomorrow morning,
the great cities of the worid
will sink into my domain!
And the reign of Mole Man shall begin!
Oh, don't let him drop me!
Please, don't!
Back off, or I flambé the valley girl.
The only chance we have now
is Sue and Ben.
I pray they're all right.
Stroke, kick. Stroke, kick.
Sheesh, what a drag!
Let's get to the top of the ridge. Maybe
I can get through to Reed from there.
Well, it ain't Coney Island,
but at least it ain't clay.
Hey, funny. It felt like
the whole island just kind of twitched.
I felt it too. And, Ben,
Reed's homing signal.
I've locked onto it. Oh!
It's twitching again, Susie.
Oh, boy! Look, it's a blasted turtle
as big as the Bronx!
Hey, I ain't dinner, honey.
I'm a passenger.
Which way to Reed, Susie?
- There!
- Giddy up, horsie.
Ride 'em, cowboy! Yee hah!
Once the process has begun,
it cannot be reversed.
I leave you now
to take my post beneath Washington.
When the White House sinks,
I will be there to take control.
Upon my return as all-powerful
ruler of the surface worid
I will deal with you and the other
two members of the Fantastic Four.
If they've survived
my guardian monsters!
The Mole Man's Suction Generator is
fuelled by power from the earth's core.
Even if we get free, we can't turn it
off without splitting the planet in two.
Oh, what's happening?
I'm getting seasick.
Here's Benny Boy!
Hey, look out below!
Hey, thanks for the ride, ol' paint.
Take a hike.
Sue, I knew you'd find us.
I never gave up hope, darling.
It's good to see you both.
Get me down.
I can't stand heights.
Bring her down
with your invisible force shield.
- Johnny and I have work to do.
- Right, Reed.
When I give you the signal,
inject a flame into that circuit.
But you said
you can't stop the suction process.
I'm not going to stop it.
I'm going to accelerate it.
- Now!
- I don't get it, but okay.
Quick, everyone back to
the rainbow room. We haven't much time.
I don't understand.
I never understand
nothing he says.
Ouch! Can't you turn down the barbecue?
Will you, huh?
Ooh, ow, ow, ooh!
Miss Forbes, we're back.
Melinda, Doctor Richards
Mr. Grimm and whatsisname.
Shut up, Foo Foo. What's happening?
I'm a busy person. I have no more time
to waste on this folderol.
Then you'll be glad to see
we're returning to the surface.
But how?
Well, it was impossible
to turn off or reverse
Mole Man's Suction Generator.
But it was a simple matter
to reprogram the target of its power.
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey, spray that again, big brain.
I simply aimed the Generator's
power on the Mole Man's kingdom.
You mean he goes down
as we go up?
Better than that, dear.
It means he stays down.
Ha ha! No one bests the Mole Man!
My power is irresistible!
- Hey, we're going down again.
- No! Reed!
Help! Dial 911!
Not to worry. The Mole Man
created the Suction Generator.
It's ironic, but not even he
has the power to stop it.
Oh, what? No!
It's not possible! Aggghhh!
It looks like a bright new day.
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