Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e11 Episode Script

Obsession for Victory

-Here he comes!
Give him heck, Ippo!
Go punch him up!
How can I be so nervous
after all I've done to get here?!
I must focus on the match!
The first match of
the featherweight class,
scheduled for four rounds,
is ready to begin.
In the red corner, from Nishikawa Gym,
weighing 124 and a half pounds
Yusuke Oda!
In the blue corner,
from Kamogawa Gym, weighing 124 pounds
Ippo Makunouchi!
-At least acknowledge them!
-Uh, right!
For your information,
this will be Makunouchi's debut match.
Pleased to meet you!
Pleased to meet you!
Pleased to meet you!
Pleased to meet you!
Love the polite hellos, Newbie!
Good luck!
Fighters to center.
Be extra careful about foul play.
I will give serious deductions
for butting and low blows.
Don't try to stare me down,
because it won't work!
I won't stay spooked forever, you know!
Hey, Ippo's staring back!
The kid is showing some backbone.
All right! Let's put
some "umph" into our support.
Good, Ippo! Stare at him
until you kill him!
You need to intimidate him more than that!
That's right! You have nothing to fear!
Because your dong is a heavyweight!
Trust me! The bigger man wins!
Talk about immoral support!
Give the guy a break!
How could he do this to me
on the eve of my debut match?
Don't let it get to you.
Win, and it'll become a good memory.
If you get the chance, use a fast break!
-But never lower your guard.
-Yes, sir!
Round One!
All right, I won't lose!
Heh, that relaxed him a little.
I can't lose. If I lose now,
I'll lose everything.
I'm going to win no matter what!
Excellent. He's in
the proper frame of mind!
Good, I was able to dodge it!
I seem to be in good shape!
What a hard right!
Isn't Oda pacing himself
a little too fast?
I'm worried he'll run out of gas again.
Don't worry. See?
That's a good combination!
What's wrong, Newbie?!
You won't win unless you punch!
Oda is in awfully good shape this time.
Yeah, his punches are in the groove.
He stole the wind
from Ippo's sails. However
It looks like he can see the punches.
I'm getting used to his swings.
What kind of a punch was that?!
It broke right through my guard!
All right!
Aw, man! Why are you
taking a counterpunch?!
His guard is down!
Good job sticking with it!
The power of his fists are real.
He'll try to throw more in Round Two.
Listen, never withdraw!
You are both fighters!
The man who runs will lose.
It's that close!
Heh, that's fine by me.
Your opponent is nothing to sneeze at.
Listen, your vigor will prevail!
If he tries to put on the pressure,
retaliate with double the vigor. Got it?
Yes, sir!
Round Two!
Exchanging punches is what I do best.
I'll teach that newbie about
the world of professionals!
That's the spirit!
I'm sure he's feeling the pain,
but he's in good spirits.
That proves he's full of confidence.
I'll punch and punch and keep on punching!
Vigor! I have to fight back with vigor!
Two body blows in a row?
He's mastered the art of in-fighting.
Oda's taking those body blows really well.
Yeah, considering how many he's taking.
Those are the type that
made you guys blow chunks.
You knew about that?
Of course! Anyway, don't miss it!
Oda is backing into a corner!
They had equal punches, but the difference
in power is starting to show.
I cornered him!
Do it!
You idiot!
That's the same as before!
Come on!
He keeps punching, but he's still strong!
They lied when they said
he had no stamina!
Oda! What are you doing?! Go around!
Get away from the corner!
Hey The body blows
are starting to affect his legs!
Come on!
Don't get discouraged!
Oda-san must be hurting too!
I'm going to go at him
with everything I've got left!
Why, you
Do you think you can take me down
with a punch like that?!
I'm not finished yet!
I I did it!
That's the way!
I I can't let it end this way!
What did I do all that running for?!
Why did I go through all that training?!
He got up!
It's no good! He won't win.
And this was the first time
he came so physically prepared
and showed so much grit in the ring!
Damn! Why did he have to be pitted
against such an incredible newbie?!
Oh, God
This might be my last time in the ring.
I'm not going down
while they're calling me gutless!
It's my chance My chance for a KO.
I won't let it pass me by!
It only grazed him.
That was freaky.
Huh? What?!
Was it that right hook?
This is bad.
If the doctor stops the match now,
he'll lose by TKO.
I don't get it.
According to my fortune telling,
Ippo was supposed to
have the best of luck. Remember?
Scary! Aoki's prophecy was right again.
The doctor looks perplexed.
Yeah, because the match
was totally in the kid's favor.
Please resume the match!
Well, fortunately,
it hasn't reached the fascia.
For now, we'll resume the match,
but if the cut opens up again,
we'll stop right away.
-All right?
-Yes, sir!
All right! Ready an ice bag!
And the clotting powder!
Stop! The second round is over!
Chief, can you stop this bleeding?!
I worked too hard for today!
If I lose like this,
I'll never be able to accept it!
Don't worry! I'll make it stop.
Stay still.
I am about to put
a secret medicine on your cut.
Good. First, the Avitene powder,
and then adrenalin ointment.
And to finish the job
So, how is it?
It stopped!
The geezer knows his stuff.
I'm not sure what he did at the end,
but he's a top-notch cutman.
Thank you, sir!
It's a cutman's job to stop bleeding.
However, it's your job as a boxer
not to make the injury any worse.
Go knock down Oda.
-Before the cut opens up again!
Good job getting up from that knockdown!
It's a shame your opponent was injured,
but this is a lucky chance
presented by your grit!
That's right. It's my chance.
My last chance!
Round Three!
My legs are about to give.
It's already the third round
The old me would have
been totally exhausted by now,
but I'm not myself today.
I'll settle this in the next round!
I don't want the doctor to stop me
and lose by technical knock-out.
I must knock him down
before he can hit me!
Which will come first?
The blood or the KO?
Either way, it will be decided
in this round.
Hey! Oda's still reeling
from the damage he took earlier!
Go all the way! Huh?
Stop that!
He's aiming for your left eye!
Don't fight from a distance!
Get close to him!
He's clinching!
That bastard! What a cheap trick!
Come on, Ref! Separate them already!
Break it up! Get back!
Oh, no! But I put up such a strong guard!
Don't step back!
He'll take advantage of it!
I can't let this go on!
They'll stop the match!
But I can't relax my left guard either!
This is bad.
Ippo's left is completely blocked.
He needs to gauge the distance,
or his right won't connect.
If he could only jab,
it would open the way.
This isn't good! I have to do something
I have to do something!
I can't hold on much longer!
They'll stop the match!
I don't want that to happen!
What? Southpaw style?!
I can't hold on much longer!
They'll stop the match!
I don't want that to happen!
What? Southpaw style?!
I'll never give up! I know it's chancy,
but I'll try it like this!
This guy is serious.
He switched!
That's reckless!
Nah. I love this kind of gamble!
When Oda-san comes at me,
I'll block him with right jabs
and stake it on my left straight!
Here he comes!
He's surprised at his own punches.
It feels really weird!
Do you think you can stop me
with those pathetic jabs?!
Without your main cannon,
you're nothing to fear!
Looks like it backfired big time.
Call a stop! Hurry and stop the match!
Not yet! Kid, don't strain yourself!
How can you expect me
not to strain myself?!
How come I can't do it properly?!
The jab is the punch I began with!
Began with?
Those were pretty good jabs!
Oh, yeah!
Oh, no!
-He's stopping it!
-Is this it?!
Now I remember. Jabs are
You're through!
There! Use a left straight!
This can't be!
All right, we won!
The winner, Makunouchi!
I I won!
You fought good.
You did it, Ippo-kun!
Hey, don't just stand there.
Go thank the man.
Uh, right!
Excuse me Um
Congratulations on your debut match.
Good luck with the next one too.
Uh, sure!
Thank you for the fight!
So, how does it feel to win by KO?
Actually, it doesn't feel real yet.
I was so caught up in it,
it feels like I won in all the confusion.
Good job, Makunouchi!
Aim for the Rookie King!
I'll be back to root for you!
Thank you so much!
Aoki's fortune-telling
missed for the first time.
So, he ended up taking him down
with just his right jab.
Yeah, I wonder
how many connected in a row?
Yeah, those are scary punches.
However, he only won by a hair's breadth.
He still has a long way to go.
He'd better improve more
or it won't be much fun.
He had the nerve to thank me, the bastard.
Damn it! He took the words out
of my mouth!
What have I been doing all this time?!
I was so conceited,
I underestimated boxing.
He taught me that
if you give it all your guts,
boxing can be this exciting.
You saw what happened.
I made a mockery of myself.
Yes, you lost
but you weren't a mockery!
In fact, you never looked more awesome.
I want you to keep boxing.
I want to keep boxing, too, but I lost.
They won't set me up for another match.
Don't drag your feet around here!
Hurry home and go to bed!
If you don't, it'll affect your training.
Listen, his guard was weak.
He only won by a hair's breadth.
We'll win next time.
And at that time,
you will be the challenger.
Thank you, sir.
Chief, thank you for
all you did for me today.
He was in kind of a bad mood, wasn't he?
He's actually ecstatic.
He just doesn't like
to be seen looking happy.
-And to prove it
-We were waiting for that!
Which means
-This is the place!
-All right!
This is the reason I go to see the fights!
Is it okay for boxers to consume alcohol?
Don't be such a stickler!
This is about the only time
we do get to drink.
It's only a toast with one beer,
so it's not "drinking" per se.
We merely want to
enjoy a taste of celebration.
Oh! Hello, Yagi-san! Come on in!
You, too, Takamura-kun! Long time no see!
-Hi, Akemi-san!
-Knock it off, you!
The young people at your gym
are always full of energy, Yagi-san.
Actually, the reason we're here today
What? You're kidding!
Amazing! This little boy
is really a boxer?
And you won?
You must be incredible under
that innocent face.
Without further ado,
let's toast Ippo's debut match victory.
-You must have worked hard.
-Uh, yeah.
Still, I sure am impressed
Oda fought that hard.
We call those "Revival Miracle Jabs."
I'm amazed you thought of that!
Actually, I wasn't really thinking.
I've never experienced anything like this!
I have friends around me,
and it's so much fun
I never knew that
winning could be this wonderful!
Hey, this boy is blushing for some reason.
That's adorable!
Uh, I am?
I have a soft spot for guys like him.
Maybe I'll become
a fan of yours, Ippo-kun.
Adorable, you say?!
Don't let him trick you!
Once you see how huge it is,
you'll never call him adorable again!
Just a darned minute!
I can't believe
you're doing this to me again!
You embarrassed me so bad
before the match, I almost died!
Huh? What is it? What's huge?
Uh, no It wouldn't interest you!
This is what I'm talking about!
Oh, my
Close-quarter fighting so tight,
you breathe secondhand air.
Heads could easily clash by accident.
But that's just technical difficulty.
However, if you find out
it was done on purpose,
it not only hurts, it's aggravating!
But for some reason,
a head-butt from a friend makes you happy!
Next time, "Becoming a Bully's Buddy."
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