Fireworks of My Heart (2023) s01e11 Episode Script

Tamed Beast

(Fireworks of My Heart)
(Adapted from the novel "A City, Waiting for You" by Jiuyuexi)
(Episode 11)
Qin Qin.
It's time to go home.
Who is he?
My brother.
You think I'm stupid?
It's true.
You're not going with him.
Let her go.
Who asked you?
Stop fighting, Yan Chen.
Stop fighting, Yan Chen.
Stop fighting.
Enough already.
Who will you go with?
With who?
Song Yan.
I have to go home.
She's drunk. The cold air will make her sick.
Adjust the backseat vent lower so it doesn't blow straight at her.
Where are we headed?
To my parents' house.
You're taking her back there in her state?
Are you nuts?
My parents would be asleep at this hour.
They won't see her.
Meng Yan Chen.
She was in a bad mood
so she drank to vent a little.
Is this really necessary?
Can't you be more understanding of your sister?
(You don't like me all that much, do you?)
(Why won't you come?)
(Is it because you don't actually like me?)
(If you didn't like me, )
(then why did you say those things?)
Why did you tell me
that you were head over heels for me?
I took it seriously.
I took it seriously.
I took it seriously!
What's the matter?
Yan Chen.
I'm scared.
It's all right.
I'm here.
Don't be scared.
Come, you can sleep with me.
Yan, are you going to look for her?
Yan, just a little reminder.
She was drunk and acted out of character.
They don't mean anything.
The rift between you two is still there.
I know.
Then why are you still going to her?
You're 29, not 19.
If you refuse to let go, you'll break down.
Zhai Miao.
After what happened last night,
what is going to happen now
if I don't go to see her?
She probably won't ever look for you again.
That's why I'm going to her.
Yan, do you really like her that much?
You said it yourself. It's fine when you don't see her.
So don't go to see her.
But she's here.
So I have to get her.
She's here?
How come I didn't see her?
All right.
Go to school.
Stop meddling in my affairs.
-Yan! -The soy milk today looks very fresh.
Dad, Mom, help me stop Yan.
-What's wrong? -He's looking for Xu Qin again.
He put on a front and denied he liked her.
Now, the girl waved to him
and he's scrambling to go to her.
Take this, Miao.
-Go have breakfast inside. -Yes.
-Go eat breakfast. Open the door. -Dad.
-Just go inside. -Hurry up. This is heavy.
Hurry up and go.
Talk to him.
You're going to look for Xu Qin?
After your dad left,
you were raised by me and your aunt.
We treat you like our own son.
I know how you are very well.
You're more bark than bite.
You said you don't like her, you despise her.
Those were lies.
No matter how much you've suffered,
the moment you see her, everything
Since young,
you've been hard-headed.
When it comes to love,
you never listen to your aunt's and my input.
If you wish to go,
then go.
just this time.
This one time.
No matter what,
it's not right for them to trample on a person time and time again.
Understand, child?
It's me.
I know.
Are you sober?
Where are you?
At home.
(I'll go see you.)
I'm at my parents' house.
Give me a minute.
I'll go back now.
Miss Xu, is that your friend? He's waited a long time.
You weren't home, so I didn't let him in.
Okay. Thanks.
No problem.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Have you had breakfast?
Not yet.
What do you feel like eating?
What kind?
Plain porridge.
I don't think there's any nearby.
There's rice and water at my house.
Let's go.
You don't cook.
Why do you have rice?
It's from the hospital.
When did they give this out?
I don't remember.
Is it expired?
Rice doesn't expire, does it?
Do you even have common sense?
Just that bit of rice?
It becomes more when cooked.
I'll get a bowl.
You never cook at home?
Then what do you eat?
Sometimes, I get food delivery.
Sometimes, I eat at the hospital canteen.
What about you?
The station has a canteen.
If I'm off,
and I'm home,
my aunt cooks.
Mrs. Zhai's cooking is delicious.
How's the food at the station canteen?
Not too bad.
It's not very good.
Have some water.
It smells good.
You must be hungry.
It's almost done.
Xu Qin.
Do you remember
what you said yesterday?
I remember some parts.
Not everything.
You said,
you'll never go to me again.
Do you remember that part?
You're not drunk now, right?
So are you
still going to say that now?
I don't know.
What if I go to you?
Can you wait?
Waiting without certainty.
Even I feel bad for you.
I don't know
what I should do right now.
I don't know how to ask you,
or ask myself.
I also don't know
how to face you
or my family.
-I -I know you're scared.
I just want you to know.
If you're determined enough,
I will bear whatever happens after.
If you are brave enough,
then I'll shoulder it.
But I get it.
The words sound nice
but they're useless.
I don't have enough courage.
To be honest,
I feel bad that I put you
in this predicament.
I know your good intention.
What I can promise you
is to treat you good.
I'll be good to you every day.
I'll never betray you.
I'll stay committed.
I'll do everything I can do give you a better life.
What I cannot guarantee
is whether or not
my commitment to you fits your
or your family's bill.
I know you're in a difficult position.
I also know
that if we do get together,
you'd be aggrieved.
I understand that.
You can't keep swooping into my life without any repercussions.
Be together,
or never see each other again.
Make your choice.
(Did I not tell you?)
(Stay away from dubious characters.)
(You have no love for yourself.)
If you insist on being with him,
then forget about going to university.
You can relinquish this family, too.
Next time,
you can stop calling me "Mom."
Qin Qin.
Please listen to me.
I only want the best for you.
I'm willing to give you the world.
But if
you're going to act willfully
and disregard this home,
then I'm going to find a way
to send you away.
There's no use pleading to your father or brother.
I will do
what I said.
Qin Qin.
His parents aren't good people.
What do you expect from their kid?
You've really disappointed me.
You break my heart
because of a guy like that?
The care and love I gave you all these years
just went up in smoke.
I'll do as you say.
Why are you here so early?
I came to take you to work.
Have you eaten?
Let's go.
you didn't have to drive me home yesterday.
Even if you hadn't reminded me,
I wouldn't have dared rebel.
What are you scared of?
You thought because I'm older,
I wouldn't listen to anyone
and leave the nest without thought?
Do you know how an animal trainer train animals?
While the animal is young,
they'd beat it, starve it, lock it up.
But also dote on it, feed it, care for it.
When the animal grows up,
has more power,
it still shrinks back at the sight of the whip and bowl.
It no longer dares to go to the wild.
All of you say
he's not good enough for me.
But the fact is, I'm not good enough for him.
When I'm with him,
I feel like
I could hurt him at any time.
Because the truth is I'm cowardly.
I want everything,
but I'm scared of losing anything.
I want Dad, Mom, and you.
I also want Song Yan.
Don't have the courage,
nor the guts.
I can't bear to face anything.
I only know to run away.
I'm incapable of love.
Nor do I have the right to love.
I don't deserve love from anyone.
Let's leave the country.
Let's go abroad, Qin Qin.
We won't ever come back.
Bye, Yan Chen.
The air is good, right?
You should come out more often.
You really know what hospital staff need, Mrs. Meng.
We're overwhelmed by the smell of disinfectant in the hospital.
It's nice to be out enjoying the fresh air.
Mr. Liu.
I was going to ask you.
My child has been working at the hospital for a while now.
How is it?
Are the seniors and professors happy with her performance?
Very pleased.
Young Dr. Xu is serious about work.
And she's compassionate with patients.
The hospital has chosen her to be a key candidate for promotion.
I thank you for the guidance on behalf of my daughter.
It's my pleasure.
Dr. Xu.
May I know why my interview application was rejected?
Trying to get a foot in through connections doesn't fly with me.
Go back and tell your family.
Quit asking Deputy Dean Liu to contact me.
My medical team
needs only young people who have a sincere passion for the job.
And not someone
who thinks they can get what they want by taking shortcuts.
But you know I have the best skills
among the batch of young doctors.
A doctor needs to have comprehensive skills.
I don't think you're the best at that.
If it's being conceited,
you're probably the best.
Dr. Xu.
Honestly, I believe Dr. Xu has what it takes.
Maybe you should reconsider.
(The red fleet takes charge, serving Yancheng)
Did you hear anything about the new instructor?
Is he amicable?
What kind of a character is he?
I don't know if he's amicable.
But if Yan can get along with him, then I can, too.
No need to think so much. We'll know when he arrives this afternoon.
I heard he came from the headquarters.
He comes from a prominent family.
Why isn't he taking it easy in an air-conditioned office
but chose to come here then?
I reckon he decided to come
to get a jumpstart, get himself gilded.
I won't be surprised if he left before too long.
Knowing our captain's temper,
who can say whether he'll get gilded or skinned?
I miss Jun.
An instructor like Jun?
There won't be a second one.
In the past,
we were tired of his nagging.
Now that it's quiet,
I'm not used to it.
Yi. The new instructor is about to arrive.
-Not this afternoon? -It was brought forward.
Speak of the devil.
Let's go welcome him.
All right, guys. Stop what you're doing.
Let's go greet the new instructor.
-Let's go. -Okay.
Hello, Captain Song.
Long time no see.
You said I could look for you at Shili Tai Fire and Rescue Station.
Where's the new instructor?
I am him.
This is my assignment order.
You are Jiang Yu?
Guess you don't remember me the last time.
Then allow me to formally introduce myself.
My name is Jiang Yu.
I'm the new instructor based at Shili Tai Fire and Rescue Station.
Starting today, I'll be joining the team.
Pleased to meet everyone.
-Yang Chi. -Here.
What are you people doing, just standing there?
Are you electric poles or what?
-Hello, sir. -Welcome, welcome.
-No need to fuss. -Thanks for coming.
No need to fuss, guys.
I can manage, yes.
The instructor has a kind face. Should be friendly.
But why does it seem like there's tension between him and Captain?
Right now, could you just zip that loud mouth of yours?
Let's go.
Close the door.
Thank you for coming to the interview.
Hope there's another opportunity to see you again.
-Thanks, sir. -Keep working hard. Okay.
All right, that's all for today.
Dr. Xu.
What are you doing here?
Your name is not in the list of interviewees.
I'm sorry. I wish to fight for my spot.
The interview session has concluded.
Please take a look at my application
before you decide whether or not I deserve a chance.
I believe that a hospital is where professionalism is valued.
If you think I'm lacking in certain areas outside of my expertise,
please do tell me so that I can learn from you.
Are you mocking me?
No, sir. Don't get me wrong.
Tell me, then.
Why do you want to be a doctor?
Don't be nervous.
Think before you answer.
the job is secure.
I've got to hand it to Dr. Xu.
Knowing how the director is,
she still dared to test his patience.
I heard from the Deputy Director.
When Dr. Xu answered the first question like that,
she almost passed out thinking it was all over.
Who would've thought
she could pass the interview in the end?
Odd, isn't it?
What to do? She has the ability.
Can't fault her for being smug.
It's going to get interesting.
She's now on the same team as the ultra-smug Yang Si Jia.
Let's wait and see what drama would unfold.
Am I smug?
Dr. Yang.
Where's my phone?
-Where's my phone? -Maybe you left it in the lobby.
I'll go look for it.
Dr. Xu.
Welcome to the team.
Shake hands?
I just washed my hands, so I won't shake hands.
Well, here's a gentle reminder.
Director Xu is very strict.
Be prepared to suffer working under him.
Being strict is a good thing.
I don't think of honing as suffering.
Sir, upstairs is where the dorm and entertainment space are.
Through the courtyard, we'll come to the canteen.
It's so big.
The fire station has a dog?
Yes, our captain took him in.
-What's its name? -Xiao Meng.
Xiao Meng is well-trained by our captain.
Almost as good as a professional K9.
Hello, Xiao Meng.
-Sir! -Why did it bite?
It's okay. Calm down. It doesn't bite.
-It doesn't bite? -It's okay.
-Sir. -That's enough. Down.
Let me show you the canteen. It's that way.
Nice to meet you, Master Meng.
Captain Song.
Yang Chi took me on a tour of the station already.
I have some things I'd like to know more from you.
You should rest early.
I normally sleep late.
I'm still wide awake.
I need to go on patrol.
Let me go with you.
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