Firebuds (2022) s01e11 Episode Script

Care-A-Van Club/Mud About You

[alarm ringing]
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
If you need a helping hand
Or need a helping wheel ♪
The Firebuds are here for you ♪
Just listen to our sirens squeal ♪
On your block or on the town
There's nothin' we won't do ♪
To help our friends and neighbors out ♪
We're coming through, our rescue crew! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day ♪
We're crackin' the code ♪
If someone gets into a fix ♪
That's when we get Into the mix ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Bo and Flash, Jayden, Piston ♪
Violet, Axl
Yeah, that's our team! ♪
We're best Firebuds forever ♪
Here we come
And here's our theme! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're grabbin' our gear
We're hittin' the road ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
We're savin' the day
We're crackin' the code ♪
When trouble comes around the bend ♪
On us, you know you can depend ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
Let's roll, let's roll
Firebuds ♪
Firebuds, let's roll! ♪
[Violet] "Care-A-Van Club".
And this box of groceries goes
to Mrs. Liang.
Bo and Flash, you deliver that one
since you're also delivering
to her neighbor, Mr. Shipp.
On it!
Says here Mrs. Liang loves apples,
so take special care with 'em okay?
Wow, Violet, way to take charge.
Well, getting groceries to folks
who can't make it to the store
on their own is important.
That's why I started the Care-A-Van Club.
And caring for others who need help
is what being a rescuer is all about.
All right, this last box
is for Manny Kablamee.
The Manny Kablamee?
No way!
Yep, Manny lives right here
in Gearbox Grove.
Uh who's Manny Kablamee?
Only the greatest, bravest
motorcycle-riding daredevil ever!
Don't forget his revvin'
vroom-mate Captain Kapow!
They perform the wildest stunts
the world has ever seen.
Flash, can you show us
a Manny stunt on your screen?
-I sure can. Gather round, Buds.
[crowd cheering]
Are they gonna try to
jump over fourteen buses?
Nope. Fifteen.
It's too unsafe to watch.
[all] Wow! Cool! Aw, yeah!
How many bones did he break?
Manny Kablamee doesn't get hurt.
And even if he did,
he wouldn't let it slow him down.
As he always says
[Violet and Manny] Rev it up and go go go!
Speaking of go go going,
shouldn't you kids be, uh
Delivering! Yes!
-Everyone know where they're going?
Oh. We'll take this one
to Manny Kablamee ourselves.
Let's roll, Care-A-Van Club!
Wow, I can't believe Manny Kablamee
and Captain Kapow live right here.
Look, it's their old Jump Ramp.
It looks even taller in person.
What're we waiting for?
Let's go deliver their groceries.
[grunts] I can't fit.
I can't fit. Guess they only
needed a motorcycle-sized gate.
Don't worry, vroomie,
I'll let Captain Kapow
know his biggest fan
is waiting outside to meet him.
[vrooming sound]
Care-a-Van Club with some
gro-gro-groceries for Mr. Kablamee!
Mr . Kablamee? Is that you?
Whoa. Look at all those
Kablamee Kollectibles
-Ah! The groceries!
[grunts] I got 'em.
But are you okay?
Uh, sure. I'm ready to go go Ow!
Let's deliver the next Ow! Box. [groans]
And come back later. Ah!
Violet, you're hurt.
I'm taking you to the hospital
to get checked out.
Firebuds, Axl here. We need backup.
Axl, no. We've got deliveries.
-[engine revs]
-What's up?
Violet tripped and fell.
Can you deliver our groceries
while we go get her ankle looked at?
We can take it from here, Violet.
All right, but I'm sure it's nothing.
[Violet] I sprained my ankle?
Yes, but the doctor said
if you stay off it for a few days,
you'll be fine!
But, Mom, my deliveries!
I can't just lie around.
If you don't rest your ankle now, cariño,
you could hurt it even more.
But I'm in charge
of the Care-A-Van Club, Mom.
How will the Firebuds ever get
all those groceries
delivered without me?
Here, Mrs. Liang. Enjoy your apples!
Feel better soon, Mr. Shipp!
[Violet] Bo, come in. it's Violet.
Are you having any trouble
making deliveries?
Don't worry, Violet.
The Care-A-Van Club
is taking care of business.
Oh. Well, I'm here if you need me.
Violet, this is not
staying off your ankle.
This is staying off your ankle!
Now how about a nice restful activity?
Ugh! Coloring?
Manny Kablamee would never
stay in bed coloring.
He would rev it up and go go go!
Well, you need to heal heal heal.
[Bo] Violet! Emergency!
Bo? What is it?
[over static] can't find
Kablamee's box!
[gasps] I must have put it in here
before I took you to the hospital.
Bo, we have the box.
[over static] Great come get it.
I can't hear you, you're breaking up.
But don't worry. We're on our way.
-What'd she say?
-No idea.
I gotta improve the range on these radios.
Well, we better get over there
and pick up the box.
No, no!
You promised to stay off your ankle.
I won't be on my ankle
if I'm riding on you.
-Axl, it's up to us.
If we don't act now,
the world's bravest daredevil team
will never get their
oatmeal and low-salt brake fluid?
All right. But you have to stay
up there. No walking around.
Ugh, I forgot
I don't fit through the gate.
Axl. A couple steps aren't
gonna do me any harm.
Mr. Kablamee
You all right, Sunshine?
Whoo! A fall like that
could wipe ya right out.
[laughs] Me, hurt? I'm
I'll get him!
Time to rev it up and go go go.
Violet, stop. You're going
to get even more hurt.
But we have to save Dynamo.
Dynamo, you skitty kitty!
Come on down now!
I hope she doesn't fall.
Axl, if you lift me up,
I can grab that pole and fetch Dynamo.
I won't have to use my foot at all.
We have to hurry, before she falls.
All right, but be careful.
She looks like
a kid-sized-Kablamee up there.
Sunshine, I have done some
far-out stunts in my day,
but you are outta sight!
[sighs] I was so worried,
you know, with her hurt foot and all.
Hold up. She's hurt?
Sunshine, stop right where you are!
Call for help. Now.
Firebuds, Violet needs help
at Mr. Kablamee's house.
Manny, she's still going.
You should not be bouncin'
around like that if you're hurt.
I'm fine. Watch this move.
[Bo] Hold on, Violet.
We'll save you.
We're okay.
I can just slide down the ramp.
-It's not safe!
There's too many holes.
Okay, Buds, we need a plan
to rescue Violet and that kitty, quick!
My J-Hook could launch a cable up there
that she can slide down.
But Violet's hurt.
So we'll attach Axl's gurney to the cable.
Then Violet can get
in the gurney and slide down safely.
If she listens to us
and doesn't try to do it herself.
Maybe she'll listen to me .
Can I borrow that megaphone, junior?
Okay, time to rev it up and go go go
Oh, no, no, no!
We're that same sort of breed
Both got that need for speed ♪
It's clear to me
You love to zoom around ♪
But here's something that I learned ♪
Where owies are concerned ♪
Before you rev it up again ♪
Ya gotta slow it down
Yeah ♪
If you find you've got an ache ♪
Then it's time to take a break ♪
If you find you're feeling blue ♪
'Cause you got a bad boo-boo ♪
You gotta take care of you ♪
You gotta take care of you ♪
But you would never rest
You always give your best ♪
No bump or scrape
Could ever hold you back ♪
Well, I've got news for you
That isn't really true ♪
So let me take a moment now
To set you back on track ♪
Why do you think I needed
my groceries delivered?
You got hurt?
Oh, yeah. And this isn't the first time.
I've sprained my shoulder,
banged up my leg, tweaked my back.
But after each injury,
I took care of myself until I healed up.
Oh, let me tell you now ♪
When I found I had an ache
I made sure to take a break ♪
I have changed the way I feel ♪
Now I'll take the time to heal ♪
You gotta take care of you ♪
You gotta take care of you ♪
It's the Kablamee way to be ♪
Take care of you ♪
I'm takin good care of me ♪
You gotta take care of you ♪
I'm so glad you're all right.
Thanks to all of you.
Here's your cat, Mr. Kablamee.
Oh, thanks a million, Sunshine.
Axl, we better head to the hospital.
I think I made my ankle worse.
I've spent a lot of time in hospitals.
Here's a little something
to keep you comfy.
Your Kablamee Kape?
Every brave daredevil needs one.
You said it.
Thank you, Mr. Kablamee.
All right, Axl. I'm ready to
rev it up and go go go
After I heal heal heal.
Take care of you ♪
You gotta take care of you ♪
[Bo] "Mud About You".
[sighs] Another day of rain.
[sighs] Another day stuck inside.
I'm so bored.
There's nothing to do in here.
Well, I know something we can all do
to lift our spirits
and fill this space with positive energy.
-Watch TV?
-Play Dungeons and Wagons?
House cleaning!
Not that!
Never that.
Oh, come on.
It'll be a fun family activity.
-But Dad's not here.
-Or Mom.
Well, that's 'cause they're out
with the other firefighters
taking the folks whose houses
flooded to a rescue shelter.
Then we should help 'em.
Yeah, Dad, rescuing's our jam!
Well, cleaning is our jam
and we need your help.
-What do we have to do?
I'm going to clean the living room
and Floyd's going to
scrub down the kitchen,
So, you two can dust my therapy office.
And mop up the oil spill
in my architecture studio.
But that's going to take forever.
Yeah, it's too much work.
Well, big jobs turn into little ones
when we all work together.
It's like I always say,
many hands make the load lighter.
And the house cleaner.
I still think
we should be out rescuing people.
I hear ya, Flash.
What up, Firebuds?
It stopped raining,
but there's a lot of flooding.
We're gonna see if anyone needs help.
-Wanna come?
Mom's office looks clean enough to me.
But we still gotta mop up the oil spill
in my dad's studio.
Uh we just need a minute.
We're gonna need a lot more than a minute.
-That's a huge spill.
-[knocking on window]
-Come on!
-Rescues are waiting!
You know, we could
go out for a little bit.
But my dad told us to clean it.
Oh, we will. Right when we get back.
Oh! Wham bam, perfect plan.
Let's motor.
[engines revving]
Okay, cobwebs! I'm comin' for ya
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Wha? Ah!
Floyd, you okay?
Well, I'm not too banged up
but I think I'm stuck in here.
Yup, I'm stuck all right.
I told Flash and Bo
to clean up that oil spill.
[grunts] I can't lift these by myself.
We need more hands.
Bo?! Flash?!
Where are they?
Okay, Jayden. Where are we going?
The city alert website
says there's flooding
out by Treadwell Road.
Then let's head out there
and see if anyone needs help.
Be careful, Axl.
These roads are still wet and slippery.
[Bo] Oh, I see something ahead.
It looks like a food truck
ran off the road.
A food truck?!
A food truck!
Hola, niños!
Thank goodness you are here.
What's wrong, Chefs?
We were on our way to the rescue shelter
to feed the people
who had to leave their homes.
And it was so slippery,
Chef Fernando skidded off the road.
See, I told ya.
Gotta be careful on wet roads.
Yes, well,
Chef Al wanted to get to the shelter
as fast as we could.
When folks are in need,
we must be there to feed.
We are the "food first responders."
And now we're going to be there last.
No! Que desastre!
Don't worry, chefs.
We'll get you back on the road
and on your way.
Let's make a plan, Firebuds.
I say the vehicles lock arms
with Chef Fernando and pull him up.
I don't know if we have enough power.
Speak for yourself, Piston.
You all have plenty of power.
Then let's do it.
Chef Fernando,
give us your hands and we'll tow you up.
On three, Firebuds.
-[all strain]
-Come on.
The slope is too muddy.
He's just getting more stuck.
[sighs] What do we do now?
Maybe we should go get more help.
I'm with Piston.
Aw, come on. We can do this.
Let's give it one more try.
Yeah. Rev up your engines
and tow, tow, tow.
-[engines revving]
-[all strain]
He's moving, keep pulling!
Whoa! The road's too wet.
-I'm slipping.
-Me, too!
He's pulling us down with him!
We have to let go!
Well, at least he's not stuck
in the mud anymore.
I don't think the pond is much better.
Ay, no! How are we going to
get to the shelter now?
Yeah, uh, maybe we do need
a little more help.
Or a lot more.
Let's go back to the house and get my dad.
He's big enough to pull 'em out.
We'll be right back, chefs!
Ooh, maybe the broom
can lift the poles off.
[chuckles] Stop! That tickles!
Beth, you all right back there?
[chuckles] Peachy keen.
I just need to take a few deep breaths
to calm down,
find my inner peace and try again.
[deep breaths]
[Flash] Dad!
We need your help Whoa!
What happened here?
I'll tell you what happened.
You and Flash didn't mop up
the oil spill like we asked
and now Flash's dad
is trapped in the supply room.
-Yeah we're just gonna
-Good luck.
-I'm really disappointed in you two.
[Floyd] We both are.
We just wanted to see
if anyone needed help.
And we were gonna clean up
the spill right when we got back.
Were you? Or were you hoping Floyd
and I would do it while you were gone?
Wait, was than an option?
No, but that's what usually happens
when you don't do your work.
Since we all live in this house,
we all have to pitch in to keep it clean.
And when you don't do your part,
it's more work for the rest of us.
I've been trying to get Floyd
out of there for over an hour.
Imagine how he must feel.
[Floyd] Hey, I think I found my lucky pen.
Imagine how he felt
before he found his lucky pen.
I'm sorry, Mom.
I'm so, so sorry, Auntie Beth.
But we'll make it up to you.
We'll help rescue Uncle Floyd.
Right, Firebuds?
-On it.
-Let's do it.
Happy to help.
I'll even help
with the cleaning if you like.
Well then, let's roll, Firebuds!
I also found your Himalayan Salt Lamp.
Oh, I've been looking everywhere for that.
-Are you okay?
-Fit as a fender.
We shouldn't have left before
finishing our share of the work.
We won't do it again.
I should hope not.
It's no fun being stuck.
[gasps] "Stuck"?
Oh, I forgot Chef Al and Chef Fernando
are still stuck in that pond.
Pond? What pond?
Out by Treadwell Road.
We came back to get your help.
Well, we better get out there
and get them unstuck.
We tried. But there's just too much mud.
We'll need a new plan to get them out.
And I think I've got one.
But it'll take a bunch of these pipes
and everyone's help.
I'll go get my boots.
It's done.
The J-Ramp will keep Chef Fernando's tires
from sinking in the mud
as we pull him out.
And my trusty wheel blocks
will keep us from slipping.
Okay. Let's get this rescue started.
All right, Chef Fernando.
We need you to join hands again.
You got it.
Now everyone together pull!
[engines revving]
Look at that, Fernando.
Your wheels aren't sinking.
[strains, grunts]
I'm free!
-Aw yeah!
Thank you, Firebuds.
Señora Beth, Señor Floyd,
your children are so kind and clever.
[gasps] We'll have to name
a few side dishes after them
to go with the Flash Fresca!
[gasps] The food.
There must be hundreds of people
at the shelter waiting to eat.
Whoa, that's a lot of mouths to feed.
Do you need help serving everyone?
We can always use more help.
Many hands make the load lighter.
Hey, that's what my dad always says.
Who do you think I learned it from?
Then let's roll Oh!
Mom. Can we go?
On two conditions.
One. You finish cleaning
the house after you get back.
[both] And?
And we're coming with you.
We can feed all those who need to eat ♪
If we all work in harmony ♪
We can do any plan ♪
When we all lend a hand ♪
'Cause we're stronger than ever ♪
When we all work together ♪
Yes, we're stronger than ever ♪
When we all are working together! ♪
According to my count,
we fed all 348 people and vehicles.
Which means now we can eat.
We have some tasty "Firebuds Flautas"
And some car-purrado
to keep your engines warm.
Thank you for lending a hand, Firebuds.
And Firebud parents.
Glad we could all help
to make the load lighter.
[both] We-ooo!
[all] Mm!
[closing theme plays]
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